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fea ture d c o l u m n s

Thinking issues
sideration as a candidate project. Good
Tony candidates for a literature review are well
thought through, address one or more
Clear clear research questions and are soundly
framed. Possible extensions to this model
involving a more practical component,
could involve undertaking simulation
experiments or replications of prior studies
for which the data or software could be
readily obtained. As with any capstone
project, proposed literature review projects

Systematic Literature Reviews and need to gain approval through our normal
project vetting process.
A thoroughly conducted systematic

Undergraduate review can be time consuming and chal-

lenging, even for more senior students
and researchers. Therefore, an active level

of supervisory guidance must be provided
for undergraduate students to help scaf-
fold the learning. In practice the system-
atic review will often take on the broader
survey-like aspects of a systematic map-
ping study [3, 4], through classifying and
A recent addition to our capstone 8. Interpret results to determine their thematically analysing the literature on a
project options in the Bachelor of Com- applicability. selected topic. The initial research ques-
puter and Information Sciences has been 9. Write-up study as a report”. tion as noted in [4] may also be somewhat
the opportunity for students to under- generic and the focus may be on research
take reviews of the research literature, as The program requires identification of trends (such as which researchers, how
opposed to the more traditional projects a project sponsor who has a need for a much activity, what type of studies etc.).
involving developing a software artefact review with a suitable scope for con- Thus, a limited mapping study could form
of some form. This offers an alternative the first stage of the review, followed by a
for those students taking less software in- more focused review component driven by
tensive majors/courses, or who have more
of an interest in research. These projects
A thoroughly more specific research questions, in order
to offer a manageable project for the
involve conducting a full systematic review conducted systematic student(s). While normally this model suits
on a topic of interest.
Systematic Literature reviews are a review can be time an individual project, we have conducted
some reviews in pairs.
common research approach within the consuming and We have found it useful to follow
software engineering discipline, and are a structured process for the review, as
required to adhere to well defined proto- challenging, even for outlined in Figure 1, adapted from Jalali &
cols cf. [1].
As noted in [2],
more senior students Wohlin [3].
This tightly structured process gives
“Systematic review guidelines [1] rec- and researchers. good guidance to students, and we have
ommend the following steps:
1. Identify the need for a systematic
Therefore, an active found for students with English as an
additional language (EAL), or students
literature review. level of supervisory without a record of high achievement in
2. F ormulate review research question(s). their prior courses, it helps break down
3. C arry out a search for relevant studies. guidance must be the task into more manageable chunks.
4. A ssess and record the quality of in-
cluded studies.
provided for These can progressively produce demon-
strable intermediate results, prior to the
5. C lassify data needed to answer the undergraduate challenging final analysis and synthesis in
research question(s).
6. E xtract data from each included study.
students to help which the findings and the implications of
the review draw together.
7. S ummarize and synthesize study scaffold the learning. As part of the final package which
results (meta-analysis). includes a draft article for publication

10  acm Inroads  2012 December  •  Vol. 3  •  No. 4

f eat u red col umns

has been added to encour-

age a critical evaluation of
the article under review for
a bibliography entry. This
rubric is still experimental at
undergraduate level, but we
have found that it provides a
useful checklist for students
to consider when writing
their entry/review, and aids
formative feedback over the
depth of critical analysis and
the quality of their work.
In conclusion, we have
found that systematic litera-
ture reviews offer an accept-
ably challenging yet well-
structured research option
for our capstone projects,
they offer flexibility for single
students who might not be
suited to a team environ-
ment and they have proven
successful for sponsors,
supervisors and students.
Figure 1: Search strategy and Process (ex. [3 p. 47]) Raising the final submissions
to a standard suitable for
delivered to their client, we have also re- include, “concise summary – yes /no?” publication is our next challenge. Ir
quired the progressive compilation of an and “key points and findings without
annotated bibliography [5] (and accom- obvious omissions?” Questions demand- References
panying Endnote™ or Bibtex reference ing critique include, “areas of particular [1] Kitchenham, B. Procedures for Performing Systematic Re-
views. Technical Report TR/SE-0401 NICTA 04000111T.1,
file), to capture students’ reviews of the strength or weakness?” and “any signifi- National ICT Australia Ltd, Software Engineering Group,
selected articles. This output directed ac- cant omissions?” Presentation questions Department of Computer Science, Keele University,
Canberra Australia, Keele United Kingdom, 2004.
tivity helps both students and supervisors include “coherence and structure of [2] Noll, J., Beecham, S., & Richardson, I. (2010). Global
to track the progress of their reading, critique?” and “referencing appropriate Software Development and Collaboration: Barriers and
Solutions ACM Inroads, 1(3), 66-78.
and to produce discrete and measurable and relevant?” [3] Jalali, S. and Wohlin, C. Agile Practices in Global Software
deliverables as the process continues. From experience in applying the rubric Engineering - A Systematic Map. Dubinski, Y. and Milews-
ki, A. eds. Global Software Engineering (ICGSE), 2010
These summary entries “must have as a diagnostic tool with research students 5th IEEE International Conference on, IEEE, Princeton, NJ,
substance” and should “synthesize the studying at Master’s level, it helps to 2010, 45-54.
[4] Kitchenham, B., Budgen, D. and Brereton, O. Using
contents in a concise paragraph” [5]. A diagnose their ability to review an article mapping studies as the basis for further research - A
suggested length for an entry is between critically. For instance, a common pattern participant observer case study. Information and Software
Technology, 53. 638-651.
one and two pages, but this is flexible, is a ‘yes’ for “key points and findings’, [5] Hooks, J. and F Corbett Jr Information literacy for
for instance in [5], it is recommended indicating the ability to describe the con- off-campus graduate cohorts: Collaboration between a
university librarian and a Master’s of Education faculty.
that: “annotations should be at least one tents of an academic paper. By contrast, Library Review, 54 (4). 245 – 256.
half-page in length”. often we see a pattern of several ‘no’s for
Students can then use these entries to the more critical perspectives evidenced
Tony Clear
assist them in the later synthesis process by identifying strengths and weaknesses; School of Computing and
for their review. Supervisors can use them deficiencies in methodology; significant Mathematical Sciences
Auckland University of Technology
to give regular feedback to students and omissions; and subsequent developments. Private Bag 92006
aid them to develop their critical facul- This enables a criterion-focused discussion Auckland, 1142 New Zealand
ties. The assessment rubric for an article with students about the level of evalua-
summary/bibliography entry includes a tion beyond description that is required
set of simple “yes/no” questions relat- to produce a critical review of an article.
ing to content, critique and presentation. A quality judgement question, relating DOI: 10.1145/2381083.2381087
For instance, content related questions to “evidence for authority of source?” Copyright held by author.

2012 December  •  Vol. 3  •  No. 4  acm Inroads  11

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