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The Key of David
The Key of David
The Key of David
Ebook428 pages13 hours

The Key of David

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We hold within us a supernatural nuclear reactor just aching to be awakened, yet we are completely unaware of its existence and therefore default our great destinies into lives of meager desperation. We have allowed ourselves to be brainwashed into believing we have no purpose let alone the GRAND DESIGN God has planned specifically for each one of us.
NOW is the time to realize that waiting on Jesus to return is a preplanned agenda to deceive and distract you from discovering the Christ within you, and the ultimate realization that what and who you’ve been indoctrinated into waiting for has actually been waiting inside you all along.

PublisherJoshua David
Release dateSep 25, 2019
The Key of David

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    The Key of David - Joshua David

    Joshua David and Kimberly Ré Fallis


    Volume One


    Smaswords 2019

    © Copyright 2019 by Joshua David and Kimberly Ré Fallis

    All rights reserved.

    The total or partial reproduction of this work is prohibited without the express permission of the author.

    Table of Contents


    In The Beginning.

    Lesson 1: Identity Crisis

    Exercise 1: Define Yourself

    Lesson 2: Fear No Evil! Face Your Fears

    Exercise 2: Destroy What Destroys You

    Lesson 3: The Remnant

    Exercise 3: The Yolks on You

    Lesson 4: The Temple

    Exercise 4: Build your Temple

    The Adventure Continues


    We hold within us a supernatural nuclear reactor just aching to be awakened, yet we are completely unaware of its existence and therefore default our great destinies into lives of meager desperation. We have allowed ourselves to be brainwashed into believing we have no purpose let alone the GRAND DESIGN God has planned specifically for each one of us.

    NOW is the time to realize that waiting on Jesus to return is a preplanned agenda to deceive and distract you from discovering the Christ within you, and the ultimate realization that what and who you’ve been indoctrinated into waiting for has actually been waiting inside you all along.

    It’s time to WAKE UP and stop being hypnotized into settling for anything less than the magnificent work of art you were created to be. Invoke the awesome power that has been lying dormant within you, and turn on your own personal GODSWITCH to access and utilize the tremendous spiritual gifts that are your birthright. Here’s how:


    "Well I know it wasn't you who held me down,

    Heaven knows it wasn't you who set me free.

    So often times it happens, that we live our lives in chains,

    And we never even know we have the key."

    The Eagles

    "These things says He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens.

    Revelation 3:7

    BE WARNED! This is not a book! Instead, it's a personal revolution that will completely transform your entire life in just the next 8 HOURS, GUARANTEED!!!

    What you’re holding in your hands is the literal KEY that will unlock your true potential and rocket you into the next level of human performance, no matter what challenges you currently face. It doesn't matter who you are or what you have and don't have. Your religion, gender, race, or any of the other things that they have put in place to attempt to divide us, also does not matter. The Key is already hardwired into our DNA and, in a moment, the twinkling of an eye, everyone can explode into the physical, relational, emotional and financial metamorphosis they’ve been waiting for their entire lives.

    Most people have allowed themselves to be lulled into forgetting who and what they truly are, and were created to be. So now, it’s time to finally shake ourselves out of this stupor and seize control of our own destinies and thrive instead of sleepwalking through life and, once you take that first step, the fog will suddenly lift and your path will be made straight.

    This may all seem daunting at first, but it’s actually a simple process, which has already worked miracles for the both of us, our family, and our friends. The Key radically transforms everyone's life it touches, as the knowledge contained herein spreads like the spiritual wildfire it is. We can tell you from personal experience that, once you’ve started on this path, there can be no turning back. Your life will be changed forever. You'll never be the same or be able go back to your old way of thinking in any way, shape, or form. Every aspect of your existence will take on new meaning and purpose. All of your questions will be answered and you will live in peace and happiness, prosperous and fulfilled beyond your wildest dreams. Ever improving, ever evolving, as you were meant to be. No longer forced to live in quiet desperation, confused, afraid and alone.

    The Key contains all the tools, references and resources you need to become your ideal in every situation, beginning NOW! You will finally permanently discard the debilitating fears that have been holding you back from your own personal great destiny and you will see, for the very first time with complete clarity, what that destiny truly is and what it means.

    It is not an easy journey, however, and we don't want to sugarcoat the process. We promise that you will have all the help and guidance you need through every step of the way but, in order to become the person you were always meant to be, then the old you must die and you must be reborn anew. So, if you're not truly ready to hear the TRUTH for the first time ever and truly face your fears and overcome them, then please by all means stop reading this now!

    If you've already purchased this book, then just give it away to someone you feel may benefit by it, or just put it down and walk away, safe in the knowledge that it will find the right person, who is truly ready to grasp the prize that awaits those who follow this path.

    This then is how the Key was given to us. It's not pretty, but it's life altering and, in the end, that's all that really matters. Take what’s written here any way you choose. If this book does nothing more than to cause you to pick up your Bible and really study it then the Key has served its purpose. You may embrace all it has to offer or you may not believe a single word, but if what is written here helps one single person and that one person pays it forward in affecting someone else, then the ripple effect will begin. This will cause the foundation of the universe to change in that process. The enemy vehemently does not want any of this revealed and our family has paid for these words in blood, sweat and tears so again, if you’re not ready to ROCK then pass it on to someone who is.



    Judas Priest

    "In this world we're livin' in we have our share of sorrow

    Answer now and don't give in aim for a new tomorrow

    Act tough ain't room for second best

    Real strong got me some security

    Hey, I'm a big smash I'm goin' for infinity yeah!

    If you think I'll sit around as the world goes by

    You're thinkin' like a fool cause it's a case of do or die

    Out there is a fortune waiting to be had

    If you think I'll let you go you're mad

    You've got another thing comin'"

    Discipleship literally means to learn, and to learn you must keep an open mind. One of the greatest challenges in life is to actually question something you’ve accepted as absolute truth for years and put it to the test. Jesus blew the lid off what everyone thought at the time with his revelations and teachings, and this book will definitely cause you to question everything you think you know. So buckle up and get ready to have your whole world shaked and baked.

    You can still try to hold onto your old truths, but the deeper you go the more you’ll be astounded to discover that what you once accepted blindly as the truth was actually far off the mark, and this realization will cause you to change in fundamental ways. It’s time to shrug off the old ways of thinking that never served you and begin a whole new course of living every moment in absolute fulfillment and ongoing prosperity.

    1 Corinthians 15:51-52

    "Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed."

    I should probably state right up front that the last thing on earth I ever wanted to do was write this book or go through any of the excruciating lessons that lead up to its creation. I didn't choose this and fought it every step of the way. This was an extremely difficult journey wherein my wife and I, along with our family, were completely torn apart and put back together over and over in this process. In retrospect, it was all necessary to go through so we could teach others the lessons we so painfully learned, without them having to endure the agony in the process. Kimberly and I reveal things about our relationship and lives here that are hurtful and tremendously personal. We do so in choosing to be vessels so that others do not have to go down those roads and can instead learn from our mistakes and choose different paths. We had to discuss and pray over and over what, and how, to document this, and finally decided that only absolute transparency in accountability was what Christ had done and we could attempt to do no less. Please don’t judge us. Just take the information and use it however it serves you best in your journey. Christ died so that we could live and as part of the process of learning the lessons of the Key, Kimberly and I pray that by learning from the pain and suffering we caused each other and others, in our grievous transgressions, that you won’t have to touch the hot stove to learn the hard way as well. That, then, was the reason for all this, and we pray that it blesses you the way it all came back around in blessing us. You gotta pay it forward and welcome to THE WAY.

    Looking back over the hell that we endured and the trials and tribulations that almost broke us, we finally understand that true character must be forged in the fire. As we now enjoy a continually evolving marriage and relationship that goes so far beyond anything else that we could have ever imagined regarding passion, intimacy, connection, friendship, trust, and bonding, we now also understand that it all had to be EARNED, and that those willing to truly serve will be tested the hardest. We welcome that, and now live and breathe in the present, having learned the lessons from the past while choosing not to live there. We face forward hand in hand, relishing every moment in this grand adventure called life and, as it is a gift, we are very grateful indeed.

    The most difficult part of our struggle was trying to understand why we had been chosen for any of this in the first place. Looking back over our lives and the mistakes we had made we would think we would have been last on the list to be chosen as vessels for this message but now realize that this was another version of the ol’ Saul to Paul extreme makeover and, if you take a look at how John describes his visions in Revelations, it will give you reference points for what we have seen as well.

    In fact, when the Key was first downloaded into me, I tried over and over to convince myself that what had been revealed was the result of some kind of mental or emotional breakdown which, given the circumstances at the time, would have been perfectly understandable. After it became apparent that this wasn’t the case, I then desperately tried to disprove these incredible revelations, but the more I tried, the more resources and references I found that validated it instead.

    I challenge you to do the same. The entire purpose of the Key is to get you to question everything you ever thought you knew. To clearly define things and understand them, instead of just blindly accepting someone else's truths. That especially goes for religion, as most of what you think you know about God is far removed from the actual truth and was done to perpetuate an agenda, so it’s definitely way past time to set the record straight there. If you question something long enough the truth becomes self-evident. The vast majority of us live in duality, accepting what we have been taught all our lives as inconvertible, when, in fact, you're blindly living someone else's handed down lie without ever questioning it. WAKE UP and see yourself, your relationships and your world for the FIRST time with clarity and understanding. As it stalled out a little over 2,000 years ago, join us in changing the world and reigniting THE EVOLUTION OF THE SPIRIT.


    This book is written in two volumes, four parts and eight sections that you can read or break down however you choose. The four parts are the storyline, the lesson, scriptural support and documentation.

    *AUTHOR’S NOTE: We liberally used numerous source materials, references and resources in writing the Key. If you are the owner or author or these materials and want to communicate with us regarding their inclusion please do not hesitate in contacting us Immediately. Thank you. We mean no offense in using them to exemplify parts of the book, in fact quite the opposite. We feel the Key resonates over every belief and in fact unifies them all together and by including your thoughts etc., we mean to honor the intent of that unification. As stated in the book we firmly believe that not all supernaturally inspired writings must be canonized and that we can all be used as vessels to convey our Creator’s will.


    Many choose to read the storyline first, then do the lessons and later, if they wish, to review the support materials. Read it whichever way makes the most sense and serves you best. It’s designed to be broken down into 8 hours or study sessions, done one at a time in order. As everyone has their own pace and methodology, it may take longer, as there is a lot of information which is quite startling and might take a while to process it all. Feel free to do whatever works best for you. We urge you to contact us for any help in any way with the Key, as it impacts your life and lives of those you love.

    Blessings, and welcome to the most incredible journey you will ever embark on. We’ll be with you every step of the way! So, are you really ready to take that first step, pilgrim? Fasten your seatbelt and return your seat to the upright position and make sure you hold on tight cuz this is gonna be one heck of a bumpy ride!

    With love and respect,


    Joshua and Kimberly

    Federal Detention Center (FDC), Seatac Washington

    8:00 AM Thursday, September 22, 2008

    I bolted suddenly upright, out of a deep sleep on my prison bunk bed. Scanning my cell, I stared in wonder at the piles of paper and used up pens and pencil stubs strewn across the cold, grey, uneven concrete floor. I reached to grab the steel bed rail to steady myself and fell back, crying out in pain. My right hand was cramped and bloody and my thumb and forefinger were covered with blisters.

    Looking up I saw my cellie staring at me in horror from the corner of the cage we shared.

    What the…? I asked.

    After checking me out for a second, probably to make sure I wouldn’t start foaming at the mouth, he detailed for me that I had been manically writing all night, apparently in some kind of trance. He said he had worriedly tried to shake me out of it several times, to no avail.

    My head was racked with pain and I reached my left hand up to my temple and quickly pulled it back when I found an throbbing, egg size lump there. Suddenly, everything flooded back into me and I remembered…


    To compound the enormous pain inflicted upon me given my current circumstances, I learned in rapid succession that my son might have skin cancer and my father had suffered a massive stroke and, in both cases, the outcomes were questionable. Given the insufferable snail pace of receiving information from the outside I was in complete limbo, desperately waiting to find out what was going on. In prison, every emotion is amplified tenfold in a pit of futility and dependence due to sensory deprivation so, needless to say, I was one hurtin’ unit. In the midst of all this, my wife tearfully confessed during a phone conversation that, in her loneliness and desperation, she had turned to other men and wanted me to forgive her. As she spoke, I felt my entire world slip out from underneath me and I would have collapsed right then and there onto the cold grey concrete floor if the coiled pay phone cord hadn’t held me up.

    NO!!!! This was my beautiful bride, my best friend, soul mate. Kimberly was my anchor and lifeline to the outside world that I yearned so desperately to return to and, even though my sentence was for a relatively short time, every moment seemed like an eternity. We had already been through so much together that this was the unthinkable. This last straw, added to everything else that I was enduring, literally broke the camel’s back in me. I was done. Didn’t want to go on.

    I dropped the phone midsentence during the conversation with her and stumbled into my cell to crash on my bunk, completely numb and sobbing hysterically. I wept and raged and cried out for the Lord to take me. Everything was bleak, dark, and terrible and I wanted nothing more than to die. I started thinking about how I might kill myself and must have blacked out in the process.

    No matter how many times I literally tried to will myself to die that night, I didn’t. No matter how many times I cried out to God to end the searing pain that had welled up in every fiber of my being, He didn’t. Instead I eventually slipped into the black haze of oblivion and fitfully dozed until the light inside my prison cell caused me to lurch off my cot and smash my head on the metal frame.

    Rubbing the growing lump on my forehead, I fell back down on the hard, thin mattress. The only explanation for a hovering light in one’s cell was a shakedown by the guards and that was reason enough for alarm, especially in the dead of night. Terrified that I was being tagged and bagged, I waited for the ax to fall. Nothing happened.

    Slowly I realized the light was too high for someone to be holding a flashlight at normal height and, as my eyes adjusted, I could see no one behind it and my thick metal cell door was closed. Bright lights in prison are nothing unusual, as the guards would shine their flashlights into the cells as they made their rounds throughout the night to prevent any prison romances or other nocturnal shenanigans. This light, however, was in the cell. I continued to lay as still as I could, waiting at any moment to be rousted out of bed, but nothing happened for the longest time and the light just kind of hung there.

    Filled with curiosity I stood tentatively and cautiously approached the glowing, swirling orb. The light got noticeably brighter as I got closer and I could see no source for it, as it seemed to be just suspended in the air. I reached out to touch it and got electrocuted. It literally felt like I had touched a bolt of lightning. My whole body thrummed and I was thrown violently back against the bunk bed, literally slammed up against the metal frame. I leaned against the cold steel for a moment and shook my head. I could smell ozone in the air as the strange light came closer to me and got even brighter and the swirling intensified. Almost against my will I slowly reached out my hand to touch it again and another even more powerful surge of electricity zapped through me. That’s the last thing I remember until coming to on my bunk the next morning, covered with pencil and pen stubs and piles of paper.

    I tried to force myself to get up, reaching out for the bed frame to help myself and then screamed in pain. I looked at my hand and it was raw and bleeding. As I stood, the pages cascaded off of me and joined piles more scattered all over the desk and cell floor. I reached out to pull some of them to me and realized that they were covered with wildly scrawled notes. A lot of it was unintelligible, but I could make out words and phrases and it seemed like this huge door suddenly opened in front of me. Ignoring the pain, I began furiously putting the paper into piles of some kind of instinctive order and, as I did so, a wild surge of joy welled up inside me, pushing aside the horrible darkness that had taken me over before.

    The pages seemed to carry a weight and to resonate in my hands, heart and mind. I put them in ordered stacks on my bed and the small metal desk attached to it. I started to read through the first pile and sensed patterns that caused me to reach for the Bible in my locker.

    My hand hesitated mid-reach, as it was then that I noticed the old man standing in the door of my cell. He stood without speaking and leaned on a strangely carved wooden cane, a bemused smile on his craggy bearded face. His eyes twinkled when I looked up. He nodded at me and then completely disappeared.

    I blinked, rubbed my eyes, and went quickly to my cell door to look out into the common room, but he was nowhere in sight. Despite the sheer number of inmates in our cellblock, you usually knew everyone or quickly learned everything you could about them. You had to be very careful about those you associated with, as the cons were distinctly divided into races, gangs, religions, and any other way possible to subdivide human beings.

    The bearded stranger was completely unknown to me yet, when he looked me in the eyes for that brief instant, I had sensed that he knew me and knew me well. I was positive I had never seen him before, but my gut feeling was that he had been watching me, or keeping tabs on me, for a while. There was something eerily familiar about him, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. My mind said cop, but it just didn’t play. He seemed way too natural for that role.

    Then there was the carved cane, which stuck out like a sore thumb in the joint. The Bureau of Prisons certainly wouldn’t allow any of us have what pwas basically a wooden club. Especially the custom job the stranger had been packing. At the very least, it would have had to have been BOP (Bureau Of Prisons) issue and, not only was it obvious this one wasn’t, it had also appeared antique to boot.

    The feeling was unsettling and I made a mental note to check him out with the fellas’, but forgot all about it as the piles of paper called to me deep inside to investigate the secrets they so obviously contained. However, I stopped dead in my tracks when I turned back into the cell to see the ornate cane lay across the papers on my bed. I whirled around to see if the stranger was mocking me, half expecting him to miraculously reappear out of thin air the same way he had disappeared, but I was alone in the cell. My cellmate was probably putting in for a room change and, based on last night’s madness, I couldn’t blame him in the least.

    Easy champ, easy, I said to steady myself as I sat down onto the bunk careful not to disturb the stacks of paper. I handled the well, worn cane like a poisonous serpent and put it in the back part of my locker, worried that the guards might shake me down and find it, which would automatically put me in the dreaded chute, otherwise known as the FDC version of solitary confinement. For some reason I couldn’t fathom, I wasn’t able to bring myself to just sneak it out to the garbage on the floor.. The carvings on the walking stick had depicted various scenes that also seemed familiar to me but I couldn’t name them. The cane had a heft to it and felt powerful in my grip. I covered it with a prison issue work shirt and dialed the combination lock shut on my locker.

    As I closed my eyes and placed my hands on the stacks of paper, I immediately felt power surge up my arms and through me like an electrical current. Not shocking this time, just deep pleasant vibrations which tingled down into my bones. I lost myself in trying to make sense of the writings and then woke up again the next morning with my hand cramped into a claw holding a bloody pen, again covered with page after page, all scribbled upon in the now familiar hieroglyphs. This went on for a total of four nights and I began to fully believe that I had had a nervous breakdown, while my cellie surely thought I was possessed. I had become manic and haggard and, when I tried to explain the phenomenon to my wife, despite the desperate gulf of pain separating us that we were tenuously trying to navigate, she was understandably incredulous.

    After a great deal of debating with myself, I decided to go get checked out at the infamous prison infirmary. With their usual, less than outstanding bedside manner and medieval-looking medical equipment (but no hunchbacked lab assistants though, which kind of ruined the visual), the absent minded poking and prodding at me eventually determined I was fit-as-a-fiddle and ready for more incarceration fun and games.

    Given that, I actually felt tremendous anxiety that there wasn’t something seriously wrong with me. Physically, that is. Environmentally, everything basically sucked.

    After the examination I sat in one of the not-so-comfy waiting room chairs with the other inmates while we waited for whatever guard would eventually meander over to give us a ride back to our cellblock. Ride meaning escort, as we weren’t allowed to go anywhere unescorted. Plus, as there were female cellblocks in the same building, we would have to turn and face a wall whenever the guards would escort the ladies by us. This, despite the fact that we had female guards as well. I never really understood that but, with the variety of whack jobs and dangerous unhinged people I had encountered in this sad chapter of my life, maybe it was for the best.

    Without warning my whole body suddenly locked up as I sat in the waiting room. On their own volition, my hands gripped the thin plastic chair pads until it felt like my fingers were breaking and the air around me seemed to thicken. Time and sound wound down like a dying clock and my scalp crawled as a viscous metallic taste permeated my mouth. I couldn’t spit it out and my teeth started to ache. I tried to raise my head toward the window in front of me, which separated the waiting room from the hallway, which was where I sensed the source of all this weird was emanating, but it was a major effort.

    I felt the ligaments in my neck pop as I forced my eyes up and looked straight into the lunatic face of ultimate madness. There was a line of inmates against the wall in the hallway waiting for the guard to unlock the infirmary door to be let inside for whatever ailment they were most likely faking. Most were here hoping for drugs and others wanted out of their menial jobs or the pathetic class requirements for release (that were laughingly designed to rehabilitate us).

    The uber-tall, lean inmate directly in front of me in the hallway seemed to be innocently lounging against the wall waiting for the door to open. His eyes, however, were blazing orbs burning with hunger and I was more than grateful for the thick glass that separated us. Waves of wrongness emanated from him and the inmates lining the wall closest to him shuffled nervously with their eyes lowered. The guard was having trouble with the door lock and I could hear him jangling the keys impatiently. That was the only sound as the waiting room had gone deathly still. The harsh fluorescent light glared off the gaunt giant’s shaved skull as he leaned forward to stare through the window seemingly into me, his Charlie Manson smile leered out at me, his eyes danced in his face and I felt grossly violated by their touch.

    I was jolted out of this trance by the guard finally driving the key home and the door crashing suddenly open. I jumped up as my antagonist started to move with preternatural speed toward the door. His expression morphed from cartoonish lupine grin to rage at the hapless fools blocking his path. I glanced around and took off as quickly as I could down the hall literally willing myself to keep from running as to not have the guards write me up.

    I ducked into a janitorial closet and pulled the door shut as quietly as I could. I held onto the door handle, leaned back as far as I could, and braced my feet to keep the door from opening. I tried to get control of my breath and slow down my heart, as it was beating so hard it felt like it might burst out of my chest.

    I waited for an eternity it seemed. The sweat pooled on my forehead and ran down into my eyes. My face was scrunched into an expectant horror of what I knew was going to come through that door, somehow fully realizing that I wouldn’t be able to stop it. My mind retreated into flight mode with no thought of fight. I held onto that doorknob like my life depended on it, and I was certain at that point, it did.

    Despite every exhortation I could manage at some 200 pounds of rock hard prison hewn muscle, to my absolute soul numbing horror, the doorknob began to turn in my iron clasp. I felt wave after wave of freezing air wash over me, coming from whatever that thing was on the other side of two inches of wood. Panting hard, I held tight, jamming my feet into the bottom of the door and leaning back until my head bumped against the back of the closet. Despite all this, the knob continued to turn and a whimper of fear escaped from between my clenched teeth.

    The smell of sulfur was like a punch in the face and I could hear grunts and a dog like panting on the other side of the door. Just as my sweaty hands lost their grip on the knob, suddenly there was a bright white flash of light like an old camera flashbulb magnified by a thousand times and a crackling sound. The smell of ozone eradicated the sulfuric stink and there was a yelp, some shuffling, a sound like a body hitting the floor, and then, nothing. I continued to hold onto the doorknob for dear life for a moment or two, but the cold and the paralytic fear had simply vanished, so I relaxed my death grip on the doorknob. I flicked the sweat from my brow and then started violently as the door suddenly opened and there stood the bearded stranger who had earlier appeared at my cell door.

    I think it’s high time you finally came out of the closet son, he said with a wink. Despite my trepidation, I fell into his arms in relief and hugged him tight. He hesitated a moment and then hugged me back for a second before clapping

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