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Naming Convention for Android Development

Package Structure
See this Package by feature, not layer

Naming Convention for Classes

 <PRODUCT_NAME> - for Application class
 <NAME> - for activity class
 <NAME> - for adapter class
 <NAME> - for fragment class
 <NAME>.java - for model class
 <NAME> - for content provider class
 <NAME> - for service class
 <NAME> - for broadcast receiver class
 <NAME> - for utility class
 <NAME>.java - for custom view class

Short Name of Android Widgets

Note: You should use more meaningful names than these short names unless you have two
or more same kind of views in the same place.

 aclock - AnalogClock
 actv - AutoCompleteTextView
 btn - Button
 cal - CalendarView
 chb - CheckBox
 chtv - CheckedTextView
 chron - Chronometer
 dp - DatePicker
 edt - EditText
 explv - ExpandableListView
 fl - FrameLayout
 gl - GridLayout
 grv - GridView
 hsv - HorizontalScrollView
 imb - ImageButton
 ims - ImageSwitcher
 imv - ImageView
 ll - LinearLayout
 lsv - ListView
 ctlr - MediaController
 mactv - MultiAutoCompleteTextView
 np - NumberPicker
 pm - PopupMenu
 pw - PopupWindow
 pgb - ProgressBar
 rb - RadioButton
 rg - RadioGroup
 rtb - RatingBar
 rl - RelativeLayout
 rv - RemoteViews
 scv - ScrollView
 schv - SearchView
 skb - SeekBar
 sap - ShareActionProvider
 space - Space
 spn - Spinner
 stv - StackView
 sw - Switch
 tabh - TabHost
 tabc - TabHost.TabSpec
 tl - TableLayout
 tr - TableRow
 twg - TabWidget
 tclock - TextClock
 tsw - TextSwitcher
 txv - TextView
 tp - TimePicker
 toast - Toast
 tgb - ToggleButton
 vdv - VideoView
 vf - ViewFlipper
 vsw - ViewSwitcher

Naming Convention for Image Files

See this Android-Cheatsheet-For-Graphic-Designers#Naming Convention

XML Files (res/anim)

 <INTERPOLATOR_NAME>_interpolator.xml - for custom interpolator
 <ANIMATION_NAME>.xml - for custom animation

XML Files (res/animator)

 <ANIMATOR_NAME>.xml- for custom animator

XML Files (res/color)

 selector_<COLOR_NAME>.xml - for color state list

XML Files (res/drawable)

 bmp_<BITMAP_NAME>.xml - for bitmap file
 np_<NINE_PATCH_NAME>.xml - for nine-patch XML file
 layer_<LAYER_LIST_NAME>.xml - for layer list
 selector_<STATE_LIST_NAME>.xml - for state list
 anim_<DRAWABLE_ANIMATION_NAME>.xml - for drawable animation
 level_<LEVEL_LIST_NAME>.xml - for level list
 trans_<TRANSITION_DRAWABLE_NAME>.xml - for transition drawable
 inset_<INSET_DRAWABLE_NAME>.xml - for inset drawable
 clip_<CLIP_DRAWABLE_NAME>.xml - for clip drawable
 scale_<SCALE_DRAWABLE_NAME>.xml - for scale drawable
 shape_<SHAPE_DRAWABLE_NAME>.xml - for shape drawable

XML Files (res/layout)

 activity_<ACTIVITY_NAME>.xml - for activity
 dialog_<DIALOG_NAME>.xml - for dialog
 list_item_<LIST_NAME>.xml - for list item in ListView
 grid_item_<GRID_NAME>.xml - for grid item in GridView
 fragment_<FRAGMENT_NAME>.xml - for fragment
 layout_<LAYOUT_NAME>.xml - for re-useable layout
 merge_<MERGE_NAME>.xml - for <merge> Tag only
 widget_<WIDGET_NAME>.xml - for custom view
 appwidget_<APPWIDGET_NAME>.xml - for app widget

XML Files (res/menu)

 <MENU_NAME>.xml - for option menu
 contextual_<MENU_NAME>.xml - for contextual menu
 popup_<MENU_NAME>.xml - for popup menu

XML Files (res/values)

 values/colors.xml

 <color
For example:
<color name=”holo_blue_dark”>#ff0099cc</color>
<color name=”material_blue_500”>#5677fc</color>

 If the color is not in the theme:

<color name="<COLOR_NAME>"><COLOR_VALUE></color>

 values/strings.xml

 <string name="title_<TITLE_NAME>"><TITLE_VALUE></string> - for

ActionBar title
 <string
name="action_<ACTION_BUTTON_TEXT>"><TEXT_VALUE></string> - for
ActionBar button text
 <string name="tab_<ACTION_TAB_TEXT>"><TEXT_VALUE></string> -
for ActionBar.Tab text
 <string name="btn_<BUTTON_TEXT>"><TEXT_VALUE></string>- for
 <string name="empty_<VIEW_NAME>"><EMPTY_VALUE></string> - for
empty view
 <string name="hint_<EDITTEXT_NAME>"><HINT_VALUE></string>-
for the hint of EditText/AutoCompleteTextView
 <string name="label_<TEXTVIEW_NAME>"><TEXT_VALUE></string>-
for static TextView
 <string name="toast_<TOAST_NAME>"><TOAST_VALUE></string> - for
 <string
name="dialog_title_<DIALOG_NAME>"><TITLE_VALUE></string>- for
 <string
name="dialog_msg_<DIALOG_NAME>"><MSG_VALUE></string> - for
 <string
name="dialog_action_<ACTION_NAME>"><ACTION_NAME></string> -
for dialog button
 <string name="msg_<MESSAGE_NAME>"><MSG_VALUE></string> - for
Log or some other stuff
 <string
name="contextual_<MENU_ITEM_NAME>"><TEXT_VALUE></string>- for
contextual menu item
 <string name="popup_<MENU_ITEM_NAME>"><TEXT_VALUE></string>
- for popup menu item
 values/string_arrays.xml
<string-array name="<ARRAY_NAME>_array">

 values/plurals.xml
<plurals name="<PLURALS_NAME>">

XML Files (res/xml)

 appwidget_<APPWIDGET_NAME> - for app widget provider


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