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David Did It, Why Can't We?

Amos 6:1a, 5
Woe to them that are at ease in Zion...
That chant to the sound of the viol,
and invent to themselves instruments of musick, like David;
In a war, sometimes the best place to be would be inside the enemy lines. As you would
discover what the enemy was planning, you could then make the proper plans yourself to
stay ahead in the war.
One of the best reasons for knowing what the many bible versions say about particular
verses is that we quickly see exactly what Satan is going after by noting what he has
changed or taken out. For example, Col 1;14 has the word "blood" missing. Well, we
then know Satan took the word "blood" out of the Bible so people today would forget the
importance of the blood of Jesus Christ. Obviously, most people have forgotten the
importance of the blood. In fact, one famous 'dog' preaches and teaches that it is the
death of Jesus Christ that saves us. See - it worked!
The same thing can be done with the subject of music. Where has Satan 'messed' with
the Bible so that contemporary musicians and followers could turn in to their Bible and
find a verse that would support their actions and beliefs about music.
Amos 6:5 is a good place. We will note that God is addressing chapter 6:1-6 to the
person who is lazy and spoiled with the world, etc. In your own studies, obviously this is
the Old Testament application historically. But as all the Scriptures are to us, but just not
all for us, we can then apply these verses spiritually in a most surprising way.
Many newer bible versions will rewriteAmos 6:5 this way: ...invent to themselves
instruments of music, like David did; Here is a killer: You sing foolish songs to the
music of harps, and you make up new tunes, just as David used to do...;
Then there is this: ...croon to the sound of the lute; who like David invent for themselves
instruments of song...
Do you see Satan's plan in this verse after he changes it?
This is a great verse of warning to those people who are lazy Christians (today) who lay
around and listen for themselves (invent to themselves) Christian music (like
David). BUT NOT LIKE DAVID DID! Do you see that? David did NOT invent his
instruments nor play music for HIMSELF! I Chron 23:5 says, ...that four thousand
praised the LORD with the instruments which I made, said David, to praise
therewith. David's music and his instruments were for God's praises - not for himself.
But if a person would look at that verse in a new version, he would see that David did it
for himself. So if David can do it, why can't I?
Adding one word and a comma can justify the contemporary, ungodly, false teaching and
putrid music that so many Christians today call Christian music.
No, David did not play his music for himself - and neither should we!
"What does God think of the music," is the question we should ask ourselves; not
what we think of the music.

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