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1. G_O_F__Y _H_U_E_
2. _I_LI_M S_A__S_E_RE
3. _EN _O_SO_
4. T_O_A_ DE_K_R
5. F_A_CI_ B_C_N
6. J_H_ M_LT_N
9. _OB_RT B_R_S
10. S_R W_LT_R S_OT_
11. W__LI_M W_RD_W_R_H
12. J_H_ K_AT_
13. AL_R_D L_R_ T_N_Y_ON
14. R_B_R_ B_OW_I_G
15. B_N_A_I_ _R_N_L_N
16. N_T_A_I_L H_W_H_R_E
17. _D_AR A_LA_ _O_
18. W_L_ W_I_M_N
19. EM_L_ D_CK_N_O_
20. H_N_Y W_D_WO_T_ L_N_F_L__W
1. The priest who wrote “The Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation”, a combination of historical and
legendary material.
2. The author who grew up in the finest ideals of chivalry. H lived and died a knight in the service of the Earl of Warwick, the
“father of courtesy.”
3. The greatest writer of the Middle Ages, and his masterpiece was The Canterbury Tales, a collection of brief narratives
written in poetry and vleverly arranged in a framework.
4. He was a poor, unknown country by who arrives at the great city of London. He was both a poet and a playwright. He
wrote two narrative poems and about 154 sonnets.
5. He was the most prestigious of the contemporaries of Shakespeare. For 25 years he was the literary
autocrat of London.
6. He was famous for his carefree, light love songs.
7. He was essentially a dramatist and wrote some very popular plays that included lovely lyric poems like
“Art Thou Poor”.
8. He was the most significant philosopher and prose writer of his age.Our interest in him as a literary man lies in the
fact that he wrote a series of short, formal essays on subjects concerning people’s daily lives.

9. The most prominent writer in English literature. He represents the religious consciousness of the Puritans of
England. His masterpiece, a long narrative poem entitled Paradise Lost and one of his works was On His
10. He was the son of a London tradesman. He was a strange, imaginative child whose soul was more at home with
brooks and flowegrs and fairies than in the crowded streets of London. He wrote The Lamb and The Tiger.

1. Literature 11. Science

2. Ballad 12. Reality
3. Poetry 13. Flashback
4. Poem 14. Ode
5. Metonymy 15. Genre
6. Lyric 16. Folk
7. Fiction 17. Traditional
8. Non-Fiction 18. Child
9. Allegory 19. Medieval
10. Simile 20. William Shakespeare

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