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The Supreme Lessons

The Nation Of Gods and Earths Supreme Lessons

What We Teach
1. That black people are the original people of the planet earth.
2. That black people are the fathers and mothers of civilization.
3. That the science of Supreme Mathematics is the key to understanding man's relationship to the
4. Islam is a natural way of life, not a religion.
5. That education should be fashioned to enable us to be self-sufficient as a people.
6. That each one should teach one according to their knowledge.
7. That the black man is god and his proper name is ALLAH. Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head.
8. That our children are our link to the future and they must be nurtured, respected, loved, protected
and educated.
9. That the unified black family is the vital building block of the nation.
What We Will Achieve
1. National Consciousness: National Consciousness is the consciousness of our origin in this world, which
is divine. As a nation of people we are the first in existence and all other peoples derived from us.
National Consciousness is the awareness of the unique history and culture of Black people and the
unequaled contributions we have made to world civilization, by being the fathers and mothers of
civilization. National Consciousness is the awareness that we are all one people regardless to our
geographical origins and that we must work and struggle as one if we are to liberate ourselves from the
domination of outside forces and bring into existence a Universal Government of Love, Peace and
Happiness for all the people of the planet.
2. Community Control: Community Control of the educational, economic, political, media and health
institutions on our community. Our demand for Community Control flows naturally out of our science of
life, which teaches that we are the Supreme Being in person and the sole controllers of our own destiny;
thus we must have same control on the collective level that we strive to attain on the individual level. It
is prerequisite to our survival that we take control of the life sustaining goods and services that every
community needs in order to maintain and advance itself and advance civilization. Only when we have
achieved complete Community Control will we be able to prove to the world the greatness and majesty
of our Divine Culture, which is Freedom.
3. Peace. Peace is the absence of confusion (chaos) and the absence of confusion is Order. Law and
Order is the very foundation upon which our Science of Life rest. Supreme Mathematics is the Law and
Order of the Universe, this is the Science of Islam, which is Peace. Peace is Supreme Understanding
between people for the benefit of the whole. We will achieve Peace, in ourselves, in our communities, in
our nation and in the world. This is our ultimate goal.
Why We Are Not Muslim

Throughout the various religious Muslim communities there have been wide discussions pertaining to
the Nation of Gods and Earths (5% Nation). The charge that we are not Muslims and that we represent
"true” Islam in a false way has been laid against us. The following will give some insight on why we don`t
consider ourselves Muslims yet still utilize words such as Allah and Islam within our paradigm.

The Science of Islam vs. The Religion of Islam: We of the Nation of Gods and Earths study Islam as a
Science not as a Religion. Science must follow in the exact scientific method in order to come to a right
and exact conclusion. One must apply observation to extract immutable laws. The outcome must be
able to be retested under similar circumstances and the same data must come into existence. Religion is
defined as a set of beliefs. In the case of Religion it is belief in that which cannot be detected by the
senses. It is the belief in an astral, invisible God. Muslim, by definition, submits himself to Allah. In the
religious paradigm Allah is not Muslim for he does not submit to Self. In the Nation of Gods and Earths
the Black man is defined as God. God does not submit. Muslim upholds the 5 pillars of Iman (Faith)
declaring there is no God but Allah, Salah (Prayer), Zakah (the tax for the poor), Sawm (Fasting), and Hajj
(the pilgrimage to Mecca). The Nation of Gods and Earths does not hold itself to any of these. We do not
claim to be Muslim.

Why We Utilize Words Such as " Allah" and "Islam":

First there is a distinction between what is to be considered "Muslim" and what is just "Arabic." The two
are not interchangeable. There are many who are classified as Arab whose Religion is Christianity,
Judaism, etc... They all speak Arabic. Allah and Islam are "Arabic" words and not "Muslim" words. Islam
means peace. The word "Islam" is not "owned" by the "religion" of Islam. We utilize its "original"
definition. Allah translates as "The God." Does the "religion" of Islam own the concept of "God?" No.
God in Arabic is ilah and since there are no capital letters in Arabic, the il in the form of Al was added to
make this rendering unique. Yet, all in all, it is still the God. We utilize "Arabic" for it underscores our
utilization of Mathematics as the Foundation for our Science. Numerals are represented as "Arabic"
numerals in Mathematics. Therefore we utilized various "Arabic" words to show this connection. Even in
the religious paradigm the prophets of the Bible practiced "Islam." They did not have to wait for the
prophet Muhammad to come and reform the religion of Islam for them to be accepted by the creator. If
they utilize the five pillars they were not Muslim, yet they practiced Islam. Conclusion: In closing I would
just like to say that we are not Muslim, nor do we claim to be. A Muslim is 5, God is 7. God is not a
Muslim. God does not submit.

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