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1. Write 1 sentence in present form, past form and future form (will, be going to and present continuous)
2. Write 5 sentences in FUTURE SIMPLE (will) with affirmative, negative and question form
3. Write the correct "future form" in this conversation

K: How old are you Maria? I´m going to

M: I'm twenty years old but I _____________ be twenty one in August 5th. Will
J: Wow, you ___________ a tall woman.
Going to
K: Haha, Nice, that's a friday. What are you ________ do?.
M: Katherine is ____________ take me to a restaurant. Going to

K: Nice, Can I go with you?.

J: Me too want to go with you, Can I?
M: Yes, you can; also, you_______ have to go. Will

4. Write 5 sentences with comparative and superlative adjectives

1. Write 5 sentences with possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives

2. Write 5 sentences using “USED TO” with affirmative, negative and question form
3. Write 5 with first conditional
4. Write the correct expressions of quantity “MUCH, MANY”
- How_____________ water do you drink every day?
- How ____________ people live in this building?
- Do they eat ___________ fish? much
- She doesn't spend ______________ time in the library. much
- He doesn't normally buy _____________ souvenirs on holiday.

5. Fill in the correct passive form of the verb in parentheses.

- Penicillin ______ by Alexander Fleming in 1928. (discover) Was discovered
- A Picasso ____ from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. (steal) was stolen
is grown
- Tea _____ in China. (grow) is/added
- The soundtrack of a movie _____ always _____ after the filming is finished. (is/add)

1. Write 1 sentence in present form, past form and future form (will, be going to and present continuous)
2. Write 5 sentences using “USED TO” with affirmative, negative and question form
3. Write 5 sentences with active and passive form
4. Write 5 sentences with comparative and superlative adjectives
5. Write 5 sentences with possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives
6. Write 5 sentences with first conditional

1. Write 1 sentence in present form, past form and future form (will, be going to and present continuous)
2. Write 5 sentences with USED TO in question and affirmative form
3. Write 5 sentences with BE USED TO in question and affirmative form
4. Write 5 sentences with GET USED TO in question and affirmative form
5. Write 5 sentences with second conditional
6. Write 5 sentences with third conditional
7. Decide and write whether the following Conditional Sentences are first (1), second (2) or third (3)
a) If they go to Australia, they will go whale-watching.
A. 1
b) If she had a mobile, I would call her.
B. 2
c) If Bob were here, he would have a solution for our problem. C. 2
d) If you move here, we will see each other more often. D. 1
e) You'll live longer if you stop smoking. E. 1
f) If Sarah didn't go with John, Anna would try to become his girlfriend. F. 2
g) I will only dance if they play my favorite song. G. 1
h) I wouldn't buy that computer if I didn't need it. H. 2
i) If she doesn't feel better tomorrow, she will see a doctor. I. 1
j) I'd lend you money if I had any. J. 2
k) If he had dropped the vase, it would have broken. K. 3
l) If you have to do the washing up, I will help you. L. 1
m) If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning ... (song) M. 2
n) I wouldn't run away if I saw a spider. N. 2
o) We'd have given you a lift if you hadn't had your bike with you. O. 3
p) If you had listened to me, the accident wouldn't have happened. P. 3
q) If we don't get tickets for the concert, we'll stay at home. Q. 1
r) They'd go by bus if they didn't have a car. R. 2
S. 1
s) She'll hear us if you don't stop laughing.
T. 3
t) He wouldn't have taken the bread if he hadn't been hungry.

8. Write 5 sentence in PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS with affirmative, negative and question form
9. Fill in the correct RELATIVE CLAUSES (who, which, whose).

a) This is the bank _________was robbed yesterday. a. Which

b) A boy __________sister is in my class was in the bank at that time. b. Whose
c) The man __________ robbed the bank had two pistols. c. Who
d) He wore a mask _____________ made him look like Mickey Mouse. d. Which
e) He came with a friend ________________ waited outside in the car. e. Who
f) The woman _________________ gave him the money was young. f. Who
g) The bag ______________ contained the money was yellow. g. Which
h) The people _________________ were in the bank were very frightened. h. Who
i) A man _____________ mobile was ringing did not know what to do. i. Whose
j. Whose
j) A woman ___________ daughter was crying tried to calm her.
k. Which
k) The car ______________ the bank robbers escaped in was orange.
l. Whose
l) The robber ______________ mask was obviously too big didn't drive.
m. Who
m) The man _________________ drove the car was nervous.
n. Which
n) He didn't wait at the traffic lights ____________ were red.
o. whose
o) A police officer ________________ car was parked at the next corner stopped and arrested them.
10. Write 5 sentence in FUTURE CONTINUOUS with affirmative, negative and question form

1. Write 1 sentence in present form, past form and future form (will, be going to and present continuous)
2. Write 5 sentences using a VERB + ING in question and affirmative form
3. Fill in the correct form of MAY or MIGHT

- They ______ finish the project on time. The main engineer is ill. might not
- You _____ want to stop by the museum gift shop on your way out. might
- _____ I have your autograph? May
may as well
- He _______ visit the Louvre. He’s in Paris anyway. may not
- You ______ park your car here. It’s reserved for guests of the hotel only.

4. Fill in the correct form of CAN, COULD or BE ABLE TO

- _______ Tony run long distances when he was a boy? Could
- ______ you please call a tow truck for me? My car broke down. (polite) Could
- aren’t able
The students _______ to buy their textbooks today. The bookstore is all out of them.
- ______ you teach me how to fix my computer? You’re so good at it. Can
Will/be able to
- ______ you ______ reach the customer if you call him at 4:00 his time?


5. Write 5 sentences in PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE with interrogative, affirmative and negative form
7. Write 5 sentences in PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE with interrogative, affirmative and negative form
8. Write 3 sentences in active form
9. Fill in the correct passive form of the verb in parentheses.

Was discovered
- Penicillin ______ by Alexander Fleming in 1928. (discover) was stolen
- A Picasso ____ from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. (steal)

10. Write sentences using “AS-LIKE-SUCH AS-SO” for each one

11. Write sentences of PAST MODALS using
- Present – past ability
- Present – past obligation
- Future intention
- Future reported from the past
- With Have


1. Write 1 sentence in present form, past form and future form (will, be going to and present continuous)
2. Write 5 sentence with first and second conditional
3. Write 5 sentences using a VERB + ING in question and affirmative form
4. Write 5 sentences using the correct form of MAY or MIGHT
5. Write 5 sentences using the correct form of CAN, COULD or BE ABLE TO
6. Write 5 sentences in PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE with interrogative, affirmative and negative form
7. Write 5 sentences in PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE with interrogative, affirmative and negative form
8. Write 3 sentences in active form and passive form

1. Write the principal GREETINGS (Saludos)

2. Write 10 COLORS with the meaning
3. Write 10 COMMANDS with the meaning
EX: please be quiet students  por favor guardar silencio estudiantes
4. Write in order the days of the week and the meaning
5. Write in order the months of the year and the meaning
6. Using the verb TO BE write sentences with the WH-QUESTIONS
EX: I am from Ecuador.   Where are you from?
7. Fill in the correct VERB TO BE form of the verb in parentheses
Are ----- are not
a. There ______ (be) a lot of people at the party, but there ______ (not be) any children.
is ------- is not
b. There _______ (be) a birthday cake, but there ______ (not be) an orchestra.
8. Fill in the correct form of the verb in parentheses
a. He usually ____ (go) to work by car. At the moment he _____(drive) and he ____(listen) to the
goes ------ is driving ----- isradio.
b. Yesterday, he ____ (not go) to work. It _____ (be) Sunday. did not go ------ was
bought ------- read
c. He _____ (buy) the newspaper and he _____ (read) it.
did not have
d. He ________(not have) lunch at the restaurant. took
e. He ______ (take) his dog for a walk. ate
f. He ______ (eat) biscuits and _____ (drink) tea in the garden.
9. Write sentences with POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE (7)
10. Make sentences with 10 differents JOBS (trabajos)
11. Write the PLURAL of this words
12. Write in English the correct form of these numbers
13. Make to the WOODWARD (árbol familiar) OF YOUR FAMILY with respective names
grandfather JOSE JUANA grandmother Grandfather-grandmother (abuelos)
father-mother (padres)
daughter-son (hijos)
uncle-aunt (tios)
brother-sister (hermanos)
cousin (primos)
nephew-niece (nuera-yerno)
sister in law-son in law (hermanastros)

14. Write 8 sentences with PRESENT SIMPLE with interrogative, affirmative and negative form
15. Write sentences with OBJECT ADJECTIVE (7)
16. Write 10 sentences with POSSESSIVE AND OBJECT ADJECTIVE (14)
1. Using the verb TO BE write sentences with the WH-QUESTIONS
EX: I am from Ecuador.   Where are you from?
2. Write in order the days and the months of the year and their meaning
3. Write the PLURAL of this words
4. Make 5 sentences with the VERB TO BE
6. Make sentences with 10 differents JOBS (trabajos) using woodward of your family
7. Write 8 sentences with PRESENT SIMPLE with interrogative, affirmative and negative form

1. Write 5 sentences with THERE IS/THERE ARE (interrogative, affirmative and negative form)
2. Write 5 sentences with SOME or ANY (interrogative, affirmative and negative form)
3. Write 10 adjectives and make 5 sentences (interrogative, affirmative and negative form)
4. Write 5 sentences PRESENT SIMPLE with interrogative, affirmative and negative form
5. Choose 5 verbs and make 5 sentences with PAST SIMPLE FORM (interrogative, affirmative and negative form)
6. Write 5 sentences with PRESENT CONTINUOUS (interrogative, affirmative and negative form)

Write the meaning of these words

- Ate – eight - Male – mail

- Buy – by - Meat – meet
- Eye – I - There – their
- For – four - Tree – three
- Hear – here - Would – wood


1. Write sentences with the WH-QUESTIONS

2. Write 5 examples about A/AN and THE
3. Write sentences with this verbs in PRESENT AND PAST FORM
Catch – hear – lose – say – sweep – bring – feed – hide – leave – spend – tear – hang – let – pay –
drive – understand – wind
4. Choose 5 irregular verbs and write the SIMPLE, PAST, PAST PARTICIPLE FORM and the meaning
6. Write 5 sentences with SIMPLE PRESENT with interrogative, affirmative and negative form
7. Write 5 sentences with PAST SIMPLE (interrogative, affirmative and negative form)
8. Write 5 sentences with PAST CONTINUOUS (interrogative, affirmative and negative form
9. Make 2 sentences in PRESENT and PAST SIMPLE using the TIME EXPRESSIONS
10. Write 5 sentences PRESENT PERFECT with interrogative, affirmative and negative form

1. Haga un resumen de la historia de la programación

2. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre programación y un algoritmo?
3. ¿Cuáles son los pasos para crear un programa ejecutable? (2 pasos)
4. Realice un cuadro comparativo entre: compilación, interpretación y mecanismo byte-code
5. ¿Qué es objeto fantasma?
6. Realice un esquema de la CLASIFICACIÓN DE LOS LENGUAJES DE PROGRAMACIÓN con un breve concepto
7. Realice un esquema de la CLASIFICACIÓN SEGÚN LA FORMA DE EJECUCIÓN con un breve concepto
8. Realice un esquema de LOS TIPOS DE DATOS con un breve concepto
9. Realice un esquema de LOS TIPOS DE OPERADORES con un breve concepto
10. Realice un esquema de LAS ESTRUCTURAS ALGORITMICAS con un breve concepto
11. Escriba Verdadero o Falso
a. Los objetivos de la programación son: compilación, claridad, eficiencia f
b. Los 2 elementos esenciales de un ordenador son Hardware y Software v
c. Los registros ayuda que cada PC reconozcan un lenguaje propio v
d. Un objeto es una unidad fuera de un programa de computadora f
e. Clase y objetos son análogos a los tipos de datos y variable v
f. Los 2 tipos de algoritmos son cualitativos y cuantitativos v

12. Complete

a. la siguiente tabla con los lenguajes de la programación:


b. El lenguaje algorítmico es una serie de ____________ y ___________ que se utilizan para describir de
manera explícita un proceso.

1. Realice un diagrama de flujo y pseudocódigo, que muestre los números de uno en uno hasta el diez
2. ¿Qué significa salud según la OMS?
3. ¿Cuáles son las clases de riesgos profesionales y de un ejemplo?
4. ¿En qué se basa de prevención de riesgos laborales?
5. ¿Qué se realiza en una evaluación de riesgos laborales?
6. Realice un esquema de la clasificación de los contratos laborales
7. ¿Cuáles son los elementos esenciales en los contratos de trabajos?
8. Nombre los factores de la satisfacción laboral
9. ¿Cuáles son las técnicas y procesos de negociación?
10. Hable de las TIC y que nos brindan

1. Dibuje el sistema informático

2. ¿Qué es y Cómo está compuesto el sistema informático?
3. Realice un esquema de los tipos de sistemas informáticos y un breve concepto
4. ¿Qué es un sistema operativo y cómo funciona?
5. ¿Cuáles los sistemas operativos más utilizados?
6. Ponga 2 ejemplos de cada familia: WINDOWS-MACINTOSH-UNIX
7. Realice un flujograma
8. ¿Qué es un comando y cuáles son los 2 tipos de comandos?
9. Escriba un ejemplo de comando
10. ¿para qué sirve el fichero AUTOEXEC.BAT? y ponga un ejemplo
11. ¿Qué significan los siguientes caracteres?
- Intr.
- Eof
- Erase
12. ¿Qué es gestión de red y de usuario?
13. ¿para que sirve el sistema operativo de NetWare?
14. Enumere los servicios de red
15. ¿Qué es el INTERNET?
16. Para que sirven las siguientes funciones?
17. Ponga un ejemplo de Algoritmo Quicksort
18. Ponga un ejemplo de ficheros no ordenados (arboles binarios)
19. ¿Qué son las matrices dinámicas?

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