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The Deadly Root That

Devours And Destroys

David Brandt Berg



•A. It Will Hinder Your Relationship with the Lord and
Your Service for Him!
•B. Bitterness Opens the Door to the Enemy!
•C. Bitterness Will Even Affect You Physically!
•D. Bitterness Will Hurt and "Defile" Many Others!


•A. Fiery Trials: Will They Make You Bitter or Better?
•B. Putting the Blame on God!
•C. Putting the Blame on Others!
•D. Bitter and Hateful Thoughts: The Devil's Evil Seeds!
•E. The Voice of Bitterness: Murmuring!


•A. Love Is the Most Important Thing!
•B. "Confess Your Faults One to Another!"--Jam.5:16
•C. Keep a Positive and Thankful Outlook!
•D. Guard Your Thoughts!
•E. Take Things as from the Lord!--Rom.8:28


•A. Confess You've Got It!
•B. Attack, Attack, Attack!
•C. "Forgive Us Our Sins as We Forgive Others"
•D. Spiritual Renewal!





"Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest
any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby
many be defiled."--Heb.12:15.--Thus says God's Word
about the adverse results of bitterness, a very poisonous
root that can defile your whole spirit, and seriously hurt and
defile many others as well!
One reason that bitterness is so extremely dangerous is
because it can take root and begin to grow and spread and
spiritually contaminate and defile your heart and spirit
before you even realise what's wrong with you. Sinful
human nature makes it very easy for us to rationalise and
justify ourselves for harbouring hurt feelings or a grudge
against others when we feel that they have wronged or
mistreated us. In fact, we can even feel this way towards
Like the roots of most plants, little "roots" of resentment and
bitterness usually lie below the surface where they remain
unseen. But there they begin to spread and grow, going
ever deeper and deeper. If allowed to continue, such roots
of bitterness will eventually eat away at your very heart and
spirit, until they will finally devour and destroyyou
spiritually!--Ultimately leaving you spiritually dead and
virtually useless to the Lord!
Bitterness is very much like
the South American vine
known as the "matador."
Beginning at the foot of a
tree, the matador vine slowly
works its way to the top. But
as it grows, it kills the tree, and when at last the top is
reached, it sends forth a flower to crown itself. Matador
literally means KILLER. Bitterness may appear harmless
when it is small, but if it is allowed to grow, its tendrils of
resentment, malice and hatred soon clasp themselves
around the heart and eventually kill the soul.
This is why God's Word exhorts us to "Let all bitterness,
and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be
put away from you, with all malice."--Eph.4:31. And that's
what this lesson is all about: How to recognise, deal with
and get rid of the deadly root known as bitterness, so that
you may freely love and serve the Lord and others
unhindered by this destructive device of the Devil!--That we
may "lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so
easily beset us!"--Heb.12:1.

A. It Will Hinder Your Relationship with the Lord and

Your Service for Him!

When we're attacking the Enemy and doing all we can to

conquer new territory and win new souls for God's
Kingdom, the Devil, of course, is going to be quite busy
trying to stop us!--And, thank God, he can't stop us if we
don't let him. But if in some way you are harbouring his
negative and destructive thoughts, listening to his
debilitating doubts, or entertaining his faith-weakening
fears, that is a partial surrender to the Enemy.--And any
surrender to the Devil is always going to cause you trouble!
If you allow bitterness and resentment and a critical spirit to
grow in your life, you will lose your anointing and your
inspiration from the Lord. You can't keep complaining about
and resenting your lot in life, and criticising and murmuring
about things that God or others have done to you, and keep
God's Holy Spirit on you at the same time. You just can't do
it. The Lord dwells in the praises of His people, and He
draws near to us when we draw near to Him, "offering the
sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our
lips giving thanks to His name."--Psa.22:3; Jam.4:8;
"But without faith it is impossible to please Him."--
Heb.11:6. If you don't accept the things that the Lord sends
into your life, if you not only doubt and wonder about His
treatment and care of you, but actually murmur and resent
and rebel against it, that's certainly not faith, and surely
displeases the Lord!
And if you allow that root of bitterness to take hold in your
heart and life, it will cause you to fail both the Lord and
yourself. Such a root can go a Hell of a long way, and can
ultimately destroy you.--It can at least destroy your ministry,
and your effectiveness for the Lord, and it can even harm
the entire Work of God that you're supposed to be helping.
The way that bitterness
can hinder your
ministry and
effectiveness is
illustrated in the
following true story
about the great artist
and engineer,
Leonardo da Vinci: Just before he commenced work on his
famous painting of "The Last Supper" he had a violent
quarrel with a fellow painter. He was so enraged and bitter
that he decided to paint the face of his enemy, the other
artist, into the face of Judas, and thus take his revenge by
handing the man down in infamy and scorn to succeeding
generations. The face of Judas was therefore one of the
first that he finished, and everyone could easily recognise it
as the face of the painter with whom da Vinci had
But when he came to paint the face of Jesus, he could
make no progress. Something seemed to be baffling him,
holding him back, frustrating his best efforts. At length he
came to the conclusion that the thing that was checking and
frustrating him was the fact that he had painted his enemy
into the face of Judas. He therefore painted out the face of
Judas and commenced anew on the face of Jesus, and this
time with the success which the ages have acclaimed.
How clearly this incident shows us that we cannot at one
and the same time be painting the features of Christ into
our own life, and be painting another face with the colours
of enmity and hatred. To become more Christ-like, and to
accomplish what the Lord wants you to do, surely all
bitterness and hatred must be "put away" and "laid aside."

B. Bitterness Opens the Door to the Enemy!

To wilfully allow little roots of bitterness to grow in your life is

like knowingly letting the Devil in! Such discontentment and
resentment and murmuring in your heart will just grow and
grow and begin to cover and affect everything around you.
That's what bitterness does.--Which is why you've got to try
to catch it at the very beginning before it takes root too
deeply, and root it out!
This is why the Lord tells us, "Neither give place to the
Devil!"--Eph.4:27. This verse shows that you can
sometimes give the Devil place and room to operate and
get in without necessarily being completely taken over or
possessed by him. But let me warn you, he'll use whatever
you let him get ahold of, so you'd better resist and give him
no place!--So beware of letting the Enemy in through the
little seeds and tiny roots of jealousy, murmuring or
bitterness that he may try to sow in your heart!

C. Bitterness Will Even Affect You Physically!

The affairs of the heart and affairs of the spirit can affect
you physically! In medical science they call such afflictions
"psychosomatic" illnesses, which means they are caused
by your mind. But we'd say they're caused by your spirit, by
an improper attitude of heart, primarily a lack of love for the
Lord and others.
There are all kinds of little roots, little roots of bitterness,
little roots of jealousy, little roots of resentment, little roots of
hurt feelings, and they can all get pretty bitter and they can
all grow and they will all begin to eat on you from within, if
you let them.--Until pretty soon they will crop out in very
obvious or even physical manifestations.
Doctors have found that people who are bitter and have a
lot of hatred in their hearts, have much more arthritis than
those who are at peace. Similarly, they've discovered that
those who have a lot of fear in their minds--worries, tension,
phobias, etc.--have a lot more mental trouble and more
stomach trouble, as well as more heart trouble.
Thank God that the elimination of fear by faith gives peace
of mind and rest to your stomach and to your heart, and
actually eliminates various poisons from the blood which
cause illness. In other words, your state of mind and heart
can actually poison your body. Science knows this and has
proven it true.

D. Bitterness Will Hurt and "Defile" Many Others!

How can one individual's bitterness "defile many"? Well,

there are several ways. For one thing, people who are
really bitter about one thing, will easily become bitter about
other things too. It's usually because they never blame
themselves for anything that seems to go wrong, they're
always blaming other people, similar to the self-righteous
hypocrite who never blames himself either.
People who are discontent and murmuring and resentful
and critical are usually never satisfied unless they can
persuade others of their own opinion. Misery loves
company, and they love to have other people agree with
them; and sad to say, it's usually easy to find'm. Belly-
aching, murmuring and complaining is a very common
ailment of the human race and something that is very easy
to fall into. But from God's point of view, it is a sin that is
absolutely intolerable. Just read the story of the wandering
Children of Israel and you'll see how He let millions of
people rot in the Sinaitic Desert for their murmuring and
their complaining, and they never got into the Promised
Land! (Num.32:11-13.)
Bitterness and murmuring are a very infectious spiritual
disease, diabolical, and can spread and poison others very
quickly if left unchecked. One bad apple can do it so fast!
The Bible warns us, "Know ye not that a little leaven
leaveneth the whole lump? Purge out therefore the old
leaven, that ye may be a new lump!"--1Cor. 5:6,7. Just like
a tiny pinch of yeast will spread throughout an entire "lump"
of dough and cause the whole thing to rise, people who are
permeated with bitterness are a real burden and a real
downer influence, and will drag everybody down that they
can, pulling everybody's spirits down. They're always
dwelling on the negative and always criticizing and always

When the Lord doesn't do things just the way some people
want Him to, they get bitter against Him. They get upset
and angry at the Lord because He didn't do just exactly
what they wanted Him to do. They're obviously lacking in
faith and not trusting God, that He knows what's best.
God's Word tells us to "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;
and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways
acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."--
Pro.3:5,6. But if you're looking at conditions instead of God,
you're going to have problems! You've got to keep your
eyes on God. You've got to look to the Lord. You've got to
see God and "walk by faith, not by sight!"--2Cor.5:7. When
Moses was having a rough time, we're told that "he
endured, as seeing Him Who is invisible."--Heb.11:27.
Sometimes the Lord does things--or allows things to
happen--in our lives to test our faith and draw us closer to
Him. He loves us and is concerned about us and frequently
allows things to happen to loosen our grip on the things of
Earth and tighten our hold on Him and the Eternal Heavenly
values. But if we don't receive the Lord's dealings with us, if
we reject and refuse to accept them, then we become
hardened, and even the Word, God's Truth, will lose its
effect on us.
When people refuse to change or adapt to changes or
forsakings or breakings, they sometimes get mean and
bitter about not having what they used to have. They're
unwilling to "take joyfully the spoiling of their goods" (Heb.
10:34), to take their losses and learn the lessons from it that
God is trying to teach them.
Tough trials and tests can either melt you or harden you!--
Which is why you've got to watch out and "look diligently"
that they don't harden you and make you bitter and hateful!
If you will let the trials humble you and melt you, you'll be a
lot happier, and you'll find the Lord's Love in a new and
closer way. But if you, in pride, harden your heart and say
with "Invictus"--"I am the Captain of my fate, I am the
Master of my soul! My head is bloody but unbowed," you
will wind up sorely off the track and become a great
disappointment to God!
Pride is what causes people to be bitter! It's because of
pride that people become bitter instead of yielding and
becoming broken and soft through their trials. Pride is why
they refuse to "bow" to the Lord and surrender their all to
So bitterness is a form of pride. People who are bitter
usually feel that someone--either God or Man--has treated
them unfairly. They're bitter because they feel like they
deserve to be treated better. They feel they've been
mistreated, abused, they don't deserve what they're getting.
They feel they're better than that.
Another reason that people get bitter about their lot in life is
because they get their eyes off of the Lord and on others.--
And they begin "comparing themselves among
themselves," and in so doing, "are not wise!"--2Cor. 10:12.
When you start comparing yourself to others, and how the
Lord has dealt with you compared to how he's dealt with
others, it's very easy for the Enemy to tempt you with
jealousy, bitterness, doubts etc.
For example, say the Lord's required you to make a great
sacrifice of mate or children or position, in order for you to
continue growing and being fruitful in His Service. If you
unwisely compare your situation to someone else who
hasn't been required to make the same sacrifice that you
were, you could easily begin to feel discontented and
resentful.--"How come I had to give up all of this and that,
and they didn't?"
The thing that people fail to realise when they fall into this
pit of comparing themselves to others is that the Lord
handles all of us differently.--And what's good for you, may
not be good for someone else! The Lord knows what's best
for us, so He gives us all what He knows will help us each
to grow the most and learn the particular lessons He is
trying to teach us.
When dear Apostle
Peter was told by the
Lord that he would
suffer a martyr's death,
he asked Jesus, "What
about John, what will
happen to him?" Jesus
gently chided him not
to worry about John and replied, "If I will that he tarry till I
come, what is that to thee?--Follow thou Me!"--Jn.21:22.
How the Lord deals with others isn't really your concern,
"What is that to thee?"
"Every man shall give account of himself to God"--
Rom.14:12.--And your main concern shouldn't be, "But
Lord, if You're requiring all of this of me, what about my
brother here?--What are You gonna require of him?" You
just need to trust the Lord and "follow thou Jesus" and do
your best for Him! 'Cause if you begin comparing God's
dealings with you to His dealings with others, you're just
opening the door for the Enemy's thoughts of
discontentment, murmuring, resentment and bitterness.--No
wonder the Bible says that such comparisons are "NOT
Some people's problems with bitterness go a long way
back. Because they refused to humble themselves and
yield and accept what God was trying to do in their lives,
and they refused to forgive and forget whatever anyone did
to them, that little root of resentment that began growing in
their hearts long ago, continues to grow and grow. And after
a while, it becomes a big tree!
To stubbornly refuse to accept God's dealings in your life is
to "suffer so many things in vain."--Gal.3:4. How sad to go
through big trials and testings and not learn the lessons
God is trying to teach you from them. His Word says, "No
chastening for the present seems to be joyous, but
grievous, nevertheless afterward it yields the peaceable
fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised
thereby."--Heb. 12:11. But sad to say, everybody's trials
don't always yield the "peaceable fruit of righteousness."
Sometimes they end up being bitter because they refused
to be "exercised" thereby, and they won't learn their lesson!

A. Fiery Trials: Will They Make You Bitter or Better?

"Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which

is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto
you. That the trial of your faith, being much more precious
than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might
be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing
of Jesus Christ."--1Pet.4:12; 1:7.
The Lord sometimes lets things happen that we don't
understand to test us and try us. He places us in the
refining fires of His trials and testings to bring us to a boil,
so all the scum and dross come to the surface and can be
purged out. That's what the fire's for--to bring out the
meanness in us and to get rid of it.
Suffering is God's catalyst, God's test tube. It either reveals
that we have already got the grace to take it by faith, or it
helps to turn us to grace and cause us to call upon God and
to seek His mercy and His Love and His deliverance. Of
course, in some cases, suffering can cause people who are
rebellious and unyielded to the Lord to rebel all the more!
Suffering makes you either sweet or bitter, one or the other,
one extreme or the other.--It's up to you. It will either
humble you or harden you.
You can often see this
in older people. As the
years pass by, people
go one way or the
other, there's no
standing still. They get
more mellow and mild,
soft and more tender,
or they get harder, one or the other. My mother used to say
that some old people are well-preserved, and others are
just well-pickled!--They've gotten so sour and dour and
miserable and unhappy.
The sorrow, the suffering, the sacrifice and sadness you go
through will bring out the best in you--sweetness,
compassion, love, tenderness, brokenness, love and
concern for others--if you love the Lord and turn to Him
when you go through such trials. He says, "Let them that
suffer according to the Will of God commit the keeping of
their souls to Him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator."--
Of course, when you go through such tests and trials, it
never "seems to be joyous, but grievous."--And the Devil
will do all he can to try to convince you that God doesn't
love you and that He doesn't answer prayer!--But what's
really happening is that the Lord is letting your faith be
tested, to see how much you really love the Lord and what
price you're willing to pay to serve Him!
When going through severe soul-trying times of testing,
we're often tempted to question the Lord, "Why me, Lord?
Why did You let this happen to me?" We know from His
Word that He allows such trials to test our faith and to test
our love, just like He did with Job. Such tests actually
strengthen your faith and cause you to love and believe in
God no matter what, to not doubt no matter what
happens.--As Job finally said, "Though He slay me, yet will I
trust Him!"--Job 13:15. And when he finally took a stand like
that, he got the victory. The Devil gave up and saw he
couldn't make Job quit, even if he killed him.
Even Job's wife told him, "Why don't you just curse God
and die, you miserable man!" Just think, he even lost the
love and respect of his own wife. He'd lost all his children,
lost all his wealth, lost his health and then he lost his wife!
As Job sat there in ashes, pitifully scraping his boils with a
potsherd, she taunted, "Why don't you just curse God and
die and get out of the way!" But he rebuked her and said,
"Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh!
What? Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall
we not receive evil?" God's Word then says, "In all this Job
did not sin with his lips."--Job 2:7-10.
Earlier, Satan himself had told God that Job would curse
Him to His face if he lost his possessions and position. (Job
1:11; 2:5.) But when calamity after calamity befell dear Job,
he passed the test and proved what a liar the Devil is! He
didn't harden his heart and heed the Devil's voice through
his wife or bitterly turn against God. Instead, "Job arose and
rent his mantle and shaved his head and fell down upon the
ground and worshipped. And said, `Naked came I out of my
mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: The Lord
gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the Name
of the Lord!' In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God
foolishly."--Job 1:20-22.
But some people really have to go through a lot before they
humble themselves and receive God's dealings with them.
In fact, some people never seem to get the point and they
never allow themselves to get humbled and they never
surrender their own stubborn will and proud independent
spirit to God! They never cry out to the Lord for deliverance.
They never admit that they can't make it on their own. They
just never give up trying to do things their own way, they
never ever say "Uncle!" or "Lord, You win, I surrender!"
Some people even get mad at God for dealing with them!
They get mad and mean and they curse God and wind up
in an even worse state than they were before He tested
them or tried to straighten them out!
But the Lord won't force you to humble yourself and yield
and draw closer to Him! The breaking process depends
upon you and your yieldedness and willingness to be made
willing! So try to take your testings and your temptations
without sin and without rebellion, murmuring or bitterness!
The Lord promises that He will never give you more than
you're able to bear, and that He will always make a way of
escape. (1Cor. 10:13.) He'll somehow make it easier for you
or at least help you to bear it. So "harden not your heart"
but "cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain
thee!"--Heb.3:8; Psa.55:22.
Things will be a lot easier for you if you will just accept what
the Lord is trying to do in your life, if you will receive the
breakings and the chastisements and the lessons, if you
don't fight against them, if you'll just seek the Lord and yield
to Him. Remember, He loves you, and whatever He does to
you, His Own child, He does it in love.--For your good. So
for God's sake, and your own sake, "Humble yourself
therefore under the mighty hand of God" (1Pet.5:6), and
don't get hardened and bitter! Get better and not bitter!--

B. Putting the Blame on God!

Self-righteous people always blame God for their problems

and troubles instead of themselves, or instead of accepting
the trials as something that God has sent their way for
whatever reason. Some people are so self-righteous they
wonder, "How could God ever do such a thing to me? How
could the Lord treat me this way when I'm so good to Him?"
They resent God's dealings with them.
That is actually one of the worst sins of all, to even have the
slightest idea that you're a little bit more righteous than
God, that God shouldn't have done this or that to you! That
kind of attitude is the very seed and the very root of
murmuring! When you question the Lord and murmur like
that, what you're really saying is that you're more righteous
than God!--Or others!--That if you were boss, you wouldn't
have let such a thing happen, and you would have done
better and you wouldn't have done this or you wouldn't have
done that!
When any of us face any kind of a crisis or dilemma, test,
trial, tribulation, privation, persecution--whatever the trouble
or problem--what is the first thing we should do?--
Complain? Murmur? Get upset and angry that things aren't
going just the way we would like them to?--Of course not!
But when things seem to be going wrong, the first thing a lot
of people do is pray and say, "What's the matter, Lord?"--
And when some people say that, what they really mean is,
"What's the matter with You, God? How come You failed
me?" Whereas what we should really pray is, "What's the
matter with me, Lord? Is there something wrong with what
I'm doing? Am I displeasing You in any way?--Am I failing or
disobeying You in any way? Am I out of Your Will in any
way? First of all, what's the matter with me, Lord, or my
situation? What's wrong?--Or are You just testing me?"
Contrary to what a lot of people seem to think when they
start having problems and trials, there's nothing wrong with
God! There's nothing the matter with Him, nor His Love, nor
His dealings with His children! The problem is usually with
us.--As He says in His Word, "Your iniquities have
separated and come between you and your God, and your
sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear."--
He says, "I'm not deaf that I can't hear your prayers, I'm
listening!--And My arm isn't short or weak that it can't save
and help you. The trouble is not Up Here, it's down there
with you!"--With us, not God! So don't blame God and get
upset at Him because of your troubles and your problems
and your crises and your difficulties! It's not God's fault!
There's nothing wrong with God! "Let every man be found a
liar, but God be found true!"--Rom.3:4.
The most important thing you have to do during trying times
is not whine and complain and murmur and gripe and
grumble and bellyache and get bitter at God for His so-
called failures and mistreatment and His neglect and His
abuse and His cruelty and His deafness and His
unconcern!--Because none of those things are true! You
need to do the opposite of what the children of Israel did out
in the wilderness, and that is, you need to sit down and
think the situation over and pray:
"God, what's wrong with me? What's wrong with what I'm
doing or the way I'm doing it? What am I doing that's
displeasing You so that You're withholding Your blessings?
In what way am I disobeying--either deliberately, wilfully, or
unknowingly, unwittingly, or simply falling short, maybe just
not doing enough? Or maybe I'm not listening enough,
maybe I'm not following Your voice and guidance enough.--
Or are You simply testing my faith or humbling me and
trying to get me to draw closer to You?"

C. Putting the Blame on Others!

It's human nature to look around for somebody else to

blame our problems on. "Passing the buck" started in the
Garden of Eden. It's sinful Man's first line of defense when
he's in trouble.--To blame others.
Just look what happened in the Garden of Eden: When they
got caught in their sin, the first thing Adam said to God was,
"It was my wife, she did it!" Then Eve said, "It was the
Serpent's fault, he did it!" And the Serpent as good as said,
"It was God, it's all His fault!" (Gen.3:12-13.) To "pass the
buck" and try to blame things on others is an almost
automatic reaction and self-defense mechanism with most
People who are bitter and have a bitter spirit are especially
prone to this sort of thing. They're always blaming
everybody else for all of their mistakes and all of their
troubles and failings. It's always somebody else's fault.
If you have a problem
or weakness along
these lines, you'd be
wise to remember that
the Devil is the
"Accuser of the Saints"
(Rev. 12:10), and that's
his own tactic to always
try to get you to blame
your problems on everybody else! "Why me, Lord? I didn't
do it, they did it to me! It wasn't my fault, it's his fault, her
fault! They're the ones to blame! They're the ones who
made me do it!" Some people find it so easy and
convenient to blame all their troubles on somebody
else!--"It's that awful Hell of a person I have to live with or
that horrible leader I have to work under"--or this one or that
This is such a typical device of the Devil: He always
accuses the Saints and always exaggerates to you what
others are doing, and will always try to take things that
others have said or done and twist them and make things
sound a lot worse to you than they really are.--He even
does the same thing to God about you! He's an expert at
picking on all the little flaws and all the little faults that he
can find, and constantly tries to accuse others and get you
to blame everything that goes wrong on someone else!
But if you won't accept the responsibility for your own
problems and you continually blame them on others, you're
just going to go through your entire life never getting the
victory or making any progress! How can you ever grow
spiritually or learn any lessons from the Lord when you're
self-righteously blaming other people for everything bad
that ever happens to you?
Even if you feel that you have been genuinely mistreated or
misjudged or whatever by others, instead of sulking and
pouting and licking your wounds, you might find it's very
profitable to look a little deeper and see if the Lord is trying
to get through to you on some other point or issue that's
even more serious than whatever it is you feel so
mistreated or misunderstood about! Don't be too quick to
judge and blame others when you might need to work on
the beam in your own eye, and not be so concerned about
the mote in your brother's eye. Amen?

D. Bitter and Hateful Thoughts: The Devil's Evil Seeds!

Although "evil thoughts proceed out of the heart of men"

(Mk.7:21), we should not be ignorant of the fact that bitter,
hateful and resentful thoughts are also a "device of the
Devil" (2Cor.2:11) that he frequently attacks God's children
with. Our spiritual Enemy is always looking for a weakness,
a way to enter our defenses. He is always seeking to cast
his "fiery darts" (Eph.6:16) into the city of our fellowship,
trying to sow the evil seeds of dissension, jealousy,
covetousness, bickering, selfishness, and internal discord.
So we all need to be watchful and on guard against such
thoughts towards others. "Be sober, be vigilant, because
your adversary the Devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about,
seeking whom he may devour."--1Pet.5:8.
When the Enemy is out to poison and "defile" you with bitter
and hateful thoughts, he's usually very subtle about it. He
tries to make his poison look very attractive, offering it to
you as something that you want to take. The Devil almost
always sugar-coats his pills with enough truth to trick
people who don't know better than believing and swallowing
When I was a little boy, when they gave you pills and
capsules, they started to put a coat of candy on the outside
so the children would be willing to swallow them, because
they thought it was candy. But inside it was bitter, horrible-
tasting medicine.--And that's the way the Devil's lies are; no
matter how he sugar coats them to tempt you or to suit your
taste, no matter how much truth he may use to get you to
harbour bitter thoughts against somebody, his thoughts are
a bitter pill to swallow, and will make you bitter if you do!
That's why it's extremely dangerous to allow even a little
bitterness, resentment or a critical spirit to creep in. The
Enemy will use it as a channel, especially if there's some
motivation of jealousy or pride or desire to vindicate or
avenge yourself, or even to just feel sorry for yourself, or
excuse yourself. You may think, "Oh, just this one little tiny
seed, just this little bit of a grudge or gripe against them, it's
not so bad.--Besides, they deserve it!" But that little crack in
your spiritual armour is where the Devil will begin to seep
in, and his gas of deceit then begins to poison your mind
because you've opened the door to him, and pretty soon
you're totally off the track!
As long as you leave a
window open, you're
not going to get rid of a
roomful of flies.
Likewise, you're not
going to get rid of the
Devil and his annoyances until you force them out and
close the door or the windows so they can't come back in!
But as long as you're harbouring bitterness or hatred in your
life, that just lets the Enemy in, it's leaving the door wide
My Mother used to say, the Devil knocks on some people's
door and they just throw it open and say, "Come on in, Mr.
Devil, come in, Mrs. Devil and all your little doubts and
doubtlets! Here are some comfy chairs, sit down and talk to
me and let's have a nice visit, let's hear all that you have to
say!" Instead of that, when you first hear the Enemy's knock
at the door in your thoughts, in your mind and heart, as
soon as you recognise who it is, you should slam the door
in his face so quick it cuts his nose off! You shouldn't even
listen to his first doubt, his first evil thought or "fiery dart"!
That's where Eve made her mistake. Her first mistake was
stopping to listen to the Devil. When he puts negative or
critical or doubtful thoughts in your mind, don't even listen.
Resist him! Rebuke him in Jesus' name and start praising
God and thanking the Lord for all your blessings! Get off the
Devil's negative channel and think of the positive! When
Eve stopped to listen, pretty soon she was believing him.
So don't listen to him at all!--"Neither give place to the
Devil!"--Eph.4:27. Listen to Jesus, read His Word, study
and memorise it and praise the Lord, and the Enemy will

E. The Voice of Bitterness: Murmuring!

Whenever you feel like murmuring and griping about things,

watch out! Such an unthankful, doubtful and negative
attitude may not only be an indication of bitterness, but of
backsliding as well! Even if you haven't actually turned your
back on the Lord, you're turning back in your heart when
you start yielding to that feeling of doubting, murmuring and
being critical of everybody else. When people start picking
out others' faults and covering their own, and murmuring
and griping about everything, complaining instead of
praising the Lord for what they've got, it's a dangerous sin!
Even if you don't wind
up completely
backsliding, you'll
certainly lose your
inspiration and the
Lord's anointing if you
go around voicing
complaints and
resentments like that. You can't keep complaining and
criticising and murmuring and belly-aching about things and
still keep God's Holy Spirit on you for your job, you just can't
do it. You'll wind up like Saul, the Spirit left him, and he
became so damned hardened of heart and cold, he didn't
even know it was gone! He didn't even know he had lost it.
When someone's going around murmuring and constantly
being critical of everything, it shows that they've been
entertaining the Devil's lies in their mind and heart, "for out
of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."--Mat.
12:34. Then they become a witness for the Devil. If your
heart is filled with negative thoughts, sooner or later you'll
mouth them, and that's when you really begin to pull others
down too.
One reason that people complain and bellyache and
criticise is because they know that they're not making it
themselves and that they haven't got the victory.--They
know that they're failing because of their own
unyieldedness or rebelliousness. So rather than really trying
to make it and stop failing and do better, they start looking
around for something to justify themselves, to excuse
themselves and vindicate themselves. So they frequently
accuse and blame everybody else for their own faults and
failures, and will freely criticise everybody else but
Such murmuring is virtually the voice of the Enemy and his
doubts, and a critical spirit like that sows dissension,
disunity and discord amongst brethren, one of the seven
abominations to God!--Pro.6:16-19. So God certainly
won't--and can't--bless people who allow themselves to fall
into such a sorry state.
In fact, if you sin in murmuring against God, and
complaining about your lot, complaining about the
circumstances and conditions under which you're living, and
griping and murmuring against God or your Shepherds or
your brethren, God may just let you stay there much longer
than He'd originally planned!--Like He did to the Children of
Israel when they murmured against Him!--Until you learn to
be thankful and patient! "Tribulation worketh patience!"--
No matter how great your trial may be, no matter how
difficult your difficulty may be, no matter how bad it may be,
if you just have faith to trust God to bring you out of that
difficulty, you won't murmur and complain! You'll rejoice and
praise God and thank Him, even for the trial, because you
know He is able to save and deliver you!--And He will!
Praise the Lord!

The best way to avoid succumbing to bitterness--or any

other serious spiritual problem, for that matter--is to stay
"strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!"--Eph.
6:10.--And in the Word and prayer and the Spirit. If you
have faith and confidence in the Lord and are strong in His
Word and are putting your trust in Him, then the Lord will
not allow the Enemy to overcome you with such problems.
However, staying close to the Lord is not something you do
only when you're praying and reading the Word, but it's a
personal contact and relationship with Him that you've got
to carry over into your daily life. The following sections deal
further with specific steps to help you to be free from
bitterness in your daily walk with the Lord and others.

A. Love Is the Most Important Thing!

The Bible tells us, "Above all things, have fervent love
among yourselves; for love shall cover the multitude of
sins."--1Pet.4:8. Love even loves the unlovely, and casts a
veil over countless sins! It's hard for you to see anything
good in someone you don't love. But if you really love
someone, it's much easier to overlook and forgive their
If you have the Lord's Love and are loving towards others,
you'll try to look on the bright side, and try to be optimistic
and bring out the good things about people and see their
good points. If you're trying to be loving and kind to people,
you won't be harsh or critical or resentful towards them. But
if you don't love them, they won't even be able to walk
across the floor without your finding fault with the way they
do it!
When you have real love for others, it's a lot easier for you
to let things pass. In school they call it passing when you
graduate from one grade to the next. When you're travelling
along in a car, you know you're moving because you're
passing things! That's how you know you're making
progress, because you're passing things.
Well, the same thing is true in your spiritual life. When you
start letting things pass, when you don't worry so much
about things, that shows that you're making progress. When
you don't hold it against somebody for some idle remark or
something foolish that they did, something they said, when
you don't get hypersensitive and all upset about it and hold
it against them, then you're passing things. "Love covereth
a multitude of sins," and will give you the grace and power
to just let things pass, to forgive others as you know that
you yourself need to be forgiven. This verse from my
Mother's poem, "Let It Pass," brings this out very clearly:
Truly great folks never stoop
To answer petty things;
The unkind word, the bitter cut
That rankles deep and stings.
They are too big to notice them,
They simply pass them by,
And even with a smile sometimes
Or twinkle in the eye.
For they have found that after all
'Twas better in the end
To meet it with a smile, and then,
Just let it pass, my friend.
The Lord and His Love are the antidote for the poison of
bitterness and hate. The Lord and His Holy Spirit always
rebuke the Devil, the Accuser of the Saints, and resist him.
And instead of emphasising the negative and accusing
others, the Lord's Spirit will point out the good things about
others. When we're staying close to the Lord, He is faithful
to show us that nobody's perfect, including ourselves; we're
all human, and that always helps us to have love and mercy
and to forgive others all the more because we know we're
not perfect either.
We all must ask the Lord in all humility to help us have
mercy on others, knowing that we ourselves must also be
forgiven for many sins. Remembering continually what
sinners we are and how many mistakes we've made helps
greatly to keep us humble and to avoid that spirit of self-
righteous pride which causes us to criticise and condemn
others. We need to "forgive one another, even as God for
Christ's sake hath forgiven us."--Eph.4:32. Pray for love!
If you'll just forget yourself and think more about others, and
really try to help and pray for and love them, you'll find that
will solve almost all of your problems! If you get your mind
off yourself and on others you'll find that this is what will
bring you true joy and happiness. That's the formula for
finding joy: Put Jesus first, then Others, and then You!--
J.O.Y.! First of all, get your mind on Jesus, and then He'll
help you get it on to your neighbour, and help you love him
as yourself. Praise the Lord!

B. "Confess Your Faults One to Another!"--Jam.5:16

Even when you're serving the Lord and doing your best for
Him, everything's not always perfect, and once in awhile a
few things are bound to happen that you don't like. But
when things like that happen, you should try to get it
straightened out between you and the person it happened
with, or between you and the Lord. Or at least tell your
Shepherds about it. But don't hold it in your heart or go
around behind people's backs murmuring and griping about
The Lord knows that it will only hurt you and drag you down
if you hold onto such "offences."--That's why He says, "Let
not the sun go down upon your wrath."--Eph.4.26. If you go
to bed mad and take your anger and frustration with you
when you go to sleep, it just makes it last longer. It's terrible
to go to sleep in that kind of a mood, out of the victory and
angry or resentful towards someone else, it's really terrible.
Jesus made it very clear what you're supposed to do when
you're hurt or offended or upset with someone. He said, "If
thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his
fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou
hast gained thy brother."--Mat.18:15. And if you're the
offending party, you're still supposed to go to your brother:
"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for
another, that ye may be healed."--Jam.5:16. Of course,
when going to someone about any such "oughts," be sure
to ask the Lord to help you go in true love and humility, and
be willing and open to hear any grievances or "oughts" that
may be on their hearts.
But if you're too proud to admit it when you're upset at
someone, if you're too proud to confess it and are unwilling
to humbly ask for forgiveness and seek the Lord's solution,
it can easily become a little root of bitterness in your heart.--
And it will grow and eat at you just like a cancer.
Spiritually, if you keep little things like that in your heart and
you don't get them out and confess them to the Lord and to
the person involved and ask them to help you remove it and
uproot it, to somehow get rid of it, it will eat and eat at you
like a cancer! It usually starts just like a little tiny fiber, a tiny
root, but it can grow and eat and eat away at you until
finally it will devour you!
That's the way it is with those little offences and problems
you have with others, or even with the Lord.--When
something happens that offends or upsets you, and you
hold it in, it's not confessed because you're too proud to be
honest about it, it will fester and grow worse and cause you
problems. It takes humility to be honest.
The Lord knows what trouble such "oughts" and offences
can cause us if we harbour them in our hearts. This is why
He said, "And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have
ought (a grudge) against any: that your Father also which is
in Heaven may forgive you your trespasses."--Mk.11:25.
The Lord not only tells us to make sure that we're not
"holding a grudge" against anyone, but He also tells us that
if we feel that someone is holding a grudge against us, we
should do all we can to straighten that out as well.
"Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there
rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee;
Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be
reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy
gift."--Mat. 5:23,24.
So it's very important for you to get rid of those pent-up
negative emotions. You need to get rid of them and to be
humble and to confess when you need help or prayer. It's
so much better to humble yourself and confess to others
instead of just holding things in and not saying anything,
which can easily lead to murmuring in your heart and cause
you to become bitter and discontented!

C. Keep a Positive and Thankful Outlook!

One of the greatest things in the World that anyone can

learn is to be content in whatsoever state you're in, whether
it's to be abounding or to be in want.--Phil.4:11,12. That's
certainly something that we've learned throughout our many
years of serving the Lord. We've lived as poor as Job's
turkey sometimes, but it seems like in recent years we've
really abounded compared to how little we had before. We
just learn to take the bitter with the sweet, whatever the
Lord gives. We don't let circumstances cause us to become
We all need to learn to count our blessings! The Lord wants
us to think on the positive things, and refuse to set our
minds on all the negative things and trials and doubts and
fears and woes and troubles and tribulations and afflictions
that the Devil tries to get us preoccupied with. You must get
your mind off of all those negative things and think about
your many blessings!
If you'd get into the habit of thanking God more for your
blessings, your many many blessings, instead of
complaining about the few tiny little infinitesimal problems
or trials you may have, maybe the Lord would deliver you
from those too! But when we don't look at anything but the
button off of Mutt's vest instead of all the nice fine clothes
and the bright red necktie, no wonder the Lord must get
angry! (See ML #1492; Num. 11:1; 1Cor.10:10!)
The Lord tells us that we shouldn't think about those
negative things at all! "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things
are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things
are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are
lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any
virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things!"--
Phil.4:8. Whenever negative thoughts, criticisms or
resentments come to your mind, you should right away
rebuke the Enemy and say, "I rebuke you, Satan, in Jesus'
name! I resist you, Accuser of the Saints, in Jesus' name!
Jesus, help me not to think those thoughts!" Praise the
Lord, quote Scripture, sing His praises, call on the Lord and
the Devil will flee!
When Jonah finally shouted, "Salvation is of the Lord!", that
old whale that had swallowed him just couldn't take it, and
he spit him up! (Jon.2:9,10.) So even if God lets the Devil
send along a whale-of-a-lot of trouble to swallow you up,
you've just got to keep shouting and praising the Lord! The
Devil can't stand that, and the trouble can't stand it, and
God will deliver you! But if you get all down in the dumps
and go around griping and bellyaching and murmuring and
complaining and doubting and everything else, you'll just
sink deeper and deeper to the bottom of the sea.
So when the Enemy tempts you to get down and critical or
murmuring about something, fight back by praising the Lord
and counting your blessings! Ask the Lord to help you be
content and thankful for your place in His Kingdom and in
His Family. And when the Devil comes along and tries to
get you to unfavourably compare yourself to others and
tries to belittle you and what you're doing, just start praising
the Lord and thanking Him for your blessings, and the
Enemy will turn tail and run!
Thank God and praise Him for your job and your place in
His Family, whatever it is! If you're mopping floors or
cleaning toilets or cooking food or running errands or doing
maintenance work, whatever it is, thank God that you're in
the house of the Lord and you're doing it for Jesus! "I would
rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord than to
dwell in the tents of wickedness!"--Psa.84:10.
So whether abounding or abasing, we should be thankful
for whatever we've got, and praise and thank God for it,
because there's nothing any better! The very "worst" things
in our life for the Lord are far better than the very best
things the ungodly System has to offer! We're blessed with
the best life in the World, the best work in the World, the
best Love in the World, and the best Lord in the World--Out-
of-this-World! Nothing could be better than God's Love and
God's Word and God's Work and God's workers and their
fellowship, and to be able to live and work together and love
together in God's Kingdom for Him and for souls!--There's
nothing better in this whole World, Praise the Lord! And if
we're not happy enough now, when we see the eternal
results of our labours Over There, we'll certainly be happy
enough then!
Even when you're feeling good, maybe you don't thank the
Lord enough for it and praise Him enough for it! "Let every
thing that hath breath praise the Lord!"--Psa.150:6. We
could all praise the Lord more and be more positive! Thank
Him for the health you do have! Thank Him for how strong
you are and that you're not completely incapacitated,
injured or sick with some fatal disease or something like
that. All kinds of things could be wrong with you, so thank
the Lord for the blessings you do have! Praise the Lord!--
Stay positive, thankful and full of praise to Jesus!

D. Guard Your Thoughts!

The easiest way to prevent something from growing in your

garden is to not let it get sown or planted there in the first
place! And the best way to prevent any roots of bitterness
from springing up in your life is to not let any bitter, critical
or negative seeds find their way into the garden of your
mind and heart.--Which means you've got to guard your
thoughts and resist the Devil when he tries to sow his evil
seeds and thoughts in your mind!
We all go through experiences sometimes where we listen
to the Enemy instead of the Lord. In fact, the Lord lets us
hear the Devil's voice and thoughts sometimes--even if it's
only a test to see if we will receive or reject it.
Not all voices are of God, and you must learn to "try the
spirits" (1Jn.4:1) to make sure that what you're hearing is of
the Lord. If it's not according to His Word, or causes you to
be discontent or bitter, dissatisfied or unhappy or critical of
yourself or others--these things are not of the Lord, and you
must rebuke the Enemy in Jesus' name when he tempts
you with these kinds of negative thoughts.
You can't keep the Devil from saying things to you and
tempting you to harbour negative thoughts or oughts
against others, or even against the Lord. He will always try
to speak to you and try to get you to let him have his evil
way. But even if you're unable to keep from hearing him
speak sometimes, you can always keep from doing what he
A lot of people feel bad and think that they must be terribly
wicked because they think an unloving or sinful thought. But
as my Mother used to say, "Even though you can't keep the
birds from flying over your head, you can keep them from
making a nest in your hair!" You can't keep the Devil from
tempting you and casting his "fiery darts" at you and talking
to you, but you don't have to talk back to him or open the
door and invite him and all his little devils and doubts in!
You can militantly fight against even thinking about the
critical, hateful, unkind, doubtful or fearful thoughts that the
Enemy may attack or tempt you with! Resist all such
thoughts and think positively! Think out loud by either
quoting Scriptures or singing hymns or good Gospel songs.
You can't very well quote Scripture and talk positively or
sing out loud and have those other negative thoughts going
through your head at the same time!
When a room is dark, you don't go around trying to chase
the darkness out of the room.--You just let the light in and
the light chases out the dark! So the way to get rid of
temptations and negative thoughts is to think of good
things, Godly things. Read your Bible, pray, think about
Jesus, and then you don't even have time to think the other
thoughts.--Which is why Isaiah says, "Thou wilt keep him in
perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he
trusteth in Thee."--Isa.26:3. If you keep your mind on Jesus,
you don't have time to think about these other things!--Sing!
Fill your mind with the wonderful, powerful Word of God and
you won't have room for that darkness! Fill your mind with
the Light of God's Word and the darkness will flee! Don't
even listen to the Devil's lies!--Because if you do, the same
thing that happened to Eve will happen to you! So don't
listen to his doubts and his fears and his discouragement
and his temptations and all the rest! Sock him with the
Word of God!
When you're tempted to think negative or resentful or
critical or hateful thoughts against your brothers or sisters,
remember that the Devil is the "Accuser of the Saints," and
he will always try to accuse others and exaggerate their
faults to you. He will even take innocent, unintentional
remarks or acts and twist them and make them sound a lot
worse than they really are. But once you can recognise that
such negative and critical thoughts are the Enemy's attacks
against you to separate and divide you from your brothers
and sisters in the Lord, then you can slam the door on all
such thoughts and take a definite positive stand against
When you have faith in God and His Word, then you know
that the Devil is a liar, and when those kinds of bad and
bitter thoughts come into your mind, you know it's the Devil
speaking. So just say "I resist you, Satan, in Jesus' name! I
resist you!" Because God's Word says if we resist the
Enemy, he'll flee from us!--Jam.4:7. Once you recognise
such thoughts as the voice of Satan, you can just brush
them aside. "I refuse to listen to you any more! I'm not
going to listen to a liar, a deceiver and a cheat! That's not
true, those are lies!" (or exaggerations, misinterpretations,
half-truths, etc.)
Just fight the Devil positively when he tries to make you
bitter or upset at others or at the Lord! Start singing a hymn
or song to Jesus, pray and quote the Word of God! Just let
the Light in and the darkness flees every time! When you're
being tempted or attacked with negative or critical thoughts,
you just have to be positive and attack back! You have to
make a conscious effort to rebuke the Devil and think
positive good thoughts instead. Amen?
If you watch your thoughts and watch your words and fill
your heart and mind with the Lord and His Word, you will be
well-protected and fortified and surrounded by God's Angels
of protection, His Guardian Angels, and you will be free
from the Enemy's critical and confusing static and negative
accusations and doubts. In all the things you do all day
long, in whatever you may do, in every activity of life and
everything you do or say or even think, ask the Lord to help
you to be constantly on guard. You can monitor your
thoughts, monitor your words and monitor your actions just
like we monitor videos!--Then you can always choose the
good and eschew the evil. (Rom.12:9.)

E. Take Things as from the Lord!--Rom.8:28

When you begin to acknowledge the Lord in all your ways

and take Him into account on everything, then no matter
how bad or rough or trying a situation may seem, you know
that He is in control. You know that He loves you and that
He will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able!
(1Cor.10:13.) And if you know that you're His child and His
hand is on your life, then how can you get bitter and
offended at Him? You know "He doeth all things well"
(Mk.7:37), and will never make a mistake in His dealings
with you, His child whom He loves. Everything He does, He
does in love.
If you think of everything in relation to the Lord, then you
get the right perspective, God's reasoning, Heavenly
wisdom, "the wisdom that is from Above."--Jam.3:17. When
you think of all of your circumstances in relation to the Lord,
then you realise it all has a purpose and that God did it for a
reason.--A good reason!
If your eyes are on Jesus and you're "walking by faith and
not by sight" (2Cor.5:7), then you're constantly aware that
He--your great Shepherd--is with you and has everything
under His control.--And this, of course, makes it much
easier to "take" whatever He happens to send your way.
He promises us, "All things work together for good to them
that love God!"--Rom. 8:28. When you really believe this
verse, then you know that the Lord never lets seemingly
bad things happen to you without any rhyme or reason
whatsoever. He only allows such things to happen for a
good reason.--Sometimes we've been bad and we need
correction, or we've been good and He just wants to make
us better through these tests. As I've often said, sometimes
God lets things happen just to humble us, and later on He
may let things happen to us again to see if we're still
Nothing happens to you without the permission of God.--Or,
I might add, your permission! In other words, sometimes
you can get yourself into trouble by your own disobedience
or unyieldedness to the Lord, by somehow stepping out of
His Will. When this happens, God lets troubles befall us to
teach us a lesson! So sometimes we get ourselves into
fixes, and it's our own fault that we suffer the
The Lord often allows and uses people as His instruments
to test us and do things that cause us problems because
He is testing us to see what we're made of and how close
we're going to stay to Him, how tightly we're going to cling
to Him. He wants to see if any of these things will move us,
and if our house is built on the Rock, Jesus Christ, and not
on other people or leaders or circumstances. At the same
time, He's trying to strengthen us.
When someone has mistreated us, if we really believe that
the Lord loves us and is in control of our lives, can we say
that God made a mistake, or even that He allowed a
mistake to be made? In the final analysis, if you're going to
blame someone for making a big mistake in your life, you've
got to blame it on the Lord, right? If you really believe that
the Lord is in control, then you've got to blame Him, right? If
we don't believe that the Lord is in control and that the Lord
is leading this outfit, then why are we even in the Family or
serving the Lord at all?
If people really love the Lord, there are a lot of good
lessons that He can teach them, no matter what happens to
them.--Even if they're seemingly "unjustly"
excommunicated!--Or if they're demoted to Babe's status or
sent out of their mission field or whatever! If they really love
the Lord and are in this Family because they're trying to
serve Jesus, and their hearts are in the right place, they're
not going to become all upset and bitter and backslide! The
Lord will use the experience that was so difficult for them for
their good, and not for bad, and they will learn lessons,
draw closer to Him, and come through victorious in the end!
Your leadership may make a mistake with you, but the Lord
doesn't, and even if He allowed you to be excommunicated,
He did it for a reason. If you really believe God's Word, that
the Lord never allows anything in the lives of His children
except that which is for their good, to teach them lessons
that they need to learn, lessons that they perhaps couldn't
learn any other way, then you know He doesn't make
There are lots of reasons why the Lord allows things that
look like they're bad to happen in our lives, but He always
does it for our good! If we don't believe that, then we're in
the wrong outfit! We might as well give up and not even
love the Lord or trust the Lord or serve the Lord at all if He
is always making mistakes and He doesn't even know
what's best! Who wants to serve a God like that? You've got
to see the Lord's hand in your life, and you need to learn
your lessons even from what may look like the "mistakes"
or injustices of others, or whatever you're having a hard
time accepting!--Then determine to serve the Lord in a
much better, more dedicated and sacrificial way than ever
It's such a wonderful liberation when you really know and
are fully persuaded that everything is under the Lord's
control, His marvellous control! Nothing happens--not the
things your leaders do, not even the things the Devil and his
demons do--without the permission and the Will of God.
The Enemy can't touch a hair of your head, he can't do a
thing unless God allows it. This is why David could say, "All
things come of Thee," both the good and the bad!--
So, thank the Lord for His loving care and marvellous
control! Because we have the Lord and we have His Love
and we have life and we have faith, therefore we have hope
for better things, for the best, and we know that things are
always going to turn out all right in the end. Praise the Lord!

"All right," you may say, "This counsel on how to avoid

becoming bitter is fine and good, but what do I do if I'm
already bitter, if I've already allowed a `root of bitterness' to
grow in my heart?--How do I get rid of it?" That's what our
lesson will now deal with, how you can "Let all bitterness,
and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be
put away from you!"--Eph. 4:31.
Once God has pinned down a spiritual problem and given
the answer and prescribed the cure, you then need to put it
into effect.--And that's usually the hardest part, the spiritual
operation. But in the case of a problem like bitterness, if you
don't cut out the malignant root, it will kill you! Of course,
rooting out can be painful, it's not a very easy job. If you've
ever uprooted a plant you know what I mean. Sometimes it
tears out some of the earth with it, like tearing out part of
your heart.
It's up to you to decide
to be or not to be a
certain way. In getting
victories over deep-
rooted problems, a lot
has to do with your own
will, your own desire.
You have to decide that
you really want to
change, because if you don't, you won't! Of course, only
God can fully deliver you from bitterness and its ill-effects,
but you must be willing and yielded to Him, and make the
decision that you want to be delivered without
reservations!--The choice is yours!
A. Confess You've Got It!

Whenever any of us are diagnosed as having a serious

spiritual disease such as bitterness, we have to face the
facts and admit that we've got a problem. If we won't even
face and admit our problems, we're never going to get the
victory over them. If you don't recognise and expose the
Enemy's work, how are you going to defeat him and get the
victory over it?
The Lord promises deliverance and victory, and God says
everything He can in His Word to encourage you to have
faith to be delivered from your problems! But you can't be
delivered and you can't even have faith for it unless you are
obedient and honest and willing to confess your
unrighteousness and your sins and your faults!
You'll never be able to correct the problem or find the
solution if you deny it exists and keep saying everything is
all right, perfectly all right.--That doesn't solve the problem
at all. In fact, it makes it even worse! You'll never get the
victory over such a problem until you honestly face it and
confess it. "He that confesseth his sins," God's Word says,
"shall have mercy. But he that covereth his sin shall not
prosper!"--Pro.28:13. So confess it and ask the Lord to
forgive you for any bitterness you may be harbouring
towards Him or others! If you're willing to recognise and
face your problem, then you can attack it and overcome it!
If you realise how utterly deadly a "root of bitterness" is,
you'll certainly want to confess, forsake and get rid of it!--
Regardless of what it may cost you to do so! If you love the
Lord and you want Him to "build and to plant" His wonderful
life-giving fruits of love and mercy in your life and heart, you
will do all you can to cooperate with Him to "root out, pull
down, throw down and destroy" (Jer.1:10) any and all of the
Enemy's death-dealing evil weeds, seeds and bitter roots
that may have found a place in your heart!
"Ye that love the Lord, hate evil!"--Psa.97:10. It's been said
that a good gardener has got to not only love flowers, but
he needs to hate weeds as well. This principle aptly applies
to you and the "garden" of your heart. Regardless of how
justified you may feel about holding on to any hurts or
resentments or wounds from your past, if you are a wise
gardener at all, you'll believe the Master Gardener's Manual
and its stern warnings about bitterness, and you'll realise
that you must do all that you possibly can to rid your plot of
this deadly root!--Lest your garden be absolutely overrun,
destroyed and defiled by this horrible, nagging, choking

B. Attack, Attack, Attack!

Once you've recognised that you have a problem with

bitterness and you've admitted and confessed it, then
you've got to take a positive and militant stand against it.
God's Word tells us that we're "not to be ignorant of the
Devil's devices," and once you recognise the poisonous
root of bitterness for the deadly and soul-hindering device
of the Devil that it really is, you've then got to launch an all-
out spiritual attack against the Enemy himself!
You can't do business with the Devil by giving the least
place to his evil thoughts against others or God! The only
kind of business you can do with him is against him!--Fight
him, curse him, curse his work and ask God to rebuke him
and deliver you! Get rid of him! That's what you've got to do
when his evil "birds" have built a nest of bitterness in your
You've really got to go on the attack and you really have to
be positive about it and resist the Enemy! Refuse to allow
him any territory in your heart or mind. Rebuke the Devil
and pray against any kind of critical spirit or bitter, proud
and self-righteous attitude you may have developed
towards others!--Or towards the Lord!
You've got to let go of all of the damn doubts and fears and
gripes and grudges and murmurs and resentments and
devilish burdens put there by the Enemy, and hang on to
the Lord with all your might! Hitch your wagon to His star
and there'll be no stopping you! But if you weigh down your
wagon with all the rocks the Devil would like to pile on, "the
weights and sins which do so easily beset you," you'll sink
for sure! You've got to "lay aside every weight" and just
forsake them and roll'm overboard and let'm fall behind as
you go on with the Lord!
Of course, there's great power in united prayer together! So
"call for the elders of the church," and have others pray with
you and for you, joining together to "agree on Earth" to bind
the Enemy and his evil roots of bitterness, and to "loose"
and free you from its terrible negative effects! "One can
chase a thousand, but two can put ten thousand to flight!"
Then once you've confessed your problem and had united
prayer against it, resisting the Enemy and forsaking your
sins, you've got to be prepared to keep fighting! Once a root
of bitterness has been allowed to grow and spread for any
length of time, it usually takes a while to completely break
all the negative thought patterns and bad habits caused by
it.--Even though the main "root" is gone.
You don't always get the victory over such problems
handed to you on a silver platter. By faith you do get it, but
you usually have to fight for it and do more than just claim
it, you have to really practice it and appropriate it until the
Enemy knows you're not going to give up.--Until he knows
you're going to keep that victory and you really want it that
much and you're not going to just throw it away.
C. "Forgive Us Our Sins as We Forgive Others"

It's been wisely said that, "Forgiveness is the key that

unlocks the door of resentment and the handcuffs of hate. It
is the power that breaks the chains of bitterness and the
shackles of selfishness."
The Lord and His Love, mercy and forgiveness are the
antidote for the deadly poison of bitterness! A little love can
go such a long way, and no matter what problems a root of
bitterness may stem from, love can still cover a multitude of
sins on the part of whoever is to blame. Even if you don't
understand exactly what the problem is between you and
someone, the Lord understands!--And the answer is Love,
whatever the problem!
"Love never fails" (1Cor.13:8), and past differences, hurts
and grievances can all be healed through humility, love, and
the oil of the Spirit. "Only by pride cometh contention"
(Pro.13:10), but love, humility and prayer solve all
problems! It never fails!
Love casts a veil over countless sins!--Love can cover all of
the past sins and mistakes that you--or whoever you're
having problems with--have made. The divine,
supernatural, miraculous, infinite, marvellous Love of God is
love enough to forgive! In fact, if you don't have love
enough to forgive, you don't have love--because
forgiveness is love! So if you can't forgive, you cannot
possibly have real love or real humility!--And you haven't
got mercy, because love is forgiveness and mercy!
As we've already pointed out, it's all too easy for us to go
down the line and blame others for everything that's wrong
with us and for all our problems. "Oh, they mistreated me
and weren't fair to me!"--Or, "They didn't keep me in line
and they didn't help me to do what is right, they let me do
the wrong thing!" But when we forgive others, we no longer
blame them.
Once bitterness has had the opportunity to grow in your
heart, it's very easy to become very unloving and hard
towards those you feel bitter against. Your spirit can then be
very unforgiving, intolerant and impatient. Instead of making
it easier for others, you even make it harder for them by
your judging and critical spirit, hard heart and unforgiving
attitude. If you've been this way, you'd better ask those
toward whom you've been bitter to forgive you for your
unloving critical spirit, and receive them with wide open
arms, and ask them to forgive you for being so self-
righteous, critical, hard of heart and unloving!
If you want to forsake and get rid of your bitterness, you
have to forgive.--And if you truly forgive someone, that
means you let go of whatever it is you're harbouring in your
heart against them. You can't say you forgive, but can never
forget. That means you're still holding it against them.
Those who say they will forgive but not forget are all too
often simply burying the hatchet but leaving the handle out
for future use. When you've had a problem with bitterness,
you've got to be willing to absolutely release and forsake all
of your past bitterness and grievances towards others.
You've got to "forget those things which are behind, and
reach forth unto those things which are before."--Phil.3:13.
Here's how one author accurately described bitterness and
forgiveness: "Carrying a grudge is a loser's game. It is the
ultimate frustration because it leaves you with more pain
than you had in the first place. Recall the pain of being
wronged, the hurt of being stung, cheated, demeaned.
Doesn't the memory of it fuel the fire of fury again? Do you
feel that hurt each time your memory lights on the people
who did you wrong? Your own memory becomes a
videotape within your soul that plays unending reruns of
your old rendezvous with pain. Is this fair to yourself--this
wretched justice of not forgiving?
"The only way to heal the pain that will not heal itself is to
forgive the person who hurt you. Forgiving heals your
memory as you change your memory's vision. When you
release the wrong-doer from the wrong, you cut a malignant
tumour out of your inner life. You set a prisoner free--
yourself."--Lewis B. Smedes
The Lord commands us to forgive
those who have trespassed
against us, and that means we can
no longer blame them. Even if they
were initially responsible for
troubling us or causing us to have
problems, we cannot continue to
blame them for our problems if we
truly forgive them. If we have
problems that resulted from others
mistreating us, and those problems
continue, it's our fault, because the
Lord has given us the power to overcome these things.
The Lord wants us to forgive those people and ask Him for
His deliverance from those problems, so we can overcome
them and be free from their hindrance. The Lord wants us
to take the responsibility on ourselves, because He wants
to show His power and His deliverance, that no matter what
has happened to us in the past, it doesn't have to affect our
whole lives! We don't have to carry that load with us for the
rest of our lives.
The Word says that "Every man shall give an account of
himself unto God!"--Rom. 14:12. But if you don't accept the
responsibility for your present problems and quit blaming
them on others, you're going to wind up going through your
entire life never getting the victory or making any progress
spiritually. How can you possibly grow and learn any
lessons if you self-righteously blame other people for
everything bad that's ever happened to you?
If you hang onto your bitterness and refuse to forgive
others, then the Lord cannot forgive you or help you very
much! Jesus said, "If ye forgive men their trespasses, your
Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if ye forgive not
men their trespasses, neither will your Heavenly Father
forgive your trespasses!"--Mat.6:14,15. The Lord is able
and willing to help you to truly forgive others, and He will
help you get rid of that bitterness if you sincerely ask Him
and are willing to genuinely let go of every grudge, ought or
resentment you may be clinging to.
If you've had a part in any past wrongdoings you may have
suffered, you've got to be honest and confess that so that
the Lord can heal you and deliver you and forgive you. His
Word says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to
forgive us our sins."--1Jn.1:9. But if we don't even confess
our sins, if we don't even think something's our fault, then
how can the Lord forgive us?
Even if we were entirely guiltless in the wrongs done to us
in the past, we are guilty in that we got bitter about it. And if
we blame someone else for our present problems because
of some wrong they did to us in the past, we are wrong. Our
present problems are our fault.
If your desire is to truly love and serve and worship the Lord
"in spirit and in truth" (Jn. 4:24), then you've got to get rid of
that heavy burden of bitterness and blame that you are
carrying around and putting on other people for your
problems; otherwise, you'll never be able to accomplish
much for the Lord. Blaming others for your present
problems is just murmuring and complaining! You are
responsible for what you do from now on!
Are you blaming your problems on others? Have you
forgiven from your heart those who have hurt you in the
past? Or are you using that as an excuse for your present
problems? Remember, "Every one of us shall give an
account of himself to God!"--Rom. 14:12. You are
responsible for your own actions! So for God's sake, forgive
those who have trespassed against you so the Lord can
forgive you for your trespasses! "Forget those things which
are behind and reach forth unto the things which are before,
and press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling
of God in Christ Jesus!"--Phil.3:13,14.

D. Spiritual Renewal!

When you're determined to utterly forsake a spiritual

problem like bitterness and you call out to the Lord with a
whole heart, asking Him to deliver you, it only takes one
blast of the mighty searing power of the Holy Ghost to burn
out all the Devil's old circuits in a mighty infilling of God's
Spirit.--God's great electrical power!
When you sincerely call out to the Lord to deliver you, He
does His part, and will fulfil His promise: "A new heart will I
give you, and a new spirit will I put within you."--Eze. 36:26.
But even though you are a new creature, that old self will
still try to pop up again! You have to fight the Devil and your
old self and your old bad habits every day! So be prepared
for a battle every day--especially with your besetting
sins--"the weights and sins that do so easily beset you."--
The Lord will be faithful to answer prayer and do His part.
But then you've got to do your part by exerting the effort to
forsake and "put off" all of the old negative thought patterns
and bad habits. His Word says: "That ye put off concerning
the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt
according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit
of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after
God is created in righteousness and true holiness."--
You need to really give the Lord a lot of cooperation in
working on breaking any bad habits of bitterness you've
formed, and ask Him to change your entire outlook and
attitude towards those whom you've been bitter against.
You don't always necessarily get over this sort of thing in a
day, it may sometimes take a little while. The Enemy
doesn't easily yield territory that he's controlled. When
people have had weaknesses and channels open to the
Enemy before, he'll try to get that ground back if he can. So
you've got to keep praying that the Lord will deliver you and
give you the complete victory, rewire you completely!
You have to be absolutely rewired and have your mind
transformed by the Spirit of God, and it usually takes time to
rewire or reprogram a computer! Any psychologist will tell
you that a new thought pattern cannot be established until
the old one has had time to be completely erased.--In your
case, only by a miracle of God!
Ask Him to put a new mind in you, "That mind which is in
Christ Jesus!"--Phil. 2:5. That takes a genuine spiritual
renewal, a real rewiring of all the nerves and nerve centres
and whatnot, to make sure the Lord has complete control
and the Devil's previous channels are broken completely!
And if you have to fight a real big battle to get the victory,
the Lord will give you a lot more credit, a lot more reward. If
you have a real tough battle and struggle to get the victory,
it's probably because the Lord's testing you to find out how
much you want it, and how much you're willing to fight for it
before He's going to reward you with it. But if you do your
part, the Lord will certainly do His, and you will win!--So
don't give up! Praise the Lord!

Lord Jesus, Your Word says that when we look unto You,
we are lightened: And our faces are not ashamed.--And that
when this poor man cries out to You, that You will hear me
and save me and deliver me out of all my troubles!
So Lord, I call on You
now with a whole heart,
and I ask You to hear
and answer and deliver
me, in Jesus' name! I
realise that these roots
of bitterness are like a
deadly infection, Lord,
so I ask You right now to uproot and take them all away!
Lord, please rid me of any doubts or fears or resentments
or hurts about the past, or even about things that are
happening right now, and give me faith to just let it all go
into Your care.--To cast all my cares upon You because You
care for me! (1Pet.5:7)
If I still hang on to any such roots, even little roots, Lord, in
the back of my heart, I know the Devil will play on them and
aggravate them. So I rebuke the Enemy in this bitterness
and this lack of trusting You, and I rebuke any
unyieldedness to You, Lord! Help me, Jesus, just to be a
yielded vessel and not try to be the clay saying to the
Potter, "Why hast Thou made me thus?" or "Why have You
done this to me and treated me this way and allowed this
thing to happen that I resent!"--Or "Why are You doing
these things to me right now?" Please help me to just be
yielded, a yielded broken vessel, Lord, one that's willing to
do anything for You!
Forgive me for all my sins, Lord, and help me not to criticise
You and the way You're running my life. Help me not to ever
think that I'm in any way more righteous than You, that I
would do things better than You could have done. Please
forgive me, Lord, for all my murmuring and doubting! It's
such a terrible sin, Lord because my bitterness is really
against You! Please help me to stop it!
Murmuring is really complaining that You're doing things
wrong, which means I think I could do them better, that I'm
more righteous than You are, which is self-righteousness,
Lord, a terrible sin. Forgive me and help me to trust You
more. You know best about all these things, and You're
going to have Your way and it's all going to work out for the
best in the long run for me, because I love You, in Jesus'
So forgive me, Lord, for all my murmurings and
complainings and gripings and growlings and groanings
and bellyaching and criticisms! Help me to learn to be truly
thankful, and to "in everything give thanks" (1Thes.5:18), to
praise You in all things, Lord, and be thankful for what I've
got, because things could certainly be a whole lot worse!
I praise You, Lord, for the life You've given me!--For Your
Love and a place in Your Family! Forgive me for when I've
murmured and complained and grouched and growled and
grumbled about this or that little thing when I thought I
should have been treated better or deserved more. Forgive
me, Lord! Help me to be more thankful and to praise You for
all Your goodness and mercy instead of murmuring and
complaining and growling and grumbling and griping about
the little tests and trials that You've allowed to come my
Help me, Lord, to always praise You!--Even when the Devil
comes along with his growlings and gripings, help me to
confront him with praise, to shout and sing praises to You,
Lord, and thanksgiving for all Your goodness and mercy
and Love and provision and protection and all this
wonderful life that You've given me to live for You and for
others.--The best and greatest life in the World and with the
greatest dividends in Heaven, in Jesus' name! TYL! Praise
the Lord!
Thank You for this beautiful life, this wonderful World and
this wonderful Work, Lord! Thank You Jesus for it all! Help
me never to complain or murmur or gripe or bellyache or go
around poisoning other people with my complaints and
murmurs! You really are sick of that kind of thing and that
kind of people, Lord, and I know from Your Word that You
just will not put up with them! You slaughtered millions of
people out in the desert who did it and You only let their
children inherit the Kingdom!
So please strengthen me, Lord, with Your Word and the
Sword of Your Spirit that I may be able to truly resist and
fight the Enemy! Help me, Lord, to be properly armed
against all the fiery darts of the Evil One and his doubts and
criticisms and lies and murmurs and resentments and
"poor-me's" and all the demonic fiery darts of the Devil!
And help me, Lord, not to fight nor resist whatever it is that
You want to use to break me and humble me and draw and
keep me close to You. I know, Lord, that You know what's
best for me, even if it doesn't always seem best for me,
Lord! You just want to see if I'm willing to trust You and
believe You and believe that "All things truly do work
together for good to them that love Thee"!--Rom.8:28.
I know that things will be a lot easier if I just accept what
You've done in my life in the past and what You're trying to
do in my life right now. I know it'll be easier, Lord, if I accept
the breakings and the chastisements and the lessons and
all of these things, if I don't fight against them, if I just yield.
Jesus, help me not to give the Devil an inch, not to allow
even one tiny root or offshoot of bitterness to remain in my
I know that I cannot expect Your blessing and protection
when I run away from You, out of Your Will, even spiritually
in thought. So keep me close to You with pure and positive
thoughts of You and Your Word, in Jesus' name!
Help me, Lord, to watch my thoughts and watch my words
and to fill my heart and mind with You and Your Word so
that I'll be well-protected and fortified and surrounded by
Your Angels of protection and Your Guardian Angels, Lord,
that care for Your children all the time.
And Lord, please renew me with Your wonderful Spirit of
Love! Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit, Lord, that I may
have a heart full of Your Love. Your Word says, "Above all
things have fervent love one toward another."--1Pet.4:8.
Please help me not to condemn or judge others in pride or
Please give me more of Your Love, Your patience, Your
humility, which is synonymous with love--littleness in my
own eyes. Give me sweetness and love for others. Help me
to mete unto other men's bosoms as I want You to mete
unto me. Help me to truly forgive other men's sins as You
have forgiven me, to have mercy upon others as You have
had mercy upon me.
Guard me from the Devil who goeth about as a roaring lion
seeking whom he may devour. I know he is the one who
stands day and night accusing Your Saints and trying to
divide, trying to subvert, propagandising and lying and
causing doubts and fears and casting fiery darts of hate and
Help me to be more like You, Lord Jesus!--And help me not
to be like the Enemy--the Accuser of the Saints, the harsh,
the cruel, the devourer! Help me to be forgiving and patient,
and to have mercy as I want mercy, and to treat others in
their errors as I want You to treat me in mine!
Help me to truly forgive all those against whom I have felt
offended or resentful or bitter. I sincerely pray that now,
Lord, regarding all of those who may have offended me or
failed me or made mistakes, who somehow affected or hurt
or upset me. Please help me to forgive. I ask You to please
forgive me. "Forgive me my sins as I forgive those who
have sinned against me."--Luk.11:4.
Lord, help me to be more simple and childlike in these
things! Your Word says, "In understanding be ye men, but in
malice be ye children."--1Cor.14:20. So even if I'm offended
sometimes, help me to let it go and forget it right away. Help
me not to hold things against people, to not stay offended!
Help me to cut these sensitive thoughts off before they
have a chance to become any kind of bitterness. Help me
to truly forgive and forget and love. Help me to keep my life
as simple as I can, Lord, to live simply and try not to be
complicated, trying to keep track of how I've been offended
and by whom, etc.
Help me now, Lord, and deliver and uproot any and all evil
seeds or roots of bitterness, envy or hate!--That I might be
delivered and freed and be all the freer to go ahead with
even greater conviction to get the job done that You have
called me to do!--Help me to "lay aside every weight and
the sin which doth so easily beset me," that I may truly run
Your race, for Your glory, in Jesus' name!
I know, Lord, that this is not just something that I do once
and for all, but I have to constantly be forsaking all these
temptations and negative thoughts in my heart, all the time
forsaking the old ways and laying aside these weights and
hindrances. Lord, every day I've got to forsake the Devil's
voice and temptations which try to call me back and suck
me back into the old ways and the old habits and
bondages, so help me to do that, and keep fighting! Thank
You, Lord, for delivering me!--In Jesus' name, amen.
"Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man
his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and He will
have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will
abundantly pardon."--Isa.55:7.
"For it is better to hearken unto the voice of thy Lord than to
dwell in the fields of bitterness! It is better to follow thy God
than to follow the words of Man."

Definition: Holding on to or showing feelings of intense

[strong] animosity [hatred, anger], resentment or
vindictiveness [wanting to get back at someone]. -- Other
words that describe bitterness are: merciless, unforgiving,
holding a grudge. Bitterness is also described as feelings
resulting from something that is difficult to accept.

1. God's Word warns us against the dangers of

Proverbs 18:19 [When we allow ourselves to become bitter
against others, we create walls difficult to overcome, which
isolates us from others.] A brother offended is harder to be
won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the
bars of a castle.
Acts 8:22,23 [Bitterness is a sin to be repented of.] Repent
therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God if perhaps
the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee. 23 For I
perceive that thou art in the gall [poison] of bitterness, and
in the bond of iniquity.
Colossians 3:19 Husbands, love your wives, and be not
bitter against them.
Hebrews 12:15 [Be on guard against it, because even a
little root of bitterness can do much harm to you and
others.] Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of
God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you,
and thereby many be defiled [contaminated]. [See also
Deuteronomy 29:18.]
James 3:14 If ye have bitter envying and strife in your
hearts, glory not [don't brag about it.], and lie not against
the truth.

2. Do not carry or keep bitterness, but replace it with

love, kindness and forgiveness.

Leviticus 19:18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear [carry or

keep] any grudge [bitterness] against the children of thy
people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am
the Lord.
Proverbs 17:9 [Love can overcome bitterness, but watch
out about opening up old hurts felt from others. Better to
forgive and forget.] He that covereth a transgression
seeketh love; but he that repeateth [harps about] a matter
separateth very [true] friends. [See also 10:12.]
Matthew 6:14,15 For if ye forgive men their trespasses,
your Heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15 But if ye
forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father
forgive your trespasses.
Matthew 18:23-35 [In His parable of the unmerciful servant,
Jesus made it clear that we will suffer if we refuse to
sincerely forgive our brethren, when we know Jesus has
had mercy on our sins.] 35 So likewise shall My Heavenly
Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not
every one his brother their trespasses.
Romans 2:1-6 [Hypocritical, judgmental self-righteousness
can cause us to harbor bitterness, while feeling justified for
doing so, yet it ends up bringing God's punishments upon
ourselves.] Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man,
whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest
another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest
doest the same things. 2 But we are sure that the judgment
of God is according to truth against them which commit
such things. 3 And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest
them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou
shalt escape the judgment of God? 4 Or despisest thou the
riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering;
not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to
repentance? 5 But after thy hardness and impenitent heart
treasurest up unto thyself wrath [you are saving up terrible
punishment for yourselves] against the Day of Wrath and
revelation of the righteous judgment of God; 6 Who will
render to every man according to his deeds.
Ephesians 4:31,32 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger,
and clamour [shouting or crying], and evil speaking, be put
away from you, with all malice [desire to do harm]: 32 And
be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one
another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
1 Peter 4:8 [Even if someone has mistreated or wronged
you, God's love is love enough to forgive.] And above all
things have fervent love among yourselves: for love shall
cover the multitude of sins.

3. If you allow bitterness a place in your heart, it will

eventually come out of your mouth in murmuring and

Job 6:2,3 [Job complains to his friends:] Oh that my grief

were throughly weighed, and my calamity laid in the
balances together! 3 For now it would be heavier than the
sand of the sea: therefore my words are swallowed up
[have been rash]. [See also 7:11.]
Job 10:1 [Job also said:] My soul is weary of my life; I will
leave my complaint upon myself; I will speak in the
bitterness of my soul. [See also 16:6-16.]
Job 23:1-4 [Job's self-righteousness caused him to become
bitter against God, thinking he knew better.] Then Job
answered and said, 2 Even to day is my complaint bitter:
my stroke is heavier than my groaning. 3 Oh that I knew
where I might find Him! That I might come even to His seat!
4 I would order my cause before Him, and fill my mouth with
Matthew 12:34b Out of the abundance of the heart the
mouth speaketh. [See also 15:11,18,19.]
Romans 3:14b Whose mouth is full of cursing and

4. The Lord, in His love, can deliver you from the sin of
bitterness. Here are some examples of three who
overcame it, and one who didn't:

Genesis 45:3-15 [If anyone had cause to be bitter, it was

Joseph. His brothers had despised him; they brutally sold
him into slavery and lied to their father that he had been
killed by a wild animal; he spent time in prison on false
charges of rape; was left there for two years longer
because Pharaoh's forgetful chief butler forgot his promise
to help get Joseph out of jail. In spite of all this, here's how
Joseph reconciled with his brothers:] And Joseph said unto
his brethren, I am Joseph; doth my father yet live? And his
brethren could not answer him; for they were troubled at his
presence. 4 And Joseph said unto his brethren, Come near
to me, I pray you. And they came near. And he said, I am
Joseph your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt. 5 Now
therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye
sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve
life. 6 For these two years hath the famine been in the land:
and yet there are five years, in the which there shall neither
be earing nor harvest. 7 And God sent me before you to
preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives
by a great deliverance. 8 So now it was not you that sent
me hither, but God: and He hath made me a father to
Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout
all the land of Egypt. ... 10 And thou shalt dwell in the land
of Goshen, and thou shalt be near unto me, thou, and thy
children, and thy children's children, and thy flocks, and thy
herds, and all that thou hast: 11 And there will I nourish
thee; for yet there are five years of famine; lest thou, and
thy household, and all that thou hast, come to poverty. ... 15
Moreover he kissed all his brethren, and wept upon them:
and after that his brethren talked with him.
1 Samuel 1:10 [Hannah, mother of Samuel, was sorely
provoked every year by Peninnah, the second wife of her
husband, Elkanah. Peninnah had children and purposely
tried to make Hannah feel badly because she had no
children. After years of Peninnah doing this, Hannah,
having become bitter, not eating well and feeling that she
somehow was not blessed of the Lord, took her bitterness
to the Lord in desperate prayer, openly confessing her grief,
both to the Lord, and to Eli, the priest, and finally a great
victory was one, first by faith, followed by the Lord's
blessings.] 10 And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed
unto the Lord, and wept sore. ... [Eli, when he saw Hannah
sobbing, mistakenly though she'd been drinking and was
drunk:] 15 I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit: I have drunk
neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my soul
before the Lord. ... [She explained her prayer that God give
her a son.] 17 Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace:
and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition that thou hast
asked of Him. 18 And she said, Let thine handmaid find
grace in thy sight. So the woman went her way, and did eat,
and her countenance was no more sad. [By faith Hannah
had given her bitterness to the Lord, and because of it, was
able to return to her family, having been freed from sadness
and was even able to eat normally. Later the blessings
came: the Lord not only blessed her with Samuel, her first
born who she gave to the Lord, but also with three other
sons and two daughters!]
Isaiah 38:10-17 [King Hezekiah grew bitter during a nearly
fatal illness. During his worst days, he felt the Lord was
cutting him off. Yet his desperate prayer and tears brought
eventual healing and victory.] I said in the cutting off of my
days, I shall go to the gates of the grave: I am deprived of
the residue of my years. 11 I said, I shall not see the Lord,
even the Lord, in the land of the living: I shall behold man
no more with the inhabitants of the world. 12 Mine age is
departed, and is removed from me as a shepherd's tent: I
have cut off like a weaver my life: He will cut me off with
pining sickness: from day even to night wilt Thou make an
end of me. 13 I reckoned till morning, that, as a lion, so will
He break all my bones: from day even to night wilt thou
make an end of me. 14 Like a crane or a swallow, so did I
chatter: I did mourn as a dove: mine eyes fail with looking
upward: O Lord, I am oppressed; undertake for me. 15
What shall I say? He hath both spoken unto me, and
Himself hath done it: I shall go softly all my years in the
bitterness of my soul. 16 O Lord, by these things men live,
and in all these things is the life of my spirit: [then Hezekiah
begins to speak faith:] so wilt Thou recover me, and make
me to live. 17 Behold, for peace I had great bitterness: but
Thou hast in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of
corruption: for Thou hast cast all my sins behind Thy back.
2 Samuel 13:22 [Absalom, son of King David, bitterly hated
his half-brother, Amnon, for having raped Tamar, Absalom's
full sister. This unbridled bitterness grew for two years until
Absalom had Amnon killed.] And Absalom spake unto his
brother Amnon neither good nor bad: for Absalom hated
Amnon, because he had forced his sister Tamar. ... 28 Now
Absalom had commanded his servants, saying, Mark ye
now when Amnon's heart is merry with wine, and when I
say unto you, Smite Amnon; then kill him, fear not: have not
I commanded you? Be courageous, and be valiant. 29 And
the servants of Absalom did unto Amnon as Absalom had
commanded. Then all the king's sons arose, and every man
gat him up upon his mule, and fled.
5. Bitterness stems from feelings of anger and an
unforgiving attitude towards others. Here are some
more solutions from the Word on how to avoid it.

Proverbs 27:7 [If we are truly hungry to learn from the Lord,
even bitter experiences are looked upon as "blessings in
disguise."] The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the
hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.
Matthew 5:23,24 Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar,
and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought
[grievance] against thee; 24 Leave there thy gift before the
altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and
then come and offer thy gift.
Mark 11:25 And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have
ought against any: that your Father also which is in Heaven
may forgive you your trespasses.
Romans 8:28 [Bitterness is also described as the feelings
resulting from something that is difficult to accept; so it's
important to always remember that the Lord has a good
purpose in everything that He allows to happen to us.] We
know that all things work together for good to them that love
God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.
Romans 12:2 [God's Word often speaks of "renewing our
minds," which implies letting go of the old; particularly any
past grievances and bitternesses.] And be not conformed to
this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your
mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable,
and perfect, will of God. [See also Ephesians 4:23.]
Ephesians 4:26b,27 [Going to bed in anger is an avenue for
the Devil to work.] Let not the sun go down upon your
wrath; 27 Neither give place to the Devil.
Philippians 3:13 [Bitterness is also caused by holding on to
bad or angry feelings about someone or something that
happened, but the Lord tells us to forget the things that are
past.] Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended:
but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are
behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are
Colossians 3:13 Forbearing one another, and forgiving one
another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as
Christ forgave you, so also do ye.

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