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TOPIC 1: READING HABITS / INFORMATION ......................................................... 2

TOPIC 2: CRIME ........................................................................................................ 6

TOPIC 3: HEALTH ................................................................................................... 10

TOPIC 4: ART .......................................................................................................... 15

TOPIC 5: BUSINESS ............................................................................................... 19

TOPIC 6: CAREER................................................................................................... 22

TOPIC 7: EDUCATION............................................................................................. 27

TOPIC 8: TRANSPORTATION................................................................................. 32

TOPIC 9: ENVIRONMENT ....................................................................................... 36

TOPIC 10: TECHNOLOGY....................................................................................... 40

TOPIC 11: TOURISM ............................................................................................... 44

TOPIC 12: ADVERTISING/MEDIA ........................................................................... 48

TOPIC 13: LANGUAGE............................................................................................ 51



1. crime rates = the levels of criminality = crime figures: t l t i ph m

Urban areas tend to experience higher levels of criminality than the rural
Khu v ng có t l t i ph c nông thôn.

2. to commit a crime = to commit an offence = to perpetrate a crime = to break

the law: ph m t i

3. to reoffend: tái ph m t i
The difficulty finding employment can make criminals reoffend.
c tìm vi c làm khi n nhi u t i ph m tái ph m t i.

4. first-time offenders: nh i ph m t i l u
5. repeat offenders: nh i tái ph m t i

6. to follow the rules = to obey the law: tuân th lu t pháp

Anyone who commits a crime should be punished heavily.
B t k ai ph m t i nên b tr ng ph t th t n ng.

7. a criminal = a perpetrator = a lawbreaker = an offender: i ph m t i

Sending these youngsters to prison simply trains them to become professional
T ng b n tr ranh vào tù s khi n b n chúng tr thành nh ng tên t i ph m
chuyên nghi p.

8. youth crime = juvenile delinquency = juvenile crime: t i do i tr ph m

ph i
One of the main reasons for the increase in youth crime is the abuse of drugs
and alcohol among young adults.
M t trong nh ng lý do chính cho s t i ph m v thành niên là vi c
l m d ng thu c và c n c i tr .

9. unlawful actions = illegal acts: hành vi ph m pháp

Criminals must learn that unlawful actions have consequences,
T i ph m ph i hi c r ng các hành vi ph u có h u qu .

10. the exposure to something: s ti p xúc v

The regular exposure to violent movies may turn children into aggressive
Vi c ti p xúc v i phim b o l ng xuyên có th bi n tr em thành nh ng
i hung d .

11. To deter somebody from something/doing something ~ to discourage

somebody from doing something:
Security cameras can help deter people from commiting a crime.
Camera an ninh có th i ta ph m t i.

12. strict punishments: các hình ph t nghiêm kh c

Strict punishments can certainly help to encourage people to drive more safely.
Các hình ph t n ng có th giúp khuy n khích m
Financial pusnishments: ph t ti n
Licence suspension: thu gi y phép lái xe
Prison sentences: ph t tù

13. be sent to prison = be imprisoned = be put in jail = be put behind bars = be

incarcerated: t ng vào tù >< be released from jail: c th ra kh i tù
People who are released from jail should be rehabilitated to have a normal life
Nh c th ra kh tái hòa nh p c ng sau

14. to make ends meet: làm l ng v t v ki m s ng

In many places, unemployed people have to resort to crime to make ends meet.
nhi i th t nghi i ph m t có th ki m s ng.

15. to associate with somebody: giao du v c)


Children should not be allowed to associate with bad peers.

Tr c cho phép giao du v i b n bè x u xa.

16. to feel a sense of security: c m th y an toàn

If all lawbreakers are sent to prison, law-abiding citizens might feel a greater
sense of security.
N u t t c nh ng k ph m t i b nh t vào tù, m i s c m th y an toàn

17. bullying (n): (vi c) b t n

to bully somebody (v): b t n
Bullying has become increasingly common in many schools in many parts of
the world.
Vi c b t n nên ngày càng ph bi n nhi ng h c trên nhi u
gi i.

18. to acquire easy money: ki m ti n d dãi/b t chính

Lazy people tend to acquire easy money by stealing from others.
Nh i bi ng ki m ti n b t chính b p.

19. the increased use of drugs and alcohol = alcohol and drug abuse: vi c l m
d u và thu c
Alcohol and drug abuse are among the primary reasons for the rise in the
number of young offenders.
Vi c l m d u và thu c là m t trong nh ng nguyên nhân chính cho s gia
ng t i ph m tr .

20. peer pressure: áp l c t b ng nghi p

Peer pressure can have profound influences
Áp l c t b ng trang l a có th có nh ng ng l n t i hành vi
c a nh i tr tu i.

21. to mimic violent behaviour = to copy aggressive actions: b c các hành

vi b o l c

Children are likely to mimic violent behaviour that they watch on TV.
Tr ng b c các hành vi b o l c mà chúng xem trên TV.

22. job training programs: o ngh

After being released from prison, criminals should be provided with job training
c th ra kh i tù, t i ph c cung c
t o ngh .

23. to retrain and learn new skills: o và h c các k i

If released prisoners are given a chance to retrain and learn new skills, they do
not have to struggle financially and can become normal, productive members of
N c th o và h c k i, h s không
ph i v t l n v m t tài chính n a và có th tr thành nh i có ích
cho xã h i.

24. to reintegrate back into society: tái hòa nh p c ng

Job training programs can help criminals to reintegrate back into society.
o ngh có th giúp t i ph m tái hòa nh p c ng.


1. preservatives: ch t b o qu n | chemicals: hóa ch t | additives: ch t ph gia

The use of chemicals in food production can be beneficial sometimes.
c s d ng hóa ch t trong s n xu t th c ph i.

2. the appearance of food: v ngoài c a th c ph m

If you want to sell well, the appearance of the food in your restaurant must be
N u anh mu t hàng, v ngoài c nhà hàng anh ph c
c i thi n.

3. to preserve something: b o qu
Traditionally, newly-caught fish should be preserved in salt.
Theo truy n th ng, cá m c b o qu n trong mu i.

4. be allergic to something: b d ng v
Mary is allergic to ys picks meat over seafood.
Mary b d ng v i h i s n. Vì th cô y luôn ch n th t thay vì h i s n.

5. the overuse of something: vi c s d u ho ng

The overuse of additives in food production might cause certain life-threatening
Vi c s d ng ch t ph gia quá nhi u trong th c ph m có th gây ra r t nhi u
lo i b nh nguy hi n tính m ng.

6. average life expectancy: tu i th trung bình

In developed countries, average life expectancy is increasing = People can
expect to live longer.
nh ng qu c gia phát tri n, tu i th

7. health care: vi c kh e (uncountable)


As the population of a country grows, the rise in the demand for health care can
be anticipated.
Khi dân s m t qu u v vi c kh

8. money from national budgets: ti n t ngân sách qu c gia

Money from national budgets will need to be taken from other areas and spent
on vital health care, accommodation and transport facilities for the rising
numbers of older citizens. [trích t bài m u c a Simon]
Ti n t ngân sách qu c khác s ph i b c t gi u
c kh e, nhà i cho s ig

9. increase the retirement age for working adults: i ngh i

A simple solution would be to increase the retirement age for working adults,
perhaps from 65 to 70. [trích t bài m u c a Simon]
M t gi i ngh ng t 65 lên 70
tu i.

10. to lead a sedentary lifestyle: s ng m t cu c s ng th ng, ít ho ng

Many people nowadays lead a sedentary lifestyle.
Nhi i bây gi s ng m t cu c s ng r t th ng.
lead an unhealthy lifestyle | lead a healthy lifestyle

11. health problems = health issues: các v v m t s c kh e

health problems such as obesity
and diabetes.
Gi i tr bây gi i m t v i r t nhi u v v s c kh béo
phì và ti ng
diabetes: ti ng
ng cholesterol cao
heart problems: các v v tim m ch
diet-related health problems: các b n ch

12. infectious = contagious = communicable: có th lây truy c

Some diseases are highly communicable, so it is the responsibility of the
government to take action promptly
R t nhi u b nh d lây lan, nên trách nhi m c a chính ph là ph i ra tay k p th i.

13. to spread something: lan truy

It is the responsibility of the government to ensure that illnesses should not be
spread unnescessarily.
Vi m b o b nh d ch không lan truy n chính là trách nhi m c a chính ph .

14. respiratory diseases: b nh v ng hô h p

Constant exposure to exhaust fumes might lead to some respiratory diseases
such as asthma, bronchitis and even cancer.
Vi c liên t c hít khí th i có th d n t i các b nh v ng hô h
suy n, viêm ph qu n và th
asthma: hen suy n
bronchitis: viêm ph qu n

15. to subject somebody to something: khi i ch ng, tr qua cái gì

Constant exposure to exhaust fumes might subject people to some respiratory
diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and even cancer.
Vi c liên t c hít khí th i có th khi n m i m c các b nh v ng hô h p
n, viêm ph qu n và th

16. to eat a balanced diet: ng

In order to encourage people to eat a balanced diet, detailed health advice
should be regularly given in the media.
khuy n khích m ng, nh ng l i khuyên v s c
kh c cung c n truy n thông m ng

17. physical health: s c kh e th ch t >< mental health: s c kh e tinh th n


Lifestyle is a major cause of the falling standard of physical health.

L i s ng chính là 1 nguyên nhân l ng sau s s t gi m v s c kh e th
ch t c a m i.

18. side effects: tác d ng ph

Using chemicals in food production has been scientifically proved to produce
some unwanted side effects.
S d ng hóa ch t trong th c ph c ch ng minh là có th gây ra nhi u
tác d ng ph không mong mu n.

19. obese (adj): béo phì obesity (n): b nh béo phì overweight (adj): th a cân
childhood obesity: béo phì tr nh
She was not just overweight; she was clinically obese (Cambridge)
Cô y không ch th m chí là béo b nh.

20. health deterioration (n): s xu ng c p, suy gi m v s c kh e

There are countless risks lurking in big cities that can cause health deterioration.
Có vô vàn m i nguy hi m l n khu t thành ph mà có th gây suy gi m s c
kh e.

21. physical inactivity (n): s i ho ng th ch t be physically inactive (adj)

Physical inactivity can subject people to many serious health issues.
Vi i ho ng th ch t có th gây ra nhi u v s c kh e.

22. the (excessive) consumption of fast food: s tiêu th th u)

consuming fast food excessively
The excessive consumption of fast food is one of the main causes of childhood
Vi c tiêu th th u là m t trong nh ng nguyên nhân chính
c a vi c béo phì tr nh .

23. to have a hectic schedule: có l ch làm vi c b n r n

People who have a hectic schedule tend to be physically inactive.
Nh ng ai có l ch làm vi c b n r i ho ng.

24. to have a walk

have a walk every day.
i dân hi n nay ngày càng ng hàng ngày.

25. healthy eating habits: ng t t

Healthy eating habits should be taught at school.
ng t cd yt ng.

26. public health services: các d ch v y t công c ng

The authorities should channel more money into public health services.
Nhà ch ch v y t công c ng.

27. to carry health risks: mang các hi m h a v m t s c kh e

Staying up late at night can carry health risks, so people are advised to go to
bed at 11p.m.
Th c khuya mang nhi u hi m h a s c kh e, nên m lúc 11h

28. be harmful to health = be detrimental to health: có h i cho s c kh e

Drinking alcohol can be detrimental to health.
U u có th có h i cho s c kh e.

29. to have a regular check-up: c kh nh k

People should be encouraged to have a regular check-up so that health
problems can be identified early.
M i nên c kh nh k các v v m t s c kh e có th
c phát hi n s m.

30. to improve the level of health education: c i thi n vi c giáo d c v s c kh e

To improve the level of health education, schoolchildren must be taught to have
a varied diet with plenty of vitamins.
c i thi n vi c giáo d c v s c kh e, tr em ph c d y v ch dinh
ng v i nhi u vitamin.


1. art projects: các d án ngh thu t, works of art = artworks: các tác ph m ngh
thu t
Many art projects should be funded by the state.
Nhi u d án ngh thu c chính ph tr c p ti n.
create a work of art = create an artwork

2. to represent culture, heritage and history: i di n và l ch

Some works of art can represent culture, heritage and history of a country.
Nhi u tác ph m ngh thu t có th i di n và l ch s c a
m t qu c gia.

3. governments and local councils: chính ph và chính quy

Governments and local councils should pay creative artists to produce special
artworks in public spaces to make the cities more interesting and attractive.
Chính ph và chính quy ti n cho các ngh t o ra
các tác ph m ngh thu c bi t khu v c công c ng nh m làm cho thành
ph thú v và h p d

4. statues: ng, sculptures: tác ph c, paintings: tranh

Numerous statues and sculptures have been made and placed in the city
centres in recent months.
R t nhi ng và các tác ph ct t trung tâm
thành ph trong nh ng tháng g

5. a luxury: th và không c n thi t

Many people hold the view that the work of creative artists is a luxury because
the government has more important concerns.
Nhi i cho r ng các tác ph m c a các ngh t th xa x b i vì
chính ph có nhi u m i b n tâm l

6. to sell the work: bán công trình, tác ph m c a mình

Because artists do a job like any other professional, they should earn their own
money by selling their work.
B i vì ngh i khác nên h nên ki m ti n b ng cách
bán các tác ph m c a mình.

7. the school curriculum: c

Art subjects should definitely be included in the school curriculum.
Các môn ngh thu ct ng.

8. academic subjects: các môn h >< non-academic

subjects: các môn h c khác (vd: art subjects music, painting; th d c, giáo d c

Nowadays there has been a bias against non-academic subjects in the school
G c có 1 s thiên v

9. well-rounded (adj): toàn di n

The ultimate purpose of education is to help children become well-rounded
M i cùng c a giáo d c là giúp tr em tr thành nh i toàn
di n.

10. phát
tri n các khía c nh v tính cách c i tr
Subjects such as art, music and sport can help develop aspects of young

Các môn h thu t, âm nh c và th thao có th giúp phát tri n các

khía c nh v tính cách c i tr .

11. th hi n b n thân |
emotions/feelings/thoughts: th hi n c m xúc c a b n thân


1. to meet/cover the basic needs: chi tr các nhu c u thi t y u

I agree that money is necessary in order for people to meet their basics needs
(they need money to pay for housing, food, bills, health care and education).
ng ý là m i c n ti chi tr u thi t y u (h c n ti n
tr ti n nhà, th c ph ch v , y t và giáo d c)

2. job satisfaction = job fulfilment: s th a mãn trong công vi c, s vui thú trong
công vi c
job satisfaction come from their professional
achievements, the skills they learn and the position they reach, rather than the
money they earn.
Nhi i c m th y vui thú trong công vi c t vi c các thành t u
trong công vi c, k h c và v trí h ng.

3. bi n gi n
th c
to apply oneself: làm vi c, h c t
In order for young people to realise their dreams, they have to apply themselves.
i tr có th bi n gi n th c, h ph i làm vi c c c k
ch .

4. working conditions / working atmosphere / a working environment / a work

environment: u ki n làm vi c c).
enthusiastic colleagues: ng nghi p nhi t tình
inspirational bosses: s p truy n c m h ng
Working conditions can have some effects on .
u ki n làm vi c có th có ng t i s vui v c a nhân viên.

5. working life: s nghi p

When starting out, many people wonder whether they will remain in the same
firm or not throughout their working life.

Khi m i b u, nhi i s t h i không bi t li u h có làm vi c cho ch 1

công ty trong su t s nghi p c a mình hay không.

6. to promote somebody:
One of the factors that a company considers to promote some staff is seniority.
M t trong nh ng y u t c cho nhân viên là
thâm niên.

7. annual performance and development reviews: vi c xem xét ch ng công

Now a lot of some companies use annual performance and development
reviews to decide to promote their employees.
Bây gi r t nhi u công ty xem xét ch ng công vi ti n hành
c cho nhân viên.

8. to climb the career ladder: leo lên n c thang s nghi p

In the hope of climbing the career ladder, a lot of people are now sacrificing their
own private time.
leo lên n c thang s nghi p, nhi i hi sinh th i gian cá
nhân c a mình.

9. promotion prospects ~ career prospects: vi n c nh, kh n trong

s nghi p
The job offers excellent promotion prospects.
Công vi c này mang l i kh n s nghi p.

10. unsatisfying (adj): không th a mãn, không tho i mái.

well-paid jobs = highly-paid jobs: các công vi c tr
Some people might choose a job that is well-paid but ultimately unsatisfying.
(Dominic Cole)
Nhi i ch n m t công vi c tr th a mãn.

11. to work overtime: làm vi c ngoài gi

Sometimes employees are required to work overtime to meet their deadlines.

Th nh tho ng nhân viên ph i làm vi c ngoài gi hoàn thành deadline.

12. to apply for a position: ng tuy n v

In 2000, when the airline hired stewardesses in South Korea, more than 700
young women applied for the positions.
n d ng v trí n ti p viên B c
Hàn Qu n tr ng tuy n vào v trí này.

13. to switch jobs = to change jobs: nh y vi c

But most people will switch jobs several times over the course of their careers.
H uh tm u s nh y vi c vài l n trong su t s nghi p c a mình.

14. job hopping (n): nh y vi c

Employers often avoid hiring candidates with a history of job hopping or those
who have been unemployed for a while.
Các nhà tuy n d ng tránh thuê nh ng ng nh y vi c ho c
ng th t nghi p trong m t th i gian dài.

15. employee loyalty: s trung thành c a nhân viên

Conflict between private life and work life has an impact on employee loyalty.
S t gi is i s ng công vi ng nh t
n s trung thành c a các nhân viên.

16. to balance home life and career: cân b ng gi a cu c s s nghi p

It is not easy for her to balance home life and her promising career.
Th t ch ng d dàng cho cô y khi ph i cân b ng cu c s
nghi y h a h n c a mình.

17. the retirement age = the age at which people stop work
Many people feel that the retirement age should be raised, given that we now
enjoy higher life expectancy.
Nhi i cho r ng tu i ngh c nâng lên, vì chúng ta gi có tu i

18. enthusiastic (adj): nhi t tình, nhi t huy t

Although older people can bring to their profession a great deal of experience,
they gradually become less enthusiastic.
M i già có nhi u kinh nghi m làm vi d n tr nên ít nhi t

19. to adapt to changes = to be adaptable: thích nghi v i thay i

Young people are more adaptable and should not have to wait until their seniors
leave to get a job.
i tr tu i thì thích nghi v i công vi c t không nên ph i ch
n khi các ti n b i ngh c công vi c t t.

20. welfare (n): phúc l i xã h i (kho n ti i ta nh c khi b th t nghi p)

unemployed = jobless = unwaged: th t nghi p
When workers become jobless, they are entitled to receive welfare because
they have paid taxes.
ng b th t nghi p, h c quy n nh n phúc l i xã h i b i vì
h p thu c r i.

21. a benefit package: quy n l i giành cho nhân viên (ví d o hi i

Those who work in multinational corporations tend to have great benefit

Nh ng ai làm vi c trong doanh nghi c nh n gói quy n
l i cho nhân viên r t t t.

22. incentives: ph ng khuy n khích, khích l

Extra incentives will also be offered to childcare providers to encourage them to
set up in areas of high need.
Nh ng ph n ng khích l c bi ng nhà cung c p
d ch v em, khuy n khích h cung c p d ch v nh ng khu v c
có nhu c u cao.

23. bonuses: ti ng

The salary was set at £12,000, plus a bonus if the company had a good year.
Ti m s là £12,000, c ng thêm c ti ng n

24. reward schemes: ch ng

Many firms offer additional incentives to long-term employees, including
bonuses and reward schemes.
Nhi u công ty có các ph ng khích l m
ng ti n và các ch ng khác.

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