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Fullerene film on metal surface: Diffusion of metal atoms and interface model

Wen-jie Li, Peng Wang, Xiao-Xiong Wang, Jia-Ou Wang, Rui Wu, Hai-Jie Qian, Kurash Ibrahim, Hai-Yang Li,
and Hong-Nian Li

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 104, 191606 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4878404

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APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 104, 191606 (2014)

Fullerene film on metal surface: Diffusion of metal atoms and interface model
Wen-jie Li,1 Peng Wang,2 Xiao-Xiong Wang,3 Jia-Ou Wang,4 Rui Wu,4 Hai-Jie Qian,4
Kurash Ibrahim,4 Hai-Yang Li,1 and Hong-Nian Li1,a)
Department of Physics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
Department of Applied Physics, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China
College of Science, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China
Laboratory of Synchrotron Radiation, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100039, China
(Received 2 April 2014; accepted 6 May 2014; published online 14 May 2014)
We try to understand the fact that fullerene film behaves as n-type semiconductor in electronic
devices and establish a model describing the energy level alignment at fullerene/metal interfaces.
The C60/Ag(100) system was taken as a prototype and studied with photoemission measurements.
The photoemission spectra revealed that the Ag atoms of the substrate diffused far into C60 film
and donated electrons to the molecules. So the C60 film became n-type semiconductor with the Ag
atoms acting as dopants. The C60/Ag(100) interface should be understood as two sub-interfaces on
both sides of the molecular layer directly contacting with the substrate. One sub-interface is Fermi
level alignment, and the other is vacuum level alignment. V C 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


Fullerenes (C60, C70, and C84) and their derivatives some charge transfer. The energy level alignment at the
(PC61BM, PC71BM, etc.) have exhibited important applica- ML/multilayer sub-interface is, however, not clear at
tions in organic electronics such as field effect transistors present.
(FETs),1–4 solar cells,5–8 and memory devices.9,10 The appli- In this work, we selected C60/Ag(100) system as a proto-
cations require thorough understanding of the electronic type. C60 digs the 4- or 5-atom pit (4 or 5 Ag atoms are dug
property of fullerene film on metal (electrode) surface. One out by each C60 molecule) on the surface of Ag(100),19 in
amazing phenomenon is that C60 acts as n-doped semicon- contrast to the case of the 1-atom pit on some other metal
ductor,5,11 and nobody knows where the dopant comes from. surfaces.18,20,21 The large quantity of the adatoms should
Another long-standing problem is how to properly describe make the diffusion of the adatoms be easily observed by pho-
the energy level alignment at fullerene/metal interfaces. toemission measurements. For the study of the
One significant progress on the geometric structure of ML/multilayer sub-interface, we prepared a well-defined C60
fullerene/metal interfaces has been achieved in recent years: monolayer (1 ML C60/Ag(100)) by annealing a C60 multi-
fullerene molecules dig pits on various metal substrates.12–16 layer at 300  C in ultra-high vacuum (UHV). The 1 ML
Accompanied with the pit formation, some metal atoms are C60/Ag(100) then acted as the substrate for growing thicker
dug out from the substrate and become so-called adatoms. film.
The adatoms may be highly mobile, as suggested by two Our experiments were carried out at the Photoelectron
most recent works16,17 to interpret the scanning tunneling Spectroscopy Endstation of the Beijing Synchrotron
microscopy observations of some extremely bright mole- Radiation Facility. The base pressure of the UHV system
cules emerging in the C84 and C60 monolayers (MLs) on was better than 1  1010 millibar. An Ag(100) single crystal
Ag(111) surface. We guess that the adatoms diffuse far into of 8 mm in diameter was cleaned by standard bombarding
fullerene lattice and act as dopants when an interface is and annealing procedure. Thoroughly degassed C60 was sub-
formed between a thick fullerene film and a metal substrate. limed from a Ta boat onto the Ag(100). The C60 source was
One purpose of the present work is to verify our guess. a crowd of tiny single crystals of very high purity,22 and the
Large quantity of works has demonstrated that the full- electric current through the Ta boat was kept constant for
erene layer in direct contact with a metal substrate is metal- each round of deposition. After the preparation of the 1 ML
lic, and thus this molecular layer should be considered C60/Ag(100), succeeding deposition of C60 was performed
separately from other semiconducting molecular layers. with the substrate kept at 150  C to assure the layer-by-layer
Therefore, we suggest that the interface between a thick full- growth manner. The thickest C60 film studied here was 20
erene film and a metal substrate be constituted by two sub- MLs. A Gammadata Scienta R4000 analyzer was used to
interfaces. One sub-interface is between the metal substrate collect the photoelectrons with a collecting angle of 38 . The
and the fullerene ML in direct contact with the substrate; sample normal coincided with the entrance of the energy an-
another is between the fullerene ML and the fullerene multi- alyzer. Valence band photoemission (ht ¼ 21.2 eV) and
layer. The former should be Fermi level alignment consider- core-level photoemission (ht ¼ 700.0 eV) were measured for
ing that fullerene molecules intimately combine with the every stage of the sample preparation history. The 4f7/2 pho-
metal substrates through strong covalent bonds14,18 and toemission of an Au film (deposited on the sample holder
just before the measurements) was also recorded after each
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: round of the Ag 3d and C 1s measurements, for the purposes of normalizing the spectral intensities and checking the

0003-6951/2014/104(19)/191606/4/$30.00 104, 191606-1 C 2014 AIP Publishing LLC


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191606-2 Li et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 191606 (2014)

photon energies. The energy resolution of the spectra was transmission ratio t is 0.5 as calculated from the spectral
better than 0.05 and 0.65 eV at the photon energies of 21.2 intensities of the 1 ML sample and the clean Ag(100) in Fig.
and 700.0 eV, respectively. Unless otherwise specified, the 2(a). Then we can draw the expected intensity ratios as the
sample position was adjusted to assure the incident synchro- blue curve in Fig. 2(c), which is, however, evidently smaller
tron light (with the spot sizes of 0.5  0.2 mm2 for the than the experimental values. There are two possible reasons
21.2 eV photons and 1.0  0.5 mm2 for the 700 eV photons) for the discrepancy. First, the nominal thickness might be
illuminating on the central region of the sample. overestimated. Second, the Ag adatoms diffused far into the
Figure 1 illustrates the spectral determination of the dep- C60 multilayer as we suggested previously. We can preclude
osition rate of C60 molecules onto the 1 ML C60/Ag(100). the first possible reason by analyzing the C 1s intensity
The C60 ML cannot completely attenuate the signal from the ratios. The red filled circles in Fig. 2(c) are the C 1s intensity
Ag(100), as indicated by the dashed-dotted vertical lines. ratios of the C60 multilayers to the 1 ML C60/Ag(111), which
After two rounds of 5 min deposition, line (b) has negligible were calculated based on the spectra in Fig. 2(b) (the ratios
contribution from the Ag(100). Additional 1.5 min deposi- calculated from Fig. 2(a) were almost the same). The inten-
tion slightly shifts the highest-occupied-molecular-orbital sity of the C 1s signal saturates at the coverages greater than
(HOMO) and HOMO-1 features towards higher binding 7 ML, coinciding with the inelastic-mean-free-path data of
energy. Then the spectrum keeps almost invariant with 1.5 Ref. 23. Besides, these experimental data can be fitted fairly
and 4 min more depositions. The spectral evolutions indicate well with the equation23
that line (c) corresponds to a coverage very near 2 ML, i.e.,
another C60 ML covers the 1 ML C60/Ag(100). The thicker In 1  t0n
¼ ;
films up to 20 ML were prepared by taking the integral depo- Imono 1  t0
sition time (11.5 min) of line (c) as the time needed for 1 ML
deposition. where In and Imono denote the C 1s photoemission intensities
The core level photoemission data of the 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, of n layer C60 and 1 ML C60, and t0 is the transmission ratio
15, and 20 ML samples are shown in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b). The of the C 1s photoelectrons. The best fitted value of t0 is 0.525
C 1s spectra in (b) were measured with smaller pass energy
(better resolution). The intensities of all the spectral lines in
Fig. 2 are normalized to the Au 4f photoemission (also meas-
ured with two different pass energies), and thus reflect the
absolute variations with different film thickness. The most
striking observation is that the Ag 3d signal can be still
observed on the 20 ML sample in Fig. 2(a)! The Ag 3d pho-
toemission should have been completely attenuated at the
coverage of 10 ML according to the inelastic-mean-free-
path data.23
Figure 2(c) exhibits the quantitative analyses of the
spectral intensities. The blue filled squares are the Ag 3d5/2
intensity ratios of the C60 samples to the clean Ag(100). For
the layer-by-layer growth manner, the substrate signal should
be attenuated according to tn, where t is the transmission ra-
tio of the Ag 3d5/2 photoelectrons through one molecular
layer23 and n denotes the number of molecular layer. The

FIG. 2. (a) Ag 3d and C 1s core-level photoemission of the samples meas-

ured with the pass energy of 20 eV. (b) C 1s photoemission measured with
the pass energy of 10 eV. The double-arrowed vertical lines in (a) and (b)
indicate the binding energy range used to calculate the spectral areas.
Shirley background was subtracted for both the Ag 3d (not shown) and the
FIG. 1. Determining deposition rate of C60 molecules onto the 1 ML C 1s photoemission (the bottom green line in (b)). (c) Comparison of the ex-
C60/Ag(100) with valence band photoemission. The deposition time (in min) perimental intensity ratios (the scattered symbols) with that expected on the
is indicated for each spectrum. The spectral lines are normalized to the basis of the layer-by-layer growth manner (the blue and red curves). The Ag
height of the HOMO feature except that the spectrum of the clean Ag(100) 3d5/2 intensity ratios are relative to the clean Ag(100), while the C 1s ratios
is fitted to the scale of the figure. are relative to the 1 ML C60/Ag(100).

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191606-3 Li et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 191606 (2014)

(see the red curve in Fig. 3(c)), reasonably slightly greater the C60 multilayers being metallic. There should be a small
than t considering the increased kinetic energy of the C 1s portion of metallic AgxC60 (x  7) compounds24 dispersed in
photoelectrons as compared with the Ag 3d5/2 photoelec- the n-type C60 semiconductor.
trons. Therefore, the film thickness estimated on the basis of We previously suggested two sub-interfaces for fullerene/
Fig. 1 should be rather accurate, and the Ag 3d signal metal systems. Figure 4 illustrates this interface model for the
observed on the 10, 15, and 20 ML samples is from the Ag C60/Ag(100) system, in which the energies of the vacuum lev-
adatoms that diffused into the C60 films. els and the HOMO centers are from Fig. 3. The vertical red
The valence band photoemission shown in Fig. 3 affords line indicates the sub-interface between the Ag(100) and the
more direct evidence of the diffusion of the Ag adatoms. C60 ML. This sub-interface is obviously Fermi-level align-
After magnifying the spectral signal near the Fermi level ment because of the charge transfer from the Ag(100) to the
(the red lines in Fig. 3(a)), we can clearly observe the photo- C60 ML. In addition, the HOMO and LUMO of C60 hybridize
emission of the lowest-unoccupied-molecular-orbital with the Ag 4d5s states, resulting in splitting of the molecular
(LUMO) electrons at least for the coverages up to 10 MLs. orbitals and nonnegligible occupied electronic states distribut-
The LUMO signal is not background noise because the ing continuously in the HOMO–LUMO gap (see Fig. 3(a) and
Fermi cutoffs are distinct in the spectra of the 2–7 ML sam- Ref. 19). The C60 ML loses its semiconducting property and
ples. We also precluded the possibility of the contribution becomes a metallic layer. The work function of the C60 ML
from the substrate or the 1 ML C60/Ag(100) by measuring on the Ag(100) surface is 4.71 eV, greater than that of the
the spectra with the incident photons illuminating on some clean Ag(100) by 0.31 eV.
different regions of the 4 ML and 7 ML samples. It is well The crucial issue is the energy level alignment at the
known that the valence band signal is mainly from the top sub-interface between the C60 ML and the C60 multilayer.
molecular layer for fullerene sample. Therefore, the Ag ada- This sub-interface is indicated with a vertical blue line in
toms definitely diffused far into the C60 film and donated Fig. 4 and is referred to as blue-line interface in the follow-
their 5s electrons to the LUMO of C60. Some adatoms surely ing. On the basis of the noticeable LUMO electrons of the
diffused to the top layer of the thicker (15, 20 MLs) samples, C60 multilayers (Fig. 3(a)) and the metallic nature of the C60
but the LUMO signal was weak due to the limited number of ML, we might anticipate the blue-line interface to reach elec-
the adatoms. trical equilibrium (Fermi level alignment) through charge
We could clearly observe the diffusion because the num- flow. Fermi level alignment is generally accompanied with
ber of the adatoms was relatively large in the C60/Ag(100) distinct shift of vacuum level as the case of the sub-interface
system. Besides, the substrate temperature (kept at 150  C between the Ag(100) and the C60 ML. However, the vacuum
during the C60 deposition) facilitated the diffusion. For those level shift is very small (no more than 0.1 eV) from the 1
fullerene/metal systems with fewer adatoms or formed at ML sample to the 20 ML sample in Figs. 4 or 3(b), and may
room temperature, the number of adatoms diffused into the be regarded as negligible considering the possible error of
fullerene films may be smaller but definitely nonnegligible the measurements. If the blue-line interface were Fermi level
from the point of view of semiconductor doping. So, the dif- alignment, the negligible shift of the vacuum level could
fusion of the adatoms interprets the mystery of n-type semi- only be understood with the intrinsic work function of the
conducting behavior for fullerene film in those electronic C60 multilayers being accidentally identical to that of the 1
devices (FET, memory device and some types of solar cells) ML C60/Ag(100). This kind of situation is unlikely to
having fullerene/metal junctions. It is needed to point out happen.
that the Fermi cutoffs observed in Fig. 3(a) does not mean We think that the negligible vacuum level shift of the
C60 multilayers is the indication of vacuum level alignment
at the blue-line interface. That is to say, the LUMO electrons

FIG. 3. (a) Valence band photoemission of the C60 overlayer on Ag(100)

surface. The spectral lines are normalized to the height of the HOMO feature FIG. 4. Interface model and energy level diagram of the C60/Ag(100) sys-
except that the spectrum of the clean Ag(100) is fitted to the scale of the fig- tem. The red and blue vertical lines represent two sub-interfaces. The ener-
ure. The red lines magnify the spectral signal near the Fermi level. (b) gies of the HOMO centers (filled circles) and the vacuum levels (open
Secondary electron cutoffs. The work function (U) data are determined by circles) are from Fig. 3 and referenced to the Fermi level of the metal
the tangent of the cutoff and the base line. substrate.

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191606-4 Li et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 191606 (2014)

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in FET). This can be understood by the fact that the mole- derivatives and metals.
cules are combined with weak van de Waals interaction. The
Ag adatoms only fill a small part of the interstitial sites of This work was supported by the National Natural
the C60 lattice and do not substantially alter the bonding na- Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 11374258
ture of the C60 multilayers. So the blue-line interface cannot and 11079028 and the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation
reach electrical equilibrium. The vacuum level alignment at Facility.
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