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Assign Freight Cost On Shipping Transaction

Purpose : Assign Freight Cost On Delivery Number For Multi Sales Order Line In shipping Transaction Form

Setup Overview:

1- Defining Freight Cost Type Lookups

2- Create a pricing attribute based off Freight Cost Type
3- Setup a formula to use the pricing attribute based on Freight Cost Type.
4- Create a Freight and Special charge List modifier that uses this
5- Test with various sales orders(s).
1- Defining Freight Cost Type Lookups
Responsibility: Order Management Super User
Navigate to: Setup > Shipping > Lookups
Do a find on Type FREIGHT_COST_TYPE

Under Code , enter a new record.

Code Meaning Description

SH_HANDLING SH Handling Costs SH Handling Costs
2- Create a pricing attribute based off Freight Cost Type
Responsibility: Oracle Pricing Manager
Navigate to: Setup > Attribute Management > Context and Attributes
Do a find on Type = Pricing Context, Code = PRICING ATTRIBUTE

Under attributes, enter a new record. Code = KS_ORD_ADJ (or desired value) Name = KS_ORD_ADJ (or desired value)
Description = KS_ORD_ADJ (or desired value) Precedence = 220 (or desired value)

Code Name Description Precedence

SH_HANDLING SH Handling Cost SH Handling Cost 740 Or 220
Application Name Column_Mapped Value Set
Advanced Pricing PRICING_ATTRIBUTE27 QP: Number
* Notice that the data type shows Number
Exit the forms to go back to the navigator
Navigate to: Setup > Attribute Management > Attribute Linking And Mapping
Do a FIND for pricing transaction entity = Order Fulfillment, Context Type = Pricing Context
Place the cursor on code = PRICING ATTRIBUTE

Choose the Link Attributes (button)

Enter a new record:

Code Level Attribute Mapping Method

Choose the Attribute Mapping (button)
Place the cursor on “Application Name” next to request type = ONT (Order Management Order)
Select Advanced Pricing from the list of values

Under Line Level, enter: User Source Type = PL/SQL API


Check “Enabled”

From the top menu, select tools > Build Attribute Mapping Rules One should
3- Setup a formula to use the pricing attribute based on Freight Cost Type.

Responsibility: Oracle Pricing Manager

Navigate to: Pricing Formulas > Formulas Setup
Name Description Formula
Ziad Handling Ziad Handling Cost Formula nvl(1,3)*2

Enter a record under formula lines:

Formula Type Pricing Attribute Context Pricing Attribute Component Step
Pricing Attribute Pricing Attribute SH Handling Cost 1
Numeric Constant 1 2
Numeric Constant 0 3

From the top menu, select Tools > Build Formula Package
4- Create a Freight and Special charge List modifier that uses this

Responsibility: Oracle Pricing Manager

Navigate to: Modifier > Modifier Setup
Enter a record as follows:
Type : Freight and Special charge List
List Number: Ziad Freight (or as one desires)
Active and Automatic are enabled
Name : Ziad Freight Cost (or as one desires)
Under the Modifiers Summary tab:
Enter a Modifier No: Ziad Handling
Record Level = Line
Modifier type = Freight/Special Charge
Automatic and Override are checked
Pricing Phase = 50 Line Charges

Under the Discounts/Charges tab enter:

Charge Name : SH Handling Costs
Formula : Ziad Handling
Application Method : Lumpsum

Run Request : Build Attribute Mapping Rules

5- Test with Various Sales Order Scenarios

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