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College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department

Experiment No. 10

ME Electives 4 (Mechatronics)

Repeated strokes with Counter


Prado,Mon Patrick M.

Student Number:

MTWTh/7:00 -9:30 am

Date of Submission:
July 13, 2018

Engr. Arnaldo D. Valino
I. Introduction
Counters are PLC commands that either increment or decrement or
decrement the integer value when the input line make True from False. The
counter which increment value is known as Up counters and Down counters
decrement the integer values on a trigger. Both the Up and Down counter
starts counting on one trigger. And there is an Up-Down counter which does
both the Up and Down counting. The Up-Down counter has two input
triggers one for Up counting and other for Down counting.

Up counter counts a value from the current value when a signal arrives
at the input CU. R is the reset input and PV the preset value. The counter
counts up until the count reaches the preset value. Whenever the input CU
value changes from 0 to 1 the counter increment 1 from the preset value.
When the input value reaches the preset value, the output turns ON. The
counter preset value is user defined. Each time the input CD turns ON the
counter decrement one from the preset value. Whenever LD (load) input
becomes high then the preset value is reloaded to the counter from the
current value. Whenever the input CD value changes from 0 to 1 the counter
decrement 1 from the preset value. The Up/Down counter work as both the
up counter and the down counter. The up/down counter has input for both
the Up counter and Down counter operation CU and CD. And has both the
inputs R and LD also. This type of counter has two output values too. one
for the CD and other for CU. R resets the PV value to zero and LD load the
load the preset value to the counter ignoring the current counter value. The
two-input value has two corresponding output lines for CD and CU.

II. Objectives
a. To be able to Design an actuation repeated strokes and with counter on from
two different position on the PLC system using the CoDeSys software.
b. To be able to design a similar program that satisfy the required of the given
problem. In which the problem must perform the Repeated strokes of a
cylinder in which PB1 is pressed it actuates repeatedly in which counters
plays as pulse in which it will actuates 10 times based on the program and
PB2 to repeat the program then push PB1 to execute program again.
c. To be familiarized with the operation and sequence of the PLC which
interprets the software
III. Procedure
1. Set the program in CoDeSys by creating a new file, choosing the FESTO
CPX-CEC/CPX-CEC-C1, type of POU (Program Organization Unit) and
use the Program and Ladder (LD) respectively, and configuring the plc to
be used by appending 8DIN/8DOUT [VAR] PLC.
2. Set how many Inputs and Outputs to be used in the PLC from the settings.
Which consists of 8DI/8DO.

3. Set up two inputs and output in the program by addressing it to the input
and output address of the PLC. For input address will consists of PB1,PB2,
, LS3 and LS4 (4 inputs) and for output will consist of double solenoid with
return (Y1) and Double solenoid for (Y2) (2 outputs).

4. In this experiment K1, K2 , K3, and K4 is has no adressed which will be the
compiler and the PLC as a relay and a incremental counter to CTU to 10
repeated strokes and PB2 for repeat program.Construct a diagram of the
system diagram of the system using latching switch or LS3Test the program
for errors by simulating it first. Go to Oline tab click simulation mode then
login and run.
5. If the program runs correctly, then it is ready to be uploaded to the PLC.
6. Set-up the network configuration of the computer used by expiditing its IP
adress to 198.162.2.X,( X )note can be from any number except 50 for due
to by default 50 is being use by PLC already.
7. Connect the PLC to the computer using a ethernet or lan cable.
8. Then upload the program now to the PLC by unselecting the simulation
mode then login and search the conneted plc and select it now the program
is uploaded into the PLC and will excute the command even with out the
computer connected.
9. Then execute the program turn on the PLC make sure its all connected from
the main poweer supply and turn the knob of the PLC and make sure the air
service unit knob is on. Then push the buttons that satisfies the problem.
IV. Results and Discussion
Programmable Digital Input Push button Power Supply
logic control and Output switches

Double Push
solenoid button
valve 1(start)


Air Double Acting

service cylinder
Air throttle Limit switch 3 Limit switch 4
control (LS3) (LS34)
Logic Tabular Diagram

PB1 PB2 LS3 LS4 Y1 Y2

0 1 0 0 0 0

1 1 0 1 0 0

0 0 1 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 1

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