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Design recommendations for reinforced concrete cylindrical storage structures for

aqueous materials'
School of Engineering, University of C~telph,Cuelph, Ont., Canada N I C 2 W l
Civil Engineering Departrrzerlt, University of Wr~terloo,Waterloo, Ont., Canada N2L 3G1

Civil Engineering Deprrrtmerzt, Q~teerl'sU~~iversiry,
Kirzg.ston, Ont., Canada K7L 3N6
Rcceived May 12, 1986
Revised manuscript accepted March 24, 1987

The design of cylindrical non-prestressed concrete storage structures in Ontario does not appear governed by any standard
or building code. Many aboveground water storage reservoirs In Ontario have deteriorated badly in a relatively short period
of use. Many farm silos suffer from problems similar to those of the watcr storage reservoirs. This paper is concerned with
the selection of the wall thickness and the hoop reinforcement for cylindrical storage tanks and silos for llquids or wet materials
where tensile cracking of the concrete is to be limited.
Three design criterla are presented. The first limits the circumferential tenslle stress in the concrete from lateral wall pressure,
shrinkage, and temperature gradients in the wall. The second is concerned with the tension in the hoop reinforcement and
guards against collapse. The thlrd limits the crack widths of the cracked concrete section. The most important design loads
are discussed. Maximum values for hoop tension are provided for liquid pressures. A design temperature gradient of 15°C is
recommended for design in southern Ontario. As well, appropriate values of shrinkage tensile stress are suggested. The collapse
limit state criterion must be evaluated for the hoop steel stresses due to the lateral wall loads. The limit state criterion related
to the hoop tensile stress in the concrete must be investigated for all possible load combinations of lateral wall load, shrinkage,
and temperature gradients. Reasonable load combination factors have been recommended. Recommendations on the tensile
strength of concrete and on appropriate strength factors have been made.
Key words: cylindrical tank, design criteria, hoop stresses, reinforced concrete, silo, standpipe, storage of liquids, storage
of saturated bulk materials.

La conception des structures de stockage cylindriques en bCton non-prkcontraint ne semble soumise 51 aucune norme ou aucune
exigence en Ontario. De nombreux rkservoirs d'eau en surface ont subi des dCsordres strieux durant une periode d'utilisation
relativement courte. De nombreux silos ont connu des problkmes semblables a ceux des rCservoirs d'eau. Cette communication
examine le choix de I'Cpaisseur de la paroi et du frettage dans le cas des rCservoirs de stockage cylindriques et des silos pour
liquides ou matCriaux dCtrempCs lorsque la fissuration du bCton doit &trelimitCe.
Trois critkres de conception sont prCsentCs. Le premier limite la contrainte de traction circonfCrentielle dans le bCton, causte
par la pression de la paroi laterale, le retrait et les gradients de temperature dans le mur. Le second tient compte de la traction au
niveau du frettage et prkvient l'effondrement. Le troisikme limite la largeur des fissures de la section de bCton ICzardt. Les plds
importantes charges de calcul sont discuttes. Les valeurs maximales de traction du frettage sont fournies pour les pressions de
liquide. Un gradient de tempirature de calcul de 15°C est recommand6 dans le sud de I'Ontario. De plus, des valeurs approprites
de contrainte de traction due au retrait sont proposCes. Le critkre d'effondrement B 1'Ctat limite doit &tre CvaluC pour les
contraintes circonfCrentielles causCes par les charges de la paroi laterale. Le critkre aux Ctats limites reliC i la contrainte de
traction circonfCrentielle dans le bCton doit &treCtudit pour toutes les combinaisons possibles de charges (charge de la paroi
lattrale, retrait et gradients de tempkrature). Des coefficients de simultanCitC de charges raisonnables sont recommandCs. Des
recommandations relatives a la rCsistance 51 la traction du bCton et a des coefficients de resistance appropriCs sont Cgalement
Mots clds : rCservoirs cylindriques, critkre de conception, contraintes circonftrentielles, bCton armC, silo, tuyau d'adduction,
stockage de liquides, stockage de matCriaux en vrac saturCs.
[Traduit par la revue]
Can. J. Civ. Eng. 14, 542-549 (1987)

Introduction Non-prestressed reinforced concrete design of structures ne-

cylindrical non-prestressed reinforced concrete structures glects the contribution of concrete in tension. The concrete is
have for years provided economical and containers assumed to be cracked under service loads and the reinforcing
for the storage of liquids and solids in mild climates. cases steel provided takes care of the tensile stresses present. How-
where the height of the silo or tank is small to the ever, tensile cracking of the concrete is not acceptable in many
diameter ( ~ i 1)~ bending
. in the wall dominates. H ~in storage
~ structures
~ ~if these are
~ to contain
~ liquids
, or saturated
tall containers circumferential tension controls the design. solids. For instance, there is evidence that freezing will cause
deterioration of the walls of water reservoirs until, eventually,
NOTE: Written discussion of this paper is welcomed and will be leakage results (Campbell 1984; Campbell and Kong 1985;
received by the Editor until November 30, 1987 (address inside front S1ater 19857 1986). In tower the presence Of cracks
cover). allows the acidic silage juices to gain access to and severely
%is paper was presented at the Annual Conference of the Cana- corrode the reinforcing steel.
dian Society for Civil Engineering, Toronto, Ontario, May 1986. The Ontario Building Code (OBC 1984) includes elevated
:T ET AL. 543

teria related to concentric and eccentric ring tension in cylindri-

cal storage structures. Loads that are typical of structures, such
as dead, occupancy, wind, and earthquake loads, are not
A Ground Tanks (G) Loads
r Standpipes (S)
The loads and restrained deformations that have an effect on
4- the circumferential stress in a cylindrical storage structure are
those due to the lateral wall pressure exerted by the contained
materials, including ice, shrinkage of the concrete, temperature
gradients, and creep of the concrete. A discussion of each of
these loads follows.
Lateral wall pressure
The variation of the lateral pressure with depth in storage
structures for liquids and saturated materials is usually known,
and the lateral pressure at any depth can be used to calculate the
resulting ring tension. Boundary conditions that restrict the
circumferential expansion and rotation of the bottom or the top
FIG. 1. Squat and tall cylindrical storage structures. of the wall affect the ring tension and cause the maximum to
occur some distance from the boundary.
water reservoirs as part of the jurisdiction but does not provide Away from the boundaries, a lateral wall pressure, w , in a
any special provisions for the design of such structures. Slater cylindrical container with a thin wall (D/b > 10) causes a ring
(1985) has described the poor condition of many concrete water tension T :
standpipes in southern Ontario, and indicates that design rec-
ommendations covering the design of these water-retaining
structures is overdue. in which D is equal to the inside diameter of the container if the
Little or no guidance can be found by designers of concrete wall is considered uncracked, and a value between the inside
silo structures in North American building codes, especially and outside diameters if the wall is cracked.
where it concerns performance in cold regions (CSA 1984; ACI A Portland Cement Association publication (PCA 1947) pro-
1983). Such codes include sections dealing with axially loaded vides tables for the calculation of the hoop tension and the
compression members but none with respect to members sub- boundary bending moments and shear forces in shallow tanks.
jected to axial tension except for shear capacity. ACI Commit- Figure 2 provides the maximum value of ring tension for taller
tee 350 (1983) does make recommendations for cylindrical and more slender tanks and silos (H2/Db > 15) with fixed and
tanks. These recommendations accept cracking and attempt to hinged conditions at the wall-floor junction. Figure 2 also
minimize the resulting crack widths by specifying an extremely includes a curve to determine the position of the maximum
low allowable steel tensile stress (96 MPa (14 ksi)). Klein et al. hoop tension, a H . In both figures the wall pressure is assumed
(1981) pointed out that such a low allowable stress for the to increase linearly from zero at the top to a value of pgH at the
circumferential reinforcing steel leads to the use of increased bottom, where p is the mass density of the liquid, g the gravita-
steel percentages; this in turn causes high shrinkage tensile tional acceleration, and H the maximum liquid depth.
stresses in the concrete and defeats in part the objective of the Lateral wall pressure may also be exerted by an ice cap
specification to minimize tensile stress in the wall. or ice cylinder within a cylindrical structure (Slater 1985;
The use of limit states applied only to the cracked cross Tuomioja et al. 1973). At below-freezing temperatures an ice
section of a wall in circumferential tension, proposed by ACI cap may form at the top surface of the contents, while an ice
Committee 350, allows the selection of the amount of rein- cylinder may form on the inside perimeter of the wall. Pressure
forcing steel. The limits placed on the maximum crack width due to expansion of an ice cap under increasing temperature is
affect the size and spacing of the reinforcing steel. The concrete concentrated over the thickness of the ice cap and causes both
wall thickness must be chosen in some other way; rules of circumferential tension and longitudinal bending in the wall.
thumb, related to depth of water, economy of section, and An approach to determining these stresses has been proposed
others, are in use. The authors are aware of at least one stand- by Kong and Campbell (1987). A similar approach may be
pipe with 3.5% circumferential reinforcing steel in the bottom used to determine the pressure, and related stresses in the wall,
portion of the wall! due to an expanding ice cylinder. Development of charts suit-
Jofriet (1982) has suggested that it may be possible to in- able for this process is underway at present.
clude tensile cracking of the silo or tank wall as an additional
limit state allowing the selection of a wall thickness. This Temperature
proposition is explored here. The major loads causing circum- During operation of the cylindrical container substantial tem-
ferential stresses in cylindrical storage structures will be dis- perature differences can occur between the inside and outside
cussed, load combinations and load factors will be examined, faces of the wall, during both summer and winter seasons. If
and design criteria will be proposed. The proposed load factors the temperature difference, AT, is uniform around the circum-
are based on a comparison of the loads on storage structures ference, the cylinder will retain a circular shape; tensile stresses
with those on buildings for which load factors are well accepted will develop on the cold face and compressive ones on the
and regulated. warm side. A constant temperature gradient through the wall
The paper is restricted to considering loads and design cri- thickness is a reasonable assumption for design. A linear stress
544 C A N , J . CIV. ENG. VOL. 14, I987

Fixed Bow

r PCA limit 1

FIG. 3. Radial tensile stresses, f,, in a cylindrical wall due to a

temperature gradient, AT.

The selection of the temperature difference AT for design is

difficult. The outside of the wall is subjected to ambient condi-
tions that, in most cases, vary diurnally and from site to site.
The inside temperature will be a function of the outside tem-
perature, the wall thickness, and the thermal properties of the
FIG.2. Maximum hoop tension, T.,,,, and position of maximum wall concrete and of the material stored. In addition, for fluids,
hoop tension, Z, in tall cylindrical tanks. Upper graphs for fixed-base, convective currents at the wall-fluid interface, and possible
lower graphs for pinned-base assumption. heat input to the contents, have an effect. As an added compli-
cation, nonuniform solar radiation and cooling by wind cause
the exposed face of the wall to heat and cool nonuniformly,
variation will result. The overall diameter will increase or de- leading to changes in shape of the circular reservoir and re-
crease as determined by the temperature change at the centre of sulting in circumferential bending moments.
the wall, AT/2, and maximum stresses, f,,, at the extreme Priestley (1975) carried out a study of thermal stresses in
fibres will be cylindrical water reservoirs in New Zealand. Thermal analyses
AT included the influence of solar radiation, wind effects, and the
[2] f,, = -E,a, *
water temperature. For a "worst summer day" analysis with a
diurnal ambient temperature variation from 10 to 32"C, Priest-
in which a, and E , are the coefficient of linear expansion and ley calculated a maximum outside wall temperature of 48°C at
Young's modulus of the concrete, respectively. a fairly constant inside temperature of 11°C for a 200 mm thick
The stresses in [2] act on a curved circular shell and cause a prestressed concrete wall of a water reservoir.
secondary radial stress, which varies quadratically from zero at Wood and Adams (1977) measured inside and outside wall
the outside fibres to a maximum on the neutral axis. For small temperatures of a 39.6 m diameter, 7.9 m wall height precast
ratios of the wall thickness, b , to the diameter, D , the maxi- concrete water reservoir with a 178 mm thick wall near Upper
mum radial stress is b/2D times the value found from [2j (see Hutt City, New Zealand. The measured peak radiation of about
Fig. 3). The radial stress is tensile when f,, is compressive on 800 W/m2 resulted in peak temperature differences of 18-
the outside face, i.e., when the outside wall temperature is 20°C. Typical maximum ambient temperatures were 24-27°C
higher than that of the inside face. and water and inside wall temperatures were 12-14°C.
The radial stress would be quite small under normal circum- Jofriet and Jiang (1986) measured outside wall temperatures
stances. However, if heavy concentrations of reinforcing steel of a 6.1 m diameter by 22 m high concrete tower silo with a
are placed in the centre of the wall this secondary effect of the 140 mm thick wall near Baden, Ont. The silo was filled with
through-the-wall temperature gradient should be calculated on 50% moisture content alfalfa silage. The highest outside wall
the net available concrete area. The resulting stress should be temperature recorded was 41°C on August 4, 1985, on the east
multiplied by an appropriate stress concentration factor (Peter- face. This resulted in a gradient, AT, through the wall of about
son 1953). A single layer of reinforcement placed at the centre 15°C. Similar differences were also observed in February on
of the wall is frequently used in practice. Such an arrangement the south face.
must be considered ineffective for walls subjected to stresses Reinforced concrete tanks will typically have thicker walls
due to a temperature gradient ([2]) and detrimental when sub- than those tested by Wood and Adams (178 mm) and by Jofriet
jected to a radial tensile stress. The use of a single layer of and Jiang (140 mm). This additional wall thickness provides
reinforcement placed in the centre of the wall should be greater thermal inertia and therefore moderates the diurnal vari-
discouraged. ation. For southern Ontario, a design gradient of 15°C for the
TABLEI. Tensile stresses in concrete wall due to shrinkage

Tensile stress (MPa)

Method of calculation p = 0.005 p = 0.01 p = 0.015 p = 0.02

Step-by-step analysis
30 days from casting 0.28 0.52 0.74 0.93
Step-by-step analysis
60 days from casting 0.39 0.73 1.04 1.30
Eq. [31 (A€,,, = 300 1 . ~ ~ 1 0.29 0.56 0.81 1.05
NOTE:f: = 25 MPa, E, = 25 000 MPa, curing time = 3 days

through-the-wall temperature gradient would seem adequate

for a water tank. Other containers must be analyzed, bearing in
mind the temperature conditions that might occur inside.
The temperature gradient through the wall will not be uni- in which f;(t) is the compressive strength at time t (days) and
form around the perimeter of the storage structure, since it is to is the loading age in days.
caused mainly by incident radiation from the sun, which is For each time step the shrinkage strain increment Aesh(t)was
moving relative to the structure. Jofriet and Jiang (1986) mea- reduced by a creep strain Ae,(t) calculated on the bases of
sured a maximum difference in outside-face temperature of a long-term creep function of 2.5ti0.Il8 assuming moisture
12°C on August 16, 1985, between the north- and south-facing curing.
sides. This nonuniformity in temperature gradient causes the Table 1 provides the tensile stresses 30 and 60 days after
circular cross section of the cylinder to deform into an elliptical placing of the concrete assuming a 3 day curing period. The
shape. A single finite element analysis of a 5.0 m inside diam- stresses are shown for steel quantities, p , of 0.005, 0.01,
eter ring with 0.6 m wall thickness subjected to a linear tem- 0.015, and 0.02. The values found with [3] using a single-step
perature gradient through the wall but a nonuniform one around shrinkage strain of 300 pe are also given. It is evident from the
the circumference indicates that the tensile stresses given by [2] values in Table 1 that the tensile stresses introduced by shrink-
are increased by about 0.8 MPa around the circumference. age can become very high if a high percentage of steel ap-
proaching 0.02 is used in design. With 2% reinforcing steel,
Shrinkage the tensile stress would reach about 40% of the tensile strength
Moisture loss from the concrete wall of a silo or tank occurs of 30 MPa concrete. The simple shrinkage stress calculation
with time, causing drying and shrinkage; 30-60% of this based on [3] using a single increment of shrinkage strain of
movement is not recovered even if the concrete becomes satu- 300 pe predicts stresses that are 4-12% larger than those
rated at a later time. Typical values of shrinkage of concrete calculated using the incremental analysis over a period of
specimens with an aggregate to cement ratio of 7 are 200 and 30 days. The simple stress calculation appears to be quite
500 microstrain for waterlcement ratios of 0.4 and 0.7 acceptable for design unless special circumstances exist. The
respectively, stored at 50% relative humidity and 21°C for 300 pe shrinkage strain applies at 30 days and should be in-
6 months (Neville 1973). creased to about 400 pe for shrinkage calculations over a
The internal restraint offered by the reinforcing steel as period of 60 days.
drying and shrinkage take place results in tensile stresses in the Creep
concrete. Additional stresses are introduced when the wall Creep of the concrete will generally have a beneficial effect
dries gradually from the surface inward. Fortunately, drying in reducing deformation-induced tensile stress considered in
and shrinkage are fairly slow processes, so that the resulting the design of cylindrical containers. The tensile stresses in-
stress is relieved partially by creep of the concrete. duced in an uncracked wall will be partially transferred to the
If a net increment of shrinkage strain, Ae,,, is assumed reinforcing steel, thus reducing the maximum value in the
uniform across the wall thickness, the tensile stress increase, concrete. The creep reduction in the tensile stresses induced by
Af,,, that results in the concrete can be expressed as the lateral wall pressure is probably going to be minimum (thus
causing a maximum stress) at initial filling. The value will
depend, therefore, on the initial filling rate. For example, an
in which Ec is Young's modulus of the concrete, n the modular initial filling 60 days after casting would lead to a long-term
ratio, both at the time the increment Ae,, occurs, and p is the creep function of 2.5 x 60-0."8 = 1.54 and using a filling rate
reinforcing steel ratio A ,/Ac. The Portland Cement Association of 7 days would give a creep coefficient c$ of (ACI Committee
(PCA 1947) recommends a single-step application of shrinkage 209):
strain of 300 pe at 28 days.
A step-by-step analysis for shrinkage and creep (ACI Com-
mittee 209 1971) was carried out for steel to concrete area This would reduce the effective concrete Young's modulus
ratios of 0.005, 0.010, 0.015, and 0.020. The time steps were to 72% of the modulus at 60 days. An instantaneous modular
1 day starting at day 3 after casting. In the analysis it was ratio of 8 would be increased to 11; the equivalent concrete
assumed that at time t (in days): section would be increased by 2.8% for a wall with 1% steel.
This would reduce the concrete stresses obtained from an
uncracked-section analysis by 2.8%, which is a fairly insignifi-
cant amount.
546 CAN. J . CIV. ENG. VOL. 14. 1987

The effect of creep on the temperature stresses is minimal in occur owing to lack of concentricity of the tank, variations in
the case of diurnal variations but should be considered when wall thickness, and moments in the tank wall due to un-
seasonal changes are considered for the analysis of an un- symmetrical heating and shrinkage. Reasonable limits on crack
cracked concrete wall. For a cracked-section analysis, creep widths are those suggested by ACI Committee 350 (1983):
reduction is not appropriate.
The effect of creep on shrinkage stresses constitutes a reduc-
W,,, < 0.25 mm for noncorrosive liquids
tion in concrete tensile hoop stresses. These were taken into [ 101
account in the earlier discussion on shrinkage-induced stresses
W,, < 0.20 mm for corrosive liquids
and the values in Table 1 from the step-by-step shrinkage where W,,, = maximum crack width. Both lateral load and
analysis include the creep effect. restrained deformations due to temperature gradients should be
used when applying [lo].
Design criteria Load factors and load combinations
This paper is restricted to actions that result in tensile stress The most unfavourable effect has to be determined by con-
in the circumferential direction in cylindrical storage contain- sidering stresses L , T, S , and C in [8] acting alone with
ers, and the design criteria that follow relate to these effects. $ = 1, or in combination.
Not included in the discussion are those related to vertical ACI Committee 350 recommendations (1983) for sanitary
wall stresses, the overall stability of the structure, and to the structures introduce strength design as an alternative to allow-
foundations. able stress design. The load factors presented are those used
Some concrete water storage tanks subjected to the type of for buildings but increased by sanitary durability coefficients
climate typical for most of Canada have deteriorated fairly (Gogate 1981) in an attempt to create waterproof structures.
rapidly with time as a result of ice action (Slater 1985). The authors consider that the use of these large load factors,
Freezing and thawing action increases the width of stress cracks which can exceed 2 for hydrostatic pressure, does not clearly
to the extent that leakage occurs. Also, vertical delamination indicate the possible limit states being considered. A more
develops in the saturated concrete wall. The Slater (1985) sur- direct approach is preferred.
vey of a large number of water standpipes confirms that rapid For [8] the authors propose, in the case of liquids, a load
deterioration has occurred in Ontario, especially with rein- factor for the lateral pressure equivalent to that for dead load,
forced concrete tanks. i.e. 1.25. Positive, foolproof provisions should be in place to
A design criterion is required to reduce to a minimum the limit the maximum liquid level or tank pressure. In the absence
development of vertical tensile cracking of the wall of those of such provisions the designer should consider liquid pres-
containers where leakage is to be avoided. Alternatively, the sures exceeding those associated with normal operation. For
concrete silo or tank can be equipped with an effective water- solid materials, including ice, the choice of lateral pressures
proof liner. A cost analysis can provide the most economical for design is more difficult than for liquids. The variability
solution. In cold regions, such as northern Ontario, a water- is comparable to typical live loads and a factor of 1.5 is
proof liner is a necessity if a water tank is not insulated. appropriate.
The Portland Cement Association publication for the design The calculated stresses induced by nonuniform heating and
of nonprestressed tanks (PCA 1947) suggests that the wall cooling of the storage structure and by shrinkage or creep of the
thickness of reinforced concrete tanks should be determined by concrete should be multiplied by the load factor of 1.25 as
limiting the circumferential tensile stress in the concrete. Many recommended in the Ontario Building Code (OBC 1984).
design engineers appear to neglect this concept, and the recom- Equation [8] does not deal with a life-threatening limit state.
mendations of ACI Committee 350 (1983) do not make direct It may be appropriate to use an importance factor, y, of 0.8,
reference to this procedure. similar to that used for low human occupancy buildings and
The maximum tensile stress in the concrete due to hoop structures. This inclusion of the importance factor with the load
tension effects, including lateral wall pressure, shrinkage, factors will not be suitable for all storage structures. The use of
creep, and thermal gradients, can be limited by the following, non-prestressed unlined concrete construction for the storage of
which has the same format as used in the Ontario Building materials for which leakage is a critical limit state is inap-
Code (OBC 1984): propriate and not recommended.
The load factors appropriate for [9] are identical to those for
[8] except for the importance factor. A value of 1.0 would
where +, = resistance factor for concrete in tension, r , = generally apply. Farm tower silos can in most instances be
resistance of concrete in tension, y = importance factor, $ = designed as low-occupancy structures, allowing an importance
load combination factor, L = stress due to lateral load, T = factor of 0.8. Potable water storage tanks could be classified as
restraining stress due to temperature gradients, S = restraining essential in a postdisaster situation and should be designed with
stress due to shrinkage, C = stress due to creep, and a are the an importance factor of 1.2.
associated load factors. The limit state considered in [lo] is a serviceability-type
To guard against yield of the reinforcing steel, and thus limit state and thus the load factors would be 1.0.
collapse, the following applies: Equation [8] includes a large number of load combinations.
The manner in which loads must be combined will depend on
the probable mode of operation of the storage structure. How-
in which 4, = resistance factor for the reinforcing steel and ever, some general comments can be made.
f, = yield strength of the reinforcing steel. Stresses due to the lateral wall load and the temperature
As a serviceability limit state, the reinforcing steel should be gradient across the wall depend upon the content of the storage
distributed in such a way as to limit crack widths. Cracking can tank. If the tank or bin is filled to a design level most of the
lOFRlET ET AL. 547

time, it would appear reasonable to design for the full com- in which f: is the 28-day compressive strength in MPa. The
bined effect of both the lateral wall load and the temperature values obtained from [ l l ] are 20-25% higher than those in
gradient. The effect of creep can be taken into account to get Table 3.2 of the report by ACI Committee 224 (1986). The
a reasonable estimate of the tensile concrete h o o ~ stress. If the moduli of rupture calculated with [12] agree well with those
content level fluctuates, it would be reasonable to assume a listed by ACI Committee 224. The direct tensile strength values
load factor appropriate for combining two loads that vary with are similar to those given by the CEB-FIP model code (CEB
time and the Ontario Building Code (OBC 1984) load combi- 1978).
nation factor of 0.7. In this case, creep should not be included. Standard CAN3-A23.3-M84 (CSA 1984) specifies a
Since an ice cap forms only at the top surface level of the strength reduction factor of 0.6 for concrete at the ultimate limit
contents, lateral pressure due to ice and to contents should not state. No strength or stiffness reduction factor is used for ser-
be combined. he maximum of the hoop tensions due to ice viceability limit states. The selection of the appropriate
pressure and to liquid pressure should be considered for all +,
strength reduction factor, , for use in [8] requires an accept-
levels where an ice cap may form. able value for the probability of cracking during the life of the
Shrinkage tensile stresses will develop before the tank or silo structure.
is first filled. For the design criterion of [8] one load combina- Considering past experience (PCA 1947) and allowing a
tion should consider shrinkage multiplied by the appropriate probability of approximately 3-5% that cracking will occur,
load factor. After filling starts, some shrinkage will be re- the authors find that a strength reduction factor of 0.75 is
covered and the amount of shrinkage remaining must be com- appropriate for direct tension and flexural tension. This is based
bined with maximum lateral load. The maximum combined on a mean to specified strength ratio of 1.2, a separation factor
effect depends on the rate of first filling, which is usually not of 0.7, a safety index of 2 corresponding to a probability of
under the control of the structural designer 0.002, and a coefficient of variation of 15%.
Equation [9] applies to a cracked-section analysis and hence
The authors consider that for a reasonably slow filling rate of
approximately 1 week to operating level, 50% of the shrinkage the yield strength of the circumferential reinforcing steel applies.
stress present at the time of filling should be added to the The strength reduction factor of 0.85 (CAN3-A23.3-M84)
stresses due to lateral load (L) $us temperature (T) with should be used.
+ = 0.7. The shrinkage stresses should be reduced by creep For the determination of crack width due to direction tension
(Table 1). for [lo], the work by Broms and Lutz (1965) is recommended
Equation [lo] includes two loads, since both lateral pressure over that by Gergely and Lutz (1968) incorporated in the ACI
and temperature gradient need be considered. The same load Committee 350 (1983) standard. Broms and Lutz recommend
combination factors, = 1.0 or 0.7, as were recommended for that
[8] are appropriate.
It is difficult to generalize concerning all possible load com- [13] W,,, = ~ , c d 1 6+ ( s / c ) ~
binations. Each designer should be familiar with the way in where W ,, is the maximum crack width, c is the cover to the
which the structure is built, tested, commissioned, and even- centre of the steel, E, is the strain in the reinforcing steel
tually used. Only then can reasonable decisions be made about assuming a cracked section, and s is the spacing of the hoop
load combinations and load combination factors using the guid- steel. For a typical value of c = 60 mrn and a typical spacing
ance of the available codes for buildings. of 150 mm, [13] limits the working stress in the steel to about
180 MPa at working loads. This limit agrees with CEB recom-
mendations (Walther 1982).
The design criteria ([8]-[lo]) are expressed in terms of fac- Finally, the authors recommend that an upper limit be placed
tored resistances. For [8], a concrete tensile strength is re- on the amount of circumferential reinforcement. Such a limita-
quired. The tensile strength can be measured in a number of tion would indirectly guard against high shrinkage and radial
ways, each leading to a different strength value (ACI Commit- tensile stresses if [8] is not properly applied or neglected. A
tee 224 1986). Common types of measurement are (a) direct limit of 1% of the gross cross-sectional area is recommended.
tensile strength, (b) splitting strength, and (c) modulus of rup- Such a limit would lead to a minimum wall thickness of
ture. The direct tensile strength is appropriate when consid- 575 mm in the lower portion of a 10 m diameter reservoir with
ering a predominantly uniform tensile stress across the wall. 30 m water height reinforced with 400 MPa steel.
This is the case with the hoop stress due to the lateral wall
pressure, provided the wall thickness is small relative to the Summary and recommendations
diameter (less than 0. ID). Uniform shrinkage and creep also The design of cylindrical non-prestressed concrete storage
give a uniform stress. The modulus of rupture is the applicable structures for the hoop stresses has been examined in detail.
strength when considering the differential temperature stress This review was initiated through the apparent lack of design
f,,. When combining effects from the temperature load with standards or codes that could be used in the design of concrete
a uniform stress distribution, the interaction equation is storage structures, and by the poor performance of some above-
recommended. ground water tank designs in cold regions.
It is convenient to relate the tensile strengths to the 28-day This paper is not an in-depth research of hoop stresses in
compressive cylinder strength. Raphael (1984) recommends cylindrical non-prestressed concrete tanks and silos. However,
the following for the direct tensile strength, f,', under static it reflects the experience of the authors in reinforced concrete
loads: design and behaviour, and with cylindrical tanks and silos in
[ l l ] f,' = 0.32(f:)~/~ particular. The paper was written with the intention of pro-
voking discussion. It is the expectation that eventually a design
and for the modulus of rupture, f:: standard or code may be developed.
[12] f: = 0.44(f:)'/~ The recommendations presented include three design cri-
548 CAN. 1. CIV. ENG. VOL. 14. 1987

teria. The first attempts to guard against vertical cracking of the methods to sanitary structures by F. Klein et al. Concrete Inter-
cylinder wall by limiting the tensile hoop stresses in the con- national: Design & Construction, 4(2): 58-59.
crete. It provides a first estimate of wall thickness. The lateral JOFRIET, J. C., and JIANG, S. 1986. Measured temperatures of haylage
load from the stored material, shrinkage, creep, and the various in a 6.1 m diameter silo. Annual Meeting, North Atlantic Region,
effects of temperature fluctuations are considered as force ef- American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Quebec City, Que.
fects in this first criterion. KLEIN,F., HOFFMAN, E. S., and RICE,P. F. 1981. Application of
strength design methods to sanitary structures. Concrete Inter-
The second criterion deals with a "cracked section" collapse national: Design & Construction, 3(4): 35-40.
limit state. Shrinkage, temperature gradients, and creep are not KONG,W. L., and CAMPBELL, T. I. 1987. Ice pressure in elevated
considered here. Finally, the third design criterion suggests water tanks. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 14(4):
limits for the crack widths and so provides a serviceability limit 519-526.
state in the event of cracking. NEVILLE,A. M. 1973. Properties of concrete. Pitman Publishing,
The paper includes initial recommendations on the mag- London, England.
nitude of temperature gradients, shrinkage, and creep stresses, OBC. 1984. Ontario Building Code. Ontario Ministry of Municipal
and on applicable load combinations. It provide's tentative rec- Affairs and Housing, Toronto, Ont., 0. Reg. 549184.
ommendations for load factors, importance factors, and load PCA. 1947. Circular tanks without prestressing. Portland Cement
combination factors, and for strength reduction factors. Association, Publication no. IS072D.
PETERSON, R. E. 1953. Stress concentration design factors. John
T o illustrate the recommendations, they have been applied to Wiley and Sons, New York, NY.
the partial design of the wall of a potable water standpipe with PRIESTLEY, M. J. N. 1975. Thermal stresses in cylindrical prestressed
7 m inside diameter and a maximum water depth of 30 m. The concrete water reservoirs. Department of Civil Engineering, Uni-
design calculations (see Appendix) are for the wall thickness versity of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, Research report
and the circumferential reinforcement near the bottom and at 75/13.
mid-height. RAPHAEL, J. M. 1984. Tensile strength of concrete. Journal of the
The implication of the recommendations in this paper is that American Concrete Institute, 82(2): 158- 165.
the design of trouble-free cylindrical storage structures for SLATER, W. M. 1985. Concrete water tanks in Ontario. Canadian
liquids or wet materials will require proportionally less circum- Journal of Civil Engineering, 12(2): 325 -333.
1986. Inspection, maintenance, repair and strengthening of
ferential steel and thicker walls than has been the case in some
above ground concrete water tanks damaged in cold region environ-
tanks and silos constructed in the past. ments. loth International Congress of the Fkdkration Internationale
de la Prkcontrainte, New Delhi, pp. 245-248.
Acknowledgement TuoMIOrA, M., JUMPPANEN, P., and RECHARDT, T. 1973. Jaan
The authors appreciate the helpful comments made by lujuudesta ja muodonmuutoksista (The strength and deformation of
Mr. W. M. Slater of W. M. Slater and Associates Inc. during ice). Rakennustekniika, 1: 233-326.
the preparation of this paper. WALTHER, R. 1982. Fkdkration Internationale de la Prkcontrainte
recommendations on practice design. Ecole Polytechnique FCdkrale
ACI. 1983. Building Code requirements for reinforced concrete and de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
commentary (ACI 318-83). American Concrete Institute, Detroit, WOOD,J. H., and ADAMS,J. R. 1977. Temperature gradients in a
MI. cylindrical concrete reservoir. 6th Australasian Conference on the
ACI COMMITTEE 209. 1971. Prediction of creep, shrinkage, and tem- Mechanics of Structures and Materials. University of Canterbury,
perature effects in concrete structures. American Concrete Institute, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Special Publication SP-27, pp. 51 -94.
ACI COMMITTEE 224. 1986. Cracking of concete members in direct Appendix
tension. Journal of the American Concrete Institute, 83(1): 3- 13.
ACI COMMITTEE 350. 1983. Concrete sanitary structures. Journal of The design recommendations are applied to a potable water
the American Concrete Institute, 80(6): 467-486. standpipe, 7 m inside diameter, 30 m absolute maximum water
BROMS,B. B., and LUTZ,L. A. 1965. Effects of arrangement of depth. The water level fluctuates with water demand. The
reinforcement on crack width and spacing of reinforced concrete design temperature gradient through the wall is 15°C. An addi-
members. Journal of the American Concrete Institute, 62(11): tional tensile stress of 0.5 MPa (estimated) allows for non-
1395- 1410. uniform heating of the outside face of wall by solar radiation.
CAMPBELL, T. I. 1984. Environmental loading in concrete water Materials: Concrete: fi = 35 MPa; E, = 29 600 MPa;
tanks. 1st interim report to Ministry of the Environment, Ontario. a, = 11 x 10-6/0C; eq. [ l l ] , f; = 3.42 MPa; eq. [12],
CAMPBELL, T. I., and KONG,W. L. 1985. Environmental loading of f: = 4.71 MPa. Reinforcing steel: f, = 400 MPa; E , =
concrete water tanks. 2nd interim report to Ministry of the Environ-
ment, Ontario
200 000 MPa.
CEB. 1978. Comitk Euro-International du BCtonlFkdCration Inter.. Two depths will be considered: the first is where the maxi-
nationale de la Prkcontrainte model code for concrete. ComitC mum circumferential tension occurs near the bonom of the
Euro-International du Bkton, Paris, France, Bulletin d'information standpipe, the second at 15 m water depth. The wall will be
no. 1251125-E. considered fixed at the bonom.
CSA. 1984. Design of concrete structures for buildings. National ( a ) Near the bottom
Standard CAN3-A23.3-M84, Canadian Standards Association, Assume b = 700 mm, H2/bD = 184, a = 0.89, P = 0.925
Rexdale, Ont. (Fig. 2):
GERGELY, P., and LUTZ,L. A. 1968. Maximum crack width in rein-
forced concrete flexural members. American Concrete Institute, T,, = 0.925 X 9.81 X 30 X 7.012 = 953 kN/m
Spacia Publication SP-20, pp. 87-117.
GOGATE, A. B. 1981. Structural design of reinforced concrete sanitary (uncracked)
structures - past, present and future. Concrete International: De-
sign & construction, 3(4): 24-28.
JOFRIET,J. C. 1982. Discussion of: Application of strength design (cracked)

Reinforcing steel applying [9]: aL = 1.25, y = 1.O, S + C acting alone is insignificant.

+, = 0.85 L + T + 0.5(S + C ) acting together: y = 0.8, JI = 0.7:
L = T6,,/AS
0.85 X 400 > 1.0 X 1.25 X 1055 OOO/A,
A, > 3880 m2/m
(20 M at 150 E.F. provides 4000 mm2/m) In summary, at about 26 m depth (&), a 700 mm thick wall
Equation [lo] limits maximum crack width to 0.25 mm. As- with 20 M at 120 circumferential steel each face appears
suming a cover of 50 mm: adequate.
(b) At 15 m below top water level
Eq. [13]: W, = 1055000 x60\/16+2S2 Assume b = 375 mm:
4 000 x 200 000
T = 9.81 X 15 X 7.012 = 515 kN/m (uncracked)

Reduce spacing to 120 mm, A, = 5000 mm2/m, and s/c = T' = 9.81 X 15 X 7.37512 = 543 kN/m (cracked)
120160 = 2: Reinforcing steel applying [9]: clL = 1.25, y = 1 .O,
Eq. [13]: W, = OS5 O0O X 60-
+, = 0.85
5 000 x 200 000 L = T/A,

Acceptable: use 20 M at 120 E.F. A, > 2000 mm2/m

Wall thickness applying [8]; try a thickness of 700 mm (15 M at 200 E.F. provides 2000 mm2/m)
Stress due to lateral load, L:
Check maximum crack width. Assuming a cover of 40 mm:
L = T,,,/& where A, = A, + (n - 1)A,
L = 953 000/(700 000 + 5.75 X 5 000) = 1.308 MPa Eq. [13]: W, = 543 Oo0
2 000 x 200 000
x 50-
L acting alone: y = 0.8, JI = 1, clL = 1.25, 4, = 0.75: = 0.383 mm
Eq. [8]: 0.75 X 3.42 > 0.8 X 1 X 1.25 X 1.308 Reduce spacing to 150 mm, A, = 2667 mm2/m:
543 000
Eq. [13]: W,, = x 50-
Restraint stress due to uniform temperature gradient of 15°C: 2 667 x 200 000
T = 1512 X 29000 X 11 x = 2.44 MPa =0.254mm OK

Add 0.5 MPa tension to allow for nonuniform heating: Use 15 M at 150 E.F.

T = 2.44 + 0.5 = 2.94 MPa Wall thickness applying [8]; try 375 mm

T acting alone: y = 0.8; JI = 1; a7 = 1.25; 4, = 0.75: L = 515 000/(375 000 + 5.75 X 2 667) = 1.319 MPa
Eq. [8]: 0.75 x 4.71 > 0.8 x 1 x 1.25 x 2.94 OK L acting alone: y = 0.8, JI = 1, aL= 1.25, +, = 0.75:
L and T acting together: y = 0.8; JI = 0.7; aL= a~ = 1.25; Eq. [8]: 0.75 X 3.42 > 0.8 X 1 X 1.25 X 1.319
+, = 0.75: OK
Temperature stresses are not wall thickness dependent:
T = 2.94 MPa
L T acting together about the same as before.
Shrinkage and creep:
Restraint stress due to shrinkage, S , and creep, C: p = 2 6671375 000 = 0.0071 1 same as before
L + T + 0.5(S + C) about the same as before.
Say drying period is 30 days; Table 1 provides an estimate for In summary, at 15 m depth the wall thickness can be reduced
S C of 0.38 MPa. to 375 rnm with 15 M at 150 circumferential steel each face.

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