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Building an Effective Campus Recruitment Strategy

for Your Company

There are only a few
recruiting techniques
that have stood the
test of time and are effective
like on-campus recruiting.

Table of Content

1. Introduction 4
2. Why Your Company Needs a B-school Campus Recruitment Strategy? 5
3. Setting Your Organizational Campus Recruiting Goals 6
4. Identify Your Company’s On-campus Recruitment Needs 6
5. Size Up the Competition 8
6. Set Your Company’s Campus Recruitment Goals 8
7. Gathering Resources to Present Your Company 9
8. Commit Necessary Assets 9
9. Create an Attractive Pitch for Your Compan 10
10. Developing an On-campus Recruitment Strategy 11
11. Choose B-school Campuses Where You Would Like to Go 12
12. Nurture Campus Relationships 13
13. Decide Who to Send 13
14. Fine Tuning the Candidate Experience to Beat the Competition 15
15. Analysing & Adapting Your On-campus Recruitment Strategy 16
16. Having a Month-by-month B-school Campus Recruiting Timeline is a Must 17
17. Come Partner with IILM 18
18. About IILM 18
19. Identify, Select & Hire the IILM Graduates 19
20. Contact IILM Placement Cell 20
21. References 25

On-campus information sessions and

recruitment is the most popular way
for management graduates to find
career opportunities after job boards,
employer website and career fairs.
Campus recruiting is also a great way
for organizations to engage emerging
talent. But campus recruitment comes
with its own challenges. Attracting
management students on their own
turf needs a sufficiently unique ap-
proach – an approach that includes
engaging resources, a streamlined ap-
plication process, and some memora-
ble activities.
Feeling confused and lost? Well, please
don’t! We have weaved together this
step-by-step guide to help your compa-
ny come up with an effective campus
recruiting strategy. This guide includes
questionnaire, checklists, timelines,
and some tested tricks for getting at-
tention on campus.

Why Your Company Needs a B-school
Campus Recruitment Strategy?

Today’s job market is more dependent also help companies reduce the at-
on young talent than ever before. Ac- trition rate dramatically, an extremely
cording to the data released by the important benefit as employees are
Census of India, India has an unri- switching careers more frequently
valled youth demographic: 65% of its than ever before. When it comes to
population is 35 or under (the critical millennials, they are actually job-hop-
demography category of 18-35 years ping more frequently than previous
of age is approximately 32%). generations.
In such environment, premier man- On-campus recruiting is also import-
agement schools continue to be an ant for promoting your brand. Many
important channel for selecting lead- of your company leaders will be first
ers for companies. Companies have exposed to your company on their
started to work on campus recruitment b-school campus. Even if manage-
into their strategy to further entrench ment graduates aren’t hired directly
their leadership positions. Employers out of campus, these graduates will
have also enhanced their focus on hir- remember your company as they con-
ing from top tier b-schools. tinue their career path, and will keep
On-campus recruitment is catching it in mind in the future. In short, some
the fancy of Human Resources’ de- of your most talented business lead-
partments in companies across in- ers of tomorrow are on campus right
dustries because on-campus recruit- now, probably unaware of your orga-
ing can create a pipeline of interns and nization’s existence. An effective cam-
entry-level hires that can help these pus recruitment strategy should aim
companies grow. Campus hiring can to change that.

Setting Your Organizational Campus Recruiting Goals

Identify Your Company’s On-campus Recruitment Needs

Before setting up shop on a b-school • What are the key departments/

campus, you need to consider your leadership positions that your
overall organizational needs. company is looking to fill?
Here is a questionnaire to check: • Are there any skills/proficiencies
that your company is having trou-
• What are your current staffing ble finding in your existing talent
needs? pool?
• What will be your staffing needs in • Would certain teams/departments
coming 6 to 12 months? benefit by having interns?

Would certain teams/departments benefit by having interns?

To understand how to best attract the goals and ensure that you’re aware of
management graduates you’re look- all your options and opportunities.
ing for, scope out what your compet- Just to give you an example, top
itors are doing. Look at their overall brands know that management grad-
campus recruitment approach: where uates with subject matter expertise
are they going and what are they from the technology, marketing, fi-
offering? Does it seem to be working? nancial services and human resourc-
What, in general, is their reputation es fields come with a holistic view of
among top b-schools and their stu- their respective area of specialisation
dents? and industry. Distribution of sectors
Getting as much of this information in IILM campus hiring strengthens
as possible will help to align your own this belief of top brands.

Companies find it very easy to absorb management graduates from IILM in

sales, marketing, pre-sales, business analyst and corporate function roles.

Set Your Company’s Campus Recruitment Goals

Once you’ve gone through the ques- across a b-school’s relevant pro-
tionnaire to know your organizational grams
needs and checked your competition, • Attract students to sign up for a
you should have enough information career newsletter or job alert
to set clear and concise goals for • Improve traffic to company job
your on-campus recruitment strategy. board or career site
Based on this information, developing • Develop an ongoing liaison with
a set of goals will help to keep your a b-school’s placement cell to fill
efforts on track. Following are a few future roles
examples of common campus re- • Connect with relevant faculty to
cruitment goals: identify promising talent
• Partner with a b-school to foster
• Disseminate your employer brand an internship program

Remember, your sole goal shouldn’t be to hire. Good campus recruitment is as

much about developing relationships and improving awareness.

Gathering Resources to Present Your Company

Commit Necessary Assets

It’s crucial that your organization is will- contact info quickly

ing to commit the necessary resources • Active social media platforms, with a
to get the most out of your recruiting ef- content strategy geared toward stu-
forts on campus. dents
• Marketing material specifically for
These will differ depending on approach the b-school or department’
adopted by different companies, but • Business cards or info sheets with
here’s a basic run-down of the resourc- up-to-date contact info
es you’ll need: • Employee ambassadors to talk on
your behalf
• Website with student specific sec- • Intern testimonials
tions • Giveaways to attract interest
• A lead tracking system to harvest

Create an Attractive Pitch for Your Company
Even if you have an extensive branding students form an opinion on how they
campaign in place for your company, will continue to develop their career
it’s important to revisit your recruitment path by getting on-board your compa-
messaging before going to a b-school ny.
for on-campus recruiting. Remember, for potential interns an en-
For entry-level hires, salary is often gaging pitch often starts with a qual-
a key consideration, but you’ll also ity internship program. Do you have
want to put non-compensation perks an internship program in place? Are
front and centre. According to a www. you planning to create one? If you are, research, “entry-level make sure you actually have work for
job postings do best when they men- your interns. The worst possible out-
tion training opportunities, corporate come is to send the message that the
discounts, flexible schedules, and lo- organization is ill-prepared to utilize
cation.” To get the attention of the man- their talents. You want to show stu-
agement graduates, make it a point to dents how the opportunity will provide
portray a younger workforce and a fun the career growth and job experience
office culture. Highlight a good work they are looking for. Offer a positive
and life balance in your organization. experience, and you will turn today’s
Also, tell about career growth oppor- interns into tomorrow’s strongest am-
tunities and long-term potential for bassadors for your organization.
the graduates in your company. Help

Developing an On-campus
Recruitment Strategy

Choose B-school Campuses Where You Would Like to Go

The success of on-campus recruit- For each b-school, look at the num-
ing efforts will often depend on the ber of management graduates in the
b-school campus itself. fields you’re targeting.
So, analysing and targeting the right Review the b-schools that produced
b-schools is one of the most import- your existing workforce – particularly
ant parts of the process. There are a the overachievers.
number of ways to determine which Reach out to existing contacts with
management college campus will b-school campuses that you might
provide the greatest return on invest- have within your organization.
ment, and provide the best manage- Consider past b-school campus re-
rial talent pool to fit your company’s cruitment strategies and events, and
specific needs. Here are a few things your existing relationships with those
to facilitate your decision: management colleges.

Nurture Campus Relationships
There’s more to campus recruitment ment institute of your choice.
at b-schools than simply having your Next, connect with the b-school’s
presence on campuses year after placements/career centre, and dis-
year. It’s really about investing and de- cuss ways to get involved in on-cam-
veloping a long-term relationship with pus activities that go beyond the
a management institution, which can placement drives. Placement cells at
have lasting returns for your compa- b-schools is a valuable resource for
ny. feedback on how your strategy is be-
As we mentioned in the previous sec- ing received by students, and how you
tion, reach out to the alumni that you can develop further relationships with
employ to get started, but don’t forget the faculty and administrators that
current interns who can help you de- can offer best insight into the talent in
velop relationships with the manage- their classrooms.

Decide Who to Send

Choosing the right members of your er queries.

team as your representatives to attend We already mentioned that the college
campus placement events at premier demographic is interested to know
b-schools depends, in part, on what about your office culture and work/
the event is. But there are a few core life balance. As such, it’s crucial that
groups to include. Recruitment man- you include ambassadors (if available,
agers, if possible, members of the Hu- alumni of the b-school you are visit-
man Resources’ team should lead the ing) to your employer brand who can
effort. They’re the best resource for showcase these aspects of your com-
specific questions about workplace pany and make students want to work
benefits, open opportunities, and oth- alongside colleagues like them.

Fine Tuning the
Candidate Experience
to Beat the

In order to compete with other organizations

seeking the same on campus talent at b-schools
you are eying, it is absolutely crucial to provide
an application process that is simple and cohe-
sive. Post job and internship opportunities on
the b-school’s online job portal and through any
b-school specific networking sites, and offer an
easy path back to your career site.
Give students a clear understanding of the hiring
process and timeline, and offer tips and tricks to
help them succeed. A mobile-friendly application
process can also improve the experience and
attract more interest from an increasingly mo-
bile-dependent younger generation.

Analysing & Adapting
Your On-campus
Recruitment Strategy
Like with many endeavours, the first year of
your campus recruitment strategy will be
the most difficult – and likely reap the least
amount of rewards. That said, it provides
important baseline metrics that can help
improve the program moving forward.
However, if your campus recruitment con-
sistently falls short of your goals, take steps
to find the problem. Arrange a meeting with
your contacts at the b-school to see how
your efforts are being received, and how
you can improve your ROI. Consider polling
students and new management graduates
about their perceptions of your company,
and survey candidates about their experi-
ence applying to internships or entry-level
positions. If adapting your efforts based on
this intelligence still fails to produce results,
the next step would be adjusting your goals
or trying a new list of target schools.

Having a Month-by-
month B-school Cam-
pus Recruiting Time-
line is a Must
Attracting the right b-school campus talent
requires a year-round strategy. Work and finalize
on what should be on your to-do list throughout
the year. True that every b-school’s placement
and internship schedule will differ slightly, but
having a to-do list will guide your efforts to-
wards success.

Come Partner with IILM
Work with our experienced team to get the
most out of your hiring process, whether
you post one job or many.

About IILM
IILM’s journey in integrated learning in man-
agement originated in 1993 under the aegis
of the Ram Krishan & Sons Charitable Trust.
Today, 25 years after its inception, IILM has
been delivering superior quality education
consistently and incessantly. It is this unique
heritage spanning decades of excellence in
higher education that sets us apart from oth-
er educational institutes. The IILM ethos is
focused on identifying and nurturing the next
generation of thought leaders through intui-
tive education.

PGDM programmes at three campuses with-

in the National Capital Region of Delhi, locat-
ed in New Delhi, Gurgaon and Greater Noida.
It is but a testament of IILM’s commitment
to provide transformational education and
the quality that the institute assures year af-
ter year, that EdUniversal ranked IILM 11th
among best Indian business schools in 2015.
Also, its various institutes have been consis-
tently ranked amongst the best B- Schools in
the country.

Identify, Select & Hire the IILM Graduates

Some compelling reasons for you to recruit at IILM:

1. The students have honed their an- portant role at IILM in creating a har-
alytical skills through Harvard Case monious relationship between the
Studies & Simulations, and Career students and the faculty members.
Treks as inspired from Wharton Busi- These sessions provide an edge to
ness School. students to interact about their inter-
2. Our students have been nurtured by est domains & relative career aspira-
Full Time Senior Faculty on campus, tions.
and Visiting International Faculty 5. We are a part of 9000+ Alumni Net-
from top global B-Schools - Stern, work on campus, providing an excel-
Kellogg and Wharton. lent scope for internal professional
3. IILM PGDM Global Study Program networking.
at our partner institutions - France, 6. IILM students have gained a great
Canada, Spain & Germany help stu- deal of Entrepreneurial & Managerial
dents gain a multi-facet global expo- skills by indulging into Case Studies
sure which enables them to work in of Start-Ups and Business Strategy
global markets & environment. at I-Lab – incubation centre for cre-
4. Mentoring sessions play a very im- ative business ideas.

Top Brands For IILM PGDM 2015-17 Campus Placement

IILM Summer Internship

Program & On-Campus
Placements: 2015-17

It has been a very successful year for

our batch 2015-17 so far, as they have
achieved a fair degree of summer in-
ternship employment and campus
placements respectively across a va-
riety of industries, functions and geo-


1Knowledge Center, Golf Course Road, 16, Knowlwdgw Park -II
Rai School Complex, Institutional Area, 71-1 Sector 53, Greater Noida - 201 306
Lodhi Road, Gurgaon -122003 Uttar Pradesh
New Delhi - 110003 Haryana
Contact Person: Denny Mathew Contact Person: Ruchi Shah Contact Person: Vinay Chirania
E-mail ID: E-mail ID: E-mail ID:
Mobile: +91-9873042997 Mobile: +91-9811669092 Mobile: +91-9929010635
Desk: +91-11-40934324

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