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Many people usually seek Black Magic or Satanism in order to acquire materialgoods

or mundane, superficial things, but we understand that true glory lieswithin the
Spirit, not in external things. Every spirit poor in wisdom desperately
seeks to obtain external wealth in an attempt to compensate his inner poverty,but
the Satanist is always willing to put his own dark essence first and above hisEgo,
because wisdom for us is like sea water, as in the more water from this "pri-
mal ocean" we drink, the thirstier we become.
The Goal of every Real Satanist is to aim for Gnosis and the Ultimate Truth beyond
all Lies and illusions until we return to our Origin at the Womb of Tiamat.
And Ancient Hidden Sumerian Scripture reads:
"The Elder Gods(white light of creation) are just the dreams and nightmares of the
Old Ones(Anticosmic Black Light) They, all these bastard gods emerged as the Dreams
of Tiamat and Absu,
And we humans and this cosmos are just the dreams of the Elder Gods... When they
awake and become dreamless and thoughtless everything including them will be
We can see clearly here that the key for liberation and return of our trapped
spirits is Gnosis, Knowledge and Awakening.
The more we learn the more liberated we shall become.
Hail Holy Master Lucifer who brought us the Light (Gnosis) of self awareness of the
true spiritual and immortal beings we are.
Without Lucifer we would have remained as organic living machines created to feed
with our life forces the Demiurge Yahweh and His Archons.
The Fall of Lucifer " Casus Luciferi" is symbolic as any occultist may Know and
represents the descend of Master Lucifer from His Highest Throne at Thaumiel to
this Low dark and repugnant world of Malkuth where the Demiurge IHVH jailed us, and
some ignorant humans loved this world and its pleasures thus forgetting the origin
of their inner Flame and forgetting this is just a Jail.
Lucifer descended as a Falling Star to ignite the dormant fire of Gnosis.
For This Reason We Are Luciferians and Also Satanists.
Lucifer is Satan !

We also owe much to King Azazel and The Watchers" fallen angels" as they taught
black Sorcery, Witchcraft, Weaponry and the Art of humanity as tools of
Freedom and Liberation.

As we may see we are not Alone Brothers and Sisters of the Infernal Path, the Dark
Gods are with us !
But, we can't fall prey of our Ego, or the illusions of "God" and His Angels.
We must keep in contact with the Dark Gods and Goddesses through our daily and
nightly rituals, bloody offerings and sacrifices be Animal or Human.

We Praise Thee Shemyaza Aziel Azazel !

Mighty God of the Dark Witches
forge the spiritual weapons of our Liberation and ignite in us the Luciferian
Will !

napoleon fernandez

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