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var C24=

"<div id=\"content\" class=\"body-content\">\n"+

"<h1><span class=\"CHAPNUMBER\">24 &nbsp; </span><span class=\"CHAPTITLE\"><a
name=\"id_4nj2\"></a><a name=\"CHAPTER24\"
href='javascript:parent.parent.sC2(\"TOP\")' class=\"CHAPLINK\">UL Mobility
Configuration Support for\n" +
"LTE Nodes</a></span></h1>\n" +

var C24_1=
"<div id=\"content\" class=\"body-content\">\n"+
"<h2><span class=\"CHAPNUMBER\">24.1 &nbsp; </span><span class=\"CHAPTITLE\"><a
name=\"id_3ajw\"></a><a name=\"CHAPTER24.1\"
class=\"CHAPLINK\">Introduction</a></span></h2>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"The ULTRIG (Uplink-Triggered Inter-Frequency Mobility) is supported\n" +
"for LTE 16A DU Radio Nodes and LTE 16B Baseband RadioNodes. </p>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"The ULTRIG Feature is built on the legacy feature Mobility Control\n" +
"at Poor Coverage (MCPC) which is a prerequisite for this feature to\n" +
"work. This feature enables triggering mobility for a UE if the UL\n" +
"quality is bad. A continuous monitoring is performed for the quality\n" +
"of UL channel and measurements are reported on regular intervals.\n" +
"In case the quality reported is not matching the thresholds then mobility\n" +
"for the UE is triggered to a better cell. </p>\n" +
"\n" +

var C24_2=
"<div id=\"content\" class=\"body-content\">\n"+
"<h2><span class=\"CHAPNUMBER\">24.2 &nbsp; </span><span class=\"CHAPTITLE\"><a
name=\"id_c27d\"></a><a name=\"CHAPTER24.2\"
href='javascript:parent.parent.sC2(\"TOP\")' class=\"CHAPLINK\">Functional
Overview</a></span></h2>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"CEX supports the license Activation/Deactivation for ULTRIG Feature.\n" +
"It supports options for configuring the ULTRIG feature via GUI. The\n" +
"operator shall be able to check the current values of the parameters\n" +
"of ULTRIG Feature in CEX GUI.</p>\n" +
"\n" +

var C24_3=
"<div id=\"content\" class=\"body-content\">\n"+
"<h2><span class=\"CHAPNUMBER\">24.3 &nbsp; </span><span class=\"CHAPTITLE\"><a
name=\"id_7y5m\"></a><a name=\"CHAPTER24.3\"
class=\"CHAPLINK\">Working</a></span></h2>\n" +

var C24_3_1=
"<div id=\"content\" class=\"body-content\">\n"+
"<h3><span class=\"CHAPNUMBER\">24.3.1 &nbsp; </span><span class=\"CHAPTITLE\"><a
name=\"id_yc34\"></a><a name=\"CHAPTER24.3.1\"
href='javascript:parent.parent.sC2(\"TOP\")' class=\"CHAPLINK\">Working with 16A
Node</a></span></h3>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"For 16A ERBS and LTE RadioNode can activate the ULTRIG Feature.\n" +
"On activation, the Measurement Configuration Parametres supported\n" +
"only for 16A node version is made available to operator in Properties\n" +
"View.</p>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"Ul Mobility Measurement Parameters are displayed at Cell level\n" +
"in UL Mobility Measurements tab in the properties view.</p>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"</p>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"<img src=\"2_1553-APR9011011Uen.AH-16_ultrig.png.png\" title=\"\" border=\"0\"
width=\"663\" height=\"568\" class=\"tab1\" /></p>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"When 16A licence is absent then in Properties view for UL Mobility\n" +
"Measurement Tab it gives message No Valid license</p>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"<img src=\"2_1553-APR9011011Uen.AH-16A_lice.png.png\" title=\"\" border=\"0\"
width=\"659\" height=\"569\" class=\"tab1\" /></p>\n" +
"\n" +

var C24_3_2=
"<div id=\"content\" class=\"body-content\">\n"+
"<h3><span class=\"CHAPNUMBER\">24.3.2 &nbsp; </span><span class=\"CHAPTITLE\"><a
name=\"id_5jls\"></a><a name=\"CHAPTER24.3.2\"
href='javascript:parent.parent.sC2(\"TOP\")' class=\"CHAPLINK\">Working with 16B
Node</a></span></h3>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"For 16B ERBS and LTE RadioNode The OSS-RC checks for presence of\n" +
"a valid license for ULTRIG Feature. The feature \"Mobility Control\n" +
"At Poor Coverage\" (MCPC)is a pre-requisite for UlTRIG featue. If a\n" +
"valid license is found, it shall enable operator to activate the feature\n" +
"via GUI. CEX shall display the Measurement Configurations Parametre\n" +
"as applicable for L16A as well as L16B.</p>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"UL Mobility measurement parametres are displayed at Cell level\n" +
"in UL Mobility Measurements tab in the properties view</p>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"</p>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"<img src=\"2_1553-APR9011011Uen.AH-16B_ultrig.png.png\" title=\"\" border=\"0\"
width=\"654\" height=\"546\" class=\"tab1\" /></p>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"When 16A and 16B licence is absent then in Properties view for\n" +
"UL Mobility Measurement Tab it gives message No Valid license</p>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"<img src=\"2_1553-APR9011011Uen.AH-16A_lice.png.png\" title=\"\" border=\"0\"
width=\"659\" height=\"569\" class=\"tab1\" /></p>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"CEX checks for the presence of MCPC Feature for supporting ULTRIG\n" +
"Feature. If the MCPC Feature is Deactivated, CEX shall provide the\n" +
"operator with an option to activate the feature from GUI.</p>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"</p>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"<img src=\"2_1553-APR9011011Uen.AH-MCPC.png.png\" title=\"\" border=\"0\"
width=\"611\" height=\"501\" class=\"tab1\" /></p>\n" +
"\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"In the absence of 16B license and 16A license is present, then\n" +
"it will show the properties as applicable for L16A nodes</p>\n" +
"\n" +
"<dl class=\"note\"><dt><b>Note: &nbsp;</b></dt><dd>The QCI related parameters
shall be made available to the\n" +
"operator only if Multi-Layer Service-Triggered Mobility (MLSTM) feature\n" +
"is enabled</dd></dl><br />\n" +
"<dl class=\"note\"><dt><b>Note: &nbsp;</b></dt><dd>Ul Mobility feature is not
supported for PICO Nodes.</dd></dl><br />\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +

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