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Chapter 1 (Connect) Practice Questions

1. Problem ? efforts can be adversely affected if the problem is correctly identified

2. Situation factors are very important your job performance.
3. OB distinguishes among ?, ?, and ?.
4. According to the organizing framework for understanding and applying OB— Inputs
(situation factors, and personal factors); Processes (individual level, organizational level,
and group/team level); Outcomes (organizational level, individual level, group/team
5. When there is a difference between a goal and the actual outcome, this is known as a(n)
6. The systematic process of closing gaps between a desired outcome and the actual
situation is called ?
7. Name the types of solution response
8. When we attempt to meet our goals through a systematic process of closing gaps
between goals and outcomes, we are ?
9. OB distinguishes among different levels including:
10. Problem- ? efforts can be adversely affected if the problem is correctly identified.
11. Eradicating is getting rid of the situation that is causing the problem is known as ?
12. Almost 60% of teens polled believe they must do whatever it takes to win. Cheating
takes many forms, including plagiarism.
13. Corporate ? is prevalent even though most leaders are dedicated to operating ethical
14. Dependence on hindsight, lack of rigor, and being overly subjective are all elements of ?
15. OB concept can be applied to problem ? to overcome challenges.
16. Potential constraints during problem-solving include:
17. Understanding who you are and what your preferences are can be improved by taking ?
18. According to the research cited in your chapter, cheating has been found to be prevalent
in ?
19. Instead of trying to rely on “one best way“ to manage, a manager may want to use a(n) ?
approach, which calls for using situationally appropriate tools.
20. A concern with acceptable or unacceptable behavior is referred to as ?
21. True or false: working for an unethical business will not cause you problems as long as
you conduct yourself in an ethical manner.
22. When there are two choices in a situation, and neither resolves the issue in an ethically
acceptable manner, a(n) ? exists.
23. The weaknesses of common sense include:
24. Widespread corporate corruption has led to: ? and ?
25. OB uses both a systematic and ? approach to understanding people.
26. In the systems approach to OB, person and situation factors are considered ?, while the
three levels of analysis are categorized as processes or ?.
27. Three types of solution response include:
28. The idea behind ? is that you know your personal strengths and weaknesses.
29. The field of ? encompasses research and practice from various disciplines like
anthropology, psychology, statistics, political science, vocational counseling, and
30. True or false: in selecting problem-solving solutions you should consider various
constraints before making a selection.
31. Provide three reasons for cheating
32. The best way to increase self-awareness is through ?
33. Deciding whether behaviors are good or bad, right or wrong, is a concern in the field of ?
34. Provide three examples of why people in environment are not static.
35. True or false: OB and problem-solving are at odds and do not go together when studying
36. Which of the following statements about cheating are true? Cheating takes many forms,
including plagiarism; Almost 60% of teens polled believe they must do whatever it takes
to win; Cheating is limited to students; Most students in private schools cheat, but most
students in public schools do not.
37. Place each item into the correct category according to the Organizing Framework for
Understanding and Applying OB. (Note: some items may belong to more than one
38. Three main weaknesses of ______ ________________ are relying on hindsight, lack of
rigor, and lack of objectivity.
39. Select ways employees can address unethical behaviors. Select all that apply: Accept
the need to address ethics at work; Follow peers even if the behavior is questionable;
Treat ethics like business strategy; Challenge the rationale behind decisions
40. In choosing among alternatives to qualify a solution, a person is focusing on ____ if he
or she considers such things as ethical implications, personal values, profits, and/or
company reputation.
41. Knowing which OB tools to use and under what circumstances is referred to as a(n)
________ ____________ to managing people.
42. Select personal attributes related to goodwill and trust. Select all that apply: attitudes;
leadership; pride; personality.
43. Effective managers favor the contingency approach because _____________.
44. Select the reasons ethics are important in business. Select all that apply: Most
employees agree on what it means to be ethical in business; Unethical behavior hurts
relationships and destroys trust; Unethical behavior impacts cooperation and loyalty in a
negative manner; Employees face ethical challenges throughout their careers.
45. Select all areas where cheating has been found to be prevalent, according to the reach
cited in your chapter. Choose from: summer day camps, undergraduate colleges,
professional sports, public high schools.

Chapter 2 Practice Questions

1. The extent to which employees believe their organization values their contributions and
genuinely cares about their well-being is referred to as ?
2. Kahn described “the harnessing of organization members’ selves to their work roles“ as
3. Organizations can promote desired behaviors and it’s not CWB’s by:
4. The degree to which a person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of the behavior
in question is the attitude toward behavior. Subjective norm is a social factor
representing the perceived social pressure for or against the behavior. Perceived
behavior control is the perceived ease or difficulty of performing the behavior, assumed
to reflect past experience or anticipated obstacles.
5. The attitudinal outcomes of job satisfaction include: ?
6. The extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goals
is: ?
7. Low employee engagement and low performance are examples of ? work behaviors.
8. True or false: Job satisfaction is not a unitary concept.
9. Personal attitudes are related to behaviors directed towards ?
10. Counterproductive work behavior has a strong negative relationship with ?
11. Our Values are influenced by the values of our ? And by the ? We have as children.
12. An individual’s overall thoughts and feelings about quitting and the thought process that
encapsulates this are called: ?
13. Provide three behavioral outcomes of job satisfaction
14. Personal values exemplify believes while personal ? are more specific to a situation,
person, or object.
15. Counterproductive work behavior has a strong negative relationship with ?
16. Name three key workplace attitudes managers track.
17. Identify three personal value characteristics and three characteristics of personal
18. An individual’s perception about the terms and conditions of a reciprocal exchange
between him or herself and another party is referred to as a ?
19. There are four attitude and four behavior components found to correlate with ?
20. True or false: managers should try to increase negative effects of stress by decreasing
job satisfaction.
21. When people express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during a role
performance they are demonstrating ?
22. Individual behavior that is discretionary and not part of a formal reward system and
promotes the effective performance of the firm is called ?
23. Personal attitudes are related to behavior directed towards situations, objects, and
24. The abstract ideals that influence the choices we make are called ?
25. Name three processes which influence workplace attitudes
26. Low employee engagement and low performance are examples of ? Work behaviors.
27. Individual behavior that is discretionary and not part of a formal reward system and
promotes the effective performance of the firm is called:
28. Values are generally stable and can guide behavior subconsciously.
29. Managers track the four key workplace attitudes because they represent important
outcomes they’re working to enhance, and link to other outcomes managers will want to
30. There is conflicting evidence regarding which variable, job _______ or job _______, is
responsible for the other.
31. When a work environment generally matches an employee’s values, the which of the
following are at their greatest? Positive employee attitudes; Employee motivation;
Employee conflict; Positive employee assessments
32. The idea that satisfaction results from the perception that a job allows for fulfillment of an
individual’s important values is: Met expectations; Job satisfaction; Value attainment;
Need fulfillment
33. Match the components of overall attitude to their definitions. Affective / Cognitive /
Behavioral; how one intends or expects to act toward someone or something / feelings
or emotions that one has about a given object or situation / beliefs or ideas that one has
about a given object or situation.
34. True or false: Values and attitudes are usually in agreement.
35. Shalom Schwartz believed that ____________ impact behavior no matter what the
context (one blank/one word)
36. Select all the ways employee engagement can be increased: recognizing people for
good work; offering career and development opportunities for employees; listening and
communicating effectively; encouraging grapevine communication
37. Behavior that harms other employees, the organization as whole or organizational
stakeholders such as customer and shareholder is called _________ work behavior.
38. True or false: Perceptions of organizational support can be either positive or negative.
39. Organizations can promote desired behaviors and not CWB’s by: defining desired
behaviors; motivating desired behaviors; supporting all supervisory behavior; designing
jobs that increase satisfaction
40. When people express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during a role
performance, they are demonstrating ___________ ________________.
41. Individual behavior that is discretionary and not part of a formal reward system and
promotes the effective performance of the firm is called _________ __________
42. Select ways managers can increase employee commitment: keep communication
between employees and management to a minimum; make sure that management does
not breach its psychological contracts; hire people whose personal values align with the
organization; explicitly and conscientiously enhance the level of trust throughout the
43. Match the model name to the method management can be used to boost job
satisfaction. Choices: Need fulfillment / Met expectations / Value attainment / Equity /
Disposition; Structure the job and its reward to match employee values / Hire employees
with an appropriate disposition / Monitor employees’ perceptions of fairness /
Understand and meet employee needs / Meet expectations of employees about what
they will receive from jobs
44. Why might companies screen for cognitive ability in individuals during the hiring
45. Name characteristics related to OCB.
46. Talking to team members working on a class project about solutions to obstacles can
increase perceived ______ control and create positive intentions about doing the work.
47. Name the element to its bipolar dimension.
48. Losing a good employee to turnover is bad because
49. Name all the feelings related to employee engagement.
50. Kahn described “the harnessing of organization members’ selves to their work roles” as:
51. According to Schwartz’s theory, firms can reduce turnover by
52. Which of the following can be conflicting cognitions under the definition of cognitive
53. The positive outcomes of job ________ include motivation and job involvement.
54. List all the characteristics of telecommuting.
55. List the ways that POS can be increased.
56. When you motivate an employee, you are taking part in which type of process?
57. Which value is likely to be strongest in people who lived during the Great Depression?
58. List all the ways that Cisco increases employee commitment.
59. List the person factors that contribute to employee engagement.
60. ______ are physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior.
61. Select the situation factors that drive employee engagement.
62. The main premise of Schwartz’s theory is that actions in pursuit of some ______ have
consequences that conflict with others.
63. Only when a firm’s favorable treatment is voluntary rather than mandated by an external
constraint will it be seen as __________.
64. The OB definition of ______ highlights how workers can commit to multiple targets or
65. Schwartz’s second bipolar dimension ranges from openness to ______ to _______.
66. Workplace attitude surveys are valuable for mangers because they can do which of the
67. Which of the following is true about attitudes?
68. Studies show that met expectations are strongly correlated with _______ _________.
69. Programs that help employees to integrate, assimilate and transition to new jobs by
making them familiar with corporate policies, procedures, culture and politics are
referred to as _____ programs.
70. The concept of equity ties directly to how _____ a person is treated at work.
71. If an employee values achievement and an employer rewards people for accomplishing
goals, the employee is more likely to experience.
72. In Schwartz’s value theory, values are organized into two ______ __________.
73. ________ allows employees to do all or some of their work from home using technology
and internet tools.
74. Schwartz’s first bipolar dimension includes self-_____ and self-_______.
75. A good way to increase employees’ commitment is to ___________.
76. Human capital is considered a ______ ________ which aids in employee engagement
at work.
77. People who grew up during the Great Depression often favor security and conservation
over debt or the use of credit cards.
78. The extent to which the characteristics of a job allow an individual to fulfill his or her
needs is called _________________.
79. To ensure the highest levels of employee motivation, employers should strive to create
work environments that _______ ________ _______.
80. The idea that we are motivated by the norm of reciprocity is the basic premise of
_______ ________ _________.
81. According to Schwartz’s theory, an employee who values tradition will not want to work
82. The difference between what an individual expects to receive from a job and what he or
she actually receives is called _____ _______.
83. ______ _______ has a positive association with behavioral outcomes like job
performance and OCB.
84. What are the positively characteristics associated with organizational support in firms?
85. List ways to reduce cognitive dissonance.
86. _____ _______ has a negative association with negative behaviors like CWB and
87. The fact that at work some coworkers remain satisfied in situations where others always
seem dissatisfied is the idea behind ____________.
88. List examples of organizational citizenship behavior.
89. According to Ajzen, someone’s intention to engage in a given behavior is a strong _____
of that behavior.
90. What are the job dimensions in the JDI tool developed at Cornell University.
91. Gallup has estimated that when employees are highly ___________, it can achieve 12%
higher customer satisfaction and loyalty ratings.
92. List examples of counterproductive work behavior.

Ch 3 Practice Questions
1. A person with a ? personality is someone who is relatively unconstrained by situational
forces and who affects environmental change.
2. People can use the skills associated with practical intelligence:
3. Extroversion—outgoing, talkative, social, assertive; Emotional stability – relaxed, secure,
unworried; Openness — intellectual, imaginative, curious, broad minded;
conscientiousness – dependable, responsible, achievement oriented, persistent;
agreeableness – trusting, good natured, cooperative, softhearted
4. The two forms of Lucas control are ?
5. Name for elements of emotional intelligence
6. Identify three behaviors have been shown by research to improve intelligence.
7. True or false: Emotion display norms in an organization determine which emotions
members can show in various situations.
8. What term is used to collectively describe people’s traits and behaviors that are
influenced by genetics and environment?
9. Self-efficacy can be increased, tends to manifest itself in actual performance, and
involves a person’s beliefs about personal success.
10. Know and be able to match the type of intelligence to its description (linguistic, logical,
musical, bodily, spacial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic)
11. True or false: people who possess an internal locus of control believe their successes
due to their own efforts.
12. Concerning the use of personality tests in the workplace: it is helpful to use experts
outside the company to help select an appropriate test; there should be independent
research validating the effectiveness of the test; it is critical to make sure the test is
legally sound and does not violate applicants’ rights.
13. Identify the type of self-evaluation that represents the broad personality trait composed
of four narrow traits.
14. Know personal competences and the associated capabilities.
15. The combination of staple physical, behavioral, and mental characteristics that give
individuals their unique identity is called ?
16. Intelligence entails a person’s capacity for ?
17. Identify four components of core self-evaluations
18. A person’s general belief about his or her own self worth is ?
19. True or false: People with an external locus of control feel that their successes explained
by environmental factors.
20. Negative emotions and the corresponding response: anger – get some distance from the
situation to avoid losing control, consider the reason, and communicate with the person;
frustrated – if results don’t meet your expectations, reassess your plan and be patient;
rejected – evaluate the opinion and the person giving it and ask for clarification; stressed
– prioritize commitments
21. True or false: displayed emotions can affect other people’s reactions; may differ from felt
emotions; convey messages to nearby people.
22. List the big five personality dimensions
23. Know the capabilities of social awareness and relationship Management
24. True or false: personality tests are not a valid predictor of performance because test-
takers to not describe themselves accurately.
25. Identify four factors that are believed to increase intelligence.
26. List how effective managers should address personality.
27. High levels of self-efficacy _____ _____.
28. Match the individual difference to its flexibility level: stable over time and difficult to
change / flexible and altered more easily; intelligence / attitudes / mental abilities /
29. Explain Job Design, Training and Development, Self-Management, Goal Setting,
Creativity, Coaching, and Leadership
30. Being a manager with a proactive personality ____________________.
31. High levels of emotional stability ___________________.
32. List the items that apply with an external locus of control.
33. The two forms of locus of control are _____ and _______.
34. Define: Linguistic, Logical, Musical, Bodily, Spacial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal,
35. People with proactive personalities _____________.
36. List all of the statements true of liking and fit.
37. Individuals with high levels of ________ tend to be relaxed, secure, unworried and less
likely to experience negative emotions under pressure.
38. What are the personal competencies that fall under self-awareness and self-
39. Name the main state about self-esteem that has to deal with Nationality, Life-Span, and
40. Managers have more influence over _____________.
41. Research has concluded that ________ and __________________ personality traits
have a strong impact on performance.
42. The emotion of fear is usually ____________.
43. When compared to those with an external locus of control, people with an internal locus
of control _________________________________________________.
44. Emotional intelligence has been shown to _______________________________.
45. A _____________ concepts perspective to personality enables you to more precisely
describe individuals.
46. To be an effective manager, a person should ___________________.
47. List the characteristics of a person with high self-efficacy.
48. Extraversion has been found to ________________________________.
49. List the social competencies with the capabilities of Social Awareness and Relationship
50. What are the responses to the negative emotions of Angry, Frustrated, Rejected,
51. True or false: at a certain level emotional stability becomes problematic.
52. Major reasons that companies use personality tests include
53. List the benefits of high emotional intelligence.
54. The emotion of anger is usually ____________.
55. Personality tests are not a valid predictor of performance because __________.
56. Using a basketball analogy for core self-evaluations, ___________________.
57. It is very common for entrepreneurs to exemplify ______________.
58. What is true regarding using core self-evaluations in a managerial role?
59. Research suggests that CEOs with high CSEs ______________________.
60. List all the practical implications of multiple intelligence.
61. List ways to improve self-esteem.
62. Over the past seven decades, intelligence levels in developed countries have ______
63. When evaluating core self evaluations, _____________.
64. It is believed that awareness of multiple intelligences should play an important role in
65. What is true concerning the search for employees with the right personality type?
66. Core self-evaluations have a desirable effect upon which of the following outcomes?

Chapter 4 Practice Questions

1. True or false: Research has shown that affirmative action programs negatively impact
the people they are designed to help.
2. Define diversity climate and psychological safety
3. Demographics are statistical measurements of population qualities such as: ?
4. A Cognitive process that enables people to interpret and understand their surroundings
is called
5. The array of individual differences and similarities to be found among people represents
6. What are the four steps in the stereotyping process? Put them in order
7. The ? Is an unseen barrier that stops women from advancing to higher-level positions.
8. Know the years and defining invention then be able to match that to the generation.
9. True or false: barriers to successful diversity programs at work include: a need to
revamp firm’s performance appraisal and reward system; diversity is not the firms
priority; and resistance to change.
10. In the coming years, population percentage of not Hispanic whites in the US is predicted
to see a ?
11. Implicit cognition comes from people’s memory, it happens without conscious
awareness, and can lead to biased decisions.
12. One’s inclination to take more credit for success than failure is called ?
13. Be able to identify the dimensions of attribution theory and the explanation
14. True or false: stereotypes are not always negative.
15. One’s tendency to blame another person‘s behavior on that person‘s personal
characteristics as opposed to situational influences is known as ?
16. Identify predicted changes in diversity in the United States between 2020 and 2060.
17. True or false: implicit cognition results in biased decisions occurring unwittingly.
18. Provide examples of external influences of diversity
19. ? Takes place when employment decisions about a person are due to reasons not
associated with performance or not related to the job.
20. Managing ? helps maintain and grow and organization in an increasingly competitive
21. Object recognition is a major function of ?
22. Identify improvements made in the workplace by 2016 relative to female discrimination.
23. True or false: generational differences in the workplace and larger than ever.
24. Identify ways managers can work to reduce stereotyping.
25. True or false: people disabilities have a higher unemployment rate than those without
26. Organizational behavior emphasizes _________ perception rather than object
27. The idea that older workers are less motivated is a ______ ___________.
28. A(n) __________ and _______ perspective on diversity recognizes that an organization
deals with culturally diverse markets and constituencies.
29. In the United States, by 2043 whites will constitute ________________.
30. Which trends suggest the existence of a glass ceiling for minorities?
31. __________ influences represent differences that we have a greater ability to influence
or control.
32. Surface-level characteristics are _________________________.
33. Mismatches between work and education can include
34. List barriers to successful diversity programs at work.
35. Faulty _________ about good versus poor performance can lead to inaccurate
performance appraisals.
36. Assigning someone’s behavior to his or her personal characteristics instead of the
circumstances is called __________________________.
37. Gardenswartz and Rowe identified layers of ________ to help distinguish the important
ways in which people differ.
38. The premise that people infer causes for observed behavior is the basis of _________
39. Characteristics of the target include ______________________________________.
40. True or false: The diversity climate is not very important within a firm.
41. Heider’s attribution theory proposed that behavior can be attributed to either
____________ factors, such as ability, or _______ factors, such as a difficult task.
42. What are the components or strategies for successful diversity training in organizations.
43. What are the ways companies are responding to the challenges of diversity.
44. What is true concerning the experience of the LGBTQ workforce?
45. ____________ is at the center of the diversity wheel because it signifies a stable set of
characteristics responsible for a person’s identity.
46. An intervention intended to give management an opportunity to correct a past
imbalance, injustice, mistake or outright discrimination is __________________.
47. __________ management focuses on changing an organization’s culture and
infrastructure such that people work to the highest productivity possible.
48. Faulty __________ about good versus poor performance can lead to inaccurate
performance appraisals.
49. List ways companies are responding to the challenges of managing diversity.
50. Employees’ evaluations of leader effectiveness are strongly influenced by their schema,
or _____________ _______, of what constitutes good or poor leadership.
51. When the racial-ethnic makeup of store employees matches that of customers
52. The workforce includes greater ________ diversity than ever before due to the
population getting older but continuing to hold jobs.
53. What is true regarding attribution theory?
54. How is perception related to organizational behavior?
55. Adopting policies and procedures that meet the needs of all employees encourages
more ____________ in organizations.
56. The __________ option in Thomas’ framework involve acknowledging difference but no
prizing or accepting them.
57. The ______ option in Thomas’ framework is based on the premise that eventually all
people will learn to blend in or become like the dominant group.
58. Causal attributions refer to ___________________________.
59. List actions that employees feel represent good leadership.
60. Programs to help people come back to their careers after taking a break are known as
61. The _______ ______________ option in Thomas’ framework is based on the belief that
good relationships can rise above differences.
62. The ________ option in Thomas’ framework means people are willing to adapt or
change their views for the sake of creating positive relationships.
63. List the four layers of diversity.
64. When considering __________ theory, managers should remember that other
attributional biases may lead mangers to take inappropriate actions.
65. The _____________ option in Thomas’ framework is based on the action of moving the
diverse person off to the side.
66. List ways firms can retain an aging workforce.
67. The _____ option in Thomas’ framework means that differences are squelched or
68. The _____________ option in Thomas’ framework means people refute that differences
69. The _______/_____________ option in Thomas’ framework has the goal to either
increase or decrease the number of diverse people at all levels of the firm.

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