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2:07 post meridiem. Tuesday 4th October ’16. Eliza Bulbrook.

Lynn Gordon, 52 great

books to read list.
Author. Title.
Maya Angelou. I know why the caged bird sings.
Margaret Atwood. The handmaid’s tale.
James Baldwin. The fire next time.
JM Barrie. Peter Pan.
L Frank Baum. The wonderful wizard of Oz.
Samuel Beckett. Waiting for Godot.
Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451.
Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyre.
Albert Camus. The stranger.
Truman Capote. In cold blood.
Lewis Carroll. Alice’s adventures in wonderland.
Raymond Chandler. The big sleep.
Agatha Christie. Ten little Indians.
Arthur Conan Doyle. The hound of the Baskervilles.
Antoine de Saint Exupery. The little prince.
Charles Dickens. A tale of two cities.
Ralph Ellison. Invisible man.
F Scott Fitzgerald. The great Gatsby.
Kahlil Gibran. The prophet.
Jacob Grimm, & Wilhelm Grimm’s fairytales.
Nathaniel Hawthorne. The scarlet letter.
Robert Heinlein. Stranger in a strange land.
Ernest Hemingway. The old man, & the sea.
Zora Neale Hurston. Their eyes were watching god.
Aldous Huxley. Brave new world.
Henry James. Portrait of a lady.
Franz Kafka. The metamorphosis.
Ken Kesey. One flew over the cuckoo’s nest.
DH Lawrence. Lady Chatterley’s lover.
Harper Lee. To kill a mockingbird.
CS Lewis. The lion, the witch, & the wardrobe.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez. One hundred years of solitude.
Arthur Miller. Death of a salesman.
Margaret Mitchell. Gone with the wind.
Toni Morrison. Song of Solomon.
Vladimir Nabokov. Lolita.
George Orwell. Animal farm.
Sylvia Plath. The bell jar.
Edgar Allan Poe. Tales of Edgar Allan Poe.
Mario Puzo. The godfather.
Ayn Rand. The fountainhead.
Jean Rhys. Wide Sargasso sea.
JD Salinger. The catcher in the rye.
William Shakespeare. Hamlet.
Gertrude Stein. The autobiography of Alice B Toklas.
John Steinbeck. The grapes of wrath.
Mark Twain. The adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Alice Walker. The colour purple.
HG Wells. The war of the worlds.
Edith Wharton. The age of innocence.
Virginia Woolf. To the lighthouse.
Richard Wright. Native son.

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