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1. To determine if there is a difference between treatment means, there is a breakpoint between using an analysis
of variance or a t-test. The analysis of variance test can be used: With two or more treatment means.
The t-test can be used to compare two treatment means at a time. It also can be used to test more treatment
means, but in groups of two. The analysis of variance is generally used for testing three or more treatment
means, but it can be used for just two treatment means. The conclusions reached by a t-test and a F test on two
means will be the same.

2. In order to calculate the confidence interval for the mean for a small sample, we must known: The average, The
standard deviation, The appropriate t distribution value and The sample size (Ref to Formulae)

3. If the calculated chi-square (in any applicable test) is greater than the critical value, then the null hypothesis
must be rejected. The coefficient of contingency will never exceed 1

4. The larger the ChiSquare (X2) value the greater the chance of significance. If chi-square equals zero then the
observed and theoretical frequencies agree exactly.

5. If an investigator were interested in performing a hypothesis test of the equality of population medians, the
following would NOT be an option: Levene's test.
The Levene's test examines the hypothesis that multiple population variances are equal using a t test. It is an
alternative to the Bartlett or F test. Mood's Median test, Mann Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test are all median

6. If a multi-vari chart shows that 60% of variation is within piece, 25% of variation is piece to piece and 10% of
variation occurs over time, the indicated action sequence of action would be: Positional, cyclical, temporal

7. The alpha critical region, to determine if a new pen writes more strokes before refill, would be placed: In the
upper tail
The null hypothesis Ho would state that a new pen is equal to or less than the present pen. The alternate
hypothesis Ha would state that the new pen is greater than the present. An upper tail alpha test would be

8. In performing an analysis of variance for a single factor experiment, a fundamental assumption made is that the
factor: Variances are equal. Whether testing the values of a single or multiple factor means the underlying
assumption is that variation within each factor treatment or factor treatment combination is the same. This is
referred to as homogeneity of variance.

9. The "least squares method" is used in: Calculating a best fit regression line. The method of least squares is a
statistical procedure of finding the "best-fitting" regression line. It is, in many respects, a formalization of the
procedure used when fitting a line by eye.

10. A technique used to measure the degree of interdependence between two random variables is: Correlation
analysis. The key phrase is "degree of interdependence". Regression analysis determines the best mathematical
expression that describes the relationship between two or more variables, normally to make a projection into an
untested region. Hypothesis testing is a procedure which supports a decision to accept or reject the hypothesis
concerning a population. Sampling is selecting products from a population. Correlation analysis determines the
interdependence between two random variables.

11. The following statements concerning the coefficient of simple linear correlation, r, is true:
r = 0.00 represents the absence of a relationship
r = 0.76 has the same predictive power as r = -0.76
r = 1.00 represents a perfect relationship

NOT true is: The relationship between the two variables must be nonlinear

12. The determination of temporal variation in multi-vari charting means: Variation over time. Temporal variation
means variation over time.

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13. Of the various statistical analysis tools available, the most likely to show a plot of all readings taken: Multi-vari
charts. only X bar - R chart and multi-vari charts are plotted. The X bar - R chart plots averaged data and ranges.
The multi-vari chart normally contains all (or most) of the readings taken.

14. If no correlation exists between two variables, then: As one variable changes, we cannot predict a value for the
other variable.

15. A null hypothesis states that a process has not improved as a result of some modifications. The type II error is
to conclude that: We have failed to reject the null hypothesis when it is false. A type II error means that we have
failed to reject the null hypothesis when it is false.

16. In the manufacture of airplane fuselage frame Sections, thousands of rivets are used to join aluminum sheets
and frames. A study of the number of oversize rivet holes and the number of minor repairs on a unit yielded a
correlation coefficient of +/- 1.08. This means that: You should hire a new statistician. The correlation coefficient is
r and the following relationship is true: -1 < r < 1 Therefore, a correlation coefficient can never be +/- 1.08.

17. Inference test that compares observed and expected frequencies of test outcomes is: Chi-square test. The chi-
square test can be used to evaluate frequencies of test outcomes.

18. The table value that is normally used to place a confidence interval on the slope of a line in simple linear
regression: t table. In almost all experimentation, one works with relatively small samples, therefore a t value is
used. However, it would not be inappropriate to use a t value for fairly large samples.

19. The probabilistic regression model for any particular observed value of Y contains a term B0, which represents:
The Y axis intercept, when X=0.

20. True regarding nonparametric tests: They have a greater efficiency than comparable parametric tests.

Not true are: They can be applied to correlation studies, They require assumptions about the shape or nature of
the populations involved, They require computations that are more difficult than corresponding parametric

Nonparametric tests such as the Spearman rank correlation coefficient can be used to evaluate correlation.
Nonparametric methods tend to waste information because exact numerical data are sometimes reduced to a
qualitative form. They have 63 - 95% of the efficiency of comparable parametric tests. In most cases,
nonparametric tests involve computations that are simpler and easy to understand.

21. The confidence interval calculation that is most likely to be non-symmetrical: Variation confidence interval. The
variation confidence interval requires the use of two different chi-square values. This interval is non-symmetrical.

22. The degrees of freedom in the hypothesis tests would be a tricky calculation, often resulting in rounding to the
next lowest whole number is: A two mean t test with unknown, (considered unequal) variances. This requires
about 1/2 page of manual calculations. It almost never results in a whole number.

A chi-square test, with a known population variance: DF is n-i

A chi-square test, with an unknown population variance: DF is (row-1)*(Column-1)
A two mean t test with unknown, (considered equal) variances: DF is n1+n2-2

22. An experimenter plot data points and graph the least squares line if a probabilistic regression model exists is
because: To check for fit; there may be a calculation error

23. Assuming that a X2 (Chi Square) goodness of fit test is being performed with a fixed number of cells and a
fixed confidence level, the distributions that would have the most degrees of freedom is: Uniform

The degrees of freedom for the listed distributions are as follows:

Normal = No. of Cells-3

Poisson = No. of Cells-3
Binomial = No. of Cells -2
Uniform = No. of Cells -1

24. A small change truly exists between a current process and an experimental process. However, an insufficient
sample size is collected to determine this difference. The type of error that would result is: A type II error. When
one fails to reject the null hypothesis when it is false, then a type II error has been made.

25. If the means of two populations are close in value then: A large sample is necessary to reject the null

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26. The most logical reasons for using non-parametric tests are: In some cases, the parametric assumptions
cannot be met, The nature of the data requires a non-parametric test.
Non-parametric tests are less powerful (they require more data to find the same size difference) than the
equivalent t tests or ANOVA tests.

27. As the scatter of points about a regression line becomes greater, will: Become smaller. Ref to Fomulae: r2=
(Syy-SSE)/ Syy

28. When analyzing experimental data, the term that describes the condition in which the error variance is
inconsistent among observations is: Heteroscedasticity.

Stochastic variation is random.

Homoscedasticity refers to the condition of equal error variance.
Heterogeneous refers to a mixed condition, but is not the best answer.
Heteroscedasticity refers to the condition of inconsistent error variance.

29. In nonparametric statistics: No assumptions are made concerning the distribution from which the samples
are taken.

Nonparametric test statistics require no assumptions about population parameters. Such tests are often said to be
"distribution free". Examples include: the sign test, Wilcoxon rank-sum test, Mann-Whitney U test, the Spearman
rank correlation coefficient, the Kruskal-Wallis H test, etc.

30. When calculating the coefficient of contingency using the formula: Sqaure root of (X2/ (X2-N)), the term N
represents: The grand frequency total. The term N represents both the row totals and column totals. It is also
referred to as the grand frequency total.

31. The correlation coefficient for Test #1 equals -0.89 and the correlation coefficient for Test #2 equals 0.79.
Assuming the tests are in different subject areas, the following statements are true: Both tests show a strong
correlation, The slope for Test #1 is negative, Y increases as X increases in Test #2
Untrue is: The scatter around the regression line is greatest for Test #1

32. Consider the SS and MS columns of an analysis of variance table for a single factor design. The appropriate
ratio for testing the null hypothesis of no treatment effect is: MS treatments divided by MS residual

33. In hypothesis testing if one stated a one minus the level of confidence risk, the statistic that would be under
consideration is: The alpha risk.

I-alpha risk = level of confidence:

I-level of confidence = alpha risk;

34. One use for a student t-test is to determine whether or not differences exists in: Averages. The student t - test
is often used to make inferences about population averages or means.

35. An F distribution resembles most closely: A chi-square distribution. The F statistic is the ratio of two sample
variances (two chi-square distributions). It should come as no surprise that it resembles a chi-square distribution
in appearance.

36. The following confidence interval calculations require the use of Z table values:
Large sample means,
Proportion confidence intervals.

A t value is needed for Small sample means, whereas two chi-square values are needed for Variation confidence

37. In multiple regression, extrapolation beyond the region of observation can lead to erroneous predictions. At
least 3 variables are involved in multiple regression. One is Y dependent variable and X1 and X2 Independent

38. In the regression equation y = mx + b, y increases with x in all cases: If m is positive. If m>0, y will increase
with X.

39. If the plating time of a tube increases as the inside diameter decreases, then the correlation coefficient for the
inside diameter versus plating time would be: Between 0 and -1

40. If the 95% confidence limits for mean mu turns out to be (6.5, 8.5): The probability is 0.95 that the interval
(6.5, 8.5) contains Mu. The 95% confidence interval is for Mu not X or X bar.

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41. As the scatter of points about a regression line becomes less, r2 will: Approach a value of 1. REf to formula:
r2= 1- (SSE/Sy2)

42. Given a coefficient of determination of 0.85, that means: 85% of the variability is explained by the regression
model. The coefficient of determination determines the amount of variability explained by the regression model.
The coefficient of determination is the square of the correlation coefficient, thus, the correlation could be positive
or negative.

43. In one way ANOVA, the SSE (the experimental error sum of squares) usually determined: By subtracting SST
from Total SS. In ANOVA, Total SS = SST + SSE. Therefore, SSE = Total SS - SST.

44. When evaluating data for goodness of fit to suspected distributions: The X2 test can be used for hypothesis
testing, In all cases, the data is divided into cells. Data in all cases is divided into cells for evaluation, using the X2

45. The level of significance defined as: The probability of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is true. The level of
significance (alpha risk) is the probability of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is true. In sampling, this is called
the producer's risk.

46. Valid reasons for conducting multi-vari studies are:

They generally capture a range of variation in a sample set

They identify areas to direct improvement activities
They identify areas to not look for trouble
They are relatively inexpensive to conduct

Multi-vari charts identify where and where not to investigate. Compared to many alternatives they are relatively
inexpensive. Unlike some forms of SPC, they do not use a single measurement.

47. Test statistic that must be known in order to compute a confidence interval for variation: is Chi-square value.
(See formula)

48. Given a coefficient of determination of 0.9, the correlation coefficient would be: 0.9487 or -0.9487. The
correlation coefficient, r, is a measure of correlation. If the data is perfectly, positively correlated, r = 1; if the data
is perfectly, negatively correlated; r = -1, if there is no correlation in the data, r = 0. The coefficient of
determination is equal to the correlation coefficient squared. If the coefficient of determination is 0.9, the
correlation coefficient is equal to plus or minus the square root of 0.9, which is 0.9487 or -0.9487.

49. In a simple two variable linear regression study, the term B1 represent: The slope of the line. Whereas B0
represents projected Y axis intercept.

50. If four inspectors were evaluated, for the detection or non-detection of a defect in twenty samples, degrees of
freedom that would be used to determine the critical chi-square value is: 3.
There would be two rows (detected and non-detected) and four columns (inspectors). The degrees of freedom for
the chi-square critical value = (rows-1) (columns-1) = (1) (3) = 3.

51. In a t-test, alpha is 0.05, therefore: 5% of the time we will say that there is a real difference when there really
is not a difference. A review of the t test and a comparison is required. An alpha or type I risk is the risk of
rejecting a true hypothesis. A t test is frequently used to evaluate the equality of two sample means: H0: Mu0 =
Mu1. If alpha = 0.05, the null hypothesis will be rejected (says there is a difference) when the null hypothesis
should not be rejected (no evidence of a difference) 5% of the time.

52. The fundamental equation of analysis of variance may express the idea that: The total sum of squares of
deviations from the grand mean is equal to the sum of squares of deviations among treatment means and the
grand mean plus the sum of squares of deviation within treatments. Total SS = SST + SSE ; Where Total SS =
total sum of squares, SST = sum of squares among treatments, SSE = sum of squares within treatments (error)

53. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to analyze the data gathered in an experiment. One-Way ANOVA
implies that this tool deals with: Independent samples, One dependent variable, One independent variable.
In a one-way ANOVA, a factor is being tested at more than one level. Consideration is given to testing one
treatment with independent samples. That is, samples are not correlated to each other and one response is

54. The results of a designed experiment are to be analyzed using a chi-square test. There are five treatments
under consideration and each treatment falls under two categories (success or failure). The calculated value of chi-
square is compared to the tabulated chi-square with degrees of freedom = 4

55. The non-parametric test that uses a t test statistic: Levene’s test. Only Levene's test uses calculated and
critical t values.

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56. The statistical test in which is two subtracted from the total number of samples to determine the degrees of
freedom is: Two mean, equal variance, t test.
Paired t test, Students t test, and Chi-square test, with known variance all require all require that one be
subtracted from the sample size to determine the appropriate DF.

57. Basic assumptions underlying the analysis of variance include: Observations are from normally distributed
populations, Observations are from populations with equal variances. The assumptions underlying ANOVA are
normal distributed populations with equal variances.

58. A test of significance using a given value of alpha is performed on the yield data from a process, using a
standard material and a proposed substitute. The following conclusions is NOT possible from this test: We have an
interaction between the two materials. One assumption made in an analysis of variance of means is that the
variables are independent (that no interaction between the two materials occurs).

Possible conclusions are: The standard material is better than the substitute material, The probability of type I
error is alpha, The sample size is too small to detect the difference necessary to justify a material change.

59. A null hypothesis requires several assumptions, a basic one of which is: The variables are independent. It is
desirable that the sample size be adequate, but sufficient information may not be available to determine an
adequate sample size before testing. One assumption made in the analysis of variance of means is that the
variables are independent.

60. The inference test that does not require some knowledge of a test or population variation is: Chi-square test.
However t test, Paired t test, z test require population or sample variance (or standard deviation) except the chi-
square test.

61. Statistical analysis estimates population parameters from: Samples.

Statistical analysis estimates population parameters from sample data. Analysis of an entire population achieves
the same end as statistical analysis, but with much more work (depending upon the population size). A group
observation could be a sample, but the term is restrictive and not normally used in this context. Stratifying a
population is a technique for obtaining better data with less sampling.

62. The nonparametric tests that doesn't make a ranking evaluation by comparison with a critical value of chi-
square is: Spearman Rank correlation coefficient. Where as Mood's median test, Kendall Coefficient of
concordance and Kruskal - Wallis test require a X2 ChiSquare test. The Spearman rank correlation coefficient
requires the determination of a r(s) value.

63. All multi-vari charts would initially plot a measurement for: Positional

64. The coefficient of correlation, r, has following characteristics:

r will have the same sign as B1

r equals 0, when B1 =0
When r equals 1, B1 is positive

65. Tremendous advances had been made in the quality of an electronic component, produced in quantities of one
million units per year. Last year only six defectives were discovered. A further improvement was made. The plant
manager asked the master black belt to run a 100,000 unit trial to determine with 95% confidence if the rate had
been lowered by 2 DPMO. The master black belts response would be: It can’t be done with 100,000 units. Because,
To prove that a true improvement of 33% has occurred, more than a year\'92s production must be evaluated. The
question author calculates that 5-6 million units must be examined. Increasing the interval of interest or lowering
the confidence level will help a little, but millions of units will still be required. A rough calculation indicates that
approximately 5.76 million units must be sampled.

66. When the data for a goodness of fit test has been structured into effective cells for a chi square calculation. The
distributions that loses the most degrees of freedom is: Normal
Normal= n-3
Poisson= n-2
Binomial= n-2
Uniform= n-1

67. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) is the usual test for experiments involving several treatments at various
levels. A reason for the use of ANOVA for significance testing is: Equality of sample means can be tested by
comparing sample variances. Sir Ronald Fisher developed the technique to determine if the within treatment
variation is significant in comparison to the treatment means.

68. From a statistical standpoint, the sample size for hypothesis testing depends on: The required type I and type
II risks, The minimum population shift of interest, The variations in the population of interest.

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The cost of taking a sample: not considered for statistical standpoint.

69. The principal advantage of multi-vari charting is: It assists in the breakdown of components of variation. The
principle reason behind multi-vari charting is to breakdown the variation into components, such as positional,
cyclical, and temporal, so that improvements can be made.

70. Two of the three major areas of variation classifications when using a multi-vari chart are: Cyclical and
Temporal. The three major variation identification areas in multi-vari studies are positional, cyclical, and temporal.
Piece to piece variation is a form of cyclical variation. Across width is a form of positional variation.

71. The difference between setting alpha equal to 0.05 and alpha equal to 0.01 in hypothesis testing is: With alpha
equal to 0.05, we are more willing to risk a type I error.
An alpha or type I risk is the risk of rejecting a true hypothesis. When moving from an alpha of 0.01 to 0.05 ( 99
% assurance to 95% assurance), we are more willing to accept a type I error.

72. Extrapolation is a method of prediction which involves primarily: Engineering judgment

73. Confidence intervals:

Confidence intervals decrease in width as the sample size increases,
Confidence intervals are not always symmetrical
Confidence intervals for the mean are independent of the population distribution if the sample size is large

Confidence intervals for the mean are usually the only confidence intervals that are symmetrical. Other confidence
intervals, such as those for the variance are not.

74. When making inferences about a population variance based on a single sample from that population, the
distribution used is: Chi-square.
The t distribution pertains to a comparison of means. The F distribution is the ratio of two sample variances. The
chi-square distribution is used to compare a sample variance with a known, same population variance.

75. The following is a valid null hypothesis: Mu=110, Not a valid Ho are: p > 1/8, mu < 98, The mean of
population A is not equal to the mean of population B.
A statistical hypothesis test determines if there is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis at a given
significance level. The null hypothesis must contain an equal sign. For example, when testing, if two populations
have the same mean, the assumption is that the populations have equal means, and data is collected in an attempt
to reject this hypothesis. If the hypothesis is not accepted, it does not mean the means of the two populations are
equal, but that there is not sufficient evidence to reject the hypothesis. For example, a sample size of 5 may be
sufficient to reject the null hypothesis that jockeys and basketball players have the same height. A much larger
sample size would be required to reject the null hypothesis that basketball players in the United States are the
same height as basketball players in Europe. Also, unless the 2 populations are exactly the same, the null
hypothesis can be rejected if enough data is collected.

76. A correlation problem: Considers the joint variation of two measurements, neither of which is restricted by the
After regression analysis, the dependent variable can then be predicted for various levels of the independent

77. In a single factor analysis of variance, the assumption of homogeneity of variances applies to: The variances
within the treatment groups.
An underlying assumption in any analysis of variance of means is that homogeneity of variance applies to the
variation within each factor (treatment). Statistical tests exist to test this homogeneity, but in ANOVA, the
assumption is that the natural variation within each factor is the same.

78. The correlation coefficient, r, is a measure of correlation. If the data is perfectly, positively correlated, r = 1; if
the data is perfectly, negatively correlated; r = -1. If there is no correlation in the data, then r = 0. The
coefficient of determination is equal to the correlation coefficient squared. In the figure r is negative because as
the variable on the x -axis increases, the variable on the y-axis decreases. However, the coefficient of
determination is the square of a negative number, which is positive. Thus, the coefficient of determination must be
greater than the correlation coefficient.

79. Non-parametric techniques:

No assumption of a population distribution is made,
They are useful in solving many engineering problems,
Many of these tests require data ranking.

Non-parametric tests are generally much less powerful that corresponding parametric tests and therefore require
more data. The other items.

80. Ratios of two variances drawn from the same normal population are described by: F distribution.

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The F statistic is the ratio of two sample variances (two chi-square distributions). The assumption is that the
variances are drawn from a normal distribution.

81. In determining a process average fraction defective using inductive or inferential statistics, we would be using:
Statistics, computed from samples, to make inferences about populations. In inferential statistics, we are always
making inferences about populations.

82. A small positive change truly exists between a test trial and the current process. However, the sample from
the test trial happens to demonstrate a radical improvement. The type of decision would probably be made: A I-
beta decision.
A correct decision has been made for the wrong reason. In this case, a false null hypothesis was probably rejected
for the wrong reason. This is called a I-beta correct decision.

83. The following statements concerning statistical inference are true:

The confidence interval is a range of values which may include the true value of a population parameter
The point estimate is a single value used to estimate the population parameter
Estimation is the process of analyzing a sample result in order to predict the value of the population parameter

EXCEPT: The confidence interval is normally the statistical tolerance limits of the population parameter

84. The opposite of an alpha risk is hypothesis testing is called: Level of confidence. The opposite of the alpha risk
is the I-alpha risk, also called the level of confidence.

85. Most practitioners of regression analysis would not be surprised to find that: The r2 value is a smaller absolute
value than r.
The coefficient of determination is r2. The correlation coefficient has the same sign as the slope of a corresponding
regression line.

86. When plotting a multi-vari chart on graph paper, The metric is used for the vertical scale is: Variable data. In
multi-vari charting, time (or sample number in time sequence) is displayed on the horizontal scale and an actual
variable measurement is shown on the vertical scale. In most cases, there is some locational identification of the

87. The table that should be used to determine a confidence interval on the mean when sigma is not known and
the sample size is 10 is: t.
The F and X2 tests apply to variances. The Z table is used when the population standard deviation is known. The
student's t distribution is used for making inferences about a population mean when the population variance is
unknown and the sample size is small (less than 30). The t test can also be used for any sample size. Ref to
formulae for CI.

88. When plotting a multi-vari chart on graph paper, The metric that is used for the horizontal scale is: Time. In
multi-vari charting, time (or sample number in time sequence) is shown on the horizontal scale and a variable
measurement (usually with locational identification) is shown on the vertical scale.

89. The regression statements is NOT true: The lower the correlation coefficient the lower the correlation. Because,
The correlation coefficient, r, is a measure of correlation. If the data is perfectly, positively correlated, r = 1; if the
data is perfectly, negatively correlated; r = -1, if there is no correlation in the data, r = 0. Thus, it is incorrect to
say that the lower the correlation coefficient the lower the correlation. This statement is true if r is positive, but
false if r is negative.

90. One-way analysis of variance is most similar in its objectives to: A test for equality of two population means.
One way means one factor. Inference about a population using a single sample mean is determined using either a
Z or t test. An F test comparing two population means is equivalent to a student's t test. An F test with one
degree of freedom in the numerator is equal to t.

91. The test used for testing significance in an analysis of variance table is the: F test.
The t and F tests are used for single sample means. The Chi-square test evaluates sample variances. In an
ANOVA table, the between group variation is compared to the within group variation. The appropriate ANOVA test
is the F test. ANOVA is a test of the equality of means.

92. Components of variance can be developed for a One-Way ANOVA experiment. Generally, the experiment will
be based on a randomized model. The components of variance will enable the experimenter to determine the
The extent of contribution by each source of variance,
How much of the variance is due to differences in treatment means,
How much of the variance is due to experimental error.

An ANOVA table does not require a COV calculation.

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93. In the broadest sense, the following areas of variation in multi-vari analysis can include process time related
elements: Positional, Cylindrical, Temporal.
Obviously item (temporal) reflects time. Piece to piece or batch to batch (item cyclical) can also reflect time. In
the broadest sense, positional measurements also can reflect process time. For example, an extruded piece
measured front to back (positional) can occur over a period of processing time and contain some time related
influences, the same is true for positional measurements within a single batch (if separation occurs).

94. The factors that must be considered to discriminate differences in input parameters when calculating sample
size: Parameter shift sensitivity, Population variance, Risk size, both alpha and beta.
Population size is the only factor that is not a "must" when discriminating differences in input parameters. A finite
population correction is applied when the population is less than 20 times the sample size. Otherwise, population
size has negligible impact on sample size.

95. No change exists between a test trial and a current process. A sample size, that was too small for the change
(delta) of interest, was then collected. The type of decision would most probably be made is: A I-alpha decision.
In all likelihood, the null hypothesis would fail to be rejected. This is call a I-alpha correct decision. Even if the
sample size were sufficiently large, the I-alpha correct decision would be made.

96. If a multi-vari chart indicates: 15% within piece variation, 65% piece to piece variation, 10% over time
variation. The normal action sequence to reduce variation would be: Cyclical, positional, temporal.
65% of variation is cyclical, 15% is positional, and 10% is temporal. Generally, these areas would be approached
in priority order.

97. Tests that require a chi-square calculation are:

Goodness of fit
Contingency coefficient
Friedman test
Mood's median test

98. A correlation of +0.95 for two variables, x and y, means that: There is a strong linear relationship between x
and y. and Not that y may be predicted from x using the equation y = 0.95x.

99. When finding a confidence interval for mean Mu based on a sample size of n: Increasing n decreases the

100. A two-way analysis of variance has r levels for one variable and c levels for the second variable with 2
observations per cell. The degree of freedom for interaction is: (r - 1)(c - 1).
This requires a determination of an interaction DF for a two-way mean analysis and a comparison to the answers.
The degrees of freedom for an interaction in a two-way analysis of variance, regardless of the number of
replications is always (r - 1)(c - 1). The number of replications is used in the determination of the sum of squares
of the interaction not in the degrees of freedom.

101. Goodness of fit calculations for various distributions have many features in common. They are: They all use a
calculated chi-square test statistic, They are use data values structured in cells.
They all use data values structured into cells and require a chi-square test statistic (and critical value). The
unknown distribution is tested. The degrees of freedom varies according to the assumed distribution.

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