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I. KLINEBERG* he presence or absence of teeth and the status of their
G. MURRAY replacement are highly significant. Complete
edentulism, as the end-point of tooth loss, is of itself
Neuromuscular and Orofacial Pain Research Unit a major consequence, with progressive resorption
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sydney and remodeling of alveolar bone over time and the collapse of
Westmead Hospital Dental Clinical School unsupported lips with associated change in facial form. The
Westmead NSW 2145, Australia quality of the replacement prosthesis (a complete denture) may
* Corresponding author or may not adequately restore function, esthetics, or social
well-being. Regardless of the technical excellence of such
Adv Dent Res 13:120-129, June, 1999 prostheses, they are inherently unstable during normal
functional jaw movements. Fig. 1 shows, for example, the
extent of movement of a well-constructed complete upper
Abstract— Tooth loss and its replacement have significant denture during chewing. Further, the management of complete
functional and psychosocial consequences. The removal of dentures becomes a problem from time to time in most
intra-dental and periodontal mechanoreception accompanying edentulous individuals. With age, these problems are
tooth loss changes the fine proprioceptive control of jaw magnified (Brill et al, 1974) as soft tissues become friable and
function and influences the precision of magnitude, direction, resorbed bone less adaptable. As a consequence, mastication
and rate of occlusal load application. With the loss of all teeth, becomes difficult, sometimes painful, and diet and nutrition
complete denture restoration is a compromise replacement suffer. In the elderly, this is a major factor in their survival
which only partially restores function. Implant-supported capabilities, emotional stability, and general health, is
prostheses restore jaw function more appropriately, with increasing with the "greying of the community", and is often
improved psychophysiological discriminatory ability and oral overlooked as a significant social problem.
stereognosis. Osseoperception is defined as depending on Edentulous individuals also lack an important source of
central influences from corollary discharge from cortico-motor tactile sensory input to the central nervous system (CNS), the
commands to jaw muscles, and contributions from peripheral periodontal mechanoreceptors. In dentate individuals,
mechanoreceptors in orofacial and temporomandibular tissues. periodontal mechanoreceptors (PDMs) are thought to play a
The processing of central influences is considered with the key role in sensory discriminative capabilities and in the
recognition of the plasticity of neuromotor mechanisms that control of jaw function, and as a result have been of special
occurs to accommodate the loss of dental and periodontal interest in neurophysiological studies in animals {e.g., Hannam
inputs. and Matthews, 1969; Linden and Scott, 1989a,b; Bonte et al,
1993; Dong et al, 1993; Tabata et al, 1995; for review, see
Key words: Edentulous, implant, osseointegration, Linden, 1990a,b; Maeda and Byers, 1996; Byers and Maeda,
somatosensory, plasticity. 1997) and man (Trulsson et al, 1992; Trulsson and Johansson,
1996; Turker et al, 1997), as well as psychophysical studies
assessing oral tactile function (for review, see Jacobs and van
Steenberghe, 1994).
Following tooth extraction, although periodontal tissues
break down and are absorbed, some PDMs remain within the
bone. Further, responses can be recorded in the trigeminal
mesencephalic nucleus following electrical, but not
mechanical, stimulation of the bone (Linden and Scott, 1989b).
The lack of response of PDM remnants to mechanical
stimulation, however, suggests that they are unlikely to be of
any further functional significance. This issue was also
comprehensively investigated in relation to the possibility of
reinnervation in association with titanium implants
(NobelBiocare, Gothenburg, Sweden) (Bonte et al, 1993). No
Presented at the 15th International Conference on Oral evoked responses were identified that could be attributed to
Biology (1C0B), ((Oral Biology and Dental Implants", held in reinnervation in association with controlled forces directed to
Baveno, Italy, June 28-July 1, 1998, sponsored by the implants placed in former tooth extraction sites.
International Association for Dental Research and supported The opportunities that are now available for implant-
by Unilever Dental Research supported anchorage of fixed bridgework for full-arch or

segmental restorations and, as a Procedure: Right Side Chew Apricot
result, the provision of function
and esthetics that were not Maxillary Denture Movement
previously considered possible are (Jaws 3D)
in stark contrast to the "complete- x= + right
y= + anterior
denture era". Patients with implant- z= + superior
supported prostheses report
Displacement (mm)
improved tactile discriminative
capabilities and improved motor
function compared with when they at upper
wore complete dentures, although mid incisor — Y
their sensory and motor capabilities point — X
do not appear to match those of
dentate individuals.
The aims of this paper are (a) to
review the tactile sensory discrim- at post dam
inative capabilities of patients with
implant-supported prostheses, and
(b) to outline some possible neural
bases for these sensory capabilities.
at lower — X
SENSORY mid incisor
Time (sees)
Mandibular Movement
Periodontal mechanoreception (Sirognathograph)
provides feedback of magnitude, x= + superior
direction, and rate of occlusal load y= + right
application for sensory perception z= + anterior
and motor function. In addition,
intradental mechanoreception pro- Fig. 1—Maxillary complete denture movement. Recordings are displayed of maxillary
vides subtle modulation of occlusal denture movement in one subject with a complete maxillary denture opposed by a lower
loading for further refinement of partial denture with bilateral free-end saddles. A Sirognathograph (Siemans AG, Bensheim,
the neuromotor control of jaw Germany) was used to monitor mandibular movement (magnet attached to the lower incisor
function. With tooth loss, these fine teeth; data plotted in the lowest graph), while a JAWS3D (Metropoly AG, Zurich,
proprioceptive control mechanisms Switzerland) optoelectronic tracking system monitored the position of the maxillary denture.
are absent. Several studies of oral Points selected on the denture for monitoring displacement were the mid-incisor point and
tactile function have attempted to mid-post dam point. Subjects chewed a fibrous food (dried apricot), and two chewing cycles
quantify the loss of periodontal are displayed (see lower mid-incisor point movement, x-axis). The tracings confirm
mechanoreception in complete- significant maxillary denture movement at the mid-incisor and mid-post dam points.
denture and implant-restored Movement was maximal at the mid-incisor point (1.1 ±1.9 mm) and minimal at the mid-post
situations. dam point (0.3 ±0.2 mm). Maximal jaw displacement in chewing is shown to be of the order
A comparison of occlusal force of 4.0 mm vertically (x-axis) and 2.0 mm antero-posteriorly (z-axis) and mediolaterally (y-
levels between subjects with axis). Analysis of these data indicates that even if the maxillary denture is comfortable and
complete dentures and those with fits well, its movement in function is considerable. Movement of a lower complete denture
implant-supported prostheses found would be significantly greater (Kramer et al., unpublished observations).
a significant increase in maximum
bite force generated in implant-
restored subjects (Haraldson et al., 1979; Lindquist and mechanoreception must have a direct bearing on tactile
Carlsson, 1986; Carr et al., 1987). Additionally, the decrease in discrimination. Passive discrimination is dependent on
bite force was directly proportional to the duration of periodontal mechanoreception and is assessed by the
edentulism. application of controlled forces to a tooth, while active
Oral tactile function has been studied extensively discrimination is based on objects placed between teeth, and
(Muhlbrandt et al., 1989; Jacobs and van Steenberghe, 1991, involves a number of mechanoreceptor inputs located in teeth,
1993; Jacobs et al., 1992; Hammerle et aL, 1995) for periodontium, jaw muscles, and temporomandibular joint
comparison of implant-supported prostheses with natural teeth (TMJ) capsules and ligaments. Both active and passive
and complete dentures. The presence or absence of periodontal discriminative abilities decrease with age. Karayiannis et al.

(1991) found passive discrimination of osseointegrated implant overdenture subjects (Jacobs et al., 1997). Periodontal
implants to be lOx higher than that of natural teeth (3.4 N and and intradental mechanoreception allows for a high degree of
0.3 N, respectively), while Jacobs and van Steenberghe (1993) precision in oral stereognosis. The reduction in stereognostic
found the implant threshold to be 50x higher than that of ability following tooth loss is not surprising, but the
natural teeth. adaptability of the neuromuscular system in maintaining this
In the passive psychophysical discrimination test of subjective interpretive skill is remarkable.
magnitude estimation (where forces are applied to teeth and
compared with a previously applied standard force), implant- CONCEPT OF OSSEOPERCEPTION
restored responses are compared and contrasted with those of
natural teeth (Muhlbradt et al, 1989). It was found that there Perceptions of static jaw position and velocity of jaw
were no significant differences in sensitivity as described by movement (whether imposed or voluntarily generated) and
the power function (the relationship between the applied force forces generated during contractions of the jaw muscles
and the estimated force level) between dentate and implant- constitute oral kinesthetic and proprioceptive sensations
restored subjects. In contrast, the active discrimination (definition modified from McCloskey, 1978). While there has
threshold for micro-thickness detection has been shown to be been extensive study of the neural basis of limb kinesthetic
lowest for natural teeth and is clearly dependent on the sensibility (for review, see McCloskey, 1978; Clark and
precision provided by periodontal mechanoreception (ca. 8 Horch, 1986), we have much less understanding of the neural
|xm, Siirila and Laine, 1963; ca. 20 fxm, Jacobs and van mechanisms of oral kinesthesia in dentate individuals and even
Steenberghe, 1991), higher for osseointegrated implant bridges less understanding of the neural basis of kinesthetic perception
(ca. 50 |Jim, Lundqvist and Haraldson, 1984), and significantly in patients with implant-supported prostheses who lack
higher for complete-denture wearers (ca. 100 jxm). However, periodontal mechanoreception.
with macro-thickness detection (100 |xm), there was no The CNS has two mechanisms for obtaining information
statistically significant difference between implant about the positions and movements of limbs and forces of limb
overdentures and complete dentures (Jacobs and van muscle contraction, i.e., limb kinesthesia (McCloskey, 1978;
Steenberghe, 1991). Clark and Horch, 1986). These mechanisms are also likely to
Interpretation of psychophysical responses in the operate for oral kinesthetic perception.
determination of active interocclusal thresholds is confounded (a) The first is by monitoring a corollary discharge (or
by a number of factors, including subject variables (perceptive efference copy or collateral discharge) of the
discriminative ability, age, health, occlusal features), descending central command to muscles. This
experimental design, and the physical properties of the test mechanism is thought to provide the sensation of
materials (aluminum, tin, lead, acrylic resin, polyester). An muscular force or effort which accompanies centrally
assessment of interocclusal foil hardness and the influence of generated voluntary motor commands (McCloskey,
temperature (Jacobs et al, 1992) addressed factors that had not 1978, 1981; Bennett, 1997). Corollary discharge,
previously been considered. They showed that the material possibly together with an input from Golgi tendon
used and its temperature (from 20° to 35°C) significantly organs (GTOs) associated with the jaw-closing muscles,
influenced the response. The active detection threshold for all is therefore presumably important in the sensation of
metal foils was found to be 16.3 ± 6.0 [im; the passive effort in voluntary biting. In studies of limb kinesthetic
detection threshold was 3.0 ± 2.2 g. Foil at room temperature sensation, subjects appear to use corollary discharge in
may serve as a cold stimulus with temperature transfer from judging muscular tension or the weights of lifted objects
tooth to foil with possible activation of pulpal thermosensitive (McCloskey, 1978). Corollary discharge, however, does
units. The conductivity of the material used in psychophysical not provide a sensation of movement or altered position.
tests varies significantly, and the influence of foil temperature
and its conductivity needs to be considered in the assessment (b) The second mechanism is derived from
process (Jacobs et ah, 1992). mechanoreceptors activated during limb and jaw
Oral stereognosis is the identification of objects of various movements and at different limb and jaw positions. In
shapes which are placed between the teeth in the absence of the context of implant-supported prostheses, the term
other sensory input (such as visual cues). Such tests have been osseoperception was proposed (P-I Branemark, personal
used for assessing complete-denture satisfaction (Berry and communication) to recognize oral kinesthetic perceptual
Mahood, 1966). Oral stereognostic acuity decreases with abilities, in the absence of a functional periodontal
increasing age, but the duration of edentulism does not appear mechanoreceptive input. This input is derived from
to influence this ability (Mantecchini et al., 1998). It is likely temporomandibular joint (TMJ), muscle, cutaneous,
that with tooth loss, muscle spindle afferents provide the mucosal, and/or periosteal mechanoreceptors, and
dominant control (McCloskey, 1978), supported by afferent provides mechanosensory information for oral
inputs from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) capsules and kinesthetic sensibility in relation to jaw function and
mucosal mechanoreceptors. artificial tooth contacts. The relative contributions of
A comparison of teeth and implants confirmed the superior these different mechanoreceptors to osseoperception in
stereognostic ability of dentate subjects and its marked patients with implant-supported prostheses are unclear.
reduction, to a similar degree, in both complete dentures and Although periodontal mechanoreceptors may remain

functional in bone in the vicinity of the implant fixture, extrafusal muscle fibers, have independent sensory
it appears unlikely that these mechanoreceptors make innervation, and contain specialized intrafusal fibers
any contribution to osseoperception. with direct motor innervation from fusimoto- (7- moto-)
neurones. With 7-motoneurone discharge, the
MECHANORECEPTORS contraction of intrafusal fibers contributes to an
CONTRIBUTING TO OSSEOPERCEPTION increased spindle afferent discharge. During voluntary
muscle contraction, both a and 7 motoneurones are
(a) Joint mechanoreceptors activated simultaneously (a-7 co-activation), which
Low-threshold mechanoreceptors are present in the TMJs of ensures that muscle spindles maintain their high
experimental animals and humans (Thilander, 1961; sensitivity without saturation over a wide range of
Klineberg, 1971; Dubner et al., 1978) and in other joints of the muscle lengths.
body (for review, see McCloskey, 1978). While it is generally Intramuscular receptors, probably the primary and
considered that joint receptors play a limited role in signaling secondary spindle afferents, are now recognized as important
movements and positions of limb joints (McCloskey, 1978; monitors of limb position and movement (McCloskey, 1978;
Clark and Horch, 1986; Proske et aL, 1988), and appear to be Clark and Horch, 1986). It is likely that intramuscular
more concerned with protective reflexes (limb-joint receptors receptors in jaw muscles perform a similar function in the
appear to be mainly active at the extremes of joint movement), assessment of jaw position and movement. However, given the
it appears that TMJ receptors may play a more significant role superior tactile discriminative abilities of dentate subjects in
(Klineberg, 1980; Lund and Matthews, 1981). A population of comparison with those with implant-supported or removable
receptors has been described in the TMJs of rabbits; these have prostheses, periodontal mechanoreceptors provide a more
been classified as limited-range receptors (Lund and sensitive indicator of jaw position and movement.
Matthews, 1981) and, unlike those of the knee joint (for The presence of a 7-motoneurone innervation of muscle
reviews, see McCloskey, 1978; Clark and Horch, 1986), most spindles complicates the interpretation by the CNS of afferent
were readily excitable during the mid-ranges of TMJ information from them. There needs to be a mechanism
movement rather than being maximally excited at extreme whereby the CNS can distinguish between spindle afferent
joint positions. These receptors therefore could potentially discharge that has arisen from 7-motoneurone activation, and
provide detailed information as to jaw position and movement. afferent discharge from an actual change in muscle length. It
appears that the CNS uses its own motor signals (via corollary
(b) Muscle mechanoreceptors discharge) to determine the contribution made to spindle
The two principal mechanoreceptors associated with muscle, afferent signals from 7-motoneurone drive (McCloskey, 1978;
GTOs and muscle spindles, are slowly adapting receptors. Clark and Horch, 1986; Matthews, 1988). The resultant signal
• Golgi tendon organs are found at the musculo-tendinous is used by the CNS as an unambiguous signal of muscle length
junction in series with a small number of extrafusal and muscle length change and therefore, in the absence of
muscle fibers, and the pull of the muscle fibers with periodontal afferent input, can provide detailed information on
muscle contraction activates GTOs. Golgi tendon jaw position and movement.
organs have been reported in jaw muscles (for review,
see Dubner et aU 1978; Capra and Dessem, 1992), and (c) Cutaneous mechanoreceptors
their physiological properties (Lund et ai, 1978) appear There has been much discussion of the possible roles of
to be similar to those described for limb muscles cutaneous receptors in kinesthetic sensations. There is,
(Proske, 1981; Clark and Horch, 1986; Jami, 1992). In however, little information on the magnitude of skin
contrast to the role of the GTOs as high-threshold and deformation caused by associated joint movements, and it is
monitoring overload, it is now recognized that they not clear how cutaneous receptors respond to such
have very low thresholds to muscle contraction (Proske, deformations (Edin, 1992), or what contributions to kinesthesia
1981; Clark and Horch, 1986; Jami, 1992) and provide are made by cutaneous receptors. Whether the information
detailed information concerning the magnitude of provides kinesthetic perception or a general facilitatory
muscle contraction. They clearly play an important role influence on afferent projections from other mechanoreceptors
in regulating muscle contraction and are the most from muscle and joint needs to be determined.
appropriate mechanoreceptors for signaling Recent evidence confirms the exquisite dynamic and static
intramuscular tension (McCloskey, 1978; Proske, 1981; sensitivity to skin stretch of slowly adapting type I and type II
Clark and Horch, 1986). These receptors, together with mechanoreceptors from the hairy skin of the hand in humans
corollary discharge, are likely to make important (Edin, 1992; see also Vickery et aL, 1994; Gynther et al.,
contributions to the sense of intramuscular tension 1995). These receptors were shown to display a positional
generated during voluntary contractions such as biting. sensitivity that was comparable with that reported for muscle
• Muscle spindles are the most complex somatosensory spindle afferents (Edin, 1992). The findings support the
receptor in the body with sophisticated physiological suggestion that cutaneous mechanoreceptors in human hairy
properties (for review, see Barker and Banks, 1994), skin have the potential to provide detailed information on
and they provide detailed information on muscle length underlying joint movements, which may be important in
and rate of length change. Spindles lie in parallel with kinesthetic perception.

Fig. 2—Somatotopic organization

within sensorimotor cerebral
cortex. (A) A diagrammatic
representation of the somatotopic
organization within the
somatosensory cortex of
mechanoreceptive afferent input
from the body surface. (B) The
somatotopic organization within
the primary motor cortex of outputs
projecting to muscle. The extensive
cortical sensory and motor
representation of the orofacial
region (tongue, teeth, jaws, lips,
and face) is thought to be essential
for orofacial tactile and kinesthetic
acuity and for motor function (from
Penfield and Rasmus sen, 1950).

Cutaneous receptors in the hairy skin overlying the TMJ as force of muscular contraction by their activation beneath
may also respond to skin deformation occurring during complete dentures during occlusal loading.
condylar movements. While there is no direct evidence for this,
facial skin and mucosal mechanoreceptor activities recorded (e) Periosteal mechanoreceptors
from the infra-orbital nerve exhibit vigorous discharges during There are few physiological data on the potential role of
facial movements (Johansson et al. 1988a,b), and periosteal mechanoreceptors in kinesthetic perception (for
somatosensory thalamic neurones with lip and tongue reviews, see Sakada, 1983; Capra and Dessem, 1992).
mechanoreceptive fields have been shown to be consistently
activated during speech (McClean et al. 1990). This CENTRAL PROCESSING OF SOMATOSENSORY
somatosensory input may provide important proprioceptive INFORMATION FOR OSSEOPERCEPTION
information for the control of facial muscles which are known
to lack definitive muscle spindle innervation (Johansson et al., (a) Central neural representation
1988a,b; Mclean et al, 1990). It is also likely that orofacial There have been considerable advances in our understanding of
cutaneous mechanoreceptors exhibit response properties similar how the brain processes somatosensory information from
to those described in detail for the limbs for which five superficial and deep receptors in the forelimb and hindlimb for
cutaneous mechanoreceptor classes have been identified (for tactile perception, kinesthesia, and motor control (McCloskey,
reviews, see Darian-Smith, 1966, 1984). These properties 1978, 1981; Darian-Smith, 1984; Mountcastle, 1984; Clark and
include low thresholds to applied mechanical stimuli and Horch, 1986; Chapman, 1994; Kaas, 1996; Rowe etal, 1996).
graded increases in firing rate with the magnitude of the applied However, there is comparatively little information as to how
mechanical stimulus (for reviews, see Darian-Smith, 1966, orofacial somatosensory information is used by the brain not
1984). Such response properties may therefore provide only for kinesthetic perception, but also for tactile perception,
information to the CNS concerning jaw position and oral stereognosis, and motor control (Kawamura, 1983;
movement. Morimoto, 1990; Hannam and Sessle, 1994). Nonetheless, there
is good evidence for an extensive representation within the
(d) Mucosal mechanoreceptors CNS of a wide range of somatosensory orofacial inputs,
Where natural teeth are present, periodontal mechanoreceptors including those from cutaneous and mucosal mechanoreceptors,
are important for refined interdental discriminative function muscle spindles, and GTOs associated with jaw muscles, as
(Linden, 1990). With implant-supported prostheses opposing well as TMJ and periodontal mechanoreceptors. These
complete dentures, a contribution to oral kinesthetic perception representations have been demonstrated at various levels of the
could come from the activation of mucosal receptors beneath orofacial somatosensory afferent pathway, including the
the complete denture and possibly periosteal and/or mucosal trigeminal sensory nucleus, the ventroposteromedial (VPM)
mechanoreceptors in the vicinity of the implant fixture (Jacobs nucleus of the thalamus, and the primary somatosensory cortex
and van Steenberghe, 1991). As with facial cutaneous (SI) in a number of animal species (e.g., Darian-Smith, 1966,
receptors, intra-oral mucosal receptors have not been 1984; Dubner et al, 1978; Huang et al, 1989; Capra and
characterized electrophysiologically; however, they too are Dessem, 1992; Manger et al, 1995, 1996) and in the human
likely to show low thresholds and graded responses to (McClean et al, 1990). Further, there is evidence that this
mechanical stimuli that could contribute to assessments of information is used for reflexes (Dubner et al, 1978; Lund,
position and velocity of jaw movement at tooth contact, as well 1990), for the modulation of central pattern generators for

mastication and swallowing (Jean, 1984; Rossignol et aim 1996; see Figs. 2 and 3). An extensive cortical representation
1988), for the refinement and control of voluntary orofacial of cutaneous, mucosal, and deep somatosensory afferents
movements (Murray and Sessle, 1992a,b), and for the could contribute, in the absence of periodontal afferents, to
perceptual functions of oral kinesthesia, oral stereognosis, and conscious perceptual experiences associated with kinesthetic
tactile perception (Kawamura, 1983; Capra and Dessem, 1992; sensibility.
Jacobs and van Steenberghe, 1994). Although it is unclear how
the CNS processes sensory information in these various (c) Security of transmission of mechanoreceptive
functions, it is likely that afferent information from several information to the somatosensory cortex
receptor classes is integrated and processed. Much of this mechanoreceptive information is capable of being
transmitted along somatosensory afferent pathways with high
(b) Mechanoreceptor projection to somatosensory cortex synaptic security (it has been demonstrated that a single action
For mechanoreceptive information to reach conscious potential recorded in an afferent nerve fiber from a single
perception, it must project to the cerebral cortex. In particular, Pacinian corpuscle is capable of generating an evoked potential
access of somatosensory information to the primary in limb SI). Recent data have convincingly illustrated the
somatosensory cortex (SI) appears crucial for perception. potency of synaptic transmission across the first synaptic relay
There is evidence of the importance of the primary in the dorsal column nuclei for somatosensory information from
somatosensory cortex (SI) in tactile acuity, detection, and Pacinian corpuscle afferents (Ferrington et al, 1987), slowly
discrimination of sensory information from the limbs (Penfield adapting receptors (Vickery et al, 1994; Gynther et ai, 1995),
and Rasmussen, 1950; Mountcastle, 1984; Kaas, 1996). muscle spindles (Mackie and Rowe, unpublished observations),
Although there is much less information as to the role of the and wrist joint mechanoreceptors (Coleman and Rowe,
face SI in primate orofacial somatosensation, it appears to be unpublished observations). The potency of transmission of
equally important for orofacial somatosensory processing information is underscored by the observation that a single
related to perceptual processes (Penfield and Rasmussen, action potential along any one of these afferent fibers can evoke
1950; Dubner et al, 1978; Mountcastle, 1984). one or more action potentials in the central recorded neurone.
There is now evidence that joint, muscle, and cutaneous This high security of transmission has now been demonstrated
afferents from the limbs project to
somatosensory cortical areas Boatral H3 LT
(McCloskey, 1978; Mountcastle, 7 4 3 0 4 mil
1984; Wiesendanger and Miles,
1982; Jami, 1992) and evidence for
area 3
areal area 2
the projection of cutaneous, 3- AAAO
mucosal, and deep receptors to the
face sensorimotor cortex (Woolsey
et al., 1952; Dreyer et al., 1975; AAAAA
Huang et al., 1989; Murray and
Sessle, 1992a; Manger et al, 1995, S-- AAAA AA OO
6 - AA A AA
Fig. 3—Representation of orofacial AA Ai^A^A^^

somatosensory inputs within face

somatosensory cortex. Low- 7--
threshold mechanoreceptive AAAAA A
afferents inputs to the face SI region 8 • oooo fooo g oo
were mapped with microelectrodes oooo /oooooo oo AA
in the left post-central cortex of a
monkey. The cerebral cortex has 9 •
been unfolded. 0 mm represents the
top of the caudal bank of the central 10- •••••••••*
sulcus; the dashed line indicates the #
bottom of the central sulcus. Cy to-
11 a
architectonic boundaries among
areas 3, I, and 2 are indicated by
black continuous lines. Symbols INPUT
indicate the recording sites of A upper lip A tongue
neurones that responded to low- O lower tip • teeth
threshold mechanical stimulation of o other facial region • other intraorai
the regions indicated at the bottom region
of the Fig. (from Huang et al., 1988). i tpsilateral
i> bilateral

at higher levels of the somatosensory afferent pathway—for It is possible, therefore, that after removal of periodontal
example, at the ventroposterolateral (VPL) thalamus (spinal input and provision of implant-supported prostheses, plastic
equivalent of VPM thalamus; Rowe et aL, unpublished changes occur in somatotopic maps in the face motor and
observations) and somatosensory cortex (Rowe and Zhang, somatosensory cortical regions. These plastic changes may be
unpublished observations). directly associated with the individuals' ability to
Although there are no studies concerning the security with accommodate to their new prostheses. Further, the extent of
which somatosensory information from the orofacial region is these changes, together with specific treatment differences and
conveyed to the cerebral cortex, the same security of individual oro-dental characteristics, may explain why some
transmission is also likely to operate for orofacial individuals experience more difficulty than others in the
somatosensory information. The data indicate that in the process of accommodating to either fixed or removable
absence of periodontal input, there is the potential for the rich prostheses. It is likely that the better the quality of the
somatosensory information within the orofacial area to gain prostheses in optimizing esthetics, form, and function, the
access, with high synaptic security and potency, to these more readily will the sensory-motor system adapt. It follows
cortical areas for kinesthetic and tactile perception and motor that the closer the final prostheses come to restoring original
control. function {e.g., implant-supported fixed prostheses compared
with complete dentures), the closer the sensory-motor system
(d) Gating of somatosensory input will re-establish its original characteristics.
Somatosensory cortical regions appear to be able to control the
gain of transmission of somatosensory information to the CONCLUSIONS
somatosensory cortex (Ghosh et aL, 1994; Lin and Sessle,
1994) and thereby play a role in selective attention to specific The importance of periodontal mechanoreception in function
somatosensory stimuli (Ghosh et aL, 1994; see also Chapman, and sensory discrimination is identified. Patients with implant-
1994). supported prostheses have improved tactile discriminative
Patients with modified somatosensory input following tooth capabilities and report improved motor function in comparison
extraction and the subsequent restoration with implant- with those wearing complete dentures, although their sensory
supported prostheses, instead of complete dentures, may and motor capabilities do not appear to match those of dentate
accommodate to the new intra-oral environment by selectively individuals. Osseoperception is defined as mechanoreception in
attending to specific orofacial afferent information in the the absence of a functional periodontal mechanoreceptive input
functional accommodation of the new prosthetic appliances. but derived from temporomandibular joint (TMJ), muscle,
The fitting of implant-supported prostheses will evoke a cutaneous, mucosal, and/or periosteal mechanoreceptors, and
change in somatosensory input to the brain that will be which provides mechanosensory information for oral kinesthetic
markedly different from that occurring with complete sensibility in relation to jaw function and artificial tooth
dentures. Somatosensory cortical areas may play a role in contacts. In this context, both peripheral mechanoreception and
focusing attention on these specific sensory inputs derived central processing of peripheral afferent information are
from orofacial mechanoreceptors and provide a framework for considered. It is apparent that, with loss of dental and
the individual to accommodate to this altered intra-oral periodontal mechanoreception, other peripheral receptors
environment. dominate in afferent projections to the sensorimotor cortex and
provide the neural basis for perceptual abilities of patients with
(e) CNS plasticity to accommodate implant-supported prostheses. The evidence available on the
to loss of periodontal input plasticity of the CNS provides a possible neural basis for our
Studies over the past 15 years have indicated that somatotopic understanding of the accommodation of patients to these
maps of the body can be modified by experimental changes in dental status. However, it is also likely that an
manipulations of their sensory inputs (for review, see appropriately designed implant-supported restoration, being
Merzenich et aL, 1996; Kaas, 1991). It has been found that fixed to bone, more closely resembles the dental status before
peripheral nerve section, digit amputation, local anesthetic tooth loss, and this may more appropriately restore optimal
injection, behavioral experience, and task training in animals motor and sensory function of the masticatory system.
all result in significant alterations in the organizational features
of somatosensory cortical areas. For example, behaviorally REFERENCES
controlled tactile stimulation of one or two digit tips in the
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