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history historia (noun)

way camino (noun)

art arte (noun)
world mundo (noun)
information informaci�n (noun)
map mapa (noun)
family Familia (noun)
government gobierno (noun)
health salud (noun)
system sistema (noun)
computer computadora / ordenador (noun)
meat carne (noun)
year a�o (noun)
thanks Gracias (noun)
music m�sica (noun)
person persona (noun)
reading lectura (noun)
method m�todo (noun)
data datos (noun)
food comida (noun)
understanding comprensi�n (noun)
theory teor�a (noun)
law ley (noun)
bird p�jaro (noun)
literature literatura (noun)
problem problema (noun)
software software (noun)
control control (noun)
knowledge conocimiento (noun)
power poder (noun)
ability capacidad (noun)
economics ciencias econ�micas (noun)
love amor (noun)
internet Internet (noun)
television televisi�n (noun)
science ciencia (noun)
library biblioteca (noun)
nature naturaleza (noun)
fact hecho (noun)
product producto (noun)
idea idea (noun)
temperature temperatura (noun)
investment inversi�n (noun)
area zona (noun)
society sociedad (noun)
activity actividad (noun)
story historia (noun)
industry industria (noun)
media el medios de comunicacion (noun)
thing cosa (noun)
oven horno (noun)
community comunidad (noun)
definition definici�n (noun)
safety la seguridad (noun)
quality calidad (noun)
development desarrollo (noun)
language idioma (noun)
management administraci�n (noun)
player jugador (noun)
variety variedad (noun)
video v�deo (noun)
week semana (noun)
security seguridad (noun)
country pa�s (noun)
exam examen (noun)
movie pel�cula (noun)
organization organizaci�n (noun)
equipment equipo (noun)
physics f�sica (noun)
analysis an�lisis (noun)
policy pol�tica (noun)
series of serie (noun)
thought pensamiento (noun)
basis base (noun)
boyfriend novio (noun)
direction direcci�n (noun)
strategy estrategia (noun)
technology tecnolog�a (noun)
army Ej�rcito (noun)
camera c�mara (noun)
freedom libertad (noun)
paper papel (noun)
environment ambiente (noun)
child ni�o (noun)
instance ejemplo (noun)
month mes (noun)
truth verdad (noun)
marketing m�rketing (noun)
university Universidad (noun)
writing escritura (noun)
article art�culo (noun)
department Departamento (noun)
difference diferencia (noun)
goal Gol (noun)
news Noticias (noun)
audience audiencia (noun)
fishing pesca (noun)
growth crecimiento (noun)
income ingresos (noun)
wedding la boda (noun)
marriage matrimonio (noun)
user usuario (noun)
combination combinaci�n (noun)
failure fracaso (noun)
meaning sentido (noun)
medicine medicina (noun)
philosophy filosof�a (noun)
teacher profesor (noun)
communication comunicaci�n (noun)
night noche (noun)
chemistry qu�mica (noun)
disease enfermedad (noun)
disk disco (noun)
energy energ�a (noun)
nation naci�n (noun)
road la carretera (noun)
role Papel (noun)
soup sopa (noun)
advertising publicidad (noun)
location lugar (noun)
success �xito (noun)
addition adici�n (noun)
apartment apartamento (noun)
education educaci�n (noun)
math matematicas (noun)
moment momento (noun)
painting pintura (noun)
politics pol�tica (noun)
attention atenci�n (noun)
decision decisi�n (noun)
event evento (noun)
property propiedad (noun)
shopping compras (noun)
student estudiante (noun)
wood madera (noun)
competition competencia (noun)
distribution distribuci�n (noun)
entertainment entretenimiento (noun)
office oficina (noun)
population poblaci�n (noun)
president presidente (noun)
unit unidad (noun)
category categor�a (noun)
cigarette cigarrillo (noun)
context contexto (noun)
introduction Introducci�n (noun)
opportunity oportunidad (noun)
performance actuaci�n (noun)
driver conductor (noun)
flight vuelo (noun)
length longitud (noun)
length largo (noun)
magazine revista (noun)
newspaper peri�dico (noun)
relationship relaci�n (noun)
teaching ense�ando (noun)
dealer comerciante (noun)
lake lago (noun)
member miembro (noun)
message mensaje (noun)
phone tel�fono (noun)
scene escena (noun)
appearance apariencia (noun)
association asociaci�n (noun)
concept concepto (noun)
customer cliente (noun)
death muerte (noun)
discussion discusi�n (noun)
housing alojamiento (noun)
inflation inflaci�n (noun)
insurance seguro (noun)
mood estado animico (noun)
woman mujer (noun)
advice Consejo (noun)
blood sangre (noun)
effort esfuerzo (noun)
expression expresi�n (noun)
importance importancia (noun)
opinion opini�n (noun)
payment pago (noun)
reality realidad (noun)
responsibility responsabilidad (noun)
situation situaci�n (noun)
skill habilidad (noun)
statement declaraci�n (noun)
wealth riqueza (noun)
application solicitud (noun)
city ciudad (noun)
depth profundidad (noun)
estate inmuebles (noun)
foundation Fundaci�n (noun)
grandmother abuela (noun)
heart coraz�n (noun)
perspective perspectiva (noun)
photo foto (noun)
recipe receta (noun)
studio estudio (noun)
topic tema (noun)
collection colecci�n (noun)
depression depresi�n (noun)
imagination imaginaci�n (noun)
passion pasi�n (noun)
percentage porcentaje (noun)
resource recurso (noun)
ad anuncio (noun)
agency agencia (noun)
college Universidad (noun)
connection conexi�n (noun)
criticism cr�tica (noun)
debt deuda (noun)
description descripci�n (noun)
memory memoria (noun)
patience paciencia (noun)
secretary secretario (noun)
solution soluci�n (noun)
administration administraci�n (noun)
aspect aspecto (noun)
attitude actitud (noun)
director director (noun)
personality personalidad (noun)
psychology psicolog�a (noun)
recommendation recomendaci�n (noun)
response respuesta (noun)
selection selecci�n (noun)
storage almacenamiento (noun)
version versi�n (noun)
alcohol alcohol (noun)
argument argumento (noun)
complaint queja (noun)
contract contrato (noun)
emphasis �nfasis (noun)
highway carretera (noun)
highway autopista (noun)
loss p�rdida (noun)
membership afiliaci�n (noun)
possession posesi�n (noun)
preparation preparaci�n (noun)
steak filete (noun)
union Uni�n (noun)
agreement acuerdo (noun)
cancer c�ncer (noun)
currency moneda (noun)
employment empleo (noun)
engineering Ingenieria (noun)
entry entrada (noun)
interaction Interacci�n (noun)
mixture mezcla (noun)
preference preferencia (noun)
region regi�n (noun)
republic rep�blica (noun)
tradition tradicion (noun)
virus virus (noun)
actor actor (noun)
classroom aula (noun)
delivery entrega (noun)
device dispositivo (noun)
difficulty dificultad (noun)
drama drama (noun)
election elecci�n (noun)
engine motor (noun)
football f�tbol (noun)
guidance direcci�n (noun)
hotel hotel (noun)
owner propietario (noun)
priority prioridad (noun)
protection proteccion (noun)
suggestion sugerencia (noun)
tension tensi�n (noun)
variation variaci�n (noun)
anxiety ansiedad (noun)
atmosphere atm�sfera (noun)
awareness conciencia (noun)
bath baNo (noun)
bread pan (noun)
candidate candidato (noun)
climate clima (noun)
comparison comparaci�n (noun)
confusion Confusi�n (noun)
construction construcci�n (noun)
elevator ascensor (noun)
emotion emoci�n (noun)
employee empleado (noun)
employer empleador (noun)
guest invitado (noun)
guest hu�sped (noun)
height altura (noun)
leadership liderazgo (noun)
mall centro comercial (noun)
manager gerente (noun)
operation operaci�n (noun)
recording grabaci�n (noun)
sample muestra (noun)
transportation transporte (noun)
charity caridad (noun)
cousin prima (noun)
disaster desastre (noun)
editor editor (noun)
efficiency eficiencia (noun)
excitement emoci�n (noun)
extent grado (noun)
feedback realimentaci�n (noun)
guitar guitarra (noun)
homework deberes (noun)
leader l�der (noun)
mom mam� (noun)
outcome resultado (noun)
permission permiso (noun)
presentation presentaci�n (noun)
promotion promoci�n (noun)
reflection reflexi�n (noun)
refrigerator refrigerador (noun)
resolution resoluci�n (noun)
revenue ingresos (noun)
session sesi�n (noun)
singer cantante (noun)
tennis tenis (noun)
basket cesta (noun)
bonus extra (noun)
cabinet gabinete (noun)
childhood infancia (noun)
church Iglesia (noun)
clothes ropa (noun)
coffee caf� (noun)
dinner cena (noun)
a drawing dibujo (noun)
hair cabello (noun)
initiative iniciativa (noun)
judgment juicio (noun)
lab laboratorio (noun)
measurement medici�n (noun)
mode modo (noun)
mud barro (noun)
orange naranja (noun)
poetry poes�a (noun)
police polic�a (noun)
possibility posibilidad (noun)
procedure procedimiento (noun)
queen reina (noun)
ratio proporci�n (noun)
relation relaci�n (noun)
restaurant restaurante (noun)
satisfaction satisfacci�n (noun)
sector sector (noun)
signature firma (noun)
significance significado (noun)
song canci�n (noun)
tooth diente (noun)
town pueblo (noun)
vehicle veh�culo (noun)
volume volumen (noun)
wife esposa (noun)
accident accidente (noun)
airport aeropuerto (noun)
appointment cita (noun)
arrival llegada (noun)
assumption suposici�n (noun)
baseball b�isbol (noun)
chapter cap�tulo (noun)
committee comit� (noun)
conversation conversacion (noun)
database base de datos (noun)
enthusiasm entusiasmo (noun)
error error (noun)
explanation explicaci�n (noun)
farmer granjero (noun)
farmer agricultor (noun)
gate port�n (noun)
girl ni�a (noun)
hall sala (noun)
historian historiador (noun)
hospital hospital (noun)
injury lesi�n (noun)
instruction instrucci�n (noun)
maintenance mantenimiento (noun)
manufacturer fabricante (noun)
meal comida (noun)
perception percepci�n (noun)
pie tarta (noun)
poem poema (noun)
presence presencia (noun)
proposal propuesta (noun)
reception recepci�n (noun)
replacement reemplazo (noun)
revolution revoluci�n (noun)
river r�o (noun)
son hijo (noun)
speech habla (noun)
tea t� (noun)
village pueblo (noun)
warning advertencia (noun)
winner ganador (noun)
worker obrero (noun)
writer escritor (noun)
assistance asistencia (noun)
breath respiracion (noun)
buyer comprador (noun)
chest pecho (noun)
chocolate chocolate (noun)
conclusion conclusi�n (noun)
contribution contribuci�n (noun)
cookie Galleta (noun)
courage valor (noun)
dad pap� (noun)
desk escritorio (noun)
drawer caj�n (noun)
establishment establecimiento (noun)
examination examen (noun)
garbage basura (noun)
grocery tienda de comestibles (noun)
honey miel (noun)
impression impresi�n (noun)
improvement mejora (noun)
independence independencia (noun)
insect insecto (noun)
inspection inspecci�n (noun)
inspector inspector (noun)
king Rey (noun)
ladder escalera (noun)
menu men� (noun)
penalty pena (noun)
piano piano (noun)
potato patata (noun)
profession profesi�n (noun)
professor profesor (noun)
quantity cantidad (noun)
reaction reacci�n (noun)
requirement requisito (noun)
salad ensalada (noun)
sister hermana (noun)
supermarket supermercado (noun)
tongue lengua (noun)
weakness debilidad (noun)
wedding Boda (noun)
affair asunto (noun)
ambition ambici�n (noun)
analyst analista (noun)
apple manzana (noun)
assignment asignaci�n (noun)
assistant asistente (noun)
bathroom ba�o (noun)
bedroom habitacion (noun)
bedroom Cuarto (noun)
beer cerveza (noun)
birthday cumplea�os (noun)
celebration celebracion (noun)
championship campeonato (noun)
cheek mejilla (noun)
client cliente (noun)
consequence consecuencia (noun)
departure salida (noun)
diamond diamante (noun)
dirt suciedad (noun)
ear oreja (noun)
fortune fortuna (noun)
friendship amistad (noun)
funeral funeral (noun)
girlfriend Novia (noun)
hat sombrero (noun)
indication indicaci�n (noun)
intention intenci�n (noun)
lady mujer (noun)
midnight medianoche (noun)
negotiation negociaci�n (noun)
obligation obligaci�n (noun)
passenger pasajero (noun)
pizza Pizza (noun)
platform plataforma (noun)
poet poeta (noun)
pollution contaminaci�n (noun)
recognition reconocimiento (noun)
reputation reputaci�n (noun)
shirt camisa (noun)
sir se�or (noun)
speaker altavoz (noun)
stranger desconocido (noun)
surgery cirug�a (noun)
sympathy simpat�a (noun)
tale cuento (noun)
throat garganta (noun)
trainer entrenador (noun)
uncle t�o (noun)
youth juventud (noun)
time hora (noun)
work trabajo (noun)
film pel�cula (noun)
water agua (noun)
money dinero (noun)
example ejemplo (noun)
while mientras (noun)
business negocio (noun)
game juego (noun)
life vida (noun)
form formar (noun)
air aire (noun)
day d�a (noun)
place lugar (noun)
number n�mero (noun)
part parte (noun)
field campo (noun)
fish pescado (noun)
back espalda (noun)
process proceso (noun)
heat calor (noun)
hand la mano (noun)
experience experiencia (noun)
job trabajo (noun)
book libro (noun)
end fin (noun)
point punto (noun)
type tipo (noun)
home casa (noun)
economy econom�a (noun)
value valor (noun)
body cuerpo (noun)
market mercado (noun)
guide gu�a (noun)
interest interesar (noun)
state estado (noun)
radio radio (noun)
course curso (noun)
company empresa (noun)
price precio (noun)
size tama�o (noun)
card tarjeta (noun)
list lista (noun)
mind mente (noun)
trade comercio (noun)
line l�nea (noun)
care cuidado (noun)
group grupo (noun)
risk riesgo (noun)
word palabra (noun)
force fuerza (noun)
key llave (noun)
light luz (noun)
training formaci�n (noun)
name nombre (noun)
school colegio (noun)
top parte superior (noun)
amount cantidad (noun)
level nivel (noun)
order orden (noun)
practice pr�ctica (noun)
research investigaci�n (noun)
sense sentido (noun)
service Servicio (noun)
piece pieza (noun)
web web (noun)
boss jefe (noun)
sport deporte (noun)
fun divertido (noun)
house casa (noun)
page p�gina (noun)
term t�rmino (noun)
test examen (noun)
answer respuesta (noun)
sound ruido (noun)
focus atenci�n (noun)
matter importar (noun)
kind tipo (noun)
soil suelo (noun)
board tablero (noun)
oil aceite (noun)
petrol gasolina (noun)
picture imagen (noun)
access acceso (noun)
garden jard�n (noun)
range distancia (noun)
rate tarifa (noun)
reason raz�n (noun)
future futuro (noun)
site sitio (noun)
demand demanda (noun)
exercise ejercicio (noun)
image imagen (noun)
case caso (noun)
cause causa (noun)
coast costa (noun)
action acci�n (noun)
age edad (noun)
bad malo (noun)
boat barco (noun)
record registro (noun)
result resultado (noun)
section secci�n (noun)
building edificio (noun)
mouse rat�n (noun)
cash efectivo (noun)
class clase (noun)
period per�odo (noun)
plan plan (noun)
tax impuesto (noun)
side lado (noun)
subject tema (noun)
space espacio (noun)
rule regla (noun)
weather clima (noun)
chance oportunidad (noun)
figure figura (noun)
man hombre (noun)
model modelo (noun)
source fuente (noun)
beginning comenzando (noun)
earth tierra (noun)
program programa (noun)
chicken pollo (noun)
design dise�o (noun)
feature caracter�stica (noun)
head cabeza (noun)
material material (noun)
purpose prop�sito (noun)
question pregunta (noun)
rock roca (noun)
salt sal (noun)
act acto (noun)
birth nacimiento (noun)
car coche (noun)
dog perro (noun)
object objeto (noun)
scale escala (noun)
sun sol (noun)
note Nota (noun)
profit lucro (noun)
rent renta (noun)
speed velocidad (noun)
style estilo (noun)
war guerra (noun)
bank banco (noun)
craft arte (noun)
half mitad (noun)
inside dentro (noun)
outside fuera de (noun)
bus autob�s (noun)
exchange intercambio (noun)
eye ojo (noun)
fire fuego (noun)
position posici�n (noun)
pressure presi�n (noun)
stress estr�s (noun)
advantage ventaja (noun)
benefit beneficio (noun)
box caja (noun)
issue problema (noun)
step paso (noun)
cycle ciclo (noun)
face cara (noun)
metal metal (noun)
paint pintura (noun)
review revisi�n (noun)
room habitaci�n (noun)
screen pantalla (noun)
structure estructura (noun)
view vista (noun)
account cuenta (noun)
ball pelota (noun)
discipline disciplina (noun)
medium medio (noun)
share parte (noun)
balance equilibro (noun)
choice elecci�n (noun)
gift regalo (noun)
impact impacto (noun)
machine m�quina (noun)
shape forma (noun)
tool herramienta (noun)
wind viento (noun)
address direcci�n (noun)
average promedio (noun)
career carrera (noun)
culture cultura (noun)
morning Ma�ana (noun)
pot maceta (noun)
sign signo (noun)
table mesa (noun)
task tarea (noun)
condition condici�n (noun)
contact contacto (noun)
credit cr�dito (noun)
egg huevo (noun)
hope esperanza (noun)
ice hielo (noun)
network red (noun)
north norte (noun)
square cuadrado (noun)
attempt intento (noun)
date fecha (noun)
effect efecto (noun)
link enlace (noun)
post mail los correos (noun)
star estrella (noun)
voice voz (noun)
capital capital (noun)
challenge reto (noun)
friend amigo (noun)
self mismo (noun)
shot Disparo (noun)
brush cepillo (noun)
couple Pareja (noun)
debate debate (noun)
exit salida (noun)
front frente (noun)
function funci�n (noun)
lack ausencia (noun)
plant planta (noun)
plastic el plastico (noun)
spot lugar (noun)
summer verano (noun)
taste gusto (noun)
theme tema (noun)
race track pista (noun)
railway track via (noun)
music track pista (noun)
wing ala (noun)
brain cerebro (noun)
button bot�n (noun)
click hacer clic (noun)
desire deseo (noun)
foot pie (noun)
gas gas (noun)
influence influencia (noun)
notice anuncios (noun)
rain lluvia (noun)
wall pared (noun)
base base (noun)
damage daNo (noun)
distance distancia (noun)
feeling sensaci�n (noun)
pair par (noun)
savings ahorros (noun)
staff personal (noun)
sugar az�car (noun)
target objetivo (noun)
text texto (noun)
animal animal (noun)
author autor (noun)
budget presupuesto (noun)
discount descuento (noun)
file archivo (noun)
ground suelo (noun)
lesson lecci�n (noun)
minute minuto (noun)
officer oficial (noun)
phase fase (noun)
reference referencia (noun)
sky cielo (noun)
stage escenario (noun)
stick palo (noun)
title t�tulo (noun)
trouble problema (noun)
bowl cuenco (noun)
bridge puente (noun)
campaign Campa�a (noun)
character personaje (noun)
club club (noun)
edge borde (noun)
evidence evidencia (noun)
fan ventilador (noun)
letter carta (noun)
lock cerradura (noun)
maximum m�ximo (noun)
novel novela (noun)
option opci�n (noun)
pack paquete (noun)
park parque (noun)
plenty mucho (noun)
skin piel (noun)
sort una especie de (noun)
weight peso (noun)
baby beb� (noun)
background fondo (noun)
carry llevar (noun)
dish plato (noun)
factor factor (noun)
fruit Fruta (noun)
a glass vaso (noun)
glass material vidrio (noun)
master maestro (noun)
muscle m�sculo (noun)
red rojo (noun)
strength fuerza (noun)
traffic tr�fico (noun)
trip viaje (noun)
vegetable vegetal (noun)
appeal apelaci�n (noun)
chart gr�fico (noun)
gear engranaje (noun)
ideal ideal (noun)
kitchen cocina (noun)
land tierra (noun)
log tronco (noun)
mother madre (noun)
net red (noun)
party fiesta (noun)
relative relativo (noun)
sale venta (noun)
season temporada (noun)
signal se�al (noun)
spirit esp�ritu (noun)
street calle (noun)
tree �rbol (noun)
wave ola (noun)
belt cintur�n (noun)
bench banco (noun)
commission comisi�n (noun)
copy dupdo (noun)
minimum m�nimo (noun)
path camino (noun)
progress Progreso (noun)
project proyecto (noun)
sea mar (noun)
south sur (noun)
status estado (noun)
stuff cosas (noun)
ticket boleto (noun)
tour paseo (noun)
angle �ngulo (noun)
blue azul (noun)
breakfast desayuno (noun)
confidence confianza (noun)
daughter hija (noun)
degree titulo (noun)
doctor medico (noun)
doctor doctor (noun)
dot punto (noun)
dream sue�o (noun)
duty deber (noun)
essay ensayo (noun)
father padre (noun)
fee cuota (noun)
finance finanzas (noun)
hour hora (noun)
juice jugo (noun)
limit l�mite (noun)
luck suerte (noun)
milk Leche (noun)
mouth boca (noun)
peace paz (noun)
pipe tubo (noun)
seat asiento (noun)
stable estable (noun)
storm tormenta (noun)
substance sustancia (noun)
team equipo (noun)
trick truco (noun)
afternoon tarde (noun)
beach playa (noun)
blank blanco (noun)
catch captura (noun)
chain cadena (noun)
consideration consideraci�n (noun)
cream crema (noun)
crew tripulaci�n (noun)
detail detalle (noun)
gold oro (noun)
interview entrevista (noun)
kid ni�o (noun)
mark marca (noun)
match partido (noun)
mission misi�n (noun)
pain dolor (noun)
pleasure Placer (noun)
score puntaje (noun)
screw tornillo (noun)
shop tienda (noun)
shower ducha (noun)
suit traje (noun)
tone tono (noun)
window ventana (noun)
agent agente (noun)
band banda (noun)
block bloque (noun)
bone hueso (noun)
calendar calendario (noun)
cap gorra (noun)
coat capa (noun)
contest concurso (noun)
corner esquina (noun)
courtroom el tribunal (noun)
playing court el patio (noun)
cup vaso (noun)
district distrito (noun)
door puerta (noun)
east este (noun)
finger dedo (noun)
garage garaje (noun)
guarantee garant�a (noun)
hole agujero (noun)
hook gancho (noun)
layer capa (noun)
lecture conferencia (noun)
lie mentira (noun)
manner manera (noun)
meeting reuni�n (noun)
nose nariz (noun)
parking aparcamiento (noun)
partner compa�ero (noun)
profile perfil (noun)
respect el respeto (noun)
rice arroz (noun)
routine rutina (noun)
schedule horario (noun)
swimming la natacion (noun)
telephone tel�fono (noun)
tip propina (noun)
winter invierno (noun)
airline aerol�nea (noun)
bag bolso (noun)
battle batalla (noun)
bed cama (noun)
bill cuenta (noun)
cake pastel (noun)
code c�digo (noun)
curve curva (noun)
designer dise�ador (noun)
dimension dimensi�n (noun)
dress vestido (noun)
ease facilidad (noun)
emergency emergencia (noun)
evening noche (noun)
extension extensi�n (noun)
farm granja (noun)
a fight pelea (noun)
gap hueco (noun)
grade nota (noun)
holiday vacaciones (noun)
horror horror (noun)
horse caballo (noun)
host anfitri�n (noun)
husband marido (noun)
loan pr�stamo (noun)
mistake Error (noun)
mountain monta�a (noun)
nail u�a (noun)
noise ruido (noun)
occasion ocasi�n (noun)
package paquete (noun)
patient paciente (noun)
pause pausa (noun)
phrase frase (noun)
proof prueba (noun)
race carrera (noun)
relief alivio (noun)
sand arena (noun)
sentence frase (noun)
shoulder hombro (noun)
smoke humo (noun)
stomach est�mago (noun)
string cuerda (noun)
tourist turista (noun)
towel toalla (noun)
vacation vacaciones (noun)
west Oeste (noun)
wheel rueda (noun)
wine vino (noun)
arm brazo (noun)
bet, wager apuesta (noun)
blow gople (noun)
blow of wind soplo (noun)
border frontera (noun)
branch rama (noun)
brother hermano (noun)
buddy compa�ero (noun)
bunch manojo (noun)
chip chip (noun)
coach entrenador (noun)
cross cruz (noun)
document documento (noun)
dust polvo (noun)
expert experto (noun)
floor piso (noun)
god Dios (noun)
golf golf (noun)
habit h�bito (noun)
iron hierro (noun)
judge juez (noun)
knife cuchillo (noun)
landscape paisaje (noun)
league liga (noun)
mail correo (noun)
mess l�o (noun)
native nativo (noun)
opening apertura (noun)
parent padre (noun)
pattern patr�n (noun)
swimming pool piscina (noun)
pound libra (noun)
request solicitud (noun)
salary salario (noun)
shame verg�enza (noun)
shelter abrigo (noun)
shoe zapato (noun)
silver plata (noun)
trust confianza (noun)
assistance ayuda (noun)
bar bar (noun)
bell campana (noun)
bike bicicleta (noun)
blame culpa (noun)
boy chico (noun)
brick ladrillo (noun)
chair silla (noun)
closet armario (noun)
clue pista (noun)
collar collar (noun)
comment comentario (noun)
conference conferencia (noun)
devil diablo (noun)
diet dieta (noun)
fear miedo (noun)
fuel combustible (noun)
glove guante (noun)
jacket chaqueta (noun)
lunch almuerzo (noun)
monitor monitor (noun)
mortgage hipoteca (noun)
nurse enfermera (noun)
pace paso (noun)
panic p�nico (noun)
peak pico (noun)
plane avi�n (noun)
reward recompensa (noun)
row fila (noun)
sandwich emparedado (noun)
shock choque (noun)
spray rociar (noun)
surprise sorpresa (noun)
transition transici�n (noun)
weekend fin de semana (noun)
welcome Bienvenido (noun)
yard yarda (noun)
alarm alarma (noun)
bend curva (noun)
bicycle bicicleta (noun)
bite mordedura (noun)
blind ciego (noun)
bottle botella (noun)
cable cable (noun)
candle vela (noun)
clerk empleado (noun)
cloud nube (noun)
concert concierto (noun)
flower flor (noun)
grandfather abuelo (noun)
harm da�o (noun)
knee rodilla (noun)
lawyer abogado (noun)
leather cuero (noun)
load carga (noun)
mirror espejo (noun)
neck cuello (noun)
pension pensi�n (noun)
plate plato (noun)
purple p�rpura (noun)
ruin ruina (noun)
ship barco (noun)
skirt falda (noun)
slice rebanada (noun)
snow nieve (noun)
specialist especialista (noun)
switch interruptor (noun)
trash basura (noun)
tune melod�a (noun)
zone zona (noun)
anger enfado (noun)
award premio (noun)
bid oferta (noun)
bitter amargo (noun)
boot bota (noun)
bug error (noun)
camp camping (noun)
candy dulce (noun)
carpet alfombra (noun)
cat gato (noun)
champion campe�n (noun)
channel canal (noun)
clock reloj (noun)
comfort comodidad (noun)
cow vaca (noun)
crack grieta (noun)
engineer ingeniero (noun)
entrance Entrada (noun)
fault error (noun)
grass c�sped (noun)
guy chico (noun)
hell infierno (noun)
highlight el punto culminante (noun)
incident incidente (noun)
island isla (noun)
joke broma (noun)
jury jurado (noun)
leg pierna (noun)
lip labio (noun)
mate compa�ero (noun)
motor motor (noun)
nerve nervio (noun)
passage paso (noun)
pen bol�grafo (noun)
pride orgullo (noun)
priest sacerdote (noun)
prize premio (noun)
promise promesa (noun)
resident residente (noun)
resort balneario (noun)
ring anillo (noun)
roof techo (noun)
rope cuerda (noun)
sail vela (noun)
scheme esquema (noun)
script gui�n (noun)
sock calcet�n (noun)
station estaci�n (noun)
toe dedo del pie (noun)
tower torre (noun)
truck cami�n (noun)
witness testigo (noun)
use uso (noun)
look mirada (noun)
help ayuda (noun)
being siendo (noun)
few pocos (noun)
public p�blico (noun)
start comienzo (noun)
human humano (noun)
theater play obra de teatro (noun)
feel sensaci�n (noun)
change cambio (noun)
past pasado (noun)
possible posible (noun)
current corriente (noun)
cut corte (noun)
show espect�culo (noun)
attempt intento (noun)
check control (noun)
second segundo (noun)
call llamada (noun)
move movimiento (noun)
pay paga (noun)
increase aumento (noun)
turn giro (noun)
guard Guardia (noun)
offer oferta (noun)
travel viaje (noun)
dance baile (noun)
excuse excusa (noun)
commercial comercial (noun)
purchase compra (noun)
deal acuerdo (noun)
autumn oto�o (noun)
search busqueda (noun)
present presente (noun)
cost costo (noun)
support apoyo (noun)
glad alegre (noun)
return regreso (noun)
middle medio (noun)
reserve reserva (noun)
holiday leave permiso (noun)
rest descanso (noun)
watch reloj (noun)
visit visito (noun)
report informe (noun)
rise aumento (noun)
walk un paseo (noun)
lift ascensor (noun)
mix mezcla (noun)
concern preocupaci�n (noun)
fly, insect mosca (noun)
gain ganancia (noun)
hello Hola (noun)
lead, metal plomo (noun)
worry preocupaci�n (noun)
handle manija (noun)
press prensa (noun)
secret secreto (noun)
spring primavera (noun)
wait Espere (noun)
display monitor (noun)
flow corriente (noun)
hit golpo (noun)
objective objetivo (noun)
cry llorar (noun)
dump tugurio (noun)
conflict conflicto (noun)
total total (noun)
vast vasto (noun)
abuse abuso (noun)
burn quemadura (noun)
deposit fianza (noun)
print impresi�n (noun)
raise aumento (noun)
sleep sueNo (noun)
somewhere algun lado (noun)
sensitive sensible (noun)
tap grifo (noun)
soft suave (noun)
solid s�lido (noun)
wear vestir (noun)
doubt duda (noun)
forever Siempre (noun)
nobody nadie (noun)
sing canta (noun)
slide diapositiva (noun)
wish deseo (noun)
command mando (noun)
dig cavar (noun)
march marzo (noun)
survey encuesta (noun)
tie Corbata (noun)
adult adulto (noun)
hate odio (noun)
prior anterior (noun)
scratch rasgu�o (noun)
strike Huelga (noun)
laugh risa (noun)
mobile m�vil (noun)
senior mayor (noun)
split divisi�n (noun)
strain tensi�n (noun)
train tren (noun)
convert convertir (noun)
crash choque (noun)
dependent dependiente (noun)
fold doblez (noun)
permit permiso (noun)
quote citar (noun)
sink lavabo (noun)
swing oscilaci�n (noun)
twist giro (noun)
upstairs piso de arriba (noun)
rush prisa (noun)
shift cambio (noun)
anybody nadie (noun)
bear oso (noun)
dare atrevimiento (noun)
hurry prisa (noun)
invitation invitaci�n (noun)
kiss Beso (noun)
punch pu�etazo (noun)
reply respuesta (noun)
representative representante (noun)
stretch tramo (noun)
tear l�grima (noun)
accept aceptar (verb)
achieve lograr (verb)
act in a play actuar (verb)
add a�adir (verb)
admit admitir (verb)
affect afectar (verb)
aim apuntar (verb)
allow permitir (verb)
answer responder (verb)
appear Aparecer (verb)
apply for solicitar (verb)
apply ointment aplicar (verb)
argue discutir (verb)
arrange organizar (verb)
arrive llegar (verb)
ask pedir (verb)
attack atacar (verb)
avoid evitar (verb)
be ser (verb)
beat golpear (verb)
*become volverse (verb)
begin empezar (verb)
believe creer (verb)
belong pertenecer a (verb)
break romper (verb)
build construir (verb)
burn quemar (verb)
buy comprar (verb)
call llamar (verb)
can poder (verb)
care for cuidar a (verb)
carry llevar (verb)
catch atrapar (verb)
cause causar (verb)
change cambiar (verb)
charge cargar (verb)
check comprobar (verb)
choose elegir (verb)
clean limpiar (verb)
climb escalar (verb)
close cerrar (verb)
collect recoger (verb)
come venir (verb)
commit a mistake cometer (verb)
compare comparar (verb)
complain quejarse (verb)
complete completar (verb)
confirm confirmar (verb)
consider considerar (verb)
consist consistir (verb)
contact contactar (verb)
contain contener (verb)
continue continuar (verb)
contribute contribuir (verb)
control controlar (verb)
cook cocinar (verb)
copy copiar (verb)
correct corregir (verb)
cost costar (verb)
count contar (verb)
cover cubrir (verb)
create crear (verb)
cross out tachar (verb)
cry llorar (verb)
cut cortar (verb)
damage da�ar (verb)
dance bailar (verb)
decide decidir (verb)
deliver entregar (verb)
demand pedir (verb)
deny negar (verb)
depend on depender de (verb)
describe describir (verb)
destroy destruir (verb)
develop desarrollar (verb)
die morir (verb)
disappear desaparecer (verb)
discover descubrir (verb)
discuss discutir (verb)
divide dividir (verb)
do hacer (verb)
draw dibujar (verb)
dress vestirse (verb)
drink beber (verb)
drive manejar (verb)
drop soltar (verb)
eat comer (verb)
encourage alentar (verb)
enjoy disfrutarse (verb)
examine examinar (verb)
exist existir (verb)
expect esperar (verb)
experience experimentar (verb)
explain explicar (verb)
express expresar (verb)
extend ampliar (verb)
face enfrentar (verb)
fail fallar (verb)
fall caer (verb)
fasten sujetar (verb)
feed alimentar (verb)
feel sentirse (verb)
fight luchar contra (verb)
fill llenar (verb)
fill in the form rellenar (verb)
find encontrar (verb)
finish terminar (verb)
fit in encajar en (verb)
fit in entrar en (verb)
fit on clothes quedarse (verb)
fly volar (verb)
fold doblar (verb)
follow seguir (verb)
force obligar (verb)
forget olvidar (verb)
forgive perdonar (verb)
form formar (verb)
gain ganancia (verb)
get conseguir (verb)
get obtener (verb)
give dar (verb)
go ir (verb)
grow crecer (verb)
handle with hands tocar (verb)
handle something manejar (verb)
happen pasar (verb)
happen ocurrir (verb)
hate odiar (verb)
have tener (verb)
hear o�r (verb)
help ayudar (verb)
hide esconder (verb)
hit golpear (verb)
hold tener (verb)
grasp firmly sujetar (verb)
hope esperanza (verb)
hurt herir (verb)
identify identificar (verb)
imagine imaginarse (verb)
improve mejorar (verb)
include incluir (verb)
increase aumentar (verb)
indicate indicar (verb)
influence influenciar (verb)
inform informar (verb)
intend intentar (verb)
introduce introducir (verb)
invite invitar (verb)
involving implicar (verb)
join unirse (verb)
jump saltar (verb)
keep guardar (verb)
kick patear (verb)
kill matar (verb)
knock golpear (verb)
know saber (verb)
last durar (verb)
laugh reIrse (verb)
lie down acostarse (verb)
lead dirigir (verb)
learn aprender (verb)
leave partir (verb)
go out salir (verb)
lend prestar (verb)
let dejar (verb)
lie mentir (verb)
like me gusta (verb)
link enlazar (verb)
listen escuchar (verb)
live vivir (verb)
look mirar (verb)
lose perder(se) (verb)
love amorar (verb)
make hacer (verb)
manage administrar (verb)
mark seNalar (verb)
matter importar (verb)
measure medir (verb)
meet with friends quedar (verb)
mention mencionar (verb)
mind molestar (verb)
miss s.o. echar de menos (verb)
move pasar (verb)
must deber (verb)
need necesitar (verb)
realize darse cuenta (verb)
obtain obtener (verb)
occur ocurrir (verb)
offer offrir (verb)
open abrir (verb)
order in a restaurant pedir (verb)
order s.o. ordenar (verb)
pass exams aprobar (verb)
pass pasar (verb)
pay pagar (verb)
perform realizar (verb)
plan planificar (verb)
play jugar (verb)
point apuntar (verb)
prefer preferir (verb)
prepare preparar (verb)
present presentar (verb)
press presionar (verb)
prevent evitar (verb)
produce Producir (verb)
promise prometir (verb)
protect proteger (verb)
prove probar (verb)
provide proporcionar (verb)
publish publicar (verb)
pull arrastrar (verb)
push empujar (verb)
put poner (verb)
raise aumentar (verb)
reach alcanzar (verb)
read leer (verb)
realize darse cuenta de (verb)
receive recibir (verb)
recognize reconocer (verb)
record video grabar (verb)
reduce reducir (verb)
refer referir (verb)
reflect reflejar (verb)
refuse rechazar (verb)
regard considerar (verb)
release, let go soltar (verb)
stay quedarse (verb)
remember acordarse de (verb)
remember recordar (verb)
*remove retirar (verb)
repeat repetir (verb)
replace reemplazar (verb)
reply contestar (verb)
reply responder (verb)
represent representar (verb)
require exigir (verb)
rest descansar (verb)
return i.t. volver (verb)
return t. devolver (verb)
reveal revelar (verb)
ring sonar (verb)
rise subir (verb)
roll rodar (verb)
run correr (verb)
save salvar (verb)
say decir (verb)
see ver (verb)
seem parecer (verb)
sell vender (verb)
send enviar (verb)
separate separar (verb)
serve servir (verb)
settle resolver (verb)
shake agitar (verb)
share compartir (verb)
shoot disparar (verb)
shout gritar (verb)
show mostrar (verb)
shut cerrar (verb)
sing cantar (verb)
sit sentarse (verb)
sleep dormir (verb)
smile sonre�r (verb)
sort ordenar (verb)
sound sonar (verb)
speak hablar (verb)
stand estar (verb)
start comenzar (verb)
stay quedarse (verb)
stop pararse (verb)
study estudiar (verb)
succeed tener �xito (verb)
suffer sufrir (verb)
suggest sugerir (verb)
support apoyar (verb)
suppose suponer (verb)
survive sobrevivir (verb)
take tomar (verb)
talk hablar (verb)
teach ense�ar (verb)
tell contar (verb)
test probar (verb)
thank agradecer (verb)
think pensar (verb)
throw lanzar (verb)
touch tocar (verb)
train entrenar (verb)
travel viajar (verb)
treat tratar (verb)
try intentar (verb)
turn girar (verb)
understand entender (verb)
use utilizar (verb)
used to Acostumbrado a (verb)
visit visitar (verb)
vote votar (verb)
wait esperar (verb)
walk caminar (verb)
want querer (verb)
warn advertir (verb)
wash lavar (verb)
watch reloj (verb)
wear vestir (verb)
win ganar (verb)
wish desear (verb)
wonder preguntarse (verb)
work trabajar (verb)
worry preocuparse (verb)
write escribir (verb)
acceptable aceptable (adjective)
accurate preciso (adjective)
active activo (adjective)
actual real (adjective)
additional adicional (adjective)
administrative administrativo (adjective)
afraid asustado (adjective)
aggressive agresivo (adjective)
alive viva (adjective)
all todas (adjective)
alone solo (adjective)
alternative alternativa (adjective)
amazing asombroso (adjective)
angry enojado (adjective)
annual anual (adjective)
another otro (adjective)
anxious ansioso (adjective)
any alguna (adjective)
apart aparte (adjective)
appropriate apropiado (adjective)
asleep dormido (adjective)
automatic autom�tico (adjective)
available disponible (adjective)
aware consciente (adjective)
away lejos (adjective)
beautiful hermosa (adjective)
best mejor (adjective)
better mejor (adjective)
big grande (adjective)
bitter amargo (adjective)
boring aburrido (adjective)
both ambos (adjective)
brave valiente (adjective)
brief breve (adjective)
bright brillante (adjective)
broad ancho (adjective)
brown marr�n (adjective)
busy ocupado (adjective)
calm calma (adjective)
capable capaz (adjective)
careful cuidadoso (adjective)
certain cierto (adjective)
cheap barato (adjective)
chemical qu�mico (adjective)
civil civil (adjective)
classic cl�sico (adjective)
clean limpio (adjective)
clear claro (adjective)
near cerca (adjective)
cold fr�o (adjective)
comfortable c�modo (adjective)
commercial comercial (adjective)
common com�n (adjective)
competitive competitivo (adjective)
complete lleno (adjective)
complex complejo (adjective)
confident confidente (adjective)
conscious consciente (adjective)
consistent consistente (adjective)
constant constante (adjective)
content contento (adjective)
cool guay (adjective)
correct correcto (adjective)
crazy loca (adjective)
creative creativo (adjective)
critical cr�tico (adjective)
cultural cultural (adjective)
curious curioso (adjective)
current corriente (adjective)
cute linda (adjective)
dangerous peligroso (adjective)
dark oscuro (adjective)
dead muerto (adjective)
dear querido (adjective)
deep profundo (adjective)
dependent dependiente (adjective)
desperate desesperado (adjective)
different diferente (adjective)
difficult dif�cil (adjective)
direct directo (adjective)
dirty sucio (adjective)
distinct distinto (adjective)
double doble (adjective)
dramatic dram�tico (adjective)
drunk borracho (adjective)
dry seco (adjective)
east este (adjective)
eastern oriental (adjective)
easy f�cil (adjective)
educational educativo (adjective)
effective eficaz (adjective)
efficient eficiente (adjective)
electrical el�ctrico (adjective)
electronic electr�nico (adjective)
embarrassed desconcertado (adjective)
emotional emocional (adjective)
empty vac�o (adjective)
enough suficiente (adjective)
entire todo (adjective)
environmental ambiental (adjective)
equal igual (adjective)
equivalent equivalente (adjective)
even incluso (adjective)
exact exacto (adjective)
excellent excelente (adjective)
exciting emocionante (adjective)
existing existente (adjective)
expensive caro (adjective)
expert experto (adjective)
external externo (adjective)
extra extra (adjective)
extreme extremo (adjective)
fair justa (adjective)
familiar familiar (adjective)
famous famoso (adjective)
far lejos (adjective)
fast r�pido (adjective)
fat grasa (adjective)
federal federal (adjective)
few pocos (adjective)
final final (adjective)
financial financiero (adjective)
firm firma (adjective)
first primero (adjective)
fit, suitable adecuado (adjective)
flat plano (adjective)
foreign exterior (adjective)
formal formal (adjective)
former anterior (adjective)
forward adelante (adjective)
free gratis (adjective)
frequent frecuente (adjective)
fresh Fresco (adjective)
friendly amistoso (adjective)
front frente (adjective)
full completo (adjective)
fun divertido (adjective)
funny gracioso (adjective)
future futuro (adjective)
general general (adjective)
glad alegre (adjective)
global global (adjective)
good bueno (adjective)
grand grandioso (adjective)
great estupendo (adjective)
green verde (adjective)
gross bruto (adjective)
guilty culpable (adjective)
happy contento (adjective)
hard dif�cil (adjective)
healthy saludable (adjective)
heavy pesado (adjective)
helpful servicial (adjective)
high alto (adjective)
historical hist�rico (adjective)
honest honesto (adjective)
hot caliente (adjective)
huge enorme (adjective)
human humano (adjective)
hungry hambriento (adjective)
ideal ideal (adjective)
ill enfermo (adjective)
illegal ilegal (adjective)
immediate inmediato (adjective)
important importante (adjective)
impossible imposible (adjective)
impressive impresionante (adjective)
independent independiente (adjective)
individual individual (adjective)
inevitable inevitable (adjective)
informal informal (adjective)
initial inicial (adjective)
inner interior (adjective)
inside dentro (adjective)
intelligent inteligente (adjective)
interesting interesante (adjective)
internal interno (adjective)
international internacional (adjective)
junior j�nior (adjective)
just s�lo (adjective)
key principal (adjective)
kind tipo (adjective)
known conocido (adjective)
large grande (adjective)
last �ltimo (adjective)
late tarde (adjective)
latter �ltimo (adjective)
leading l�der (adjective)
least menos (adjective)
leather de cuero (adjective)
left izquierda (adjective)
legal legal (adjective)
less Menos (adjective)
little peque�o (adjective)
live vivir (adjective)
local local (adjective)
logical l�gico (adjective)
lonely solitario (adjective)
long largo (adjective)
loose suelto (adjective)
lost perdido (adjective)
loud ruidoso (adjective)
low bajo (adjective)
lower inferior (adjective)
lucky suerte (adjective)
mad enojado (adjective)
main principal (adjective)
major mayor (adjective)
male masculino (adjective)
many muchos (adjective)
massive masivo (adjective)
maximum m�ximo (adjective)
mean media (adjective)
medical m�dico (adjective)
medium medio (adjective)
mental mental (adjective)
middle medio (adjective)
minimum m�nimo (adjective)
minor menor (adjective)
money dinero (adjective)
more M�s (adjective)
most m�s (adjective)
much mucho (adjective)
narrow estrecho (adjective)
nasty asqueroso (adjective)
national nacional (adjective)
native nativo (adjective)
natural natural (adjective)
nearby cerca (adjective)
neat ordenado (adjective)
necessary necesario (adjective)
negative negativo (adjective)
nervous nervioso (adjective)
new nuevo (adjective)
next siguiente (adjective)
nice bonito (adjective)
normal normal (adjective)
numerous numeroso (adjective)
objective objetivo (adjective)
obvious obvio (adjective)
odd impar (adjective)
official oficial (adjective)
old antiguo (adjective)
only solamente (adjective)
open abierto (adjective)
opposite opuesto (adjective)
ordinary ordinario (adjective)
original original (adjective)
other otro (adjective)
outside fuera de (adjective)
over encima (adjective)
overall en general (adjective)
own propio (adjective)
particular especial (adjective)
past pasado (adjective)
patient paciente (adjective)
perfect Perfecto (adjective)
personal personal (adjective)
physical f�sico (adjective)
pleasant agradable (adjective)
plenty mucho (adjective)
political pol�tico (adjective)
poor pobre (adjective)
popular popular (adjective)
positive positivo (adjective)
possible posible (adjective)
potential potencial (adjective)
powerful poderoso (adjective)
practical pr�ctico (adjective)
pregnant embarazada (adjective)
present presente (adjective)
pretty bonita (adjective)
previous anterior (adjective)
primary primario (adjective)
prior anterior (adjective)
private privado (adjective)
professional profesional (adjective)
proper apropiado (adjective)
proud orgulloso (adjective)
psychological psicol�gico (adjective)
public p�blico (adjective)
pure puro (adjective)
purple p�rpura (adjective)
quick r�pido (adjective)
quiet tranquilo (adjective)
rare raro (adjective)
raw crudo (adjective)
ready Listo (adjective)
real real (adjective)
realistic realista (adjective)
reasonable razonable (adjective)
recent reciente (adjective)
red rojo (adjective)
regular regular (adjective)
relevant pertinente (adjective)
remarkable notable (adjective)
responsible responsable (adjective)
rich Rico (adjective)
right derecho (adjective)
rough �spero (adjective)
round redondo (adjective)
royal real (adjective)
sad triste (adjective)
safe seguro (adjective)
same mismo (adjective)
scared asustado (adjective)
secret secreto (adjective)
secure seguro (adjective)
senior mayor (adjective)
sensitive sensible (adjective)
separate separado (adjective)
serious grave (adjective)
several varios (adjective)
severe grave (adjective)
sharp agudo (adjective)
short corto (adjective)
sick enfermo (adjective)
significant significativo (adjective)
silly tonto (adjective)
silver plata (adjective)
similar similar (adjective)
simple sencillo (adjective)
single soltero (adjective)
slight leve (adjective)
slow lento (adjective)
small peque�a (adjective)
smart inteligente (adjective)
smooth suave (adjective)
soft suave (adjective)
solid s�lido (adjective)
some algunos (adjective)
sorry lo siento (adjective)
southern del Sur (adjective)
spare de repuesto (adjective)
special especial (adjective)
specific espec�fico (adjective)
spiritual espiritual (adjective)
square cuadrado (adjective)
standard est�ndar (adjective)
still todav�a (adjective)
straight Derecho (adjective)
strange extra�o (adjective)
strict estricto (adjective)
strong fuerte (adjective)
stupid est�pido (adjective)
substantial sustancial (adjective)
successful exitoso (adjective)
such tal (adjective)
sudden repentino (adjective)
sufficient suficiente (adjective)
suitable adecuado (adjective)
sure Por supuesto (adjective)
suspicious suspicaz (adjective)
sweet dulce (adjective)
tall alto (adjective)
technical t�cnico (adjective)
temporary temporal (adjective)
terrible terrible (adjective)
thick grueso (adjective)
thin Delgado (adjective)
tight apretado (adjective)
time hora (adjective)
tiny min�sculo (adjective)
top parte superior (adjective)
tough dif�cil (adjective)
traditional tradicional (adjective)
typical t�pico (adjective)
ugly feo (adjective)
unable incapaz (adjective)
unfair injusto (adjective)
unhappy infeliz (adjective)
unique �nico (adjective)
united unido (adjective)
unlikely improbable (adjective)
unusual raro (adjective)
upper Superior (adjective)
upset trastornado (adjective)
upstairs piso de arriba (adjective)
used usado (adjective)
useful �til (adjective)
usual usual (adjective)
valuable valioso (adjective)
various varios (adjective)
vast vasto (adjective)
visible visible (adjective)
visual visual (adjective)
warm calentar (adjective)
weak d�biles (adjective)
weekly semanal (adjective)
weird extra�o (adjective)
west Oeste (adjective)
western occidental (adjective)
white blanco (adjective)
whole todo (adjective)
wide amplio (adjective)
wild salvaje (adjective)
willing complaciente (adjective)
wise sabio (adjective)
wonderful maravilloso (adjective)
wooden de madera (adjective)
work trabajo (adjective)
worth valor (adjective)
wrong equivocado (adjective)
yellow amarillo (adjective)
young joven (adjective)
FALSE FALSO (adjective)
TRUE CIERTO (adjective)
aqui here (misc)
all� there (misc)
cerca near (misc)
delante in front (misc)
encima on top (misc)
dentro inside (misc)
adelante ahead (misc)
arriba up, above (misc)
adentro inside (misc)
ac� here (misc)
all� there (misc)
lejos far (misc)
detr�s behind (misc)
debajo underneath (misc)
fuera outside (misc)
atr�s behind (misc)
abajo down, below (misc)
afuera outside (misc)
hoy today (misc)
a to (misc)
a ciegas blindly (misc)
a diario daily (misc)
a diestra y siniestra all over the place (misc)
a escondidas secretly (misc)
a la moda in fashion (misc)
a la perfecci�n perfectly (misc)
a la vez at the same time (misc)
a menudo often (misc)
a oscuras in the dark (misc)
a tiempo on time (misc)
a veces sometimes (misc)
actualmente currently (misc)
ahora now (misc)
al amanecer at dawn (misc)
al anochecer At dusk (misc)
al final at the end (misc)
al principio at first (misc)
algo something (misc)
alto high (misc)
anoche last night (misc)
anteanoche the night before last (misc)
anteayer the day before yesterday (misc)
as� that way (misc)
ayer Yesterday (misc)
bajo low (misc)
bastante quite (misc)
bonito beautiful (misc)
brevemente briefly (misc)
claramente clearly (misc)
con alegr�a gladly (misc)
con cuidado carefully (misc)
con frecuencia frequently (misc)
con tristeza with sadness (misc)
contra against (misc)
cuidadosamente carefully (misc)
de buena gana willingly (misc)
de d�a at daytime (misc)
de inmediato immediately (misc)
de mala gana reluctantly (misc)
de memoria of memory (misc)
de noche at night (misc)
de nuevo again (misc)
de prisa fast (misc)
de pronto suddenly (misc)
de repente suddenly (misc)
de una vez por todas once and for all (misc)
de verdad for real (misc)
demasiado too (misc)
desde since (misc)
despacio slowly (misc)
detr�s (de) behind (from) (misc)
diariamente daily (misc)
dulcemente sweetly (misc)
en casa at home (misc)
en realidad Actually (misc)
en serio really?? (misc)
entre between (misc)
estupendamente stupendously (misc)
f�cilmente easily (misc)
frecuentemente frequently (misc)
hacia toward (misc)
hasta until (misc)
inteligentemente intelligently (misc)
mal bad (misc)
ma�ana morning (misc)
m�s plus (misc)
mejor best (misc)
menos less (misc)
mucho A lot (misc)
muy very (misc)
nada nothing (misc)
nunca never (misc)
ocasionalmente occasionally (misc)
para for (misc)
peor worst (misc)
permanentemente permanently (misc)
poco little bit (misc)
por by (misc)
por desgracia Unfortunately (misc)
por fin at last (misc)
por suerte Fortunately (misc)
previamente previously (misc)
quieto quietly (misc)
r�pido Quick (misc)
recientemente Recently (misc)
seg�n according (misc)
semanalmente weekly (misc)
seriamente seriously (misc)
siempre always (misc)
sin without (misc)
sin cuidado careless (misc)
sobre about (misc)
tanto so much (misc)
todav�a still (misc)
tras after (misc)
voluntariamente voluntarily (misc)
ya already (misc)

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