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Infrared Imaging in Medicine

Hairong Qi , Nicholas A. Diakides

The first documented application of Infrared discovered [64].” The ancient Greeks immersed
(IR) imaging in medicine was in 1956 [40], when the body in wet mud and the area that dried
breast cancer patients were examined for asym- more quickly, indicating a warmer region, was
metric hot spots and vascularity in IR images of considered the diseased tissue. The use of hands
the breasts. Since then, numerous research find- and thermometers to measure heat-emanating
ings have been published [24], [41], [44] and the from the body remained well into the sixteenth
1960s witnessed the first surge of medical appli- through the eighteenth centuries. Nowadays, we
cation of the IR technology [20], [23], with breast still reply on thermometers a lot when performing
cancer detection as the primary practice. How- health examination.
ever, IR imaging has not been widely recognized All the above-mentioned methods are contact
in medicine nowadays, largely due to the prema- based. Since the British astronomer, Sir William
ture use of the technology, the superficial under- Herschel, discovered the existence of infrared (IR)
standing of IR images, and its poorly controlled radiation in 1800, major advances have taken
introduction into breast cancer detection in the place with IR imaging that do not need direct
70s [38]. contact with the patient.
Recently, advances in a couple of related areas IR radiation occupies the region between visi-
have pushed forward series of activities to reap- ble and microwaves of the spectrum. All objects
praise the role of IR imaging in medicine [9], [29], in the universe emit radiations in the IR region
[27], [33], [37], [38]. These advances, including the as a function of their temperature. As an object
development of the new-generation infrared tech- gets hotter, it gives off more intense infrared ra-
nology, smart image processing algorithms, and diation, and it radiates at a shorter wavelength
the pathophysiological-based understanding of IR [33]. The human eye cannot detect IR rays, but
images, will provide a cost-effective, non-invasive, they can be detected by using the IR cameras
non-destructive, and patient-friendly approach to and detectors. Figure 1 illustrates the IR spec-
health monitoring and examination, as well as tral band in finer scale. The boundaries between
to assisting diagnosis. In this article, we discuss different IR spectral regions are not agreed upon
these new developments in detail. and can vary. The boundaries that we adopt here
are based on references [1], [2], [3], [4], [5].
I. Introduction
In general, IR radiation covers wavelengths
Temperature is a long established indicator of that range from 0.75µm to 1000µm, among which
health. The Greek physician, Hippocrates, wrote the human body emissions that are tradition-
in 400 B.C. “In whatever part of the body excess ally measured for diagnostic purposes only oc-
of heat or cold is felt, the disease is there to be cupy a narrow band at wavelengths of 8µm to
12µm [66]. This region is also referred to as the
H. Qi is from Electrical and Computer Engineering Depart-
ment, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA, long-wave IR (LWIR) or body infrared rays. An-
Email: other terminology that is widely used in medi-
N.A. Diakides is from Advanced Concepts Analysis, Inc.
6353 Crosswoods Drive, Falls Church, VA 22044-1209, USA, cal IR imaging is thermal infrared (TIR), which,
Email: as shown in Fig. 1, covers wavelengths beyond

X-Rays Visible Light Microwave

Gamma Rays Ultraviolet Infrared Radio

10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 1 10 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
wavelength (n m)
Near Infrared Short-wave Mid-wave Long-wave
Far Infrared (FIR)
750 1400 3000 8000 12000 10 6 nm

Body Infrared Rays

Thermal Infrared (TIR)

Fig. 1. The electromagnetic spectrum and the IR region.

about 1.4µm. Within this region, the infrared These conditions are commonly associated with
emission is primarily heat or thermal radiation, regional vasodilation, hyperthermia, hyperperfu-
and hence the term thermography. The image sion, hypermetabolism, and hypervascularization
generated by TIR imaging is referred to as the [10], [12], [25], [34], [59], [62], [66], which generate
thermogram. The near infrared (NIR) region oc- higher-temperature heat source. Unlike imaging
cupies wavelengths between 0.75µm and 1.4µm. techniques such as X-ray radiology and CT that
The infrared emission that we observe in this re- primarily provide information on the anatomical
gion is not thermal [4]. Although the NIR and structures, IR imaging provides functional infor-
mid-wave IR (MWIR) regions are not tradition- mation not easily measured by other methods.
ally used in human body screening, the new gen- Thus correct use of IR images requires in-depth
eration detectors have enabled the use of multi- physiological knowledge for its effective interpre-
spectral imaging in medicine, in which both NIR tation.
[46] and MWIR [49] are observed in different di- Take cancer cells as an example which result
agnostic cases. from permanent genetic change in a normal cell
In this article, we focus on the discussion of triggered by some external physical agents such as
IR imaging in medicine across the full IR spec- chemical agents, X-rays, UV rays, etc. All types
tral region, including the pathophysiological un- of cancer cells have an imbalanced metabolic ac-
derstanding of IR imaging, the development of tivity which leads to the utilization of a large
new generation of IR imagers, and the advanced amount of blood glucose and the release of large
image processing algorithms of IR images. amounts of lactate into blood. In addition, the
high metabolic rate of cancer cells causes an in-
II. Pathophysiological-based crease in local temperature as compared to nor-
Understanding of IR Imaging mal cells. These factors have enabled IR imaging
Infrared imaging is a physiological test that as a viable technique to visualize the abnormality.
measures the subtle physiological changes that The IR image provides more dynamic information
might be caused by many conditions, e.g. contu- of the tumor since the tumor can be small in size
sions, fractures, burns, carcinomas, lymphomas, but can be fast growing making it appear as a
melanomas, prostate cancer, dermatological dis- high temperature spot in the IR image [26], [65].
eases, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus and The heat emanating on to the surface from the
associated pathology, deep venous thrombosis heat source and the surrounding blood flow can
(DVT), liver disease, bacterial infections, etc. be quantified using the Pennes’ bio-heat equation

[54]. This equation includes the heat transfer due • Step 3: Appearance of the abnormal area
to conduction through the tissue, the volumetric • Step 4: Vascular pattern
metabolic heat generation of the tissue, and the • Step 5: Nipples and areola pattern
volumetric blood perfusion rate whose strength is • Step 6: Dynamic diagnosis with outside agents
considered to be the arterio-venous temperature (antibiotic, etc.)
difference [47]. The equation is given as: Another difficulty in IR image interpretation
is the lack of standardized image handling pro-
k∆2 T − cb wb (T − Ta ) + qm = 0 (1) cedures. Fujimas did some pioneer work [15] in
1998 by proposing eight thermophysiological ex-
where k is conductivity, qm is volumetric pressions to identify abnormal thermogram pat-
metabolic rate of the tissue, cb wb is the product terns, referred to as the thermatomes.
of the specific heat capacity and the mass flow • Angiological thermatomes: Abnormal temper-
rate of blood per unit volume of tissue, T is the ature regions caused by organic vascular abnor-
unknown tissue temperature, and Ta is the arte- malities
rial temperature. In theory, given the heat ema- • Functional angiological thermatomes: Abnor-
nating from the surface of the body measured by mal temperature regions caused by vascular dis-
TIR imaging, by solving the inverse heat trans- functions
fer problem, we can obtain the heat pattern of • Neuro-dermatomal thermatomes: Abnormal
various internal elements of the body. Different temperature bands caused by somatosensory neu-
methods of solving the bio-heat transfer equation ronal disorders
have been presented in literature [14], [30]. Al- • Myotomal thermatomes: Abnormal tempera-
though it is possible to calculate the thermal ra- ture regions suspected by abnormal muscular
diation from a thermal body by thermodynamics, blood flow rate
the complexity of the boundary conditions asso- • Metabolic thermatomes: Abnormal hot and/or
ciated with the biological body makes this ap- cold spots caused by excessive and/or lower heat
proach impractical. production and blood flow
• Dynamic thermatomes at environmental tem-
A. A Sample of Different Interpretation Ap-
perature stress: Regions with abnormal reactions
when a patient received an applied thermal load
Liu et al. [43], [58] presented a new method for • Dynamic thermatomes at medication: Regions
analyzing a thermal system based on an analogy with abnormal reactions when a patient is given
to electrical circuit theory; referred to as thermal- a medication
electric analog. This method does not require a • Dynamic thermatomes at various kinds of
direct solution to the inverse heat transfer prob- stress: Regions with abnormal reactions when a
lem. It can be used to estimate the depth of patient receives a load (various in type)
the heat source, and furthermore, help under- To be able to yield objective clinical diagno-
stand the metabolic activities undergoing within sis, Anbar et al. [11] proposed the dynamic area
the human body. The method has been used in telethermometry (DAT) technique. It has been
early breast cancer detection and has achieved demonstrated to be applicable to any quantita-
high sensitivity. A diagnosis protocol adopted in- tive phthophysiological assessment. The authors
cludes the following six steps: demonstrated that using classical Fast Fourier
• Step 1: Growth pattern of lymph nodes in the transform (FFT) and elementary statistics, the
armpits large amount of sequential observations can be re-
• Step 2: Size of the abnormal area duced to a single quantitative diagnostic param-

eter without the participation of human experts. 2.5

x 10

Other related work also reported in [16], [22].

We would also like to mention two interesting 2

work conducted recently although their influence

on diagnosis is yet to be investigated. Alexjan-
der and Deamer [7] propose to study the sound

# of cases
(rhythms and frequencies) made within the hu-
man body through the access of the infrared fre- 1

quencies of DNA bases. Imagine if we can “hear”

the body, would a pleasing pattern to the ear in- 0.5

dicate a healthy subject? Or would different pat-

terns present a sign of a certain disease? Through 0

non-linear heat transfer modeling, Pavlidis and

2001 2002 2003 2004
Estimated new cases vs. estimated death

Levine [53] show that the periorbital blood flow Fig. 2. Estimated new breast cancer cases in women vs.
in anxious states can be used to extract subtle estimated deaths since 2001.
facial temperature fluctuation patterns and thus
assist in traditional polygraph examination. Per-
haps if we go beyond “imagination”, more excit- Many imaging modalities can be used for breast
ing applications of IR imaging can come into the screening, including mammography using X-ray,
light. IR, MRI, CT, ultrasound, and PET scans. Al-
though mammography has been the base-line ap-
B. IR Imaging and Early Breast Cancer Detec- proach, several problems still exist that affect
tion the diagnostic accuracy and popularity. First
of all, mammography, like ultrasound, depends
Because IR imaging has been mainly used in primarily on structural distinction and anatomi-
breast cancer detection since its introduction to cal variation of the tumor from the surrounding
the medical field, in the following, we focus on the breast tissue [38]. Unless the tumor is beyond
potential of IR imaging, especially TIR imaging, certain size, it cannot be imaged as X-rays es-
in early breast cancer detection. sentially pass through it unaffected. Secondly,
According to American Cancer Society’s report the mammogram sensitivity is higher for older
on Cancer Facts and Figures [61], breast cancer is women (age group 60-69 years) at 85% compared
the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women, with younger women (<50 years) at 64% [47]
accounting for about 30 percent of all cancers in whose denser breast tissue makes it more diffi-
women. In 2004, approximately 215,990 women cult for mammography to pick up suspicious le-
in the United States receive a diagnosis of inva- sions. Thirdly, patients gone through mammog-
sive breast cancer and 40,110 die from the dis- raphy screening are exposed to X-ray radiation
ease. Figure 2 shows the growth in estimated which can mutate or destroy the tissue they pene-
new breast cancer cases in women since 2001. On trate. A new study in the British medical journal
the other hand, research [47] has shown that if (The LANCET [51]) shows that screening actu-
detected earlier (tumor size less than 10mm), the ally leads to more aggressive treatment, increas-
breast cancer patient has an 85% chance of cure ing the number of mastectomies by about 20%
as opposed to 10% if the cancer is detected late. and the number of mastectomies and tumorec-
Other research also shows evidence of early de- tomies by about 30%. Finally, mammography is
tection in saving life [17], [18]. relatively expensive nowadays and is less conve-

nient to take (e.g. long duration and uncomfort- these systems were limited to fixed deployment
able contact). like tripod mounting.
Even though other modalities like MRI and The advance in solid state models has made
PET scan could provide valuable information to a new class of sensors possible, the uncooled
diagnosis, they are not popularly adopted for detector design. The Defense Advanced Re-
various reasons including high cost, complexity search Projects Agency (DARPA) issued a Broad
and accessibility issues [37]. Compared to mam- Agency Announcement (BAA) in 1999 [55] that
mography, MRI, CT, ultrasound, and PET scans solicits proposals for increasing the performance
which are also called the after-the-fact (a cancer- of the uncooled IR sensors to their theoretical
ous tumor is already there) detection technolo- limit. The objective for the thermal sensitivity
gies, IR imaging is able to detect breast can- is set at less than 10 milli-kelvin with a pixel size
cers 8-10 years earlier than mammography [19], less than or equal to 25 micrometers. As far as
[48]. Keyserlinkg reported in [38] that the average the array size, high-performance arrays for long-
tumor size undetected by IR imaging is 1.28cm range systems can be as large as 960x1280 ele-
vs. 1.66cm by mammography. In addition, IR ments, while arrays for micro-sensors may be as
imaging is non-invasive, non-ionizing, risk-free, small as 240x320 elements [55].
patient-friendly, and the cost is considerably low. Two technologies are developed at about the
These features, together with its early detection same time to make uncooled sensors a reality, the
capability, have enabled IR imaging a strong can- Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) technology by
didate for complementary diagnostic tool to tra- Raytheon Corporation and the microbolometer
ditional mammography. technology by Honeywell Corporation.
III. New Generation Infrared BST cameras use a ferroelectric detector that
Technologies converts the infrared energy to a change in capac-
itance. The BST detectors incorporate a mechan-
Infrared technology owes its origin to military ical chopper wheel/motor assembly which rotates
research and development in the Vietnam era for at 30 times per second during operation to enable
airborne applications. We focus our discussion the sensor to refresh itself 30 times a second. The
on the advances in the detector technologies, es- images produced can be rather choppy, with dark
pecially the uncooled camera development. ghosts produced around hot images and multi-
ple images of the same object smeared across the
A. Cooled vs. Uncooled Thermal Detectors screen during movement of the camera.
To some extent, the main factor that deter- The microbolometer technology, which is ther-
mines which wavelengths are included in which malelectric in nature, converts infrared energy to
infrared region is the type of detector technology a change in resistance instead of capacitance as in
used to capture infrared radiation [4]. NIR ra- the BST technology. The microbolometer-based
diations are observed in very similar way as the cameras do not require the continuously moving
visible light, except that special infrared detec- parts and thus can provide high quality images
tors need to be used. On the other hand, TIR without the choppiness and ghosting associated
imaging generally requires the use of a cooling with the chopper wheel used in BST cameras.
system in the form of a nitrogen or compressed air The pictures are also smoother and clearer since
cooling bottle, which contains crystals like germa- automatic brightness control instead of mechan-
nium whose electrical resistance is very sensitive ical controls is achieved using advanced digital
to heat. Due to their size, weight and complexity, signal processing techniques.

Because the uncooled cameras do not require noise. Currently, the third generation FPA de-
a cooling system, they are much lighter, smaller, tectors can capture wavelength from 3 − 5µm or
more reliable and less expensive compared to the 8 − 12µm.
cooled cameras. Currently, the uncooled cam-
eras are approaching to the thermal sensitivity IV. Smart Image Processing Approaches
of the cooled ones (0.050 C or 0.020 C of uncool vs. to IR Images
0.010 C of cool) and are very popular in breast
Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) has been
imaging. Wiecek conducted a brief comparison
playing an important role in the analysis of IR
[67] between uncooled thermal and deeply cooled
images, as human examination of images is of-
QWIP (quantum well photodetector) detectors
ten influenced by various factors like fatigue, be-
and discussed the limits in both technologies.
ing careless, etc. The detection accuracy is also
confined by the limitations of human visual sys-
B. The Evolution of Other Detector Techniques tem. On top of all these factors, a shortage of
Since its first appearance, thermal imager has qualified radiologists also put an urgent demand
gone through three generations of development. on the development of CAD technologies. Cur-
The first generation thermal imagers were rently, research on smart image processing algo-
fielded in the 70s. They use a single detector rithms on IR images tends to improve the de-
or small-size linear array detectors. In order to tection accuracy from three perspectives: smart
generate the picture, two scanning mirrors are image enhancement and restoration algorithms,
used. This generation imagers generally have the asymmetry analysis of the thermogram including
white out problem (or over saturation over high automatic segmentation approaches, and feature
intensity sources). Although mechanical bright- extraction and classification.
ness controls are used later to address the prob-
lem, the images still lack clarity. A. Smart Image Enhancement and Restoration
Second generation imagers appeared in the
80s. They use a relatively larger linear array One of the problems with thermograms that
(around 120 elements) or small two-dimensional has put IR imaging in a somewhat disadvantage
focal plane array (FPA) (around 64×64 elements) situation is its lack of resolution due to blur com-
and the scanning mirrors are still used to gener- pounded by rather high levels of noise. Snyder
ate the picture. The most important feature that et al. [60] developed an algorithm to increase the
differs the second generation from the first gen- effective resolution of thermograms by a 2:1 ra-
eration is the employment of the time-delay in- tio while at the same time removing the noise
tegration (TDI) technique for image integration and preserving edges in the image. This algo-
and enhancement. rithm is based on a minimization strategy known
Third generation imagers upgrade the size of as mean field annealing, which takes into account
the two-dimensional FPA a great deal, some of processes of blur, noise, and image correlations,
which contain as many elements as 1, 024×1, 024. to make an optimal estimate of the missing pixels.
In addition, the image processing capabilities are MIT’s researchers attempt to enhance the res-
integrated on the FPA, hence the so-called on- olution of IR images through another route. The
chip image processing. The third generation does Minimally Invasive Optical Biopsy System devel-
not use mirrors which largely improves the image oped at MIT [13] uses infrared light in conjunc-
quality as the less moving part in the camera, the tion with an intravenously injected dye and spe-
more reliable the system, and the less mechanical cial computer software to create a clear, high con-

trast image that could easily allow physicians to ysis of mammograms [21], [68], [69].
detect breast masses and determine if they are Head et al. [28], [42] recently analyzed the
benign or malignant. asymmetric abnormalities in IR images. In their
In order to eliminate the effect of various ther- approach, the image is segmented first by opera-
mal environmental conditions, Kakuta et al. [36] tor. Then breast quadrants are derived automat-
developed a “human thermal model” such that ically based on unique point of reference, i.e. the
IR images taken under different conditions can be chin, the lowest, rightmost and leftmost points of
compared through normalization of skin surface the breast. Qi et al. [57] developed an automatic
temperature. The model is based on a numeri- approach to asymmetry analysis in IR images.
cal calculation of the bio-heat transfer equations It includes automatic segmentation and pattern
and a 16-cylinder-segment model is used as the classification. Hough transform is used to extract
geometry of the human body. the four feature curves that can uniquely segment
Kaczmarek and Nowakowski [35] proposed the the left and right breasts. The feature curves
use of active dynamic thermography (ADT), com- include the left and the right body boundary
monly adopted in nondestructive testing of mate- curves, and the two parabolic curves indicating
rials, to further enhance the image quality. ADT the lower boundaries of the breasts. Mabuchi et
analyzes thermal transients after the application al. [45] designed a computerized thermographic
of external thermal excitation. Some preliminary system, which would produce images of the dis-
results have shown the promise of this approach. tribution of temperature differences between the
Dynamic thermography is another technique affected side and the contralateral healthy side.
recently proposed to better understand IR im- Because there is no standard skin surface tem-
ages. Because of the interference from complex perature existed, the system measures the body-
vascular patterns and the existence of code tu- surface temperature of each pixel in the affected
mors, in breast cancer detection, researchers have area and subtract from it the body-surface tem-
proposed to monitor the thermal recovery pro- perature of the corresponding pixel in the sym-
cess after exposure of cold stress by sequential metrically located contralateral healthy area to
thermography or by digital subtraction thermog- generate the difference image.
raphy. Studies [50] have shown an increase in
sensitivity of breast imaging. C. Feature Extraction and Classification

B. Asymmetry Analysis Upon segmentation, different features can be

extracted from the segments. Asymmetric ab-
Making comparisons between contralateral im- normalities can then be identified based on ma-
ages are routinely done by radiologists. When the ture pattern classification techniques. In this pro-
images are relatively symmetrical, small asymme- cess, feature extraction is crucial to the success
tries may indicate a suspicious region. This is the of computer-aided diagnosis. [39] shows that the
underlying philosophy in the use of asymmetry high-order statistics (e.g. variance, skewness, and
analysis for mass detection in breast cancer study kurtosis) and joint entropy are the most effective
[21] as well as in anomaly detection of other parts features to measure the asymmetry, while low-
of the human body. Unfortunately, these small order statistics (e.g. mean) and entropy do not
asymmetries might not be easy to detect and it assist asymmetry detection. Jakubowska et al.
is important to design an automatic approach to [32] also addressed the importance of using statis-
eliminate human factors. There have been a few tical parameters (1st and 2nd order) in extracting
papers addressing techniques for asymmetry anal- thermal signatures for asymmetry analysis.

Szu et al. [63] proposed a new paradigm shift vided by E.H.H. Breast Cancer Research and
that uses at least two dual-band (mid and long) Treatment Center, Baton Rouge, LA and Ville
infrared imaging cameras operating simultane- Marie Medical Center & Women’s Health Cen-
ously on the patient. This system enables a ter, Montreal, Canada. Each center will use the
smart brain-like neural network algorithm, the collaboration tools and evaluation procedures on
Lagrange Constraint Neural Network (LCNN), the VDL to conduct blind diagnoses of the im-
to achieve sub-milimeter scaling of the close-up ages provided by the other. Blind test results will
breast imaging for the vascular and angiogenesis be compared with actual clinical evidence stored
effects as well as stage-zero detection of ductal with the imagery. VDL access may be applied for
carcinoma in situ. at [6].
The above mentioned techniques are just sam-
ples of activities reported in recent conferences, VI. Summary
workshops and symposia. Another trend of ef- This article discussed recent research achieve-
fort that is worth mentioning is the transition of ments in medical theomography with a focus on
automatic target recognition (ATR) algorithms early breast cancer detection. The objective is
developed for military application to medicine. to show that due to the advances in infrared
“From tanks to tumors” [31], [52] has been the technology, image processing techniques, and the
theme of this transition and the rich collection of pathophysiological-based understanding of thero-
ATR algorithms that the military has sponsored mograms, IR imaging is mature to be used as
will greatly improve the state-of-the-art of CAD a first line supplement to both health monitor-
development. ing and clinical diagnosis. We have established a
website [56] to facilitate researchers working in
V. Concept Validation the field of medical thermography to exchange
Concept validation is an important procedure research findings. We welcome contributions to
in the promotion of IR-based breast screening enrich this list of collections.
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