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■Game Name■

Unholy Heights Ver1.0.1

Microsoft .NET Framework 4 is required to start the game
You can download the installer from here.

Next you will need to install the Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 4.0

■Installation - Start-up■
Unzip the .zip folder to the desired location.
Running the UnholyHeights.exe file in the folder will start the game.

Delete the Unholy Heights folder to uninstall the game
To delete the saved data located in \SavedGames\Maison

■Problems running the game?■

DirectX may not be installed properly. Please install it using the dxwebsetup.exe
file located in the Required_Files folder.

■Recommended Specs■
Supported OS:Windows XP(Service Pack 3),Windows Vista(Service Pack 1),Windows 7
Memory:Windows XP- 512MB Other OS - 1GB
Display Resolution: Above 800 x 450
Graphic Card: Card that supports Shader model 2.0
HDD Space: At least 50MB

The creators of this game are not responsible for any problems that may arise from
playing the game.

Petit Depotto

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