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TEDDS calculation version

Pad footing details

Length of pad footing; L = 2450 mm
Width of pad footing; B = 2450 mm
Area of pad footing; A = L  B = 6.003 m
Depth of pad footing; h = 400 mm
Depth of soil over pad footing; hsoil = 450 mm
Density of concrete; conc = 25.0 kN/m3
Column details
Column base length; lA = 650 mm
Column base width; bA = 650 mm
Column eccentricity in x; ePxA = 0 mm
Column eccentricity in y; ePyA = 0 mm
Soil details
Density of soil; soil = 20.0 kN/m
Design shear strength; ’ = 25.0 deg
Design base friction;  = 19.3 deg
Allowable bearing pressure; Pbearing = 100 kN/m
Axial loading on column
Dead axial load on column; PGA = 208.0 kN
Imposed axial load on column; PQA = 245.0 kN
Wind axial load on column; PWA = 0.0 kN
Total axial load on column; PA = 453.0 kN
Foundation loads
Dead surcharge load; FGsur = 0.000 kN/m2
Imposed surcharge load; FQsur = 0.000 kN/m
Pad footing self weight; Fswt = h  conc = 10.000 kN/m2
Soil self weight; Fsoil = hsoil  soil = 9.000 kN/m 2
Total foundation load; F = A  (FGsur + FQsur + Fswt + Fsoil) = 114.0 kN
Horizontal loading on column base
Dead horizontal load in x direction; HGxA = 1.1 kN
Imposed horizontal load in x direction; HQxA = 1.4 kN
Wind horizontal load in x direction; HWxA = 5.7 kN
Total horizontal load in x direction; HxA = 8.2 kN
Dead horizontal load in y direction; HGyA = 0.0 kN
Imposed horizontal load in y direction; HQyA = 0.0 kN
Wind horizontal load in y direction; HWyA = 0.0 kN
Total horizontal load in y direction; HyA = 0.0 kN
Check stability against sliding
Resistance to sliding due to base friction
Hfriction = max([PGA + (FGsur + F swt + Fsoil)  A], 0 kN)  tan() = 112.8 kN
Passive pressure coefficient; Kp = (1 + sin(’)) / (1 - sin(’)) = 2.464
Stability against sliding in x direction
Passive resistance of soil in x direction; Hxpas = 0.5  Kp  (h2 + 2  h  h soil)  B  soil = 31.4 kN
Total resistance to sliding in x direction; Hxres = Hfriction + Hxpas = 144.2 kN
PASS - Resistance to sliding is greater than horizontal load in x direction
Check stability against overturning in x direction
Total overturning moment; MxOT = MxA + HxA  h = 3.280 kNm
Restoring moment in x direction
Foundation loading; Mxsur = A  (FGsur + F swt + Fsoil)  L / 2 = 139.708 kNm
Axial loading on column; Mxaxial = (PGA)  (L / 2 - ePxA) = 254.800 kNm
Total restoring moment; Mxres = Mxsur + M xaxial = 394.508 kNm
PASS - Restoring moment is greater than overturning moment in x direction
Calculate pad base reaction
Total base reaction; T = F + P A = 567.0 kN
Eccentricity of base reaction in x; eTx = (P A  ePxA + MxA + HxA  h) / T = 6 mm
Eccentricity of base reaction in y; eTy = (P A  ePyA + MyA + HyA  h) / T = 0 mm
Check pad base reaction eccentricity
abs(eTx) / L + abs(eTy) / B = 0.002
Base reaction acts within middle third of base
Calculate pad base pressures
q1 = T / A - 6  T  eTx / (L  A) - 6  T  eTy / (B  A) =
93.130 kN/m2
q2 = T / A - 6  T  eTx / (L  A) + 6  T  eTy / (B  A) =
93.130 kN/m
q3 = T / A + 6  T  eTx / (L  A) - 6  T  eTy / (B  A) =
95.807 kN/m
q4 = T / A + 6  T  eTx / (L  A) + 6  T  eTy / (B  A) =
95.807 kN/m
Minimum base pressure; qmin = min(q 1, q2, q 3, q4) = 93.130 kN/m 2
Maximum base pressure; qmax = max(q1, q 2, q3, q 4) = 95.807 kN/m2
PASS - Maximum base pressure is less than allowable bearing pressure

Partial safety factors for loads

Partial safety factor for dead loads; fG = 1.40
Partial safety factor for imposed loads; fQ = 1.60
Partial safety factor for wind loads; fW = 0.00
Ultimate axial loading on column
Ultimate axial load on column; PuA = P GA  fG + P QA  fQ + P WA  fW = 683.2 kN
Ultimate foundation loads
Ultimate foundation load; Fu = A  [(FGsur + Fswt + F soil)  fG + FQsur  fQ] = 159.7 kN
Ultimate horizontal loading on column
Ultimate horizontal load in x direction; HxuA = HGxA  fG + H QxA  fQ + HWxA  fW = 3.8 kN
Ultimate horizontal load in y direction; HyuA = HGyA  fG + H QyA  fQ + HWyA  fW = 0.0 kN
Ultimate moment on column
Ultimate moment on column in x direction; MxuA = MGxA  fG + MQxA  fQ + MWxA  fW = 0.000 kNm
Ultimate moment on column in y direction; MyuA = MGyA  fG + MQyA  fQ + MWyA  fW = 0.000 kNm
Calculate ultimate pad base reaction
Ultimate base reaction; Tu = Fu + PuA = 842.9 kN
Eccentricity of ultimate base reaction in x; eTxu = (PuA  ePxA + M xuA + HxuA  h) / T u = 2 mm
Eccentricity of ultimate base reaction in y; eTyu = (PuA  ePyA + MyuA + HyuA  h) / T u = 0 mm
Calculate ultimate pad base pressures
q1u = T u/A - 6T ueTxu/(LA) - 6TueTyu/(BA) = 139.802
q2u = T u/A - 6T ueTxu/(LA) + 6T u eTyu/(BA) = 139.802
q3u = T u/A + 6T ueTxu/(LA) - 6T ueTyu/(BA) = 141.036
q4u = T u/A + 6T ueTxu/(LA) + 6TueTyu/(BA) = 141.036
Minimum ultimate base pressure; qminu = min(q1u, q2u, q3u, q 4u) = 139.802 kN/m
Maximum ultimate base pressure; qmaxu = max(q 1u, q 2u, q3u, q4u) = 141.036 kN/m2
Calculate rate of change of base pressure in x direction
Left hand base reaction; fuL = (q 1u + q2u)  B / 2 = 342.516 kN/m
Right hand base reaction; fuR = (q 3u + q4u)  B / 2 = 345.539 kN/m
Length of base reaction; Lx = L = 2450 mm
Rate of change of base pressure; Cx = (fuR - fuL) / L x = 1.234 kN/m/m
Calculate pad lengths in x direction
Left hand length; LL = L / 2 + ePxA = 1225 mm
Right hand length; LR = L / 2 - ePxA = 1225 mm
Calculate ultimate moments in x direction
Ultimate moment in x direction; Mx = fuL  L L2 / 2 + Cx  L L3 / 6 - Fu  LL2 / (2  L) + HxuA  h =
209.986 kNm
Calculate rate of change of base pressure in y direction
Top edge base reaction; fuT = (q 2u + q4u)  L / 2 = 344.027 kN/m
Bottom edge base reaction; fuB = (q 1u + q3u)  L / 2 = 344.027 kN/m
Length of base reaction; Ly = B = 2450 mm
Rate of change of base pressure; Cy = (fuB - fuT) / L y = 0.000 kN/m/m
Calculate pad lengths in y direction
Top length; LT = B / 2 - ePyA = 1225 mm
Bottom length; LB = B / 2 + ePyA = 1225 mm
Calculate ultimate moments in y direction
2 3 2
Ultimate moment in y direction; My = fuT  L T / 2 + Cy  L T / 6 - Fu  LT / (2  B) = 209.230
Material details
Characteristic strength of concrete; fcu = 30 N/mm
Characteristic strength of reinforcement; fy = 500 N/mm2
Characteristic strength of shear reinforcement; fyv = 500 N/mm
Nominal cover to reinforcement; cnom = 50 mm
Moment design in x direction
Diameter of tension reinforcement; xB = 12 mm
Depth of tension reinforcement; dx = h - c nom - xB / 2 = 344 mm
Design formula for rectangular beams (cl
Kx = Mx / (B  dx2  fcu) = 0.024
Kx’ = 0.156
K x < Kx' compression reinforcement is not required
Lever arm; zx = dx  min([0.5 + (0.25 - K x / 0.9)], 0.95) = 327 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required; As_x_req = Mx / (0.87  fy  zx) = 1477 mm2
Minimum area of tension reinforcement; As_x_min = 0.0013  B  h = 1274 mm2
Tension reinforcement provided; 15 No. 12 dia. bars bottom (175 centres)
Area of tension reinforcement provided; As_xB_prov = NxB    xB2 / 4 = 1696 mm2
PASS - Tension reinforcement provided exceeds tension reinforcement required
Moment design in y direction
Diameter of tension reinforcement; yB = 12 mm
Depth of tension reinforcement; dy = h - c nom - xB - yB / 2 = 332 mm
Design formula for rectangular beams (cl
Ky = My / (L  dy  fcu) = 0.026
Ky’ = 0.156
K y < Ky' compression reinforcement is not required
Lever arm; zy = dy  min([0.5 + (0.25 - K y / 0.9)], 0.95) = 315 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required; As_y_req = My / (0.87  fy  zy) = 1525 mm
Minimum area of tension reinforcement; As_y_min = 0.0013  L  h = 1274 mm
Tension reinforcement provided; 15 No. 12 dia. bars bottom (175 centres)
2 2
Area of tension reinforcement provided; As_yB_prov = NyB    yB / 4 = 1696 mm
PASS - Tension reinforcement provided exceeds tension reinforcement required
Calculate ultimate shear force at d from top face of column
Ultimate pressure for shear; qsu = (q 1u - Cy  (B / 2 + ePyA + b A / 2 + dy) / L + q4u) / 2
qsu = 140.419 kN/m2
Area loaded for shear; As = L  (B / 2 - ePyA - b A / 2 - dy) = 1.392 m
Ultimate shear force; Vsu = A s  (qsu - Fu / A) = 158.391 kN
Shear stresses at d from top face of column (cl
Design shear stress; vsu = V su / (L  d y) = 0.195 N/mm2
From BS 8110:Part 1:1997 - Table 3.8
2 1/3
Design concrete shear stress; vc = 0.79 N/mm  min(3, [100  A s_yB_prov / (L  dy)] ) 
max((400 mm / dy)1/4, 0.67)  (min(fcu / 1 N/mm2, 40) / 25)1/3
/ 1.25 = 0.417 N/mm
2 2 2
Allowable design shear stress; vmax = min(0.8 N/mm  (fcu / 1 N/mm ), 5 N/mm ) = 4.382
PASS - vsu < v c - No shear reinforcement required
Calculate ultimate punching shear force at face of column
Ultimate pressure for punching shear; qpuA = q1u+[(L/2+ePxA-lA/2)+(lA)/2]Cx/B-[(B/2+ePyA-
bA/2)+(bA)/2]Cy/L = 140.419 kN/m
Average effective depth of reinforcement; d = (dx + dy) / 2 = 338 mm
Area loaded for punching shear at column; ApA = (lA)(b A) = 0.423 m2
Length of punching shear perimeter; upA = 2(lA)+2(bA) = 2600 mm
Ultimate shear force at shear perimeter; VpuA = PuA + (Fu / A - qpuA)  A pA = 635.111 kN
Effective shear force at shear perimeter; VpuAeff = VpuA = 635.111 kN
Punching shear stresses at face of column (cl
Design shear stress; vpuA = VpuAeff / (u pA  d) = 0.723 N/mm2
Allowable design shear stress; vmax = min(0.8N/mm2  (fcu / 1 N/mm2), 5 N/mm2) = 4.382
PASS - Design shear stress is less than allowable design shear stress
Calculate ultimate punching shear force at perimeter of 1.5 d from face of column
Ultimate pressure for punching shear; qpuA1.5d = q1u+[L/2]C x/B-[(B/2+ePyA-b A/2-
1.5d)+(b A+21.5d)/2]Cy/L = 140.419 kN/m
Average effective depth of reinforcement; d = (dx + dy) / 2 = 338 mm
Area loaded for punching shear at column; ApA1.5d = L(b A+21.5d) = 4.077 m
Length of punching shear perimeter; upA1.5d = 2L = 4900 mm
Ultimate shear force at shear perimeter; VpuA1.5d = PuA + (Fu / A - q puA1.5d)  ApA1.5d = 219.182 kN
Effective shear force at shear perimeter; VpuA1.5deff = VpuA1.5d  1.25 = 273.977 kN
Punching shear stresses at perimeter of 1.5 d from face of column (cl
Design shear stress; vpuA1.5d = VpuA1.5deff / (upA1.5d  d) = 0.165 N/mm2
From BS 8110:Part 1:1997 - Table 3.8
Design concrete shear stress; vc = 0.79 N/mm2  min(3, [100  (As_xB_prov / (B  d x) +
1/3 1/4
As_yB_prov / (L  d y)) / 2] )  max((800 mm / (d x + d y)) ,
0.67)  (min(fcu / 1 N/mm2, 40) / 25)1/3 / 1.25 = 0.413 N/mm2
2 2 2
Allowable design shear stress; vmax = min(0.8N/mm  (fcu / 1 N/mm ), 5 N/mm ) = 4.382
PASS - vpuA1.5d < v c - No shear reinforcement required
TEDDS calculation version 1.0.05

Slab details
Slab description;
Slab type; Fabric reinforced
Slab thickness; h = 300 mm
Reinforcement details
Characteristic strength of steel; fy = 250 N/mm
Fabric reinforcement to bottom of slab; A252
Area of reinforcement in each direction; As = 252 mm /m
Percentage of reinforcement provided; As_percent = As / h = 0.084%
Reinforcement is within recommended limits
Diameter of reinforcement; s = 8 mm
Depth of nominal cover to reinforcement; cnom = 50 mm
Average effective depth of reinforcement; d = h - cnom - s = 242 mm

Wearing surface

d Reinforced concrete slab

Steel fabric reinforcement
Slip membrane



Strength properties for concrete from table 9.1

Characteristic compressive strength (cube); fcu = 30 N/mm
Characteristic compressive strength (cylinder); fck = 25 N/mm2
2 2
Mean compressive strength (cylinder); fcm = fck + 8 N/mm = 33 N/mm
Mean axial tensile strength; fctm = 0.3 N/mm  (fck / 1 N/mm2)2/3 = 2.6 N/mm2

Characteristic axial tensile strength (5% fractile); fctk_0.05 = 0.7  fctm = 1.8 N/mm
2 2 0.3 2
Secant modulus of elasticity; Ecm = 22000 N/mm  (fcm / 10 N/mm ) = 31 kN/mm
Characteristic flexural strength of concrete; fctk_fl = min(2, [1 + (200 mm / h)1/2])  fctk_0.05 = 3.3 N/mm2
k1 = 1 + (200 mm / d) = 1.9
Minimum shear strength of concrete; vRd_ct = 0.035 N/mm2  k13/2  (fck / 1 N/mm2)1/2 = 0.5 N/mm2
Subgrade construction
Modulus of subgrade reaction; k = 0.200 N/mm
Partial safety factors
Bar and fabric reinforcement; s = 1.15
Reinforced concrete; c = 1.50
Permanent actions; G = 1.20
Variable actions; Q = 1.50
Dynamic actions; D = 1.60
Properties of reinforced slabs
Allowance for restraint stresses; frest = 1.5 N/mm
Negative moment capacity; Mn = (fctk_fl - frest)  h2 / (6  c) = 17.6 kNm/m
Positive moment capacity; Mp = min(0.95  A s  fy  d / s, Mn) = 12.6 kNm/m
Poisson’s ratio;  = 0.2
Radius of relative stiffness; l = [E cm  h3 / (12  (1 –  2)  k)]1/4 = 0.779 m
3 1/4 -1
Characteristic of system;  = [3  k / (Ecm  h )] = 0.917 m

Ultimate Load - Uniformly distributed load

Uniformly distributed load; Uk = 25 kN/m
Safe load capacity under a uniformly distributed load
Safe uniformly distributed load capacity controlled by positive bending moments
wp =   Mp / 0.161 = 65.7 kN/m
Safe uniformly distributed load capacity controlled by negative bending moments
wn =   Mn / 0.168 = 88.1 kN/m
Safe load capacity of slab per unit area; w = min(wn, wp) = 65.7 kN/m
PASS - Safe load capacity of slab is adequate for uniformly distributed loads

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