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Select the oorrect aits*rr for eactr of lhe followhg

qu€stions. Merk onlv one ansrer for r-ch item by CEding lhc box
9q'Ie?gnding to the tettsr of your chobo on thc enrrver ghsei Fovided.
-r H

Sltuadon 1: The 25O mm x 375 mm concrete pet d 3.5 m lengrth
',t b reinforced with-a wirs flangc ection that has an

area of 60On mm'. E = % GPe and E t = 2(X) GPa.
See figure SMAT 33.45. + H

Fh DA$:r .m
10. Which of tre following givc the at"ain energy of the ground floor
a. 5040in-lb c. 1t92in{b
b. 3468 ln-lb d. 6075 in-tb

11. Wtrlt$ of tha followhg give the strain energy of the s*ond ltoor
Ftg. SrttAT 3L45 .. 7Gi irrlb c. 13551n-lb
't Ir b. 1572tur1b d, 982,tslb
1. D€t€rmin€ the in the cmcrgto if tho post ie ubjected to an
load of900 kN. 12. V\lhich of the following givas the strain onsrgy of the third froor
' axiql
I I 8.42 Mpa c, 6.45 Mpa column?
, b. 5.99 MPa d. 7.6Et Mpa a. 333 in-h c. 15O in-lb
I b. zl57 in-b d, 2'17
2. Ocr'ff,Imine the streq in the steel if the poet b dubjec.ted to an
. axial load ofg00 kN. Situatlon 5: A beam with a length of 20 m is loaded with a
a. 81.2 MPa c. 67,3 MPa trtiformly dirfrihrted load ard a corcentated bad
b. I 7i.0 Mpa d. 59.21 MPa
ac{ing 7 mebr ftonr the right.upport The bcern b
t, 300 mm x 6fi) mm. 5o6 figure BBS - 056.
3. , Determino the decrese in lerryh of tr6 poet
.. 1.56mm c. 1.78 mm 16 tll
b. 1l18mm d. l.*l nm
Sltuaton 2: The trrov€rli:.| rods itachad to the light rbid bar
are identixl oxcopt for length. Aseume lhat rll the
conneclbns are pinncd. Bdorc lhe load W wes
atached, lhe bar wrs hofizontsl and the.rode were AB
st€€s.freo. See figurc TGDF 20.01.
Fig. BBS - 056
13. Whidr of lho fo[owhg mo.t n€.rly Oivc tre maximum horizont l
ch6ar Btess?
a. 3.r]:l MPa c. 1.21 MPe
b. 2.S MPe d. 4.56 MP.

11. \Mtiotr of the followhg moet nearly givc the maximum bcnding
Fig. T6oF 2&01 W a. 1Zl.93MPa c. 289.01 MPa
b. 117.54 MPa d. 255.87 MPa
4. Determhe tt€ load in the long* rod if W = I kN.
a. p.{5 kN o.
286kN 15. IMich of the following moat nearly givo€ lhe maximum horizontal
b. 8.57 kN d.
7.27kN ehear sfess if a circular sction of 500 mm diameter is used?
a. 2.89 MPa c. 3.12 MPa
r 5. Determine the loed in the short€r rod ilW = E kN b, l.07MPa d. 4.01 MPa
l a. 2.86 kN c. 8.t/ kN
b. 7.27 kN d. 5.45 kN 16. \A/hich of the following m6t nearly gives the maximum bending
stross it a circular section of 5O0 mm diameter is used?
Sltuauon 3: The rigid bar AB is supportod- by tho sto.l rod BC of a. 375.30 MPa c, 233.4O MPa
crcs.E*tional area 5(I) mm'. Uee E = 220 GPa for b. 172.41 MPe d, 187.65 MPa
steel: The indination of lhe steel rod b 45' with the
horizontal. Assume pin connecliorr at B. See frgure Situatlon 6: A shear diagr.m is given. See figure DRFW rL5.06.
sMT 5.1.
+30 kN

Flo. SilT 5.1

\Mich of the following mo6t nearly gives the sfess on the ste€l
rod? Flg. DRFW /1t.06
a, 88.21 MPa c. 59.03 MPa 17. Whi6 of th€ followhg m6t ne8rly giv€6 the maximum
b. I
73.54 MPa d. 67,88 MPa conconfatod load?
a. 40 kN c. 30 kN
7. Whigh of the following. mtdt nearly givce the vertical b. 45 kN d. 25 kN
, dist.lacement of point B?
a. 1.23 rnm c, 2.72mm 18. Whbh of the folloruing m6t nearly gives the maximum negative
b- 2.47 Nn d. 1.36mm moment?
a. Z) kN.m c. 25 kN.m
8. ll/hidh of the following moet nearly gives the reac'tion d A? b. a5 kN.m d. 3O kN.m
a. 31.91 kN c. 28.8{kN
b. 20.16 kN d. 35.r/ kN 19. Which of the follorhg most noarly givc tha point of infleclion
from lhe right end?
9. A steel rod hae a equare croes toclion of 10 mrn x 10 mm and a !. 3.25 m c. 2.25m
length of 2'm. Cabulate the sbeh energy when .lrGE of 400 b. 5.75 m d. 4.75 m
MPa is produaad by efebhing it Teke E = 2O0 GPa. ;.7
a. 70J q 9oJ Sltuedon 7: A sts€l fabdcated secton is to bo us€d ac a beam.
r b. g)J d. 60J Assume B = 300 mm. See figure OKS 71.
I t
Situatlon 4: I
Athrolstory st3el colunn h e buildirg supportr roof Propertic of eq$ channel: t^
.,t md @ loedo. Th. dory hoigttt H 'E f0.5 $ tt€ A = 12,(XD mm' I.
crs.acqtionel .t€e A dlho aolumn b 15.5 in.', rrd d = 400 nrm
the moduhrs of clas{idty E of the doC b 30 x iOoPai. h =200 mm
lr Pr - 40 k and P2 = Pr = 60 k See fiSttrg DSSGL - x=40mm
I 0@. h=50x10omm'
'r lv=30x10'mma

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