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A Bibliography of Works about Durkheim

In preparing this bibliography, as with the bibliography of works by Durkheim

himself, I have begun with the Peregrine edition of Steven Lukes'Durkheim: His
Life and Work: A Historical and Critical Study (1988). I have also benefited
greatly from the hard work of dozens of Durkheim scholars, and particularly
those associated with the Société d'études durkheimiennes and the British Centre
for Durkheimian Studies. Needless to say, the bibliography is not comprehensive
or complete. In fact, it could never be so. But I hope that it will become
increasingly useful, as it is updated through your efforts and mine. To this end, I
hope that you will send me additional references, as well as more complete or
corrective information for references already listed below. E-mail d-

Abrahamson, M.(1980). "Sudden Wealth, Gratification and Attainment:

Durkheim's Anomie of Affluence Reconsidered." American Sociological
Review 45(1): 49-57.

Acevedo, G. A. (2005). " Turning Anomie on its Head: Fatalism as Durkheim's

Concealed and Multidimensional Alienation Theory." Sociological Theory 23

Adams, G. P. (1916). "The Interpretation of Religion in Royce and

Durkheim." Philosophical Review 25: 297-304.

Adorno, T. W. (1967). "Introduction to Durkheim". In Soziologie und

Philosophie. Frankfurt.

Aimard, G. (1962). Durkheim et la science economique. Paris.

Al-Ahnaf, M. (1991). "Sur quelques durkheimiens arabes." Peuples

Méditerranéens/Mediterranean Peoples 54-55: 41-51.

Alberoni, F. (1964). "Riflessioni su Durkheim: individuo e società." Studi di

sociologia 2: 125-46.
Alexander, J. C. (1983). Theoretical Logic in Sociology, Volume 2: The
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Angeles, University of California Press.

Alexander, J. C. (1984). "Social-Structural Analysis: Some notes on its History

and Prospects." The Sociological Quarterly 25:5-26.

Alexander, J. C. (1988). "Culture and Political Crisis: 'Watergate' and

Durkheimian Sociology". In J. C. Alexander, ed. Durkheimian Sociology:
Cultural Studies. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 187-224.

Alexander, J. C., ed. (1988). Durkheimian Sociology: Cultural Studies.

Cambridge, England, Cambridge University Press.

Alexander, J. C. (1989). Structure and Meaning: Relinking Classical Sociology.

New York, Columbia University Press.

Alexander, J. C. (1990). "The Sacred and Profane Information Machine:

Discourse about the Computer as Ideology." Archives de Sciences Sociales des
Religions 69: 161-171.

Alexander, J. C. (1996). "Durkheim's Religious Revival" American Journal of

Sociology 102(2):585-592.

Alexander, J. C. (2005). "The Inner Development of Durkheim's Sociological

Theory: from Early Writings to Maturity," in Alexander and Smith, dir.,The
Cambridge Companion to Durkheim, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Allardt, E. (1968). "Émile Durkheim: sein Beitrag zur politischen

Soziologie." Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie 20: 1?16.

Allcock, J. (1992). "Émile Durkheim's Encounter with Pragmatism." Journal of

the History of Sociology 4: 27-51.

Allen, N. J. (1994). "Primitive Classification: the Argument and its Validity". In

W. S. F. Pickering and H. Martins, ed. Debating Durkheim. London and New
York, Routledge: 40-65.

Allport, F. H. (1924). "The Group Mind Fallacy in Relation to Social

Science." Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 19: 60-73.

Alpert, H. (1937). "France's First University Course in Sociology." American

Sociological Review 2: 311-17.
Alpert, H. (1938). "Durkheim's Functional Theory of Ritual." Sociology and
Social Research 23: 103-8.

Alpert, H. (1939). Émile Durkheim and His Sociology. New York.

Alpert, H. (1939). "Émile Durkheim and Sociologismic Psychology." American

Journal of Sociology 45: 64-70.

Alpert, H. (1939). "Explaining the Social Socially." Social Forces 17: 361-5.

Alpert, H. (1940). "De Durkheim à Bergson: L'Évolution Pedagogique en France,

vol I: Des Origines a la Renaissance: Annales Sociologiques."American
Sociological Review 5(1): 129-131, 5,1.

Alpert, H. (1941). "Émile Durkheim and the Theory of Social

Integration." Journal of Social Philosophy 6: 172-84.

Alpert, H. (1957). "Education and Sociology."American Journal of

Sociology 63(2): 218.

Alpert, H. (1958). "Émile Durkheim, Enemy of Fixed Psychological

Elements." American Journal of Sociology 63 (Durkheim-Simmel
commemorative issue): 662-4.

Alpert, H. (1959). "Émile Durkheim, A Perspective and Appreciation." American

Sociological Review 24: 462-5.

Alpert, H. (1964). "Primitive Classification" American Journal of

Sociology 69(6):664-665.

Andler, C. (1896). "Réponse aux objections." Revue de métaphysique et de

morale 4: 371-3.

Andler, C. (1896). "Sociologie et démocratie." Revue de métaphysique et de

morale 4: 243-5.

Andrews, H. F. (1993). "Durkheim and Social Morphology". In S. P. Turner,

ed. Émile Durkheim: Sociologist and Moralist. London and New York,
Routledge: 111-35.

Apchié, M. (1936). "Quelques Remarques critiques sur la sociologie d'Émile

Durkheim." Archives de philosophie du droit et de sociologie juridique 6: 182-
Apolito, P. (1993). "La festa del totem: da Rousseau a Durkheim". In M.
Donzelli and M. Fimiani, ed. Figure dell'individualità nella Francia fra Otto e
Novecento. Genova, Marietti: 259-82.

Aron, R. (1967). Les Étapes de la pensée sociologique. Paris.

Aron, R. (1971). De la condition historique du sociologue. Leçon inaugurale au

Collège de France. Paris.

Aron, R., A. Demangeon, et al. (1937). Les Sciences sociales en France:

enseignement et recherche. Paris.

Austin, R. L., M. Bologna, et al. (1992). "Sex Role Change, Anomie and Female
Suicide: A Test of Alternative Durkheimian Explanations." Suicide and Life
Threatening Behavior 22(2): 197-225.

Backman, C. B. (1992). "Life after Death: An Empirical Project in the Classical

Theory Course." Teaching Sociology 20(2): 104-13.

Badura, B. and H. Pfaff (1992). "Towards a Conceptualization of Stress as a

Subjective Phenomenon." Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und
Sozialpsychologie 44(2): 354-63.

Banaszyk, T. (1989). "The Role of L'Année sociologique in the Development of

the Fundamental Research Trends of Durkheim's School." Kultura i

Baracani, N. (1970). "Bibliographie durkheimienne." Communautés, Archives

internationales de sociologie de la coopération et du développement 28: 161?223.

Barberis, D.S. (2002). "Moral Education for the Elite of Democracy: the Classe
de Philosophie Between Sociology and Philosophy." Journal of the History of
Behavioral Sciences 38(4):355-369.

Barkdull, John (1995) "Waltz, Durkheim, and International Relations: The

International System as an Abnormal Form." American Political Science
Review 89: 669-680.

Barker, G. (1991). "A Durkheimian Analysis of Escape Attempts." New Zealand

Sociology 6(1): 1-19.

Barnes, B. (1996)."Durkheim's Philosophy of Science and the Sociology of

Knowledge: Creting an Intellectual Niche." Isis 87(4):743-744.
Barnes, H. E. (1920). "Durkheim's Contribution to the Reconstruction of Political
Theory." Political Science Quarterly 35: 236-54.

Barnes, H. E. and H. Becker (1938). Social Thought from Lore to Science. New

Barnes, J. A. (1966). "Durkheim's Division of Labour in Society." Man 1, 2:


Bartholomewsz, D. (1991). "T.S. Eliot and The Golden Bough." Collegium

Anthropologicum 15(2): 339-48.

Baubérot, J. (1990). "Note sur Durkheim et la Laïcité." Archives de Sciences

Sociales des Religions 69: 151-156.

Bauddot, C., R. Establet, et al. Émile Durkheim relu et enrichi. Le Monde: iv-v.

Bay, C. (1975). "Capitalism and Modern Social Theory: An Analysis of the

Writings of Marx, Durkheim, and Max Weber." Canadian Journal of Political
Science/Revue canadienne de science politique 8(4): 577-578.

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Bayet, A. (1907). "Sur la distinction du normal et du pathologique." Revue

philosophique 63: 67-80.

Bayet, A. (1923). Le Suicide et la morale. Paris.

Bayet, A. (1925). La Science des faits moraux. Paris.

Bayet, A. (1926). "Émile Durkheim: L'Éducation morale." Revue

philosophique 102: 304-9.

Becker, H. (1944). "Émile Durkheim and His Sociology" American Sociological

Review 9(2):205.

Beiner, R. (1993). "A Communitarian Defense of Liberalism: Émile Durkheim

and Contemporary Social Theory." The American Political Science
Review 87(3):762-763.

Bélanger, P. R. and B. Lévesque (1992). "Élements théoriques pour une

sociologie de l'entreprise: des classiques aux 'néo-classiques'." Cahiers de
recherche sociologique 18-19: 55-92.
Bellah, R. N. (1959). "Durkheim and History." American Sociological
Review 24: 447-61.

Bellah, R. N., ed. (1973). Émile Durkheim: On Morality and Society. Chicago
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Bellah, R. N. (1990). "Morale, Religion et Société dans l'Oeuvre

Durkheimienne." Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 69: 9-25.

Belot, G. (1894). "L'Utilitarisme et ses nouveaux critiques." Revue de

métaphysique et de morale 2: 404-64.

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philosophique 45: 649-57.

Belot, G. (1900). "La Religion comme principe sociologique." Revue

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Durkheim". In F. Cardi and J. Plantier, ed. Durkheim, sociologue de l'éducation.
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Berthelot, J.-M. (1989). "Principe de causalité et raisonnement expérimental chez

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Besnard, P. (1973). "Durkheim et les femmes ou le Suicide inachevé." Revue

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française de sociologie XX.

Besnard, P. (1982). "L'Anomie dans la biographie intellectuelle de

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théorie durkheimienne." Année sociologique 34: 127-63.

Besnard, P. (1991). "Le Choix d'un prénom. Actualité de la méthode

durkheimienne." Recherches Sociologiques 22(3): 53-60.

Besnard, P. (1993). "Anomie and Fatalism in Durkheim's Theory of Regulation".

In S. P. Turner, ed. Émile Durkheim: Sociologist and Moralist. London and New
York, Routledge: 169-90.
Besnard, P. (1993). "De la datation des cours pédagogiques de Durkheim à la
recherche du thème dominant de son oeuvre". In F. Cardi and J. Plantier,
ed. Durkheim, sociologue de l'éducation. Paris, l'Harmattan: 120-30.

Besnard, P. (1994). "A Durkheimian Approach to the Study of Fashion: The

Sociology of Christian or First Names". In W. S. F. Pickering and H. Martins,
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