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AGENCY PROCUREMENT COMPLIANCE AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (APCPI) (QUESTIONNAIRE Name of Agency: UP OPEN UNIVERSITY Date: ly 5, 2018 Name of Respondent: PURA SV. AMOLOZA Position: Chiat Aaministratve Offeer Instruction: Put a check () mark inside the box beside each condlion/requirement met as provided below and then fil nthe corresponding blanks ‘according to what is asked. Please note that all questions must be answered completely. 1. Do you have an approved APP that includes all types of procurement, given the following concitions? (Sa) LE Aoency prepares APP using te preserved format Lid Aooroved APP is posted atthe Procurng Ents Website plese provide nk: ipuAvwwupou ed ph [Ei] submission ofthe approved APP tothe GPPE within the presebed deadine please provide submision date: 2722/2017 2, Do you prepare an Annual Procurement Pian for Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (APP-CSE) and Procure your Common-Use Supplies and Equipment from the Procurement Service? (5b) ‘Agency prepares APP-CSE using prescribed format Submission of he APP-CSE wii he paid prescribed by the Deparment of Budget and Management in i Gudeine for he Prperaton of Anal Buel Execution Plans issued annualy plese provide submission dat. February 6, 2017 Pree ot aun procurement of Common Use Suppes and Equipment rom DBN-PS 4. Inthe conduct of procurement ates using Repeat Ode, ich ofthese condone ire met? (28) Fd ovina contract awarded through competive bidding ‘The goods under he original contract must be quantal, civsble and consisting oft east four (4) ans porter ‘The unt rch sare erlowe than he rial contrac averted through compete bsg whch tcvertagecce fo the government ata ie vrfaton “The quantity of each item in the original contract should not exceed 25% Eq Medatty was usd within 6 months rom he contract ectty date stated nthe NTP arising from the nga! contact provided tha hee nas been perl delivery, inspection and acceptance of the goods win the same prod 4. In the conduct of procurement activities using Limited Source Bidding (LSB), which of these conditions isfare met? (2) [Fa Uron recommends by the BAC, tne HOPE issues a Cerficatonresoring to LSB asthe proper macaly Preparation and Issuance of a List of Pre-Selected Suppliers/Consultants by the PE or an identified relevant ‘government authority ‘Transmittal ofthe Pre-Selected List by the HOPE to the GPPB. a Within 7od from the receipt of the acknowledgement letter of te list by the GPPB, the PE posts the procurement opportunity atthe PhilGEPS website, agency website, if available and at any conspicuous place within the agency [AGENCY PROCUREMENT COMPLIANCE AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (APCPD) QUESTIONNAIRE 5. Ingiving your prospective bidders sufficient period to prepare ther bids, which ofthese conditions sare met? (34) [cin documents are avaiable tthe tine of crerisemenposing atthe PRIGEPS websteor gone) vebete; LE svoniemera it buts are sued at as seven (7) calendar day fore bd epeing LE] ites ret conerence ae ready avalabi within ve (5) dos, 6, Do you prepare proper and effective procurement documentation and technical specificationsirequirements, given the the following conditions? (3e) [i] Tre ends submis tha, approved and compat Purchase Requests, Terms of Reference, and other Cocuments pase on relevant eharectersts, functional andlor performance requirements, 2s requied ty the procurement offer proto the commencement of the procurement actly No reference to brand names, except for iteme/pars that are compatible with the existing fleet or equipment Bidding Documents and Requests for Proposal/Quotation are posted at the PhiIGEPS website, ‘Agency website if applicable, and in conspicuous places 7. In creating your BAC and BAC Secretariat which ofthese conditions is/are present? For BAC: (4a) [Ed ote oner cresting tne Bs and Awards Commitee please provide Office Order No: _Administratve Order No. 17-105 LE] Tree are at ast ve (5) members af the BAC please provide members and their respective training dates: Namels Date of RA 9184-rlated training Primo G. Garcia - Chair August 24, 2017 Ricardo T, Bagarinao - Vice Chair ‘August 24, 2017 ‘Al Francs D. Librero - Member ‘August 24, 2017 ‘Michael P. Lagaya - Member ‘August 24, 2017 ‘Amalia G, Perez - Member ‘August 24, 2017 onmoom> [Ei] menters of BAC mest uaitatons %] Mejorty ofthe members of BAC are trained on RA. 9184 For BAC Secretariat: (4b) Office Order creating of Bids and Awards Committee Secretariat or designing Procurement Unit to ‘act as BAC Secretariat please provide Office Order No.; Administrative Order No. 17-105, [Ei] Tre Head otto BAC Secretaries te misma uastons plese provide name of BAC Sec Head) ura SV. Amolza Li erty one members of BAC Secretariat are tained on RA. 0184 please provide tning det: August. 24,2017 [AGENCY PROCUREMENT COMPLIANCE AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (ACPI) QUESTIONNAIRE £8 Have you conducted any procurement activities on any ofthe following? (5c) IFYES, please mark at least one (1) then, answer the question below. LE computer oniors, Desktop [x]. Pants ens Varnishes Computers ans Laptops LE] Food ana catering Services ‘Ar Contoners [Ed Troirng Facies / Hotels Venues Venices LE Totes and unats Fidges and Freezers [i Testis untorms and Work Cotes Copiers Do you use green technical specifications for the procurement activities of the non-CSE item/s? ve Ow 9, In determining whether you provide up-to-date procurement information easily accessible at no cost, which of ‘these conditions islare met? (7a) [x] pesony tak bering sane please provide link: _htp:/ phibids-and-awards-Commities LEI Procarementintrmaton is uptodate LE intcrmaton is easiy accessible at no cost 410. In complying with the preparation, posting and submission of your agency's Procurement Monitoring Report, wiih of these conditions isiare met? (7b) Lz] Aeenoy prepares the PRS [El Pies are promety submited ta te GPP please provde submission dates: ist Sem- __Juy1, 2017 2nd Sem -__ January 31,2018 [El Pus are posted inthe agency website please provide link: _htp:/ LE Pies ar prepared using the prescribed format 41. In planning of procurement activites to achieve desired contract outcomes and objectives within the targetvalloted timeframe, wich ofthese condone isfare me? (Be) LE] There is an estabishes procedure for needs analysis andor market esearch [i] There isa system o monitor tinly delivery of goods, works, and consulting sees ‘f any, in competitively bid contracts 12, In evaluating the performance of your procurement personnel, which ofthese conditions is/are present? (10a) commitments LE Pecarng entity communicates standards of evaluaton to procurement personel [Ea Procuing ety na procurement personnel act onthe resus ndtakescorespnding acon %] Agency complies with the thresholds prescribed for amendment to order, variation orders, and contract extensions, [2] Personne ols, utes and eeponsbiis inoling procurement ae inclded inter indvua peromance [AGENCY PROCUREMENT COMPLIANCE AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (APCPI) QUESTIONNAIRE 413. Which ofthe following procurement personnel have participated in any procurement training and/or professionalization program within the past three (8) years? (10) Date of most recent raining: __ August 24,2017 Head of Procuring Entity (HOPE) Bids and Awards Commitee (BAC) BAC Seccetariat/Procurement/ Supply Unit BAC Technical Working Group End-user Unis BHBHHHAQO Other statt 14 Which of the folowing is/are practised in order to ensure the private sector access to the procurement opportunities of the procuring entity? (10c) FE Forum, dalogues, meetings and th ike apart om pe-bid conference) are conducted foal rospective Bidets atleast once a year LE] The prompt responds to alinterested prospective bidder’ ingurles and concems, with avaiable facies and \arous commuticaton channels 15. In determining whether the BAC Secretariat has a system for keeping and maintaining procurement records, Which of these conditions is/are present? (11a) LE] Trews ist ofprocurement elated! documents that are maintained fora period ofa eas ve es [EZ] Tre cocumenis are Keptin a ly designated and secure locaton with hard copies Kein poroprite fing canes and electronic copies in dedicates computers [Ea] Tre cocuents are property fled, senregate, as oeteve and accessible oauhorized users and tut personel 16, In determining whether the Implementing Units has a system fork which of these conditions is/are present? (11b) ing and maintaining procurement records, [EZ] Trevis ist of contract management lated documents that are maintained for «period of atleast five years [Tre cocuments are keptina duly designated and secure location win hare opis kept in appropriate fing cainets and electronic copies in dedicated computers LE] The documents are property fled, segregated, easy to retieve and accessible to authorizod users and au personnel 17. In determining ifthe agency has defined procedures or standards for quality control, acceptance and inspection cof goods, works and services, which of these conditions is/are present? (12a) ‘Agency has written procedures for quality control, acceptance and inspection of goods, services and works Have you procured Infrastructure projects through any mode of procurement for the past year? ve Ow [AGENCY PROCUREMENT COMPLIANCE AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (APCPI) ‘QUESTIONNAIRE IVES, please ansuer the folowing: LE] suverson of hl works is cared out by quad constuction supervisors Name of Civ Wars Supervise Dr. Marlow B.Sundo El rooney implements CPE fois works poets and uses resut to check contractor’ qaicatons (epeabe er works ony) Name of CPES Eval UP System 18, How ong wilt take fr your agency to release the final payment o your supplerservce provider or contractoriconsultant once documents are complete? (12b) 15 cays 19.WWhen inviting Observers forthe folowing procurement actives, which of these conditions islare met? (13a) ‘A. Elgbity Checking (For Consuting Services Only) B. Shorting (For Consulting Services Only) C. Pre-bid conference . Preliminary examination of bids E. Bid evaluation F. Post-qualifcation LE cteerers ar invited toate sages of procurement as prescrbedinthe RR LE ctserers are atone acess oan proved documents, reo charge, 2s stated nthe RR Observer reports, i any, are promply acted upon by the procuring ety 20, In creating and operating your Internal Audit Unit (IAU) that performs specialized procurement audits, ‘which set of condions were present? (14a) FE creaton oral Aut Unk (AL) the apeney ‘Agency Order/DBM Approval of IAU positions: Conduct of auto procurement processes and ranactons bythe IAU within the ae hee years Iriel aut econmendatinsonprocuremert-eltd raters aeimplemerted wth 6 months of he subision ofthe iternal actos repon 21. Ate COA recommendations responded to or implemented within sic mons ofthe submission ofthe autors report? (140) Ee peceriage of COA recommenaton responded tor inplerentd win sinh) * LE) oproeuremant ltd reconmendtens recived 22. In determining whether the Procuring Enity has an efficient procurement complains eystem and has the capacity te comply with procedural requirements, which of conditions isfare present? (15a) [Tre Hove resoied Protest win seve (7 calendar days per Secton 85 of the RR ‘The BAC resolved Requests for Reconsideration wihin seven (7) calendar days per Section 55 of the IRR [Ee] Procring erty acts upon and adopt specte messes to acres procurement ested complain, tees eubpoenas bythe Orb, COA, GPPB or any uasihcalquas-edniieve boy 22. In determining whether agency has @ specific enti-corupton programs related to procurement, which of these Conditions isare present? (16a) [Ed Acency has a specie office responsibie forthe implementation of good governance programs ET Aceney inplamanis spect good gaverance pcp nckidng ai-couption wa ntegiy develop [E Acency implements specific policies and procedures in place fr detection and prevention of corruption =e ANNEX A ‘GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT POLICY BOARD [Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicator (APCPI) Self Assessment Form Name of Agency UP OPEN UNIVERSITY Date of Self Assessment: ly 5, 2018, Name of Evaluator: Pura SV. Amoloz Postion: Chief, Administrative Officer ro | — ERS oS] apg ar DocaeaTon Assessment Conditions Agency Score | APCPI Rating” | ingiestors and Sublndicators | (Not tobe Included inthe Evaluation pas ESTE AND ARGUATORY REWORK Fra Conpalie Bigs Det Method of Pore Na Peete of onpetie dng and ite soe i a [bidding contracts in terms of amount of total procurement ae = Ly [Pecaaae of compete ing and ined sore 3 ae bidding contracts in terms of volume of total procurement —_ ox j (ear iad Us of Arte Maho of ProereaE re [octane errvcnncrnwrest ao] oe | aw a bo eee RTE T | soaee | ow re be ances aT SRSTTMETIOATET | aay | aw ae fe aR TTTETEET ROT | oom | am = fronsenant eames aR ae [camptance wih Repeat Order procetinee ws ue Pansies encom ate ar [Compton wihtinted Source ng rocesines we wa Froansen scene ate Taio. Comme oT Ba be [pvergeaunberfentieswhe sured bing document] 200] 00 agency crs aor PGEPS ee bo [pres eanbe of ers who abide 1s6| 000 sare Br ter ger core erage number of er who psd egy sage xze| 10 Jas of soother agency ers a utes fee to prepares on, | Jeeny eas anor GES ere |, [ecnenrerdchearepoarenevinamenatonm] tay | — a9 fesrhee e hes fe techn pectetonfeqaremente complet suelo get ca AGERE STA REWORY ANS HANAGEENT CAPAC [nesta eee of ocr Oristone = any TOT ang ea [craton ot sand ands onmitel) pica |itaa Joreaneatonl Ce end Carica ot Irae aa ya Order cena BAC es Jersence ofa Ac Secretariat or Procrement Unt cory | 300 czeareOrgensaona Chr nd creation oie India 5 sere ig nd gloria sa |anaperoved see thatnduesattypesot procrenert | complans | a0 [eso ot APP andes pte any prepara Ra ocean Fn Tr CORPUS Spates an equipment (A6r.C) and Pocrrent of fal » a. © |common-Use Supplies and Equipment from the Procurement] Compliant a eer res oar was cay sting ren Spectator GPP dented nan CSE eifaereertey oa comotant | 340 nate the use of pee tech oeceans rth rier acy inital Govern Beco roan Sa 6a Pecans fb cerns pontedby ePrice: Tonoom [300 agency rer aor PPS eco ANNEX A ‘GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT POLICY BOARD ‘Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicator (APCPI) Self-Assessment Form Name of Agency: UP OPEN UNIVERSITY Date of Self Assessment: July 5, 2018, Name of evaluator: Pura SV. Amelora Postion: Chet, Administrative OFficor Wa =] earn OTS | Sepa oman DT ore Coe ‘Agency Score | APCPI Rating” | ingicators and Subindicators | _(Not to be Included in the Evaluation | peers Ta award orton poms Te | ea ic nieaeaal (°° Jpnicers-registered Agen oo 300 Es is | Percent cf cena vara rome ough tena as |< | methods posted by the PhilGEPS-registered Agency pane i a = ST [nator Se Orting ad Montorng Procreman norman : seat iaey pec roca eee la er ae eet ae van procuremer A Fully E 3.00 [portion in the agency website and specifi ! sez aa ena repraton of rocrenen Wontar Repos rae a aly coy rand rece coy at ps eesmersatemmaanssonvicerons | cas | $2 peas Longe — eo La ROELREERT OPERATIONS AND REET PATE, Indore of rorement Processes 1 [Percents ott ancunefconzacts send win he fo nating sre 18 assessment year against otal amountn the approved aPPs | 755% aa? |amendments, f any) and PMRS Paring of i noe of canracs esas (cag Senet amendmen’ Js: [number of procurement projects done through competitive 77 78% 0.00 rae Sea viment a aman ery rca tore cut over anya met annet poowenent screeched desreccontat | py ema, nantorng a tie eeo ac loucrmes and soecieswitine araealtes cof, | 300 pode ons or serves conras wh amendmens and erator oer arcane iOkores ae Init onpiane wa Racremenefames be [erence waren] on [0 Ea > [Pecenas ot nro wares win reo toda [2 action to procure infrastructure projects se) 300) em rete fcc weed thin TRE a lac Be red within preserbed period of] sep oo% | 3.00 pms ico pecrecorsdng ses [SSS apa ng fGen Penn nd Pat Sai Paps nies of reso eng ioa|erecssytenvatinte pocimngentyioeauaethe| Ful | sop rose ptarnanceontap ofo¢ pevarance cl pcement poten seguarbess | Compan [mrponneswrhn re rer sume or rarer eco ast or ces foes Ose, vans crag utcpnon of rocrenet satin hos rsx | 100 [noses af parca chest roan ar peaorleton Oram : if ! F : actual training conducted Tease ey sep am wi pe er ioc ldermverscasrtotreproiementorpowunesofthe | conptant | 300 sor cpetnmenatn ae err ers | SoC anageent of rosroment nd Conon Management Reads [ety cca proce vcr nd ime ak orev ecru be , re acsareaat ta sytem orkesng nd ray romae nan ew Po) 1" Imaintaining procurement records ‘Compliant oo |Refer to Section 4.1 of User's Manual for sot roremerreteadonmers fectepng and miter. Name of Ageny: UP OPEN UNIVERSITY ANNEX A GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT POLICY BOARD ‘Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicator (APCPI) Self Assessment Form Name of Evaluator: Pura SV. Amoloza Postion: Chief, Administrative Officer [re | — comments nding othe | Supporting Iformation/Bocumentaon pesessment Conditions| ‘Agency Score | aPcPLRating* | catorgandSubldiators_| (Motto be lauded inthe Evaluation lmlenening Untshasandizimplemensng system for [guy ety acta eontract management st ftcepng nd maiainng compete andeasiyretneabie | cg, | 300 core ac tne took to retreve contrac management ears a fecords shoud be no more than two hou Indetor a: Conract Managerent Procedures Jarncy has defined procedures orstaderdsin such areas | py [erty copes of writen procedures ior 122|avateyconva,sxeptance and inspection supervision | catlag | 300 culty con, acceptance and inspection forks ond evaluation of contractors perfomance a eres evaustonormse sk Finance or Acounting Head ot ABE 20 }rmey Payment of rocurement contracts rsieetre | Piao or average pero the las of oe avert for procurement conracs laverge LI NTEGRIFY AND TRANSPARENCY OF AGEVCY PROCUREMENT SYSTER Tndeior 13, Observe Parstion in Publ Bing en copier von Tas TOOF tga| sere aeintedtoatend sages of procurements | Fully fe ond profesional ssocations and COA rescrbadinheRR comptant stand overage number of CSOs anc Pas sta be ate) [RERor neal and xa uit of Procaroment Ais [ey ey of Orr or aw aad 14 e%es¥on and operon of era Aut Unt AW) tht | wes compan organ cational char showing A, at 42 Frets pected procurement aus Se 3 repre, action ls ard AU commendation Teo ee eae EB Nery COA Annu Aud Reper on Action faust Reports on proniemeneltd wansctions 100% 300 Se ee soma [ndeior 5 Capciy to Hone Prosarement Raed Compl aries oT ERC reason |e proarngEnsyhasanelcent prceuementcomploins| py oton tor Reconscerations,Protessand ss. fsstem anda the apaciy to comply wth procedural | cg. | 3.00 compnits: Ofte Orders adostne reurements ae resuresoaderes procuremenleted ait ndctor 16: Ani-Comropon Programs Related to Prosoremant ga Paerey asa spectic ant-coruptonprogram/srebtedio | Ful [erly doamenaton af an coupon [posutemert comolane_|__ 30° power [average v [erano TOTAL avarege «Average I+ Average + Average V4) Summary of APP Scoresby Pilar ‘Agency Rating (apc are {dea Rating [agen Rating ! 1 [egiate ane Regston Framer 300 er] 1 [agen instal Frameworcand Management Capecty 3.00 2.80 w " 1 |Prourement Operations and Mott Bracices 00] Fr 1 integrity and raneparancy of Agen Procurement Systems 00 2.09 Teal Pili PiaeW PHaeVA aa] eT) Annex D PROCUREMENT CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT ACTION PLAN TEMPLATE ame Any UP OPEN UNVERSY ee: FY 2017 [Ba ica Rayan Tr Dovaopmont Froposod Rotors to Aarons Koy Aaa esponsibe Eniy — [meta arene Needed Le eee | amma emer a Rewer om RTE [et oo Saison i mar cconeia rg nnd os Soe eespngmeccmemmcnomnee fecuectewetnecttnt | yeoman | eget ones Peceeer Sees ir eieiens Simerintioauilnanietiting | See eeeann owt nel reeset owes, _end-users/Requesting Office/Unit a _ [SSEEt etre brunt Lica eupaccarreoctoctoeraneswemmae [scammers tate | ase 018 Jprcowse o eppre conan nme of et oo Ende hd eure it kel reve Pare PP Joc ana joc repre on ipl 2 pmedto iyo eanter 208 ner Ree Ara rove Ps PD cio ana ese renner paren panned 2 ‘Ea nas oul ose tt eval Moieen Pls OD] Jt an aoc gepredeinglentass snes nung een siveooecener 2038 Pie Eee ze |eomptanceweh Reet Order rece 21 |eonotance wth ntsc srg proces ca pT Dea TET Soe 22 pemsenactnterehonaied tiredness | Satrmgacermonsonenecamoanertratimect | Cae apt center 2038 cca i piper Bee PISS Sawant ae freneenentertbaden snowed ‘Sudan terre heparan gee sate ype yt owaner 218 vee rar of tir wh pez egy se Tegan spi= be Tepe PTET Sader te apo gee Exim forall pest a aytocecenber 2038 toelapecteatonequrarens Jenn of stan conraa) Jo suopar snd equgmen tothe recone Seice sees onder (08 ean recurrent of conn [stn ren pecentens fo reid nan theme Jrsepte peerage coparanites one by oe PISES ese gency esnagceoneat owes neato posted ihe Ta aan a rosea Fw Te tiny an ou rps tncenleentd pana 9 re equine yt ecb 208 [rence wets wnt prondecup sedate proazerent Terman yaa trace Fiesta of Prorat ont pars ung FE scoot Tambart aera aged apt aT joer a pourmert pecs core taigheonowtve ee pa a fc neces went atone a fetanea prc os Jeers conea wand weird per ot [nto proce contngsereas frennasnd/rprotmsonwsten pam aytooeconer 2028 frotireirg Ursa za apeneres ear rant rc [osrngencmertonne consi nsession encenston tanta 125 fromtaynttneacenen cont [eet Ro pric OR ee to DaP Ae OB 4a __fetenantoreten tmratsua unt (AU Pero Sr mg martaneceatonet nae canmien mths | UPS soa cron ttn poeceedmrcene sets oucnr pocr: eshte car (00 ssa [temandtosthe aac cons wih cei! vee erertnainecteanarantn eon ae resem

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