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Kik Female Agreements set forth the terms by which Discord admins can use regulations developed by 
the warden/ruler. Kik Female Agreements are crucial for Discord admins to protect the time and 
resources they put into creating servers. By accepting these regulations, admins can retain ownership 
rights and (theoretically) control distribution while limiting others’ liability surrounding the server.  
Kik Female Agreements will vary based upon the nature of the server being made, but some of the most 
important causes address terms such as: females, perverts, arguments and Eric’s commitment. 
1. Can not share deep seeded issues concerning family, friends, and colleagues with one another. 
2. Can not share feelings of distress. If you possess those feelings, please abolish them at once.  
3. Can not start drama/arguments with other females within the servers. 
4. You must mute your microphone if there is too much background noise within the voice 
5. You may not complain about a situation or event in DMs if you’re not going to do your part and 
change it. 
6. You are not to get jealous at other partners the user talks to or is smashing. If so, that means there 
is a sign of emotion. 
7. Any signs of emotion involved on either party means a termination of this agreement. 
Castle Horizon may provide access to self-help services at your direction, but ​does not provide female advice​. Nothing herein shall be 
construed as the provision of female advice. Castle Horizon cannot and will not provide any kind of advice, explanation, opinion, or 
recommendation to a Discord user of this agreement about possible female rights, remedies, defenses, options, selection of forms or 
strategies, and nothing herein shall be construed as such. The information contained in this agreement is ​general​ female regulation, 
and a Discord user should not construe this agreement to be applied to a specific, factual situation. Use of the agreement contained 
herein does not create or constitute a relationship between the Discord user of this agreement and Castle Horizon, its admins, or any 
other person associated with Castle Horizon. The regulations differ in each server jurisdiction and may be interpreted or applied 
differently depending on your social media platform(s) or situation. As such, you should not rely on the agreement contained herein 
without first consulting Jason about your specific situation. 
The agreement contained herein is provided “as is.” You use this Kik Female Agreement at your own risk. Neither Castle Horizon, 
nor its admins, goons, trolls, or perverts, are liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages 
(including procurement of substitute goods or services, loss of use or profits, or server interruption), even if Castle Horizon has been 
advised of the possibility of such damages, on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort, arising in any way 
out of the use of or inability to use this Kik Female Agreement. Some server jurisdictions do not allow the limitation of incidental or 
consequential damages, so this limitation may not apply to you females. 
This Kik Female Agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties, and revokes and supersedes all prior agreements 
between the parties and is intended as a final expression of their Agreement. It shall not be modified or amended except in writing 
signed by the parties hereto and specifically referring to this Agreement. 

Kik Female Agreement

[The Warden] 

Date:  Signed:   
[Kik Female] 

Date:  Signed:   

Kik Female Agreement


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