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How to make lemper Ayam(Sticky Rice With Chicken Filling)

Serves: 10

 500 gm glutinous rice

 2 cups water
 3/4 cup coconut milk
 A pinch of salt

For filling

 200 gm minced chicken breast

 2 teaspoon coriander
 1 teaspoon cumin
 1/2 cup coconut milk
 1/2 teaspoon belacan (trassi)
 2 cloves garlic, chopped
 1 onion, chopped
 2 kaffir lime leaves
 Salt and pepper to taste
 Oil for cooking
 Squares of banana leaf

Prep:15min › Cook:40min › Extra time:5min › Ready in:1hr

1. Soak the rice in a bowl of water for an hour.

2. Prepare filling:
3. Heat a little oil in saucepan and saute the onions, garlic and kaffir lime leaves. Add the
ground spices, chicken and mash the belacan with the other ingredients and stir well. Pour in
the coconut milk. Add salt and pepper and cook until the chicken is almost dry. Let cool.
4. Drain and rinse the rice. Put the rice in a rice cooker, add water and steam for 15 minutes.
Add the coconut milk and a pinch of salt to the rice and fluff it well with a fork. Cover the pot
and let it steam for another 10-15 minutes until the rice is cooked.
5. Take a large tablespoon of rice and place onto a banana leaf square. Flatten the rice to 1/2 in
thickness then put a full teaspoon of filling in the center. Shape the rice into a mound
covering the filling. Roll the banana leaf and secure the ends with toothpicks.

How to make lemper II

There are some materials to make chicken lemper :

 200 grams of glutinous rice, ( previously soaked for 1 hour after the drain )
 1 bay leaf
 1 stalk lemongrass, ( previously white and crushed )
 3/4 teaspoon salt
 Banana leaves for wrapping
 125 ml coconut milk from coconut ¼
 6 red onions
 4 cloves garlic
 1 teaspoon coriander
 3 eggs hazelnut , (roasted)

Materials content :

 2 pieces of chicken thigh on bottom

 500 ml of water
 1 stalk lemongrass, ( which previously had been taken and crushed white )
 2 bay leaves
 3/4 teaspoon salt
 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
 100 ml coconut milk from coconut 1/4
 1/2 teaspoon sugar

There are few steps to Make Chicken Lemper :

 The first step is make the Content of lemper. Boil the chicken and water until done . Then,
leave the chicken. After the chicken was ripe, cut meat into small and pour broth 250 ml.
 The second step is mix chicken , spices , lemongrass , pepper , bay leaf , sugar, and salt. Then
stir well. After that, pour the broth , and cook until boiling . After it was ripe, pour the
coconut milk and cook until it looks pervasive .
 The third step is wash the glutonious rice until clean. Steam glutinous rice about 20 minutes
until deemed mature enough . filter the water until precipitate.
 Furthermore , boil coconut milk , lemongrass , bay leaves and salt to a boil . After that, turn
off the heat. Then add the glutinous rice and cook until absorbed . Then, leave and steam
approximately 30 minutes until done .
 Finally , take a little sticky . Then, put the contents and shape into oval ( or to taste ) . After
the wrap with banana leaves and homemade chicken lemper you are ready to serve.
Cara Membuat Lemper

gram Bahan ketan
100 gram Ketan putih
100 gram santan kental
100 ml Kaldu Ayam
2 lembar Daun Salam
1 batang Serai
secukupnya Garam
gram Bahan Isi
2 buah Dada ayam
4 lembar Daun Salam
6 lembar Daun Jeruk
100 ml Santan
1 sendok makan Air asam jawa
2 sendok makan Minyak Goreng
gram Bumbu yang dihaluskan
5 siung Bawang Merah
3 siung Bawang Putih
3 butir Kemiri
1 sendok makan Ketumbar
1 sendok makan Gula Pasir
secukupnya Garam

1.Haluskan semua bumbu.
2.Cuci bersih beras ketan, lalu rendam di dalam air selama 2 jam.

3.suir-suir daging ayam.

4.Cara membuat adonan ketan:

Kukus ketan selama 15 menit, angkat lalu sisihkan.
Rebus santan di atas wajan dengan ditambahi serai dan daun salam, hingga terlihat
Aroni ketan yang sudah dikukus tadi hingga pulen.
5.Membuat bahan isi:
Tumis semua bahan yang dihaluskan (bawang merah, bawang putih, kemiri, ketumbar, gula
dan garam) hingga harum.
Tambahkan santan, ayam yang sudah disuir-suir, daun salam, daun jeruk, dan air asam jawa
ke dalam tumisan bumbu. Tambahkan garam.
Masak hingga matang dan santan sat (habis).

6.Mencetak adonan:
Siapkan loyang persegi, lalu olesi dasar dan setiap sisinya dengan minyak. (saya
menggunakan loyang pirex)
Tuangkan setengah bagian ketan, lalu ratakan di dasar loyang.
Lapisi ketan tadi dengan adonan isi, lalu ratakan kembali.
Tuang sisa adonan ketan di atas isi, lalu ratakan dan tekan-tekan sedikit.
Kukus adonan lapis lemper tadi hingga matang (kurang lebih 30 menit)
7.Potong-potong adonan ketan menjadi persegi panjang. Lalu bungkus dengan daun pisang
dan plastik seperti gambar.

Viola, selamat menikmati :)

How to make lemper in indonesian and english version

Bahan Ketan: Haluskan utk Isi:
- 800 gr Ketan pth-rendam 2 jam & tiriskan - 5 Bawang merah, 3 Bawang putih
- 650 ml Santan, Air secukupnya - 1 sm Ketumbar, 3 Kemiri-sangrai
- 3 Dn salam, 2 Sereh-potong 3 & geprek - 1 st Jintan-sangrai, 1½ st Garam
- 2 Daun pandan, 3 st Garam - 2½ st Gula
Bahan Isi: Bahan lain:
- 500 gr Ayam-rebus & suwir2, ½ sm Air asam - Daun Pisang, 2 sm Minyak
- 3 Dn.salam, 4 Dn.jrk, 200 ml Santan

Cara membuat
- Ketan: * Cara konvensional: Kukus ketan dng pandan ½ matang. Angkat. Rebus santan dng salam,
sereh & garam. Mskkan ketan, aroni di api kcl sambil diaduk hingga santan habis terhisap. Kukus
hingga matang. * Dng Rice Cooker: Mskkan semua bhn ketan, tambahi air secukupnya, masak.
Aduk2, buang daun2 & sereh. Bila ketan blm masak, tambahkan lagi sedikit air & masak.
- Isi: Tumis bumbu halus. Mskkan santan, ayam, salam, daun jeruk, air asam, masak hingga santan
habis. Angkat dan buang daun2annya.
- Taruh ketan setebal 1 cm di loyang persegi/cetakan, ratakan. Taruh isian di atasnya, tutup dng
ketan setebal 1 cm lagi. Padatkan & potong sesuai selera. Ulang prosedur sampai ketan habis (jadi ±
30 bh).
- Potong2 daun pisang uk. 18X 27 cm. Bungkus tiap potongan ketan dng daun pisang. Kukus 10 mnt.
Lebih enak & wangi bila dibakar sebentar di atas api setlh dikukus.

Sticky rice ingredients: Grind into a paste:
- 800 gr Sticky Rice, 3 Bay leaves - 5 Shallots, 3 cloves Garlic
- 650 ml Coconut milk, enough Water - 3 Candle nuts-roasted, 1½ tsp Salt
- 2 Pandan leaves, 3 tsp Salt - 1 tsp Cumin-toasted, 2½ tsp Sugar
- 2 Lemongrass-cut each into 3 & bruised - 1 tbsp Coriander
Stuffing ingredients: Other ingredients:
- 500 gr Chicken-boiled & shredded - Banana leaves, 2 tbsp Frying fat
- 4 Kaffir lime leaves, 3 Bay leaves
- 200 ml Coconut milk, ½ tbsp Tamarind juice

- Sticky Rice: Soaked rice for 2 hours; then drained them. You can cook the rice in a conventional
way or with a rice cooker. * Conventional: Steam the rice & pandan until half cooked. Set aside. Boil
coconut milk with the bay leaves, lemongrass & salt. Reduce the heat to low; add in sticky rice;
stirring constantly until the liquid sucked out by the rice. Steam the rice until it cooked. * With Rice
Cooker: Put all of the sticky rice ingredients into a rice cooker; add enough water & cook it. Stir the
rice well; discard all leaves & lemongrass. If the sticky rice has not been really cooked, add little bit
water & cook again for a while.
- Stuffing ingredients: Sauté the spices paste. Stir in coconut milk, chicken, bay leaves, lime leaves &
tamarind juice. Cook until the coconut milk runs out. Discard all leaves.
- Place & press sticky rice as thick as 1 cm in a square baking dish (mold). Put chicken evenly above
the rice, place rice as thick as 1 cm again on top. Press evenly. Cut into several pieces. Repeat the
procedure for the remaining ingredients (for ~ 30 pieces).
- Cut banana leaves into ~ 18X27 cm sheets. Wrap stacked sticky rice with banana leaf sheets. Steam
for 10 min. They will smell & taste better if you grill for a while after the steaming procedure.

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