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J.G. Carbonell and T.M. Mitchell
(Eds.), tochine learning, an
artificial approach. Palo Alto, 2.2.1 Tedlousness of Human Learning
CA: Tioga Publishing Co., 1983.
The first obvious fact about human learning is that it's horribly slow. It
Bib. 0552. takes decades for human beings to learn anything. It took all of us six years just
to get up to starting speed for school, and then twenty more years to become
WHY SHOULD cognitive scientists or computer scientists. That is the minimum some of us
took even longer than that. So, we're terribly slow learners. We maintain big
expensive educational systems that arc supposed to make the process effective,
MACHINES LEARN? but with all we've been able to do with them to say nothing of computer aided
instruction it remains a terribly slow process.
I can still remember, although it was 45 years ago, trying to learn how to
do multiple regressions by the Gauss-Doolinle method with the aid of a desk
Herbert A. Simon calculator. There's nothing complicated about the method except when you're
Carnegie-Melton University learning it. And then it seems terribly mysterious. You wonder why this gets
multiplied by that, and after a long while it gradually dawns on you. As a mat-
ter of fact you can carry out the calculations long before you understand the
2.1 INTRODUCTION rationale for the procedure.
Learning the linear programming simplex method also illustrates this point
When I agreed to write this chapter, I thought I could simply expand a and another one as well. Even after you've learned it. even after you've under-
paper that I wrote for the Carnegie Symposium on Cognition, since the topic of stood it, even after (in principle) you can do it, you still can't really do it be-
that symposium was also learning. The difficulty with plagiarizing that paper is cause you can't compute fast enough. I don't know of any humans who cal-
that it was really about psychology, whereas this book is concerned with culate solutions of LP problems by the simplex method; as fur as I know it's all
machine learning. Now although we all believe machines can simulate human done by computers. The human doesn't even have to know the simplex method;
thought unless we're vitalists, and there aren't any of those around any he just has to know the program library cookbook statistics, or cookbook com-
more still, I didn't think that was what was intended by the title of the book. I puting, which we all do most of the time.
didn't think it was appropriate to write about psychology. So human learning is a long, slow process. It should give us some pause,
When my chapter finally was outlined and written, it surprised me a bit; when we build machine learning systems, to imagine what can possibly be going
whether it will surprise you or not, we can leave, to the event. My chapter on during all the time a human being is mastering a "simple" skill. We should
turned out to propose a thesis to which perhaps the other chapters in this volume ask whether we really want to make the computer go through that tedious
will serve as antitheses. That will allow us to arrive at the great Hegelian syn- process, or whether machines should be programmed directly to perform tasks,
thesis that we all wish for. avoiding humanoid learning entirely.
Of course we might discover a trick: a method of machine learning that
was orders of magnitude faster than human learning. Whether such tricks exist
depend on whether the inefficiencies of human learning derive from peculiar
I must begin, after all, by saying something about human teaming, because proper lies of the human information processing system or whether they will be
I want to compare and contrast what is involved in human learning with what is present in any system that tries to extract patterns or other kinds of information
involved in machine learning. Out of the synthesis of that contrast in itself a from complex, noisy situations and to retain those patterns in a manner that
thesis and antithesis will come my thesis. makes them available for later use. The search for such tricks that manage to
escape the tcdiousncss of human learning, however, provides a strong motivation
for research in machine learning.

2.2.2 Learning and Copying None of the doubts I have just raised about computer learning apply to this
second application of AI. Anybody who is interested in machine learning be-
The second distinctive feature about human learning is that there's no copy cause he wants to simulate human learning- because he wants to understand
process. In contrast, once you get a debugged program in the computer you can
human learning and thinking, and perhaps improve it can pursue his interest in
have as many copies as you want (given equivalence in operating systems and good conscience. Hut what about those who have other goals?
hardware). You can have these copies free, or almost free. When one computer
has learned it, they've all learned it in principle. An algorithm only has to be
invented once not a billion times. . 2.3 WHAT IS LEARNING?
I've been involved a little bit in tutoring someone during the last few
weeks in beginning calculus. I think I know the calculus pretty well 1 haven't When I had arrived at this point ami surprised myself by writing down
used it much for years, but it comes back. Yet I find it terribly frustrating trying these notes, I asked myself, "What can we talk about legitimately for the next
to transfer my knowledge and skill to another human head. I'd like to open the three days, other than cognitive psychology?" Dut I looked at the names of the
lid and stuff the program in. But for one thing, I don't know where it is in my people who were going to be here and at some of the titles of papers in the
head, I don't even know what language it's encoded in. For another thing, I program, and I decided that a good deal of what we were talking about wasn't
have no way of transferring it to the other head. That, of course, is why we really learning anyway, so it was all right.
humans go through the slow learning process because we can't copy and trans- Let me elaborate on that remark. The term "learning", like a lot of other
fer programs. everyday terms, is used broadly and vaguely in (he English language, and we
carry those broad and vague usages over to technical fields, where they often
2.2.3 Why Machine Learning? cause confusion. I just saw a notice of a proposed special issue of SIGART,
with a list of kinds of learning. It's a long list, and I'd be astonished if all of
Contrast this with the machine learning task. In machine learning, the
the items on it denote the same thing. Maybe it is just a list of the different
minute you have the debugged program you read it into the computer and it
species of learning, but I suspect that it also reflects the great ambiguity of the
runs. The computer docs what the psychologists call "one-trial learning". And, term "learning".
as I've already indicated, what is learned can be copied ad nauseam. So, if one
thinks about that a little, one says, "What's all this about machine learning? 2.3.1 A Definition of Learning
Why arc we interested in it if by machine learning we mean anything that's at
all like human learning? Who what madman would put a computer through The only partially satisfactory definition I've been able to find is that learn-
twenty years of hard labor to make a cognitive scientist or a computer scientist ing is any change in a system thai allows it to perform belter the second lime on
out of it? Let's forget this nonsense just program it." It would appear that, repetition of the same task or on another task drawn from the same population.
now that we have computers, the whole topic of learning has become just one The change should IK more or less irreversible -not irreversible in the sense that
grand irrelevancy for computer science. you can't unlearn (although that sometimes is hard, especially unlearning bad
I have already qualified that conclusion in one respect: we do have reason habits) but irreversible in that the learning doesn't go away rapidly and
to search for machine learning programs that will avoid the inefficiencies of autonomously. Learning denotes changes in the system that are adaptive in ihe
human learning, although we must be alert to the possibility that such programs sense thai they enable, the system to do the \arne task or tasks drawn from the
cannot, in principle, be constructed. The difficulty may be intrinsic in the task; same population more efficiently ami more effectively the next time.
human learning, though slow, may be close to optimally efficient. Since we may want the same task clone over and over and over again,
I must also enter another caveat because you'll ask me, "What were you tuning a system so that it runs very fast is a great thing. Human IK ings seem to
saying in that talk you gave two months ago? Why were you talking about have some tuning capabilities, often called automating task performance. Dut
learning?" The caveat is: Even in a world in which there are lots of computers it more often, particularly in the university, we're interested in learning, not so that
still may be important for us to understand human learning. Artificial intel- the same task can be done over and over again, but so that we acquire the ability
ligence has two goals. First, AI is directed toward getting computers to be smart to perform a wide range of tasks (for example, solving problems that appear on
and do smart things so that human beings don't have to do them. And second, examinations, or performing similar tasks that may occur afterwards in real life).
AI (sometimes called cognitive simulation, or information processing
psychology) is also directed at using computers to simulate human beings, so
that we can find out how humans work and perhaps can help them to be a little
belter in their work.

: 2.3.2 Learning and Discovery this up with computers) most of what we learn we get from other people, com-
municated to us in natural language. A good many of the tasks that people have
There are relations between learning and sonic other activities. For one undertaken for machine learning have involved a natural language front end as an
thing, learning is related to discovery. By discovery I mean finding new Ihings. important part of the task. It is also a very annoying part of the task, eating up
Very little human learning is discovery. Most of what we know somebody told nil of your time and energy when you wish you were doing something else.
us about or we found in a textbook. At the very best we acquired it by working
out some very carefully selected exercises, which guided us nicely in the right 2.3.4 Learning and Problem-Solving
direction and provided most of the selective heuristics for our search. There can
be all kinds of learning without discovery, and there usually arc. Most of the Additionally, some things we might call "learning" could also be called
things we know were discovered by other people before we knew them, and only "problem-solving". I've heard "automatic programming" called "learning". The
a few were even reinvented by us. aim of automatic programming is lo be able lo say the same brief vague Ihings to
Nevertheless, there is a relation between learning and discovery, because if a computer you'd say lo a good human programmer in defining a task for him
you do discover something and it's good, you'd like to retain it. So, if you have and lo come out with a program on the other end. What the automatic program-
a discovery system, you would like (somehow or other) to associate a learning ming program does is not really learning; it is solving the problem of getting
system with it, even a simple memorization and indexing scheme. That doesn't from ihc sloppy ill-slniclured input statement of the programming problem to a
quite gel us off the hook. If you have a computer that discovers the proof for well-structured program in the programming language. This kind of "learning"
Goldbuch's Theorem or the Four Color Theorem, you don't have to have a could readily come under the usual heading of "problem-solving".
separate learning program, for you can simply gel the proof out of the computer Nevertheless, traditionally at least, (he tasks of discovery, of natural lan-
and transport it around on paper in the usual way. Out, it would be very con- guage understanding, and of self-programming have often been intermingled
venient if the computer could store the proof so (hat it could be used in sub- with, or even identified as. learning tasks. If you want to call it learning you
sequent work. won't get an argument from me. It really isn't learning but ...
One of the first learning programs for computers was the little learning
routine in the Logic Theorist (LT) (Newell & Simon, 1956). When the Logic 2.4 SOME LEARNING PROGRAMS
Theorist had the good fortune to prove a theorem in Principia Maihcmaiica it
had the good sense to keep the theorem around. On the next problems, it didn't I'm going to hack off one step further from my unkind words about
start from the axioms alone but could use the new theorem along with the machine learning and look at some "classical" examples ("classical" in the field
axioms. It wasn't any great feu! to program this learning program. It did what of computer science is anything twenty years old) of learning programs, to see
we teachers call (pejoratively) "rote learning" just memorizing. LT memorized whether they really justify my harsh judgment.
only the theorem, not the proof; but giving it the latter capability also would
have been a trivial mailer. 2.4.1 Learning to Play Checkers
In the Artificial Intelligence literature, the distinction I have been main-
taining here between discovery and learning is not usually observed. That is to The first that I ought to mention is surely Arthur Samuel's checker
say, a great many machine "learning" systems arc also discovery systems; they program |Samuel, 1959]. Here was a program that, in the morning, wasn't very
discover new knowledge that they subsequently retain. Most of the skeptical ar- much of a checker player. Hut after you switched on its learning process and
guments I have. raised about machine learning do not apply to the discovery gave it games to play and other training exercises, by evening it was a State-
process. Hence, I think it quite appropriate that a large part of the research ef- champion-levcl checker player. That is a lot better than any of us could do. So
fort in the domain of "machine learning" is really directed at "machine there's a very impressive example of a learning program going back twenty-five
discovery". As long as we arc not ourselves confused by the terminology, I do years.
not even see a strong reason to object to this substitution of terms. Let me submit that however fine this program was from an Al standpoint,
it only made sense if we really didn't understand checkers. If Samuel had un-
2.3.3 Learning and Understanding Natural Language derstood checkers well, he could have put the final evaluation function in right at
the beginning. (You may recall (hat he used two kinds of learning, but the only
So, there's a connection here between learning and discovery. There is one I want lo mention at the moment is tuning the evaluation function for posi-
also a connection between learning and.understanding. Understanding includes tions on the basis of outcomes. When gotnl Ihings happened, items that were
the whole natural language problem. In human life (and I'll try later to connect

heavily weighted in the evaluation function got additional weight, and when bad nets, alias indexes, is already pretty well developed, but someone may find a
things happened they lost some of their weight.) If Samuel had known the right great new way of doing it.
evaluation function at the outset, he would have put it in the program; he would
not have gone through all the learning rigamarole. It cost only one day of com- 2.4.3 Perceptrons
puting time, to be sure, but computers were expensive then, even for one day.
A final "classical" example (this is a negative example to prove my point)
It docs make sense to provide for such learning in a task where you don't
is the whole line of Perception research and nerve net learning [Roscnblatt,
know enough to do the fine tuning. We might think of this as an area of
I958|. A Perception is a system for classifying objects (that is, a discovery and
machine learning (or, more accurately, machine discovery) where we can get the
learning system) that computes features of the stimulus display, then attempts to
system to behave better than it would behave if we just sat down and
discriminate among different classes of displays by computing linear additive
programmed it. Nobody writing chess programs has had this feeling yet. They
functions of these features. Functions producing correct choices are reinforced
all think they know more chess than u computer could acquire just by tuning
(receive increased weight), those producing incorrect choices have their weights
itself. As far as I know, none of the successful chess-playing programs have had
reduced. I have to conclude (and here I don't think I am in the minority) that
any learning ability.
this line of research didn't get anywhere. The discovery task was just so horren-
So there arc cases where the computer can learn some things that we didn't
dous for those systems that they never learned anything that people didn't al-
know when we programmed it. But if you survey the fields of Al and
ready know. So they should again strengthen our skepticism that the problems
knowledge engineering today, you will find very few cases where people have
of Al are to be solved solely by building learning systems.
had the feeling this could or should be done, or have had any ideas of how to do
it. Nevertheless, this potential application of learning procedures is certainly one
further qualification on my general stricture against such programs. 2.5 GROWTH OF KNOWLEDGE IN LARGE SYSTEMS
I've already mentioned learning by the Logic Theorist, but that was just
convenience, unless LT had reached the point where it was discovering In the remainder of my remarks, I would like to focus attention on large
genuinely new things. If Doug Lena! had let AM (Lenat, I977J run for another knowledge-based Al systems, particularly systems that can be expected to con-
two hours as I kept telling him he should and it had discovered something tinue to grow and accumulate over a period of years of use. We may find in
completely new, then the learning would make sense, for you would want to such systems some reasons to qualify a general skepticism about the role of
save what had been discovered. learning in applied Al. Medical diagnosis systems like INTERNIST (Poplc, 1977)
and MYCIN [Shortliffc, I976|, and the venerable Dl-NDRM. program [Fcigenbaum
2.4.2 Automatic Indexing el ul., 19711 are examples of the kinds of systems I have in mind.
There's something to be said (again, largely on convenience grounds) for There has been attention (as in TI-IKHSIAS (l)avis, 1981] and other such
efforts) to designing an effective programming interface between these
systems that arc capable at least of learning discrimination nets El'AM nets, if
knowledge-based systems and the humans who arc supposed to improve them,
you like [Fcigenbaum, 1963). If you're building up a big data base and adding
and you can call that learning (or instruction). Most of the work has been aimed
information to it all the time, you want easy access to that information, and so
at making the job of the human easier. (Perhaps that's unfair, for it's a mutual
you want an index. It's a lot more convenient to have the system index itself as
job for the two of them.) So one might think of the man-machine interface as a
it goes along, than to index it by hand. 1 Or if you're building a large production
gotxl locus for learning research.
system and don't want to search it linearly, you're going to incorporate an indek
in the production system to select the order in which it performs the tests. There 2.5.1 The ISAAC Program
is no difficulty in automating that; we have known for twenty-five years how to
do it. So why not? To make my remarks more concrete, I would like to discuss for a bit Gor-
So there's some room for learning there. I don't know whether there's don Novak's well-known ISAAC system, which solves English-language college
much room for learning research, since the technology of growing discrimination physics problems of the sorts found in textbooks (Novak, 1977]. Although
ISAAC is primarily a performance or problem-solving program, one can think of
some interesting ways of complementing it with a learning program.
ISAAC has a data bank containing schcmas that describe various kinds of
'Dy "indexing" I mean building up a tree or nciuoric of tests sn that you can access a Uala stoic in simple objects that physicists talk about levers, masses, pivots, surfaces, and
ways other than by linear search.

;: the like. A schema is just what you'd expect a description list of an object But let's continue to talk about the AI side of it.) If we understand the domain
, with slots that you can fill in with information about its characteristics. In ad- 1 ourselves, if we understand physics, why don't we just choose an internal
' diliort, ISAAC has, of course, some productions and a control structure. representation and provide the problems lo the system in thul internal represen-
> When you give ISAAC a physics problem in natural language out of the tation? What's all this learning and natural language understanding about? Or,
physics textbook, it uses its schemas and productions to produce an internal if we still want lo give the system 11 capability of doing the problems in the back
representation of the problem. The representation is another node-link structure, of the textbook, which are in natural language, then lets build Novak's ISAAC
which you can think of as a super-schema made up by assembling and instan- 1 system. Why go through all the rigamarole of an UNDERSTAND program to learn
tiating some of the basic schemas. ISAAC will assemble some levers, and some i the schemas and the productions painstakingly instead of just programming
masses, and a pivot or two, and a surface in the way the problem tells it, and them? Before you launch into such a project as an AI effort (as distinct from a
make a problem schema out of them. At the outset it parses the sentences slat- psychological research project), you have to answer that question.
ing the problem, using its schemas to extract structure and meaning from them,
and builds its internal representation, a problem schema.
This internal representation contains so much information about the 2.6 A ROLE FOR LEARNING
problem that ISAAC uses a little subsidiary program to depict the problem scene
Since you have listened very patiently to my skeptical challenge to learning
on a CRT. Of course the real reason ISAAC wants this internal representation is
as the road to the future in AI, I think I should own up to one more important
not to draw a picture on a scope, but to use it to set up an appropriate set of
qualification that needs lo be attached to my thesis- a little fragment of the more
equations and solve them.
complete antithesis that the other papers of this volume develop.
Notice that ISAAC doesn't try to translate the natural language problem
I began by running down the human species emphasizing how stupid we
directly into equations, as Bobrow's STUDENT program did for algebra (Bobrow,
all are as revealed by our agoni/ingly slow rates of learning. It is just possible
1968]. It first builds up an internal representation what I think a physicist
that the complexity of the learning process is not an accident but is, instead, an
would call a physical representation (a "mental picture") of the situation. It then
adaptive product of evolution. The human brain is a very large collection of
uses that intermediate representation to build the equations, which it ultimately
programs thul cumulates over a lifetime or a large part of a lifetime. Suppose
solves. The internal representation does a lot of work for ISAAC because it iden-
that we were allowed lo open up the lid and program ourselves directly. In or-
tifies the points where forces have to be equilibrated and therefore identifies
der lo write debugged programs, modifications of our present programs, we
which equations have to be set up.
would have to learn a lot about the internal code, the internal representations of
2.5.2 A Learning Extension of ISAAC the knowledge and skills we already possess.
Perhaps you know how knowledge is organi/cd in your brain; I don't know
We can enlarge ISAAC by adding to it an UNDERSTAND program (Hayes & how it is organized in mine. As a consequence, I think it would IK exceedingly
Simon, 1974]. Now you're going to say, "Ah ha! ISAAC already has an under- difficult for me to create a new, debugged code that would be compatible with
standing program, because ISAAC can understand the problems it is given." That what is already stored. This is, of course, a problem that we already encounter
is true. But to do this, ISAAC must already have in memory a rich set of with our time-shared computers today. As we add new utility programs, or
schemas describing physical devices, and it must already have the set of produc- modify the monitors or operating systems, we encounter all sorts of interactions
tions that allow it to organize these schemas into an internal representation. So that make these modifications cumulatively harder to effect. At best, we encap-
ISAAC already knows all the physics it's going to know. While it understands sulate knowledge in hosts of separate programs that can operate independently of
problems, how about understanding physics! This would require the ability to each other, but by the same token, cannot cooperate and share their knowledge
use natural language information to construct new schemas and new productions. effectively. Old programs do not learn, they simply lade away. So do human
This is what the UNDERSTAND program docs not for physics, but for slightly beings, their umlcbuggable programs replaced by younger, possibly less tangled,
simpler domains. UNDERSTAND creates, from the natural language, schemas for ones in other human he ails. But at least until the stale of uiulebuggability is
the kinds of objects being talked about and their relations. (In fact, Novak is reached, human programs arc modified adaptively and repeatedly by learning
presently exploring similar lines of investigation.) processes that don't require a knowledge of the internal representation.
What I want to ask about this whole amalgam of ISAAC and UNDERSTAND It may be that for this kind of system (a human brain or the memory of a
is, what is the place here for learning research in AI? (I know what the place is very large lime-shared computing system) the only way to bring about continual
here for learning research in psychology. I think this is a very important area. modification and improvement of the program is by means of learning

procedures that don'l involve knowing the detail of the internal languages and 5. My final priority is research on discovery programs programs thai dis-
programs. Il is a salient characteristic of human learning procedures that neither cover new things. We may regard discovery itself as a form of learning,
teacher nor learner has a detailed knowledge of the internal representation or data but in addition we will want to give a discovery system learning
or process. It may turn out that there aren't procedures more efficient than these capabilities because we will want il to preserve and to be able to use all
very slow ones that human beings use. That's just a speculation, but we ought the new things it finds.
to face the grim possibilities as well as the cheery possibilities in the world. So now, I guess. I have come full circle, and have made a strong case for
Even if we had to accomplish our complex programming in this indirect machine learning. Dili I do not think the effort in addressing my initial skep-
way, through learning, computers still would huve a compensation the costless ticism has been wasted. Research done in the right area for the wrong reasons
copying mechanism that is not shared by human beings. Only one computer seldom achieves ils goals. To do good research on machine learning, we must
would have to learn; not every one would have to go to school. have clear targets to aim at. In my view, the usual reasons given for AI learning
research are too vague to provide good targets, and do not discriminate with suf-
ficient care the learning requirements for people and computers, respectively.
Perhaps the deepest legitimate reason for doing machine learning research
By now you are aware that my case against AI research in learning is a is that, in the long HIM for big knowledge-based systems, learning will turn out
very qualified case with several important exceptions exceptions you may be to be more efficient than programming, however inefficient such learning is.
able to stretch until they become the rule. Let me put the matter in a positive Gaining a deeper understanding of human learning will continue to provide im-
way, and rephrase these exceptions as priorities for learning research. They are portant clues about what to imitate and what to avoid in machine learning
five in number. programs. II* this is true, (hen it follows that among the most important kinds of
learning research to carry out in AI arc those that are oriented toward under-
1. I would give a very high priority to research aimed at simulating, and
standing human learning. Mere as elsewhere. Man seems to be the measure of
thereby understanding, human learning. It may IK objected that such
all things.
research is not AI but cognitive psychology or cognitive science or some-
thing else. I don't really care what it is called; il is of the greatest impor-
tance that we deepen our understanding of human learning, and the AI ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
community possesses a large share of the talent that can advance us toward
this goal. This research was supported by Research Grant MH-07722 from the Na-
2. I would give a high priority, also, to basic research aimed at understanding tional Institute of Mental Health, anil a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foun-
why human learning is so slow and inefficient, and correspondingly, at ex- dation.
amining the possibility mat machine learning schemes can be devised that
will avoid, for machines as well as people, some of the tediousness of
3. I would give a high priority to research on the natural language interface Bobrow, D. G., "Natural language input ftw a computer problem-solving system," Semantic Infor-
between computer systems and human users. Again, it does not matter HMtitnt /Yfwx.vfnx. Minsky, M. (Ed.), MIT I'tcss, Cambridge. MA. 1968.
whclhcr you call il research on learning or research on understanding. We l)avi\, K., "Applications of mola level knowledge to llte coiiMiuclion and use of large knowledge
do want systems, particularly in the knowledge engineering area, in which bases," KnowletlKt-lttixeil Syxtemx in Artijidnl Intellixrncf, Da vis. R. and t.cnat, D. (lids.),
we don't have to know the internal language or representation in order to McGraw-llill Hook Company. New Yoik. NY. 1981.
interact with them. This is especially true, as I have just argued, if the
Fcigcnbaum K. A., "The simulation or verbal learning behavior." Conifntit-r.\ and Thought. Feigcn-
systems arc to be cumulative over many years. biium. P.. A. ami Feldman. J. (lids.). McGruw Hill Hook Company. New York. NY. I96J.
4. I think there is an important place for research on programming from in-
Fcigcnhaum. E. A., lluchanan. H. G. and Ledcrbcrg, J., "On generality and problem solving: A case
complete instructions (automatic programming), which is not unrelated to
study using llie DP.NDRAI. program," Machine lnirllif(fm-e, Mell/er. B. and Michie.
the preceding item. Giving instructions to a skilled programmer is dif- I), (lids ). Edinburgh University Press. Edinburgh. Scotland. 1971.
ferent from writing the program yourself else why hire the programmer?
It is a very important research question to ask whether we can get the com- llaycs, J. R. and Simon, II. A., "Understanding written problem instructions," Knowledge and
Cognition, Gregg. L. W. (Ed.). Lawrence Eribaum Associates. Potomac. MD, 1974.
puter to be the skilled programmer.

Lenal, D. I)., "Automated theory formation in mathematics." PriH-eedingx of the Fifth International
Joint Coherence on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI, Cambridge. MA. pp. 833-8-42, August

Newell, A. and Simon, II. A., "The logic theory machine." IKF. Transactions OH Information
Theory. Vol. IT-2. No. 3. pp. 61-79, September 1956.

Novak. O. S.. "Representations of knowledge in program for solving physics problems," Proceed-
ings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI, Cambridge,
MA. pp. 286-291. August 1977.

Popk, II., "The formation of composite hypotheses in diagnostic problem solving," Proceedings of
the Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI. Cambridge, MA,
pp. 1030-1037. August 1977.

Rosenblalt. F., "The pcrccplron: A probabilistic model for information storage and organization in
the brain." Psychological Review. Vol. 65. pp. 386-407. 1958.

Samuel, A. L., "Some studies in machine karning using the game of checkers," IBM Journal of
Research and Development. No. 3, pp. 210-220, 1959.

Shorlliffe, E.. Computer-Based Medical Consultations: MYCIN, American Flsevier Publishing Com-
pany. New York, NY. 1976.

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