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STEP 7 Workbook

By: Marcy Neumann

Closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be!

© Copyright Marcy Neumann, July, 2013

“If there’s a will, prosperity can’t be far behind.” ~W. C. Fields

Welcome to your opportunity to self-actualize and experience the next culmination of your
hard work! Your Prosperity and Abundance are waiting for you as much as
you are waiting for it!

What will be the catalyst for you reaping the rewards of it all? How you show up when you
step up to the plate for yourself.

You may get tired of hearing me say this…you may want to shout and stomp your feet and
yell, “I am showing up! What more do you
want from me?” I see you and hear you, and I
understand you. This is what I mean...

This HeartShift processing is an ongoing

and necessary commitment to changing the
way you are in the world. As you know, it is
an incredibly powerful tool for self-discovery
and self-improvement, and of course, self-

Like anything else however, its results are

dependent on what you put into it. In fact,
let’s just cut to the chase…your results are dependent are on what you put into YOU! How
are you stepping up to the plate for you?

So, here are my questions to you…what are you putting into you?

What are you eating? (yes, you are what you eat)_______________________________

What are you drinking?_______________________________________________________

What are you breathing?______________________________________________________

What are you reading?________________________________________________________

What are you listening to?____________________________________________________

What are you wearing?_______________________________________________________

How are you getting your physical exercise?____________________________________

Who are you surrounding yourself with?_______________________________________

What are the emotional situations you are putting yourself into? _________________


What are the mental struggles you are giving in to?_____________________________


Who are you choosing to give your energy to?_ _________________________________

Who are you choosing to give your time and attentions to?_______________________

Who are you giving you love to? _ _____________________________________________

Are you honoring you, cherishing you and supporting the true you?_______________


How are you creating more space in your life to receive what it on its way to you?_


The following pages of this month’s workbook will be stepping

up the game. It will take you deeper, it will ask more of you, it
will lead you into new territory, it will teach you more and it will
challenge you more.

It will also deliver you more, if you stay with the process, and
step up to the plate as grounded as possible, with a clear
vision of what you want, where you want to go, where you are starting from, and
a full on, totally in, I’m a ‘10’ attitude.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath of what you just read…How are you feeling right here
and right now? Breathe into being as present to the now as possible.

If your thoughts are rushing into the future, bring yourself back immediately with placing
your hands on your heart, and saying, “My power is in this present moment”.

If your thoughts are rushing to your past, place your hands on your heart, pull them back, tell
yourself, That was then and this is NOW!

What is coming up for you? What can you identify as in need of a HeartShift? Determine this
without justifying it, placating yourself, putting band-aids on it, or giving it permission to wait
and see.

Just identify it, observe it, treat it with the HeartShift it is asking for and give yourself a High
5 for doing the do, right here in this moment when you need it the most.

This will be a huge month for you and your self-actualization and the manifestation of your
Prosperity and Abundance if you stay in the now, give yourself the present of being totally
present in your life and stay committed to you…the real you, your true SELF…your Higher
Self, the part of you that is in pure partnership with All That Is and is ready to deliver All
That Is to you right here and right now!

So get ready to Let Go of

your unworthiness, being undeserving,
being incapable, having hesitation, having
procrastination, giving in to doubt, fear, and
any belief that you are unlovable in any way.

And, open yourself up for Letting In a passion

filled, purpose full, rich, overflowing, wealthy,
healthy, successful, powerful, self-actualized,
expansive, prosperous, abundant in ways not
even yet discovered, LIFE!

Now take a deep breath in, let it all out, take

another one in and get started!

Element: Water
Symbol: The Crab

This month is one of great potential as it will open numerous

opportunities to reveal the areas in your life that you are
pretending, hiding or masquerading.

There are some obvious answers as to why it might be in your

best interest to come out from your hiding place, but do you
realize that all of these conditions may be having you hiding out
from your prosperity as well? Or from you purpose or from your passionate expression also?

So what does ‘The Crab’ have to teach us about this? Remember, we are all things, so these
energies may very well be triggered in your life now as well. Have some fun exploring the
energies below, they will help you to create the conscious awareness that is necessary for
your healing and creation of new life.

But do so also to reveal those things about yourself that may have been hidden to you up
until now.

Remember...knowledge is power

And this is your time to become your most powerful you!

Before reading these, take a breath, breathing the energy into you and then release it out.
Bring your awareness in and determine:

What does it feel like?

Is it familiar?

How strongly do I feel it?

Where do I feel it in my body?

Does it have an emotional charge for me?

Put a check next to the ones that you feel the strongest and make a note of what you
have experienced.

Does it have a shape or form or leave a taste in your mouth?

Does it initiate a shift in your energy that you feel all through your body?

Does it feel good or uncomfortable?

Does it conjure up a memory of a certain incident, conversation, dream or daydream

associated with it?

Start the process now. Breathe into these and see if any of them resonate within you.

1. Moodiness/ Overly sensitive

2. Distrusting
3. Prone to emotional outbursts
4. Indecisiveness
5. Inappropriate humor
6. Insecure
7. Clingy
8. Self-absorbed
9. Self-pitying
10. Craving of attention
11. Fragile
12. Unpredictable

How have these energies influenced your life? Breathe it all out and re-center:
Breathe in and go through the same process with these, remembering to take a deep
centering breath and release it out before you read each one. Make your notes where you are
lead to:
1. Adaptable
2. Loyal
3. Empathetic
4. Dependable
5. Caring
6. Responsive
7. Protective
8. Good listeners
9. Devoted
10. Intuitive
11. Forward thinking
12. Nurturing

Stay in the moment with this process. It is very powerful and revealing. The more you can
remain present, the more you will learn about yourself and your authentic being!

Soon, you’ll know exactly what you have to Let Go of and how they are creating the
resistance to you having it all.

The Cancer individual can be filled with contradictions. Needy yet independent, adventure
seekers yet in need of security, loyal and dedicated yet untrusting, forceful yet calm, fragile
and temperamental yet powerful and focused.

They are the Zodiac sign of Motherhood and are

natural nurturers and still can be quite needy. A
Cancer friend is a friend for life and they have an
excellent memory, are very observant and read people
very well. It makes sense then that many of them are
Psychics and Intuitives.

Cancer is deeply sensitive and may be easily hurt, and

if threatened, will immediately crawl back into their shell. Betray them, and they will never
emerge for you again! Cancer also lives in the past, often holding past events close to them
and dwelling on the past. They have to learn to Let Go and Let In the present instead of
being stuck in the past and getting caught up in the nostalgia of what was.

How are these wonderful qualities playing out in your life this month? Make a note of them



Now ask yourself these questions:

Of these Zodiac energies that have affected me the most... How have they affected my living
in my Passion? Have they taken me closer or further away from being in touch with it, having
it and living it?




How have they affected my living in my Purpose? Have they taken me closer or further away
from being in touch with it, having it and living it?




How have they affected my living in my Prosperity? Have they taken me closer or further
away from being in touch with it, having it and living it?





What are you willing to Let Go of?







What are you willing to Let in?







Your Chakra Energy

Your Chakra system is the key for all of your vitality, creativity
and even your proclivities! As we have discussed before, it
is the Master system for governing your body and mind and
its purpose is to keep your Spirit free to continue to create
experiences that will keep you growing and expanding your
consciousness and connection to the ONE.

It is a banking system with 7 major vaults storing all of your

valuables. These valuables may be polished gems working
at optimum levels or, those in need of polishing as they have
become tarnished and unused. These valuables may also
include base metals or crystal fragments that are waiting to be
unearthed and for you as an Alchemist to transform into gold
and diamonds.

As with any other bank, your account balance is dependent on

checks and balances, debits and credits, deposits and withdrawals. In addition, just as with
your bank account, it fluctuates depending on the activity as well as the rules that govern
your banking system.

So exactly what does this mean? Your every thought, emotion, action, belief, like and
dislike, perception and fantasy has a frequency charge, similar to an electrical charge and the
average of all of that accumulation equals the frequency of the energy that you radiate and
then experience as it comes “right back at cha.”

All of these frequencies that are part of your personal equation, are the direct result of the
activity or non-activity of your Chakra system. In addition, they are also influenced by what
that specific activity is.

Any activity that feeds them with the high frequency light (creative) energy that fuels their
spinning and their metabolic processes raises that vibrational frequency as well.

What does this tell us? Feed the light! What is the light? In simple terms, it is your Spirit, so,
Feed your Spirit!!and you will feed your relationships, your passion, your purpose, your
prosperity, your health, and your whole life!

Your daily Spiritual practice is a huge part of this, (meditation, reading, listening, music,
praying), but so is your everyday, every hour, every moment conscious selection of your
thoughts as well. Choice (for the light) is the name of the game if you want to get those
Chakras spinning, metabolizing and manifestations mapping out in your new life.

Your choices that begin as feelings, become emotional responses, perceptions, then thoughts
and then actions, are the catalyst to Letting Go of whatever has been standing in your way
and to Letting In…giving yourself permission to have what is waiting for you!

Sacral Chakra - The totality of all of your
physical and emotional well-being!
Element: Water

Taking apart the word Sacral, we notice two things. First of all, it
infers that it is sacred or has to do with being sacred.

What might it be referring to? The consciousness of Love is the creative life force. This is the
energy that has created all things in the entire universe, which means that it has also created
you. The perfection through which all things are created, includes the perfection through
which you have been created too. You were created to be the center of your universe, and
you also have that same creative center within you as well.

What if you were given the task to make an abbreviation of a word that was indicating that
all is sacred…wouldn’t sacr-al be perfect? If you accepted that possibility then, you would
also be brought to the understanding that if all is sacred and it is pointing to a particular area
within you, then perhaps all that is sacred, is there..right there connected to your ability to
create as well.

And in fact, it does. It affects your reproductive organs, your ability to manifest your creative
endeavors, your birthing of new life…what could be more sacred than any of that?

Your Sacral Chakra is the center of creation within you. Just stop for a moment, take
a breath, and take that all in. In fact, close your eyes for a moment and visualize the
creation of the universe...your universe about 2” below your naval and 2” into your pelvis.

Now, breathe into it again…can you see it spinning and rotating and setting into motion the
full expression of you as Master of your Universe?

Can you see the ebb and flow of the waves of emotion rolling through?

Can you feel the sensations of your sexuality and pleasure flowing in
and out of those waves?

Can you see those waves of abundance delivering prosperity and well-
being and the fullness of your potential?

Place your hands over your Sacral Chakra and hold your vital life force
in your hands of love and healing light. Spend a few minutes just
breathing into that space and allowing the space to breathe back to you
the acknowledgment of your mastery.

We celebrate the Sacral Chakra this month because it is the home

of your prosperity and abundance and well-being on every level.
It controls how you live in this life..your appetite for food, sex and
pleasure, all of the things that feed us on our many levels of existence.
Here also, is the recognition of deservedness and therefore, your ability to create your own
prosperity and abundance in so many ways.

Allowing is crucial here but also standing firm in how deserving is your birthright both as the
creator and its child! The pleasures of life are abundantly
present here with a balanced and healthy Sacral Chakra.

And Letting Go of anything that prevents you from

enjoying life’s pleasures is essential work here. A healthy
Sacral Chakra is all about Letting In all that your beautiful life is waiting to bring you,
including allowing it in even when life challenges you.

Another aspect of allowing, is to allow yourself full acknowledgment and expression of your
emotions. Your attitudes about yourself and the value of your emotions are vital to your well-
being. Avoidance of the dysfunction that can easily be created here (which is hands down one
of the most life destructive patterns one could create) is of the utmost importance.

Remember, your body is a vehicle for your Spirit and your Spirit is set free as it is fed from
your source of regeneration and the free movement of creative life force within you.

What this requires, is that you are Letting Go of any need

to deprive yourself or punish yourself, beat up on yourself
or question your deservedness during times of difficulty or
challenge. It means recognizing and remembering that you
are deserving of pleasure and well-being regardless of what
is happening in your life at any given time. Self-deprivation
will only feed a sense of being cheated by life, worthy of
punishment, in need of judgment, in need of guilt and in need
of suffering.

Remember...Feed the light and the light will feed you!

This takes commitment and healthy boundaries and dedication
to your healing and creation of new life. Prosperity and money
and abundance is the natural evidence of a healthy Sacral Chakra because it screams ‘I am
enough, I am deserving, I am all that I need to be, I am full and continue to be fed by life
force creating life within me and through me!’

I believe also that this is an area that requires honesty and truthfulness perhaps above all

• Do you have any sexual issues that are in need of healing?

• Are you able to express your sexuality in a healthy way?
• Do you allow yourself the pleasures and sensuality of sexual expression?
• Are you experiencing any issues with infertility?
• Do you have any repressed or suppressed emotions connected to sexuality or
• Do you know where you are giving your energy away in your life?
• Are you in recognition that your energy, your vital life force is to feed and fuel your full
expression and expansion only and that you need to know how to replenish it whenever
it is diminished?
• What are you doing to maintain as stress free life as possible?
• Are you willing to Let Go of the responsibility of others’ lives and journeys in order to
assure yourself that you will have all of the vital life force you will need to live life fully?

Do you know that you are enough? Is there anyone in your life who would have you believe
otherwise? Do you find yourself inclined to have the need to do more or be more or contort
more to please them? What would this chakra have you do under these circumstances?

Medical conditions associated with this chakra are those involving the reproductive organs,
immune deficiency, low vitality, the pelvis, physical maturation, water retention, and mid

Your entire multidimensional health is dependent on that answer and your understanding of
what this chakra needs. It is dependent on your ability to follow through to provide its needs
as well as your willingness to allow its energy of pleasure and prosperity to serve you.

Your ability to love life is born here. Your ability to receive all that life has to offer is born
here. You, are born here, you bloom here, you grow here and you self-actualize here, as is all
that you desire to create in this lifetime is also born here as well.

So, close your eyes for a moment and think about what you have just read…

How does it pertain to you?______________________________________________________

How do you respond to pleasure?_ ________________________________________________
How do you express your sexuality?________________________________________________
How do you keep your boundaries? Are they clear and healthy?_ ________________________
How do you revitalize and regenerate your energy? ___________________________________
Do you protect your vital life energy or do you allow it to leak out or give it away to others?
Do you know that you are enough and that you are never required to prove that?
Do you believe that you are deserving of abundance, prosperity, pleasure and freedom?


“The key point to understand is that prosperity is an internal experience, not

an external state, and it is an experience that is not tied to having a certain
amount of money.” ~ Shakti Gawain

Take a moment to write about the direct effects that these energies have on your life now.
This is your opportunity to really get in touch with yourself truthful and authentic and
real. Remember…to be in your truth is to be in your power!...and it is your power
to create a different future...and to birth a new life!










Are you able to identify anything that is keeping you separate from having all of



How have they affected my passion? Have they taken me closer or further away
from being in touch with it, having it and living it?_ _____________________________


How have they affected my purpose? __________________________________________


How have they affected my prosperity? _______________________________________


How can you honor your physical body more than you have been?________________


How can you accept your need for pleasure and invite more of it into your life?_ ___


How can you shift your attitude and energy towards earning money and financial
decisions that you make?_____________________________________________________

How can you experience more freedom and joy in your life and foster your
deservedness for them?_ _____________________________________________________


What are you willing to Let Go of?_____________________________________________





What are you willing to Let In?________________________________________________





Seasonal Energies- Northern Hemisphere

We have experienced our summer solstice…how was it for you? Did you feel any shifts or
were you aware of any changes in your thoughts or desires?

Here in the Northern Hemisphere we are well entrenched in

summer. Even though our longest day has come and gone, the
carefree days of summer are the call to do more outdoors, be in
nature and get your requisite doses of
the sun.

What else do you notice?

• Are the colors of the sunrises any different? If so,


• Are the colors of the sunsets different? If so, how?

• What has changed in your diet? Are there different foods that you are craving?

• Do you have a greater capacity to stay up later or get up earlier?

• What are the holidays that you are experiencing? In the states, we are celebrating
our Independence Day….how is independence showing up in your life?

• What is the prevalent energy that you are feeling and responding to?

• Are any summertime childhood memories coming up for you? What is coming up
with them?

Can you identify the energy here?



• Are you responding to your summertime needs and making sure that you are
getting what it is asking for?

• How is the quality of your energy? Is it accessible to you?

• Are you in balance?

• Do you feel grounded or in flight?

• How is your relationship with your inner self?

Seasonal Energies – Winter- Southern Hemisphere

• Are your days getting longer or shorter?

• Are you feeling the effects of that? How?

How does it feel differently?

• How are you experiencing the climate


• How does your skin feel?

• How does your hair feel?

• What does it feel like to change your wardrobe?

• What was your experience of the Winter Solstice like for you?

• How have your sleep patterns changed?

• Do you have any childhood wintertime memories that are coming forward?

• Do you have any yearnings? Are you tending to them?

• Have you noticed a shift in the moon and the stars?

• What are the foods you are being drawn to eat?

• How is the quality of your energy? Is it accessible to you?

• Are you in balance?

• Do you feel grounded or in flight?

• How is your relationship with your inner self?

Ask yourself

How have the seasonal energies affected my living in my Passion? Have they taken me closer
or further away from being in touch with it, having it and living it?




How have the seasonal energies affected my living in my Purpose? Have they taken me closer
or further away from being in touch with it, having it and living it?




How have the seasonal energies affected my living in my Prosperity? Have they taken me
closer or further away from being in touch with it, having it and living it?





What are you willing to Let Go of?







What are you willing to Let in?







Your Energies
The Energies of Addiction, Free Will, Manifestion and You

Not only do you have the energies of the Zodiac affecting your characteristics and the
Chakra energies having a direct affect on your body, your health and your mind and seasonal
energies affecting your overall connection with the Universe, but you also have several
energies swirling around you, some more prevalent than others, but all have a direct impact
on how you’re living your life right now.

And if you’re planning on making changes, which I know you must know how these
energies can work for and against you.

These additional energies are such important factors in the Letting Go to Let In process,
that I’ve created separate ‘mini workbook’ supplements for them. Look for them each and
every month. Each energy is summarized as follows:


Foods, drugs, alcohol, exercise, sex, smoking, gambling, buying, accumulating are obvious
physical addictions. But repetitive thoughts, behaviors, beliefs, ‘states of mind’, that have
kept you in your place, separate from your true desires, and “stuck in your muck.”

Plain and simple… Addictions are created from an attempt to fill a void. Repeated patterns of
behavior that are believed to fill those voids. Addictions of any kind keep you away from what
you really want to experience. They are keeping you from being happy, healthy and whole.

They put a wedge in your perspective. This disempowers you and prevents you from even
being able to even see what it is that you need to look at.

Additionally, there are messages attached to addictions that continuously implant and feed
the very falsehoods that hooked you in the first place! See if any of these are familiar to

• You are in some way deficient, unable to determine what is best for you.

• Your behaviors are punishable, even so much as to cut you off from the
very energies of love that have given you life.

• These behaviors make you unworthy of love, unlovable, or undeserving

of love.

• You are incapable of partnering to co-create life.

• You’re dumb, childlike and untrustworthy.

• You believe that you cannot trust yourself, your gut feelings, your
intuitive messaging and yet, as long as you are distrusting of it, you
cannot hear it or perhaps even know that it is there.

• You beat yourself up over the addictive patterns you follow

Part of the Letting Go to Let In process is identifying addictions, negative repetitive thought
patterns and learning to change those patterns, to let go of the thoughts and of the behaviors
that have kept you from having the life you want.

Every Letting Go step has its own Energy of Addictions workbook supplement and you’re
encouraged to read and answer the questions to get closer to replacing the negative
addictions with postive patterns, behaviors and thoughts.


Free Will is the energy that closes the gap between where you are and where you
want to be. This energy goes hand in hand with the addictions that are governing your life.
It is important to note as I have in the previous steps, that Free Will trumps all.

Again, what this tells us is that if there are changes that we want in our life, we must take
the responsibility for making them if we want to enjoy them anytime in our near future.

The real issue is not the results as much as it is the exercise of it. It is a willingness to
put aside the expectations of others and to claim for yourselves what you know
is in your best interest..your highest good and then rippled out into the lives of others as

Free Will trumps all for a very important reason. It is the path that you must take to find
yourself, discover yourself and even re-create yourself.

Free will and your ability to take responsibility strengthens your character, clarifies your inner
vision, and creates your results!

Your Free will is the energy that takes your dreams and brings them to reality.

The choice is always, do you give your power away or do you empower yourself to be the
fullest expression of your being. Free Will Trumps All!


Every single step of the Letting Go to Let In Process utilizes the Energy of Manifestation. You
are manifesting 24/7. You really can’t help yourself! Remember, you are ‘hard wired’ already
to create everything you need, so aware of it or not, just like breathing, you are doing it!

Remember, there is no such thing as a random thought! Your thoughts are born of your
perceptions and your perceptions are born in your heart!

In fact, if you want to know ‘where your heart is’ (it’s frequency), simply take a look at your
thoughts. You will know right away.

What kinds of scenarios do your thoughts paint in your mind? You will also know immediately
what sort of adjustments need to be made in order to produce new thoughts!

The ultimate and most powerful shifts are created from the heart. Without your HeartShift
to change the calibration of the energy you are sending out, you will always fall short of your
goals and dreams. So opt for success!

There are 6 basic steps in manifestation:

1. Ask

2. Believe

3. Visualize

4. Action

5. Surrender (this may be a new one for you)

6. Receive

You may believe that each one of these is accomplished by thinking your way through
them. In actuality, none of them are.

In order to be successful, you must come from your heart space and feel
the truth of them…how you really feel about each step and determine if there is a
HeartShift necessary, then, you must make it.

It must be your truth that is asking, believing, visualizing, acting, surrendering and
preparing you to receive. That is the only ACTION necessary, as it will drive all other

Look at it this way...

The Success-oriented manifestation formula is based on

the creation of a conscious HeartShift

Heart Shift  Perspective Shift  Thought Shift 

Action Shift  Universe’s Response Shift  Life Shift!


You are an expression of the accumulation of all of your life

experiences, backwards and forwards, throughout all of time.
(past, present and future). You may be asking, how can I be an
expression of my experiences that I haven’t even had yet? The
answer to that is complex and yet, very simple.

You see, what the future ‘you’ is, you already are. You already
have all of those seeds implanted within you. How they bloom,
when they bloom, and the details of your blooming are of course,
up to you! But bloom you shall! You can’t help yourself!

Your life experiences have affected your personality, the way

you perceive situations, the energy frequency that you emit.
Remember, your personal energy frequency is determined
by your heart. Actually, by how much of your heart energy is
present, metabolized, accessible and available and of course, being utilized.

So what is the bottom line that determines your energetic influence

on the world around you, the success of your relationships, your work,
your health, and your happiness?


You have choice….no matter what has happened in your life, you always have the choice to
maintain ‘status quo’, fall into believing any false messages that have been created due to the
experience, or to utilize it as a springboard and take flight because of it.

The amount of self- love that you possess and actively feed and fuel determines your
available heart energy which affects your perceptions and then your thoughts and then your
actions and then…the life you are living! You can then make the HeartShift!

Creating the Heart Shift

“Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at
home and think about it. Go out and get busy!” Dale Carnegie

In order to create the HeartShift necessary to create a new frequency

that will draw new experiences towards you, you must be willing to Let Go
of the old frequencies that you have been working in

Within Each and Every Step of Letting Go to Let In -- It’s time for ACTION!

If you have been diligent in your work here, you have done an incredible job clarifying your
heartset and clarifying your manifesting mindset as well.

If you have not done the work, Stop Right Here! Go back and “do what needs to be done”

Do not cheat yourself as you have in the past! When you are proactive in creating your life,
happy, healthy and joyful, you will be a delight to be with, to speak to, and to learn from!

This is also a gift to the universe! Your new vibrational frequency will help to heal the world.
Its ripple effects are unlimited. So please, do what you came here to do. And do it to
your best ability.

There is a difference between trying and the power of commitment!

Trying is an empty word and that will be your results…empty. It carries with it a message that
you are not committed.

You need to re-set! and know that you will have everything you need to be successful.

Begin with this- exchange “I’ll try” to, “I AM”… Here’s a quick example. Instead of saying
“I’ll try to do this exercise” or “I’ll try to let go of the past to let in a better future”-- you
exchange “I’ll try” for

” I AM committed to doing this exercise”

“I AM willing to Let Go to Let In and I AM doing this starting today”

Anytime you hear the words “I’ll try” pop into your them with an ‘I AM”
statement. You’ll feel an immediate shift in some way. It may be small or significant, life-
changing or just changing your current mood. But removing “I’ll try” and stating “I am”
means you are committed to the process.

The HeartShift process begins when you’ve identified what energies, what frequencies have
had power over you, how they have had control over your heart and over your perceptions,
thoughts and actions…and results.

Review all your energy mini-workbooks. Identify those energies each month. Then make a
list of the most powerful ones right here.

This is your workshop and you are just going to reach for the tools that will enable you to
fix these pieces (and that’s all they are), perhaps fine tune some, re-calibrate others, and
perhaps may even be able to discard some as no longer relevant!

They no longer have the same ‘charge’. You may find that this has happened, because in
truth, you have already shifted your frequency from the one you started this course with.
Have you noticed? Take a moment..close your eyes, take a breath and tune into that. How do
you feel differently?
Identify those energies that are disempowering you...the energies that are no longer serving
a purpose to better you. It is important that you tune into each of these once again…one at
a time so that you know where it is that you are starting and will be able to recognize and
appreciate the transformation.

‘I’m so happy that I have identified these’ list:

Now I Can be Whole and in My POWER!

1. _ ___________________________________________________________
2. _ ___________________________________________________________
3. _ ___________________________________________________________
4. _ ___________________________________________________________
5. _ ___________________________________________________________
6. _ ___________________________________________________________
7. _ ___________________________________________________________

Next, make a transformation list…..This list is the opposite of what you have been
personifying as disempowered from the energies you have listed above.

I Want This And MORE list:

1. _ ___________________________________________________________
2. _ ___________________________________________________________
3. _ ___________________________________________________________
4. _ ___________________________________________________________
5. _ ___________________________________________________________
6. _ ___________________________________________________________
7. _ ___________________________________________________________


1. Close your eyes…take a deep cleansing breath and release it out.

2. Call in your audience…your team…those that are partnering with you and are here to bear
witness to your ‘In-Lightenment” and “In-Powerment”. These are your team…your guides
and master teachers..your angels, your delivery team to remind you how you are loved and

3. Make your Declaration or Proclamation to the universe. Use ‘I AM’ or It is my Free Will that
I transform the frequency of this energy of ____________, and release any of its associated
pre-transformational affects upon me. Remember to always keep your statements within
the positive forward flow of the energy. The ‘universe’ hears and receives and interprets
everything as a YES!

4. Take each energy that you ARE transforming. Visualize the equation necessary to transform
it. You may use the HeartShift Equation List for possibilities or personalize specific for your

For example: Selfish + trust+ nurturing + giving = Generous.

(If you are feeling selfish it is because you are fearful of not having enough for
yourself. You have forgotten the power of your Source to provide what you need
and that all is well. You have forgotten that you are safe, loved and cherished
and have forgotten to give yourself what you need)

Breathe it into your heart. Yes…no matter how ugly you think it is, there is
only one place where the transformation can take place. It’s the place within
you where love that has no judgment or conditions resides…in your heart. You
will know when you have successfully transformed it because it will no longer
try to escape (revert) from your heart space. When it is ‘on the run’, there will
be doubts that arise, an inclination to ‘spit it out’, or reject the possibility of its

Visualize yourself feeding the energy of that memory to the energy you are converting. That’s
right…give it what it needs! ( a novel approach I know) Does it need more? Does it need
something more from you? Just tune into it.

It will now tell you exactly what you need to know because…it now trusts that you will
listen and give it what it wants and needs.

Are more memories of that new energy coming forward? Are more memories of the old
energy coming forward? Are you getting messages of “you needy little baby!” Or, “You don’t
deserve this!?”

That means that this energy runs deep. Commit to giving it exactly what it needs.Feed only
the ones that you want on your, “ I Want This And MORE list”

6. Allow yourself to play with this process. Again, it may feel uncomfortable to be giving
yourself what you need.

Trust that you are doing the right thing…give yourself permission to reset at any time. This is
the beauty of it all. In the heart of Spirit, new life begins every nano second of our choice!

Use this list to formulate your HeartShift Equations

Compassion Nourishment Loving

Generosity Believe Inclusive

Kindness Resilience Open Minded

Tenderness Courage Honest

Understanding Endurance Truthful

Empathy Loyalty Faithful

Flexibility Strength Present

Accepting Approval Caring

Forgiveness Comforting Nurturing

Trust Soothing Giving

There are so many more…how many can you list that will be exactly what you need? Each
equation that you create, allow yourself to explore deeper and deeper what it is that you
need and add it to your list for future reference.

Now that you have created your HeartShifts, feel them out! You know the drill…use your
breath to unlock the inner recesses of your heart and mind. When you open your eyes, take
note as to how differently things look to you, sound to you, taste to you and feel to you!
Take note where your thoughts lead you, and remember you know how to re-set on a dime!

The more you practice this process, the more it will become an automatic response. In fact,
play this game with yourself!

HEART SHIFT EXPRESS: The game you put your head into
and discover your heart and soul!

Make a schedule to tune into your thoughts at regular intervals during the day.
(at least once an hour?)

What direction is that energy leading you towards? Will it take you to a true
YES? Or would it take you to a no, that the universe will interpret as a YES?

Set your new frequency with a declaration. This is re-programming yourself for
success and your body, mind and spirit will align itself for you exactly as you
need it to.

Ask yourself what is the HeartShift necessary that will create my new
successful thoughts?

How fast can you come up with an answer?

Time yourself! Be sure to smile as you are doing this! You are playing a game
that will make you a ‘World Champion’ Winner!! And you are on your way to
becoming a Manifestation Master! A Master of Heart Shift Express!

Is there a song that will play as the clock is beginning? Is there a song that will
play as you cross the finish line? Can you hear the roar of the crowd? Can you
feel the exhilaration of the WIN?

You are the winner because you have learned the only
Action that is needed to HeartShift your way
to joy, love, health and success!

You are on your way to completing Step 7 and unleashing your Passion, Purpose and

For specific energy and heartshift exercises, refer to the additional ‘mini workbook’
supplements included with Step 7. These extra supplements expand on this workbook’s
teachings. There are also practice exercises to help you get the most from your participation
in this program.

Until next time...

I remain your faithful HeartShift Coach and Guide: The Frequency Finder

Marcy Neumann

On this day of your life, Dear Friend I believe God wants you to know...
...that great and unexpected good is coming to you now.

You’ve been waiting for a shift in energy, and that shift

has occurred. All you have to do now is get ready to receive
your new-found good. Be on the lookout. It may come
at a time and in a way that you could not have
anticipated or imagined. Neale Donald Walsch


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