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Influence of M-BCR Breakpoint Sites on the Duration of

Chronic Phase in 100 Patients with Chronic

Myelocytic Leukemia

Kimio Tanaka, Tetsuo Hashimoto, Nobuo Oguma, Hiroo Dohy, and

Nanao Kamada

ABSTRACT: Rearrangements of the bcr (M-BCR) gene were studied in 100 patients with chronic myelo-
cytic leukemia (CML). To determine the significance of a chimeric gene expression in the progression of
CML, we analyzed 43 patients for bcr-ABL chimeric m R N A expression. Both DNA and RNA analyses re-
vealed a possible influence of breakpoint sites in the bcr region an the duration of the chronic phase.
Patients with the breakpoint located at about the 1-kb region between BamHI and HindlII in bcr exon 3
(region C2) had a significantly shorter chronic phase (31 months) (p : 0.028) than patients in whom the
breakpoint was located in other regions. When the bcr locus was divided into 5" and 3' regions as for the
BamHI cleavage site located near the 5' region ofbcr exon 3, the chronic phase duration in patients with
the 5' site (HindlII-BamHI) and 3' site (BamHI-EcoBI site) was 75 and 38 months, respectively. However,
the difference was nat statistically significant (p = 0.128). These results suggest that only the breakpoint
site at C2 on the bcr locus, rather than breakpoint sites in other regions, has an important role in the
progression of CML.

Chronic myelocytic leukemia (CML) is a clonal disease with on the effects of expression of the bcr-ABL gene on the dura-
a specific chromosome translocation between chromosomes tion of chronic phase. These latter effects were analyzed in
9 and 22. Breakpoint on chromosome 22 is confined to a very 43 of these patients.
limited region of 5.8 kb, known as the bcr (breakpoint clus-
ter region) or M-BCB (major breakpoint clustering region)
[1, 2]. The relationship between 9;22 chromosomal translo- PATIENTS AND METHODS
cation and chimeric bcr-ABL gene in CML has been well stud-
ied. Chimeric DNA consisting of the 5' bcr and 3' c-ABL on- Patients
cogene expresses 8.5-kb mRNA and p210 c-ABL protein One hundred randomly selected CML patients, who had
instead of 6- or 7-kb mRNA and p145 normal protein [3-5]. visited Hiroshima University Hospital and Hiroshima Red
The bcr-ABL chimeric gene is known to have an important Cross Hospital over the last 13 years, were examined cytoge-
role in the pathogenesis of CML. Although several recent netically. All the patients had the typical clinical and hemato-
studies have reported the relationship between breakpoint logic features of CML with Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome.
site and duration of the chronic phase of this disease [6-21], Samples were collected from 41 patients in the chronic phase,
the results are still contradictory. The present study focused 40 patients in the blastic phase, and 19 patients in both
on the influence of the bcr in 100 patients with CML and chronic and blastic phases. Two or more major parameters
from among the following were used for the diagnosis of blas-
tic phase: the percentages of myeloblasts plus promyelocytes
From the Department of Hematology (K. T., N. 0., N. K.), Re- in peripheral blood and bone marrow were more than 30%
search Institute for Nuclear Medicine & Biology, Hiroshima Univer- and 50%, respectively, there was a rapid increase in lymph
sity; Hiroshima Bed Cross Hospital &Atomic-Bomb Survivors Hos- node adenopathy, in tumor formation, and in the clonal ap-
pital (H. D.), Hiroshima; and The Institute of Statistical Mathematics pearance of additional chromosome aberrations with Ph
(T. H.), Tokyo, Japan. chromosome. All patients received hydroxyurea and/or
Address reprint requests to: Nanao Kamada, M.D., Department
of Hematology, Research Institute for Nuclear Medicine & Biology, busulphan as initial therapy. Seven patients were treated with
Hiroshima University, Kasumi 1-2-3, Minami-ku, Hiroshima 734 Ja- interferon-a as secondary therapy. Patients who had been
pan. Fax No. 082-256-07103. treated by bone marrow transplantation were excluded from
Received April 23, 1993; accepted June Z 1993. this study.

© 1993 Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 70:39-47 (1993)
655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010 0165-4608/93/$06.00
40 K. Tanaka et al.

Chromosome Analysis method, using reverse transcriptase (RT-PCR), as reported

Chromosomal analyses of the bone marrow ceils were per- previously [27]. Four microliters of the amplified cDNA prod-
formed with the same samples that were used for the DNA uct was separated on gel electrophoresis with 1% Seakem
study Chromosomes were analyzed after 24-hour culture and (FMC) and 4% NuSieve (FMC) in I × TBE buffer. The filters
banded with trypsin-Giemsa staining [22]. The karyotypes were hybridized with two radiolabeled oligonucleotide
were determined according to the ISCN (1985) [23]. probes locating the junction regions of bcr exon 2-ABL exon
II, bcr-exon 3-ABL exon II, and BCB exon 1-ABL exon IT(which
DNA Analysis is usually found in Ph positive acute lymphocytic leukemia)
DNA from the leukemic ceils of stored and fresh bone mar- by the 5' end labeling method. The hybridization was per-
row/peripheral blood samples from 100 patients was extracted formed in mixtures containing 6 × SSC + 0.1% SDS at 60°C.
by the phenol-chloroform method. The DNA was digested The synthesis of primers and probes was based on the pub-
with four to eight restriction enzymes, according to the lished sequences [28, 29]. RT-PCR was also performed, using
manufacturer's recommendations. Ten micrograms of DNA c-ABL RNA as a positive control, to detect the expression
fragments were separated by 0.8% agarose gel electrophore- of the c-ABL oncogene.
sis and transferred to nylon membrane filters by the South-
ern method [24]. Hybridization was performed in 50% for- Statistical Analysis
mamide, 20 mM sodium phosphate, 5 x SSCP, sonicated Eighty-eight patients were subjected to statistical analysis.
salmon sperm DNA, 0.1% BI_DTT (skim milk), 5% SDS, and Their histories were retrospectively reviewed, noting clini-
with probes radiolabeled by nick-translation. The probes cal features, including age, sex, hematologic profile at diag-
used were a 1.2-kb fragment of the bcr gene treated with nosis, and the duration of chronic phase. Boxplot distribu-
HindIII-BglII fragment as 3' bcr probe (Oncogene Science Inc.) tions were used for the graphic representation [30]. Estimates
[1]; a O.6-kb HindlII-BamlI fragment; a 2-kb BgllI-HindDI frag- of the duration in chronic phase for different breakpoint
ment; and a 3-kb Hindlll-BglII fragment as 5' bcr probes (these regions were obtained using the Kaplan-Meier product limit
5' bcr probes were obtained from Dr. S. Hirosawa of Tokyo method. Mantel Cox's test was used for detecting significant
Medical & Dental University) [25]. The restriction enzyme differences among patient groups. Multivariate regression
map of the bcr gene and the location of the probes are shown methods, using Cox's proportional hazard model, were also
in Fig. 1. Three probes locating m-BCR (minor breakpoint applied to assess the relative prognostic value of each pa-
clustering region), where the breakpoint region in Phi-posi- tient's characteristics [31, 32]. The program package BMDP
tive acute lymphocytic leukemia is usually found, were also was used for these analyses [33].
used to identify the breakpoint in several CML patients [25].


Total cellular RNA was extracted from the fresh bone mar-
row cells of 43 of the 100 patients by the guanidium isothio- Ph Translocation and bcr Rearrangement
cyanate method, using CsC1 ultracentrifugation [26]. RNA Of the 100 patients, 93 had the standard type of Ph chromo-
expression was examined by a polymerase chain reaction some and seven had complex types, i.e., t(7;9;22)(p13;q34;

Figure 1 Restriction enzyme map of the bcr (M-BCR) gene and location of probes. Regions in and around the bcr
were divided into eight segments: A, B, C1, C2, D, El, E2, and F. Bg: BglII, B: BamHl, H: HindIII, E: EcoRI, K: KpnI,
S: SacI, X: XbaI, Bc: BclI.


reoion ..................... I
! I
. . . . . . .

! !

I I I I t
t I
i I i, i I t

5' 1
T T Bi ' l l
I 3,
H Bg Bg H H Bg H

0.1kbHB 1.2kbHBg

S.Skb H Bg 2kbH BO
M-BCR Breakpoint Site in CML 41

q11), t(9;22;10)(q34;q11;p15), t(9;22;22)(q34;q11;q13), t(4;9;22) two with mixed lymphoid and myeloid crisis, and seven with
(q13;q34;q11), t(9;22;14)(q34;q11;q21), t(9;9;22)(p15;q34;q11), the complex 9;22 translocations did not have any specific
and also a masked Ph chromosome presenting der(9)t(9;22) breakpoint region in the bcr.
(q34;q11). The DNA analyses revealed gene rearrangements
of the M-BCR locus in 98 of the 100 patients. Two patients Expression of bcr-ABL chimeric mRNA
with Ph chromosome did not show rearrangements within RT-PCR analyses were carried out in 43 of the 100 patients.
the bcr (M-BCR). The bcr-ABL chimeric mRNA expression specific for CML
was detected in 41 of the 43 patients studied. Eight of the
Distribution of Breakpoints Within the bcr Locus 43 patients (18.6%) expressed mRNA derived from a junc-
The classical 5.8-kb region of the bcr locus (M-BCR) was tion of bcr exon 2 and ABL exon IT(b2-a), 20 (46.5 %) expressed
divided into eight segments which were designated A, B, mRNA derived from bcr exon 3 and ABL exon II (b3-a), and
C1, C2, D, El, E2, and F according to the cleavage sites of 13 (30.2%) expressed mRNA derived from both types of
the restriction enzyme, as shown in Fig. 1. The distribution mRNA (Fig. 3). The other two patients with the breakpoints
of the breakpoints in the 100 patients is shown in Fig. 2. "outside" the bcr locus had no b3-a or b2-a expression (Fig.
Ninety-one patients had breakpoints in the C1, C2, and D 3). Both DNA and RNA analyses in the same samples from
regions; one patient had a breakpoint in the F region; and each of the 43 patients revealed a clear correlation between
no patients showed breakpoints in the B or E2 regions. Two the breakpoints at the bcr locus and the types of expression
patients had breakpoints outside the bcr (M-BCR), but did in the bcr-ABL mRNA. The majority of the breakpoints oc-
not have breakpoints at m-BCR. The breakpoints of the CML curred between bcr exon 2 and exon 3 (region C1), or between
patients were distributed in a region of about 3-kb length exon 3 and exon 4 (regions C2 and D). Four patients with
within the bcr locus, more restricted than the c o m m o n l y breakpoints at region C1 had only b2-a expression. Two of
reported 5.8-kb region. Nine patients had a deletion of the the four patients with breakpoints in regions C1 or C2 and
bcr locus at the 3' site and three had the deletion at the 5' two of the 12 patients with breakpoints in region C2 showed
site. In those patients with a deletion at the 3' bcr site, rear- only b2-a expression. Seventeen patients with the breakpoint
rangement bands were detected by the 5' bcr probes but not in region D expressed only b3-a, or both b2-a and b3-a. In
by the 3' bcr probe. On the other hand, rearrangement bands the patients with the expression of both b2-a and b3-a, the
were detected by the 3' bcr probe, but not by 5' bcr probes, intensity of the 125-bp product band of b2-a expression was
in the patients with a 5' site deletion (data not shown). No usually faint, suggesting a lower level of expression in these
specific breakpoint site was detected for the patients with patients. These results showed that patients with breakpoints
either 3' or 5' deletions. Eight patients with lymphoid crisis, within intron 2 (between exons 2 and 3) expressed b2-a

Figure 2 Distribution of breakpoints in the bcr (M-BCR) region in 100 patients (refer to Fig. 1 of bcr divisions and
cleavage sites). Fourteen, 30, and 43 patients had breakpoints at the C1, C2, and D regions, respectively. Breakpoints
were distributed within the 30-kb region shown by the hatched zone, covering from exon 2 to exon 4. Nine of the
100 patients (9.0%) had a deletion at the 3' bcr side and three of 100 (3.0%) had a deletion at the 5' bcr side. These
patients also had a similar breakpoint region, i.e., C1, C2, and D. A patient with a 5' bcr deletion had a breakpoint
at region F. Numbers in circles show the numbers of patients whose breakpoint region could be identified in neither
the C1 nor the C2 region. Two patients had breakpoints outside the bcr. Five exons (bcr exons 1 to 5) in and around
the bcr are shown by black boxes. Restriction enzymes, Bg: BglII, B: BamHI, H: HindIII, E: EcoRI.

bcrex°n I I 3~ I I
I 2 5
..... bcr

region , •
A .

B ,C1,C2,
• | |
D ,El .E2.
• • •
• |

H Bg H B H Bg E B H
No.of cases 100 0 0 14 30 43 6 0 1

with 3'bcr 9 2~4 2

deletion ( 9.0 %)
with 5'bcr 3 I I I
deletion (3.0 %)
0 Neither C| nor C2 region w a s identified.
42 K. Tanaka et al.

bcrex°n 1~ ! ~ ~1 !

region .= A = B | C1| C2 | D I E1 ." E2 ," F outside,

H Bg H B H Bg E B H total

DNA analysis 0 0 4 12 17(1) 3 0 1 (1) 2 43cases

RT- PCR analysis
b2-a b3-a
- 4 ~02 8 (18.6%)

-t- -H- 3 7 3 13(30.2%)

- -iF Q~ 7 10(I) !(1) 20(46.5%)
- - 2 2(4.6%)

O N e i t h e r 01 n o r C 2 r e g i o n w a s i d e n t i f i e d .
( ) : 5'bcr deletion
Figure 3 Relationship between the breakpoint region (refer to Fig. 1 for bcr divisions and cleavage sites) and ex-
pression of chimeric bcr-ABL mRNA. The number of patients in each bcr region and the types of bcr-ABL chimeric
mRNA are shown. Forty-three patients were analyzed for both breakpoint region and expression type and the relation-
ship between these factors was studied. Types of bcr-ABL chimeric mRNA detected by RT-PCR analysis were classified
into the following four categories: b2-a (RNA from the junction of bcr exon 2 and the ABL gene), b3-a (RNA from
the junction of bcr exon 3 and the ABL gene) are + . - , + + +, - + . , and - - . One plus (+), two plus (+ +),
and minus ( - ) indicate the expression levels of the chimeric b2 or b3-ABL mRNA. Numbers in circles show numbers
of patients whose breakpoint region could be identified neither in the C1 nor in the C2 region. Numbers in paren-
theses show numbers of patients with the deletion at the 5"side of the bcr. Five exons (bcr exons I to 5) in and around
the bcr are shown by black boxes. Restriction enzyme, Bg: BglII, B: BamHI, H: HindIII, E: EcoRI.

mRNA, w h e r e a s patients w i t h breakpoints w i t h i n intron 3 F). The r e m a i n i n g five patients were in the blastic phase at
(between exons 3 and 4) expressed b3-a, or both b2-a and the time of diagnosis. Of the 88 patients analyzed, 54 evolved
b3-a mRNA. into blastic phase, w i t h the r e m a i n i n g patients being in the
Sequential observations of the chimeric bcr-ABL mRNA chronic phase. The chronic phase patients were censored.
during the course of the disease were studied in 11 of the Distribution of age, WBC, platelet counts, and b a s o p h i l
43 CML patients to check any alteration in the expression percentages are shown in boxplots in Figure 4. The distri-
of the bcr-ABL gene during the clinical course. O n l y two pa- b u t i o n of these parameters d i d not show any differences in
tients showed changes in this expression. One patient ex- the four breakpoint regions (C1, C2, D, and El). The cumula-
p r e s s e d o n l y b3-a mRNA in the chronic phase and subse- tive percent survival of patients in the chronic phase accord-
quently showed both b2-a and b3-a mRNA in the blastic ing to breakpoint regions is shown in Figure 5. The m e d i a n
phase, w h e r e a s the other patient expressed both mRNA (b2- durations of the chronic phase in patients with breakpoints
a and b3-a) in the chronic phase but only b3-a mRNA in the in the C1, C2, ]3, and E1 regions were 75, 31, 57, and 38 months,
blastic phase. respectively. Patients w i t h breakpoints in region C2 h a d the
Expression of the BCR-ABL gene, w h i c h is a chimeric gene shortest chronic phase. A statistically significant difference
resulting from rearrangement at the m-BCB region, was also was observed among regions C1, C2, D, and E1 by Mantel-
e x a m i n e d in 19 CML patients, i n c l u d i n g six w i t h l y m p h o i d Cox's test (p = 0.028) (Fig. 5A). A l t h o u g h the p value could
blast crisis. Only one patient in the chronic phase, w i t h a be slightly higher than this value because of the m u l t i p l e
b r e a k p o i n t in region F a n d also w i t h a deletion at 5' bcr, ex- c o m p a r i s o n p r o b l e m [34], the prognosis of groups C1 and
p r e s s e d BCR-ABL mRNA in a d d i t i o n to the b3-a mRNA. C2 seemed to be clearly different.
Multivariate analyses based on the Cox's proportional haz-
Prognostic Importance of the Breakpoint Site Within ards m o d e l was also u s e d to assess the interactive effects of
the bcr Locus prognostic factors on the duration of the chronic phase. The
Twelve of the 100 patients were excluded from this analysis: results are summarized in Table 1. Breakpoint at C2 (p < 0.05)
seven of these 12 d i d not present specific b r e a k p o i n t sites and a platelet count of less t h a n 150,O00/mm 3 (p < 0.001)
(four had breakpoints in the C1 or C2 region, two had break- were found to be significant prognostic factors w h i c h cor-
points outside the bcr, and one had the breakpoint at region related to shorter duration of the chronic phase. These find-
M-BCR Breakpoint Site in CML 43

(yrl WBC
N IlIHI ••

400101, •

511H • II


40000 • II

Sill • II

60 ~'III • II

1000 • II

5 0 0 • Oil

30 200. O0


50 • O0

10 20 • O0

C1 C2 D E1 Cl C2 D E1
(X l(~/mm 3 ) lILT ('/,), BASO
250 20.0

290 X




C1 C2 D E1 Cl C2 D E1
Breakpoint regions Breakpoint regions

Figure 4 Baxplots[30] showing the distribution of A) Age, B) WBC, C) PLT, and D) BASOfor each breakpoint re-
gion (C1, C2, D, and El). Median and 95% confidence limits are shown by the bar and diamond shape within the
box, respectively. Numbers of patients in regions C1, C2, D, and E1 were 13, 29, 40, and 6, respectively. WBC; white
blood cell counts, PLT; platelet counts, BASO; basophil percent in the peripheral blood.

ings clearly demonstrate that the duration of the chronic respectively (Fig. 5B). However, no prognostic significance
phase in patients with breakpoints at the C2 region was sig- for these breakpoint regions was detected in either of the
nificantly shorter than that in patients with breakpoints in above two categorizations.
the C1 and D regions. To evaluate precisely the role of bcr The correlation between the type of bcr-ABL expression
exons 2 and 3, the bcr was divided into two regions by two and the duration of the chronic phase was also analyzed in
approaches. In the first approach, the bcr locus was divided 43 patients. To date, only four patients with b2-a expression
into two broad regions at the BamH1 cleavage site located and 15 with b3-a or b2-a and b3-a expression have entered
just before exon 3, resulting in the 5' site having the C1 re- the blastic phase. The median duration of the chronic phase
gion and the 3' site having the C2 + D + E1 regions. The in the b2-a group and the b3-a or b2-a and b3-a group was
median duration in the chronic phase of patients with break- 62 and 37 months, respectively. However, at the time of writ-
points in the C1 region and the C2 + D + E1 group was 75 ing, Mantel Cox's test has not shown any statistically signifi-
and 38 months, respectively. In the second approach, the cant difference between the groups showing the two types
bcr locus was divided into two regions at the HindIII cleav- of expression (p = 0.71).
age site located in intron 3, resulting in the 5' site having
the C1 + C2 regions and the 3' site having the D + E1 regions.
The median durations at C1 + C2 and D + E1 were 55 and DISCUSSION
67 months, respectively (Fig. 5C). The categorization of the To detect the precise breakpoint site, multiple analyses were
breakpoint regions, C2 + D + E1 versus C1 and D + E1 versus performed with several restriction enzymes and four bcr
C1 + C2, was also confirmed independently by multivari- probes. This study design remarkably reduced the chance
ance analysis. The estimated hazard ratios for C2 + D + E1 of misidentification of the breakpoint sites and also mini-
versus C1 and D + E1 versus C1 + C2 were 1.9168 and 0.8143, mized the problems usually engendered by the presence of
44 K. Tanaka et al.

A iN [35]. We illustrate that the breakpoints of 98 patients with
the bcr rearrangement occurred in a more restricted region
of about 3 kb in the center of the bcr locus than that of the
commonly reported 5.8-kb region [1].
Shtivelman et al. [36] proposed alternative splicing mech-
n anisms in the bcr-ABL junction in the case of the simultane-
ous expression of b2-a and b3-a mRNA. The RT-PCR analy-
ses carried out in this study in 43 patients revealed the
c,L expression of b2-a to be only 18.6% and the expression of

t- 7_7
" . . . . I
. . . . .

~°°°~ ]
b2-a and b3-a together to be 46.5%. These frequencies were
almost the same as those estimated previously [37].
Our sequential analysis of 19 patients selected at random
revealed no change in the breakpoint region during chronic
0 ~o ~, ,i0 iu ,~ and blast phases. This absence of any alteration indicates that
~aUon of ~ l~OO (mona)
our study of 100 patients (considering no change in the break-
g iN point site in any of the patients) was of great value for the
precise statistical estimation of prognosis, irrespective of
stage. The sequential RNA study also showed a very low fre-
quency of alterations in b2-a and b3-a expression types by

|,, phases.
Mills et al. [38] recently proposed the importance of pres-
ence of bcr exon 3 in hybrid mRNA for determining progno-
sis to blast crisis in CML. In the present study, the influence
of the bcr breakpoint sites on the duration of the chronic
phase was analyzed using both DNA and RNA samples from

J, ......;
the same patients. Those patients with a breakpoint in the
C2 region had a shorter chronic phase than those with a
breakpoint in the C1 region (Fig. 5A, Table 1). Further, in
o " ~o " m • lio " io " m the C2 region the patients were heterogenous with expres-
DulTtlon of chronic phaee(monthe) sion of b2-a or b2-a and b3-a or b3-a (10 of 12 patients had
b2-a and b3-a or b3-a expression and two of 12 patients had
b2-a expression). Taking into consideration our results for
C ~v~,
N oIN .0~_~. both the DNA and RNA analyses in the same patients (Fig.
3), we believe that the occurrence of a shorter chronic phase
in patients with a breakpoint in the C2 region does not seem
|,, , to be due to the presence of exon 3 in the C2 region of the
bcr locus. The C2 region, which is about I kb in length, con-
Z tains bcr exon 3 and also splicing donor sites to express two
3N kinds of bcr-ABL mRNA [37]. The presence of DNA-specific
binding proteins in and around bcr exon 3 would also sup-

I" . . . .
. o . . .
port the idea that transcriptional regulatory factors in the bcr
locus might affect the expression of bcr-ABL mRNA [39] and
that this might be associated with the duration of the chronic
phase. The carboxy-terminal BCR protein domains encoded
| lii I rim N IN
Om',,Uonof ~ phame(monU,~,) by the 3' site of the BCR gene might also involve the bcr re-
gion, which has a high homology with p85 proteins bind-
Figure 5 Cumulative survival curves showing the duration of ing to the SH2 region of c-ABL protein [40] and also GTPase-
chronic phase according to breakpoint regions. A) Comparison activating proteins for RAS-related GTP-binding protein,
among the four groups C1, C2, D, and El; B) comparison between
the two groups, C1 and C2 + D + El; C) comparison between the p21 rac [41]. This suggests that the 3' site of the BCR region
two groups, C1 + C2 and D + El. Mantel Cox's test was used for might play an important role in the activation and regula-
statistical analysis. A statistically significant differencewas observed tion of c-ABL-or RAS-related oncogenes and that it may also
among C1, C2, D, and E1 regions (P = 0.028). Numbers of patients influence the clinical course of CML.
in regions C1, C2, D, and E1 were 13, 29, 40, and 6, respectively. There have been affirmatory [6-13] and contradictory
reports [14-20] concerning the relationship between the
breakpoint sites at the 3' region and the greater duration of
chronic phase in such patients than in patients with the
restriction enzyme fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) breakpoint at the 5' site of the bcr. Jaubert et al. [17]and others
and comigration of rearranged bands with germ line frag- [14-16, 18-20] found no significant difference in the dura-
ments. RFLP involving BglIl, BamHI, and EcoRI restriction tion of the chronic phase in patients who had breakpoints
enzyme sites in the bcr have been reported by several authors at the 5' and 3' sites of the bcr locus. This different finding
M-BCR Breakpoint Site i n CML 45

Table 1 Hazard ratio for prognostic factors estimated by proportional hazard model °
Standardized Influence for
regression Hazard the duration of
Parameters b coefficient ratio Probability chronic phase d
Breakpoint region (I)c C2 vs C1 2.5421 3.7393 p K 0.05 Negative
D vs C1 1.1623 1.6638 n.s.
E1 vs C1 1.0834 2.2614 n.s.
Breakpoint region (II)c C1 vs D - 1.1623 0.6010
C2 vs D 2.2024 2.2474 p ( 0.05 Negative
E vs D 0.4633 1.3592
Sex Male vs Female 1.2251 1.5090 n.s.
Age (years) age 1> 60 vs age ~ 60 1.1559 1.5844 n.s.
WBC (/mm3) WBC /> 100,000 vs WBC K 100,000 1.4510 1.5667 n.s.
Platelet counts PLT ~ 150,000 vs 150,000 x< PLT K 800,000 3.3879 4.8319 p ( 0.001 Negative
(/mma) PLT >/800,00 vs 150,000 ~< PLT K 800,000 - 1.0650 0.5991 n.s.
Basophil (%) basophil >/ 7.0% vs basophil ~( 7.0% 1.2883 1.5452 n.s.
n.s.: not significant
a The five patients in blastic phase at the time of diagnosiswere excluded in this analysis.Numberof patients in regions C1, C2, D, and E1 were 13, 29,
40, and 6, respectively.
b Patients correspondingto the conditions shown in the right hand of 'VS' were regarded as a baseline population.
c With respect to the evaluation of breakpoint regions, either C1 or D was independentlyregarded as a baseline population.
d Breakpoint at C2 and platelet count less than 150,000/mma were significantlycorrelated with the shorter duration of chronic phase.

might be due to the presence of a large n u m b e r of censored at this bcr locus is not a rare p h e n o m e n o n . One patient with
cases, misidentification of the breakpoint region, and varia- the 5' bcr deletion showed l y m p h o i d phenotype in the blas-
tions in the division of the bcr locus as per the cleavage sites. tic phase (data not shown). Other evidence showing a possi-
Most authors divided intron 3 into two regions, separated ble relationship between 5' bcr deletion and lymphoid pheno-
by the HindIII cleavage site between exons 3 a n d 4, as 5' and type has been observed in a CML patient with blast crisis
3' bcr regions. Using this division, we were unable to detect [45] and in a patient with Ph positive acute lymphocytic
any statistically significant prognostic difference between the leukemia with T-cell phenotype [46].
two groups [C1 + C2 and D + El). Moreover, w h e n we The correlation between the breakpoint site in the bcr lo-
divided the bcr locus into two regions separated by the BamHI cus and the duration of the chronic phase suggests an im-
cleavage site just before exon 3 (C1 and C2 + D + El), in portant role for the bcr-ABL gene in the pathogenesis of CML.
order to elucidate the difference i n biological significance Daley et al. [47] and others [48-50] have clearly demonstrated
between bcr exons 2 and 3, there was no statistically signifi- that the bcr-ABL gene or p210 protein behaves as an oncogene
cant difference between these two groups. However, we can- i n hematopoietic stem cells, i n d u c i n g granulocytic or lym-
not deny the possibility that no prognostic difference was phocytic neoplasms i n mice. Further studies of the function
detected due to the small n u m b e r of patients whose break- of the bcr-ABL chimeric gene and p210 protein are essential
points were w i t h i n the C1 region. In our series, 61.4 % of the for the u n d e r s t a n d i n g of the pathogenesis of h u m a n CML.
patients (54 of 88) i n c l u d e d for statistical analyses had de- Our multi-faceted study of the bcr-ABL gene in 100 patients
veloped blastic phase. Therefore, this study showed more has demonstrated the possible influence of breakpoint sites
definite duration of the chronic phase in each patient than on the progression of CML.
that shown in other reports.
Seven of the 100 CML patients had been exposed to high
We wish to thank Dr. Ahmed M. Mansoor for his critical reading
doses of atomic bomb radiation in Hiroshima. Although a
and correction of this manuscript, Dr. S. Mizutani, Dr. K. Nakamura,
significant increase of CML has been observed among and Mr. H. Tazawa for their kind help in PCR analysis, and Dr. S.
Hiroshima atomic bomb survivors [42], those patients with Hirosawa for kindly providing the 5' bcr probes. This study was sup-
atomic bomb radiation-induced CML did not show any spe- ported, in part, by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the
cific breakpoint region in the bcr [43]. Thus, the presence Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan (#01480534) and
of patients exposed to atomic bomb radiation in our series Grant from Sankyo Foundation of Life Science (1990 and 1991).
did not seem to influence our results.
Because all CML patients generally develop blastic phase,
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