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designing the prototype of drinking machine (MIXING

Designing Softdrink Mixing Machine Based on

Programmable Logic Controller with HMI
(July 2018)
Sandra Miharja
Department of Electronic Engineering Education
Indonesia University of Education
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Abstract— The design of this tool based on technological DRINK MACHINE). According to Irawan J & Kuswandi A,
advances in automated machine category that college students 2014, Mixing drink machine programmed for making milk
must study. Designing softdrink mixing machine is one solution coffee, sweet coffee, and sweet milk drinks. The machine
to the problem because it is included into the automated machine.
The design of the tool in this research is a machine that can be system in the research used (Programmable Logic Controller)
used to producing instant drink with fifteen variant flavors from PLC, push button, DC motor and proximity switch.
four basic flavors through tab screen Logic Panel equipped IR According the two research bring out an idea to make a
obstacle sensor, conveyor with motor stepper drive and faucet research aimed at generating a new tool so that it can add
using diaphragm pump. The method in designing this tool is the variety in learning automation. The research to be done is to
experimental method. The results of this study indicate that the
make a instant drink, in contrast to the two research above,
tool can producing instant drink according to what is ordered
using the program has been designed. The conveyor is able to this research does not use powdered drinks as a material but
carry a load of 200 ml of water and diaphragm pump has the rather a syrup and replace the water with carbonated water so
ability to pump water with discharge 650 ml/minutes. Human that the end result is a carbonated drinks (softdrink) which has
Machine Interface is designed to be user friendly using GPeditor. several flavor choices can be selected. This research will use
PLC as a mechanical control and connected with Human
Sofdrink Mixing Machine, Logic Panel, Motor Stepper, Machine Interface (HMI) to make it user friendly. This
Diaphragm Pump.
research will use conveyor as a glass carrier which will be
operated by stepper motor and equipped with infrared sensor.
Infrared sensors are used only one that is to indicate the
starting position of the serving glass and for the next will be
Automation is one of the development of science and arranged by the program in the PLC so that the tool does not
technology that make human life today becomes easier in require many sensors. This study uses only one sensor because
daily activities. A human living in the development of application of stepper motor can replace the existence of other
technology must be able to follow automation developments sensors (position marking sensor). The machine in this study
by learning or studying these developments. Learning about did not use solenoid valve as electric faucet but using mini
automation will be faster if faced directly with the tool to be water pump as a suction and liquid booster.
studied or at least there is a prototype that can be learned Based on the problems already described and also the ability
directly. A lot of research that producing automated machines of these devices to producing instant drink (softdrink in this
so that we can learn the automation of the research products. case), the author tries to do research. End task entitled
Some researches include making a machine in the field of "Designing Softdrink Mixing Machine Based on
food, especially in the manufacture of drink machine as like as Programmable Logic Controller with HMI Integrated".
vending machine or instant drink maker. The system used is a infrared sensor, PLC with HMI
According to research by Siregar E, Purwanto S & integrated (logic panel), conveyor withh motor stepper drive
Trisnadoli A, which is designing an instant drinks automated and faucet using diaphragm pump. Figure 1 is the overall
machine based on arduino with android control. According to system block diagram.
Siregar E, Purwanto S & Trisnadoli A, 2014, with Android
controls that can help users in terms of making instant drinks.
Users simply choose what the desired drinks menu on Android
Smartphone which is connected to Access Point, then the
machine will make it according to the selected menu. Machine
systems in the research using Arduino Mega, Wifi Shield,
Another researh dy Irawan J & Kuswandi A which is


replace a series of relays on a conventional process control

system. The PLC works by observing the input (through the
corresponding sensors), then performing the processing and
performing the required action, in the form of turning on or off
its output (logic 0 or 1). The user creates the program
(generally using a ladder diagram depending on the user or
programmer) then the program is run by the corresponding
PLC, in other words the PLC determines what action to
perform on the output instrument. Automation operation using
PLC can be easier to use with Human Machine Interface
(HMI) as stated by Rakhman, A, 201) that HMI (Human
Figure 1 : Blok Diagram System Machine Interface) is interface software in the form of
computer-based GUI which become the link between operator
II. SYSTEM ANALYSIS with machine or controlled equipment. This research uses
Logic Panel Autonics type LP S070-T9D6 which is the PLC
According to Barhut, 2005, Automation systems can be
has HMI integrated.
defined as a technology related to mechanical, electronic and
Stepper motor is one type of dc motor that is controlled by
computer-based applications (computer, PLC or micro). All of
digital pulses. The working principle of a stepper motor is to
them combine into one to provide a function to the
work by converting electronic pulses into discrete mechanical
manipulator (mechanical) so that it will have a certain
motions in which stepper motors are moving based on the
function. Softdrink mixing machine is a machine that has
order of pulses given to the stepper motor. The use of stepper
automation system which sensor as electronic, PLC as
motors on softdrink mixing machine conveyors is intended to
computer-based applications and conveyor and diaphragm
reduce the number of sensors used. The use of stepper motor
pump as mechanic.
allows to use only one infrared sensor and then it will be
Infrared detector or infrared sensor is an electronic
processed through programming so it can be said softdrink
component that identifies infrared light. Infrared detectors are
conveyor mixing machine using soft sensor. Stepper motor
currently created specially in one module and are called IR
used in this research is Autonics stepper motor type A16K-
Obstacle Sensor. IR Obstacle Sensor has an IR transmitter that
sends infrared light, IR receiver to receive infrared reflection
Diaphragm pump is an electronic component that belongs to
after being reflected by an object in front of the sensor module
the category of pump. Diaphragm pump is a pump that uses a
and has a potentiometer to adjust the detection range. IR
diaphragm or membrane that works back and forth to suck in
Obstacle Sensor showed by figure 2 and network illustrated by
and push out the fluid in the pump room. The diaphragm pump
figure 3.
has a valve in the inlet and outlet to keep the fluid flow
direction in and out according to their respective channels.
The diaphragm pump used in this research amounted to five
pieces, all of which were connected to a series of relays from
the Logic Panel output. Diaphragm pump in this research has a
working voltage of 12 VDC, current consumption of 300 mA
with a debit of 650 ml / min with a tolerance of 80 ml or
Figure 2 : IR Obstacle Sensor 12.3%.
The program instruction is a command in the form of a
program that governs the entire system. In operation the
program instructions are made through a software that
supports the hardware used, usually the software and hardware
are already in one package in the manufacturer. In software,
program instructions are created using programming
languages. The programming languages available in the S070-
T9D6-C5R Logic Panel are ladder and mnemonic. Among the
commonly used programming languages are ladder diagrams,
therefore this research will use ladder diagrams. Ladder
diagram instructions can be divided into input sections that
state the conditions and outputs to be executed when
conditions are met. This programming is based on relay logic,
suitable for discrete control problems whose input and output
conditions have only two conditions, namely ON and OFF as
Figure 3 : IR Obstacle Sensor Network in conveyor, elevator and industrial motorcycles.
PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) is a tool used to

III. SYSTEM DESIGN AND IMPELEMTATION diaphragm pump. The fluid-time part program contains timer
Sofdrink Mixing Machine has a function to make instant instruction.
drinks in the form of softdrink which has various flavors with f. Fluid-coil part: this section serves to turn on the coil
four basic flavors (the basic flavors are strawberry, orange, connected with the diaphragm pump.
melon and lychee). The flavored softdrink mixing machine g. Finish: this section is the end of the program which is
variant comes from the syrup provided. How to operate a declared with a light up of finish lamp.
softdrink mixing machine by selecting a flavor on the menu Softdrink Mixing Machine system design flow diagram
available inside the Logic Panel, pressing the start button, program is shown in Figure 4.
putting the glass on the conveyor and after the glass is
detected by the sensor the process of making softdrink starts.
The design of this softdrink mixing machine will have the
following specifications:
1. Operates at a voltage of 24 VDC.
2. There is a conveyor along the length of 900 mm or 90 cm
with a length of 678 mm belt and the storage box of the fluid
source measuring 60 x 40 x 40 cm.
3. Operation using LP tab.
4. The conveyor has the ability to remove glasses of water
with a volume of 0 to 200 ml.
5. Diaphragm pump works pumping fluid with a debit of 650
ml / min and tolerance of 12.3%
6. Instruction program in the form of ladder diagram in
program using Smart Studio application.
7. Human Machine Interface (HMI) in the program using GP
editor application.
8. It has four basic flavors and can be combined into 15 flavor
types with a composition or 60 ml ratio for syrup and 200 ml
for carbonated water.
Grouping of program instructions is intended to facilitate
the creation of program instructions. The grouping of softdrink
mixing machine program instructions consists of on-off, flavor
selection, start process, motion part, fluid-time part, fluid coil
part and finish.
a. On-off: a section that works to turn on and off the program.
b. Flavour selection: the part that serves as the taste
selection process. Part of this program using transmission
instruction to enter data on flavor is H0001 for Strawberry
flavor, H0010 for orange flavor, H0100 for melon flavor and Figure 4 : Flow Chart System
H1000 for lychee flavor. Selection or flavors selection is done In Figure 5 the tool is set up, diaphragm pump are in the
by adding the four data and comparing it with the specified box. The detail in Figure 5 is shown in Figure 6.
taste configuration. Selection process or taste selection using
arithmetic operation instruction and input comparison
c. Proses Start: this section serves as the start of the
process after taste selection. The start process contains
program commands to run the conveyor at 10 rpm starting
from the start button presses until the glass is detected by the
infrared sensor.
d. Motion start: this section contains commands to
move the conveyor in a few cm that is 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm
and 40 cm. The conveyor movement is governed by the
number of pulse inputs by the number of pulses calculated
using the formula:
360 s
Pulse= ×
Step Angle [ ] K
e. Fluid-time part: this part is the time to start the

specification that the conveyor has the ability to move the

water-filled glass with a volume of 0 to 200 ml, therefore the
test is performed by two testing methods with four moving
distances. Two test methods in question is the test using a
glass empty or contain water of 0 ml and a glass of water of
200 ml. The four moving distances are 10, 20, 30 and 40 cm
representing the distance between the pumps. Here is the
result of conveyor stability test as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 5 : Experimental Setup




(diaphragm pump)

Figure 6 : Detail from figure 5

In Figure 7 showed Human Machine Interface that designed
user friendly.

Figure 8 : Result of Conveyor Stability Test

Testing the accuracy of the diaphragm pump conveyor aims
to prove the device specification number five is diaphragm
pump work pumping fluid with a debit of 650 ml / min and
tolerance of 12.3%. Tests were conducted with five volume
sizes of 15, 20, 30, 60 and 200 ml. Here is the result of
diaphragm pump accuracy test as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 7 : HMI Softdrink Mixing Machine

Testing is divided into three groups: the hardware testing
group, software testing and overall testing. Hardware testing is
divided into two: conveyor stability test (comparing the empty
glass transfer and 200 ml water glass) and the accuracy of the
diaphragm pump (measuring flowrate). Software testing is Figure 9 : Result of Diaphragm Pump Accuracy Test
divided into two namely ladder diagram program testing using Software testing is divided into two namely ladder diagram
Smart Studio and HMI testing using GP editor. The last test is program testing using Smart Studio and HMI testing using GP
the whole test of the softdrink mixing machine (suitability editor. Here is the result of ladder diagram program test shown
between ordering and production). in Figure 10 and HMI test in Figure 11.
The conveyor stability test aims to prove the fourth device

Based on the result of design and testing of Softdrink
Mixing Machine, it can be deduced in the form of:
1. This tool is able to producing instant drink with fifteen
variant flavors from four basic flavors according to what is
2. The conveyor is able to carry a load of 200 ml of water
3. The Diaphragm pump has the ability to pump water with
discharge 600 ml/minutes.
Figure 10 : Result of Ladder Diagram Program Test
4. Human Machine Interface is user friendly.

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Figure 12 : Result of Overrall Test

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