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Energen - Cereal untuk Tambahan Energi

Energen adalah minuman susu dan sereal yang cocok untuk menghilangkan rasa lapar. Minuman ini
juga mengandung karbohidrat, paduan vitamin, mineral dan protein yang dibutuhkan tubuh dalam
komposisi yang tepat. Rasanya ada beberapa macam seperti kacang hijau, vanilla dan coklat. Semua
sama enaknya tergantung selera saja. Kalau minum 1 gelas saja sudah terasa, seperti perasaan lapar
sudah hilang karena perut sudah terisi. Kalau untuk sarapan kurang cocok, tapi kalau lagi buru – buru
minuman cereal ini membantu menjaga kondisi badan agar perut tetap terisi biar tidak masuk angin.

Cara penyajiannya tergolong mudah tidak sampai 1 menit yaitu tinggal tuangkan 1 sachet energen
ke dalam gelas, tambahkan air panas / hangat 150ml, aduk hingga merata, minuman energen sudah
siap diminum. Jadi memang terbilang praktis.

Energen adalah susu dan sereal yang diperkaya sigmavit, yaitu paduan vitamin, mineral dan protein
dalam jumlah dan komposisi yang tepat yang dibutuhkan tubuh dalam fase pertumbuhan,
perkembangan dan pemeliharaan kesehatan.

Energen memberi nutrisi 4 sehat 5 sempurna yang praktis dan enak. Energen adalah susu dan sereal
penuh nutrisi, padat gizi dan berserat alami sesuai untuk menambah asupan gizi anda sekeluarga.

nergen is a drink of milk and cereal are suitable to eliminate hunger. These drinks also contain
carbohydrates, blend of vitamins, minerals and proteins that the body needs in the right
composition. It feels like there is some kind of green beans, vanilla and chocolate. All depends on
taste just as good. If I drink one glass only been felt, as the feeling of hunger is gone because the
stomach is filled. If it is less suitable for breakfast, but if another rush - rush cereal beverage helps
maintain body condition in order to keep the stomach filled not let colds.

Relatively easy way of presentation is not until one minute is staying Energen pour 1 sachet into a
glass, add hot / warm water 150ml, mix well, Energen beverage is ready to drink. So it is fairly

Energen is milk and fortified cereals sigmavit, ie blend of vitamins, minerals and protein in the right
amount and composition of the body needs in a phase of growth, development and health
Energen nourishes 4 healthy 5 perfect practical and tasty. Energen is full of milk and cereal nutrition,
nutrient dense and fibrous natural fit to add to your family nutrition.

Energen adalah minuman susu dan sereal yang cocok untuk menghilangkan rasa lapar. Minuman ini
juga mengandung karbohidrat, paduan vitamin, mineral dan protein yang dibutuhkan tubuh dalam
komposisi yang tepat. Rasanya ada beberapa macam seperti kacang hijau, vanilla dan coklat. Semua
sama enaknya tergantung selera saja. Kalau minum 1 gelas saja sudah terasa, seperti perasaan lapar
sudah hilang karena perut sudah terisi. Kalau untuk sarapan kurang cocok, tapi kalau lagi buru – buru
minuman cereal ini membantu menjaga kondisi badan agar perut tetap terisi biar tidak masuk angin.

Energen sereal dari MAYORA, susu yang tinggi nutrisi dan gisi dengan sereal yang lebih sehat dan
gandum, diperkaya dengan nutrisi lengkap, sangat praktis dan lezat untuk menikmati rasa lapar
antara periode makan. Tersedia dalam empat rasa favorit yang berbeda: cokelat, vanilla, kacang
hijau dan jahe.

Mulailah untuk hidup sehat dengan sarapan yang tepat waktu dengan menu yang mempunyai nilai
gizi dan nutrisi yang tinggi, rendah lemak dan mudah serta cepat disajikan sehingga sarapan menjadi
kegiatan yang praktis dan menyenangkan.

Energen dengan 4 rasa yang menggiurkan dri Mayora membuat sarapan Anda lebih berwarna dan
lebih sehat.


Energen is a drink of milk and cereal are suitable to eliminate hunger. These drinksalso contain
carbohydrates, blend of vitamins, minerals and proteins that the body needs in the right composition. It
feels like there is some kind of green beans, vanillaand chocolate. All depends on taste just as good. If I
drink one glass only been felt, asthe feeling of hunger is gone because the stomach is filled. If it is less
suitable for breakfast, but if another rush - rush cereal beverage helps maintain body condition in order
to keep the stomach filled not let colds.

Energen cereal of the labia, the milk is high in nutrients and Nutrition with a
healthiercereal and grain, enriched with complete nutrients, very practical and delicious to enjoy a period
of hunger between meals. Available in four different favorite flavors: chocolate,vanilla, green beans and ginger.
Begin to live a healthy life with a proper breakfast time with a menu that has nutritional
value and high nutrition, low in fat and easily and quickly served so breakfast becomesa practical and
fun activities.
Energen with 4 tantalizing flavors dri Mayora make your breakfast more colorful andhealthier.
(VEM / HDS).
6 Functions of Indonesian forest

Indonesia is one of countries with the largest forest area in the world and really need to do the conservation. It also
completed with a management of forests for conservation and ecological balance of the earth nature. Different types of
forests in Indonesia have the following functions.
1. Prevent erosion and landslides. The roots of the tree serve as a binder grain of soil. With no forest, no rain fell to the
ground but fell to the leaf surface or absorbed into the ground.
2. Keeps, organize, maintain supplies of water in the rainy season also dry season.
3. Fertilize the soil, as fallen leaves will break down into soil humus.
4. As an economic resource. It can be utilized as a result of forest raw materials or raw materials for industrial and
building. For example, rattan, rubber, and gutta-percha are used for handicrafts and materials of building.
5. As a dutfah plasma source for diversity in forest ecosystems that allow for the development of genetic biodiversity.
6. Reduce pollution to air pollution. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen needed by a living.
so keep the preservation of our forests because forests are the world's lungs.

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