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DOI: 10.1111/imr.



Immunological memory: What’s in a name?

Thomas Pradeu1  | Louis Du Pasquier2

ImmunoConcept, CNRS & University of
Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France Summary
Institute of Zoology, University of Basel, Immunological memory is one of the core topics of contemporary immunology. Yet
Basel, Switzerland
there are many discussions about what this concept precisely means, which compo-
Correspondence nents of the immune system display it, and in which phyla it exists. Recent years have
Thomas Pradeu, ImmunoConcept,
seen the multiplication of claims that immunological memory can be found in “innate”
UMR5164, University of Bordeaux,
Bordeaux, France. immune cells and in many phyla beyond vertebrates (including invertebrates, plants,
but also bacteria and archaea), as well as the multiplication of concepts to account for
Funding information these phenomena, such as “innate immune memory” or “trained immunity”. The aim
H2020 European Research Council, Grant/
of this critical review is to analyze these recent claims and concepts, and to distin-
Award Number: 637647
guish ideas that have often been misleadingly associated, such as memory, adaptive
immunity, and specificity. We argue that immunological memory is a gradual and
multidimensional phenomenon, irreducible to any simple dichotomy, and we show
why adopting this new view matters from an experimental and therapeutic point of

evolution, innate immunity, lymphocytes, priming, somatic recombination, trained immunity

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N recent years have witnessed two key extensions of the concept of
immunological memory: a “cellular” extension and a “taxonomic” ex-
There is no doubt that immunological memory is one of the central tension. The cellular extension describes the fact that immunological
concepts of contemporary immunology.1 In fact, the very notions of memory, long thought as a phenomenon limited to the lymphocytic
“immunity” and “immunization” are directly related to the idea of im- compartment of vertebrates,6,7 is now said to exist in various types
munological memory. Immunological memory has been traditionally of “innate” or “innate-­like” immune cells (such as natural killer [NK]
understood as a long-­term acquired protection, either through infec- cells,8-10 gamma-delta T cells,11,12 macrophages, monocytes,13 etc.)
tion or vaccination. 2-4 Later, immunological memory came to have in vertebrates. The taxonomic extension relates to the abundance
a more specific meaning, namely the capacity to mount a quicker of claims about the existence of an immunological memory in inver-
and more efficient immune response when a given antigen is met a tebrates,14-16 plants,17,18 and even in bacteria and archaea,19 where
second time. 1 the term “memory” is generally used, in fact, in the first above sense
Despite the centrality of the notion of immunological memory, (namely, acquired protection). For some, the cellular and the taxo-
there are many uncertainties about what it means, and in which nomic extensions have together led to a “paradigm shift”, 20,21 as im-
components of the immune system as well as in which phyla it can munological memory can no longer be equated with the traditional
be found. Until recently, the dogma of contemporary immunology concept of immunological memory, limited to B and T lymphocytes,
was that only jawed vertebrates, using somatic rearrangement and and based on somatic recombination and clonal expansion.
clonal expansion of lymphocytes, displayed immunological mem- Following these two extensions, the notion of immunological
ory—though with considerable variations according to classes. Yet, 5 memory is now used in many different, heterogeneous, senses. For
example, scientists have talked about immunological memory to de-
scribe phenomena having very different durations, from a few days in
This article is part of a series of reviews covering Immunologic Memory appearing in
Volume 283 of Immunological Reviews. some invertebrates (eg, 15) to several decades or even the entire life

Immunological Reviews. 2018;283:7–20.   © 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S. |  7
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

in the mammalian immune system (eg, 22). Furthermore, immunologi- Although the underlying idea of acquired protection is very
cal memory is sometimes understood as a phenomenon consisting in old, the notion of “immunological memory” (sometimes “immune”
two responses (that is, a first effector immune response, then extin- or “immunologic” memory) as such is much more recent. It became
guished, and then followed by a second, stronger, effector immune widely used in the scientific literature in the 1950s and 1960s. 29,30
response), while in other cases it is a phenomenon consisting in a sin- Immunological memory is initially a metaphor, given that the capacity
gle, persisting, response, potentially modified by boosts. In parallel, to remember is cognitive in nature. Some immunologists, especially
novel terms have been suggested to account for recently described Nobel laureate Niels Jerne, have gone quite far in the endowment of
phenomena, such as “innate immune memory”20 or “trained immu- the immune system with cognitive-­like capacities,31-33 but most im-
nity”. Given this multiplication of words, concepts, and meanings, munologists seem to favor a more restrictive and mechanistic under-
one may wonder whether the notion of immunological memory is standing of the notion of immunological memory. As immunologists
sufficiently unified and well-­defined to remain scientifically fruitful. of the 1950s and 1960s understood it, immunological memory was
The chief aim of this critical conceptual review is to explore mechanistically a product of the activities of B and T lymphocytes,
and compare the different meanings of the notion of immunolog- with a major role played by antibodies.34
ical memory, and to try to determine whether the concept should Until recently, the dogma of contemporary immunology was
be divided into several distinct and well-­d efined dimensions. We that only jawed vertebrates, using somatic rearrangement and most
show that there has too often been a confusion between the phe- importantly clonal proliferation of lymphocytes, displayed immu-
nomenon of immunological memory (ie, the fact that a stronger nological memory.5,24 Surprisingly, this dogma neglected many
immune response occurs) and its underlying mechanisms (ie, the experimental results showing the existence of different forms of
pathways through which this stronger immune response is real- “immunological memory” in invertebrates and even in plants (see
ized). This confusion has created problematic “mindsets”, by which below). Moreover, recent years have shown that memory cells of
for example the search for similar mechanisms across phyla has adaptive systems were much more diverse than expected.35 There
hindered the recognition of similar phenomena. Moreover, we are, for example, at least 3 subsets of memory T cells: central mem-
argue that many notions that have been conflated must be dis- resident memory T cells.36,37
ory, effector memory, and tissue-­
tinguished, particularly “adaptive immunity”, “memory”, and Immunological memory is therefore much more complex and het-
“specificity”. We propose that immunological memory is “multiply erogeneous than usually thought, but despite these very important
realizable”, which means that it can be achieved through extremely qualifications, the idea that immunological memory was limited to
different mechanisms. 26 Immunological memory is a gradual and vertebrates displaying somatic recombination and clonal prolifera-
multidimensional phenomenon, and therefore cannot be captured tion long remained dominant. However, the last two decades have
by any dichotomy. One important consequence of these claims is witnessed an increasing recognition of two major extensions in
that, in our view, both the old dogma (ie, only vertebrates pos- the scope of immunological memory—one cellular, the other taxo-
sess immunological memory) and its critique (ie, immunological nomic—leading to what can be called an “extended view” of immu-
memory is found almost ubiquitously across immune systems) are nological memory.
problematic, and only a thorough conceptual analysis will lay the
foundation for a rigorous assessment of the extension of the phe-
nomenon of immunological memory. 3 | FI R S T E X TE N S I O N O F TH E N OTI O N
C E LL S ?
2 |  I M M U N O LO G I C A L M E M O RY: A S H O RT
H I S TO RY Immunological memory, long thought as a phenomenon limited to B
and T lymphocytes and based on somatic recombination and clonal
The general idea underlying the concept of immunological memory proliferation,6,7 is now said to exist in a large variety of immune cells,
is ancient. It refers to the very broad thought that the body exposed including NK cells, macrophages, and monocytes. This section ex-
to a pathogen can acquire a long-­term protection against that par- amines how this extension occurred, and on which molecular mech-
ticular pathogen. This idea can be traced back to Antiquity. Later, anisms these alternative modalities of immunological memory are
vaccination was developed on the basis of this same concept. The based.
procedure of “inoculation” of a benign form of smallpox has existed One important source of confusion comes from the frequent
for a very long time, at least since tenth century China, and per- but inappropriate association between “adaptive” immunity and im-
haps as early as Antiquity. 27 This was later called “variolation”, after munological memory on the one hand, and “innate” immunity and
Edward Jenner’s work at the end of the 18th century. 28 More gener- absence of immunological memory on the other (eg, 1,8,25). All these
ally, modern vaccination, as developed by Pasteur, Koch, and many terms are the result of a long and chaotic history, which has led to nu-
others, also rests on the very broad idea that the body can acquire merous ambiguities.38-42 A reasonable attitude is to define “innate”
a specific protection against a pathogen, and therefore become “im- immunity as germline-­encoded, and “adaptive” immunity as based
mune” to its effects. on somatic recombination and other somatic adaptations.42 With

such a definition, components of the innate immune system can they had suggested in 2011, inspired by studies done in plants, inver-
perfectly mediate immunological memory in the sense of a stronger tebrates, and NK cells in vertebrates. They oppose trained immunity
and quicker response upon secondary stimulation.1 Another source to “classical immunological memory” on the ground that trained im-
of confusion concerns the different uses of the notion of “specific- munity involves distinct cells and molecules, is non-­specific, is based
ity”: biochemical specificity (in terms of receptor-­ligand interactions) on epigenetic reprogramming, and lasts weeks to months rather
should not be confused with target-­specificity (eg, the recognition than years.61
of a single pathogen, or a family of pathogens with a very limited Other cells in which immunological memory exists include
distribution). ­gamma-delta T cells,11,12 and innate lymphoid cells.62 Given all these
A key step in the cellular extension of immunological memory data, the restriction of the phenomenon of immunological m
­ emory to
concerns NK cells. NK cells are usually considered as innate lympho- B or T cell-­mediated adaptive immunity must clearly be r­ ejected,61 as
cytes (their receptors are germ-­line encoded), activated by a complex at least some hallmarks of immunological memory exist in ­so-­called
balance of activating and inhibitory signals, with an important role in “innate” immune cells.
immune responses against infected, transformed, or allogenic cells.
Recently, many authors have proposed that NK cells are capable of
immunological memory.8-10,43-45 Sensitization with haptens of mice 4 | S ECO N D E X TE N S I O N O F TH E N OTI O N
lacking T and B cells leads to the generation of hapten-­specific mem- O F I M M U N O LO G I C A L M E M O RY: W H I C H
ory NK cells.46 The recall response persists for more than 4 months PH Y L A?
after priming, and can be adoptively transferred to naive mice.47
Recently, it was shown that the NLRP3 inflammasome is a critical The second currently discussed extension of the notion of immuno-
proinflammatory checkpoint in the induction of hapten-­dependent logical memory is taxonomic. Indeed, there has been in recent years
memory NK cell.48 Moreover, NK cells can exhibit a memory specific a growing recognition that immunological memory, traditionally
to a given virus, such as mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV). Virus-­ conceived as limited to vertebrates, was actually found across phyla,
specific memory NK cells are also found in non-­human primates49 including in invertebrates, plants, and even bacteria and archaea. As
and humans.50,51 Crucially, NK cells that respond to MCMV undergo a matter of fact, the long-­dominant idea that immunological memory
all four phases of the classical T or B cell response to a pathogen, is found only in vertebrates endowed with B and T lymphocytes ne-
namely expansion, contraction, memory maintenance, and recall glected the numerous experimental results showing the existence
(secondary response).8 NK cell memory can also be induced by an of different forms of immunological memory in invertebrates and
inflammatory cytokine milieu (typically IL-­12, IL-­15, and IL-­18), in the plants. In this section, we first review the evidence that has been
absence of a defined antigen, for up to 4 months.52,53 Overall, NK accumulated during the 20th century about immunological memory
cells can exhibit antigen-­specific and relatively long-­lasting mem- in invertebrates and plants, before turning to claims made since the
ory45 and, from a functional viewpoint, secondary NK responses 2000s about supposedly ground-­breaking discoveries on inverte-
upon re-­
stimulation are stronger than primary responses, both brate immunological memory.
quantitatively and qualitatively (though they might be similar to pri- In invertebrates, there have been attempts since at least the
mary responses kinetically). 1960s to assess the existence of an immunological memory in the
Some features of immunological memory are also found in mac- context of transplantation. In the early 1960s, the Nobel prize
rophages. Early studies showed that macrophages could be plastic awarded to Burnet and Medawar for the discovery of immunolog-
and “adaptive”: they can alter expression of pattern recognition ical tolerance in mammals (essentially based on skin transplantation
receptors, leading to increased recognition of a broad spectrum of studies) raised the attention of some zoologists to the immunological
pathogens, enhancement of effector functions, and altered regu- nature of graft rejection, which could show specificity and memory.
lation of the inflammatory response.54,55 In addition, it was shown They wondered whether this immunological nature of graft rejec-
that macrophages could be primed by LPS and rendered more or less tion was a general phenomenon, ie, whether it could also be demon-
responsive to subsequent activation signals. strated in vertebrates other than warm blooded animals and perhaps
A set of recent and mechanistically very interesting studies have even in invertebrates. Therefore, many zoologists investigated spe-
shown that monocytes and macrophages exposed to C. albicans or cific memory in cold-­blooded vertebrates and invertebrates in the
β-­glucans exhibited an enhanced response to subsequent stimula- context of graft rejection.63 The protocols were borrowed directly
tion with unrelated pathogens or pathogen-­associated molecular from mammalian studies:
patterns (PAMPs), and that this enhanced response was mediated
by epigenetic reprogramming.13,57 Very recently, a series of five 1. Application of a skin graft, or body wall segment, followed by
studies has shown that trained immunity could operate by both my- observation of acceptance or rejection.
eloid skewing of the hematopoietic compartment and cell-­intrinsic 2. After complete rejection of the first graft, application of a second
changes (with a role for glycolysis, mevalonate synthesis, and mTOR graft from the same donor to the same host, in parallel with a graft
activation) (58,59; reviewed in60). Netea and colleagues24 see in these from a third-party, genetically unrelated, donor as a control. If
studies a confirmation of the concept of “trained immunity”, which memory was present, then the second graft from the same donor

was rejected faster than the first. If specific memory was present, In jawless vertebrates such as the lamprey and hagfish an im-
then the third-party graft was rejected like the first one, and not portant discovery was that of a variation on the theme of clonal
like the second one. selection, thanks to a new type of somatically generated variable
lymphocyte receptor system, based neither on immunoglobulin su-
Most of the early papers on this topic found specificity and mem- perfamily nor on recombination-­activating genes (RAG).64 In this
ory in graft rejection, mainly done at this early time in earthworms system, cytidine deaminases, AID-­like enzymes generate somati-
(Table 1). But these results were deeply biased by the mindset installed cally, in the agnathan lymphocytes, a highly diversified repertoire of
by studies made in warm blooded vertebrates, and most of them suf- Leucine rich repeats receptors.
fered from imperfect controls. In invertebrates, innate immunity is due to variation in the regu-
Although demonstration of specific memory was easily obtained lation of transcription of immunity-­related genes, not to clonal pro-
for reptiles, amphibians, and fish, doubts were raised in invertebrates liferation of effector cells. Vertebrate immunological memory being
when many experiments could not be confirmed, or were not done based on clonal proliferation, it was easy to conclude, prematurely
with the appropriate controls (Table 1). The generalization to all phyla perhaps, that memory did not exist in invertebrates. In fact, what
and classes of the notion of specific immunological memory was there- was shown was only that the type of immunological memory based
fore problematic and if allorecognition was demonstrated throughout on clonal proliferation did not exist in invertebrates. But this did
phyla, specificity and memory in the vertebrate sense were not. Some not mean that they could not display other types of immunologi-
cases remained suggestive of their existence, but with some uncer- cal memory. In fact, there are many reasons to moderate this highly
tainty about specificity (in echinoderms and nemerteans, for instance). restrictive conception of immunological memory based on clonal

TA B L E   1   Immunological memory in transplantation experiments in invertebrates and vertebrates

Graft type Rejection time in days

Second set
Phylum or class Host species Allo or Xeno First set (third set) Third party Claim Refs
Porifera Callyspongia Allo 7-­11 3.8-­7.2 4.6-­6.8 Specific short-­term
Hymeniacidon Allo 5-­11 7.9-­8.0 5.4-­12.25 No memory
Ephydatia Allo No memory
Axinella Allo No memory
Cnidaria Montipora Allo 19.2-­25.3 11.6-­14.4 18.4-­28.5 Specific memory
Eunicella Allo, Xeno No memory in vitro
killing assays
Anthopleura Allo No memory
Nemertea Lineus Xeno 14-­16 6.8-­9.8 12.3-­18.0 Specific memory
Annelida Lumbricus Allo 7-­60 4-­32 5-­81 Accelerated rejection,
weak specificity, and
short-­term memory
Eisenia Allo Conflicting results
Xeno Conflicting results
Arthropoda Periplaneta Allo 7 3-­5 7 Specific memory
(hemocyte transfer)
Allo No rejection
Xeno Non-­specific priming
(cuticle transfer)
Mollusca Biomphalaria Allo, Xeno Hardly any rejection
Echinodernata Dermasterias Allo 213 44.2 (8.0) 300 (47) Specific memory
Lytechinus Allo 38 12 12 Memory without
Tunicata Styela Allo 38.2 22.0 30.0 Specific memory
Botryllus Allo 13-­53 7-­62 ND No memory
Agnatha Eptatretus Allo 71.9 28.0 19-­85 Specific memory
Gnathostomata Xenopus Allo 30.9 18.6 35.0 Specific memory

proliferation. For example, it has been demonstrated that there ex- variation from one class of animals to the other (see also below the
ists a population of long lived plasma cells responsible for a different section Immunological memory as a multidimensional and gradual
form of memory in mammals,65 and analogous situations could cer- concept). If mammals, anuran amphibians, and birds show specific
tainly be encountered in invertebrates. memory in a variety of experimental conditions, the same is not true
One important problem when considering immunological memory for urodele amphibians, cartilaginous or bony fish (reviewed in82,83),
in invertebrates brings us back to the very meaning of the word “mem- where memory can be very difficult to observe (except in graft rejec-
ory”. In many cases, the data are compatible with acquired protection tion experiments). Considerable variability can also be encountered
due to an ongoing response rather than an anamnestic response impli- within classes—for instance in teleost fish where memory is almost
cating the re-­activation of “memory cells” (discussed below). impossible to observe in some species such as the cod.82 Many fea-
More recently, the quest for immunological memory has been tures of antigen-­specific responses in cold-­blooded vertebrates are
extended to many antigenic challenges in a diversity of invertebrate different from what is known in homeotherms. This, for example,
phyla (reviewed in5,14). In particular, ecologists and evolutionary bi- has considerably impaired the vaccination program in aquaculture. In
ologists interested in immune systems have investigated immuno- some cases variation in the constitutive genes of the immune system
logical memory in invertebrates, not anymore in a transplantation might be considered responsible (for instance, the lack of class II in
context, but this time in an infectious context. Unfortunately, this various teleost species [reviewed in5]), but in many other cases the
created much confusion, as the terminologies used by ecoimmu- reasons are unknown, except that, as a rule, the fish lymphoid organs
nologists and traditional immunologists were quite different. The lack germinal centers, a structure very important for the selection of
former tended to consider the immune system as a black box and mutants and hence a priori for the generation of memory.84
were interested essentially in the relationships between inputs and Immunological memory has been particularly well studied in
outputs on each side of the box. The latter aimed at understanding insects at several levels. Priming Drosophila with a sublethal dose
the mechanistic cascade of events happening within that black box. of Streptococcus pneumoniae protects against a second challenge
For example, the crucial notion of “priming” was understood in very of S. pneumoniae that would otherwise be lethal, and this microbe-­
different ways by these two communities. specific protection persists for the entire life of the fly. 85 A similar
In many cases, the description of invertebrate immunological specific protection can be elicited by Beauveria bassiana, a natural
“memory” in an infectious context remains mostly phenomenolog- fly pathogen, but not all microbes could trigger such specific re-
ical, and a precise knowledge of the underlying mechanisms is often sponses. 85 An interesting study found immunological memory in
lacking, which has paved the way for controversies. Importantly, the Anopheles gambiae mosquito, the major vector of Plasmodium
some forms of immunological “memory” in invertebrates are very falciparum malaria in Africa. 86 Invasion of the mosquito midgut
short, ie, they last only a few days (eg, ), while others are much by Plasmodium ookinetes in the presence of gut bacteria primed
longer. a long-­lived enhanced antibacterial response that indirectly re-
A recent review14 gives a comprehensive overview of the ex- duced the survival of Plasmodium parasites upon rechallenge.
periments done across all phyla, from which Figure 169-80 has been The priming led to a systemic enhanced immune surveillance. The
derived, after addition of supplementary references. That review proportion of circulating granulocytes increased, and changes in
presents cases where memory was investigated, but not always the morphology and binding properties of these cells were trig-
firmly proven (for instance see below the case of Dscam) because gered. The priming was strong and persisted for the lifespan of
certain experiments were never confirmed or never repeated, and the mosquito. Very recently, following work showing RNA inter-
some conflicting results remain. ference spreading in Drosophila and its role in antiviral immunity, 87
One thing that is sure is that responses of invertebrate innate Tassetto and colleagues described a new mechanism of RNA in-
systems, whether to pathogens or grafts, are very complex and terference amplification and dissemination. 88 They showed that
intricate (eg, ), the antigens (often referred to as “pathogen asso- Drosophila haemocytes could amplify small interfering RNAs from
ciated molecular patterns”) used for experiments being in general non-­germline-­e ncoded DNA, package them, and send them to
extremely complex assemblies of molecules (bacteria, viruses, hel- distal sites—a mechanism that provides protection to naive cells.
minths), and not a single hapten (like is often the case in vertebrate The protection is long-­lasting and pathogen-­specific, suggesting
models). Examples of memory in invertebrates are in general fitting a parallel with mammal adaptive immunity. 89 In various insects
well rather with the establishment of protection than with the in- (and other arthropods as well) a cell surface receptor, member of
tervention of memory cells being reactivated. So far, this is perhaps the immunoglobulin superfamily, homologous to the human Down
simply due to the protocols chosen, which most of the time involved syndrome cell adhesion molecule, Dscam 1, is diversified by mu-
a very short period of time between the first encounter with the tually exclusive alternative splicing and has been proposed as a
antigen and the challenge, together with a lack of determination of possible PRR, playing a role in immunity and hence in immunolog-
the end point of a primary response. ical memory. However, the situation is far from being clear, many
When investigating immunological memory in invertebrates and experiments failing to confirm its function as a pattern recognition
comparing it with vertebrates, it is also crucial to keep in mind that receptor. 69 Moreover, different forms of immune “priming” have
classical vertebrate T-­B immunological memory can show enormous been described in insects, though most of the time the protective

F I G U R E   1   Immunological memory across the animal kingdom (after5,14). Distribution among the various phyla of experiments done
using grafts, parasites (virus, bacteria, protozoan and metazoan parasites) or antigens (LPS: lipopolysaccharide, PGN: peptidoglycan, toxins)
where a form of specific immunological memory sensu lato (ie, including possibility of ongoing responses) has been investigated (all entries)
and claimed (red). For details on grafts see Table 1. In italics: putative effectors that can contribute directly or indirectly to protection.
Contribution of epigenetic factors has been found in ceustaceans125 and in vertebrates20 (histones) implies epigenetic reprogramming. *+:
conflicting results. Abbreviations: B1.3 GNR, beta 1.3 glucan receptor; FREP, fibrinogen related receptors; Ig, immunoglobulins; LRR, leucin
rich receptors; NK-­C TL, natural killer cytotoxic leukocyte; NLR, nod like receptors; RIG1.1, retinoic acid inducible gene I; SCP, sarcoplasmic
calcium binding protein; SRCR, scavenger receptor cystein rich; TCR, T cell receptor; TLR, toll like receptors; VCBP, variable chitin binding
protein; VLR, variable leukocyte receptor

effect is not very long and it results from a persisting response resistance, wound-­induced resistance, and chemically induced im-
rather than a re-­a ctivation.90 munity.17 SAR is often described as a prominent form of immuno-
The phenomenon of “immunological memory” is discussed not logical memory in plants.91 SAR refers to broad-­spectrum immunity
only in vertebrates and invertebrates, but also in plants. In fact, the to reinfection throughout the whole organism.17,18,97 It can last from
existence of this phenomenon was already described by Beauverie a few days to the entire life of the plant, and can be inherited.17,98
and Ray in 1901, and extensively discussed in the 1930s. Later, Mechanistically, plant immunological memory is mediated by several
the mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon were explored processes, including epigenetic ones, such as histone modification
in more detail.94 Plant immunological memory is based on “defense and DNA demethylation.99 Overall, plants display some charac-
priming”, that is, the fact that a plant primed by a stimulus mounts a teristics of immunological memory, and homologies and analogies
faster and stronger defense (both in the exposed tissue and system- between plant and animal immunological memory are increasingly
ically) compared to an unprimed plant. Defense priming is ob- discussed. 20
served in the different types of immune responses found in plants, Even more mind-­blowing is the recent discovery that a form of
including systemic acquired resistance (SAR), induced systemic immunological memory can be found in bacteria and archaea, within

the CRISPR (Clustered, regularly interspaced, short palindromic (PRRs).106 This is probably an important phenomenon, though it has
repeats)-­C as system.19,100-104 CRISPR-­C as systems confer bacteria generally been neglected in discussions about immunological mem-
and archaea with protection against phages and other mobile ele- ory. For example, 50% of NK cells in C57BL/6 mice are specific to the
ments (including plasmids and transposons), through a three-­step MCMV before infection.42
process. In the first step (called “adaptation”), small fragments
of DNA from the invader are incorporated into the CRISPR array
of the host. In the second step (“expression and processing”), the 5 | M U LTI R E A LIZ A B I LIT Y A N D
CRISPR array is transcribed, and the precursor transcript is pro- “MINDSETS”
cessed to generate CRISPR RNAs (crRNAs). During the third step
(“interference”), the crRNA guides a complex of Cas proteins to the The previous discussion illustrates the importance of distinguishing
matching target, which initiates the destruction of the invading nu- between the phenomenon of immunological memory and its under-
cleic acid.103 The immunological memory associated with CRISPR-­ lying mechanisms. Even though that distinction might seem obvious
Cas systems occurs during the first step (adaptation). As new spacers from a present-­day perspective, these two aspects have sometimes
derived from the genome of the invader are incorporated into the been confused, with detrimental consequences.
CRISPR array along with a new repeat unit, information about this For example, to address the existence of immunological mem-
invader is stored, and can be used to face subsequent invasions—a ory in invertebrates, several researchers, obsessed with the model
phenomenon sometimes referred to as “priming”.100,102 In this of RAG-­based immunity, tried to find in invertebrates an equivalent
case, the presence of spacers with a full or partial match to the in- of this model. Such “mindsets” can sometimes hinder the process of
vading nucleic acid increases the frequency of acquiring another scientific discovery,107 as has been documented in immunology.108
spacer. The generation of a memory of past infections allows a In the present case, two great advances made between the 1950s
more efficient reaction upon recurrent infections and allows the and the mid-­1970s were the discovery that graft rejection was an
bacterial (or archaeal) population to rapidly mount a response upon immunologically specific reaction with memory, and the discovery
re-­exposure.101,105 Thus, the CRISPR memory banks are regularly of the somatic generation of antibody diversity in the adaptive im-
updated with novel invader-­associated information,103 always at the mune system of gnathostome vertebrates. Together, these findings
level of a whole population, and not at the level of the individual bac- created mind sets that slanted the approach toward understanding
teria or archaea. Finally, a crucial and distinctive feature of CRISPR-­ invertebrate immunity. It was logical to ask whether specific al-
Cas-­mediated immunological memory is that it is transmitted to the lograft rejection with memory and the “antibody model” (sensu lato)
progeny after bacterial duplication (though some acquired spacers applied to all metazoans. But many scientists quickly veneered the
can be lost).103,105 invertebrates with models influenced by the vertebrate mindsets,
Overall, certain features traditionally associated with immu- after sometimes over-­interpreting experiments that were not always
nological memory are found in plants, invertebrates, and in innate performed rigorously and, in many cases, could not be reproduced.
cells of vertebrate immune systems, which substantiates the claim This lasted until molecular biology analyses failed to confirm the soft
that immunological memory is much more extensive than previously results that suggested the existence of specific adaptive response in
thought. It also illustrates the fact that all immune systems face the invertebrates.
selective pressure of microbial pathogens, and that for all of them it The distinction between the phenomenon of immunological
is crucial to be able to benefit from experience. memory and its underlying mechanisms provides the basis for the
Some authors have suggested the term “innate immune memory” simple but important claim that immunological memory is “multiply
to account for immunological memory realized by constituents tradi- realized”. Memory seems to have so many advantages that it is not
tionally associated with the innate compartment of the immune sys- surprising to find it achieved in different domains with analogies but
tem. 20,21 This term is nonetheless misleading in so far as something no homologies. It is so important a function that it cannot be de-
that results from the benefit of experience can hardly be called “in- voted to a single system, but to complementary or alternative ones
nate”. It seems more appropriate to simply extend the concept of im- as fail-­safes. Multiple realization is a classic concept in philosophy. 26
munological memory (so that it can include T and B lymphocytes, but It means nothing more than the fact that a given phenomenon or
also NK cells, monocytes, and other cells) rather than putting in par- function can be achieved through extremely different pathways,
allel “immunological memory” on the one hand, and “innate immune something that frequently happens in biology.109 In our case, the
memory” (or “trained immunity”) on the other. As a matter of fact, phenomenon of immunological memory can perfectly be common to
the term “innate immune memory” could be better suited to describe different taxa, and within taxa and individuals to different pathways,
another phenomenon, namely the repertoire that every organism in without being based on the same underlying mechanisms. Again, as
a given species receives from its ancestors, is germline-­encoded, obvious as this distinction might seem, its adoption in past immu-
and reflects the history of its species with some microbes. This is nology could have prevented hasty or even false interpretations. It
what one can call the “phylogenetic memory”, which corresponds seems equally crucial, in future research about immunological mem-
to the role attributed by Janeway to antigen-­presenting cells and ory, to be very explicit about what exactly is under investigation—the
their capacity to recognize PAMPs via pattern recognition receptors phenomenon of immunological memory or one specific mechanism.

6 |  I M M U N O LO G I C A L M E M O RY A S A

The distinction between the phenomenon and the mechanisms of

immunological memory must not hide the extensive heterogeneity
of the phenomenon. What has been described as an “immunological
memory” in the literature can vary extensively in terms of duration,
rapidity, specificity, etc. We therefore suggest to define immuno-
logical memory as a multidimensional concept, and to assess these
different dimensions separately. These distinctions between differ-
ent dimensions of immunological memory are not for the sake of
mere terminological consideration. Instead, saying in which sense
one understands the notion of immunological memory is crucial to
determine to what extent it can be applied to new cells and/or to
new species, and to design rigorous experimental tests.
The five key dimensions of immunological memory are:

1 Strength: this dimension measures the degree of increase in strength

(both quantitative and qualitative) of the second immune response
upon rechallenge, in comparison with the first immune response.
2 Duration: this dimension measures how long the capacity for a
stronger response upon rechallenge lasts.
3 Speed: this dimension represents the degree of increase in rapid-
ity of the second immune response upon rechallenge, in compari-
son with the first immune response.
4 Specificity: this dimension shows whether the second response
upon rechallenge is specific to a given target (eg, a given patho-
gen), or on the contrary has a wide spectrum.
5 Extinction: this dimension illustrates whether the stronger re-
sponse upon rechallenge is due to the mere persistence of a F I G U R E   2   Extinction in immunological memory. One key aspect
unique, prolonged, immune response, or rather to true re-activa- of the phenomenon of immunological memory is whether or not
a first response is followed by an extinction phase, and then by a
tion, that is, a first immune response followed by an extinction
distinct second response. The upper panel (A) describes a situation
of the response, and then by a new activation. See Figure 2 for a where a first stimulus triggers a first response, followed by
simplified view of these two different situations. extinction, and then a second stimulus triggers a second, stronger,
response. This is how immunological memory responses have
These dimensions are all gradients. A phenomenon of immunologi- traditionally been understood. The bottom panel (B) describes a
situation where a stimulus triggers a unique response, not followed
cal memory will be more or less strong, more or less durable, etc. Even
by an extinction phase. Many (but not all) studies presented
extinction could be a matter of cell number rather than presence or
as evidence for a form of immunological memory in plants and
absence of cells. This is why we propose to conceive immunological invertebrates correspond in fact to this second situation, where a
memory as both a multidimensional and gradual concept. To say that unique and sustained immune response occurs, without extinction
there is a continuum, as many authors do (eg, 42), is important but not
sufficient, because there are in fact several distinct continuums, with
only partial overlap. For example, the continuum of specificity (to the This multidimensional, gradual, and intricate approach helps us
recognized target) does not strictly overlap with the continuum of du- see why phenomena that have all been described as instances of
ration, or with the possible continuum between innate (germline) and “immunological memory” can actually be extremely different. (One
adaptive (somatic recombination-­based) immunity. This confirms that clear example of intricacy is the fact that in human B cells TLRs are
identifying continuums is essential, but makes real sense only within a downstream of BCR and play a role both in the primary response
multidimensional approach to immunological memory. Moreover, and and in the memory phase110). Figure 3 offers a highly oversimpli-
as stated above, another aspect of this gradation are the variations in fied representation of the aforementioned differences. This figure
the parameters of immunological memory that one sees among the distinguishes six situations (namely somatic recombination and
members of a single class of metazoans, or among the classes within clonal expansion; NK cell memory; epigenetic reprograming-­based
a phylum. memory in monocytes and macrophages; invertebrate secondary

F I G U R E   3   Comparison of different grades of immunological memory according to 5 key dimensions. The dimensions considered here
are strength (is the second response stronger than the first?), duration (how long does the protective effect last?), speed (is the second
response quicker than the first?), specificity (is the response specific to the target?), extinction (is the stronger response upon rechallenge
due to the mere persistence of a unique, prolonged, immune response, or to true re-­activation?). A. Immunological memory based on
somatic recombination and clonal expansion in B and T lymphocytes in jawed vertebrates (could apply to jawless vertebrates as well).
The 5 dimensions are all high, though situations vary (for example, specificity is much lower when there is cross-­reactivity of B or T cell-­
receptors). B. NK-­cell-­based immunological memory. This type of immunological memory is very similar to that associated with B and T
lymphocytes, though much uncertainty remains about whether the second response is quicker than the first.43 C. Immunological memory
based on epigenetic reprogramming in monocytes and macrophages. The response upon rechallenge is stronger but often not quicker than
what was observed with the first challenge; duration and specificity are very low, and in most cases there seems to be one single sustained
response rather than a first response followed by an extinction and a second response.61 D. Acquired protection in invertebrates in an
infectious context (as exemplified in 15). The response upon rechallenge is stronger but often not quicker than what was observed with the
first challenge (or this latter aspect is unknown); duration is generally very low; specificity varies; there is one single sustained response
rather than a first response followed by an extinction and a second response. E. Immunological memory in plants (typically SAR-­associated
immunological memory). The response upon rechallenge is stronger and generally quicker than what was observed with the first challenge;
several examples of long-­term memory exist; specificity is low; there is one single sustained response rather than a first response followed
by an extinction and a second response.17 F. CRISPR-­C as-­based immunological memory in archaea and bacteria.102 The second response is
stronger and quicker, and it is quite specific to the targeted phage (or other mobile element); the protection is long-­lasting, but here duration
is considered at the population level rather than the individual level; there seems to be an extinction of the response, though assessing this
aspect in the present case is difficult

response in an infectious setting; plant immunological memory; and Despite these limitations, the figure is very useful to make
CRISPR-­C as-­based immunological memory in bacteria and archaea), a coarse-­grained comparison between different phyla and cell
and it compares them along the five dimensions of immunological types. Moreover, and most crucially, for the 2 key dimensions of
just described. This representation is necessarily oversimplified and strength and speed, our figure makes an “internal” comparison—
even to some extent misleading, because it is impossible to establish that is, it compares the primary response (following first challenge)
a common system of measurement for phenomena that happen at to the secondary response (following second challenge) within the
different temporal scales and in organisms that exhibit radical differ- same species in given experimental conditions. The aim of this
ences in terms of lifespan, physiological organization, and many other figure is only to convey an idea of the main differences among
features. In addition, the experimental readouts often differ in the phenomena all described as illustrations of the existence of an im-
scientific literature—for example, it is sometimes the intensity of the munological memory, but which, again, can display quite distinct
response, while in other cases it is the survival of the infected hosts. characteristics. Our take home message here is not that Figure 3

lymphocytes. Of course, all the dimensions that appear in this

Box 1 Guidelines for immunologists willing to assess figure are simplifications: for example, even lymphocytes exhibit
the existence and modalities of immunological memory considerable cross-­reactivity and degeneracy, 38,111 so their high
in a given experimental setting score for “specificity” is no more than an approximation, because
1. First, one should determine whether the investigation is specificity will vary very significantly depending on the situation
about the existence of the phenomenon of immunological under consideration.
memory, or certain specific mechanisms already proved to Importantly, “more” at the response level does not necessar-
mediate immunological memory in some contexts (eg, so- ily mean “better” at the organism level. Immunological memory
matic recombination, epigenetic reprogramming, RNA inter- can be very useful to protect a host against reinfection, but it can
ference, etc.). also have detrimental consequences in pathological contexts, in-
2. Second, because the phenomenon of immunological mem- cluding allergies,112 autoimmune diseases and aging,113 as well as
ory has multiple dimensions, one should clarify which one(s) graft rejection.114 Thus, the same features that seem to make of
of these dimensions are tested in a given experimental set- lymphocyte-­based immunological memory the most “perfect” form
ting. Among these dimensions, five seem particularly impor- of immunological memory can in fact prove to be particularly harm-
tant to assess, namely strength, duration (short-term vs ful in certain situations.
long-term memory), speed, specificity (specificity to the tar- Figure 3 focuses on the description of immunological memory
get), and extinction (via downregulation mechanisms). at a phenomenal, rather than mechanistic, level, but it can also offer
3. Third, memory could manifest itself at the recognition or the an appropriate basis to investigate mechanisms in more detail. It
signaling levels. (Recognition can be in solution, at the cell is in fact crucial to relate the different (gradual) dimensions distin-
surface level or inside the cell, and involve proteins or nucleic guished here to their underlying mechanisms. It is likely that some
acids). mechanisms will preferentially be associated with some features at
4. Fourth, and despite many difficulties (see text), it is useful to the phenomenal level. For example, epigenetic reprogramming is
compare the obtained results with other manifestations of probably associated with a relative short duration of immunologi-
immunological memory (other cell types in a given species; cal memory (in mammals, for example, it could be weeks or even
across species; etc.). months, but probably not years). Having a clear representation of the
different dimensions of immunological memory at the phenomenal
level is particularly useful to subsequently investigate the different
mechanisms on which they are based, and what these mechanisms
would represent faithfully the features of immunological memory may have in common.
in different settings, but rather—and crucially—that it is only by Since its inception, the term immunological memory has most
examining and measuring as precisely as possible all these dimen- frequently been understood through dichotomies, such as “innate” vs
sions that the immunological community will be able to draw rig- “adaptive” immunity, “nonspecific” vs “specific” immunity, and many
orous and insightful conclusions. others. As heuristically useful as these dichotomies might have been
Figure 3 helps emphasize important differences among phe- at certain steps in the past, it should be clear that they are unable to
nomena that have often been put together under the label “im- capture the phenomenon of immunological memory in all its diver-
munological memory”. For example, NK cell-­b ased immunological sity and richness. Even the recent concept of “trained immunity” is
memory (Figure 3B) corresponds to a stronger, long-­lasting, spe- presented by its proponents on the basis of a dichotomy. They op-
cific, and extinction-­associated immune response, but it is un- pose trained immunity to “classical immunological memory”: trained
clear whether the response is faster. Immunological “memory” immunity, according to them, involves distinct cells and molecules, is
based on epigenetic reprograming in monocytes and macrophages non-­specific, based on epigenetic reprogramming, and lasts weeks
(Figure 3C) is undoubtedly an important phenomenon, but it is to months rather than years. Accordingly, they see the memory char-
essential to keep in mind that duration and specificity are very acteristics of trained immunity as “fundamentally different” from the
limited, and that there is no extinction. Acquired protection in classical adaptive immunological memory. 24 Yet, this dichotomy is
­invertebrates in an infectious context (Figure 3D), such as the very misleading because, here again, the phenomena under consideration
frequently cited experiment in copepods,15 has a short duration, are gradual, not binary. For example, NK cell memory can be spe-
does not lead to a necessarily faster response, exhibits limited cific, and epigenetic mechanisms probably also play a role in T and
specificity, and does not display extinction. In plants (Figure 3E), B lymphocytes. All these dichotomies create misleading mindsets,
the response upon rechallenge is generally stronger and faster and which strongly suggests that they should be abandoned in favor of
it can be long-­lasting, but it is most often unspecific, and there is the multidimensional and gradual view proposed here. Even if the
no extinction. For a phenomenon like CRISPR-­C as-­b ased immu- term trained immunity was used as an overarching term, encompass-
nological memory in bacteria and archaea (Figure 3F), the figure ing all forms of immunological memory, both “innate” and “adaptive”,
confirms that it has much in common with the “classical” phe- its utility would still be questionable because it would be redundant
nomenon of immunological memory traditionally associated with with the (extended) notion of immunological memory itself.

7 | CO N C LU S I O N : W H AT H A S C H A N G E D Extending the notion of immunological memory also opens

I N TH E CO N C E P T O F I M M U N O LO G I C A L up very stimulating therapeutic approaches that are based on
M E M O RY, A N D W H Y D O E S IT M AT TE R? cross-­species comparisons. For example, epigenetic reprogram-
ming in plants inspired the investigation for potentially similar
Immunological memory is much more widespread and diverse than mechanisms in mammals, an approach that proved successful for
suggested by the dominant view over the last decades. This “ex- monocytes, macrophages, and perhaps other cells, and which may
tended view” about immunological memory is consistent with the lead to novel vaccination strategies. 61 It is tempting to speculate
fantastic extension of the domain of immunology: immune systems, that future studies will provide more examples of this kind, where
for a long time studied thoroughly only in vertebrates, are now docu- seemingly “fundamental” research on immunological memory
mented across all living things. In our view, the extension of offers a very important basis for clinical applications. Finally, im-
the concept of immunological memory is extremely important but, munological memory is often seen from the viewpoint of the ad-
contrary to what has often been claimed, it does not constitute a vantages it provides in an infectious context, but, as we saw, it can
“paradigm shift” in Thomas Kuhn’s sense. A paradigm shift occurs be detrimental in many pathological situations—for example aller-
when two radically different conceptual frameworks, based on gies,112 autoimmune diseases,113 and graft rejection.114 Exploring
distinct worldviews, come into competition, and one of them tri- the different dimensions of immunological memory will be useful
umphs.107 This is not what happened with the concept of immuno- to understand these pathologies and better determine how to cure
logical memory. Rather than a paradigm shift, what occurred is what them. Of course, specificity and duration will be particularly cru-
can be described as a “multiple opening”: once very restricted, im- cial in that context.
munological memory is now recognized to be highly diverse—both Second, the multidimensional approach to immunological memory
in terms of mechanisms, and in terms of the different dimensions by put forward in this paper paves the way for the construction of precise
which this phenomenon can be described and measured. and rigorous guidelines for forthcoming experimental research. There
This is why we have suggested that the most fruitful way of is no doubt that scientists are investigating nowadays, and will con-
dealing with immunological memory nowadays was to adopt a mul- tinue to investigate in the near future, the existence of immunological
tidimensional and gradual conception of immunological memory. memory in immune actors and/or phyla where they are currently not,
This conception exists implicitly in the scientific literature, but, to or only partially, documented. This includes work done, for example,
our knowledge, it has not been expressed in detail, and all its con- on gamma-delta T cells and innate lymphoid cells in mammals, but also
sequences have not been explored. The dominant approach, as we research on RNA interference and CRISPR-­Cas associated “memory”.
saw, remains to think about immunological memory in dichotomous Taking into account the multidimensionality of immunological mem-
terms, which in general is misleading. ory will allow these researchers to establish much more explicitly
Conceptual analysis of immunological memory matters for sev- which dimension(s) they aim to assess, and how (see Box 1).
eral reasons. First, the extension of the concept of immunological
memory has important practical consequences. If immunological
memory exists in some plants, invertebrates, and bacteria as well
as archaea, then vaccination could be developed in these organisms. We thank Isabelle Chrétien for the art work of Figure 1. T.P. has
The impact on horticulture, livestock farming, or food industry is po- received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under
tentially colossal.117-120 the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
Moreover, examining the different processes of immunological gramme—grant agreement no. 637647—IDEM.
memory makes good sense with regard to the increasingly acknowl-
edged phenomenon of redundancy in the immune system.121,122
Learning about the different manifestations of memory, one by one,
could help in pathological cases, where one or the other fails. The re- None.
maining pathways, where memory can be stimulated, could perhaps
be over-­stimulated to compensate the failure of the defective system.
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How to cite this article: Pradeu T, Du Pasquier L.
mechanism for generating immune diversity? Immunol Today.
Immunological memory: What’s in a name?. Immunol Rev.
125. Norouzitallab P, Baruah K, Biswas P, Vanrompay D, Bossier P.
Probing the phenomenon of trained immunity in invertebrates

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