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SPINE Volume 26, Number 7, pp 724–730

©2001, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Impaired Postural Control of the Lumbar Spine Is

Associated With Delayed Muscle Response Times in
Patients With Chronic Idiopathic Low Back Pain

Andrea Radebold, MD, Jacek Cholewicki, PhD, Gert K. Polzhofer, BA, and Hunter S. Greene, MD

joints.17 When the balance is impaired or lost tempo-

Study Design. Balance performance in unstable sitting rarily, the recovery strategy must encompass the mainte-
and trunk muscle response to quick force release were nance of lumbar spine stability to avoid injuries to that
measured in 16 patients with chronic low back pain and
14 matched healthy control subjects.
region.3,4,20 Low back injuries among industrial workers
Objectives. To determine whether patients with low often occur because of losses of balance like slips and
back pain will exhibit poorer postural control, which will trips while handling loads.1,9,19,28
be associated with longer average muscle response Several studies have identified impairment in postural
control in patients with low back pain (LBP) using pos-
Summary of Background Data. Larger postural sway
during standing and delayed trunk muscle response turography.2,14,18,27 The increased body sway in patients
times for patients with low back pain have been reported with LBP was hypothesized to stem from, among other
in several independent studies. things, injury and/or damage to proprioceptive tissues in
Methods. Unstable sitting test was accomplished by the lumbar spine. The disparity in postural control was
attaching different sized hemispheres to the bottom of a
seat. Subjects performed trials with eyes open and closed more pronounced in patients with LBP in trials with
while the displacements of the center of pressure were closed eyes.2,18 Thus, the lack of visual feedback seems to
measured with a force plate underneath the seat. Re- overburden an impaired proprioception when perform-
sponse to a quick force release was recorded from 12 ing postural control tasks.
major trunk muscles with surface electromyography.
Poor proprioception also was hypothesized to cause
Subjects performed isometric trunk exertions in a semi-
seated position when the resisted force was suddenly delayed muscle response to sudden trunk loading in pa-
released with an electromagnet. Average muscle re- tients with LBP.11,12,16,22,30 This hypothesis is further
sponse times and balance performance were correlated supported by observations that patients with LBP have
using a linear regression analysis. poorer lumbar spine positional sense.10,21,25 An overall
Results. Patients with low back pain demonstrated
longer psychomotor speed in patients with LBP also was
poorer balance performance than healthy control volun-
teers, especially at the most difficult levels. Patients also documented by several studies.14,15,26,29
had delayed muscle response times to quick force re- In general, three levels of motor control (spinal reflex,
lease. Average muscle onset times together with age and brain stem balance, and cognitive programming) com-
weight correlated significantly with balance performance bine to produce appropriate muscle response.13 The spi-
with closed eyes (R2 ⫽ 0.46), but not with eyes opened (R2
nal reflex pathway uses proprioceptive input from mus-
⫽ 0.18).
Conclusions. Patients with chronic low back pain dem- cle spindles and Golgi tendon organs. The brain stem
onstrated poorer postural control of the lumbar spine and pathway coordinates vestibular and visual input using
longer trunk muscle response times than healthy control proprioception from joint receptors. Cognitive program-
volunteers. Correlation between these two phenomena ming is based on repeated and stored central commands,
suggests a common underlying pathology in the lumbar
which lead to voluntary adjustments. If a deficiency in
spine. [Key words: low back pain, postural control, pos-
turography, random walk, sudden loading] Spine 2001; proprioception is the main underlying cause of delayed
26:724 –730 muscle response to sudden loading and poor balance
performance in individuals with LBP, then a correlation
between the measures of these two phenomena should
The maintenance of whole-body balance is a complex exist, especially in the absence of visual input.
task, involving the interaction of three major sensory The purpose of the present study was twofold. First,
input systems (visual, vestibular, and somatosensory) postural control of the lumbar spine was compared be-
and the precisely coordinated motor output at many tween healthy subjects and patients with LBP by measur-
ing their balance performance in unstable sitting. The
From the Biomechanics Research Laboratory, Department of Ortho-
paedics and Rehabilitation, Yale University School of Medicine, New sitting task was chosen to verify that postural control
Haven, Connecticut. impairment could still be identified when the lumbar
Supported by the Biomedical Engineering Research Grant from the spine was studied in isolation from the posture control of
Whitaker Foundation.
Acknowledgment date: January 17, 2000. lower body joints. Second, a relation was sought be-
First revision date: May 4, 2000. tween trunk muscle response latencies to sudden loading,
Second revision date: August 23, 2000. representing the spinal reflex pathway, and the balance
Acceptance date: August 28, 2000.
Device status category: 1. performance in the unstable sitting, representing the
Conflict of interest category: 14. brain stem pathway. It was hypothesized that 1) patients

Lumbar Postural Control in Low Back Pain • Radebold et al 725

Table 1. Anthropometric Subject Data

Patients Control Subjects

Number 1F, 15M 1F, 13M

Age, yrs 38.8 (10.1) 38.1 (9.6)
Weight, kg 81.9 (15.3) 80.4 (17.5)
Height, m 1.76 (0.09) 1.77 (0.09)
T9–L4/L5 distance, m 0.21 (0.03) 0.20 (0.04)
Average age, weight, height, and torso length defined as the distance from T9
to L4/L5 (standard deviations) for patients with low back pain and matched
healthy control subjects.
F ⫽ female; M ⫽ male.

will perform poorer in the unstable sitting test, 2) aver-

age trunk muscle response times will correlate signifi-
cantly with balance performance in an unstable sitting
test, and 3) average muscle response times, along with
age and body weight, will show a stronger association
with balance performance with closed eyes than with
open eyes. Figure 1. Unstable sitting test. Decreasing the diameter of the
hemispheres on the bottom of the seat allowed for increasing the
seat instability level. The leg and foot support prevented postural
Methods adjustments through joints of the lower extremities. Displacements
Sixteen patients with chronic idiopathic LBP (Table 1) and 14 of the center of pressure (CoP) underneath the seat were mea-
matched healthy control subjects volunteered for this study and sured with a force plate.
signed the consent form approved by Yale University Human
Investigation Committee. Low back pain was defined as a per- A safety railing surrounded the force plate, providing support
sisting or periodic pain lasting longer than 6 months. Patients when balance was lost. Subjects were instructed to maintain
with LBP included in this study had no neurologic deficits, balance while sitting upright with arms crossed. Data collec-
structural deformities, genetic spinal disorders, or previous spi- tion was initiated only after subjects had reached a steady state
nal surgery. Their radiographs showed only normal, age- of balance control. Postural sway was evaluated using force
related changes. Patients had experienced LBP for periods plate measurements of the center of pressure (CoP) displace-
ranging from 6 months to 35 years, with pain intensity that ments. Center of pressure coordinates were recorded at 1600
varied from mild to severe with some pain-free intervals. On a Hz and low-pass filtered at 10 Hz using a forth order Butter-
10-cm visual analog scale,24 patients expressed their overall worth digital filter to eliminate noise.
LBP as 2.7 (SD ⫽ 2.0). The consumption of analgesics, mostly Subjects performed five 7-second trials with eyes opened
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, varied from daily use to and closed at each seat instability level. A 30-second rest was
medication as needed. The Roland disability questionnaire23 given between trials. One minute of practice was allowed be-
showed, on average, low scores (5.1 out of 24, SD ⫽ 4.2) fore collecting data at levels 1–3 with eyes open and eyes
reflecting the ability of all patients to continue working with closed. Subjects were asked to hold on to the safety railing at all
some sick leave taken for days with intolerable pain only. All times between the trials to prevent additional learning. The
patients were screened by an orthopedic surgeon before the sequence of trials was constant, beginning with eyes open, fol-
testing to assure that inclusion criteria were met. lowed by trials with eyes closed, at each instability level from
Matched healthy control subjects (Table 1) were recruited 0 –3. Thus, any increase in sway because of the increased seat
through advertisement. Control subjects had no history of any instability level or lack of visual feedback would be observed
neuromuscular or postural disorder and had never experienced despite additional learning.
back pain lasting longer than 3 consecutive days. None of the Center of pressure trajectories were quantified with both
tested subjects had vestibular or visual disorders. All subjects summary statistics and random walk analysis. Summary statis-
were tested in two separate experiments described below. tics included maximum (MAX) and root mean square (RMS)
displacements of the CoP in the anterior/posterior (subscript x)
Balance Performance in an Unstable Sitting Posture. This and lateral (subscript y) directions and a total CoP path length/s
test was designed to assess the brain stem postural control (PATH). Descriptive statistics were averaged across five trials
pathway. A sitting posture was chosen to isolate postural con- in each experimental condition.
trol of the lumbar spine from the control of lower body joints.5 Random walk analysis quantified the effective stochastic
Subjects were placed on a seat equipped with a foot support to activity of the CoP motion in the form of short-term and long-
prevent any lower body movement (Figure 1). The seat was term diffusion coefficients (DS, DL) and scaling exponents (HS,
designed to allow for attachment of polyester hemispheres of HL) extracted from stabilograms.5–7 A stabilogram was created
varying diameters to the bottom, while preserving constant seat by plotting averaged squared distances traveled by CoP against
height. Four levels of the seat instability (0, 1, 2, and 3) were the corresponding time intervals. All five trials were concate-
achieved by using smaller diameters of the hemispheres: infinity nated to produce one stabilogram in each experimental condi-
(flat surface), 50, 44, and 22 cm. The seat was placed on a force tion. The critical point (CP) identified a transition between two
plate (model 9286AA; Kistler, Germany) at the edge of a table. distinct slopes on the stabilograms and divided them into short-
726 Spine • Volume 26 • Number 7 • 2001

tested with two-factor, repeated measures ANOVA (P ⬍ 0.05).

One average onset and offset response time was calculated for
each subject and used for the regression test. Both genders were
included in the same statistical tests because earlier studies ex-
amining the latency of trunk muscles and the postural sway did
not show any gender-based differences.16,18,22,30
The best subset of variables that maximized adjusted R2 in a
linear regression analysis (Minitab Inc., State College, PA, re-
lease 12.23) was used to correlate the balance performance
with trunk muscle response times. The CoP PATH was selected
as a dependent variable, because it was found to be the most
reproducible.5 Averaged onset and offset muscle response times
were the dependent variables. Age, body weight, height, and
T9 –L4/L5 distance were included in the regression analysis
because they were shown to be correlated with CoP move-
ment.5 An additional four subjects (two patients and two con-
trol volunteers) who could not be anthropometrically matched
were included in the regression analysis for a total of 34

Figure 2. Quick force release test. Subjects exerted isometric
trunk flexion, extension, and lateral bending to the left and right. All subjects completed both tests without experiencing
Resisted force was suddenly released with an electromagnet, and
any pain or discomfort.
the response of 12 major trunk muscles was measured with
surface electromyogram. Balance Performance Test
All of the control subjects finished the most difficult seat
instability level3 with open eyes, and 71% finished it
term and long-term regions. Slopes of the linear approxima- with closed eyes. Conversely, 69% of patients with LBP
tions to these regions formed the diffusion coefficients (D), and finished level 3 with open eyes, and only 13% finished it
the exponential approximations formed the scaling exponents
with closed eyes, indicating their stronger dependence on
(H). Diffusion coefficients (D) reflect the level of stochastic ac-
tivity and/or energy of the CoP motion. Scaling exponents (H)
visual feedback. The two patients who finished level 3
quantify the correlation between the step increments making with closed eyes were 22 and 31 years old, which was
up a stabilogram series. For H ⫽ 0.5, the increments in CoP younger than the average age of 39 years (Table 1).
displacement are statistically independent. For H ⬎ 0.5, if the All summary statistics of CoP motion (RMS, MAX,
CoP was moving in a particular direction, it will be likely to PATH) were greater for patients with LBP (Figures 3, 4,
continue in this direction (persistence). For H ⬍ 0.5, if the CoP 5) and increased significantly with increasing seat insta-
was moving in a particular direction for time t0, it would be bility level and lack of visual feedback. Interactions be-
likely to move in an opposite direction for t ⬎ t0 (antipersis- tween the subject’s status (patient/control) and seat in-
tence).6,7 Collins at al6,7 interpreted the short-term and long- stability level and between seat instability levels and
term regions as reflective of open-loop and closed-loop motor visual feedback were also significant. Patients performed
control strategies.
significantly poorer than control volunteers in the ante-
Differences in balance performance between patients with LBP
and control volunteers were tested with three-factor repeated
rior/posterior (a/p) direction (subscript x) on the seat
measures ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc pairwise comparison instability level 1 and 2 (Figure 3A, 4A). In the lateral
test (P ⬍ 0.05). Level 3 was excluded from ANOVA because only direction (subscript y), significant differences were
13% of patients finished this level with closed eyes. present only for instability level 2 (Figure 3B, 4B). Bal-
ance performance degraded in both groups more rapidly
Muscle Response Times in a Quick-Release Test. This with eyes closed than with eyes open as seat instability
test was designed to test the spinal reflex motor control path- increased.
way. A previously established quick-release protocol was used The random walk analysis of CoP stabilograms re-
to study the muscle response times.22 Subjects were placed in a vealed short-term and long-term regions separated by a
semi-seated position in an apparatus (Figure 2) that prevented critical point (CP). The CP for the patients occurred later
motion in the lower extremities. Subjects exerted isometric than for control volunteers, but this was not statistically
trunk flexion, extension, and lateral bending. The resisted force
significant (Table 2). The average distance traveled by
was suddenly released while surface electromyography was re-
corded from 12 major trunk muscles. The muscle onset and the
CoP in the CP time interval, however, was significantly
offset times in response to the force release were identified ac- longer for patients than for control volunteers on the seat
cording to a previously established protocol.22 Latencies longer instability level 2. Both short-term and long-term diffu-
than 300 milliseconds were not considered because they could sion coefficients (DS and DL) were larger for patients
have represented voluntary activities. Differences in response (Table 2). The significant interaction between the status
times between patients with LBP and control volunteers were of subjects and seat instability level indicated that differ-
Lumbar Postural Control in Low Back Pain • Radebold et al 727

Figure 3. A, B, Root mean square (RMS) of the CoP movement Figure 4. A, B, Maximum CoP deflection (MAX) measured in the
measured in the anterior/posterior (subscript x) and lateral (sub- anterior/posterior (subscript x) and lateral (subscript y) directions.
script y) directions. Increasing seat instability levels were Increasing seat instability levels were achieved with decreasing
achieved with decreasing diameters of hemispheres underneath diameters of hemispheres underneath the seat. * indicates statis-
the seat. * indicates statistically significant difference from healthy tically significant difference from healthy control subjects (P ⬍
control subjects (P ⬍ 0.05). 0.05).

ences in diffusion coefficients (DS and DL) between pa-

tients and control volunteers were greater at higher seat
instability levels. The significant interaction between seat
instability level and visual feedback condition indicated
their multiplicative effect on the DS and DL for both sub-
ject groups.
Short-term scaling parameters (HS) were smaller for
patients than for control volunteers (Table 2). For both
groups, however, HS was greater than 0.5, indicating
that CoP moved persistently away from the relative equi-
librium point. Neither the seat instability level, visual
feedback, nor the subject status affected the long-term
scaling parameters (HL). All long-term parameters were
less than 0.5, indicating that the CoP was likely to return
to its relative equilibrium point.
Quick Release Test
Trunk muscle response times for onsets and offsets were Figure 5. Total CoP path length traveled per second measured at
greater for patients with LBP than for control volunteers increasing seat instability levels. * indicates statistically signifi-
in all directions (Table 3), as previously observed.22 cant difference from healthy control subjects (P ⬍ 0.05).
728 Spine • Volume 26 • Number 7 • 2001

Table 2. Random Walk Analysis Parameters Comparing Balance Performance at Increasing Seat Instability Levels
Between Patients with LBP and Healthy Control Subjects
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2

Seat Instability Patients Controls Patients Controls Patients Controls

CP time, s 0.42 (0.16) 0.36 (0.12) 0.78 (0.37) 0.70 (0.36) 0.93 (0.62) 0.81 (0.34)
CP, mm2 1.3 (1.1) 1.7 (3.4) 66.9 (98.9) 34.5 (49.7) 172.5 (180.0)* 85.5 (78.7)
D short, mm2/s 1.5 (1.2) 2.4 (4.0) 40.3 (48.0) 24.2 (21.0) 99.8 (89.2)* 59.3 (54.1)
D long, mm2/s 0.3 (0.5) 0.2 (0.3) 14.9 (25.7) 5.8 (9.0) 33.7 (35.3)* 14.8 (15.5)
H short 0.56 (0.18) 0.59 (0.07) 0.78 (0.15) 0.82 (0.06) 0.77 (0.14)* 0.83 (0.06)
H long 0.20 (0.12) 0.20 (0.13) 0.23 (0.13) 0.23 (0.15) 0.24 (0.11) 0.22 (0.12)
CP ⫽ critical point; D ⫽ diffusion coefficient, H ⫽ scaling exponent.
Eyes open and closed trials were averaged.
* Statistically significant difference from control subjects (P ⬍ 0.05).

Linear regression was used to correlate balance per- creased. In the absence of visual feedback, poor postural
formance quantified with CoP path length (PATH) at the control performance correlated significantly with longer
seat instability level 2. At this level, balance performance trunk muscle response times to sudden force release. Al-
discriminated the best between patients and healthy con- though similar findings have been reported in the past,
trol subjects. Age, body weight, and the average muscle several important differences characterize the present
onset time were the only independent variables that were study.2,16,18,30 First, very strict inclusion criteria for pa-
significantly correlated (P ⬍ 0.05) with balance perfor- tients with LBP were observed to exclude the possibility
mance in unstable sitting with eyes closed (adjusted of poor motor performance because of known factors
R2⫽0.46): such as structural spine deformities, fractures, spinal ste-
PATH 关mm/s兴 ⫽ ⫺ 20.6 ⫹ 0.361 * Age 关years兴 nosis, disc herniation, or neurologic deficits. Second,
seated positions were chosen for the tests in this study to
⫹ 0.192 * Weight关kg兴 ⫹ 0.2 * Onset Time 关ms兴 (1) eliminate any adjustments and possible impairments in
joints of the lower extremities. All past studies examined
standing postures, and the conclusions drawn about the
The only significantly correlated independent variable postural control deficits in patients with LBP could not
with balance performance with eyes open, however, was be fully attributed to the lumbar region. Finally, an as-
bodyweight. The above regression model (Equation1) sociation was found between delayed trunk muscle re-
explained only 18% of variance in the PATH measured sponse to sudden force release and poor postural control
during the tests with eyes open(R2⫽0.18). of the lumbar spine in the absence of visual feedback that
suggests the existence of a common pathology underly-
ing both phenomena.
This study demonstrated that patients with chronic, id- Several hypotheses have been presented in the litera-
iopathic LBP have poorer postural control of the lumbar ture explaining the impairment in postural control and
spine than matched healthy control volunteers. These the delayed trunk muscle response to sudden loading
differences became greater as the task difficulty level in- observed in individuals with LBP. A deficit in proprio-

Table 3. Average Trunk Muscle Response Times on Force Release

OFF [ms] Agonists ON [ms] Antagonists

Patients Controls Patients Controls

Extension: 63 (27)* 48 (16) 74 (15)* 69 (18)

Agonists ⫽ extensors
Antagonists ⫽ flexors
Flexion: 68 (40)* 53 (37) 80 (20)* 63 (9)
Agonists ⫽ flexors
Antagonists ⫽ extensors
Lateral bending: 57 (21) 53 (20) 80 (16)* 70 (13)
Agonists ⫽ ipsilateral muscles
Antagonists ⫽ contralateral muscles

Average Response Time: 63 (24) 51 (12) 78 (11)* 67 (9)

Average (standard deviation) reaction time (ms) of all agonistic muscles that shut off and all antagonistic muscles that switched on in response to the sudden force
* Significant difference from healthy control subjects (P ⬍ 0.05).
Lumbar Postural Control in Low Back Pain • Radebold et al 729

ception in the lumbar spine appears a likely scenario. (HL ⬍ 0.5), indicating that the CoP returned to the point
Although proprioception was not measured in this study of equilibrium. The long-term scaling parameters, how-
and a definite conclusion cannot be drawn, a propriocep- ever, were found to be the least reproducible in a previ-
tive deficit hypothesis fits well with the results of this and ous study.5
earlier studies. Direct measurements of trunk position Summary statistics of the CoP movement revealed
and movement sense indicated that patients with LBP that patients had poorer balance control than healthy
have poorer proprioception than healthy control sub- control volunteers under all testing conditions. In addi-
jects.10,21,25 Further, the presence of bilateral asymme- tion, control subjects performed better in the anterior/
tries that correlated with injury in the study of Parkhurst posterior (a/p) than in the lateral direction, which is con-
and Burnett21 suggests that injury causes localized pro- sistent with previous results.5 Patients with LBP, in
prioceptive deficits. Trunk muscles and ligaments are the contrast, showed no difference between the anterior/
main dynamic stabilizers of the lumbar spine and may posterior and lateral directions (Figures 3A , 3B, 4A, 4B).
contain damaged proprioceptors in patients with Perhaps postural adjustments are more easily executed in
LBP.12,20 –22,25 the anterior/posterior direction, because all joints re-
In the present study, patients with LBP performed sponsible for postural adjustments move either exclu-
worse with their eyes closed than did healthy control sively (i.e., knee), or have a much greater range of motion
volunteers. At the most difficult seat instability level, (i.e., ankles, hips, inteverterbral joints) in that direction.
with closed eyes only 13% of patients (69% of controls) Fine postural adjustments thus might be easier in the
completed the trials. Patients who completed the trials anterior/posterior direction than in the lateral direction.
were the youngest of their group at ages 22 and 31 years. If, however, proprioception in patients with LBP is dis-
Further, only when the eyes were closed did the average turbed, then those subtle differences may vanish. There-
muscle response time show a significant association with fore, the results of the present study suggest that balance
balance performance. Therefore, it appears that in the performance in unstable sitting, measured in the anteri-
absence of visual feedback, the remaining sensory input or/posterior direction, discriminates better between pa-
systems were more challenged, which resulted in a more tients with LBP and healthy control volunteers. In con-
pronounced deficiency in postural control. These find- trast, Mientjes and Frank18 found greater differences in
ings are also in agreement with previous studies.2,18 postural sway between patients and control subjects in
The results of the random walk analysis, interpreted the lateral direction. Their study, however, was per-
according to Collins and De Luca’s hypothesis6 and a formed in a standing posture.
previous study,5 provide more insight into open-loop The present study addressed two of three different
and closed-loop motor control mechanisms. Open-loop motor control pathways: the spinal reflex and the brain
mechanisms typically work without feedback and are stem pathway.13 Both of these pathways are dependent
quantified with the short-term parameters in the time on proprioception, other sensory inputs, information
interval before the CP. Patients had larger short-term processing, and the appropriate motor output. A deficit
diffusion coefficients than control volunteers, demon- in either of these components will result in poor postural
strating that their CoP moved more. Although both control and delayed muscle response to sudden loading.
groups showed a persistent movement in short-term in- Luoto et al15 suggested that a long psychomotor reaction
tervals (HS⬎0.5), patients had less persistence than con- time observed in individuals with LBP might stem from
trol volunteers because their HS exponents were smaller. deficits in central information processing. The reaction
Perhaps patients generated larger CoP movement in the times measured in that study represented mainly the de-
short-term intervals to overcome larger sensory thresh- cision time (central information processing), however,
olds (i.e., dead zones)6 caused by low back injury. The and they cannot be compared with the results of the
larger movement then could lead to an enhanced feed- present study.
back and consequently to an improved postural control Other suggested mechanisms underlying impaired
of the spine.8 This hypothesis is supported by the time motor control in patients with LBP were decreased nerve
interval results when the CP was reached, indicating the conduction velocity and reflex inhibition.11,12 A reflex
switch from the open-loop to the closed-loop postural inhibition because of pain was unlikely in the present
control mechanism. The CP was only slightly longer for study because neither patients nor control subjects expe-
patients than for control volunteers, but the CoP moved rienced pain during the testing.
significantly more within this time interval. This study demonstrated that postural control of the
Closed-loop mechanisms involve feedback and were lumbar spine could be assessed by measuring balance
quantified with the long-term parameters. Patients had performance in unstable sitting. The correlation between
significantly greater long-term diffusion coefficients DL average trunk muscle response time and balance perfor-
than control volunteers, indicating greater CoP move- mance indicates that those delayed latencies in patients
ment. The long-term scaling parameters (HL) for patients with LBP also may contribute to impairment in postural
and control volunteers were similar, however, for all seat control, as was hypothesized in other studies.12,21,22,25 If
instability levels as well as the trials lacking visual feed- postural control is impaired, the dynamic stability of the
back. Both groups showed an anti-persistent movement lumbar spine may be compromised, making a person
730 Spine • Volume 26 • Number 7 • 2001

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