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Saint Charles Middle School

Band Handbook
2018 - 2019

Mr. Marsolek
(507) - 932 - 4420
Rehearsal Expectations
● When the teacher is teaching the students are ac vely listening.
● When the conductor steps on the podium, there is no talking.
● The the conductor signals a cut off, the band immediately stops and waits for the next
instruc ons.
● Be mentally and musically prepared. You cannot memorize the music or expect to
perform at a high caliber level if you do not spend your own me prac cing at home.
Rehearsals are not for prac cing your own part. PRACTICE AT HOME!
● Equipment - The band room has some of the most valuable materials in the en re
school. You are only allowed to handle what is yours unless the directors asks otherwise.
● Food - At no me, unless previously approved by the teacher, is food allowed into the
band room.
● Drinks - Water in a clear container with a cap on it is allowed in the band room.
● Music is a great source of inspira on. By rehearsing and analyzing our music, this should
generate conversa ons and ques ons. Be respec ul of those talking by ac vely listening.
If you would like to join in on the conversa on, be respec ul and raise your hand. Even
though our class size is twice that of a typical class, we can be mature and have
conversa ons as a large group.

Attendance and Tardiness

Students are responsible for arriving to class, with all required equipment, on me for rehearsal.
Your rehearsal expecta ons are to be prepared and working on preparing for rehearsal or bell
work. Any person arriving late to class will be marked as tardy. To be marked in attendance you
must be in your seat with a pencil when rehearsal begins.

Electronic Device Policy

Electronic devices can serve as a great educa onal tool. However, unless the teacher has invited
you to take out an electronic device, it is the expecta on that all devices are le outside of the
classroom. Do not bring them to class unless asked. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in
loss of electronic device for the class period or school day and parents may be responsible for
picking up the device.

Students will be required to have all items on the given checklist by Friday, September 7th.
Discipline Procedures - If there is a problem with par cipa on or behavior in the classroom,
the following circumstances shall occur.
1. The student will be given a verbal or visual reminder about their behavior and or be
asked to stay a er class to discuss the problem that occurred.
2. The student will again talk with the director. The student may be asked to serve a
deten on with the teacher before or a er school. There may also be a phone call or
email home to make the student’s parents aware of the issue and to help solve the
problem. (If the student fails to show up to their assigned deten on, they may be
referred directly to the office.)
3. If the teacher, the student, and the parents cannot together come to a solu on to fix the
problem, the student will be given an office referral.

*In the case of an emergency or an extreme situation the teacher holds the right to
give an automatic office referral and removed from class.

Women should wear a length appropriate skirt or pants, dress shoes, and a top or blouse with
no wri ngs or emblems. Length appropriate means the skirt must fall past the knees when
seated. No leggings as pants. Men should wear dress shoes, dress socks, dress pants, and a
dress shirt with no emblems or markings and a e. No black jeans.

Practice Expectations
It is expected that you are prac cing your instrument at home for at least 120 minutes every
week. If you do not prac ce you will not be prepared for rehearsals and assignments which
affects your grade and the sound of the en re ensemble.

Band grades are weighted by category:
35% - Performance Par cipa on and Assessment
25% - Assigned Work and Playing Tests
20% - Weekly Lessons
20% - Rehearsal Skills

Performance Participation and Assessment - 35%

It is an expecta on that all members of the group are in a endance and par cipa ng at all
required events. Students may be allowed to makeup points for a performance if they have an
excused absence. Excused absences include medical emergencies (with a doctor’s note) and
family emergences. Makeup work for unexcused absences may be assigned at the teacher's
discre on.

Assigned Work and Playing Tests - 25%

Assigned work and playing tests refers to assignments that the teacher assigns to students both
in class and at home. The teacher may assign wri en homework that needs to be turned in. The
teacher may also assign playing tests or passage tests for students to perform either live or
recorded for a grade.

Weekly Lessons - 20%

Students in 7th and 8th grade have a weekly lesson. Each lesson is worth 10 points each.
Students are responsible for being at their lesson on me with all required equipment.
Equipment includes concert music, lesson book, instrument, and all instrument equipment.

Rehearsal Skills - 20%

Students will receive a rehearsal skills grade based on the development of their rehearsal skills.
This rubric is a living grade and is updated at mid-quarter and the end of the quarter.

Performance Opportunities

Band Concerts
The main focus of our band program are the band concerts. The band performs at a Winter,
Spring, and May concert. Concert a endance is mandatory for all students.

Jazz Band
The middle school jazz band meets outside of the school day and performs at all concerts as
well as addi onal performances. Jazz Band par cipa on may be based on audi ons and
students need to meet the group requirements to con nue par cipa ng in them.

Pep Band
The pep band is an important extension of the band program. The pep band supports many of
the ac vi es in the Saint Charles School District and it is important that all members are at all
pep band events!

Marching Band
The Saint Charles Band par cipates in a few parades throughout the year. All students who are
currently in band par cipate in the parades. The band will perform in the Homecoming Parade,
Memorial Day Parade, Wabasha Riverboat Days Parade, Gladiolus Days Parade, and any other
parades that are assigned.
Section Leaders
Sec on leaders are responsible for communica ng between their sec on and the Band Director.
They are in charge of helping hand out and turn in music, assis ng in class, as well as various
other leadership roles. Sec on leaders help the band run more smoothly through assistance and
communica on.

Honor Bands
There are different opportuni es throughout the year for students to be part of unique and
outstanding groups to further their musical experience. Opportuni es will be discussed with
students as they come throughout the year. ALL students are encouraged to be a member of
one of these groups. Opportuni es include but are not limited to SEMBDA Honor Band, MBDA
State Honor Band, MMEA State Honor Band, and many more. If students are interested in
par cipa ng in a honor band group they should approach Mr. Marsolek about it.
If there are any ques ons with items in the handbook, please contact me via email
or by phone. I want to thank all of you in advance for your coopera on and hard
work. Having a successful band program wouldn’t be possible without them!

“Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.

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