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Practical Means for Energy-Based Analyses

of Disproportionate Collapse Potential

Donald O. Dusenberry, P.E., F.ASCE1; and Ronald O. Hamburger, S.E.2

Abstract: For several decades, the engineering profession has considered techniques to analyze the potential that structures could
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experience disproportionate collapse and to design them for greater resistance to such collapse. First interest in such design followed the
partial collapse in 1968 of the Ronan Point building in London, a high rise residential structure that experienced full height collapse of a
portion of the building following a relatively small kitchen-related gas explosion. Interest in collapse phenomena continued to build
following the attack on the Alfred P. Murrah building in 1995 and has been at an apex since the collapses of the twin towers at the World
Trade Center and the nearby World Trade Center 7 building in 2001. Presently researchers and engineers are studying structural perfor-
mance during extreme deformations, systems to resist disproportionate collapse, and methods to analyze collapse potential. The goal is to
develop techniques to accurately and cost efficiently assess collapse potential and to enhance robustness at appropriate cost. Analysis
methods in common use include sophisticated dynamic, nonlinear modeling of structural systems with high-fidelity structural analysis
computer software, and simplified approaches that are intended to capture the essential behaviors during collapse scenarios. Unfortunately,
the sophisticated approaches require software not normally owned by design engineers, substantial experience in the modeling of collapse
phenomena, and time and cost implications that cannot be supported by the present design fees and, indeed, are not warranted for many
situations. Simplified analysis methods in common use are generally empirically based. Hence, they do not capture the essential behaviors
of collapse mechanisms, and are of uncertain applicability for all but structural systems for which they have been calibrated. This paper
presents two energy-based methods that capture the essential physics of collapse phenomena, and have potential to be developed into
simplified procedures for collapse potential assessment.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0887-3828共2006兲20:4共336兲
CE Database subject headings: Collapse; Engineering profession; Energy.

Introduction A second wave of interest in the United States followed the

terrorist attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in 1995.
Following the Ronan Point collapse in England in 1968, there was Investigators prepared several papers 共Hinman and Hammond
a flurry of interest in the subject of disproportionate collapse. 1997; Corley et al. 1998兲, on the damage and collapse of that
Although keen attention to the subject has continued through the building, and included design recommendations for future
ensuing decades, many of the authoritative papers were prepared consideration.
within the first several years of that landmark event. William Interest now has risen to an apex as the engineering profession
McGuire 共McGuire 1974兲 was one of the first to articulate the studies and responds to the collapses of the Twin Towers at the
nature of the problem and some of the ways that designers could World Trade Center and the nearby World Trade Center 7 build-
respond. He was followed by Eric Burnett 共Burnett 1975兲, Edgar ing in New York and of a portion of the Pentagon in Washington,
Leyendecker and Bruce Ellingwood 共Leyendecker and Elling- all resulting from a coordinated terrorist attack in September
wood 1977; Ellingwood and Leyendecker 1978兲, and others 2001. To study the collapse of the towers, the National Institute of
through the 1970s and 1980s as the intellectual debate on how Science and Technology 共NIST兲 has recently completed what is
best to model these phenomena and design to avoid them began to indisputably the most comprehensive collapse analysis ever per-
develop. formed 共NIST 2005兲. While far less extensive in its scope, the
American Society of Civil Engineers published its study 共Mlakar
Senior Principal, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc., 41 Seyon St., 2002兲 on the reasons why the Pentagon performed so well when it
Building 1, Ste. 500, Waltham, MA 02453 共corresponding author兲. was struck by an aircraft.
E-mail: Throughout the structural engineering profession, research is
Senior Principal, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc., The Landmark @ in progress, workshops are being organized and presented, and
One Market, Ste. 600, San Francisco, CA 94105. E-mail: rohamburger@ authoritative organizations are printing reference material on the subject. 共As of this writing, NIST is poised to publish its guide-
Note. Discussion open until April 1, 2007. Separate discussions must lines for the prevention of disproportionate collapse and the
be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by one
American Institute of Steel Construction also has a design guide
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor.
The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible
under development.兲
publication on February 18, 2006; approved on April 11, 2006. This In the face of this activity, debate continues about the true need
paper is part of the Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, to design for disproportionate collapse, the economic and societal
Vol. 20, No. 4, November 1, 2006. ©ASCE, ISSN 0887-3828/2006/4- implications of committing resources to the issue, how we should
336–348/$25.00. analyze collapse potential, the goal that engineers might strive to


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2006, 20(4): 336-348

achieve in practical design, and, indeed, what should be the defi-
nition of “disproportionate collapse.”
Ultimately, engineers striving to provide appropriate robust-
ness in building systems need relatively simple techniques that
provide accurate assessments of collapse potential. These tech-
niques need to acknowledge the complicated physics of the col-
lapse phenomena, and to recognize the present limitations in our
knowledge of the performance of structures under the extreme
conditions associated with disproportionate collapse.

Collapse Phenomenon
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The risk that any randomly-selected building will be subjected to

conditions that could lead to collapse is very small 共NIST 2006兲.
Even within the population of buildings that could be identified as
potential sites of major explosions, collisions by vehicles, or other
accidental or intentional initiators, the risk of a triggering event at
any particular building is small. Considering the related design
and construction complication and cost and the rarity of the event,
generally it would be unjustified to provide collapse resistance Fig. 1. Energy balance as collapsing portion of structure falls
that would allow any particular building to be serviceable after an
extreme event such as the destruction of a significant structural
element. Under most circumstances, the defense philosophy is to Available Approaches to Evaluate Collapse
design buildings to have nearly elastic response for service loads, Potential
and to design for collapse resistance by activating as much of the
reserve, inelastic strength as possible. Current common practice follows one of three approaches: 共1兲
Building collapse is a dynamic phenomenon during which un- conduct comprehensive dynamic analyses of the damaged struc-
balanced gravity forces introduce kinetic energy into the structure ture, including material and geometric nonlinearities to attempt to
and its supported mass, while elastic and inelastic strain energy capture the physics of the phenomena; 共2兲 pursue empirical linear
accumulated by the structure are the means to dissipate this en- approaches that have been correlated to sophisticated nonlinear
ergy and arrest the downward motion. Simply put, when a portion studies of certain regularly framed damaged structures; or 共3兲
of a structure is put into motion by the instantaneous removal of follow prescriptive approaches wherein specific detailing to add
a column or other primary load bearing element, if collapse is to robustness can be used in lieu of analyses. The first and second
be avoided, the remaining structural elements must accumulate approaches are “direct design” because they consider specific ini-
enough strain energy to bring the moving mass to rest before tiating events. The third approach is “indirect design” because no
deformations reach failure limits. Otherwise, the structural ele- specific initiating event is postulated.
ments will fail in series and the structure will collapse. The first direct design approach, which attempts to account for
At any stage in a structure’s response following loss of a pri- the processes of collapse, can produce satisfying assessments of
mary load-bearing element, an energy balance can be expressed collapse potential. This approach also can assess the influence,
through comparison of the release of potential energy that occurs whether beneficial or detrimental, of geometrically nonlinear cat-
as the structure falls, the strain energy that accumulates as the enary action within a bay that is in the collapse region.
structure deforms, and the kinetic energy associated with the The accuracy of this approach is limited, of course, by the
moving mass. Treating the phenomenon as a single degree of precision with which we understand the relevant structural and
freedom dynamic process, the change in potential energy is sim- material mechanics issues. Since much research is needed before
ply the product of the moving weight times the distance through the profession has a thorough database on these performance is-
which it falls 共Fig. 1兲. The strain energy is the integration of the sues, there is the potential to “overanalyze” phenomena that are
product of the change in applied stress times the change in mate- not well understood. Also, the level of effort to conduct such
rial strain over the volume of the structural elements that undergo analyses is high and these analyses require sophisticated software
deformation. Neglecting energy lost to other sources, such as that generally is not owned by most structural designers.
heat, the kinetic energy can be calculated as the difference be- While sophisticated analyses may be appropriate for iconic
tween these two values. and critical structures, the complications associated with such
For all conditions when the kinetic energy is positive, portions analyses probably make them unwarranted for the vast majority
of the structure are in motion, and collapse has not been arrested. of structures. Hence, it is useful for engineers to have simplified
When kinetic energy attains a value of zero 共strain energy accu- approaches so that clients with limited demands can be served
mulated by the structure equals the change in potential energy兲 appropriately and economically.
the moving portion of the structure is at rest, and collapse poten- The General Services Administration, in its Progressive col-
tially has been averted 共Fig. 1兲. If strain energy never equals the lapse analysis and design guidelines for new federal office build-
change in potential energy, the mass remains in motion and col- ings and major modernization projects 共the GSA guidelines兲
lapse is inevitable 共Fig. 1兲. In all cases, the end condition must be 共GSA 2003兲, provides a simple means to assess collapse potential
a structure in which statics is satisfied, with all surviving struc- through linear analyses that can be performed using software that
tural elements having sufficient ultimate capacity to support the most structural design engineers own. The GSA guidelines, which
forces that they accept. are representative of simplified approaches in common use, rec-


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2006, 20(4): 336-348

ommend analyses for the instantaneous removal of individual col-
umns or bearing walls at various locations in the building, de-
pending on the assessed risk of compromise of these elements.
The structure, with a missing vertical load-carrying element, is
analyzed for the applied load

L pc = 2共DL + 0.25LL兲 共1兲

where L pc⫽load applied for collapse analyses; DL⫽dead load;

and LL⫽design-base live load.
The load factor of two on the combined dead and live loads Fig. 2. Moment development during displacement
can be thought of as a dynamic amplification factor to account for
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the rapid application of the load in an elastic system.

The potential for disproportionate collapse is determined by Alternative Energy-Based Methods for Simplified
the calculation of a demand-capacity ratio 共DCR兲 for each pri- Analyses
mary and secondary structural element. The DCR for each pri-
mary and secondary structural element is determined as Approaches that are based on energy balance calculations in gen-
eral will provide more accurate assessments of collapse potential
DCR = QUD/QCE 共2兲 than will linear elastic methods that have force-based acceptance
criteria. Two energy-based approaches that can be adapted for
where QUD⫽force determined by linear elastic, static analysis in collapse analyses are: push-down analyses and flexural/catenary
the element or connection 共moment, axial force, shear, and pos- energy absorption analyses.
sible combined forces兲; and QCE⫽expected ultimate capacity of In these approaches, the simplicity follows from the recogni-
the component and/or connection. tion that the strain energy in a structure is equal to the work done
Concrete structures with regular structural systems are judged by the external loads that must be applied to deform a structure
in this approach to have high potential for disproportionate col- into a given shape. With that concept applied to a structural frame
lapse if any primary or secondary structural element outside the with a bay assumed damaged by the notional removal of a col-
allowed collapse area has DCR ⬎2.0. There is a similar approach umn, both the change in potential energy and the accumulated
for structures that are deemed to be “atypical,” wherein the DCR strain energy can be calculated without difficulty and, hence, the
is limited to 1.5. value of the remaining kinetic energy in the system can be
The GSA guidelines also contain a procedure for evaluation of determined.
steel buildings. The approach is nearly identical, except that a
table of DCR limits defines failure criteria based on a variety of Push-Down Analyses
potential failure modes for steel elements.
It is not explicitly stated what physical phenomena are repre- Assume collapse analyses are to be performed for the single-
sented by the limiting values of the DCR. However, in a simplis- degree-of-freedom, two-span beam shown in Fig. 2共a兲 by assum-
tic characterization, these values represent correlation factors that ing the notional sudden removal of the center support. In this
might loosely account for the ductility 共energy absorption兲 inher- model, the ends of the beams are fixed against rotation, and the
ent in conventional structures. Hamburger and Whittaker 共2004兲 mass is assumed to be concentrated at the center support.
have demonstrated that the simplified assumptions inherent in Upon the removal of that support 关Fig. 2共b兲兴, the mass starts to
these procedures in many situations can lead to designs that are drop 关Fig. 2共c兲兴, changing the potential energy of the system. In
incapable of arresting collapse as intended. this case, the change in potential energy is the product of the
Other federal agencies have similar empirical approaches that acceleration due to gravity, the moving mass, and the vertical
rely on simplified linear analyses 共Dusenberry and Junega 2002兲. displacement
⌬PE = Mg␦ 共3兲

Limitations of Simplified Methods where ⌬PE⫽change in potential energy; M⫽falling mass;

g⫽acceleration due to gravity; and ␦⫽vertical distance of travel
共for the purpose of this paper, all deflections are treated as posi-
All methods for the analysis of disproportionate collapse potential
tive downward兲.
share limitations created by our present understanding about the
Considering frame action 共ignoring catenary action for this
performance of structural elements that are deformed far beyond
analysis兲, the strain energy is the area under the force/deformation
elastic limits. Further, the available simplified methods share
curve for the effective spring represented by the stiffness of the
additional approximations that limit their applicability and
remaining structural system. If motion is being resisted by an
elastic system, then the strain energy is
The available simplified approaches are primarily limited by
their reliance on analysis approaches that do not capture the 1
physical phenomena of building collapse. Many are based on lin- ⌬SE = F␦ 共4兲
ear analyses that lead to a comparison of stresses in structural
elements to somewhat arbitrary acceptance criteria, and do not where ⌬SE⫽change in strain energy; and F⫽force in the spring
directly account for the energy balance that is the inherent deter- or, in this case, the upward force exerted on the mass by the
minant of survival, nor do they accurately quantify the ductility beam.
demands on yielding elements. Hence, the kinetic energy in the falling mass is


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2006, 20(4): 336-348

⌬KE = ⌬PE − ⌬SE = ␦ Mg −冉 F
冊 共5兲
proportional to the calculated kinetic energy in the system at the
formation of each successive hinge, and comparing the value to
zero. If the value of the indicator remains positive for the calcu-
The mass comes to rest when the kinetic energy, ⌬KE, is zero. lation for all possible hinges, the structure is predicted to be un-
Rearranging Eq. 共5兲 with ⌬KE equal to zero shows the familiar able to arrest collapse. If it becomes zero or negative at any point,
result for an elastic system: the peak resisting force in the system this indicates that collapse of the structure has been arrested at a
necessary to bring a falling mass to rest is twice the weight of the deformation less than that which corresponds to the particular
falling mass. point. Provided the deformation associated with the formation of
This formulation applies as long as the system remains elastic. the hinge that is associated with a zero or negative value of the
To extend the analysis into the inelastic range, assume that the indicator is not excessive and the remaining strength of the struc-
elastic limit at some point in the system is reached and a “hinge” ture is adequate to support the weight at rest, the structure can be
forms at a deformation equal to ␦e1 关Fig. 2共c兲兴. The energies as- judged to survive.
sociated with elastic performance up to deformation ␦e1 are
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PE0−1 = Mg␦e1 共6兲 Push-Down Analyses Using Commonly Available

Linear Elastic Software
SE0−1 = Fe1␦e1 共7兲 The approach illustrated above can be applied to the analysis of a
2 frame using common linear elastic analysis software through a

冉 冊
series of elastic analyses.
Fe1 A numerical model of the structure is constructed with one
KE0−1 = ␦e1 Mg − 共8兲
2 column missing to represent the initiating event. Consider the
general case, where masses are represented as lumped masses at
where Fe1⫽internal force resistance that is induced at deflection all nodes, i. A loading case corresponding to 1 g is applied to
␦e1. simulate the application of an external load to evaluate strain
The energy comparisons can be taken beyond the elastic limit. energy. Under this loading case, each node, i, will deflect verti-
Using the assumption that materials have bilinear strength behav- cally to ␦Ej,i, with j = 1 to signify the first phase. This is the de-
ior, the evaluation can be continued with a subsequent linear formation that would occur if the structure was able to remain
analysis, using a reduced stiffness to represent the effect of elastic under the influence of quasi-static application of gravity
yielding. Hinge locations can be assumed to continue to deform, with a column missing. The strain energy actually absorbed dur-
accumulating additional inelastic strain energy without further ing the first phase while deformation is elastic can be calculated
increase in force. In the second phase of behavior following as follows:
formation of the first plastic hinge in the structure and up to the Compare the forces 共e.g., moments兲 at critical locations in the
formation of the next hinge at deflection ␦e2 关Fig. 2共d兲兴, the structure to corresponding plastic capacities 共e.g., fully plastic
change in potential energy follows the same formulation moment capacities兲 at the same locations, and calculate the ratios
PE1−2 = Mg共␦e2 − ␦e1兲 共9兲
F Pi
The strain energy still is the area under the force-deformation R1,i = 共15兲
curve, but now takes the form FE1,i

1 where F Pi⫽plastic capacity at location “i”; and FE1,i⫽applied

SE1−2 = 共Fe1 + Fe2兲共␦e2 − ␦e1兲 共10兲
2 force at location “i” in the first phase.
Find the smallest ratio to determine when and where the first
Hence, the kinetic energy change associated with this phase is hinges form

冋 1
KE1−2 = 共␦e2 − ␦e1兲 Mg − 共Fe1 + Fe2兲
册 共11兲 ␤1 = Min共R1,i兲 共16兲

Combining these calculated energies with the energies associated The deformation at which the first hinge forms 共Fig. 3兲 is
with the first, elastic phase, at the time of formation of the second
hinge in the system the calculated energies are ␦e1,i = ␤1␦E1,i 共17兲
⌬PE0−2 = Mg␦e2 共12兲
and the effective forces that cause this deformation are
⌬SE0−2 = 关Fe1␦e2 + Fe2共␦e2 − ␦e1兲兴 共13兲 Fe1,i = ␤1mig 共18兲
The energies in the system at formation of the first hinge are
⌬KE0−2 = Mg␦e2 − 关Fe1␦e2 + Fe2共␦e2 − ␦e1兲兴 共14兲
2 n

If the system is capable of forming several plastic hinges, this ⌬PE0−1 = 兺

mig␤1␦E1,i 共19兲
process can be extended for each linear portion between the for-
mation of hinges.
Using this approach, the potential for a structure to come to n
rest, and therefore survive against disproportionate collapse, can
be determined by calculating the value of an indicator that is
⌬SE0−1 = 兺
2 i=1
mig␤21␦E1,i 共20兲


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2006, 20(4): 336-348

冋 册
⌬KE j−1−j = 兺
mig共␦ej,i − ␦ej−1,i兲 1 − 共␤ j−1 + ␤ j兲

Structural elements will accumulate strain energy as they undergo

elastic and inelastic deformation up to distortions that lead to
limiting crushing or rupture. Beyond those deformations, the in-
volved structural elements often separate and should be removed
from the analysis, because they cease to be capable of dissipating
energy and in fact, will release the elastic portion of the strain
energy they previously accumulated, which will then contribute to
additional kinetic energy.
The analysis process can continue, but an adjustment needs to
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be made for the sudden loss of support created by the removal of

a structural element. This can be accomplished by determining a
value, ␤⬘j−1, that represents the force needed to bring the displace-
ment at the beginning of the phase after rupture to the same value
as at the end of the previous phase.
To find the value of ␤⬘j−1, the equations for displacements in
the subject two phases are set to be equal, as follows:
Fig. 3. Nomenclature for push-down analyses
␤⬘j−1␦Ej,i + ␦oj,i = ␤ j−1␦Ej−1,i + ␦0j−1,i 共27兲
This leads to

冉 冊
⌬KE0−1 = 兺 mig␤1␦E1,i 1−
共21兲 ␤ j−1␦Ej−1,i + ␦0j−1,i − ␦oj,i
i=1 ␤⬘j−1,i = 共28兲
If ⌬KE0−1 is greater than zero, then additional phases of analysis
are required. For each required phase, a hinge is placed at the Of course, when the analytical model is changed to represent the
location or locations where yielding was predicted to occur in the failure of elements of the structure, the conversion from one
prior phases, and equal and opposite forces are applied to the phase to another is not exact unless there is only one degree of
members that connect to the hinges to represent the plastic force freedom that is being tracked. A single value of ␤⬘j−1 will not scale
capacity at these locations. multiple deflections exactly. Therefore, it is incumbent on the
In general, these plastic hinge forces applied without gravity engineer to select the value that closely represents the behavior of
will cause an upward displacement, which is designated as ␦oj,i, the structure. Normally, this will be the value determined for the
and forces, Foj,i, in the elements of the structure. While these location where the structure is deforming the most.
displacements and forces never occur during a collapse sequence, The selected value of ␤⬘j−1, is substituted for ␤ j−1, and the
their calculation is useful in the determination of collapse poten- process continues. In phases following a rupture, the energies are
tial, as described below.
The next step is to remove the internal force couples related to
formation of prior hinges, and to apply a load case of 1 g to ⌬PE j−1−j = 兺 mig共␦ej,i − ␦ej−1,i兲 共29兲
determine the elastic deformations, ␦Ej,i, and element forces, FEj,i, i=1

that theoretically would occur if the structure remained elastic in

this configuration. Also, in this and all subsequent phases, dis- n
placements used for energy calculations need to be adjusted for ⌬SE j−1−j = 兺
2 i=1
mig共␦ej,i − ␦ej−1,i兲共␤⬘j−1 + ␤ j兲 共30兲
the artificial upward movement caused by internal hinge forces.
␤ j is now calculated as

冉 冊 冋 册
␤ j = min
F Pi − Foj,i
共22兲 ⌬KE j−1−j = 兺
mig共␦ej,i − ␦ej−1,i兲 1 − 共␤⬘j−1 + ␤ j兲

and new effective elastic deformations, ␦ej,i, are calculated as A close examination of the formulas for the components of energy
follows: for the first elastic phase, phases after yield, and phases after
rupture reveals that they all take the same form, and can be rep-
␦ej,i = ␤ j␦Ej,i + ␦oj,i 共23兲 resented by Eqs. 共29兲–共31兲 above, with ␦E0,i, ␦o0,i, ␦o1,i, FE0,i, and
␤0 all equal zero.
In phases after the formation of hinges, the energies are
Therefore, the determination of collapse potential can be re-
n solved by calculating the sum of the kinetic energy changes in
⌬PE j−1−j = 兺 mig共␦ej,i − ␦ej−1,i兲 共24兲 each phase, and comparing to zero.

冋 册
k n
n ⌬KEk = 兺 兺 mig共␦ej,i − ␦ej−1,i兲 1 − 共␤⬘j−1 + ␤ j兲

j=1 i=1
⌬SE j−1−j = mig共␦ej,i − ␦ej−1,i兲共␤ j−1 + ␤ j兲 共25兲
2 i=1 This can be expanded by substituting the relationship for ␤⬘j−1


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2006, 20(4): 336-348

k n

⌬KEk = 兺 兺 mig共␦ej,i − ␦ej−1,i兲

j=1 i=1

⫻ 1− 冋 冉 1 ␤ j−1␦Ej−1,i + ␦0j−1,i − ␦oj,i

2 ␦Ej,i
+ ␤j 冊册 共33兲

k n

⌬KEk = 兺 兺 mig共␦ej,i − ␦ej−1,i兲

j=1 i=1

⫻ 1− 冋 1
共␤ j−1␦Ej−1,i + ␦oj−1,i − ␦oj,i + ␤ j␦Ej,i兲 册 Fig. 4. Example framing
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Recognizing again that
1 ␦2ej − ␦ej−1
− 2␦oj共␦ej − ␦ej−1兲
␦ej,i = ␤ j␦Ej,i + ␦oj,i 共35兲 ⌽k = ␦ek − 兺
2 j=1 ␦Ej
艋0 共39兲
the expression for kinetic energy can be regrouped and simplified.
for which ␤0 = ␦o0 = ␦o1 = ␦E0 = Fo1 = 0.

冋 册
k n For analyses that do not consider incremental failure of ele-
⌬KEk = 兺 兺 mig共␦ej,i − ␦ej−1,i兲
j=1 i=1
共␦ej,i + ␦ej−1,i − 2␦oj,i兲 ments, acceptance criterion can be derived directly from Eq. 共32兲
共36兲 ⌽k = ␦ek − 兺
2 j=1
共␦ej,i − ␦ej−1,i兲共␤ j−1 + ␤ j兲 艋 0 共40兲

Column survival can be checked when a phase of analysis indi-
⌬KEk = 兺
mig␦ej,i cates that collapse is arrested. The column forces determined in
that phase can be used to verify the adequacy of the critical col-

冋 册 umns.
k n
1 m ig
− 兺兺
2 j=1 ␦Ej,i
共␦ej,i − ␦ej−1,i兲共␦ej,i + ␦ej−1,i − 2␦oj,i兲 This approach can be adapted for complicated frames by track-
i=1 ing forces and capacities in the elements in the immediate vicinity
共37兲 of the column that is assumed to be removed as the initiating

⌬KEk = 兺
mig␦ej,i Example Application of Push-Down Procedure
In this simple example, the application of push-down analyses
k n coupled with energy balance concepts is used to assess the capa-
1 mg
− 兺兺
2 j=1

i=1 ␦Ej,i
关␦2ej,i − ␦ej−1,i
− 2␦oj,i共␦ej,i − ␦ej−1,i兲兴 bility of a structure to arrest collapse. The structure used to illus-
trate these concepts consists of the simple grid frame illustrated in
共38兲 Fig. 4 with nine supports on a 6.1 m 共20-ft兲 grid pattern. W410
⫻ 53 共W16⫻ 36兲 girders frame across the supports in one direc-
Generalized, the determination of resistance to collapse can be tion and W360⫻ 32.9 共W14⫻ 22兲 beams in the second direction.
assessed through a series of linear elastic analyses that yield arti- The girders and beams framing to supports are assumed to be
ficial upward deflections, ␦oj,i, and forces Foj,i, associated with continuous over the central support and fixed against rotation at
applied internal plastic force limits; the effective elastic vertical the edge supports. Beams framing at the midspan of girders are
deflection, ␦Ej,i, and forces, FEj,i, that would have occurred in assumed to have pinned support conditions. Fig. 5 is a stick figure
each phase if the structure remained elastic under gravity load representing the framing only at the support lines, and the repre-
with pins at the locations where elastic strengths have been ex- sentation of the weight supported by this framework idealized as
ceeded; and factors, ␤ j, that are the scale factors indicating the a 178 kN 共40 kip兲 load at the center support. This system is ana-
actual fraction 共or multiple兲 of gravity load that the structure can lyzed for ability to arrest collapse in the event of removal of the
support elastically in the various configurations with pins and central support.
eliminated elements.
While this approach clearly is complicated for multiple degree
of freedom 共MDOF兲 systems, most analyses procedures assume
that a single vertical load-carrying element is notionally removed.
For this assumption, the structural system usually can be repre-
sented reasonably with a single degree of freedom defining verti-
cal motion 共i.e., by assuming that all floors deflect by the same
amount at the location of the removed column兲, hence with only
one deflection tracked. In these cases, the acceptance criterion can
be simplified and the mass terms drop out, to create the following
expression: Fig. 5. Line diagram of key framing and supported weight


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2006, 20(4): 336-348

Table 1. Calculation of Force Ratios, R1,i, in Phase 1
Plastic Elastic
capacity force
F Pi FE1,i
Member Location 共kip-ft兲 共kip-ft兲 F Pi / FE1,i
Girder End supports −225 −137 1.64
Girder Central support 225 137 1.64
Fig. 6. Deflected shape under statically applied gravity forces
Beam End supports −138 −62 2.22
Beam Center support 138 62 2.22
The first step is to develop an elastic model of the structure
illustrated in Fig. 5 with the central support removed, and to
Next, hinges are placed in the model at the point of formation
analyze it to determine the internal forces in the members and the
of the first plastic hinge and the plastic moments, Fo1.i, are applied
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deflections at the load point under the statically applied gravity

at the hinges. This is illustrated in Figs. 8 and 9. The deflection,
loading. Fig. 6 illustrates the deflected shape of the structure with
␦02,j, at the load point is calculated to be −0.1181 m 共−4.65 in.兲
the central support removed and the gravity forces applied as
under the application of these forces.
static loads. In this model, the deflection, if the structure remained
Now the hinge forces are removed and the structural model
elastic, would be 0.0328 m 共1.29 in.兲. Fig. 7共a and b兲 show the
with the hinges in place is analyzed for the load case of the
computed moment diagram in the girder and beam, respectively.
weight of the structure applied as a static force. The displacement,
Next we calculate the ratio of the computed plastic capacities
␦E2,j 0.1041 m 共4.10 in.兲, and internal forces, FE2,j, are calculated,
at each critical point to computed force demand, R1,i. This calcu-
as illustrated in Figs. 10 and 11.
lation is illustrated in Table 1. The smallest of these ratios Ri,j
As with the first load application, the value of ␤2 is calculated
occurs simultaneously at the center and end supports of the girder,
as the minimum of the capacity to demand ratios calculated in
where R1,I has a value of 1.64. Therefore, the value of ␤1, which
Table 2 using Eq. 共22兲. The calculated value of ␤2 is 1.82 and
is the factor on the applied forces that will produce first yielding,
corresponds to the simultaneous formulation of plastic hinges at
is 1.64.
the end and center supports of the beam.
From Eq. 共17兲
Now, with the value of ␤2 defined, Eq. 共23兲 is used to find the
␦e1,i = 1.64 ⫻ 0.0328 m = 0.0538 m 共2.12 in.兲 共41兲 deflected shape of the structure at the formation of the second
yield hinge event
Following the process that led to the development of the accep-
tance criterion, the accumulated energies when the first hinge ␦e2,i = 1.82 ⫻ 0.1041 − 0.1181 = 0.0714 m 共2.81 in.兲 共45兲
forms are given by Eqs. 共19兲–共21兲, respectively, and are as fol-
With the deflected shape at the formation of the second yield
hinge ␦e2,i defined, it is then possible to calculate the potential
⌬PE0−1 = 178 ⫻ 1.64 ⫻ 0.0328 = 9.57 kN-m 共84.7 kip-in.兲 energy ⌬PE1−2, strain energy ⌬SE1−2, and kinetic energy ⌬KE1−2,
共42兲 at the formation of hinges at the ends and center supports of the
beam using Eqs. 共24兲–共26兲, respectively
1 ⌬PE1−2 = 178 ⫻ 共0.0714 − 0.0538兲 = 3.13 kN-m 共27.7 kip-in.兲
⌬SE0−1 = ⫻ 178 ⫻ 1.642 ⫻ 0.0328 = 7.85 kN-m 共69.5 kip-in.兲
2 共46兲

冉 冊
⌬SE1−2 = ⫻ 178 ⫻ 共0.0714 − 0.0538兲 ⫻ 共1.64 + 1.82兲
1.64 2
⌬KE0−1 = 178 ⫻ 1.64 ⫻ 0.0328 ⫻ 1 −
2 = 5.42 kN-m 共47.9 kip-in.兲 共47兲
= 1.72 kN-m 共15.2 kip-in.兲 共44兲
The calculated kinetic energy is positive at the end of the first
phase, indicating that the downward fall of the structure is not

⌬KE1−2 = 178 ⫻ 共0.0714 − 0.0538兲 1 − 共1.64 + 1.82兲

arrested at the formation of the first set of hinges. It is necessary = − 2.29 kN-m 共− 20.2 kip-in.兲 共48兲
to carry the analysis another step.
Combining the energy calculations for the two phases shows the

Fig. 7. Moment diagrams of framing under statically applied gravity

forces Fig. 8. Application of forces F01i and computed deflections


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2006, 20(4): 336-348

Fig. 9. Moment diagram in 共a兲 girder; 共b兲 beam under applied force Fig. 11. Moment diagram in 共a兲 girder; 共b兲 beam under forces FE2,i
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simplified analyses that evaluate the energy accumulated by both

⌬PE0−2 = 9.57 + 3.13 = 12.70 kN-m 共112.4 kip-in.兲 共49兲 flexural and catenary behavior, thereby enhancing the scope of
simplified analyses. The approach described below can be easily
⌬SE0−2 = 7.85 + 5.42 = 13.27 kN-m 共117.4 kip-in.兲 共50兲 programmed to calculate the strain energy accumulated by a
structural frame and compare it to the change in potential energy,
⌬KE0−2 = 1.72 − 2.29 = − 0.57 kN-m 共−5.0 kip-in.兲 共51兲 to yield an assessment of the energy balance including both flex-
ural and catenary behavior, for a direct determination of collapse
The calculated strain energy accumulated by the system at the end potential.
of the second phase exceeds the change in potential energy, and Considering each floor independently during the collapse se-
the calculated kinetic energy is negative. Of course, kinetic en- quence, flexural behavior at the vicinity of a removed column can
ergy cannot be less than zero: this negative value means that the be represented by the elastic stiffness of the beam spanning two
structure has arrested collapse prior to formation of the second set bays, bilinear elastic–plastic moment capacity relationships at the
of hinges. location of peak positive moment 共at the location of the removed
The acceptance criterion in either Eq. 共39兲 or Eq. 共40兲 is a column兲 and at the location of peak negative moment 共at the
replacement for the calculation of the energies in each phase. adjacent remaining columns兲, and rotational stiffnesses that rep-
Exercising the acceptance criteria of Eq. 共40兲 shows the same resent the restraint provided by the beams and columns that frame
result from adjacent structure into the adjacent remaining columns 共Fig.
⌽1 = 0.0538 − 关共0.0538 − 0兲共0 + 1.64兲兴 = 0.0097 m 共0.38 in.兲 Energy accumulation through flexural action is calculated by
2 integration of the force–displacement relationship over three
共52兲 phases of the structural response: 共1兲 while the system is elastic;
共2兲 after a plastic hinge forms at either the positive or negative
1 moment location; and 共3兲 once hinges have formed at both the
⌽2 = 0.0714 − 关共0.0538 − 0兲共0 + 1.64兲 positive and negative hinge locations.
Assuming that the structure is symmetric about the column
+ 共0.0714 − 0.0538兲共1.64 + 1.82兲兴 line where a column is assumed to be removed, the force–
displacement relationships for these phases of the response are as
= − 0.0032 m 共−0.12 in.兲 共53兲
The acceptance criterion shows that the structure arrests collapse For the elastic phase
before formation of the second set of plastic hinges.
P fe共␦兲 = ␦ 共54兲
Ls3共1 + 3Rb兲
Elastic–Plastic Analyses That Capture Flexural
and Catenary Behavior where P fe共␦兲⫽force necessary to deform the beam in flexure to
Linear push-down analyses as described herein cannot account deflection ␦ while it is elastic; Es⫽Young’s modulus; Ib⫽moment
directly for catenary action. However, it is possible to pursue of inertia of the beam in the bays under consideration;
Ls⫽original span of the bay 共one half of the span with the central

Table 2. Calculation of Force Ratios, R2,i, in Phase 2

Plastic Release Elastic
capacity force force F Pi − Fo2,i
F Pi Fo2,i FE2,i FE2,i
Member Location 共kip-ft兲 共kip-ft兲 共kip-ft兲
Girder End supports −225 −225 0 —
Girder Central support 225 225 0 —
Beam End supports −138 225 −200 1.82
Fig. 10. Deflections under forces FE2,i Beam Central support 138 −225 200 1.82


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2006, 20(4): 336-348

Fig. 12. Model for flexural analysis

column removed兲; Rb⫽ratio of the stiffness of the two-span beam

under study to the combined stiffness of the elements framing into
the adjacent columns; and ␦⫽deflection at the removed column.
Ignoring joint flexibility for this simplified presentation, it can
be assumed without introducing significant errors that columns
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that are not near the roof, building corners, or grade levels have
inflection points at midheight and beams in adjacent spans are
fixed at their far ends, leading to
Rb = 共55兲 Fig. 14. Strain energy absorbed by flexural behavior and change in
Ib + 4Iab + 12Ic potential energy
where Iab⫽moment of inertia of the beams in adjacent spans; To develop the appropriate force–displacement relationship
Ic⫽moment of inertia of columns; and Hc⫽column height. over the relevant range of response, it is necessary to determine
Similar relationships for Rb can be developed for other column whether the first hinge forms at the positive or negative moment
locations in the building frame, and for locations where two-way locations, so that the appropriate relationship, either Pfyn共␦兲 or
action is important. Pfyp共␦兲, is used in the analysis. This can be accomplished by
In the inelastic range, if the first hinge forms in the negative calculating the following values and finding which is lower:
moment location

冋冉 冊 册
3 2EsIb Pen = 共58兲
Pfyn共␦兲 = ␦ + Z nF y 共56兲 Ls共1 − Rb兲
Ls Ls2
where Pfyn共␦兲⫽force necessary to deflect the beam in flexure with 4Z pFy
Pep = 共59兲
yielding at negative moment locations; Zn⫽plastic section modu- Ls共1 + Rb兲
lus in negative bending; and Fy⫽yield stress.
In the inelastic range, if the first hinge forms in the positive where Pen⫽force that would induce first yielding at negative mo-
moment location ment locations; and Pep⫽force that would induce first yielding at

冋冉 冊 册
the positive moment location.
3 2EsIb Once plastic hinges have formed in both locations, the force
Pfyp共␦兲 = 共1 − Rb兲␦ + Z pFy共1 + Rb兲
Ls共1 + 2Rb兲 Ls2 that is sustained while the beam experiences additional displace-
ment is
2共Zn + Z p兲Fy
where Pfyp共␦兲⫽force necessary to deflect the beam in flexure with Pfy = 共60兲
yielding at positive moment locations; and Z p⫽plastic section Ls
modulus in positive bending. The next step is to set a deflection limit, ␦ f lim 共perhaps deter-
mined by limiting support rotations兲, that determines when the
flexural system is assumed to lose ability to accumulate additional
energy. For deformations beyond ␦ f lim, the beam has failed and
ceases to support load.
With this formulation, the minimum value of Pfe共␦兲, Pfyn共␦兲 or
Pfyp共␦兲, and Pfy共␦兲 over the range of deflections between 0 and
␦ f lim defines the force–displacement relationship,P f 共␦兲, for the
To illustrate the approach, representative plots are shown in
Figs. 13–18, based on the following assumed member properties
and structural geometry:

Fig. 13. Force–displacement relationship for flexural behavior Fig. 15. Model for catenary analysis


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2006, 20(4): 336-348

Downloaded from by The University of Adelaide on 04/28/18. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Fig. 16. Force–displacement relationship for catenary behavior

Fig. 17. Strain energy absorbed by catenary behavior and change in
Es = 2.03 ⫻ 10 MPa 共29.5 ⫻ 10 psi兲
5 6 potential energy

Fy = 345 MPa 共50,000 psi兲 with the beam axial strain a function of deformation at the loca-
tion of the missing column, axial flexibility, and horizontal stiff-
Ib = Iab = 3.9 ⫻ 10−4 m4 共941 in.4兲 nesses derived from the adjacent structure.
In this formulation, the relationship between the force neces-
Ic = 5.3 ⫻ 10−4 m4 共1,270 in.4兲 sary to deform the beam while it is elastic and deflection is fourth
order, as follows:

冋 册 冉 冊 冋 册 冉 冊冉 冊
Zn = Z p = 2.16 ⫻ 10−3 m3 共132 in.3兲
Pce共␦兲 4
1 2
Pce共␦兲 3
1 1 1
− +
Ab = 0.0135m 共20.9 in. 兲
2 2 ␦ 4klkh ␦ 4klkh kl kh

Ls = 9.14 m 共30 ft兲 冋 册 再冉 冊 冋 冉 冊 册 冉 冊冎



k lk h
Hc = 3.66 m 共12 ft兲
Once the force–displacement relationship 共Fig. 13, with ␦ f lim as-
冉 冊再 冋 冉 冊 册 冎 冉 冊




=0 共63兲

sumed to be limited by support rotations of 6°兲 is established, the where Pce共␦兲⫽force necessary to deflect the catenary while the
energy accumulated through flexural action can be calculated by beam is elastic; kl⫽axial stiffness of the beam, AbEs / Ls; Ab⫽area
integration of the beam; and kh⫽horizontal stiffness of the surrounding struc-

EF共y兲 = P f 共␦兲d␦ 共61兲

where EF共y兲⫽strain energy absorbed by flexural action through

deformation y; and y⫽deflection at which absorbed strain energy
will be compared to change in potential energy.
To make the comparison, and determine if strain energy accu-
mulated through flexural behavior is sufficient to resist collapse,
the change in potential energy is calculated as
⌬PE共y兲 = Wy 共62兲
where W⫽weight associated with the missing column at the floor
under study 共taken in this example as 7.18 kPa 共150 psf兲 over a
tributary area of 41.8 m2 共450 ft2兲兲.
For a representative case, the comparison of the change in
potential energy and the strain energy accumulated by a beam, as
calculated using this approach, is shown in Fig. 14. For the con-
ditions analyzed, this approach suggests that energy accumulated
through flexural behavior is likely to arrest motion after the beam
deflects approximately 0.89 m 共35 in.兲
The strain energy accumulated through catenary action also
can be calculated. The behavior model used for this simplified
approach is shown in Fig. 15. The basic assumptions are that the Fig. 18. Strain energy absorbed by structure and change in potential
beam acts as two straight segments that elongate under axial load, energy


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2006, 20(4): 336-348

ture, evaluated using a structural model of the frame and floor
Under circumstances when there is sufficient strength in con-
nections to enable the beam to yield in tension, the relationship
between the force necessary to deform the beam and deflection is

冫冤冢 冦冋 冧冣 冥
2 1/2
A bF y 1

冉 冊册
Pcy共␦兲 = 2AbFy␦ Ls − + ␦2
kh ␦ 2 1/2
where Pcy共␦兲⫽force necessary to deflect the catenary after the
beam yields in tension.
Downloaded from by The University of Adelaide on 04/28/18. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

The force–deflection relationship for catenary action can there-

fore be determined by solving the fourth order relationship be-
tween Pce共␦兲 and ␦ and selecting the lesser of Pce共␦兲 and Pcy共␦兲
for the applicable range of values of ␦.
As with flexural behavior, an additional upper limit on force in
the catenary can be determined to model connection strength or
the ability of the surrounding structure to transfer catenary reac-
tions. Following this approach, a representative force–
displacement curve, Pc共␦兲, for catenary action is shown in Fig.
16, with the maximum axial force in this example limited to Fig. 19. Structural model used to assess diaphragm stiffness
4.45⫻ 102 kN 共1 ⫻ 105 lb兲 and kh = 2.63⫻ 105 kN/ m 共1.5
⫻ 10 lb/ in.兲

To evaluate the contribution of catenary action to collapse re-

sistance, this force–displacement relationship must be integrated ing systems have floor diaphragms that are effectively integrated
to determine the strain energy accumulated through catenary with the beams. For this study, we investigated whether effective
action horizontal stiffness at a floor level in the building was influenced
by forces applied on floors above and below the floor of interest.

To accomplish this evaluation, we constructed equivalent dia-
EC共y兲 = Pc共␦兲d␦ 共65兲 phragms on three floors. Then we removed the diaphragm ele-
ments from two adjacent bays on the floor level of interest at the
where EC共y兲⫽strain energy absorbed by catenary action through perimeter of the building and four bays in a cluster at an interior
deflection y 共Fig. 17兲. location. We applied opposing horizontal forces at the beam/
Fig. 17 suggests that the analyzed condition will not stabilize column connections and calculated horizontal deflections for
through energy accumulated through catenary action alone. equivalent 0.102 and 0.051 m 共4 and 2 in.兲 slabs 共to account for
In the simplified approach described herein, flexural action and cracking兲, with and without corresponding openings in the bays
catenary action are uncoupled 共however, formulations can be de- above and below the floor level of interest. These analyses
veloped to represent coupled phenomena兲. Hence, the combined showed that the effective diaphragm stiffness is influenced by less
strain energy absorbed through deflection of a beam that resists than 10% by the presence of openings on adjacent floors.
deflection through both mechanisms is EF共y兲 + EC共y兲. This com- Hence, for many common conditions, stiffnesses that must be
bined accumulated strain energy can be compared to the change evaluated for catenary action 共which clearly relies on good dia-
in potential energy, Wy, at any value of y less than limiting values phragm action and the ability to transfer the tensile forces from
共e.g., values corresponding to beam failure in flexure or connec- the beam to capable resisting elements兲 often can be estimated on
tion failure in axial load兲. The beam can be judged to fail if for all a floor-by-floor basis. For flexural and catenary action, consider-
deflections the change in potential energy exceeds the accumu- ation needs to be given to the potential that the sudden removal of
lated strain energy, or to survive if the accumulated strain energy a column releases strain energy contained in the compressed col-
at least equals the change in potential energy 共Fig. 18兲. For the umns above, magnifying the effective potential energy that must
analyzed condition, accounting for energy accumulated through be absorbed by lower floors.
both flexural and catenary behavior the structure stabilizes at a The analysis described above can be programmed relatively
deformation of approximately 0.64 m 共25 in.兲. easily with commonly available software such as Mathcad, as was
Adjacent columns can be verified by distributing the end mo- done by the authors to create the example in this paper.
ment of the beams under study in accordance with the relative
stiffnesses of the connecting columns and beams, and augmenting
the column axial service load by the sum of the increases in the Research Needs
vertical components of the end reactions of the beams above.
Similarly, the surrounding structure must also be evaluated for its The methods presented here can be adapted to be practical im-
ability to develop and sustain the catenary tensile forces. provements over current simplified methods to assess dispropor-
This simplified approach can be extended to structures with tionate collapse potential, because they are based on the physical
multiple floors. A parametric study using a representative framing phenomena associated with building failure, rather than a force-
system for a multistory building 共Fig. 19兲 shows that the horizon- based approach that is calibrated for certain structures. Further,
tal stiffnesses on adjacent floors exhibit little coupling when fram- these approaches do not rely on an assumed multiple on applied


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2006, 20(4): 336-348

load to account for dynamic effects, or a preset multiple of Discussion
strength 共i.e., DCR greater than one兲 for evaluation of
compliance. Reference papers, guidelines, and standards to date recognize two
Nevertheless, all procedures presently available rely on ap- primary means to address disproportionate collapse issues: by di-
proximations that deserve further attention before analyses can be rect design and by indirect design. In direct design, the engineer
expected to predict collapse potential with high accuracy. must consider specific events that are likely to compromise the
The concept of notional removal of a critical structural ele- structural system and to develop analyses that demonstrate that
ment to initiate a collapse is part of most common sophisticated remaining load paths are sufficient to confine and arrest a col-
approaches and simplified approaches. It is postulated that a ver- lapse.
tical load-carrying element 共a column or bearing wall兲 is removed Indirect design approaches the problem by identifying and in-
instantaneously, and survival is judged by the ability of the rest of corporating into a building system features that are known to
the structure to remain standing without disproportionate col- enhance robustness, without specific consideration of loads or
events that could trigger disproportionate collapse.
Downloaded from by The University of Adelaide on 04/28/18. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

lapse. Of course, few initiating events will cleanly remove a

single structural element. Hence, the accuracy of the prediction of Accurate prediction of collapse potential is a very difficult task
collapse potential needs to be judged in the context of the as- that could easily be beyond the present capability of many struc-
sumption of the initiator. tural engineers. Many factors that influence collapse potential—
Common to all approaches for the assessment of dispropor- component performance, dynamic behaviors, and interactions of
tionate collapse potential are assumptions about such matters as structural systems, among others—have not been expressed in
the amount of strain that structural elements can sustain, the in- terms that are sufficient for engineers to be able to interpret the
fluence of strain rate on strength, the location 共e.g., column cen- expected performance of specific structures. Also, analysis proce-
terline, column face, or elsewhere兲 where effective hinges should dures are not sufficiently developed for rapid and universal appli-
cation to wide classes of structures. In addition, the most
be assumed, and the influence of nonstructural elements on the
accurate analysis procedures—including dynamic, nonlinear
dissipation of energy.
representations—generally are beyond the ability of most practic-
Normally for the analysis of collapse potential, the notional
ing structural engineers to perform economically in the building
removal of a load-carrying element is assumed simply to create a
design environment, given the analysis tools and fee consider-
new building configuration, and the modified structure is tested to
ations that limit the scope of realistic studies.
determine if it can resist the influence of gravity. In fact, a struc-
Available simplified analysis approaches include approxima-
ture under load is a taut spring. If a load-carrying element is tions that are based on the results of studies of a few representa-
suddenly removed, the spring is released, freeing strain energy tive buildings. Artificial load and resistance factors are used to
that imparts forces that accelerate portions of the structure. Some create the best representations of the results of these limited
of this commonly neglected strain energy is additive with energy studies.
due to change in potential energy. Energy-based approaches create a bridge between present sim-
At present, none of the common approaches to the evaluation plified analysis methods and the best representation of the nonlin-
of disproportionate collapse potential considers the influence of ear, dynamic behavior that actually occurs during collapse. By
this stored strain energy in the structure at the time of the initiat- approaching the analysis of collapse phenomena by tracking the
ing event. Generally this energy is relatively small compared to energy released by the falling weight and the energy absorbed by
the potential energy changes that occur during the collapse of a the structure, a comparison can be made to judge whether the
structure. However, consideration should be given to the possibil- failure is arrested. Simply put, if the energy absorbed by the struc-
ity for tracking the release of this stored energy along with the ture exceeds the change in potential energy, the structure has
increase in change in potential energy to achieve a level of accu- come to rest and has potential to survive.
racy that cannot now be achieved with common approaches. The energy approaches presented in this paper represent sig-
To the extent that portions of the structure away from the nificant improvements over present simplified approaches be-
modeled falling mass move 共vertically, horizontally, or rotation- cause they approximate the dynamic phenomenon directly, with-
ally兲, some of the potential energy change associated with the out artificial load and resistance factors. Further, these energy-
falling mass is converted into kinetic energy or to a change in based approaches can be developed to be implemented by
potential energy in masses that are not in the bay under consider- practicing structural engineers with analysis tools presently avail-
ation. Also, mass inertia elsewhere in the structure can force a able in most design offices.
deformed shape during collapse of a bay that is dissimilar to the
deformed shape determined by quasi-static application of an ex-
ternal load. The relevance of these neglected phenomena should References
be evaluated.
As in any such analyses, assumptions must be made about Burnett, E. F. P. 共1975兲. “The avoidance of progressive collapse: Regu-
material properties, participation of nonstructural elements in the latory approaches to the problem.” U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National
resistance of collapse, limits in the deformation potential of the Bureau of Standards, Oct. 1975 NBS-GCR 75-48, Washington, D.C.
elements that come into play, and collapse kinematics modeling. Corley, W. G., Mlakar, P. F., Sr., Sozen, M. A., and Thornton, C. H.
共1998兲. “The Oklahoma City bombing: Summary and recommenda-
Any approach to the solution of this problem must deal with these
tions for multihazard mitigation.” J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 12共3兲,
uncertainties, and none can be faulted because approximations 100–112.
must be introduced, either in the initiating condition, the perfor- Dusenberry, D. O., and Juneja, G. 共2002兲. “Review of existing guidelines
mance of the structure, or how we judge whether the structure has and provisions relating to progressive collapse.” Proc., Multihazard
actually collapsed. However, future improvements in collapse Mitigation Council National Workshop on Prevention of Progressive
prediction will follow from research to reduce these uncertainties. Collapse, Chicago.


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2006, 20(4): 336-348

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Downloaded from by The University of Adelaide on 04/28/18. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2006, 20(4): 336-348

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