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Weekly Walk-Through

Each week of A Word a Day follows the same format,

making it easy for both students and teacher to use.

Words of the Week End-of-Week Review

Four new words are presented each week. A definition, example sentence, and Review the four words of the week through oral and written activities designed to
discussion prompts are provided for each word. reinforce student understanding.

Part of Speech The part of Example Sentence Each new word is Critical Attributes Week 1 Week 1
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day
speech is identified. You may or may used in a sentence designed to provide enough Prompt Discussion
compete • treacherous • conceal • permanent Review Words compete • treacherous • conceal • permanent
not want to share this information context for students to easily grasp its meaning. questions are provided Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

with the class, depending on the The same sentence is found in the reproducible that require students to Oral Review Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
1. Which word means the opposite of treacherous?
𝖠𝖠 loyal

skill level of your students. student dictionary, which begins on page 148. identify features that are Four oral activities 1 Tell students that you are going to give
them a clue about one of the words for
3 Read each sentence and ask students
to tell which word or words are wrong.
𝖡𝖡 terrible
𝖢𝖢 ordinary

and are not attributes of provide you with the week. They are to find the word that
answers the clue.
Then have them provide the correct word
from the week’s list.
𝖣𝖣 safe

2. In which sentence is compete used correctly?

• This word may describe what it is like • Swimming in shark-infested water is a

the target word. This is one prompts to review to cross a busy street where there is no
traffic signal. (treacherous)
safe activity. (safe/treacherous)
• My dad wants a temporary job that he
𝖥𝖥 I need three more cards to compete my collection.
𝖦𝖦 These notebooks compete my school assignments.

Definition Week 1 Week 1

of the most effective ways the week’s words. • Chess players and athletes may do
this. (compete)
can work at for many years.
𝖧𝖧 Tomorrow Taylor will compete in a gymnastics competition.
Don’t compete about problems—do something to solve them.

Each word is defined

A Word a Day A Word a Day • When you hide something, you do this
to it. (conceal it)
• We have a surprise for Shelby—please
reveal it to her.
3. In which sentence could permanent fill in the blank? Written
compete conceal
to help students recognize • This word may describe a home where a
(reveal it to/conceal it from)
𝖠𝖠 Rain is a weather condition.
𝖡𝖡 Granny is visiting us, but her home is in Iowa.
in a complete verb
My cousin is training to compete in a
bicycle race this summer. verb
I conceal my diary in a box under my bed so
that no one will read it.
subtleties of meaning.
family plans to live for a very long
time. (permanent) 4 Read each sentence and ask students to
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence
𝖢𝖢 Our
𝖣𝖣 This
teacher taught the class for one week only.
ink washes off easily with soap and water.

sentence. The same

to try to beat others
in a race or contest Which of the following are activities in which a person
to hide from view
Which words mean about the same as conceal? 2 Read each sentence and ask students
to supply the correct word to complete
is false, instruct students to explain why.
• When you conceal information from
4. Why might someone conceal a wrapped gift?
A student
might compete? • tell 𝖥𝖥 to show how much it cost

definition is found • acting in a play • cover

• show
the sentence.
• It is hard to your feelings from a
someone, you tell it to that person.
(false; when you conceal information,
you keep it secret)
𝖦𝖦 to make sure others can find it
𝖧𝖧 to hide it from the person it is for
• a spelling bee close friend. (conceal)

in the reproducible
• a tennis match
• a game of checkers
• disguise
• display
• I like to with classmates in word
games. (compete)
• Permanent ink does not wash off
easily. (true)
to make it look more colorful
containing four
student dictionary,
• going to an amusement park
Tell about a time when you competed in an activity with
Tell about a time when you wanted to conceal something.
How did you manage to keep it from being discovered?
• The face paint will wash off. It isn’t
• When two people compete, each one
tries to win. (true) Writing multiple-choice items
• Playing a board game is treacherous.

which begins on
a group, a friend, or a relative. Do you like to compete?
Why or why not?
• When it is icy, this road can be
drivers. (treacherous)
(false; treacherous means dangerous) Write about why you like—or don’t like—to compete in a certain sport or game.
Use compete in your sentences.
and an open-ended
page 148. writing activity can
treacherous permanent
Answers for page 7: 1. D, 2. H, 3. B, 4. H
be used to assess
Skydiving and mountain climbing can be
Baby teeth fall out, but permanent teeth Personal Connection 6 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 7
students’ mastery.
Graphic dangerous; hazardous
treacherous sports.
Complete this graphic organizer for treacherous.
lasting for a very long
time or forever
do not.
Which of the following things are permanent? Prompt Students
Organizer Examples: Other Ways to Say It: • the ocean
• mountains are asked to share an
Prompt treacherous
• a marker on a dry-erase board
• being in the fourth grade
• cut flowers from your garden opinion, an idea, or
One word each week a personal experience
Additional Features
Why is it important to take care of your permanent teeth?
What could happen if you don’t?

requires completion What other treacherous sports can you think of?
Would you like to try a treacherous sport someday?
Why or why not? that demonstrates their • barricade
of a graphic understanding of the new y
organizer. Dictionar
4 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 5
word. • Reproducible Aa
affluent •
having a lot
of money
: wealthy because
synonym affluent aunt is court.
d to visit her and a tenn

student dictionary • verb Mar ta love

abscond and secretly ming pool barr ier • nou
had a swim barrier •

How to Present the Words awa y suddenly absc ond with she something
n collide
to run ned to
robbers plan culture •
noun through that prev
raising ents thin
The bank rs. agri crop s and gs from bygone
s of dolla of growing going • adjective
thousand the science synonyn: anything
obstruction that is pas
verb livestock The peo t or has
absorb • ple mad syn onym: prev gon e by
up liquid : farming keep thee in collee gea and
barrier of

• Cumulative synonym
1. to soak ultur river from to sandbags Antique ious
in informati
r to absorb studied agric toes that he sells flooding to stores are
My uncle

Use one of the following methods to present each word: 2. to take their tow
twice in orde the paint I toma
s organicbedlam • noun n. times. full of thin
instructions rb now grow gs from
I read the on about how to abso ts. a scene
the informati rug. restauran of noise
and confusio
the • noun synonym: cha n
spilled on ific goal Cc

word index absurd •

without good

Mark’s amb
re to
a strong desi when to learn
the ship
a spec
re was bedto surf.
lam on the
began to decks of the Tita
sink. nic
can didate •
an election
who is app
lying for

• Write the word on the board. Then read the definition and the example sentence,
a job or
belligerent Each can running
: silly h with a fork! amuse • verbhos laugh or • adje e didate for in
eat the brot smilctive rs speech
at the asse school presiden
rd to try to to make somThe
eone tile; wan
ting amu se the visito
It was absu always to fight mbly. t gave a
monkeys Peace
The playful resolutio makers at our sch cantank
erous • adje
ache • noun at the zoo.
n to help
stop bell ool use conflict hard to get ctive

explaining as needed before conducting oral activities. a dull, stea

dy pain
After the doct a few days.
in my arm
gave me a shot, I had
an ache
atmosp to
the moodKin
betr •
or not
• verb
ng of a plac
igerent beh

loyal or test was quiet and

during the faithful to
avior. synonym:
know he
along with
Jerry is so
won’t agre cantankerous, I
The atmo when she ’t mean to betray
adapt • verb in a new e with me. already
get along serious.knew told Ana
about it. Bb . She thought
in order to capable
to change Ana alre
• adjective
having the

• Make an overhead transparency of the lesson page that shows the word. Then guide situation
: adjust
n can adap
A chameleo r to blend in with
undings by
t to its surro s and trees.
swe adjective
baffled • lled up led
Afte or puzz
• adjective

confusedr eating six piec

stomach d es of waterm tions for
My little
but he asks
brother is
to do som


changing waslexe
: perp so bloated ted direc elon, my for help of tying his
syno mynym complica anyway. shoes,

students through the definition, example sentence, and oral activities. Make a
pants. that
• verb ed by the I had to casual •
admonish I was baffl my new model car. unbutton adjective
or warn boost •ng
to caution assembli noun 1. happen
something ing by cha
about 2. informa nce; not
: repriman emoicad e that lifts you planned
synonym onis h her students barr tionally up, either l; not fanc
to adm physically When Jare

transparency of page 159 to use with lessons that feature a graphic organizer. Mrs. Wu had hallway. verb
I1.cou or
ldn’t kreac
bloc off h the doo to a dinn d’s casual meeting
running in gavto e me a boost. rbell, so er
clothes wer invitation, he was with a friend led
2. noun k passage brother e neat and glad his
• verb brawal •barr used to bloc e the clean. casual
e progress nouier to barricad classify
ard or mak One, I
artment had ed their • verb
to move forw s in Level a loud fifire
The ght dep parade. They park make a to put into
r I finis hed the book. stree ts for the swa lks to groups acco
to Level Two synony ss the cros Lilia will rding to
m: alteacro
ucks rcation classify a system

• Reproduce the dictionary on pages 148–158 for each student, or provide each student e. oor Corp.
colo r. the inse cts in her
the icad
barr pitcher • © Evan-M
a fastball acc a Day • EMC 2794 collectio
, a brawA Wordiden tally hit the collide •
n by
teams. l broke out batter with verb
the two to strike
or bump
148 If you don together

with a student practice book. (See inside front cover.) Have students find the word in
collide with watch where you
© Evan-Moo som eone. ’re goin g, you can
r Corp. •
EMC 2794
• A Word
a Day

their dictionary, and then guide them through the definition, example sentence, and 149

oral activities.

2 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 3
Week 1 Week 1
A Word a Day A Word a Day

compete conceal
My cousin is training to compete in a I conceal my diary in a box under my bed so
verb verb
bicycle race this summer. that no one will read it.
to try to beat others to hide from view
in a race or contest Which of the following are activities in which a person Which words mean about the same as conceal?
might compete? • tell
• acting in a play • cover
• a spelling bee • show
• a tennis match • disguise
• a game of checkers • display
• going to an amusement park Tell about a time when you wanted to conceal something.
Tell about a time when you competed in an activity with How did you manage to keep it from being discovered?
a group, a friend, or a relative. Do you like to compete?
Why or why not?

treacherous permanent
Skydiving and mountain climbing can be Baby teeth fall out, but permanent teeth
adjective treacherous sports. adjective
do not.
dangerous; hazardous lasting for a very long
Complete this graphic organizer for treacherous. time or forever Which of the following things are permanent?

Other Ways to Say It:

• the ocean
• mountains
• a marker on a dry-erase board
• being in the fourth grade
• cut flowers from your garden
Why is it important to take care of your permanent teeth?
What could happen if you don’t?
What other treacherous sports can you think of?
Would you like to try a treacherous sport someday?
Why or why not?

4 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 5
Week 1 Week 1
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

compete • treacherous • conceal • permanent Review Words compete • treacherous • conceal • permanent

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below. 1. Which word means the opposite of treacherous?
𝖠 loyal
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 terrible
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word or words are wrong. 𝖢 ordinary
the week. They are to find the word that Then have them provide the correct word 𝖣 safe
answers the clue. from the week’s list.
• This word may describe what it is like • Swimming in shark-infested water is a 2. In which sentence is compete used correctly?
to cross a busy street where there is no safe activity. (safe/treacherous) 𝖥 I need three more cards to compete my collection.
traffic signal. (treacherous) 𝖦 These notebooks compete my school assignments.
• My dad wants a temporary job that he
• Chess players and athletes may do can work at for many years. 𝖧 Tomorrow Taylor will compete in a gymnastics competition.
this. (compete) (temporary/permanent) Don’t compete about problems—do something to solve them.

• When you hide something, you do this • We have a surprise for Shelby—please 3. In which sentence could permanent fill in the blank?
to it. (conceal it) reveal it to her.
𝖠 Rain is a weather condition.
(reveal it to/conceal it from)
• This word may describe a home where a 𝖡 Granny is visiting us, but her home is in Iowa.
family plans to live for a very long 𝖢 Our teacher taught the class for one week only.
time. (permanent) 4 Read each sentence and ask students to
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖣 This ink washes off easily with soap and water.
is false, instruct students to explain why.
Read each sentence and ask students
4. Why might someone conceal a wrapped gift?
to supply the correct word to complete • When you conceal information from
the sentence. someone, you tell it to that person. 𝖥 to show how much it cost
(false; when you conceal information, 𝖦 to make sure others can find it
• It is hard to your feelings from a
you keep it secret) 𝖧 to hide it from the person it is for
close friend. (conceal)
• Permanent ink does not wash off to make it look more colorful
• I like to with classmates in word
easily. (true)
games. (compete)
• When two people compete, each one
• The face paint will wash off. It isn’t .
tries to win. (true) Writing
• Playing a board game is treacherous.
• When it is icy, this road can be for Write about why you like—or don’t like—to compete in a certain sport or game.
(false; treacherous means dangerous)
drivers. (treacherous)
Use compete in your sentences.

Answers for page 7: 1. D, 2. H, 3. B, 4. H

6 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 7
Week 2 Week 2
A Word a Day A Word a Day

precious discussion
My most precious possession is this ring with Our teacher gathered us in a circle for a
adjective noun
four precious gems in the setting. discussion about our upcoming field trip.
1. rare and valuable a talk about things
2. special or dear Complete this graphic organizer for precious. Which of the following might you do in a discussion?
• take a nap
What it is: What it is not: conversation
• listen to other people
• offer your opinion
precious • ask questions
Examples: Not examples:
• brush your teeth
Tell about a time when you had a discussion in class or with
friends. What was it about?
Tell about something that is very precious to you. Is it How does a discussion help people share their ideas?
precious because it is worth a lot of money or because it is
dear to you?

sluggish advance
After eating a big lunch and resting in the After I finished the books in Level One,
adjective hammock, I felt so sluggish that I could verb I advanced to Level Two.
moving slowly; barely move. to move forward or
On a game board, which commands would help a
lacking energy make progress
Which words mean about the same as sluggish? player advance?
• energetic • “Lose your turn.”
• tired • “Move forward to GO.”
• slow • “Take another turn!”
• lively • “Move back 3 spaces.”
• sleepy • “Skip ahead 2 spaces.”

Tell about a time when you felt sluggish. Why did you feel Tell about a time when you were working on something and
this way, and what did you do to get your energy back? What got to advance to the next level.
kinds of things make you feel sluggish? Why is it important to finish one thing before you advance
to the next?

8 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 9
Week 2 Week 2
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

precious • sluggish • discussion • advance Review Words precious • sluggish • discussion • advance

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word means the opposite of sluggish?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 kind
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 intelligent
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word is wrong. Then have 𝖢 energetic
the week. They are to find the word that them provide the correct word from 𝖣 beautiful
answers the clue. the week’s list.
• Two friends might have one on the • Oh no! I’ve lost my worthless gold 2. In which sentence is discussion used correctly?
phone. (a discussion) necklace! (worthless/precious) 𝖥 We took our discussion along on a trip to the beach.
𝖦 We had a wonderful discussion on books and movies.
• Students do this when they finish one • When an army moves forward, it
grade and start another. (advance) retreats. (retreats/advances) 𝖧 Natalie competed in a gymnastics discussion last week.
Dad plans to plant a discussion in our garden next spring.
• This word describes your most prized • After flying on an airplane for twelve
possession. (precious) hours, I felt energetic.
3. In which sentence could precious fill in the blank?
• You would probably feel this way if you 𝖠 After a long dry spell, rain seems very .
hadn’t gotten enough sleep. (sluggish) 𝖡 I saw a big, spider on the ceiling over my bed.
4 Read each sentence and ask students to
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖢 Please keep your rude, comments to yourself!
2 Read each sentence and ask students is false, instruct students to explain why. 𝖣 Every day Mom makes me a sandwich for lunch.
to supply the correct word to complete
the sentence. • To have a discussion, you need at least
4. What happens when an army advances?
two people. (true)
• When I to the next level, the video 𝖥 It turns around.
game will become more challenging. • Something that is precious to you may 𝖦 It surrenders to its enemy.
(advance) not be precious to others. (true)
𝖧 It moves forward.
• I felt after eating a huge • Feeling sluggish makes it easier to play It loses a big battle.
Thanksgiving dinner. (sluggish) sports. (false; you move slowly when
you feel sluggish)
• Grandma made me this quilt, so it’s very
to me. (precious) • The word advance means the opposite
of retreat. (true) Writing
• After reading the book, our class had
a about it. (discussion)
Write about a dream or goal that is precious to you. Use precious in your sentences.

Answers for page 11: 1. C, 2. G, 3. A, 4. H

10 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 11
Week 3 Week 3
A Word a Day A Word a Day

boost recommend
I couldn’t reach the doorbell, so my brother I recommend you try the milkshakes at the
noun verb
gave me a boost. local diner; they’re delicious!
something that to praise the value of
lifts you up, In which of these situations might you need a boost? Which of these statements would you use to recommend
something; suggest as
either physically • when you’re feeling sad a product?
or emotionally • when you’re trying to climb a tall tree • “That shampoo got my hair really clean!”
synonym: endorse
• when you’re digging in the sand • “This cereal gets soggy so quickly.”
• when you can’t reach the top shelf • “That movie was so boring it put me to sleep.”
• when you’re happy and excited • “This game is too complicated.”
• “These shoes will help you run fast!”
Tell about a time when someone did or said something that
gave you a boost. Have you ever given someone else Tell about a time when someone recommended a book
a boost? How did it feel? or movie to you. Did you read or see it? What is a book or
movie that you have recommended to others?

barrier gratitude
The people made a barrier of sandbags to When Dad gave me a new computer game, I
noun noun showed my gratitude by giving him a big hug.
keep the river from flooding their town.
something that a feeling of being
Which of the following could be a barrier? Complete this graphic organizer for gratitude.
prevents things from grateful and thankful
going through • a brick wall Examples: Other Ways to Say It:
• an iron gate
synonym: obstruction
• an open field
• a locked door gratitude
• the sky
Why are barriers set up to block off streets during a parade?
In what other situations are barriers used?
Tell about a time when you showed gratitude for something
someone did for you. Tell about a time when someone
showed gratitude to you for something you did.

12 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 13
Week 3 Week 3
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

boost • barrier • recommend • gratitude Review Words boost • barrier • recommend • gratitude
Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.
Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word means the opposite of barrier?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 roof
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 wall
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word or words are wrong. 𝖢 fence
the week. They are to find the word that Then have them provide the correct word 𝖣 opening
answers the clue. from the week’s list.
• A dam is one. (a barrier) • I oppose using Hairific Shampoo—it 2. In which sentence is boost used correctly?
smells great and leaves hair squeaky 𝖥 I have a boost: let’s do our homework at my house.
• If you enjoyed reading a certain book, clean. (oppose/recommend)
you might do this. 𝖦 For dinner last night, we had potatoes and baked boost.
(recommend it to others) • To keep our dog and cats apart, we set 𝖧 I threw the boost and one of my teammates caught it.
up an opening between them. A bouquet of flowers may give a sick person a boost.
• You might need one in order to get up (an opening/a barrier)
on a horse. (a boost)
3. In which sentence could recommend fill in the blank?
• When his family gave him a surprise
• This is a feeling of thankfulness. birthday party, Alex was filled with 𝖠 We our dog each afternoon at about 5:00.
(gratitude) ungratefulness. 𝖡 I asked the waitress to something on the menu.
(ungratefulness/gratitude) 𝖢 Mom and Dad their car at Fresco’s Car Wash.
2 Read each sentence and ask students
𝖣 Will you this math problem? I don’t understand it.
to supply the correct word to complete 4 Read each sentence and ask students to
the sentence. decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 4. When would you be most likely to feel gratitude?
is false, instruct students to explain why.
• I the yummy apple pie at Marie’s 𝖥 when you’re having a bad day
Restaurant. (recommend) • For a sick person, a get-well card can be 𝖦 when someone does you a favor
• I felt sad, but my dog gave me a by a boost. (true) 𝖧 while you’re brushing your teeth
licking my hand. (boost) • People don’t normally recommend books while you’re doing your homework
• Saying “thank you” is a simple way to that they have not read. (true)
show . (gratitude) • You could show gratitude by frowning
at someone. (false; if you felt thankful,
• This tall fence provides a between Writing
the construction site and the sidewalk. you would probably smile, not frown)
(barrier) • A stone wall is a barrier. (true) Write about a band or singer whose music you would recommend to other kids.
Use recommend in your sentences.

Answers for page 15: 1. D, 2. J, 3. B, 4. G

14 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 15
Week 4 Week 4
A Word a Day A Word a Day

participant purchase
The winner of the race will receive a medal, but Our family tries to purchase things when
noun verb
all participants will receive a T-shirt. they’re on sale.
someone who joins in to buy something
an activity Which of these is a participant? Which of the following can you use to purchase something?
• a member of a volleyball team • a check
• a person watching a soccer game • money
• someone who enters a coloring contest • chewing gum
• someone who rides in a car • a credit card
• a member of the cast of the school play • trading cards
Tell about a time when you were a participant in an activity. Tell about a time when you purchased something with
Then think of a time when you were not a participant, but money you earned. How did it feel to purchase something
watched others. Which do you think is more fun? with your own money?

temporary ignore
The power outage was temporary; our If someone teases you, just ignore him or her
adjective verb and walk away.
electricity was back on by morning.
something that lasts to pay no attention
Which of the following mean about the same as temporary? Complete the graphic organizer for ignore.
only for a short time to something
• momentary
What it is: What it is not:
• forever
• changing
• long-lasting ignore
Examples: Not examples:
• passing
What was a temporary problem you had? How long did
it last?
Tell about a time when you ignored someone or something
because that was the right thing to do. Now tell about a time
when you ignored someone or something and it was not the
right thing to do.

16 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 17
Week 4 Week 4
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

participant • temporary • purchase • ignore Review Words participant • temporary • purchase • ignore

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word means the opposite of temporary?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 difficult
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 unusual
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word or words are wrong. 𝖢 permanent
the week. They are to find the word that Then have them provide the correct word 𝖣 boring
answers the clue. from the week’s list.
• If someone tries to bother you, you • I’m saving my money to sell a new 2. In which sentence is purchase used correctly?
should do this. (ignore that person) bicycle. (sell/purchase) 𝖥 Mom took me to the store to purchase some new shoes.
𝖦 I took my dog to the park so she could purchase her ball.
• Shoppers do this. (purchase things) • Try to focus on silly details that don’t
matter. (focus on/ignore) 𝖧 During discussions, we purchase ideas with classmates.
• This word can be used to describe I purchase my clothes every morning before breakfast.
a situation that isn’t permanent. • After the flood, the city provided
(temporary) permanent housing in tents to those
3. In which sentence could participant fill in the blank?
whose homes were damaged.
• If you enter a contest or join in a group (permanent/temporary) 𝖠 Grandpa Maxwell is our oldest family .
activity, you are one of these. 𝖡 I hope to be a in next year’s writing contest.
(a participant)
4 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖢 I’ve known Shelby since I was four—she’s my best .
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖣 A came to our front door and delivered a package.
2 Read each sentence and ask students is false, instruct students to explain why.
to supply the correct word to complete
4. Which of these people should you try to ignore?
the sentence. • If you join in an activity, you are a
participant. (true) 𝖥 your school principal, who is making an announcement
• Please don’t your little brother— 𝖦 your grandparent, who is telling funny family stories
he needs your attention. (ignore) • It is rude to ignore a friend who says
hi to you. (true) 𝖧 a fifth-grader who is spreading mean stories about others
• Here is a library card. Your a librarian who is explaining how to find the book you need
permanent one will come in the mail • People go to a library to purchase books.
next month. (temporary) (false; you don’t buy books at a library,
you borrow them)
• Each contest will receive a free
T-shirt. (participant) • If you live in a town all of your life, that Writing
town is your temporary home. (false;
• We need to bread and milk at the that town is your permanent home)
grocery store. (purchase)
Write about a time when you purchased something and later wished you
hadn’t bought that item. Use purchase in your sentences.

Answers for page 19: 1. C, 2. F, 3. B, 4. H

18 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 19
Week 5 Week 5
A Word a Day A Word a Day

decline capable
Mike had to decline the invitation to his My little brother is capable of tying his shoes,
verb adjective
friend’s party because his family was going but he asks for help anyway.
to turn down or to be out of town. having the skill to do
refuse something something Which of the following might you be capable of doing?
Which statements might you make to decline something? • lifting a car
synonym: competent
• “Thank you, but I’m too full for dessert.” • brushing your hair
• “I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to go.” • pouring a bowl of cereal
• “Thank you for that nice invitation.” • spelling all the words in the dictionary
• “I would love to come over today!” • making your bed
• “I’m afraid I just can’t do that.” What is something you are capable of doing? What is
Tell about a time when you had to decline an invitation. something you want to become capable of doing in
What is a polite way to decline an invitation or a request? the future?

plunge massive
Standing at the edge of the boat, my heart It took eight men to move the massive oak
verb plunged as I watched my necklace plunge adjective table into the moving van.
1. to dive into water into the sea. extraordinarily large,
Complete the graphic organizer for massive.
2. to fall sharply heavy, and solid
Which of these demonstrate a meaning of plunge?
What it is: What it is not:
• The temperature dropped 30 degrees in one hour.
• A kite rose on the wind.
• Put your hand into the full sink and pull the stopper. massive
Examples: Not examples:
• The Labrador leaped off the dock to retrieve the stick.
• The price of a gallon of gasoline is half of what it was
last week.
When would you want to plunge into a swimming pool? What is the most massive thing you have in your home?
About how many people would it take to lift it?
When wouldn’t you want to plunge into a swimming pool?
For what item would you like to see the price plunge?

20 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 21
Week 5 Week 5
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

decline • plunge • capable • massive Review Words decline • plunge • capable • massive

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below. 1. Which word means the opposite of massive?
𝖠 tiny
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 huge
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word is wrong. Then have 𝖢 fierce
the week. They are to find the word that them provide the correct word from 𝖣 gentle
answers the clue. the week’s list.
• You could use this word to describe a • I have other plans on Saturday, so I’ll 2. Which word means the opposite of decline?
whale. (massive) have to accept your invitation. 𝖥 refuse
(accept/decline) 𝖦 sell
• You might do this at the lake if it were
105° outside. (plunge into the lake) • A tiny elephant stomped through the 𝖧 purchase
jungle. (tiny/massive) accept
• You do this if someone invites you to a
party that you can’t go to. • At the party there was a contest to find
3. In which sentence could plunge fill in the blank?
(decline the invitation) coins in the pool, so all the kids waded
right in. (waded/plunged) 𝖠 Slowly and sadly, they down the street.
• You could use this word to describe a 𝖡 You’ll cool off if you into the pool.
man who is able to lift a car. (capable)
4 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖢 The mountains look like they up to the sky.
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖣 Snails along the sidewalk in the early mornings.
2 Read each sentence and ask students is false, instruct students to explain why.
to supply the correct word to complete
4. A five-year-old child is capable of which activity?
the sentence. • An adult bison, or buffalo, is massive.
(true) 𝖥 piloting a space shuttle
• I’m not of lifting my dad. 𝖦 tying his or her shoes
(capable) • Most three-year-olds are capable of
𝖧 lifting a 200-pound weight
speaking. (true)
• A landslide occurs when rocks reading a college textbook
down the side of a mountain. (plunge) • People who drive big cars wish that the
price of gasoline would plunge. (true)
• I have to work that day, so I must
your offer of movie tickets. (decline) • If you can’t go to a party, you must
decline the invitation. (true) Writing
• A mudslide blocked the highway.
Write about a massive creature. Use massive in your sentences.

Answers for page 23: 1. A, 2. J, 3. B, 4. G

22 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 23
Week 6 Week 6
A Word a Day A Word a Day

thaw spontaneous
The frozen turkey must thaw in the I wasn’t expecting the joke to be funny, but I let
verb adjective
refrigerator for three days before we can cook it. out a spontaneous laugh.
to melt after happening without
being frozen Which of the following could thaw? Which of the following are examples of spontaneous
• icy streets actions?
• a light bulb • A team of climbers scales Mt. Everest.
• warm laundry • A family decides at 6:30 to see the 7:00 movie at the
• a frozen pond or lake theater.
• peas taken out of the freezer • You reserve the skating rink for your birthday party.
• You and your friend decide to switch shoes at recess.
What causes a frozen pond to thaw? What can you do to
• Your family starts planning a vacation a year ahead.
make frozen food thaw more quickly?
Do you think a spontaneous activity can be more fun
than a planned one? Why? What’s the advantage of planning
ahead of time? What’s the advantage of being spontaneous?

symphony rickety
The famous composer Mozart wrote a The rickety old fence blew over with the
noun symphony that was nicknamed “Jupiter.” adjective first strong winter wind.
a long piece of music likely to fall over
Which sounds would you probably hear in a symphony? Complete the graphic organizer for rickety.
played by an orchestra or fall apart due
• a cello to weakness What it is: What it is not:
• a piano
• banging pots and pans
• a coach’s whistle Examples: Not examples:
• a drum
Have you ever listened to a symphony? How does the music
make you feel? If you could perform a symphony, which
instrument in the orchestra would you like to play? Why is it a good idea to be careful with something that is
rickety? Why shouldn’t you use something that’s rickety
until it’s fixed?

24 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 25
Week 6 Week 6
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

thaw • symphony • spontaneous • rickety Review Words thaw • symphony • spontaneous • rickety

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below. 1. Which word means the opposite of rickety?
𝖠 narrow
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 huge
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word or words are wrong. 𝖢 steady
the week. They are to find the word that Then have them provide the correct word 𝖣 smooth
answers the clue. from the week’s list.
• You could use this word to describe • Take the chicken out of the freezer so 2. Which word means the opposite of thaw?
an old staircase that is falling apart. that it will harden in time for dinner. 𝖥 separate
(rickety) (harden/thaw) 𝖦 combine
• An orchestra plays this type of musical • That strong, steady ladder is very 𝖧 melt
piece. (a symphony) dangerous to climb. freeze
(strong, steady/rickety)
• You could use this word to describe an
3. In which sentence could spontaneous fill in the blank?
unplanned party. (spontaneous) • This planned event happened on the
spur of the moment. 𝖠 We made our vacation plans about six months ago.
• Frozen ponds do this when the weather (planned/spontaneous) 𝖡 We had a party when some friends came by unexpectedly.
warms in the springtime. (thaw)
𝖢 It took many weeks of planning to set up this dinner party.
• The large orchestra played a little tune
that went on for an hour. 𝖣 Each year at this time our school has a fair to raise money.
2 Read each sentence and ask students
to supply the correct word to complete (little tune/symphony)
4. Who performs a symphony?
the sentence.
4 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖥 famous movie actors
• The orchestra played a by decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖦 orchestra musicians
Beethoven, a famous composer. is false, instruct students to explain why.
(symphony) 𝖧 magicians
• Symphonies are dances. (false; they are gymnasts
• Don’t drive your car over that old orchestral pieces)
bridge! (rickety)
• A rickety ladder is unsafe. (true)
• Let’s go ice-skating before the frozen
pond begins to . (thaw) • People make detailed plans for Writing
spontaneous events. (false; such events
• The sun came out today, so we had happen without planning) Write about a spontaneous event that you enjoyed. Use spontaneous in your sentences.
a picnic in the backyard.
(spontaneous) • Frozen ponds usually thaw when winter
begins. (false; they usually thaw in

Answers for page 27: 1. C, 2. J, 3. B, 4. G

26 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 27
Week 7 Week 7
A Word a Day A Word a Day

resource perplexed
The library is a great resource for learning I was perplexed because the directions to the
noun adjective
about American history. museum did not make sense to me.
a person or thing confused; uncertain
that is a source of Which of the following are examples of resources? Which words mean about the same as perplexed?
help or support • a dictionary • sure
• a teacher • certain
• a Scout leader • puzzled
• an encyclopedia • confused
• a grocery store receipt • unsure
What kind of resources have you used to find information How have you figured out something that you were
for your schoolwork? Which people can be a resource for perplexed about? What are some good strategies for
you? In what ways? understanding something perplexing?

predicament unruly
The sailors were in a predicament when The unruly crowd went wild when the
noun adjective rock stars appeared.
the mainsail ripped.
a difficult, dangerous, hard to control; wild
Which of these mean about the same as predicament? Complete the graphic organizer for unruly.
or unpleasant situation
• a fix Examples: Other Ways to Say It:
• a jam
• a parade
• a mess unruly
• a contest
Tell about a time when you found yourself in a
predicament. How did you get out of it?
Have you ever seen someone act unruly? How did it make
you feel? Is it ever all right to be unruly? When?

28 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 29
Week 7 Week 7
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

resource • predicament • perplexed • unruly Review Words resource • predicament • perplexed • unruly

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word means the opposite of unruly?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 obedient
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 clever
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word or words are wrong. 𝖢 stylish
the week. They are to find the word that Then have them provide the correct word 𝖣 educated
answers the clue. from the week’s list.
• You could use this word to describe 20 • This opportunity is one of the worst 2. Which word has the same meaning as perplexed?
toddlers at a birthday party. (unruly) messes I’ve ever been in. 𝖥 hungry
(opportunity/predicament) 𝖦 thirsty
• A difficult math problem might make
you feel this way. (perplexed) • You look so sure that I can tell you don’t 𝖧 confused
understand what I said. exhausted
• A dictionary is one. (a resource) (sure/perplexed)
• If you were in one of these, you would 3. In which sentence could predicament fill in the blank?
• How can one trainer handle five calm,
probably try to get out of it. obedient dogs at once? 𝖠 My cousin has a to earn a college scholarship.
(a predicament) (calm, obedient/unruly) 𝖡 We must find a way to get ourselves out of this .
𝖢 I joined a for students who like math and science.
2 Read each sentence and ask students • When I need advice about a personal
matter, my Aunt Julia is no help at all. 𝖣 Please join us next Saturday for Katrina’s birthday .
to supply the correct word to complete
the sentence. (no help at all/a resource)
4. How can a resource help you?
• Our dog was very until we took her 4 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖥 You can eat it if you are hungry.
to obedience training. (unruly) decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖦 You can sleep on it if you are tired.
• When I want to learn more about the is false, instruct students to explain why. 𝖧 It can keep you company if you are lonely.
mid-1900s, I use my grandma • An encyclopedia is a resource, and so is It can provide facts that you want to know.
as a . (resource) a science book. (true)
• How can I manage to get myself out of • You would be in a predicament if you
this ? (predicament) forgot to study for an important test. Writing
• Zack looks . Please explain the (true)
situation to him. (perplexed) • Puppies can be unruly. (true) Write about something that perplexed you when you were younger, but that you
• When you are perplexed about now understand. Use perplexed in your sentences.
something, you understand it.
(false; you don’t understand it)

Answers for page 31: 1. A, 2. H, 3. B, 4. J

30 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 31
Week 8 Week 8
A Word a Day A Word a Day

compass collide
We knew that the camp was to the southwest, If you don’t watch where you’re going, you can
noun verb
so we used our compass to help us find our collide with someone.
a tool that can help way back to it. to strike or
you figure out in Which of these are things that might collide?
bump together
which direction Which directions would be on a compass? • flowers in the garden
you are facing • west • mountain bikers on a trail
• south • cars at an intersection
• forward • swimmers with their eyes closed
• northeast • books on a shelf
• sideways What might happen when two people collide? Have you
In what situations would it be a good idea to have a ever collided with someone? What can you say to someone
compass with you? when you accidentally collide with him or her?

atmosphere criticize
The atmosphere during the test was quiet Father criticized the young child’s poor
noun verb table manners.
and serious.
the mood or feeling to tell someone about
What kind of atmosphere would you expect to find at: Complete the graphic organizer for criticize.
of a place what he or she
• a birthday party? has done wrong Examples: Other Ways to Say It:
• the library?
• a football game?
• the circus? criticize
• a hospital?
Describe the atmosphere in your classroom right now.
How is the atmosphere on the playground different from
that in the library or your classroom? Tell about a time when someone criticized you. How did
you feel? What would be a nice way to criticize a person to
help him or her make a positive change?

32 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 33
Week 8 Week 8
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

compass • atmosphere • collide • criticize Review Words compass • atmosphere • collide • criticize
Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.
Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word means the opposite of criticize?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 instruct
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each list of words and phrases. Ask 𝖡 describe
them a clue about one of the words for students to supply the word that fits best 𝖢 avoid
the week. They are to find the word that with each. 𝖣 praise
answers the clue.
• crash into each other, bump into
• If a classmate says something mean to something (collide) 2. Which phrase has the same meaning as collide?
another student, you might do this. 𝖥 chase after
• mood, feeling, sad, serious,
(criticize him or her) 𝖦 jump around
lighthearted (atmosphere)
• If you don’t look where you’re going in a 𝖧 bump into
crowd, you may do this. • travel aid, directions, north, south, east, slide past
(collide with someone) west (compass)
• scold, list faults, object to wrongdoing 3. In which sentence could atmosphere fill in the blank?
• This is a tool with directions marked on
it. (a compass) (criticize) 𝖠 Please turn down the on your CD player.
𝖡 We found ourselves in a huge with wooden floors.
• This is a synonym for mood. 4 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖢 What kind of do you want to be when you grow up?
(atmosphere) decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖣 The Boyntons’ home has a relaxed, happy .
is false, instruct students to explain why.
2 Read each sentence and ask students
• When you swing a baseball bat, you 4. How can a compass help you?
to supply the correct word to complete
the sentence. hope it will collide with the ball. (true) 𝖥 You can drink it if you are thirsty.
• Weddings have a joyful atmosphere. 𝖦 It can help you find your way if you are lost.
• The movie was about a meteor that
(true) 𝖧 It can keep you company if you are lonely.
was about to with Planet
Earth. (collide) It can tell you words’ spellings and definitions.
• A compass tells how hot or cold the air
• Please don’t me for things that are is. (false; a compass tells which
not my fault. (criticize) direction someone is facing)

• Joe’s showed that he was traveling • You could criticize someone by yelling Writing
northeast. (compass) “Way to go!” (false; you criticize people
for wrongdoing, not for doing well) Write about the atmosphere in a place you like to visit. Use atmosphere in
• There was a sorrowful in the room
after we found out that our pet hamster your sentences.
had died. (atmosphere)

Answers for page 35: 1. D, 2. H, 3. D, 4. G

34 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 35
Week 9 Week 9
A Word a Day A Word a Day

determined random
No matter how tired he got, Harry was The teacher put everyone’s name in a jar and
adjective adjective
determined to finish the race. drew the teams in random order.
showing a firm not following any
decision to do Which statements would a determined person make? Which of the following could be arranged in random order?
pattern or order
something • “I’m definitely going, and that’s all there is to it!” • a calendar
• “I’m not really sure if I want to do that.” • letters in a word
• “I’m happy to do whatever you say.” • names in a phone book
• “Nothing’s going to stop me!” • a list of items in your room
• “I will win that prize.” • a list of things to buy at the store
What is something you are determined to do? How can you What is something you do each day that can be done in
make sure you are able to do it? random order? What is something that must happen in a
particular order?

dilemma obvious
Bonnie’s dilemma was whether to attend It was obvious from the smile on her face that
noun adjective she was happy to see her grandmother.
her best friend’s birthday party or play in the
a situation that requires championship soccer game. very easy to see
Complete the graphic organizer for obvious.
a difficult choice or understand
Which of these situations is a dilemma?
synonym: What it is: What it is not:
predicament • You broke your mother’s vase and you’re afraid to tell her.
• Your friend offers you a choice of one or two chocolates.
• You want to ride your bike, but it’s raining. obvious
Examples: Not examples:
• You get to choose whether to play in the first or second
half of the game.
• Your parents let you choose between a vacation at the
beach or in the mountains. What makes it obvious that somebody is upset?
Tell about a time when you faced a dilemma. What were the What makes it obvious that someone is in a good mood?
choices you had to make? How did you solve your dilemma?

36 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 37
Week 9 Week 9
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

determined • dilemma • random • obvious Review Words determined • dilemma • random • obvious
Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.
Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word means the opposite of obvious?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 simple
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 serious
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word or words are wrong. 𝖢 silly
the week. They are to find the word that Then have them provide the correct word 𝖣 unclear
answers the clue. from the week’s list.
2. Which word means the opposite of random?
• This word describes something that is • I’m wondering whether to go, no matter
clear to all. (obvious) what! 𝖥 chance
(wondering whether/determined) 𝖦 accidental
• You have one when you face a difficult
choice. (a dilemma) • Her tears make it unclear that she’s sad. 𝖧 messy
(unclear/obvious) planned
• Someone who feels this way has made
a firm decision to do something. • Raffle winners are drawn in alphabetical 3. In which sentence could dilemma fill in the blank?
(determined) order. (alphabetical/random)
𝖠 Carly wore her beautiful new to a birthday party.
• If you pick a number this way, you don’t 𝖡 Let’s get together and think of a great for our class project.
follow any pattern or order. 4 Read each sentence and ask students to
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖢 I can only invite one friend to go to Disney World with us. What a !
(in random order)
is false, instruct students to explain why. 𝖣 When you’ve decided, please give me a so I can make plans.

2 Read each sentence and ask students • It’s easy to choose when you have a 4. What would someone say if he were determined to enter a contest?
to supply the correct word to complete dilemma. (false; a dilemma is a
𝖥 “Shall I enter it, or not? I’m unsure, so I need your advice.”
the sentence. hard decision)
𝖦 “I’ve made up my mind. I’m entering it no matter what!”
• We will choose the winner in order • A determined person does not give up 𝖧 “I’m interested in entering, but I think I’ll wait until next year.”
by drawing one slip of paper from a easily. (true)
box. (random) “I can never win that contest, so I won’t bother entering it.”
• A random choice does not follow a
• It’s that little Anna ate the candy. pattern. (true)
She has chocolate all over her face.
(obvious) • It’s always obvious when two boys are
twins. (false; twins do not always Writing
• If you are to quit the game, I guess look alike)
we’ll try to finish without you. Write about a time when you faced a happy dilemma (when all of your
(determined) choices were good ones). Use dilemma in your sentences.
• My is whether to vote for Chloe or
Sam. (dilemma)

Answers for page 39: 1. D, 2. J, 3. C, 4. G

38 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 39
Week 10 Week 10
A Word a Day A Word a Day

obligation lofty
After my birthday, one of my obligations was Roberta’s lof ty ambitions include designing
noun adjective
to write thank-you notes to the people who lof ty skyscrapers in New York City.
something that gave me gifts. 1. very high
you must do 2. grand or noble Which of the following could be described as lof ty?
Which of the following mean about the same as obligation? • the height at which an airplane flies
synonym: duty
• job • a peak in the Rocky Mountains
• wish • the bottom of the ocean
• duty • the top of a hundred-story building
• punishment • the floor of our classroom
• responsibility Have you ever been to a lof ty place? Where was it? How did
Tell about an obligation you have at home. Do you have you feel up there?
any obligations at school? Do you think it’s important to
honor your obligations? Why?

panic dawdle
I felt panic when I thought I’d lost my purse. If you dawdle before breakfast, you’ll miss
noun verb your ride to school.
“Don’t panic!” said my friend. “It’s right
a sudden feeling of behind your chair.” to waste time; be slow
Complete the graphic organizer for dawdle.
great fear that comes
over a person or Which of these situations might cause panic?
What it is: What it is not:
group of people • You get a drink of water.
verb • A building catches on fire.
• A tiger gets loose at the zoo. dawdle
to feel or be overcome Examples: Not examples:
• People picnic peacefully at the park.
by panic
• You lock yourself out of your house and have left
something cooking on the stove.
Have you ever heard someone say “Don’t panic!”? What was When do you like to dawdle? How do you feel when
the situation? someone else dawdles and you’re in a hurry?

40 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 41
Week 10 Week 10
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

obligation • panic • lofty • dawdle Review Words obligation • panic • lofty • dawdle
Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.
Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word means the opposite of dawdle?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 stroll
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 wander
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word is wrong. Then have 𝖢 hurry
the week. They are to find the word that them provide the correct word from 𝖣 halt
answers the clue. the week’s list.
• You might feel this when you are very • I can see the whole city from the roof of 2. Which word pair is the opposite of both meanings of lofty?
scared. (panic) this low building. (low/lofty) 𝖥 wide, elevated
𝖦 high, impressive
• If you do this, you might be late for • If you promise to complete a project,
school. (dawdle) you have an option to finish the work. 𝖧 thin, important
(option/obligation) low, ordinary
• A job is one. (an obligation)
• When a fox got into the chicken house, 3. In which sentence could panic fill in the blank?
• You might use this word to describe a the chickens were in a state of calm.
tall treetop. (lofty) (calm/panic) 𝖠 When a lion chased them, the antelopes felt .
𝖡 I was filled with when I found out that I was the winner.
2 Read each sentence and ask students • Please don’t hurry—your dinner will get
𝖢 Tonight I can’t fall asleep, though I usually feel
at bedtime.
to supply the correct word to complete cold. (hurry/dawdle)
𝖣 Sometimes my sister messes up my room, filling me with .
the sentence.
4 Read each sentence and ask students to
• Mount Everest’s peak is the highest 4. Which sentence tells about an obligation?
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence
spot on Earth. (lofty)
is false, instruct students to explain why. 𝖥 You may help with the gardening if you want to.
• Please don’t ! We’ll be late for our 𝖦 Mowing the lawn is one of Alex’s weekly chores.
• The bottom of a deep hole is a lofty
appointment. (dawdle) 𝖧 Mom wishes that she had more time for gardening.
place. (false; a lofty place is high in
the air) Mr. Morel has a garden supply store that sells plants.
• I promised my friend, so now I have an
to go. (obligation)
• A little child might feel panic if she got
• During the earthquake, Max’s first lost in a supermarket. (true)
reaction was . (panic) Writing
• If you have an obligation to go
somewhere, you must go. (true)
Write about a time when dawdling caused a problem for you. Use dawdle in
• Most people dawdle if they think they
are going to be late. (false; most people your sentences.
hurry in that situation)

Answers for page 43: 1. C, 2. J, 3. A, 4. G

42 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 43
Week 11 Week 11
A Word a Day A Word a Day

gloomy lackadaisical
The gloomy weather on the day of the Your piano playing won’t improve if you have a
adjective adjective
school picnic was mirrored by the gloomy lackadaisical attitude about practicing.
1. dull and dark expressions on the students’ faces. lacking interest,
2. sad Complete the graphic organizer for lackadaisical.
enthusiasm, or
Which of the following would you describe as gloomy?
What it is: What it is not:
• pizza day in the cafeteria
• an underground cavern lit only by a candle
• your house when the power goes out at sundown lackadaisical
Examples: Not examples:
• the way you feel when you get an A on a test
• the way you feel when your field trip is canceled
What do you do to cheer yourself up when you feel gloomy?
How can you help cheer up a friend who feels gloomy? What is something you feel lackadaisical about?
Is it a good idea to be lackadaisical about your
schoolwork? Why or why not?

ache gossip
After the doctor gave me a shot, I had an ache The neighbors gossiped about why the Wong
noun verb family moved to New York, but no one really
in my arm for a few days.
a dull, steady pain to talk about other knew for sure.
Which of these might give you an ache? people’s personal
• eating a dozen doughnuts lives when they are Would you be gossiping if you:
• having a cavity in your tooth not present • told someone the name of your new dog?
• falling off your bike • talked about why you didn’t like the new girl in class?
• reading a book • shared a secret your sister told you about her best friend?
• taking a bath • told a friend the new paint color in your bedroom?
• told a story about someone’s parents even though you
What makes you feel better when you have an ache?
weren’t sure it was true?
What could you say to someone who wants to gossip to you
about others?

44 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 45
Week 11 Week 11
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

gloomy • ache • lackadaisical • gossip Review Words gloomy • ache • lackadaisical • gossip
Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.
Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word means the opposite of lackadaisical?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 enthusiastic
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 bored
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word or words are wrong. 𝖢 puzzled
the week. They are to find the word that Then have them provide the correct word 𝖣 exhausted
answers the clue. from the week’s list.
• If you eat too much candy, your teeth • Music may cheer you up if you are in a 2. Which word means the opposite of gloomy?
might develop one of these. (an ache) good mood. (good/gloomy) 𝖥 angry
𝖦 bored
• When people do this, they talk about • Don’t be so enthusiastic about doing
other people’s personal lives. (gossip) your chores. 𝖧 sorrowful
(enthusiastic/lackadaisical) cheerful
• You might have this kind of attitude
about pulling weeds in the flower • Jill kept a secret by telling her classmates 3. In which sentence could gossip fill in the blank?
beds. (lackadaisical) that the teacher is getting married.
(kept a secret/gossiped) 𝖠 The company directors meet to about important business.
• This word could be used to describe 𝖡 My sister and her friend about their classmates on the phone.
a rainy day. (gloomy)
4 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖢 Whenever I have a problem, I about it with my mom or dad.
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖣 On TV news programs, newscasters about current events.
2 Read each sentence and ask students is false, instruct students to explain why.
to supply the correct word to complete 4. In which sentence could ache fill in the blank?
the sentence. • People who gossip may spread untrue
information. (true) 𝖥 I have an in my shoe. Please wait while I get it out.
• After pitching five innings, Ana had an 𝖦 There is an in this soup that makes it taste salty.
in her arm. (ache) • Surprise parties make most people feel
𝖧 An runs through the valley between the mountains.
gloomy. (false; most people feel happy
• Ben’s attitude about doing his about them) After gymnastics class, Emma had an in her knee.
homework resulted in a low math
grade. (lackadaisical) • Someone could get muscle aches from
lifting heavy items. (true)
• Some people like to about things
that happen to movie stars. (gossip) • Most people feel lackadaisical about Writing
doing boring jobs. (true)
• My mood improved when I heard Write about something you feel lackadaisical about. Use lackadaisical in
that Dad was bringing home my favorite
food for dinner. (gloomy) your sentences.

Answers for page 47: 1. A, 2. J, 3. B, 4. J

46 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 47
Week 12 Week 12
A Word a Day A Word a Day

mischief adapt
The puppies’ mischief stopped being funny A chameleon can adapt to its surroundings
noun verb
when they chewed up Papi’s new slippers. by changing color to blend in with rocks
playful behavior that to change in order and trees.
often annoys or Which of the following are examples of mischief?
to get along in a
irritates others and • hiding a book from your friend new situation In which of the following situations would you need
may cause harm • doing the dishes without being asked to adapt?
synonym: adjust
• tying your friend’s shoelaces together • moving to a new school at the beginning of the year
• giving your mother a rose on Mother’s Day • waking up in the same house every day
• having a pillow fight and getting feathers all • having an ice-cream sundae for dessert
over the room • having a new baby in the family
• breaking a leg
Do you like making mischief? How do you feel when
someone else makes mischief? Do you adapt easily to new situations, or is it hard for you
to adapt? What helps you to adapt and feel comfortable in
a new situation?

moist habitat
I used a moist towel to wipe the pencil marks Although you might see a lion at a wild animal
adjective noun park, its natural habitat is the African savanna.
off my desk.
slightly wet or damp the home of a
Complete the graphic organizer for moist. What is the natural habitat of each of the following?
particular group of
plants and animals • ferns
What it is: What it is not:
• deer
• seaweed
moist • polar bears
Examples: Not examples:
• howler monkeys
What kind of habitat would you like to visit? Where is it?

How many ways can you think of to make something moist?

48 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 49
Week 12 Week 12
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

mischief • moist • adapt • habitat Review Words mischief • moist • adapt • habitat

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word means the opposite of moist?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 damp
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each list of words and phrases. Ask 𝖡 cracked
them a clue about one of the words for students to supply the word that fits best 𝖢 slimy
the week. They are to find the word that with each. 𝖣 dry
answers the clue.
• adjust to change, get used to a new
• A desert is one. A rainforest is home, fit in (adapt) 2. Which word has about the same meaning as mischief?
another. (habitat) 𝖥 misuse
• natural home, surroundings,
𝖦 mistake
• You might use this word to describe a ecosystem (habitat)
nervous person’s sweaty hands. (moist) 𝖧 misbehavior
• misbehavior, shenanigans, annoying misunderstanding
• This kind of behavior can be annoying. acts (mischief )
(mischief )
• wet, damp, almost dry (moist) 3. In which sentence could habitat fill in the blank?
• When you begin a new grade at school 𝖠 Tall cactus plants live in this desert .
or move to a new home, you must do 4 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖡 Shelby is wearing a pink and white today.
this. (adapt to it) decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖢 Our family’s is located at 2145 Basil Lane.
is false, instruct students to explain why. 𝖣 This tastes delicious. Did your mom make it?
2 Read each sentence and ask students
to supply the correct word to complete • Getting into mischief isn’t as bad as
breaking the law. (true) 4. How could a child adapt to a new neighborhood?
the sentence.
𝖥 by moving away from home
• Small, colorful frogs live in a • Grass is often moist in the early
morning. (true) 𝖦 by making new friends
rainforest . (habitat)
𝖧 by packing a suitcase
• The grass is still from yesterday’s • A polar bear’s thick white fur is its
by saying goodbye to old friends
rainfall. (moist) habitat. (false; its cold, snowy home is
its habitat)
• Our baby sitter makes sure that we don’t
get into while our mom is at • Refusing to change helps people adapt
work. (mischief ) to different situations. (false; being Writing
flexible helps people adapt to
• Arctic foxes can to snowy different situations) Write about a time when you had to adapt to a new situation. Use adapt in
surroundings. Their fur turns white in
the wintertime. (adapt) your sentences.

Answers for page 51: 1. D, 2. H, 3. A, 4. G

50 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 51
Week 13 Week 13
A Word a Day A Word a Day

drenched legend
We got drenched when we were caught out in The legend of Johnny Appleseed is based
adjective noun
the rain without an umbrella. on the life of a man named John Chapman.
soaked or a story that is handed
completely wet Complete the graphic organizer for drenched. Which of these is probably a legend?
down from the past
Examples: Other Ways to Say It: that is often based • People lived without electricity in the past.
on fact, but is not • My great-uncle Sam could eat fifty pies in one sitting.
completely true • We had a one-legged dog that could run faster than
a train.
• My grandmother once stayed up for four days straight
sewing a quilt.
• Early settlers crossed the United States in wagons.
Tell about a time when you got drenched. Was it fun? If you could have a legend passed down about you, what
Did you get cold, or was it a hot day? Was it an accident would you like people to say?
or on purpose?

absorb glitter
I read the instructions twice in order to The crystal goblets are so clean that they
verb absorb the information about how to verb glitter in the candlelight.
1. to soak up liquid absorb the paint I spilled on the rug. to shine and sparkle
Which of the following glitter?
2. to take in
information Which of the following could you absorb with a sponge? • a tennis shoe
• the water in a fish tank • a diamond ring
• a mud puddle in your backyard • the stars at night
• water left on the floor after your shower • jewels in a crown
• grape juice that spilled on the cafeteria floor • a peanut butter sandwich
• ice cream that melted on the kitchen counter What is something you own that glitters?
For what topics do you find it easy to absorb information?
For what topics do you find it hard to absorb information?

52 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 53
Week 13 Week 13
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

drenched • absorb • legend • glitter Review Words drenched • absorb • legend • glitter

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word means the opposite of drenched?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 soaked
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each list of words and phrases. Ask 𝖡 open
them a clue about one of the words for students to supply the word that fits best 𝖢 closed
the week. They are to find the word that with each. 𝖣 dry
answers the clue.
• sparkle, shine, diamonds, rubies,
• A dry sponge does this to water. emeralds (glitter) 2. Which word has about the same meaning as glitter?
(absorbs it) 𝖥 sparkle
• soak up, sponge, take in, learn (absorb)
𝖦 snarl
• Diamonds and other jewels do this in
the sunlight. (glitter) • soaked to the skin, wet through and 𝖧 chatter
through (drenched) twitch
• The story of John Henry is one.
(a legend) • old story, traditional tale, passed down
through generations (legend) 3. In which sentence could absorb fill in the blank?
• Imagine that you have just splashed 𝖠 Use a large wooden spoon to the soup.
through a deep puddle. You could use 4 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖡 The yard flooded because the dirt couldn’t the rainfall.
this word to describe your feet, shoes, decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖢 The tree fell over because it couldn’t the strong winds.
and socks. (drenched) is false, instruct students to explain why.
𝖣 I sometimes use a drinking straw to juice from a glass.
2 Read each sentence and ask students • A legend is exactly the same as a fairy
tale. (false; most legends are based on 4. Which of these is a legend?
to supply the correct word to complete
the sentence. real events) 𝖥 George Washington chopping down a cherry tree
• A scientist must absorb a lot of 𝖦 a newspaper story about a presidential election
• Plants moisture through their
roots. (absorb) information in his or her subject area. 𝖧 a fictional book about a fourth-grader and his friends
(true) an instruction book that tells how to use a computer
• A town says that buried treasure
lies beneath that old house. (legend) • Drenched and damp have the same
meaning. (false; drenched means
• Peering into a cave, I saw an animal’s soaking wet and damp means
eyes . (glitter) slightly wet) Writing
• When the cat came in out of the rain, • Shiny new cars glitter. (true)
Write about an interesting way to get dry if you are drenched. Use drenched
his fur was completely . (drenched)
in your sentences.

Answers for page 55: 1. D, 2. F, 3. B, 4. F

54 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 55
Week 14 Week 14
A Word a Day A Word a Day

amuse baffled
The playful monkeys always amuse the I was baffled by the complicated directions
verb adjective
visitors at the zoo. for assembling my new model car.
to make someone confused or puzzled
laugh or smile Which of the following would amuse you? Which of the following might leave you baffled?
synonym: perplexed
• your new puppy licks your hand • buttoning your shirt
• a magician finds a coin behind your ear • assembling a puzzle with 10,000 pieces
• someone accidentally steps on your toe • trying to read something in a foreign language
• a clown squirts water from a flower pinned to his coat • figuring out which end of the pencil has the eraser
• your milk spills in your lunch and ruins your • following directions for folding a piece of paper into
sandwich the shape of a bird
Tell about a time when someone did something that When you are feeling baffled by a task, what resources can
amused you. What is something that you have done to you turn to?
amuse others?

weary marionette
Mom was weary after driving for almost three The puppeteer was so skilled in moving
adjective noun the marionette that the puppet almost
days to get to Grandma’s house.
tired or exhausted a puppet that is moved seemed real.
Complete the graphic organizer for weary. by pulling strings or
wires attached to parts Which of these describes a marionette?
Examples: Other Ways to Say It:
of its body • can be made by hand
• can really walk and talk
• needs a person in order to move
• can be dressed in cute clothing
• can feel sad if people don’t like the show
If you had a magical marionette that could come to life,
What makes you feel weary? What can you do to feel better what sort of marionette would it be?
when you’re feeling weary?

56 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 57
Week 14 Week 14
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

amuse • weary • baffled • marionette Review Words amuse • weary • baffled • marionette

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word means the opposite of weary?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 trusting
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each list of words and phrases. Ask 𝖡 thankful
them a clue about one of the words for students to supply the word that fits best 𝖢 energetic
the week. They are to find the word that with each. 𝖣 exhausted
answers the clue.
• confused, puzzled, bewildered,
• This is a kind of puppet. (a marionette) perplexed (baffled) 2. Which word has about the same meaning as baffled?
𝖥 enchanted
• You would feel this way if you took a • wooden, strings or wires, puppet,
𝖦 interested
long hike up a steep mountain trail. Pinocchio (marionette)
(weary) 𝖧 confused
• make people laugh, entertain, angry
• A comedian gets paid to do this. delight (amuse)
(amuse people) 3. Which sentence correctly uses the word amuse?
• tired, exhausted, ready for bed (weary)
• You might feel this way if someone 𝖠 The terrible news will amuse everyone who hears it.
spoke to you in a language that you 4 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖡 Amuse yourself by finishing your homework before bedtime.
didn’t understand. (baffled) decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖢 I sent Eva a funny card because I knew it would amuse her.
is false, instruct students to explain why. 𝖣 Please amuse me—I didn’t mean to bump into you like that.
2 Read each sentence and ask students
to supply the correct word to complete • Weary and exhausted are synonyms.
(true) 4. Which of these story characters is a marionette?
the sentence.
𝖥 Goldilocks
• Everyone felt by the difficult math • You might amuse people by telling them
jokes. (true) 𝖦 the Gingerbread Boy
problem. Not even the teacher could
𝖧 the Big Bad Wolf
solve it. (baffled) • If you solved a word puzzle, you would
• Taylor felt after a long gymnastics probably feel baffled. (false; you would
workout. (weary) feel baffled if you couldn’t solve
the puzzle)
• Kittens me when they chase their
own tails. (amuse) • You move a marionette by pushing a Writing
button. (false; you move it by pulling
• The puppeteer made the dance by its strings) Write about the last time you felt weary. What caused you to feel that way?
pulling its strings. (marionette)
Use weary in your sentences.

Answers for page 59: 1. C, 2. H, 3. C, 4. J

58 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 59
Week 15 Week 15
A Word a Day A Word a Day

command devour
The trainer at the wild animal park Zoo visitors like to gather at feeding time to
verb verb
commanded the wolf to bring him a stick. watch the cheetahs devour their steak.
to order someone to to eat something very
do something Which of the following might you say if you were Complete the graphic organizer for devour.
quickly or hungrily
commanding someone?
• “Go away!” What it is: What it is not:
• “Come here!”
• “That’s a nice shirt!” devour
Examples: Not examples:
• “May I borrow your pencil?”
• “Give me that right now!”
Do you like it when someone commands you to do
something? Is there a time when it’s necessary to command Have you ever devoured some food? If so, what were you
others? eating? Did you enjoy it?

hilarious solo
The movie was so hilarious that we almost You could tell that Anoki had been practicing,
adjective noun because he performed his solo perfectly.
cried from laughing so hard.
very funny a performance by
Which of the following might be hilarious? Which of the following describe a solo?
synonym: hysterical
one performer
• changing a light bulb • keeping the beat on a drum while your classmates march
• a clown at the circus • playing the piano all by yourself at a concert
• watching bread dough rise • singing a song alone as part of a play
• a book of knock-knock jokes • playing on a baseball team
• a puppy chasing its tail • singing in a choir
Tell about something hilarious that made you laugh. Have you ever performed a solo? How did you feel, or how
do you think you would feel?

60 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 61
Week 15 Week 15
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

command • hilarious • devour • solo Review Words command • hilarious • devour • solo

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word has the same meaning as command?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 beg
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 inquire
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word or words are wrong. 𝖢 request
the week. They are to find the word that Then have them provide the correct word 𝖣 order
answers the clue. from the week’s list.
• This is a one-person performance. • The look on Anna’s face was so 2. Which word has about the same meaning as devour?
(a solo) frightening that it made me laugh. 𝖥 nibble
(frightening/hilarious) 𝖦 gobble
• You do this when you tell a dog, “Sit!”
(command it) • I sang a duet for the audience all by 𝖧 taste
myself. (duet/solo) digest
• Wolves do this to their prey. (devour it)
• “Stop making excuses and clean your 3. Which sentence correctly uses the word solo?
• You might use this word to describe a room immediately!” Mom suggested.
comedian’s act. (hilarious) (suggested/commanded) 𝖠 At the wedding, four guests sang a solo of “Wedding Bell Blues.”
𝖡 I felt nervous as I sang my solo, but my voice sounded okay.
2 Read each sentence and ask students • I’m so hungry in the morning that I pick
𝖢 A small orchestra performed a solo to open the concert.
to supply the correct word to complete at my breakfast. (pick at/devour)
𝖣 My cousin and I performed a piano solo together.
the sentence.
4 Read each sentence and ask students to
• The musician performed a beautiful 4. Which of these is supposed to be hilarious?
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence
violin . (solo) is false, instruct students to explain why. 𝖥 climbing a tall mountain
• “I you to halt!” said the starship 𝖦 breakfast on a weekday
• Three singers perform a solo together.
captain. (command) 𝖧 a comedy show on TV
(false; a single singer performs a solo)
a math lesson in school
• Please don’t your dinner like a wild • Diners at fancy restaurants usually
animal. Eat more slowly and politely. devour their food. (false; they usually
(devour) eat slowly and politely)
• I couldn’t stop laughing at Stan’s • It is part of an army officer’s job to Writing
jokes. (hilarious) command soldiers. (true)
Write about something funny you have seen. Use hilarious in your sentences.
• Filmmakers who make comedies hope
that their movies will be hilarious. (true)

Answers for page 63: 1. D, 2. G, 3. B, 4. H

62 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 63
Week 16 Week 16
A Word a Day A Word a Day

unique numerous
A fish that could survive on dry land would The curious student asked numerous
adjective adjective
be unique. questions during the science lesson.
someone or something many; great in number
that is the only one of Which of the following are unique? Complete the graphic organizer for numerous.
its kind • white tennis shoes
What it is: What it is not:
• a lunchbox just like your best friend’s
• a planet scientists have never seen before
• the only baseball card ever made of a certain player numerous
Examples: Not examples:
• being the only student in the school that has never
been absent
What is something about you that is unique? What is
something unique about someone in your family? Do you think it’s better to have numerous friends or
numerous things? Why?

candidate exact
Each candidate for school president gave a We need to know the exact measurements
noun adjective of the desk to be sure it will fit in my room.
speech at the assembly.
someone who is correct; having
Which of the following are candidates? Is it important to be exact about:
applying for a job or no mistakes
running in an election • the new bus driver • the letters in words that you spell?
• five people applying for a job • the time of your dental appointment?
• a new cook at your favorite restaurant • the change you get back when you buy groceries?
• the people running for president of the United States • the number of leaves on the tree in your yard?
• a teacher who visits the school to decide if she wants to • how many times you blink your eyes each day?
accept a job there
What is something that you are careful to be exact about?
Do you think you would ever like to be a candidate in an Why is it important to you?
election? Why or why not?

64 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 65
Week 16 Week 16
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

unique • candidate • numerous • exact Review Words unique • candidate • numerous • exact

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below. 1. Which word means the opposite of numerous?
𝖠 simple
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 few
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word or words are wrong. 𝖢 many
the week. They are to find the word that Then have them provide the correct word 𝖣 complicated
answers the clue. from the week’s list.
• You might use this word to describe ants • Only a few bees live in each hive. 2. Which phrase has the same meaning as unique?
in an anthill. (numerous) (Only a few/Numerous) 𝖥 like bumps on a log
𝖦 a dime a dozen
• When giving your address, you need to • I know the approximate number of
provide these kinds of numbers. pennies in this jar: 879. 𝖧 two peas in a pod
(exact) (approximate/exact) one of a kind
• Since you are different from everyone • Each person in the world is just like
3. Which sentence correctly uses the word exact?
else in the world, this word describes everyone else.
you. (unique) (just like everyone else/unique) 𝖠 The exact amount I have in my bank account is about $20.
𝖡 My exact weight is about ten pounds more than a year ago.
• In 2008 Hillary Clinton was one. She
4 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖢 The exact number of wedding guests is between 100 and 150.
was running for the U.S. presidency.
(a candidate) decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖣 In exact numbers, the shelter has room for 37 dogs and 42 cats.
is false, instruct students to explain why.
2 4. What is a presidential candidate?
Read each sentence and ask students • “Between 20 and 30” is not an exact
to supply the correct word to complete number. (true) 𝖥 someone who runs for president
the sentence. 𝖦 someone who votes in an election
• In many cities, pigeons are numerous.
• Pablo is a for captain of the soccer (true) 𝖧 someone who likes the president
team. (candidate) someone who works for the president
• Your unique qualities are those that no
• The time is 2:17 in the one else has. (true)
afternoon. (exact)
• A candidate is a person who wins an
• The party guests were so that I election. (false; some candidates win, Writing
didn’t get a chance to meet them but others lose)
all. (numerous) Write about something you’d like to do in your life that would be unique in
• The five sisters look a lot alike, but each the world. Use unique in your sentences.
has traits that make her stand
out. (unique)

Answers for page 67: 1. B, 2. J, 3. D, 4. F

66 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 67
Week 17 Week 17
A Word a Day A Word a Day

digits luminous
We have started adding numbers with three The full moon was so luminous that Tim
noun adjective
digits in math this week. did not need a flashlight to see the path.
1. the numerals from giving off light
zero through nine Which of the following include digits? Which of these manufactured objects are luminous?
2. fingers and toes • your phone number • a burning candle
• your birth date • a fountain
• your hands • a fluorescent light
• your name • a telephone
• your age • a flashing camera
How many digits do you have on one hand? How many What are some luminous objects that are found in nature?
digits do you have altogether?

shrub belligerent
The yard looked beautiful now that several The Peacemakers at our school use conflict
noun of the shrubs were blooming. adjective resolution to help stop belligerent behavior.
a plant that has several hostile; wanting
Where might you see a shrub? Complete the graphic organizer for belligerent.
woody stems instead of to fight
a trunk • around a house What it is: What it is not:
synonym: bush • in the cafeteria
• at a garden shop
• in the principal’s office belligerent
Examples: Not examples:
• at a park
Can you name any shrubs that you have around your home?
Do they ever bloom? When?
How do you feel when someone becomes belligerent?
What do you do? What situations make you feel
belligerent? How do you handle those situations?

68 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 69
Week 17 Week 17
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

digits • shrub • luminous • belligerent Review Words digits • shrub • luminous • belligerent

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word means the opposite of belligerent?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 angry
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 intelligent
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word is wrong. Then have 𝖢 friendly
the week. They are to find the word that them provide the correct word from 𝖣 uneducated
answers the clue. the week’s list.
• You might use this word to describe a • A phone number has ten letters, 2. Which are digits?
cat’s eyes glowing in the dark. including the area code: (510) 555- 𝖥 ABCDEFGHIJK
(luminous) 1617. (letters/digits) 𝖦 + = & % $
• You might use this word to describe a • A friendly grizzly bear charged Joel, 𝖧 0123456789
bully. (belligerent) who escaped just in time. { }[ ]( )< >
• You might have these growing around
3. Which word has the same meaning as luminous?
the base of your home. (shrubs) • A dark full moon lit our way through
the darkness. (dark/luminous) 𝖠 smooth
• A local phone number has seven of these 𝖡 glowing
in it. (digits) • My ball rolled under the branches of
𝖢 slimy
the small bench next to the driveway.
2 (bench/shrub) 𝖣 curving
Read each sentence and ask students
to supply the correct word to complete
4. Which is true of a shrub?
the sentence. 4 Read each sentence and ask students to
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖥 It is a small mammal.
• Let’s plant a flowering next to the 𝖦 It is a tall pine tree.
is false, instruct students to explain why.
front porch. (shrub)
𝖧 It could be called a bush.
• Neon signs look luminous in the
• I peered through the darkness at my It is a large reptile.
dark. (true)
clock dial and saw that it was
midnight. (luminous) • Shrubs are taller than most trees.
(false; they are shorter)
• One student started a fight in the
cafeteria. (belligerent) • A teenager’s age has one digit. (false; Writing
it has two digits: 13, 14, 15, 16, and
• Our car’s license plate has three letters
and three . (digits)
so on) Write about how you would act if you encountered a belligerent person.
• Behaving in a belligerent way helps Use belligerent in your sentences.
people to settle their arguments
peacefully. (false; belligerent behavior
can result in physical fights)
Answers for page 71: 1. C, 2. H, 3. B, 4. H

70 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 71
Week 18 Week 18
A Word a Day A Word a Day

elated absurd
Jessica felt elated when she crossed the It was absurd to try to eat the broth with
adjective adjective
finish line first. a fork!
filled with joy without good sense
Which of these might you do if you felt elated? Complete the graphic organizer for absurd.
antonym: miserable synonym: silly
• sleep
Examples: Other Ways to Say It:
• jump up and down
• cheer
• yawn
• grin broadly
Tell about some events in your life that made you
feel elated.
What is the most absurd thing you have ever seen or heard?

deceive vanquish
The wolf tried to deceive Little Red Riding Zack had to vanquish his fear of the dark
verb verb before going camping with his friends.
Hood by dressing like her grandmother.
to make someone to defeat; overcome
Which words mean about the same as deceive? Which scenarios describe somebody vanquishing someone
believe something that synonym: conquer or something?
is not true; to trick • mislead
• verify • two runners cross the finish line at the same moment
synonym: lie
• confirm • a tennis player beats her opponent in every game
• falsify • a person with a learning disability gets all A s
• receive • a baseball team finishes the season in last place
• a knight knocks the other rider off his horse in a
Did anyone ever deceive you? How did it make you feel? jousting match
Do you think it’s ever OK to deceive someone else?
What are some fears you would like to vanquish? Why?

72 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 73
Week 18 Week 18
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

elated • deceive • absurd • vanquish Review Words elated • deceive • absurd • vanquish

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below. 1. Which word is a synonym for vanquish?
𝖠 challenge
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 surrender
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word or words are wrong. 𝖢 struggle
the week. They are to find the word that Then have them provide the correct word 𝖣 defeat
answers the clue. from the week’s list.
• You might use this word to describe a • When my team won I felt so miserable 2. Which word is an antonym for absurd?
silly rhyme. (absurd) that I yelled with joy. (miserable/elated) 𝖥 silly
𝖦 sensible
• At the end of most fantasy stories, the • Drivers’ licenses for ten-year-olds?
good guys do this to the bad guys. That idea is absolutely reasonable! 𝖧 plump
(vanquish them) (reasonable/absurd) slender
• A person does this when he or she tells • Tennis players want to lose to their
3. Which word is an antonym for elated?
a lie. (deceives someone else) opponents. (lose to/vanquish)
𝖠 sorrowful
• You might feel this way if you won 𝖡 joyous
4 Read each sentence and ask students to
a contest. (elated)
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖢 full
is false, instruct students to explain why. 𝖣 empty
2 Read each sentence and ask students
to supply the correct word to complete • Spies often wear disguises in order to
4. Which is a name for people who deceive others?
the sentence. deceive others. (true)
𝖥 liars
• Don’t try to me. I can tell that • Most people feel elated at weddings. 𝖦 robbers
you’re lying. (deceive) (true)
𝖧 comedians
• “Tomorrow we will our enemy!” • Absurd and nonsensical are synonyms. protectors
the commander told his soldiers. (true)
• Vanquish and surrender are synonyms.
• Don’t be ! There are no monsters (false; they are antonyms)
living in your closet. (absurd) Writing
• I felt when I remembered that Write about a celebration. Use elated in your sentences.
my favorite cousin was coming to
visit. (elated)

Answers for page 75: 1. D, 2. G, 3. A, 4. F

74 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 75
Week 19 Week 19
A Word a Day A Word a Day

remedy casual
Adam’s mother gave him mint tea as a remedy When Jared’s casual meeting with a friend led
noun adjective
for his upset stomach. She hoped it would to a dinner invitation, he was glad his casual
a medicine or remedy his stomachache quickly. 1. happening by clothes were neat and clean.
treatment used for chance; not planned
healing Complete the graphic organizer for remedy. 2. informal; not fancy Which of these scenarios describes a casual event or situation?
• Roberto ran into Peter at the park, and they decided to
verb Examples: Other Ways to Say It:
ride their bikes to the shopping center.
to return something to • The charity club put on an elaborate dinner served on
its proper condition fine china and linen tablecloths.
remedy • The whole family worked for months to plan their
summer holiday.
• Let’s just grab a sandwich on the way to the beach.
• Mom and her friend chatted about what had happened
What kind of remedies does your family use? during the week.
What conditions do you try to remedy with them?
What kinds of casual clothes do you own? Do you like to
wear them? Why or why not?

bedlam cantankerous
There was bedlam on the decks of the Titanic Because Jerry is so cantankerous, I already
noun adjective know he won’t agree with me.
when the ship began to sink.
a scene of noise hard to get along with
Which of these events might cause bedlam? Which words describe a person who is cantankerous?
and confusion synonym: cranky
• an earthquake destroys a neighborhood • snappy
synonym: chaos
• a snake gets loose in the classroom • agreeable
• a bouquet of flowers is delivered • crabby
• a fire hydrant floods a city street • pleasant
• a poet reads one of her poems at a bookstore • grouchy
Imagine a scene of bedlam. Describe what is happening and What type of behavior might Jerry have displayed?
what caused it. How do you feel when you are around a cantankerous

76 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 77
Week 19 Week 19
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

remedy • bedlam • casual • cantankerous Review Words remedy • bedlam • casual • cantankerous

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word is a synonym for cantankerous?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 concerned
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 helpful
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word is wrong. Then have 𝖢 pleasant
the week. They are to find the word that them provide the correct word from 𝖣 grouchy
answers the clue. the week’s list.
• This word describes clothing that isn’t • The cheerful boy snapped at his friend. 2. Which word is an antonym for bedlam?
fancy. (casual) (cheerful/cantankerous) 𝖥 confusion
𝖦 peace
• You would need one if a poisonous snake • We’ll be playing outdoors, so be sure to
bit you. (a remedy) wear formal clothes. (formal/casual) 𝖧 sadness
• When someone acts this way, it’s • Following the massive earthquake there
unpleasant to be around him or her. was calm throughout the city. 3. Which word is an antonym for casual?
(cantankerous) (calm/bedlam)
𝖠 formal
• This word names the situation in New 𝖡 tidy
York City on September 11, 2001. 4 Read each sentence and ask students to
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖢 sloppy
is false, instruct students to explain why. 𝖣 ordinary
2 Read each sentence and ask students • Medicines may help to remedy people’s 4. Someone might need a remedy in order to .
to supply the correct word to complete illnesses. (true)
the sentence. 𝖥 heal an illness
• Bedlam often occurs following a major 𝖦 drive a car
• There was in the theater when disaster. (true)
𝖧 solve a math problem
someone yelled “fire!” (bedlam)
• It’s a pleasure to talk with cantankerous climb a tree
• After our meeting at the grocery people. (false; it’s not fun to talk
store, we took a walk together. (casual) with grouches)
• I know you are in a bad mood, but • Casual and planned are synonyms.
please don’t be with your (false; they are antonyms) Writing
friends. (cantankerous)
Write about a time when you were cranky. Use cantankerous in your sentences.
• Help! Can you do anything to this
situation? (remedy)

Answers for page 79: 1. D, 2. G, 3. A, 4. F

78 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 79
Week 20 Week 20
A Word a Day A Word a Day

affluent dapper
Marta loved to visit her affluent aunt because James was such a dapper dresser that he
adjective adjective
she had a swimming pool and a tennis court. looked like a model.
having a lot of money attractive in dress
Which words mean about the same as affluent? Complete the graphic organizer for dapper.
synonym: wealthy synonym: fashionable
• poor
Examples: Other Ways to Say It:
• rich
• broke
• well-off
• desperate
If you were affluent, what special things might you own?
How might you help others if you were affluent?
Think of famous people who are dapper dressers. Which
would you most want to dress like?

hermit abscond
The hermit saw other people only when he The bank robbers planned to abscond
noun verb with thousands of dollars.
hiked into town to buy groceries.
a person who lives to run away suddenly
Which of these actions would be likely of a hermit? Which words or phrases mean about the same as abscond?
alone to be away from and secretly
other people • to not answer a knock on the door • escape
• to dance for hours at a party • flee
synonym: recluse
• to list his phone number in the telephone book • hightail it
• to grow his own food so he didn’t have to go to a store • visit
• to not want to make new friends • bolt

Why might somebody choose to be a hermit? Do you think If you planned to abscond, where would you go?
you would like to be a hermit? Why or why not?

80 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 81
Week 20 Week 20
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

affluent • hermit • dapper • abscond Review Words affluent • hermit • dapper • abscond

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word is a synonym for dapper?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 stylish
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖡 casual
them a clue about one of the words for tell which word or words are wrong. Then 𝖢 unattractive
the week. They are to find the word that have them provide the correct word from 𝖣 unique
answers the clue. the week’s list.
• Robbers do this with the items they • The poor family has a beautiful new 2. Which word is an antonym for affluent?
steal. (abscond with them) swimming pool in their backyard. 𝖥 friendly
(poor/affluent) 𝖦 charitable
• This word describes someone with a
large bank account. (affluent) • Thieves usually bring back the items 𝖧 needy
they steal. (bring back/abscond with) uneducated
• You could use this word to describe a
man who’s wearing stylish clothes. • Max looks sloppy in his trendy new 3. In which sentence is the word hermit used correctly?
(dapper) clothes. (sloppy/dapper)
𝖠 Every week the hermit throws a big party for all his friends.
• This person doesn’t like being around • The socialite lived in a tiny cottage many 𝖡 The audience clapped after the hermit finished telling jokes.
other people. (a hermit) miles from town. (socialite/hermit)
𝖢 The hermit ignored his relatives’ requests to visit him.
𝖣 A hermit will star in the new reality show Find Me If You Can.
2 Read each sentence and ask students 4 Read each sentence and ask students to
to supply the correct word to complete decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 4. With which of these might a mouse abscond?
the sentence. is false, instruct students to explain why.
𝖥 a cat
• The twins often with forbidden • A hermit would hate to live in a crowded 𝖦 some cheese
cookies. (abscond) city. (true)
𝖧 its tail
• Pablo looked at the wedding in his • Most people want to look dapper at a nest in an attic
stylish new clothes. (dapper) fancy events. (true)
• Deep in the woods lived an old • Affluent people can afford to eat in
with a long beard. (hermit) expensive restaurants. (true)
• The businesswoman gave • It is illegal to abscond with other
thousands of dollars to charity. people’s money. (true)
Write about your idea of a dapper outfit. Use dapper in your sentences.

Answers for page 83: 1. A, 2. H, 3. C, 4. G

82 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 83
Week 21 Week 21
A Word a Day A Word a Day

curtail digress
Jeff ’s teacher suggested he curtail the time The teacher took a moment to digress
verb verb
he spends playing video games if he wants to tell a funny story before getting back
to cut short; reduce to do better on his homework. to get off the subject, to the lesson.
synonym: shorten especially when
Which activities might you curtail if you wanted to improve speaking or writing Which of these do you do when you digress?
your schoolwork?
• focus
• watching television at night • lose track
• paying attention in class • concentrate
• staying up late on school nights • wander
• doing homework • get distracted
• reading books
Why might it be important not to digress when you are
List some activities people should curtail if they want to working in a group to complete an assignment? Can it ever
stay healthy. be valuable to digress?

dejected heirloom
Hiroshi felt dejected when he didn’t break Alana’s gold locket was a family heirloom that
adjective noun had belonged to her great-grandmother.
the record for the long jump.
low in spirits a valued object handed
Which words mean about the same as dejected? Complete the graphic organizer for heirloom.
down from generation
• lighthearted to generation What it is: What it is not:
• depressed
• elated
• downhearted Examples: heirloom Not examples:
• blue
If someone is feeling dejected, we might say he or she is
“down in the mouth.” How might that expression have come
to be? Tell about any heirlooms that have been passed down for
generations in your family. Do you own something that you
might like to pass on as an heirloom?

84 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 85
Week 21 Week 21
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

curtail • dejected • digress • heirloom Review Words curtail • dejected • digress • heirloom

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below. 1. Which word is a synonym for dejected?
𝖠 furious
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 discouraged
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word or words are wrong. 𝖢 overjoyed
the week. They are to find the word that Then have them provide the correct word 𝖣 interested
answers the clue. from the week’s list.
• You’d feel this way if your best friend • Let’s expand pollution so we can have a 2. Which word is an antonym for curtail?
moved away. (dejected) cleaner planet. (expand/curtail) 𝖥 miss
𝖦 extend
• People do this when they don’t stick to • Don’t stick to the topic or we’ll never
the subject. (digress) finish our discussion. 𝖧 shorten
(stick to the topic/digress) enjoy
• A beautiful old piece of furniture might
be one. (an heirloom) • Ana looked so lighthearted that I asked
3. Which phrase means the opposite of digress?
her what was troubling her.
• You do this when you cut short a (lighthearted/dejected) 𝖠 stray from the topic
discussion. (curtail it) 𝖡 go into great detail
4 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖢 expand the discussion
2 Read each sentence and ask students
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖣 stick to the subject
to supply the correct word to complete
is false, instruct students to explain why.
the sentence.
4. Which of these might be a family heirloom?
• Few heirlooms are brand-new. (true)
• After Mom scolded her, our puppy 𝖥 your family’s five-year-old dog
looked . (dejected) • Winning contests makes most people 𝖦 your little brother’s newest toy
feel dejected. (false; it makes most
• Please don’t . We need to stay on 𝖧 your mom’s new coffeemaker
people feel elated)
task to get the job done. (digress) your great-grandma’s dining table
• People can lose weight by curtailing the
• If I my TV watching a bit, I’ll have
amount of fat and sugar in their diets.
more time for soccer practice. (curtail)
• Mom’s pearl necklace is an that Writing
• When you digress, you write about one
once belonged to her great-aunt.
topic. (false; you wander from one
topic to another) Write about a time when you felt dejected. What cheered you up?
Use dejected in your sentences.

Answers for page 87: 1. B, 2. G, 3. D, 4. J

86 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 87
Week 22 Week 22
A Word a Day A Word A Day

gregarious dexterity
Because Heather is so gregarious, she always After playing the piano for years, Mei-Ling has
adjective noun
has friends around her. wonderful dexterity.
fond of being skill in using the hands
with others Which of these words would describe a gregarious person? Which of the following activities require dexterity?
• moody • long-distance running
synonym: sociable
• friendly • playing guitar
• likeable • knitting
• pleasant • biking
• mean • stringing beads

Do you consider yourself to be gregarious? Why or Tell about something you do that requires dexterity.
why not?

docile fickle
Anita’s docile dog won the prize for We weren’t surprised when Lisa switched teams
adjective adjective at the last minute, because she is often fickle.
“best-behaved pet” at the show.
easy to handle or train always changing in
Complete the graphic organizer for docile. Which words mean about the same thing as fickle?
interests or loyalty
• flighty
Examples: Other Ways to Say It:
• unpredictable
• definite
• changeable
• stable
Describe a time when you or someone you know
acted fickle.
What type of behavior do you think Anita’s docile dog
exhibited to be named “best-behaved pet”? Do you prefer
docile or unmanageable pets?

88 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 89
Week 22 Week 22
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

gregarious • docile • dexterity • fickle Review Words gregarious • docile • dexterity • fickle

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word is a synonym for docile?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 sleepy
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 shiny
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word or words are wrong. 𝖢 soft
the week. They are to find the word that Then have them provide the correct word 𝖣 gentle
answers the clue. from the week’s list.
• This word describes a gentle, • You can’t count on a loyal friend. 2. Which word is an antonym for dexterity?
well-trained horse. (docile) (loyal/fickle) 𝖥 childishness
𝖦 clumsiness
• You need this to make jewelry or repair • I’m a loner—I love to socialize.
a bike. (dexterity) (a loner/gregarious) 𝖧 irritability
• This word would describe someone who • This sweet, unmanageable dog instantly
loves to talk with people. (gregarious) obeys my commands. 3. Which word is an antonym for fickle?
• You could use this word to describe 𝖠 sensible
someone whose interests keep • It takes clumsiness to be a good painter. 𝖡 cheerful
changing. (fickle) (clumsiness/dexterity)
𝖢 handsome
𝖣 consistent
2 Read each sentence and ask students 4 Read each sentence and ask students to
to supply the correct word to complete decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 4. Which activity would a gregarious person be most likely to enjoy?
the sentence. is false, instruct students to explain why.
𝖥 going to a party
• It takes and good eyesight to thread • Good handwriting requires dexterity. 𝖦 reading a book
a needle. (dexterity) (true)
𝖧 taking a walk alone
• Our puppy hasn’t been easy to train, • Gregarious people feel happy in large painting a picture
but she may grow more as she gets groups of friends. (true)
older. (docile)
• Docile and disobedient are antonyms.
• Even people sometimes enjoy (true)
spending time alone. (gregarious) Writing
• Fickle and loyal are synonyms.
• Alex has always been loyal to me, (false; they are antonyms) Write about the most gregarious person you know. Use gregarious in your sentences.
so I’m surprised to hear you call
him . (fickle)

Answers for page 91: 1. D, 2. G, 3. D, 4. F

90 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 91
Week 23 Week 23
A Word a Day A Word a Day

brawl classify
When the pitcher accidentally hit the batter Lilia will classify the insects in her
noun verb
with a fastball, a brawl broke out between the collection by color.
a loud fight two teams. to put into groups
according to a system Which examples below describe things that have
synonym: altercation Which of these things might you see in a brawl? been classified?
• punching • Students who ride the school bus lined up first.
• singing • I looked for a book in the fairy tale section of the library.
• kicking • This dresser drawer contains T-shirts, socks, and mittens.
• yelling • In my reading book there are stories about space travel,
• laughing how to make your own jewelry, Native American
legends, and other topics.
What are other situations in which you might see a brawl? • The chemist stored each type of chemical in its own box.
What would you do if a brawl started near you?
Name some foods that you could classify into these
categories: nuts, grains, and legumes.

germinate tedious
The spring rains helped the wildflower seeds Three hours of weeding a garden can
verb to germinate. adjective be tedious.
to begin to grow boring; tiresome
Complete this graphic organizer for germinate. How might you feel when you are doing something tedious?
synonym: sprout
• jolly
What it is: What it is not:
• tired
• excited
germinate • weary
Examples: Not examples:
• energetic
What is something tedious that you have to do at home?

What are some of the things you can do to help

seeds germinate?

92 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 93
Week 23 Week 23
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

brawl • germinate • classify • tedious Review Words brawl • germinate • classify • tedious

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word is a synonym for germinate?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 droop
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each list of words and phrases. Ask 𝖡 sprout
them a clue about one of the words for students to supply the word that fits best 𝖢 transplant
the week. They are to find the word that with each. 𝖣 trim
answers the clue.
• boring, tiresome, wearisome (tedious)
• Seeds do this when they begin to 2. Which word is an antonym for tedious?
grow. (germinate) • seeds, sprout, begin to grow (germinate) 𝖥 clear
• shouting, punching, fighting (brawl) 𝖦 graceful
• You could use this word to describe a
boring chore. (tedious) 𝖧 familiar
• organize, categorize, put into groups
(classify) fascinating
• You do this when you say that a carrot
is a vegetable and an orange is a fruit. 3. How would you classify strawberries?
(classify them) 4 Read each sentence and ask students to
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖠 by grouping them with other berries
• This is loud and violent. (a brawl) is false, instruct students to explain why. 𝖡 by planting, watering, and weeding them
𝖢 by picking them
2 Read each sentence and ask students • Opening birthday presents is a
tedious task. (false; it’s exciting rather 𝖣 by eating them
to supply the correct word to complete
the sentence. than boring)
4. Why might some people get into a brawl?
• Seeds usually in spring. • Scientists classify dogs as mammals. 𝖥 to celebrate a special occasion
(germinate) (true)
𝖦 because they are angry at one another
• Did you know that scientists • Seeds need water to germinate. (true) 𝖧 because they have business to discuss
tomatoes as fruits? (classify) • Having a brawl is a peaceful way to settle to travel from one place to another
• I can’t wait to finish this chore so a disagreement. (false; brawls are
I can do something more interesting. angry fights)
• Let’s settle this argument before it turns
into a . (brawl) Write about the most tedious task you have had to do recently. Use tedious
in your sentences.

Answers for page 95: 1. B, 2. J, 3. A, 4. G

94 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 95
Week 24 Week 24
A Word a Day A Word a Day

admonish gallery
Mrs. Wu had to admonish her students about Ima was impressed by all the colorful
verb noun
running in the hallway. paintings in the gallery.
to caution or warn a room or building
Which of these are examples of admonishing someone? Which of these items might you find displayed in a gallery?
synonym: reprimand where art is shown
• A police officer talks to a driver but does not write or sold • paintings
a ticket. • envelopes
• A judge sentences a criminal to a year in prison. • sculptures
• A mother says that next time, her child will go to the • photographs
“time out” chair. • shovels
• A principal explains what happens to students who race
their bikes on the playground. If you could see any type of exhibit in a gallery, what would
• A father doesn’t pay attention when his children tease you choose to see?
each other.
Pretend that you are a parent. Your children have just come
inside with mud all over their shoes. What would you say to
admonish them?

foreign harass
We served lots of foreign foods at the My brother shoots rubber bands at me
adjective verb when he wants to harass me.
international celebration. The hamburgers
1. from another looked foreign alongside all the other to bother repeatedly
Complete the graphic organizer for harass.
country exotic foods.
2. different; strange Examples: Other Ways to Say It:
Which meaning of the word foreign is being used: “from
another country” or “different”?
• His intense interest in video games seems foreign to me. harass
• My dad bought a computer program to learn a
foreign language.
• Greece is one foreign land I’d really like to visit.
• After a month of backpacking, sleeping in a bed What are appropriate ways to respond to someone who is
seemed foreign. harassing you?
• A movie from Russia won the best foreign film award.
What are some of your favorite foreign foods?

96 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 97
Week 24 Week 24
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

admonish • foreign • gallery • harass Review Words admonish • foreign • gallery • harass

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word is a synonym for harass?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 question
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 encourage
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word or words are wrong. 𝖢 torment
the week. They are to find the word that Then have them provide the correct word 𝖣 warn
answers the clue. from the week’s list.
• This word describes another country’s • Mom praised us, warning us not to 2. Which word is an antonym for foreign?
customs. (foreign) disobey her again. 𝖥 exotic
(praised/admonished) 𝖦 faraway
• Dogs may do this to cats by chasing
them repeatedly. (harass them) • A school bully made friends with other 𝖧 different
students by calling them names. familiar
• Artists show their work to the public in (made friends with/harassed)
this space. (a gallery) 3. Why might a teacher admonish her students?
• Sushi, curry, and linguini are considered
• Dads do this to warn their kids not to native foods in the U.S. 𝖠 to warn them to study harder for the next vocabulary quiz
cross the street unless it is safe. (native/foreign) 𝖡 to praise them for the great work they did on art projects
(admonish them)
𝖢 to encourage them to love reading fiction and poetry
4 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖣 to thank them for raising money for school sports programs
2 Read each sentence and ask students
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence
to supply the correct word to complete
is false, instruct students to explain why. 4. Which of these would you be most likely to see at a gallery?
the sentence.
• Galleries display artwork. (true) 𝖥 a popular new comedy movie
• Dad changed the ingredients, so the 𝖦 drawings and paintings on display
soup tasted to me. (foreign) • Admonish and warn are synonyms.
𝖧 refrigerators and ovens for sale
• Don’t your sister by pulling her tables filled with hungry customers
hair. (harass) • A buzzing mosquito might harass
you. (true)
• We visited a to look at
Mr. Goldstein’s paintings. (gallery) • Foreign and familiar are synonyms.
(false; they are antonyms) Writing
• Police officers may drivers for
traffic violations without giving them
Write about a foreign country that you would like to visit. Tell why you’d like
tickets. (admonish)
to go there. Use foreign in your sentences.

Answers for page 99: 1. C, 2. J, 3. A, 4. G

98 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 99
Week 25 Week 25
A Word a Day A Word a Day

indulge jumble
Adrianne fought the urge to indulge her The jumble of books in the box made it
verb noun
craving for the rich chocolate dessert. impossible to find what I was looking for.
to allow yourself to a confused mess
enjoy something Which of these situations would describe a person who is Complete the graphic organizer for jumble.
indulging in something?
Examples: Other Ways to Say It:
• Mother went to the spa for a manicure.
• Ryan knew he had to mow the lawn before it got dark.
• It’s my turn to cook, so I have to go to the grocery store.
• Have some popcorn and watch your favorite movie.
• We ordered the most expensive meals on the menu.
What activities do you indulge in for pleasure? Can
indulging ever be bad? Do you like having things in your room in a jumble? Why
or why not?

destitute lecture
The fifth-graders raised money to help The park ranger gave a lecture about wild
adjective destitute people in their community. noun animals. He told about having to lecture some
having no money or a prepared talk about campers about leaving food out for the bears.
other means of living Which of these words mean about the same as destitute? something
• penniless Which meaning of lecture is being described: a “prepared
verb talk” or “scolding someone”?
• affluent
• needy to scold • Mom lectured me when I got ink on the new couch.
• poverty-stricken • The principal lectured for 10 minutes on the school
• impoverished
• The students gathered in the auditorium to hear a guest
What can communities do to help those who are destitute? speaker give a lecture.
• The coach wagged his finger at the players as he lectured
them about the rules.
• The former president is often invited to give lectures at
large gatherings.
Tell about the subject of a lecture you have attended.

100 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 101
Week 25 Week 25
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

indulge • destitute • jumble • lecture Review Words indulge • destitute • jumble • lecture

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below. 1. Which word is a synonym for lecture?
𝖠 scold
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 praise
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word or words are wrong. 𝖢 tease
the week. They are to find the word that Then have them provide the correct word 𝖣 encourage
answers the clue. from the week’s list.
• This word describes someone with no • This wealthy family has no home and no 2. Which phrase describes a jumble?
money at all. (destitute) money for food. (wealthy/destitute) 𝖥 clothes all over the floor
𝖦 socks sorted by color
• If the items in your closet are in this • The kitchen utensil drawer is in such an
state, it will be hard to find things organized state, I never did find the can 𝖧 spices in alphabetical order
quickly. (a jumble) opener. (an organized state/a jumble) everything in its place
• People do this when they eat delicious • If I curtail eating desserts, I will gain
3. People indulge in certain activities because they are .
foods filled with fat and sugar. (indulge) weight. (curtail/indulge in)
𝖠 harmful
• A scientist might give one to inform 𝖡 pleasurable
4 Read each sentence and ask students to
people about rainforest creatures.
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖢 troublesome
(a lecture)
is false, instruct students to explain why. 𝖣 challenging
2 Read each sentence and ask students • Most lectures are meant to be
4. Which word is an antonym for destitute?
to supply the correct word to complete educational. (true)
the sentence. 𝖥 wealthy
• Destitute people desperately need 𝖦 impoverished
• On some weekends, I in watching help. (true)
movies and eating junk food. (indulge) 𝖧 educated
• It is pleasurable to indulge yourself. ignorant
• Don’t me about keeping my room (true)
tidy. Yours is messier than mine is.
(lecture) • Jumble and order are synonyms.
(false; they are antonyms)
• How can you find your homework in Writing
the of papers on your desk?
(jumble) Write about a food that tastes good but isn’t very good for you. Use indulge
• The charity provided job training to help in your sentences.
people have a chance to support
themselves. (destitute)

Answers for page 103: 1. A, 2. F, 3. B, 4. F

102 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 103
Week 26 Week 26
A Word a Day A Word a Day

maneuver peer
Mika tried to maneuver his bike around Even though Daisy is Roberto’s peer, she is
verb noun
the cones on the obstacle course. three inches taller than he is.
to move carefully a person of the same
and skillfully Which of these situations would require skillful Which of these people would be your peer?
age or ability level
• your mother
• entering a narrow harbor with a cruise ship • students in your class
• walking to the kitchen to get a snack • your grandfather
• moving through a video game maze • the kids on your baseball team
• carrying an armload of packages through a glass shop • your best friend
• driving on a city street crowded with cars, bikes,
and pedestrians Name three of your peers and three of your parents’ peers.

Describe a situation in which you had to maneuver


frantic stagnant
Lihn was so frantic that she’d miss the bus for When a puddle of water is stagnant, harmful
adjective adjective bacteria can grow in it.
the field trip that she ran all the way to school.
very excited with not moving or flowing
Complete the graphic organizer for frantic. Which of the following could be described as stagnant?
worry or fear synonym: still
• the air in a room that had been closed up for a week
Examples: Other Ways to Say It:
• a waterfall
• a pond with a layer of algae on top
• a filled aquarium tank without plants or fish
• air in a room with a fan turned on
Where might you find stagnant water?

Tell about a time when you were frantic. Why were you
frantic? How did you feel? What did you do?

104 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 105
Week 26 Week 26
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

maneuver • frantic • peer • stagnant Review Words maneuver • frantic • peer • stagnant

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word is a synonym for frantic?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 elated
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 irritated
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word or words are wrong. 𝖢 desperate
the week. They are to find the word that Then have them provide the correct word 𝖣 calm
answers the clue. from the week’s list.
• You could use this word to describe • Jill is an elder of mine. In fact, she is 2. Which phrase means the opposite of peer?
water in a broken fountain. (stagnant) exactly my age. (an elder/a peer) 𝖥 someone who knows the same things you know
• This is someone who is about your age. • Mom was calm when she realized that 𝖦 someone who is in your class at school
(a peer) her valuable ring was missing. 𝖧 someone who was born the same year you were born
(calm/frantic) someone from a different generation
• Drivers do this with cars, and bicyclists
do this with bikes. (maneuver them) • That birdbath is filled with moving
3. Which is an example of stagnant water?
water that has not been replaced in
• A mom might feel this way if her young months. (moving/stagnant) 𝖠 an ocean
child got lost in a supermarket. (frantic) 𝖡 a rushing river
4 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖢 a creek that flows downhill
2 Read each sentence and ask students
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖣 still water in a small pond
to supply the correct word to complete
is false, instruct students to explain why.
the sentence.
4. How does a bicyclist maneuver a bike?
• Stagnant water flows swiftly.
• Don’t drink water from a 𝖥 by moving the handlebars
(false; it just sits there)
pond. (stagnant)
𝖦 by keeping it in good repair
• It is hard to calm down when you are
• We were with worry until we found
frantic. (true) 𝖧 by saving up enough money to buy it
our lost cat. (frantic) by putting on the brakes and getting off
• Your grandparents are your peers.
• A of my grandpa’s, Mr. Ramirez,
(false; they are not in your age group)
is 65 years old. (peer)
• Maneuver and steer are synonyms. (true)
• It can be hard to your bike Writing
around cars and pedestrians in
parking lots. (maneuver)
Write about a time when you have had to maneuver through a crowd.
Use maneuver in your sentences.

Answers for page 107: 1. C, 2. J, 3. D, 4. F

106 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 107
Week 27 Week 27
A Word a Day A Word a Day

unkempt replenish
After a week of camping in the wilderness, After the long race, the runners had to
adjective verb
everybody looked quite unkempt. replenish the water in their bodies.
not groomed; to refill
not neat or tidy Which words mean about the same thing as unkempt? Complete the graphic organizer for replenish.
• messy
What it is: What it is not:
• orderly
• scruffy
• rumpled replenish
Examples: Not examples:
• elegant
Is it ever OK with your parents for you to look unkempt?
When? When won’t they allow it?
What types of foods do you eat to replenish your body
with nutrients?

humdrum agriculture
The movie was so humdrum that I fell asleep. My uncle studied agriculture in college and
adjective noun now grows organic tomatoes that he sells
lacking variety or Which of the following describe something that the science of growing to restaurants.
excitement is humdrum? crops and raising
• watching paint dry livestock Which activities would be performed by someone who works
synonym: in agriculture?
monotonous • going to a swimming party synonym: farming
• listening to a fly buzz • milking cows
• going horseback riding • planting seeds
• spending a day at an amusement park • driving a taxicab
• driving a tractor
What are some activities that you find humdrum?
• serving food in a restaurant
Name some of the products of agriculture that you eat.

108 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 109
Week 27 Week 27
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

unkempt • humdrum • replenish • agriculture Review Words unkempt • humdrum • replenish • agriculture

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word is a synonym for replenish?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 stir
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each sentence and ask students 𝖡 shake
them a clue about one of the words for to tell which word or words are wrong. 𝖢 restore
the week. They are to find the word that Then have them provide the correct word 𝖣 review
answers the clue. from the week’s list.
• This word describes boring household • I’ve finished all of the water in my glass. 2. Which word is an antonym for humdrum?
chores. (humdrum) Please empty it for me. 𝖥 slender
(empty/replenish) 𝖦 exciting
• Farmers work in this business.
(agriculture) • I looked neat and tidy after playing 𝖧 silent
soccer all day. (neat and tidy/unkempt) boring
• Waiters do this when customers empty
their water glasses. (replenish them) • I don’t mind doing exciting chores such 3. Who works in agriculture?
as clearing the table.
• You could use this word to describe (exciting/humdrum) 𝖠 a teacher
someone’s uncombed hair. (unkempt) 𝖡 a lawyer
• Mr. Johnson works in the mining
𝖢 a rancher
2 Read each sentence and ask students business. He raises cattle and grows
apples. (mining/agriculture) 𝖣 an actor
to supply the correct word to complete
the sentence. 4. Who is likely to have an unkempt appearance?
4 Read each sentence and ask students to
• Mowing the lawn can be a job, but decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖥 a model on a magazine cover
I enjoy it. (humdrum) is false, instruct students to explain why. 𝖦 a bride and groom at their wedding
• Allow me to your glass of juice. 𝖧 someone who just got out of bed
• Agriculture provides us with milk and
(replenish) eggs. (true) someone who just combed his hair
• Ira’s hair showed that he had just • Drinking water helps to replenish our
awakened. (unkempt) bodies’ fluids. (true)
• We can thank the science of for the • Most people look unkempt at weddings. Writing
variety of fruits and vegetables we eat. (false; most people at weddings look
(agriculture) well dressed) Write about a humdrum activity. What makes it humdrum? Use humdrum in
• Humdrum and boring are synonyms.
your sentences.

Answers for page 111: 1. C, 2. G, 3. C, 4. H

110 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 111
Week 28 Week 28
A Word a Day A Word a Day

barricade complement
The fire department had to barricade the Cinderella’s glass slippers were the perfect
verb noun
streets for the parade. They parked their complement to her gown.
to block off firetrucks across the crosswalks to make something that
Which of these items are complements to each other?
noun a barricade. makes something
else complete • ice cream and cake
a barrier used to Which of these are situations when barricades might • combat boots and ballet slippers
block passage be used? • burger and fries
• The new park is now open to the public. • bat and ball
• There is a dangerous hole in the roadway. • peanut butter and jelly
• Traffic is diverted due to a fire hydrant breaking.
Name some food items that you think are great
• Anyone may use this parking lot.
• The crowds weren’t allowed to get close to the movie set.
Who might create a barricade? What might be used to
create a barricade?

betray defiant
Kin Yui didn’t mean to betray Laura’s secret The colonists were defiant when the king’s
verb adjective soldiers ordered them to return home.
when she told Ana. She thought Ana already
to not be loyal or knew about it. bold in standing up
Complete the graphic organizer for defiant.
faithful to against someone
Which word or words mean about the same as betray? or something What it is: What it is not:
• guard
• double-cross
• protect defiant
Examples: Not examples:
• let down
• reveal
We count on our friends to be true to us and not betray our
When is it good to be defiant? When is it not such a
trust. What are some examples of how you or someone you
good idea?
know have been betrayed?

112 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 113
Week 28 Week 28
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

barricade • betray • complement • defiant Review Words barricade • betray • complement • defiant

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word is an antonym for defiant?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 bold
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each list of words and phrases. Ask 𝖡 certain
them a clue about one of the words for students to supply the word that fits best 𝖢 furious
the week. They are to find the word that with each. 𝖣 obedient
answers the clue.
• bold, angry, disobedient, resistant
2. Which word is a synonym for barricade?
• On a sandwich, peanut butter is one for (defiant)
jelly. (a complement) 𝖥 highway
• bread and butter, shoes and socks, 𝖦 skyscraper
• You could use this word to describe partners, two halves of a whole
protest marchers. (defiant) (complements) 𝖧 barrier
• Someone does this when he or she • block off, keep people out, construct a
promises to support a person and then barrier (barricade) 3. Which is a complement to a slice of toast?
fails to do so. (betrays that person)
• let down, reveal a secret, break an 𝖠 a toaster
• Workers sometimes do this to roads agreement (betray) 𝖡 flour
during construction projects.
𝖢 butter
(barricade them) 4 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖣 a plate
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence
2 Read each sentence and ask students is false, instruct students to explain why.
4. How do people usually feel when others betray them?
to supply the correct word to complete
the sentence. • You would feel hurt and angry if a friend 𝖥 surprised and happy
betrayed you. (true) 𝖦 hurt and angry
• The four-year-old refused to put on
• A speed bump is a barricade. (false; it 𝖧 relieved and thankful
her shoes. (defiant)
slows down cars but does not block mildly amused
• Please do not my secret to them off )
anyone. (betray)
• Standing up to a bully may require
• To me, cereal needs milk as its . defiant behavior. (true)
(complement) Writing
• Blue jeans and T-shirts are
• Police officers put up a to block the complements. (true) Write about a time when you were defiant. What was the reason?
damaged bridge. (barricade)
What happened? Use defiant in your sentences.

Answers for page 115: 1. D, 2. H, 3. C, 4. G

114 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 115
Week 29 Week 29
A Word a Day A Word a Day

diligent outwit
Amy is a diligent student who always turns in Edmond always won at chess because he could
adjective verb
her homework on time. outwit any player he faced.
hardworking to be more clever
Which of the following describe a diligent worker? Which words would describe someone who is able to outwit
than someone else
• comes to work early an opponent?
• takes long lunch breaks • smart
• doesn’t care if the job is done on time • slow
• takes lots of long vacations • sly
• works late to get the job done • cunning
• tricky
Describe the study habits of a diligent student.
Give examples of situations in which people try to outwit
each other.

efficient glamorous
Pete was such an efficient busboy that he Heads turned as the glamorous movie star
adjective adjective walked down the red carpet.
could stack and carry all the plates on the
doing a job in a table at once. attractive and exciting
Complete the graphic organizer for glamorous.
timely manner with synonym: enchanting
the least amount of Which words describe someone who is efficient?
What it is: What it is not:
effort or materials • slow
• time-saving
• capable Examples: Not examples:
• confused
• effective
What do you think is the most efficient way to figure out
how many students there are in your grade at school? Describe someone you think is glamorous. What makes
that person seem that way?

116 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 117
Week 29 Week 29
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

diligent • efficient • outwit • glamorous Review Words diligent • efficient • outwit • glamorous

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word is a synonym for efficient?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 cautious
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each list of words and phrases. Ask 𝖡 conceited
them a clue about one of the words for students to supply the word that fits best 𝖢 sloppy
the week. They are to find the word that with each. 𝖣 effective
answers the clue.
• charming, elegant, beautifully dressed,
2. Which word is an antonym for diligent?
• You need cleverness to do this to fancy (glamorous)
someone. (outwit him or her) 𝖥 clever
• hardworking, dedicated, responsible 𝖦 hardworking
• You could use this word to describe (diligent)
a pretty woman in fancy clothes. 𝖧 lazy
(glamorous) • strategize, outthink, cleverly defeat, ignorant
trick (outwit)
• This word describes someone who 3. Where would you be most likely to see glamorous people?
works hard. (diligent) • well-organized, capable, quick,
effective (efficient) 𝖠 at the supermarket
• This word describes someone who 𝖡 at an elementary school
is so well-organized that he or she 4 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖢 on a farm or cattle ranch
can complete jobs easily and quickly. decide if it is true or false. If the sentence
(efficient) 𝖣 at a fancy restaurant
is false, instruct students to explain why.
• A fashion model might look glamorous 4. What does a person need to outwit someone else?
2 Read each sentence and ask students
even in blue jeans. (true) 𝖥 strength
to supply the correct word to complete
the sentence. 𝖦 kindness
• When you play a game with someone
and outwit him or her, you are the loser. 𝖧 cleverness
• Dad is so that he can cook dinner
in 20 minutes. (efficient) (false; you use cleverness to win) beauty

• You can raise your grade from a C to • An efficient person works quickly and
a B if you are about doing your well. (true)
homework. (diligent) • A diligent worker is lazy. Writing
• Photographers kept snapping pictures (false; he or she is hardworking)
of the stars in fancy gowns. Write about a job or chore that you can do efficiently. Use efficient in your sentences.
• Pablo has figured out how to his
friends at card games. (outwit)

Answers for page 119: 1. D, 2. H, 3. D, 4. H

118 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 119
Week 30 Week 30
A Word a Day A Word a Day

hazardous ingenious
A curvy road becomes even more The ingenious children made a skateboard
adjective adjective
hazardous during heavy rainstorms. using old roller skates and a piece of wood.
dangerous clever or skillful,
Complete the graphic organizer for hazardous. Which words mean about the same thing as ingenious?
antonym: safe especially at inventing
Examples: Other Ways to Say It: or solving problems • dimwitted
• bright
• inventive
hazardous • slow
• able
Share some examples of ingenious ideas that you or
someone else have had.
Describe a hazardous situation you have seen or
know about.

ventriloquist knickknack
The ventriloquist made it look like his The souvenir shop at the amusement park was
noun noun full of knickknacks.
wooden dummy was telling the jokes.
an entertainer who a small ornament or
Which words describe a ventriloquist? Which of the following items are knickknacks?
speaks without moving decorative object
his or her lips • talented • handmade mittens
synonym: trinket
• creative • a small porcelain dog
• uninteresting • a fishing rod
• entertaining • a glass egg
• unskilled • a ceramic cow
Try to act like a ventriloquist. Do you have a knickknack that is special to you? Tell the
class about it. Are there any knickknacks that you like to

120 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 121
Week 30 Week 30
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

hazardous • ventriloquist • ingenious • knickknack Review Words hazardous • ventriloquist • ingenious • knickknack

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word is a synonym for ingenious?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 clever
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each list of words and phrases. Ask 𝖡 clumsy
them a clue about one of the words for students to supply the word that fits best 𝖢 careful
the week. They are to find the word that with each. 𝖣 daring
answers the clue.
• trinket, ornament, souvenir, figurine
2. Which word is an antonym for hazardous?
• This kind of entertainer usually uses a (knickknack)
dummy. (a ventriloquist) 𝖥 empty
• dangerous, perilous, unsafe, harmful 𝖦 safe
• You probably have at least one on your (hazardous)
shelves. (a knickknack) 𝖧 tidy
• entertainer with a dummy on his lap, clean
• This word describes harmful speaks without lip movement
chemicals. (hazardous) (ventriloquist) 3. Where would you be most likely to see knickknacks?
• This word describes clever, creative • creative, clever, skillful, brilliant, 𝖠 on a towel rack in someone’s bathroom
solutions to problems. (ingenious) inventive (ingenious) 𝖡 on the ceiling of someone’s bedroom
𝖢 in a drawer in someone’s kitchen
2 Read each sentence and ask students 4 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖣 on a shelf in someone’s living room
to supply the correct word to complete decide if it is true or false. If the sentence
the sentence. is false, instruct students to explain why. 4. A ventriloquist entertains people by doing what?
• Danny’s favorite is a china dolphin • Ingenious people invented computers. 𝖥 ice-skating
that his mom gave him. (knickknack) (true) 𝖦 speaking
• The has a dummy that looks • Most knickknacks are larger than a 𝖧 dancing
just like him, except that it is smaller. basketball. (false; most knickknacks performing magic
(ventriloquist) are much smaller)
• A sign on the truck says: • A ventriloquist speaks without appearing
“Danger: This vehicle carries to speak. (true)
materials.” (hazardous) Writing
• Milk is a hazardous liquid.
• An inventor’s job is to figure out (false; milk isn’t dangerous) Write a description of a knickknack that you like. Use knickknack in
solutions to everyday
problems. (ingenious)
your sentences.

Answers for page 123: 1. A, 2. G, 3. D, 4. G

122 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 123
Week 31 Week 31
A Word a Day A Word a Day

landscape kowtow
After we landscape the yard, the landscape Although I am not required to get on the
verb verb
outside the living room window will be more ground and kowtow to my parents, I am
to make the natural pleasant. 1. to show respect or expected to kowtow to their wishes by never
features of an outdoor unquestioning talking back to them.
area more attractive by If you helped to landscape a yard, which of these tasks obedience
adding trees or plants might you do? Which of these people would children kowtow to in
2. in traditional China,
• paint a picture to bow from a ancient China?
• dig a hole kneeling position • a baby
an area of land that • buy some flowering plants where the forehead • their grandfather
you can view from • scatter fertilizer on the soil touches the ground • a teacher
one place as a way to
• sit in a swing • the emperor
show respect • their classmates
What is your favorite type of landscape? Do you like the
mountains, the desert, or the beach? Have you ever felt like someone expects you to kowtow to
him or her? How did you feel about it?

lenient justify
Mrs. Johnson was so lenient about deadlines Mark knew he could justify getting home
adjective verb from school late by explaining that the bus
that most students turned in their projects late
not strict in enforcing with no consequence. to give a good reason got a flat tire.
rules and restrictions or cause for something
Complete the graphic organizer for lenient. Which of these situations could you probably justify?
synonym: permissive
• swatting a fly
Examples: Other Ways to Say It:
• stealing a diamond ring
• returning a library book after the due date
• eating a piece of your sister’s Halloween candy
• lying to your teacher
Tell about a time when you avoided getting in trouble
because you could justify your behavior.
Describe someone you know who is lenient.

124 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 125
Week 31 Week 31
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

landscape • lenient • kowtow • justify Review Words landscape • lenient • kowtow • justify

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word is a synonym for kowtow?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 stand
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each list of words and phrases. Ask 𝖡 bow
them a clue about one of the words for students to supply the word that fits best 𝖢 sit
the week. They are to find the word that with each. 𝖣 twirl
answers the clue.
• trees, mountains, fields, lakes,
• When you do this, you give reasons for scenery (landscape) 2. Which word is an antonym for lenient?
something you did. (justify it) 𝖥 strict
• show respect, kneel, bow, pledge
• If you look out at the land or ocean from obedience (kowtow) 𝖦 unfair
a viewpoint, this is what you see. 𝖧 welcoming
• explain, excuse, provide reasons for your
(a landscape) irritable
actions (justify)
• In ancient China, people did this to
• willing to bend the rules, lax about 3. How do people landscape their yards?
show respect and obedience to others.
(kowtowed) enforcing laws (lenient) 𝖠 by adding outdoor furniture
𝖡 by adding trees and other plants
• This word describes someone who isn’t 4 Read each sentence and ask students to
strict. (lenient) 𝖢 by building new swimming pools
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence
𝖣 by paving their yards with concrete
is false, instruct students to explain why.
2 Read each sentence and ask students
• A parking lot is a landscape. 4. Which word or phrase could be used instead of justify in this sentence?
to supply the correct word to complete
(false; a parking lot isn’t a natural How can you justify the fact that you took your sister’s sweater without asking?
the sentence.
outdoor space)
𝖥 deny
• I’m not going to to Emma.
She’s our class president, not our
• A lenient teacher expects her students 𝖦 laugh about
to follow every rule. (false; a lenient 𝖧 reasonably explain
queen. (kowtow)
teacher is not strict)
sincerely apologize for
• Mom hired Mr. Jones to our yard.
• Some workers kowtow to their bosses.
He put in some beautiful new plants.
(landscape) Writing
• Justifying an action doesn’t necessarily
• Some students try to tardiness with
make it OK. (true)
flimsy excuses. (justify) Should parents be strict or lenient with their kids about bedtimes?
• Dad is about some rules, but he’s
Write your opinion. Use lenient in your sentences.
strict about bedtime and homework.

Answers for page 127: 1. B, 2. F, 3. B, 4. H

126 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 127
Week 32 Week 32
A Word a Day A Word a Day

enthusiasm flounder
Stella’s enthusiasm for the ballet soon had the After floundering through the deep, wet sand
noun noun
whole class eager to attend the performance. at the sea’s edge, imagine my surprise at finding
a strong feeling of a flatfish that lives in a flounder in the cuff of my pants.
excitement or interest Complete the graphic organizer for enthusiasm.
Which of these might flounder?
synonym: eagerness Examples: Other Ways to Say It: verb
• a cat that falls into a tub full of water
to struggle through • a runner headed for the finish line
something, either • someone trying to learn a complicated
enthusiasm physically or mentally computer program
• a ballerina performing onstage
• a student whose science project isn’t working out
What makes you feel enthusiasm? How do you express it? Have you ever floundered when trying to learn something
new? What was it? How did things turn out?

establish frigid
The telephone company decided to first There is no swimming in this mountain lake,
verb establish Internet service in large cities adjective as the water in it remains frigid even in
to set up before setting it up in small towns. extremely cold the summer.
Which of these do you do when you establish something? Which of these would be frigid?
• form something new • a January morning in New York
• demolish something • the summit of Mount Everest
• install something new • a sand castle
• create something • an iceberg
• eliminate something • a July afternoon in Florida
When was the United States of America established as an Have you ever been swimming in frigid water? Have you
independent nation? ever been outdoors in frigid weather? Tell your class about it.

128 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 129
Week 32 Week 32
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

enthusiasm • establish • flounder • frigid Review Words enthusiasm • establish • flounder • frigid

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word is an antonym for frigid?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 stormy
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each list of words and phrases. Ask 𝖡 frozen
them a clue about one of the words for students to supply the word that fits best 𝖢 cool
the week. They are to find the word that with each. 𝖣 boiling
answers the clue.
• tuna, salmon, bass, halibut (flounder)
• This word describes the North Pole’s 2. Which word is a synonym for enthusiasm?
weather. (frigid) • cold, freezing, icy, snowy, wintry (frigid) 𝖥 excitement
• interest, excitement, eagerness 𝖦 exhaustion
• Business people do this when they start
new companies. (establish them) (enthusiasm) 𝖧 ferocity
• set up a business, start a new university, calmness
• One meaning of this word is a kind of
flatfish. (flounder) begin a fashion trend (establish)
3. In which sentence is the word flounder used correctly?
• This is what you probably feel when 4 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖠 The recipe says to flounder the fish before frying it in oil.
you’re looking forward to an exciting decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖡 Did you look for your jacket in the lost and flounder?
event. (enthusiasm) is false, instruct students to explain why. 𝖢 The explorers had to flounder through the swamp to reach the camp.
• The Founding Fathers established the 𝖣 In which country can the city of Madrid be flounder?
2 Read each sentence and ask students
to supply the correct word to complete United States in the 1700s. (true)
4. Which word or phrase could be used instead of establish in this sentence?
the sentence. • Polar bears live in a frigid climate. (true) In what year did your grandfather establish his candy manufacturing company?
• The weather is today, so please • If math is easy for you, you are likely to 𝖥 sell
wear your warmest clothes. (frigid) flounder with the assignments. 𝖦 buy
• Knee-deep in snow, we had to (false; you flounder when something 𝖧 set up
across the field to reach our car. is difficult)
close down
(flounder) • Enthusiasm and boredom are antonyms.
• My cousin plans to a computer (true)
software company after he graduates Writing
from college. (establish)
Write about a kind of business that you would like to establish. Use establish
• The kids showed their by
jumping up and down and cheering in your sentences.
loudly. (enthusiasm)

Answers for page 131: 1. D, 2. F, 3. C, 4. H

130 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 131
Week 33 Week 33
A Word a Day A Word a Day

narrative perennial
Ms. Sanchez read the class a first-person If you have a perennial dislike for buying new
noun narrative written by a soldier in the adjective plants every year, plant some perennials in
a story or narration Civil War. lasting for a long time; your garden.
never ending
Complete the graphic organizer for narrative. Which of these could be considered perennial or a
noun perennial?
Examples: Other Ways to Say It:
a plant that blooms or • Feelings of love for your family
grows for many years • The first day of school
without needing to be • A 50-year-old oak tree
narrative replanted • Oats that a farmer plants every autumn
• Children not wanting to clean their rooms
Which books or TV shows are your perennial favorites?
What is a narrative that you have enjoyed reading or Which ones have you lost interest in?
listening to?

patriot penetrate
During the American Revolution, many The attackers could not penetrate the stone
noun patriots fought against the British for the verb walls of the castle.
someone who loves independence of the colonies. to go into or pass
Which of these describe something being penetrated?
and supports his or through something
her country Which of these people would you describe as a patriot? • plant thorns can’t stick in the hide of a rhinoceros
Why? • a tetanus shot is needed if you step on a nail
• a person who works for fair laws • explorers used machetes to move through the
• a person who votes in every election thick jungle
• a person who complains about government, but does • liquids bounce off the water-resistant fabric
not vote • the dart stuck in the dartboard
• a person who stands when the flag passes by in a parade What would you do if you had to penetrate very hard soil
• a person who spies on his country for another country in order to make a hole to plant a tree?
Describe some of the ways that you can show you are
a patriot.

132 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 133
Week 33 Week 33
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

narrative • patriot • perennial • penetrate Review Words narrative • patriot • perennial • penetrate
Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.
Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word is an antonym for perennial?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 brief
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each list of words and phrases. Ask 𝖡 floral
them a clue about one of the words for students to supply the word that fits best 𝖢 endless
the week. They are to find the word that with each. 𝖣 commercial
answers the clue.
• break through, dig into, puncture
2. Which word is a synonym for penetrate?
• This person wants to serve his or her (penetrate)
country. (a patriot) 𝖥 pave
• story, tale, report (narrative) 𝖦 carve
• If you stepped on a tack, it might do this
• loves his country, serves her fellow 𝖧 separate
to the sole of your shoe. (penetrate it)
citizens (patriot) puncture
• Storytellers tell these. (narratives)
• always, constant, enduring (perennial)
• This kind of plant can grow for many 3. Which word is a synonym for narrative?
years after it is planted. (a perennial) 4
𝖠 word
Read each sentence and ask students to
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖡 story
2 Read each sentence and ask students is false, instruct students to explain why. 𝖢 book
to supply the correct word to complete 𝖣 page
the sentence. • A patriot is someone who betrays her
country. (false; she loves and supports
• Natural disasters have been a her country) 4. Which phrase could be used instead of patriot in this sentence?
problem throughout history. Only a patriot would want to serve as U.S. president. It is a terribly hard job.
• If someone is your perennial enemy,
(perennial) 𝖥 diligent, efficient worker
you’ll probably never change your
• It is the duty of a to vote to choose opinion about the person. (true) 𝖦 brilliant college professor
the country’s leaders. (patriot) 𝖧 person who loves his or her country
• Termites can penetrate brick walls.
person who wants to help his or her neighbors
• My sister related a long about an (false; they can eat through wooden
argument she had with her friend. walls, though)
• Fairy tales and folk tales are narratives. Writing
• The ground is so hard and dry that it is (true)
hard to with a shovel. (penetrate) Write about someone who is a patriot. Use patriot in your sentences.

Answers for page 135: 1. A, 2. J, 3. B, 4. H

134 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 135
Week 34 Week 34
A Word a Day A Word a Day

detest trivial
I don’t like most vegetables, but what I really My tiny scratch seemed trivial next to Drew’s
verb adjective
detest is cabbage. broken arm.
to hate or of little or no
strongly dislike Which of these words mean about the same as detest? Complete the graphic organizer for trivial.
• adore
What it is: What it is not:
• despise
• admire
• be disgusted by trivial
Examples: Not examples:
• can’t stand
Give an example of something that you detest.

What types of trivial matters have you argued about with

your friends? Were the arguments worth it?

scavenger hemisphere
The deer’s carcass was soon picked clean by If you live in North America, you live in the
noun vultures and other scavengers. noun northern and western hemispheres.
an animal that eats one half of the
Which of these statements describe a scavenger? In which hemispheres is each of these places located?
already dead and Earth; there are four
decaying animals • The pack of hyenas drove the lioness away from her kill. hemispheres: northern • Japan
• My cat caught a mouse in the barn. and southern; eastern • Antarctica
• Vultures are circling the meadow in search of a dead and western • South America
animal. • the United States
• Rats live in the sewers and feed on garbage they find • Italy
If you could choose to live anywhere on Earth, which
• A wild rabbit nibbled on the leaves of my lemon tree.
hemisphere would you choose?
Why are scavengers an important part of a food web?

136 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 137
Week 34 Week 34
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

detest • scavenger • trivial • hemisphere Review Words detest • scavenger • trivial • hemisphere

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. In which two hemispheres is the United States located?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 the southern and western ones
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each list of words and phrases. Ask 𝖡 the northern and western ones
them a clue about one of the words for students to supply the word that fits best 𝖢 the southern and eastern ones
the week. They are to find the word that with each. 𝖣 the northern and eastern ones
answers the clue.
• silly, unimportant, not worth bothering
2. Which word is an antonym for detest?
• Canada is in the northern one. about (trivial)
(hemisphere) 𝖥 dislike
• one half of the globe, northern, 𝖦 measure
• You feel this way when you really don’t southern, eastern, western (hemisphere)
like something. (you detest it) 𝖧 reject
• decaying flesh, vulture, ants, carrion- love
• This word describes a detail that isn’t eater (scavenger)
important. (trivial) 3. Which word is an antonym for trivial?
• hate, disgusted, can’t stand (detest)
• This kind of creature eats animals that 𝖠 detailed
predators have already killed. 4 Read each sentence and ask students to 𝖡 unimportant
(a scavenger) decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖢 silly
is false, instruct students to explain why. 𝖣 vital
2 Read each sentence and ask students
to supply the correct word to complete • A scavenger kills other animals and eats
them. (false; it eats animals that are 4. Which word or phrase could be used instead of scavengers in this sentence?
the sentence.
already dead) Scavengers such as vultures benefit from big cats’ hunting skills.
• China is in the Earth’s eastern . 𝖥 Vegetarians
(hemisphere) • Antarctica is in the southern
hemisphere. (true) 𝖦 Predators
• Let’s discuss the most important parts of 𝖧 Creatures that live in large herds or flocks
the book, not the details. (trivial) • Most people detest the smell of garbage.
Creatures that eat dead, decaying bodies
• Ms. Stanley cheating and deals
harshly with any student who does it. • Trivial and silly are antonyms.
(detests) (false; they are synonyms) Writing

• In addition to killing its own prey, the Write about something that is important to you, even though it may seem
hyena is an African that eats lions’
leftovers. (scavenger) trivial to others. Use trivial in your sentences.

Answers for page 139: 1. B, 2. J, 3. D, 4. J

138 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 139
Week 35 Week 35
A Word a Day A Word a Day

ambition transmit
Mark’s ambition was to learn to surf. When the flu season begins, people try
noun verb
Complete the graphic organizer for ambition.
not to transmit their germs. Some radio
a strong desire to 1. to pass on from stations even transmit information on
achieve a specific goal Examples: Other Ways to Say It: one person or place how to stay healthy.
to another
2. to send out Which of the following activities could transmit germs?
ambition signals by radio • shouting across the room
or television • sneezing
• playing kickball
• shaking hands
What do you have the ambition to learn or do? • drinking from the same cup
How many ways can you think of to transmit a message?

dingy encounter
After years of hanging in the dusty windows, An encounter with a bear was the biggest
adjective the white lace curtains looked dingy. noun surprise of our hike.
having a dirty or an unexpected meeting
Which words mean about the same thing as dingy? Which of the following describe an encounter?
dull appearance
• bright • Two friends meet at a restaurant for lunch.
• drab • You run into a classmate at the park after school.
• clean • You meet a distant cousin at a family reunion.
• soiled • Two strangers bump into each other on the street.
• discolored • A group of hikers find a rattlesnake coiled next to
the path.
What is something in our classroom or school that
looks dingy? Tell about an encounter you had with a classmate outside
of school.

140 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 141
Week 35 Week 35
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

ambition • dingy • transmit • encounter Review Words ambition • dingy • transmit • encounter
Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.
Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word is a synonym for encounter?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 farewell
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each list of words and phrases. Ask 𝖡 meeting
them a clue about one of the words for students to supply the word that fits best 𝖢 beginning
the week. They are to find the word that with each. 𝖣 discussion
answers the clue.
• dull, dirty, soiled, filthy (dingy)
2. Which word is a synonym for transmit?
• This word might describe a white
T-shirt that someone has worn for a • broadcast, pass on, send (transmit) 𝖥 receive
whole week. (dingy) • desire for success, career goals, big 𝖦 halt
• You would have one of these with plans (ambition) 𝖧 send
someone if you ran into him or her • unexpected meeting, running into interrupt
in a supermarket. (an encounter) someone (encounter)
3. Which word is an antonym for dingy?
• People do this when they pass their
𝖠 spotless
germs to one another. (transmit them) Read each sentence and ask students to
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence 𝖡 patterned
• People with plenty of this have a good is false, instruct students to explain why. 𝖢 smooth
chance of achieving their goals.
• An encounter is an appointment that 𝖣 shrunken
you plan in advance. (false; it is an
unexpected meeting) 4. Which word or phrase could be used instead of ambition in this sentence?
2 Read each sentence and ask students
Writing and illustrating children’s books is Katrina’s ambition.
to supply the correct word to complete • Dingy curtains make a room look
the sentence. 𝖥 goal
prettier. (false; dirty curtains make a
room look worse) 𝖦 current project
• An with a rattlesnake can be
extremely scary. (encounter) 𝖧 difficult task
• Ambition can help people to achieve
• Pilots use radios to weather their goals. (true)
information and other messages. • Sneezing and coughing can
(transmit) transmit germs from one person to Writing
• Mom’s is to own a small clothing another. (true)
store. (ambition) Write about a job you’d like or another kind of goal you’ve set. Use ambition
• Please put those clothes in the in your sentences.
laundry hamper. (dingy)

Answers for page 143: 1. B, 2. H, 3. A, 4. F

142 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 143
Week 36 Week 36
A Word a Day A Word a Day

bygone bloated
Antique stores are full of things from After eating six pieces of watermelon, my
adjective adjective
bygone times. stomach was so bloated that I had to
anything that is past swelled up unbutton my pants.
or has gone by Complete the graphic organizer for bygone.
Which words mean about the same thing as bloated?
synonym: previous Examples: Other Ways to Say It:
• enlarged
• shrunken
bygone • inflated
• hungry
• stretched
Have you ever felt like you were bloated? How did it feel?
Give an example of something from a bygone time.

renovate velocity
The school spent over one million dollars to A plane travels at a greater velocity than
verb renovate the old gym. noun a car.
to make like new rate of speed or motion
Which of the following can be renovated? Which of the following can travel at a high velocity?
synonym: to restore
• an old house • a race car
• an Italian dinner • a horse and buggy
• a classic car • a speedboat
• a run-down neighborhood • a bicycle built for two
• a Christmas tree • a supersonic jet
What structure in our town needs to be renovated? Name some things that travel at a low velocity.

144 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 145
Week 36 Week 36
Review A Word a Day Name A Word a Day

bygone • renovate • bloated • velocity Review Words bygone • renovate • bloated • velocity

Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

Write on the board the four words studied this week. Read the words with the class and
1. Which word is an antonym for bloated?
briefly review their meanings. Then conduct the oral activities below.
𝖠 sickening
1 Tell students that you are going to give 3 Read each list of words and phrases. Ask 𝖡 clogged
them a clue about one of the words for students to supply the word that fits best 𝖢 shrunken
the week. They are to find the word that with each. 𝖣 swollen
answers the clue.
• swollen, inflated, puffed up (bloated)
• Someone may feel this way when his or 2. Which word is a synonym for velocity?
her stomach is too full. (bloated) • remodel, restore, rebuild (renovate) 𝖥 length
• previous, long ago, past (bygone) 𝖦 depth
• Homeowners sometimes do this to old
houses. (renovate them) 𝖧 weight
• speed, quickness, rapidity (velocity)
• This word describes long-ago times.
(bygone) 4 Read each sentence and ask students to
3. How does someone renovate a home?
decide if it is true or false. If the sentence
• A car’s speedometer shows this. is false, instruct students to explain why. 𝖠 by looking for a new home to buy
(velocity) 𝖡 by rebuilding, repairing, and painting it
• Having a bloated stomach feels
𝖢 by offering the home for sale and selling it
2 Read each sentence and ask students uncomfortable. (true)
𝖣 by renting the home to someone else
to supply the correct word to complete • Bygone times will happen in the future.
the sentence. (false; they have already happened) 4. Which word or phrase could be used instead of bygone in this sentence?
• Mr. White has bought an old factory. • A bicycle travels at a greater velocity than In bygone days people had no phones, TVs, or computers.
He plans to it and make it his a car. (false; cars are speedier) 𝖥 recent
home. (renovate)
• Workers who renovate homes include 𝖦 long-ago
• On some freeways drivers may travel at carpenters, plumbers, and painters. 𝖧 happier
a maximum of 70 miles per hour. (true) harder
• The faces on the cartoon characters were
so they appeared about to burst. Writing
Write about what you’d do if you could renovate one room in your home.
• In times, my great-grandpa served
in the army. (bygone) Use renovate in your sentences.

Answers for page 147: 1. C, 2. J, 3. B, 4. G

146 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 147
abscond • barricade
Dictionary barrier • collide

Aa affluent • adjective barrier • noun bygone • adjective

having a lot of money something that prevents things from going anything that is past or has gone by
abscond • verb
synonym: wealthy through synonym: previous
to run away suddenly and secretly
Marta loved to visit her affluent aunt because synonym: obstruction Antique stores are full of things from bygone
The bank robbers planned to abscond with she had a swimming pool and a tennis court. The people made a barrier of sandbags to times.
thousands of dollars.
keep the river from flooding their town.
agriculture • noun Cc
absorb • verb
the science of growing crops and raising bedlam • noun
1. to soak up liquid livestock candidate • noun
a scene of noise and confusion
2. to take in information synonym: farming someone who is applying for a job or running in
synonym: chaos
I read the instructions twice in order to absorb My uncle studied agriculture in college and an election
There was bedlam on the decks of the Titanic
the information about how to absorb the paint I now grows organic tomatoes that he sells to when the ship began to sink. Each candidate for school president gave a
spilled on the rug. restaurants. speech at the assembly.
belligerent • adjective
absurd • adjective ambition • noun cantankerous • adjective
hostile; wanting to fight
without good sense a strong desire to achieve a specific goal hard to get along with
The Peacemakers at our school use conflict
synonym: silly Mark’s ambition was to learn to surf. resolution to help stop belligerent behavior. synonym: cranky
It was absurd to try to eat the broth with a fork! Because Jerry is so cantankerous, I already
amuse • verb betray • verb know he won’t agree with me.
ache • noun to make someone laugh or smile to not be loyal or faithful to
a dull, steady pain The playful monkeys always amuse the visitors Kin Yui didn’t mean to betray Laura’s secret
capable • adjective
After the doctor gave me a shot, I had an ache at the zoo. when she told Ana. She thought Ana already having the skill to do something
in my arm for a few days. knew about it. synonym: competent
atmosphere • noun
My little brother is capable of tying his shoes,
adapt • verb the mood or feeling of a place bloated • adjective but he asks for help anyway.
to change in order to get along in a new The atmosphere during the test was quiet and swelled up
situation serious. After eating six pieces of watermelon, my casual • adjective
synonym: adjust stomach was so bloated that I had to unbutton 1. happening by chance; not planned
A chameleon can adapt to its surroundings by my pants. 2. informal; not fancy
changing color to blend in with rocks and trees. baffled • adjective When Jared’s casual meeting with a friend led
boost • noun
confused or puzzled to a dinner invitation, he was glad his casual
admonish • verb something that lifts you up, either physically or clothes were neat and clean.
to caution or warn synonym: perplexed emotionally
synonym: reprimand I was baffled by the complicated directions for I couldn’t reach the doorbell, so my brother classify • verb
assembling my new model car. gave me a boost. to put into groups according to a system
Mrs. Wu had to admonish her students about
running in the hallway. barricade brawl • noun
Lilia will classify the insects in her collection
by color.
verb a loud fight
advance • verb
to block off collide • verb
to move forward or make progress synonym: altercation
noun to strike or bump together
After I finished the books in Level One, I When the pitcher accidentally hit the batter with
a barrier used to block passage a fastball, a brawl broke out between the two
advanced to Level Two. If you don’t watch where you’re going, you can
The fire department had to barricade the teams. collide with someone.
streets for the parade. They parked their
firetrucks across the crosswalks to make a

148 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 149
command • destitute determined • encounter

command • verb Dd determined • adjective dingy • adjective

to order someone to do something showing a firm decision to do something having a dirty or dull appearance
dapper • adjective
The trainer at the wild animal park commanded No matter how tired he got, Harry was After years of hanging in the dusty windows,
attractive in dress
the wolf to bring him a stick. determined to finish the race. the white lace curtains looked dingy.
synonym: fashionable
compass • noun James was such a dapper dresser that he detest • verb discussion • noun
a tool that can help you figure out in which looked like a model. to hate or strongly dislike a talk about things
direction you are facing I don’t like most vegetables, but what I really synonym: conversation
dawdle • verb
We knew that the camp was to the southwest, detest is cabbage. Our teacher gathered us in a circle for a
so we used our compass to help us find our to waste time; be slow
discussion about our upcoming field trip.
way back to it. If you dawdle before breakfast, you’ll miss your devour • verb
ride to school. to eat something very quickly or hungrily docile • adjective
compete • verb Zoo visitors like to gather at feeding time to easy to handle or train
to try to beat others in a race or contest deceive • verb watch the cheetahs devour their steak. Anita’s docile dog won the prize for “best-
My cousin is training to compete in a bicycle to make someone believe something that is not behaved pet” at the show.
race this summer. true; to trick dexterity • noun
synonym: lie skill in using the hands drenched • adjective
complement • noun The wolf tried to deceive Little Red Riding After playing the piano for years, Mei-Ling has soaked or completely wet
something that makes something else complete Hood by dressing like her grandmother. wonderful dexterity. We got drenched when we were caught out in
Cinderella’s glass slippers were the perfect the rain without an umbrella.
complement to her gown. decline • verb digits • noun
to turn down or refuse something 1. the numerals from zero through nine Ee
conceal • verb Mike had to decline the invitation to his friend’s 2. fingers and toes
to hide from view party because his family was going to be out efficient • adjective
We have started adding numbers with three
I conceal my diary in a box under my bed so of town. digits in math this week. doing a job in a timely manner with the least
that no one will read it. amount of effort or materials
defiant • adjective digress • verb Pete was such an efficient busboy that he
criticize • verb bold in standing up against someone or to get off the subject, especially when speaking could stack and carry all the plates on the table
to tell someone about what he or she has done something or writing at once.
wrong The colonists were defiant when the king’s The teacher took a moment to digress to tell a
soldiers ordered them to return home. elated • adjective
Father criticized the young child’s poor table funny story before getting back to the lesson.
manners. filled with joy
dejected • adjective dilemma • noun antonym: miserable
curtail • verb low in spirits a situation that requires a difficult choice Jessica felt elated when she crossed the finish
to cut short; reduce synonym: discouraged synonym: predicament line first.
synonym: shorten Hiroshi felt dejected when he didn’t break the Bonnie’s dilemma was whether to attend
record for the long jump. encounter • noun
Jeff’s teacher suggested he curtail the time he her best friend’s birthday party or play in the
championship soccer game. an unexpected meeting
spends playing video games if he wants to do
better on his homework. destitute • adjective An encounter with a bear was the biggest
having no money or other means of living diligent • adjective surprise of our hike.
The fifth-graders raised money to help destitute hardworking
people in their community. Amy is a diligent student who always turns in
her homework on time.

150 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 151
enthusiasm • gloomy gossip • ingenious

enthusiasm • noun frantic • adjective gossip • verb hemisphere • noun

a strong feeling of excitement or interest very excited with worry or fear to talk about other people’s personal lives when one half of the Earth; there are four
synonym: eagerness Lihn was so frantic that she’d miss the bus for they are not present hemispheres: northern and southern; eastern
Stella’s enthusiasm for the ballet soon had the the field trip that she ran all the way to school. The neighbors gossiped about why the Wong and western
whole class eager to attend the performance. family moved to New York, but no one really If you live in North America, you live in the
frigid • adjective knew for sure. northern and western hemispheres.
establish • verb extremely cold
to set up gratitude • noun hermit • noun
There is no swimming in this mountain lake,
The telephone company decided to first as the water in it remains frigid even in the a feeling of being grateful and thankful a person who lives alone to be away from other
establish Internet service in large cities before summer. When Dad gave me a new computer game, I people
setting it up in small towns. showed my gratitude by giving him a big hug. synonym: recluse
Gg The hermit saw other people only when he
exact • adjective gregarious • adjective hiked into town to buy groceries.
correct; having no mistakes gallery • noun fond of being with others
We need to know the exact measurements of a room or building where art is shown or sold synonym: sociable hilarious • adjective
the desk to be sure it will fit in my room. Ima was impressed by all the colorful paintings Because Heather is so gregarious, she always very funny
in the gallery. has friends around her. synonym: hysterical
Ff The movie was so hilarious that we almost cried
germinate • verb Hh from laughing so hard.
fickle • adjective to begin to grow
always changing in interests or loyalty synonym: sprout habitat • noun humdrum • adjective
We weren’t surprised when Lisa switched the home of a particular group of plants and lacking variety or excitement
The spring rains helped the wildflower seeds to
teams at the last minute, because she is often animals
germinate. synonym: monotonous
fickle. Although you might see a lion at a wild animal
The movie was so humdrum that I fell asleep.
glamorous • adjective park, its natural habitat is the African savanna.
flounder attractive and exciting Ii
noun harass • verb
synonym: enchanting
a flatfish that lives in saltwater to bother repeatedly ignore • verb
Heads turned as the glamorous movie star
verb My brother shoots rubber bands at me when to pay no attention to something
walked down the red carpet.
he wants to harass me.
to struggle through something, either physically If someone teases you, just ignore him or her
or mentally glitter • verb and walk away.
hazardous • adjective
After floundering through the deep, wet sand at to shine and sparkle
dangerous indulge • verb
the sea’s edge, imagine my surprise at finding The crystal goblets are so clean that they glitter
antonym: safe to allow yourself to enjoy something
a flounder in the cuff of my pants. in the candlelight.
A curvy road becomes even more hazardous Adrianne fought the urge to indulge her craving
foreign • adjective gloomy • adjective during heavy rainstorms. for the rich chocolate dessert.
1. from another country 1. dull and dark
heirloom • noun ingenious • adjective
2. different; strange 2. sad a valued object handed down from generation clever or skillful, especially at inventing or
We served lots of foreign foods at the The gloomy weather on the day of the school to generation solving problems
international celebration. The hamburgers picnic was mirrored by the gloomy expressions Alana’s gold locket was a family heirloom that
on the students’ faces. The ingenious children made a skateboard
looked foreign alongside all the other exotic had belonged to her great-grandmother. using old roller skates and a piece of wood.

152 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 153
jumble • luminous maneuver • patriot

Jj landscape Mm Oo
jumble • noun maneuver • verb obligation • noun
to make the natural features of an outdoor
a confused mess area more attractive by adding trees or plants to move carefully and skillfully something that you must do
The jumble of books in the box made it noun Mika tried to maneuver his bike around the synonym: duty
impossible to find what I was looking for. cones on the obstacle course. After my birthday, one of my obligations was to
an area of land that you can view from
one place write thank-you notes to the people who gave
justify • verb marionette • noun me gifts.
to give a good reason or cause for something After we landscape the yard, the landscape a puppet that is moved by pulling strings or
outside the living room window will be more wires attached to parts of its body obvious • adjective
Mark knew he could justify getting home from
school late by explaining that the bus got a flat The puppeteer was so skilled in moving the very easy to see or understand
tire. lecture marionette that the puppet almost seemed real. It was obvious from the smile on her face that
noun she was happy to see her grandmother.
Kk massive • adjective
a prepared talk about something extraordinarily large, heavy, and solid outwit • verb
knickknack • noun verb It took eight men to move the massive oak table to be more clever than someone else
a small ornament or decorative object to scold into the moving van. Edmond always won at chess because he
synonym: trinket The park ranger gave a lecture about wild could outwit any player he faced.
The souvenir shop at the amusement park was animals. He told about having to lecture some mischief • noun
full of knickknacks. campers about leaving food out for the bears. playful behavior that often annoys or irritates Pp
others and may cause harm
kowtow • verb legend • noun The puppies’ mischief stopped being funny panic
1. to show respect or unquestioning obedience a story that is handed down from the past that is when they chewed up Papi’s new slippers. noun
2. in traditional China, to bow from a kneeling often based on fact, but is not completely true a sudden feeling of great fear that comes over a
position where the forehead touches the The legend of Johnny Appleseed is based on moist • adjective person or group of people
ground as a way to show respect the life of a man named John Chapman. slightly wet or damp verb
Although I am not required to get on the ground I used a moist towel to wipe the pencil marks to feel or be overcome by panic
and kowtow to my parents, I am expected to lenient • adjective off my desk.
I felt panic when I thought I’d lost my purse.
kowtow to their wishes by never talking back to not strict in enforcing rules and restrictions
Nn “Don’t panic!” said my friend. “It’s right behind
them. synonym: permissive your chair.”
Mrs. Johnson was so lenient about deadlines narrative • noun
Ll that most students turned in their projects late participant • noun
a story or narration
with no consequence. someone who joins in an activity
lackadaisical • adjective Ms. Sanchez read the class a first-person
lacking interest, enthusiasm, or energy The winner of the race will receive a medal, but
lofty • adjective narrative written by a soldier in the Civil War.
all participants will receive a T-shirt.
Your piano playing won’t improve if you have a 1. very high
lackadaisical attitude about practicing. numerous • adjective
2. grand or noble patriot • noun
many; great in number
Roberta’s lofty ambitions include designing someone who loves and supports his or her
The curious student asked numerous questions country
lofty skyscrapers in New York City.
during the science lesson.
During the American Revolution, many patriots
luminous • adjective fought against the British for the independence
giving off light of the colonies.
The full moon was so luminous that Tim did not
need a flashlight to see the path.

154 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 155
peer • renovate replenish • transmit

peer • noun predicament • noun replenish • verb spontaneous • adjective

a person of the same age or ability level a difficult, dangerous, or unpleasant situation to refill happening without planning
Even though Daisy is Roberto’s peer, she is The sailors were in a predicament when the After the long race, the runners had to replenish I wasn’t expecting the joke to be funny, but I let
three inches taller than he is. mainsail ripped. the water in their bodies. out a spontaneous laugh.
penetrate • verb purchase • verb resource • noun stagnant • adjective
to go into or pass through something to buy something a person or thing that is a source of help or not moving or flowing
The attackers could not penetrate the stone Our family tries to purchase things when they’re support synonym: still
walls of the castle. on sale. The library is a great resource for learning When a puddle of water is stagnant, harmful
about American history. bacteria can grow in it.
perennial Rr
adjective rickety • adjective symphony • noun
random • adjective likely to fall over or fall apart due to weakness
lasting for a long time; never ending a long piece of music played by an orchestra
not following any pattern or order The rickety old fence blew over with the first
noun The famous composer Mozart wrote a
The teacher put everyone’s name in a jar and strong winter wind.
a plant that blooms or grows for many years symphony that was nicknamed “Jupiter.”
drew the teams in random order.
without needing to be replanted Ss
recommend • verb Tt
If you have a perennial dislike for buying new
plants every year, plant some perennials in to praise the value of something; suggest as scavenger • noun tedious • adjective
your garden. worthwhile an animal that eats already dead and decaying boring; tiresome
synonym: endorse animals
permanent • adjective Three hours of weeding a garden can be
I recommend you try the milkshakes at the local The deer’s carcass was soon picked clean by tedious.
lasting for a very long time or forever vultures and other scavengers.
diner; they’re delicious!
Baby teeth fall out, but permanent teeth do not. temporary • adjective
remedy shrub • noun
perplexed • adjective something that lasts only for a short time
noun a plant that has several woody stems instead of
confused; uncertain a trunk The power outage was temporary; our
a medicine or treatment used for healing electricity was back on by morning.
I was perplexed because the directions to the synonym: bush
museum did not make sense to me. verb
The yard looked beautiful now that several of thaw • verb
to return something to its proper condition the shrubs were blooming.
plunge • verb to melt after being frozen
Adam’s mother gave him mint tea as a remedy
1. to dive into water sluggish • adjective The frozen turkey must thaw in the refrigerator
for his upset stomach. She hoped it would
for three days before we can cook it.
2. to fall sharply remedy his stomachache quickly. moving slowly; lacking energy
Standing at the edge of the boat, my heart After eating a big lunch and resting in the transmit • verb
renovate • verb
plunged as I watched my necklace plunge into hammock, I felt so sluggish that I could barely 1. to pass on from one person or place to
the sea. to make like new move. another
synonym: to restore
solo • noun 2. to send out signals by radio or television
precious • adjective The school spent over one million dollars to
a performance by one performer When the flu season begins, people try not to
1. rare and valuable renovate the old gym.
transmit their germs. Some radio stations even
2. special or dear You could tell that Anoki had been practicing, transmit information on how to stay healthy.
My most precious possession is this ring with because he performed his solo perfectly.
four precious gems in the setting.

156 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 157
treacherous • weary
Examples: Other Ways to Say It:
treacherous • adjective Ww
dangerous; hazardous
weary • adjective
Skydiving and mountain climbing can be
treacherous sports. tired or exhausted
Mom was weary after driving for almost three
trivial • adjective days to get to Grandma’s house.
of little or no importance
My tiny scratch seemed trivial next to Drew’s
broken arm.


unique • adjective
someone or something that is the only one of its
A fish that could survive on dry land would be

unkempt • adjective
not groomed; not neat or tidy
After a week of camping in the wilderness,
everybody looked quite unkempt.

unruly • adjective
hard to control; wild
The unruly crowd went wild when the rock What it is: What it is not:
stars appeared.


vanquish • verb
to defeat; overcome
synonym: conquer
Zack had to vanquish his fear of the dark
before going camping with his friends.

velocity • noun
rate of speed or motion Examples: Not examples:
A plane travels at a greater velocity than a car.

ventriloquist • noun
an entertainer who speaks without moving his
or her lips
The ventriloquist made it look like his wooden
dummy was telling the jokes.

158 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp. © Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2794 • A Word a Day 159
Index Daily Practice Books
Perfect Supplements to Your Core Curriculum!
abscond . . . . . . . . 81 dawdle . . . . . . . . . 41 gregarious . . . . . . 88 peer . . . . . . . . . . 105
absorb . . . . . . . . . 52 deceive . . . . . . . . 72 habitat . . . . . . . . . 49 penetrate . . . . . . 133 Research
absurd . . . . . . . . . 73 decline . . . . . . . . . 20 harass . . . . . . . . . 97 perennial . . . . . . 133 t1SBDUJDFGPSFWFSZEBZPGUIFTDIPPMZFBS Proven
Spaced practic
ache . . . . . . . . . . . 44 defiant . . . . . . . . 113 hazardous . . . . . 120 permanent . . . . . . . 5 t)FMQTUVEFOUTQSFQBSFGPSTUBOEBSEJ[FEUFTUJOH contributes to
adapt . . . . . . . . . . 49 dejected . . . . . . . . 84 heirloom . . . . . . . . 85 perplexed . . . . . . . 29 retention of ski
admonish . . . . . . . 96 destitute . . . . . . . 100 hemisphere . . . . 137 plunge . . . . . . . . . 20
advance . . . . . . . . . 9 determined. . . . . . 36 hermit. . . . . . . . . . 80 precious . . . . . . . . . 8
affluent . . . . . . . . . 80 detest . . . . . . . . . 136 hilarious . . . . . . . . 60 predicament . . . . . 28
agriculture . . . . . 109 devour . . . . . . . . . 61 humdrum . . . . . . 108 purchase . . . . . . . 17
ambition . . . . . . 140 dexterity . . . . . . . . 89 ignore. . . . . . . . . . 17 random . . . . . . . . 37
amuse . . . . . . . . . 56 digits . . . . . . . . . . 68 indulge . . . . . . . . 100 recommend . . . . . 13
atmosphere . . . . . 32 digress . . . . . . . . . 85 ingenious . . . . . . 121 remedy. . . . . . . . . 76
baffled . . . . . . . . . 57 dilemma . . . . . . . . 36 jumble . . . . . . . . 101 renovate. . . . . . . 144 Daily Language Review Daily 6-Trait Writing Daily Academic Daily Paragraph Editing Building Spelling Ski
128 reproducible pages. 160 reproducible pages. Vocabulary 176 reproducible pages. 160 reproducible pages.
barricade . . . . . . 112 diligent . . . . . . . . 116 justify . . . . . . . . . 125 replenish . . . . . . 109 Grade 1 EMC 579-PRO Grade 1 EMC 6021-PRO
160 reproducible pages plus Grade 2 EMC 2725-PRO Grade 1 EMC 2705-PRO
32 transparencies!
barrier . . . . . . . . . 12 dingy . . . . . . . . . 140 knickknack . . . . . 121 resource. . . . . . . . 28 Grade 2 EMC 580-PRO Grade 2
Grade 3
EMC 6022-PRO
EMC 6023-PRO Grade 2 EMC 2758-PRO
Grade 3
Grade 4
EMC 2726-PRO
EMC 2727-PRO
Grade 2
Grade 3
EMC 2706-PRO
EMC 2707-PRO
Grade 3 EMC 581-PRO
bedlam . . . . . . . . . 76 discussion . . . . . . . 9 kowtow. . . . . . . . 125 rickety . . . . . . . . . 25 Grade 4 EMC 582-PRO Grade 4
Grade 5
EMC 6024-PRO
EMC 6025-PRO
Grade 3 EMC 2759-PRO Grade 5
Grade 6+
EMC 2728-PRO
EMC 2729-PRO
Grade 4
Grade 5
EMC 2708-PRO
EMC 2709-PRO
Grade 5 EMC 583-PRO Grade 4 EMC 2760-PRO
belligerent . . . . . . 69 docile . . . . . . . . . . 88 lackadaisical . . . . 45 scavenger . . . . . 136 Grade 6 EMC 576-PRO Grade 6+ EMC 6026-PRO Grade 5 EMC 2761-PRO Grade 6+ EMC 2710-PRO
Grade 6 EMC 2762-PRO
betray . . . . . . . . 112 drenched . . . . . . . 52 landscape . . . . . 124 shrub . . . . . . . . . . 68
bloated . . . . . . . . 145 efficient . . . . . . . 116 lecture . . . . . . . . 101 sluggish . . . . . . . . . 8
boost . . . . . . . . . . 12 elated . . . . . . . . . . 72 legend . . . . . . . . . 53 solo . . . . . . . . . . . 61
brawl . . . . . . . . . . 92 encounter. . . . . . 141 lenient . . . . . . . . 124 spontaneous . . . . 25
bygone . . . . . . . . 144 enthusiasm . . . . 128 lofty . . . . . . . . . . . 41 stagnant . . . . . . . 105
candidate . . . . . . . 64 establish . . . . . . 128 luminous . . . . . . . 69 symphony . . . . . . 24
cantankerous . . . . 77 exact . . . . . . . . . . 65 maneuver. . . . . . 104 tedious . . . . . . . . . 93
capable . . . . . . . . 21 fickle . . . . . . . . . . 89 marionette . . . . . . 57 temporary . . . . . . 16 Daily Science Daily Math Practice Daily Word Problems: Daily Geography Daily Handwriting
192 reproducible pages. 128 reproducible pages. Math Practice Practice
casual . . . . . . . . . 77 flounder . . . . . . . 129 massive . . . . . . . . 21 thaw . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Gradde 1 EMC 5011-PRO
PRO Gradde 1 EMC 750-PRO
1122 re
11 repr
le ppag
es. 160 re
160 repr
le ppag es pl
ages plus
us 1122 re
11 repr
le pag
Grade 2 EMC 5012-PRO Grade 2 EMC 751-PRO Grade 1 EMC 3001-PRO
36 transparencies! Traditional Manuscript
classify . . . . . . . . . 93 foreign . . . . . . . . . 96 mischief . . . . . . . . 48 transmit . . . . . . . 141 Grade 3 EMC 5013-PRO Grade 3 EMC 752-PRO Grade 2 EMC 3002-PRO Grade 1 EMC 3710-PRO All Grades EMC 790-PRO
Gradde 4 EMC 50
PRO Gradde 4 EMC 75
PRO Gradde 3 EMC 30
PRO Gradde 2 EMC 3711-PRO
collide . . . . . . . . . 33 frantic . . . . . . . . . 104 moist . . . . . . . . . . 48 treacherous . . . . . . 4 Grade 5 EMC 5015-PRO Grade 5 EMC 754-PRO Grade 4 EMC 3004-PRO Grade 3 EMC 3712-PRO
Traditional Cursive
All Grades EMC 791-PRO
Grade 6+ EMC 5016-PRO Grade 6+ EMC 755-PRO Grade 5 EMC 3005-PRO Grade 4 EMC 3713-PRO
command . . . . . . . 60 frigid . . . . . . . . . . 129 narrative. . . . . . . 132 trivial . . . . . . . . . 137 Grade 6+ EMC 3006-PRO Grade 5 EMC 3714-PRO
M d Manuscriiptt
All Grades EMC 792-PRO
Grade 6+ EMC 3715-PRO
compass . . . . . . . 32 gallery . . . . . . . . . 97 numerous. . . . . . . 65 unique . . . . . . . . . 64 Contempor
Contem porary
ary Cu
All Grades EMC 793-PRO
compete . . . . . . . . . 4 germinate. . . . . . . 92 obligation . . . . . . . 40 unkempt . . . . . . . 108
complement . . . . 113 glamorous . . . . . 117 obvious . . . . . . . . 37 unruly . . . . . . . . . . 29
conceal . . . . . . . . . 5 glitter . . . . . . . . . . 53 outwit . . . . . . . . . 117 vanquish . . . . . . . 73
criticize. . . . . . . . . 33 gloomy . . . . . . . . . 44 panic . . . . . . . . . . 40 velocity. . . . . . . . 145
EMC 2794 $19.99
curtail . . . . . . . . . . 84 gossip . . . . . . . . . 45 participant . . . . . . 16 ventriloquist . . . 120 519
dapper . . . . . . . . . 81 gratitude. . . . . . . . 13 patriot. . . . . . . . . 132 weary . . . . . . . . . . 56 0 23472 02794 8

ISBN 978-1-59673-410-4 9 781596 734104

160 A Word a Day • EMC 2794 • © Evan-Moor Corp.

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