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Sukkot - The Feast of Booths

The first day is a Sabbath and can be celebrated with a Sabbath meal. This is a good way to
start the Feast and invite YHVH into your assembly.

1. Abrahams characteristics - Gen 18:1-5

Messiahs character portrayed in Abrahams life.

What did Abraham see when these three men

stood before him that he recognize them as
YHVH? All the detail is not described in here but
there must have been something supernatural
about their appearance or in what they said that
would give Abraham the impression that it was
YHVH standing before him. Abraham bowed to
the ground before them and this is proof that it
was YHVH standing there because they did not
rebuke him for bowing before them. This is a
physical representation of Elohim that means;
Messenger, Judge and Ruler or King. These are the attributes of Yshua where He came as
Messenger and where He will come as the Judge and will rule as our King in the New
Abraham referred to himself as a servant. The word here for servant is ebed meaning
bondservant. This is a well-known term used by Paul and the disciples referring to
themselves as bondservants of Yshua. Abraham was the first bondservant of YHVH.

This is when you are a servant of a master being set free after seven years, but you choose
to stay the masters servant, out of free will. You discard your rights as a free man and you
submit under the authority of your master and he looks after you and you serve him. This is a
beautiful picture of being born again when you choose Yshua as your Master. What people
tend to forget is that they have to give away their rights and not to be their own masters of
their lives when you follow Yshua. You need to submit under the instructions of your new
As a bondservant you live in your Masters house, sit at His table, live like one of His own
children, but you must be obedient to His house rules or commandments and adopt His way
living or His culture. A Culture defines a group of people
living in a certain area who are like-minded and do
(from the Latin cultura
similar things.
We as Christians today, pray the prayer and make the
choice because it suites us at that point in time to
engage God in our lives so that He can help us sort out
our messy lives within our current culture. We are not
willing to change and conform to His way of living
Hebrew Culture. We treat Him as a Tool or a Magic
Word to speak over our problems and He have to make
it disappear. Most people who believe in Jesus
(Yshua) today did not become his Bondservants and
they do not serve Him, but He has to serve them. This
order is the wrong way round and you must realize
that you are the servant and He is the Master. In
other words, you dont have a life and use YHVH to be
your support system. The right way is: that He calls the
shots and you listen and obey and change the way He
wants you to be. He speak and you obey. He leads and
you follow. He points out your mistakes and you repent
and change accordingly. This is for your own good so
that you can change and become like Him.

stemming from colere,

meaning "to cultivate")[1]
generally refers to patterns of
human activity and the
symbolic structures that give
such activities significance
and importance. Culture can
be defined as all the ways of
life including arts, beliefs and
institutions of a population
that are passed down from
generation to generation.
Culture has been called "the
way of life for an entire

In verse 3 we see the seriousness of being a bondservant;

. You become a bondservant so that wouldnt pass you by in the time when
you need Him. What does it mean: to pass us by?
Pass by - abar - meaning: to cover, to set apart (holiness), to pass over (Pesach),
to provoke to anger, to perish and to turn away (Judgment).
As in many Hebrew words, they have positive and negative meaning and the context
reveal the interpretation and in some cases, both meanings are applicable, as in this case. To
be a bondservant means to be covered, to be set apart, so that His anger may pass you
over and that He will not turn away from you and save you. This gives us a deeper
understanding of what a bondservant is suppose to be; humble, submissive, obedient, set
apart, and we see the outcome of being a bondservant; covered, saved, mercy, not judged.
This is the amazing thing about the Hebrew language, the rhyming thoughts supports and
gives substance to the deeper meaning.
Abraham is our father of faith (Rom 4:16) and he set the example to us as believers, to be
bondservants and what it means to be born again. We see the attributes of a new covenant
believer and what attitude to have and what to do following our Master Yshua.





Did Abraham wait for a request from YHVH to act or be obedient to? No, He was eager to
give his very best and to do everything in his power, to give
unto YHVH and to serve Him with. But you may say that
Believer - Bondservant:
YHVH has no needs, why should we even bother to try to
To be a bondservant is to come to
please Him with what we have? In a sense it is true, YHVH
the realization and have the urge
owns everything, but does He own your heart? What is
to want to do things for Him and
expressed here is Abrahams heart and that He wanted to
want to serve Him and want to
serve YHVH with all that is in him and all that he had. The true
change to become like Him.
essence of love is to give your self and Abraham expressed
this love towards YHVH. Love is an action and is shown by
giving. Are you at this point in your life do you give yourself fully unto YHVH, in the same way
Abraham did? Or do you want YHVH to serve you with all His riches and power and bless
you because He is desperate for company? YHVH is not a Genie in a bottle who comes out
on your demand and gives you your hearts desire. You must want to do things He likes and
this is the evidence that you are a bondservant of Yshua. This want to drive inside of you is
the Life you have received from Him when you have received His Spirit.

Do you receive His Spirit automatically when you accept Yshua as your Master and
Lets read Acts 19 and find out.
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In verse 2 we see that it is a separate event after believing in Yshua. The way to receive the
Set apart Spirit is through prayer by the laying on of hands by a believer that have already
received the Spirit and whose life reflects the fruit of the Spirit.







How do you know you have the Spirit?

Its easy, you have this life and urge inside of you, driving
you towards the truth and you want to know more of
YHVH and His Word and His things, if not, please come
for prayer. You will also bear the fruits of the Spirit as we
have read in Gal 5. You might also have the gifts of the
Spirit (1 Cor 12:4-11) as we have seen here in Acts 19.
These are characteristics that a believer can express
when he/she has received the Spirit. In Acts 19 we saw
two gifts; prophecy and speaking in tongues. To prophesy
is to repeat YHVHs Words; they can either be in the written Word or they can be words of
encouragement, a word of wisdom or a word of knowledge.





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There are a total of twelve Gifts of the Spirit:


Workers of miracles & healings
Helpers & Administration
Word of wisdom
Word of knowledge
Discerning of Spirits
Tongues & Interpretation of Tongues

Body of Messiah:
o Twelve Tribes
o Twelve Disciples
o Twelve Gifts of the Spirit

This is very interesting because there were twelve Tribes and twelve Disciples and now we
see there are twelve Gifts of the Spirit Who administer certain attributes to different people
within the congregation to edify and manifest the whole Body of Messiah.
Prophecy is not to foretell the future as the prophets do today. The prophets of old
prophesied to the people so that they would repent and go back to YHVHs ways. If they
refuse to listen to the Prophets, they foretold them their future, and that was not good news
but they heard the consequences for disobeying YHVH. The Spirit decides which gift to give
to whom and no two people has the same gifts. These gifts are to build up the Body or the
Assembly so that they could reflect the full Image of Yshua.

Be humble and be willing and YHVH will use you where He wants to use you in the Assembly
He has called together. Serve one another with love and be willing to help one another and
build up each other so that we can all grow into maturity in the Spirit.

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Gal 5:22-25 is sometimes used to proof that the Torah is no more when you walk in the Spirit.
You must understand the context here where the Torah is referred here to as the measuring
stick in the time of judgment. If you do these things you will not be measured and judged by
the Torah and you will be found perfect. The verses prior to the attributes of the Spirit are
stating the attributes of the flesh and the world-describing people that are not set apart. We
first had a look at the Gifts of the Spirit and now we will look at the Gifts of the Flesh.
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These are not the attributes of YHVH and should also not be the
attributes of His branches expressed in their fruits. If you bear
these fruits, you are serving Satan and you will not inherit the
Kingdom of YHVH.

We discussed this earlier, you must want to with your heart. You have to repent from your
evil works and receive His Spirit so that this new life can start burning within you. YHVH
works from the inside out. He starts by giving you a new heart, recreated or rebirthed
through His Spirit and you have this urge and hunger for His Word and want to obey Him.
There can be things in your life that distort and clog up this life and this is normally fleshly
habits or fruit of the flesh. YHVH as our Gardner, prunes you to make you clean from
everything that blocks His fruit from developing in your life. The pruning process is sometimes
painful, but its the only way to get rid of any cancerous cells growing in you. You may not
understand why you need to be cleansed from certain things, but the Gardner knows best,
trust Him and allow Him to cleanse you from the worldly and fleshly ways so that you can
become like Him.


This is the easy part; study His Word. If you do not search, you will not find. If you are born
blind and do not know sight, you will not miss it. Learn from people that can see and ask
YHVH for spiritual sight that you can understand His ways and start to do it, that you may
experience Him. His Word is the only way you will know good from bad, and by studying it
you will find the real fruit and the source of life and start expressing it to others that they can
eat thereof.


We already dealt with a lot of what this plan entails and what the purpose of this plan is. This
plan started with Abraham, the first Hebrew, and end with all the nations being blessed,
(crafted in) in him. The word blessed is normally wrongly understood and people think its
about having money and material things because you are a child of a King.
This is totally wrong interpreted in the context of the word blessed. The word blessed
means to be grafted in. Yshua explained it beautifully when He said:
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To be blessed is to be grafted into the Vine and bear fruit, not to gather things through lustful
desires. He is the Vine that changes natural water into wine (grapes), He does not do it on
His own, He works through us and we bear the fruit and the fruit is then used to create wine.
The process of changing water (life substance) into wine (joyous quality of life Chai Olam)
is what real life is all about. The branches get their life from the Vine and are grafted into the
Vine to become like it and to bear fruit. Fruit is a visible physical representation of what is
inside of you that everyone can see. This fruit must resemble the One in Whom we are
grafted into. We must reflect His nature and produce wine that other people can drink from
and enjoy. You cannot bear your own fruit or produce your own wine but it must come from
the Vine (Yshua). Your purpose in life has changed from being a selfish person to become
an extension of Him, your Master Whom you follow.

There are many characteristics and parallels between Abraham and Yshua:

Yshua was a Servant just like Abraham Who gave everything He had and all that He
was to serve the Father unto death.
Just like Abraham who was the father of faith, Yshua was the father and origin of the
sons of YHVH, the First Born.
Abram (high father) was changed to Abraham (multitude) and through Abraham
came a multitude that was like him. Yshua came into this world and through Him
came a multitude of sons born to the Father.
Through Abrahams seed would come the nations and Yshua was that Seed; Who is
also known as the Word.

They say that your character is found within your name. Abraham was the first Hebrew and it
is the word ibree
the end of it, we get
nearly just like the word

that means one from beyond. Adding a mem

or water at

Abarim that means; regions beyond, This sounds

Abram meaning high father. Abrams name was

changed to Abraham by adding a Hey

to it:

Hey represents light and

YHVH revealed His plan to Abraham, shedding light into Abrahams life. The two letters that
was added to ibree or Hebrew was a Mem
together gives the word

. Adding these two letters

haym that means abundance. In Abrahams name

we see the Father Aleph

abundance, Hey-Mem

and a Hey

, the Son bar

Bet-Resh and His

, found in His Light (revelation of Truth) and His Word (water).

, bar means: son, purity, cleanness, pureness. It is found in both words ibree
(Hebrew) and Abraham our father of faith. It started off with Abraham and ended in a nation
of Hebrews (Israel) and even the Gentiles can be grafted into them. YHVH brought the
Hebrew culture to the world to represent Him on this planet and shine forth His light to all
nations. Yshua came so that all nations can become part of YHVHs nation to adapt to His
Hebrew culture and live pure set apart lives in this dark world. He washes us clean with His
Word so that we cab bear His fruit in abundance (haym)

. Yshua is also called the Bar

or Son of YHVH. He is the First born of many and we can become sons of the Father through
accepting Yshuas Sacrifice and become bondservants (adopted).

Sukkot - The Feast of Booths

Meaning of Sukkot Forty years in the wilderness.

Isaacs life Gen 22:2-13
Isaacs character

Why do we need to stay in tents during the feast of

Sukkot? The Sukkah or tent reminds us of Israel who
wandered through the wilderness on their way to the
Promised Land. They had been set free from Egypt
(bondage) and came out under the authority of
Pharaoh (Satan) and had to learn to submit under
their new Mater, YHVH. This was not and easy road
and there was no short cut to the Promised Land,
they had to face the Wilderness and this was the
place where they were cleansed from their Egyptian







The number four represents the work of the Messiah and where you see the number four,
forty four hundred est, you know that there is a connection to the Messiah doing His work.

Yshua existed with YHVH right at the beginning and everything was created through Him.
He was also present at the time of the Exodus and this is why this connection is valid. He is
also known as the Word that cleanses and the wandering through the Wilderness was to
cleanse His people from their pagan ways and to teach them His Ways. Yshua is the Son
(bar) of YHVH and ,

bar means: son, purity, cleanness, pureness. it is He that

cleanses us from the inside from our Egyptian (pagan) ways so that we can be prepared
and ready and acceptable to live with Him in a permanent dwelling
place (Sukkah), the New Jerusalem. This life in which we live now
The Work of the Messiah:
is the Wilderness. This is the place where we are challenged and
Yshua created us
where our characters are changed according to His word.
recreated us on the inside
made us Born Again
In the Wilderness they received many things from YHVH:
Yshua Cleanses us
Divine Protection Cloud and Coulomb of Fire
our minds, our words and
Supernatural food and water Manna & Water from a
our actions through his Word
The Ten Commandments Instructions on relationships
The Torah Instructions on Set-apartness
The Tabernacle Presence of YHVH

YHVH gave the Israelites divine protection during those
difficult years in their Wilderness experience. Why were these
years difficult? Because they were still saturated with Egypt
and that caused them to long back to the luxuries of Egypt and
caused them to murmur and complain. They needed to be
cleansed from their old habits that pulled them down and
needed to adapt to YHVHs way of living before they could
enter into the land of rest.
YHVH knew that they would face difficulties and He knew that
they need protection and guidance. He gave them a cloud by
day and a pillar of fire by night to lead them through the





The cloud that led them during the day represented the Spirit. The Spirit is linked to water as
seen in Gen 1:2 where the Spirit of YHVH moved over the face of the water. Later on we see
water coming from a rock when Moses hit it. The water (Spirit Living water) came out of the
Rock (Ab-ben Ab - Father & Ben -Son).

Water is the word mayim

(mem-yod-mem). The Father is the

origin of the Word (closed mem on the right) and the Son is the Revealed
Word (open mem on the left). It staes in Isa 45:15 that YHVH hid Himself
from us and He can only be found through the revelation of His Son. The
Spirit (yod) right in the heart or centre of the two mems and holds
everything together. These Three are One and through Them come the
basis of life and the power to sustain life. We all consists of water and need
water to live. We come from YHVH and need YHVH to exist and live.

Anan is the word that is mostly translated as '

. This word was first used where YHVH
made a covenant with man after the flood. He promised that the world would never be
destroyed (cleansed) by water again. The bow in the '
anan (clouds) in Gen 9:13-17 is the
token or sign of that covenant.
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Clouds represent YHVHs presence and were also found within the Tabernacle. The next
Hebrew word translated as cloud puts the crown, so to speak, on the Messiah.
Cloud - nasiy. This word is translated as - cloud, prince and ruler
and it'
s verbal root means to rise up or to lift up.
Yshua is our Prince of Peace that is lifted up and exalted above all
principalities and He wears the crown as the King of kings and Ruler over
all and He established the covenant between YHVH and man and will
come on the clouds and this will be the sign of His coming.
Now we look at a cloud with different eyes because it was a sign of His
Presence and a sign of His covenant where He led and protect His people through the
wilderness. Clouds are formed out of water and water is used for cleansing. Water is also
part of one of the Names of YHVH,

. (Shin-mem), where the

mem represents the water for cleansing and

the shin represents fire for purification.
These two letters also represent the two
judgments of YHVH, the first judgment by
water (Noah) and the Second judgment will
be by fire (still to come).


He is the sigh of the

Covenant and the
Presence (cloud) of
YHVH in the


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Comparing these two mediums we see that water is not as

Water Word (Torah) &
destructive as fire, it is used for washing, cleansing and is a lifeFire Spirit
giving source and we cannot live without water. Fire is on the other
need Water and Fire in
hand destructive, not very compatible with humans as seen with
our lives to live. We need
water, but it is used to prepare food on, gives heat in winter, melt
Torah and the Spirit to live
metals, purify and construct things. It is something that makes your
effectively for YHVH.
life more comfortable and is possible to live without. In the same
way, the Israelites lived without the Spirit (only Moses had the Spirit),
and they only had the Word (Torah water) which enable them to
live. We on the other hand have the Spirit (fire) and it is easier for us to follow YHVH and live
for Him BUT WE DO NEED THE WATER (Torah) because you will die without it.


YHVH provided for His children they were never in need. Manna is
also called bread from heaven and is a symbol of the Messiah,
being the true Bread from heaven that you need to feed your soul.
The Rock that gave water is also a picture of Messiah; the Rock
gave water after being struck by a rod and in the same way
Yshua poured Himself out as living water after being struck by
death. The living water is a sign of His Spirit
He gave to us after He ascended into heaven.
This He announced on the day of the Water Pouring Ceremony in John
7:38-39]. The word for rock is the Hebrew word aben and is made up of
the words Av or Father and ben or Son. The Rock also has a future
implication and it is described in the book of Daniel where a Rock will
struck the statues (World System) feet and will destroy it. This is a
prophecy that will be fulfilled at Messiahs Second Coming.
We need His Water which is His Word and we need His Bread, which is His Word. John 7
describes Living Water that will flow from His innermost being and this is the Spirit that will
cause the Word that will flow from His followers when they have received His Spirit.

The Ten Commandments was the first Instructions given by YHVH
to His people just after they left Egypt (bondage). We are to
embrace the Ten Commandments just after we accept Yshua as
out Master and Saviour. The purpose of the Ten Commandments is
to restore relationships. The first five commandments are about
knowing how to have a good relationship with YHVH and the
second set of five deals with how to have good relationships with
other people.. The number two (two tablets) means Restoration of
Relationships and the number five means Grace. It is through
YHVHs Grace that He gave us these Instructions so that we might
know how to follow Him and how to live together in harmony. These
Commandments still apply, even after the Coming of the Messiah
because YHVH never changes and man is still man and without
these (as we see today) the world is in chaos.

After Moses went up the first time, he went back a second time, to
receive the Torah or instructions concerning their culture, their setapartness and their cleansing. These Instructions he wrote down on
scrolls and put it next to the Ark of the Covenant inside the Holy of
Holies. The Torah is a broader explanation of what YHVH wants and
more detail guidelines in living a life that is pleasing unto Him. The Torah
is the safe boundaries that guide our steps so that we do not fall into all
sorts of sin and temptations.

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What was abdominal to YHVH still is today and everything YHVH despises is written in the
Torah. The Torah contains everything defined as sin and man will not know what sin is
without the Torah. Yshua, His Disciples and Paul all quoted from the Torah and they referred
to it as the Word or the Law. If you reject he Torah you do so because of confusion and you
are confused because you do not know what is written inside the Torah.


The Tabernacle represented the Presence of YHVH among His people and the Tabernacle is
the symbol or blue print of how YHVH approaches His people and how His people can
approach Him. He gave the Tabernacle because He wanted dwell among His people. The
only problem was, that His people was full of sin and
because of that, they could not stand before Him without
being consumed by His Holiness. This is why the
Tabernacle pattern was given so that man could go
through the steps of Holiness in order to be prepared
to come into the presence of the King.
The Tabernacle was a portable structure and could
move with the people until they reached the Promised
land. This is prophetic of YHVHs Spirit indwelling His
people who are His Tabernacle as they are being
prepared for His Second Coming.
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The purpose of the Tabernacle among His people was to be a sign to them that He is present
and the Tabernacle lead the way (following the cloud) and in the same way we have the Spirit
as a sigh of His presence and we are led by His Spirit through the wilderness (life). This was
one of the main reasons Yshua came to the earth to sanctify man so that man could be
sanctified and receive His Spirit to indwell and lead man. In the Tabernacle pattern we see
what we have received from YHVH:

Brazen Altar Blood of Yshua Redemption

Laver Commandments Cleansing of the Water Sanctification.
Menorah & Showbread Spirit & Word Relationship with Him Adoption.
Golden Altar Prayers Communication Petition intersession.
Ark of Covenant Heart of the Father Restoration to the Fathers presence.

Isaacs life began as the son of a believing father called Abraham. Its
not Isaacs life that was so impressive that we can see good examples
and values for personal application, but it was what happened to Him
that is most amazing. He was the object of His fathers character and
faith and this is where the wisdom is hidden. Isaacss life represents
the Lamb of Elohim, where Abraham took Isaac to the mountain to be
sacrificed. He obeyed the command of YHVH and this is the faith Paul
was talking about; faith that resulted in action.
In the same way YHVH used Yshua as the object to reveal YHVHs
heart and character through what He did through Yshuas life. Yshua
is YHVH manifest in the flesh. Yshua said: ..
; Just as Isaac submitted under his fathers
instruction, so Yshua was obedient unto death, following His Fathers instructions and it was
the OBEDIENCE of Yshua that led to life and His EXAMPLE to us to show us what it means
to be a bondservant of YHVH and to follow Him unto death.





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Through His obedience He expressed His Fathers heart and the Plan of YHVH was
accomplished. It was the Word of YHVH that became flesh and played off in real life in
front of the whole world to see, so that YHVHs Character and His love and will could be
expressed and revealed. Love is not something you believe in, it is something you give.
The name Isaac means laughter, the expression of joy after receiving a long awaited
promise given to Abraham. This promise was ultimately fulfilled in Yshua Who came and
died for us. Isaac also means mockery and this is precisely what they did with Yshua
before they killed Him, they mocked Him and called Him the King of the Jews.

The Voice Walking

Isaac had a brother Ishmael whos name means, Elohim will hear. The word hear is the
shama is first found in Scripture where Adam and Eve

word shama. This word

sinned and hid them selves from YHVH. They hid themselves when they heard the voice of
YHVH walking in the Garden.

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This is a strange way of describing His voice walking. Can a voice
walk? Yes it can if the voice is the Word of YHVH, also known as
Yshua the Messiah. He was the Voice that came to them and He is
the Mediator between YHVH and man and the point of contact when
YHVH needed to speak to His people. In the Book of John it describes
Yshua as the Word through whom everything was created and the
Word Who became flesh and dwelled (walked) among us. [John 1:1-3].
When there is a Voice, it means that there needs to be someone who
Listens. If no one listens, there is no need for a Voice. If you ignore the
Voice, you ignore YHVHs authority and you will not be directed by Him
and will continue to be an unchanged person who have sinned and
whom hide yourself in confusion or ignorance.

Shema consists of the Name of YHVH Shem with an Ayin or eye added. His Name
represents the two judgements and it is connected to the eye that is watching.

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This gives us the deeper meaning that YHVH is warning us by instructing us to listen, and He
is searching those who will listen to His Voice and whos hearts are after Him. The end result
will be that those that will hear His Voice and will do according to His Instructions, their fruit
will be seen by YHVH, and they will be saved in the Last Day.



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Yshua is the One that will hear and will avenge all sin and judge all beings. He
is the Torah and the measuring stick that will measure all people and all their
works. Even the brother of Isaac points us directly to the Messiah and that He
is the One that will deal with sin. Ishmael was not YHVHs plan for Abraham,
but through this we see that He even uses what we do wrong, to glorify and
proclaim His Name and plan.

YHVHs plan vs. Human Reasoning

Isaacs life gives us insight in understanding what must have
gone through Abraham and Isaacs minds when he was obeying
the terrifying thing YHVH commanded him to do. This also
shows us to be obedient to YHVHs Instructions even if we do
not understand the logic behind it.






har means mountain or high place. It is constructed by a Hey and a

The word
Resh, Hey

means; what comes from or light and Resh

means; human

reasoning. Very interesting. If Abraham was a reasoning Resh person that questioned
everything and who first needed to think if it made good logical sense, he wouldnt have acted
upon the Instruction of YHVH and he wouldnt have been known as the father of faith. True
Obedience is without reason and without questioning and is based upon faith, trusting the
One Who gave you the Instruction. YHVH is higher than man and He knows what will happen
in the future and have planned everything according to His Will and Purpose. We must not
question Him as if to say that He does not know what He is doing. I like the slogan Just do
it! We should listen to what YHVH wants and just do it in fath, believing that everything will
work out for the good for those who love Him.



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YHVHs will and plan is not up for human decrement, we are not His judges to speak against
His Plan or Will. We murmur and complain about many things and yet we rae mere
instruments in the hand of YHVH.
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YHVH is higher than us and His thoughts are not our thoughts and we should get in line with
Him and accept His wisdom. He will enlighten Hey those who are willing to accept His
Standards. YHVH puts a Mountain in front of you to get rid of the Resh (human
reasoning)and embrace the Hey (revelation of Him and the Truth).


The mountain or High Place is related to an Altar. An Altar is usually used to bring an
offering and Altar, is the word areale

and consists of the two words har and

El. Areale then means; mountain or high place of Elohim. The task YHVH asked of
Abraham was like a great mountain before him, but on top of that mountain, he found YHVH
in Person.
Every great thing YHVH asks us to do, especially if it does not fit our reasoning and logic, if
you obey, you will find YHVH in that situation. You will have to give up something precious
like Abraham had to give up Isaac, and you have to put it on the altar, sacrificing those things
that is between you and YHVH so that He can enlighten you and bring you closer to Him and
elevate you to a higher spiritual place, where He is. Think about it!

As I said earlier, there is not much about Isaacs character described in the Scriptures. There
are more written on how he received his wife than any information about himself and what he
was like and what he did. This puts the emphasis on the story on how he got his wife
Rebecca, who is a picture of the Bride of Yshua. Rebecca was barren and unfruitful, but
Elohim gave her a promise that she will be a great nation. She was part of
this promise that was given to Abraham and Isaac. We as the Bride of
Messiah also share in the same promise and we will be fruitful in Him,
even if we started of being barren in the world.
Isaac met his wife through a servant (Holy Spirit) that was sent to look for
certain attributes in the bride to be of His Master. She offered to give Him
water as well as His Camels and that is a picture of spending time in the
Word (water) with the Holy Spirit and also water the servants (camels) of
Elohim who carry His Good News through the Wilderness.
She was not perfect and her name reflects that. The name Rebecca
means; to clog up or entangles or to lay snares. We as believers
seem to have this problem where we tend to clog up the work of the Spirit or entangle the
truth with our own interpretation or wisdom, or lay snares through our confusion for other
believers. But there is good news, Rebecca (Bride) conceived from the seed (Word) she
received from he husband (Yshua) and the promise that was given to Isaac (Yshua) came
into being through her humble act of receiving His seed (Word).



We will also bring forth fruit and multiply if we are willing to humbly receive His Word and let it
grow within us. If we receive the Truth, our children (disciples) will look like our Master, but if
we receive the seed of the World (man made religion and confusion), our children will look
like their father, the father of lies (Satan). Be careful of the seed (Word - doctrines) you
receive, because you might reproduce bastard children that is not children of YHVH and who
will not follow and obey Him.

How does all of this link to the Feast of Booths?

The Feast of Booths is part of the preparation cycle that we as His bride need to prepare
our selves for His Coming. It is a preparation process for serving the servants of YHVH in
equipping them with His Word and to work in unity together so that we have one goal in this
life; to obey YHVH through faith so that His Plan will be fulfilled through us.


We saw that human reasoning is contrary to faith and destroys YHVHs Plan and purposes
and we have to obey Him with blind faith trusting that everything will work out the way He
planned it.
We also saw that even our mistakes can be used to glorify YHVH and the mistake Abraham
made resulted in his son Ishmael and YHVH will even hear those who made mistakes. The
descendants of Ishmael became Israels enemy and the consequences f our mistakes are
tailor made by YHV to bring us back into His Will and Plan. Nothing we can do will stop His
Purpose to be fulfilled and He is in total control and He even uses our mistakes to correct us.
We as the Bride are all individuals who might have struggles, issues, you might be entangled
in habits or might be clogged up like Rebecca, but YHVH looks at the hearts and wants
people whos hearts are submissive and who will follow His Instructions so that He can
change you. The celebration of Sukkot is evidence that you have decided to follow Him and
submit under His Word so that He can sort you out through His deep cleaning Cycle
(Festivals). When you look back next year on this Sukkot, you will see how much you have
grown and which issues He has pruned out of your life. Sukkot is the last of the Seven
Festivals and is the one Festival where you can reflect on past years and see if you have
grown or backslide.


Sukkot - The Feast of Booths

Jacobs life Gen 48:4-1

Jacobs Character
Judah & Israel, the Nations & Israel

Jacob means heel catcher or schemer or one that overthrows something.

Pretty interesting meaning, isnt it? This was what Jacobs life was about. He
schemed his brother out of his birthright and he also schemed with regards to
the animals when he stayed with his uncle Laban. His uncle returned the favor
(schemed back) and gave Jacob his daughter Leah first, instead of Rachel,
and he had to work seven additional years to get his beloved bride. Rachel
was his beloved and the one he really loved.
Leah means weary, grieved or impatient. Her name tells us about the
frustration that poor old Jacob experienced, waiting seven years longer before
he could have Rachel. This taught Jacob to be patient and persevere until he
reached his goal.
This teaches us that YHVH will never give you the first prize right in the beginning in your
walk with Him, you will have to undergo difficulties to build your character first, and when you
have changed, He blesses you. You wouldnt be able to handle the
blessings of YHVH without a changed character. Joseph had to
become a slave in jail before he could rule and David had to be a
shepherd before he could become king. YHVH is more interested in
you being changed than you being spoiled. A blessing without
character will destroy you and you need wisdom to handle riches.
The two seven year periods (First and Second Coming) shows us
the two, two thousand year periods.


YHVH married Israel at Sinai (Leah) the first time and He will come again to marry His
Beloved Bride (Rachael) at the Second Coming. The Hebrew marriage has two parts, first the
contract (engagement) and then after two years, He go to collect His bride to live with her in
the house He has prepared for them.
The Bride is made up of the two houses; Ephraim and Manasseh. Ephraim represents the
people of Israel who are scattered among the nations (including the Gentiles that will be
gathered with them). Manasseh represents the Jews (Judah, Levi & Benjamin) who are living
in the land of Israel who still believe in YHVH. These two houses will be joined together just
before His Second Coming. After Jacob schemed the blessing and birthright out of Esau,
Esau threatened to kill him. After Jacob fled and lived 20 years with his uncle Laban, YHVH
told him to return to his fathers land and face Esau. This is prophetic of these two houses
that will be reunited at the end and is part of YHVHs Plan.
Jacobs name was changed to Israel
after he wrestled with YHVH. The name
Yisrael consists of two words yasher, which means upright or righteous, and El which is
a short form of Elohim. This gives us the meaning of Israel - Righteous people of Elohim.
People who become believers in Yshua think that they are not part of Israel, but they are
mistaken. If you become born again, you are grafted into Israel and become a righteous one
of Elohim. There are not suppose to be a name like Christian because we are eventually
becoming Israelites.
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The natural branches (Jews or ancient Israel) did not believe and were broken off. We know
that we are saved through faith. We see here even the Jews are saved by faith. They were
broken off because of unbelief. That means that through their stubbornness to listen to
YHVHs Word and His Prophets caused them to be broken off (taken into exile). Faith is to be
faithful in doing what YHVH requires from us. Faith comes from the root word meaning
nurturing Father, and we need to become dependant on Him so that He can give us the
spiritual food we need to live. His food is His Word. His Word is defined as the TaNaK the
Torah, the Prophets and the Psalms, not only the New Testament.
YHVH changed Jacobs name to reflect his new character and future and He
changed his walk after wrestling with him. He changed Jacob from being a
scheming overthrowing bad person in to a righteous person who was the father
of the twelve tribes of Israel. Jacob married both Leah and Rachel (Manasseh
and Ephraim) and their descendants formed the twelve tribes.
Their names and meanings are as follows:
1. Ruben to see - [S -Man]
2. Simeon to hear
3. Levi to join to, interweave
4. Judah [E - Lion] Celebrate and praise YHVH with dalet
5. Dan a judge [N - Eagle]
6. Naphtali my wrestling
7. Gad seed representing manna


or door inserted

8. Asher happiness and be blessed


Issachar will bring a reward

Zebulun habitation
Joseph YHVH added [W - Ephraim Ox]
Ben-oi, Benjamin son of my sorrow, right hand

The meaning of the names of the sons of Jacob (Israel) would be as follows:
See and Hear o Israel, restoration is coming, celebrate the One Who is the Way (door) to
salvation and the Judge. You will wrestle with Him but He is the Seed and the Bread
(manna) from heaven. Happy and blessed be the ones who accept Him for His reward is
with Him and will make His habitation among you. YHVH has added many to you through
the Son of His sorrow, but He is exalted and sit at the Fathers right hand.
If we look at the meaning of the names of the sons as will as the meanings of their mothers,
we see three time periods that spell out a prophetic timeline of events that will take place and
will bring us right to the end.
First Time Period: Leah conceived the first four sons. (Leah means weary, grieved and
impatient). This is the time period from creation up to the First Coming of Yshua.
1. Ruben to see - Testimonies
2. Simeon to hear - Word
Levi to join to, interweave - Priesthood
Judah Celebrate and praise YHVH Messiah as Servant - Atonement for us
YHVH revealed Himself to man through His Word so that they might see Him. The
only way to see is to hear for YHVH is an invisible El Who hid Himself from the
unrighteous. He gave man His Commandments so that they can interweave it into
their lives and be part of His set apart people through whom He chose to fulfill His
Plan. Judah is the name YHVH with a dalet added. The Messiah is the Door and
the Way and the Life that leads man to the Father and He is the Praise of YHVH.
, Yod Hey Vav Dalet Hey . YHVH + Dalet =Judah. Judah being the
froth son out of Israel prophetically shows the Messiahs coning, (Dalet), during the
fourth millennium, to do His work.
Second Time Period: The next four sons are from slave women; Bilhah (calamity) and
Zilpah (tricking) and shows that the next time period between the First Coming and the
Second Coming of the Messiah. This is where the Gentiles will come in. There came four
sons forth from two slave women and represents the gentiles who consisted of two groups;
scattered Israelites and Gentiles. They will come in through grace (fifth son) and it is a time of
preparation for His Second Coming.

Dan a judge Messiah as Judge

Naphtali my wrestling Searching truth in religious system
Gad seed representing manna Finding Hebrew Roots
Asher happiness and be blessed Entering His rest
In this time period there will be calamity (Bilhah - tribulation) and ticketing (Zilpah
false religion) but these will be judged and wrestled through until the truth and real
Word (manna) will be revealed and those who receive it will be blessed and happy
when He appears.

Third Time Period: After this period in time we will see the end coming revealed in the last
four sons. Two of these sons were born of Leah (grieved) and two were born of Rachael
(Beloved) It says in Scripture that there will be tears and joy when Messiah comes the
second time and these four sons represents this. This is the time where YHVH will come
down a third time and make His final dwelling with us in the form of the New Jerusalem.



Issachar will bring a reward - Salvation

Zebulun habitation New Jerusalem
Joseph YHVH added Added nations to Israel
Ben-oi, Benjamin son of my sorrow, right hand Messiah as King
The Messiah will come on the clouds and will bring a reward (salvation) and will
come and make His permanent habitation with us. For all those who were His from
the beginning (Manasseh), and all those who will be added (Ephraim scattered
Israel and gentiles), they will be gathered by the work of His sorrow (death for sin).
He will rule over them from the New Jerusalem, from His Fathers right hand.

We saw that Jacob was not the best role model if we look at his scheming character. But this
was not his only problem; he was also confused and scared.
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Before facing his brother Esau, he feared because he thought Esau would kill him. He did not
trust YHVH for protection and was uncertain what the outcome of the meeting with his brother
would be.

Fear - yare These two words combined gives us the word yisraale

or Israel.

YHVH used these two bad attributes and formed the destiny of Jacobs life out of it.
Everything works out for the good, for those who love Him. YHVH uses whatever you are
willing to offer Him and He will turn it into something useful. You do not have to wait until you
are perfect to be used by YHVH, He only needs a willing heart and He will start the
transformation process in you. YHVH turned fear and confusion into a righteous man of
Elohim, the father of a nation that will change the world.


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Jacob sent his house in two groups to meet up with Esau, Leah and
her sons first (Judah) and Rachael and her sons later (Israel - Gentile
nations). He divided them in two camps. The word divide is chatsha
and is descriptive of dividing into military ranks, and it is connected to
making war. Is there any hostility between these two parties today?
Yes, Esau wanted to kill Jacob because of the stolen birthright.
We know from earlier studies that sin caused division and the result of division is death.
Death means to be separated from YHVH.


Yshua brought reconciliation between man and YHVH, when He took our death upon
Himself and exchanged our death for His Life by giving us His Spirit. The separation Jacob
did with his people caused death to enter between those two parties later on, and resulted in
division within Israel later on.
The ten tribes moved to the Northern parts of Israel and
only Judah and Levi staid behind. These ten tribes are
also known as Manasseh. Being so far away from the
Temple in Jerusalem, they decided to build their own
Temple up North to keep the festivals. They did not
have an Ark of the Covenant, so they put idols in the
holy of holies and this caused them to be defeated by
their enemies and scattered throughout the world, even
to this day.
Yshua came to restore back these scattered Israelites,
or Ephraim, back to their roots and back to their original
people called Israel. People around the world today are finding out about the Hebraic roots
and come back into the way it was at the beginning. Through this process, there are also a lot
of gentiles that come to the faith, and they are also grafted in with the scattered Israelites. It
was as if YHVH used these scattered people (ten tribes) as a net, thrown into the earth, and
harvesting the nations so that His people, (not knowing really who they are), as well as
gentiles, so that they can come into His Kingdom. That is why Yshua called His Disciples
fishers of men.
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You might be part of the original Israel; you might even be part of Judah or Levi, known as
the Jews today. But the most of the people that will be coming in will be from the gentiles,
coming out of the nations with the scattered Israel. These two houses will come back
together again and will serve YHVH as one nation.



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Sukkot - The Feast of Booths

Water, water, water. Water everywhere. Moses life is saturated with

water. His name has water in it (mem)

, he was drawn out of the

water and that is what his name actually means. He lead the Israelites
through the water (Red Sea), they were cleansed with water for three
days before they received the Ten Commandments. Moses hit the rock
it gave water to the people in the wilderness. I think water is very
important here.

His Name

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from the

the water

Moses = Drawn from

the water


with water


moshe or Moses name, has the meaning drawing out of water. If you turn his

name around,

, it is HaShem the Name of YHVH, associated with the two

judgements of YHVH.

The letter Hey



represents light and is also the sound of a breath. YHVH gave man his

first breath by breathing into man (Gen 1). Breath is the word nashamah meaning spiritual
soul. After YHVH breathed (nashamah) into man, he became a living soul (nephesh). In
other words; man has two souls; a spiritual soul nashamah and a fleshly soul nephesh.
Nephesh is the same word used to describe living animals. Animals in Genesis are called
living creatures (nephesh). When man sinned, he felled from glory of Elohim and lost his
nashamah or connection to YHVH, and this left man only with his nephesh or fleshly soul.
The nashamah of man was his ability to connect to YHVH and to interact and have a
relationship with Him. The nephesh is mans desires and personality that makes you unique
among others. Since we lost the nashamah, we no longer have the desire for spiritual things
or for YHVH. To be born again is to receive the Spirit of YHVH or the Breath (Ruach) of
Life that is your nashamah that will make you conscious and alive to YHVH and His ways.
Abrams and Saras names were changed to Abraham and Sarah by adding a Hey to their
names and this is quite significant to describe them receiving YHVHs Spirit or Breath.
Abram changed to Abraham -

Sara changed to Sarah

This is why animal blood could atone for mans sin in his fallen state because man fell to the
same soulish level as animals. YHVHs Plan is to restore mans nashamah so that he can
be lifted up to a spiritual state where he can commune with Him again. This spiritual
restoration work was done through Yshua first coming by pouring out His Spirit onto man.
For man to receive the Spirit (nashamah), he needs to repent and accept Yshua. The word
for repent is hatishuvah
word tishuvah
or return to the nashamah.

and can be split in two by separating the Hey, the

meaning return to the - Hey ,

In Moses name, read from the left to right it means, Hey - Shem, or Restoration of spiritual
breath (Hey) in His Name (Shem). To do this you have to come out from the water or
(moshe). To come out of the water is a symbol of being born or to be born again. This goes
hand in hand with the symbolic meaning of baptism and the receiving of the Spirit.
In the beginning YHVHs Spirit hovered over the water, YHVH let the land came
out of the water to be the basis and foundation for all life He created. In the same
way Moses came out of the water to become the basis and foundation of all
spiritual life YHVH created.
YHVH gave the foundation for spiritual life through His servant Moses in the form of the Ten
Commandments and the Torah. Moses was known to be the greatest profit among all the
prophets and is a picture of Yshua. First He created all physical life and through Moses, He
created (restore) spiritual life.


Moses is synonym to the Ten Commandments and the Torah because

YHVH gave it to man through him and the Brit Chadasha (NT) refers to
the Torah as the Law of Moses. This new spiritual life is based upon the
foundation that YHVH laid through His humble servant Moses.
How could the Torah be annulled if it is the basis of this new
life? Coming out of the water resembles the birth process of a
baby born into this world and accepting the foundation of YHVHs word (Torah) is
the food and nutrition a newborn of YHVH needs to grow up into spiritual


Torah means instruction and flowing like water. This links up with
Moses name associated with life giving water. Yshua said on the last
day of Sukkot that He is the living water of Whom Moses was a
foreshadow. Water is the word ma-yim,
, mem-yod-mem. The
letter mem symbolises water and the yod symbolises the Spirit. If we
look at the word in Hebrew letters, we see the life or Sprit is coming
out from the centre, right between the two mems. The Spirit of YHVH is
the Life that is the centre and core of YHVHs Living Water or Word.If we

look further we see a closed mem and an open mem , The closed mem represents
the mysteries of YHVH and His greatness that is still to be revealed. The open mem
represents the revelation that we have received through revelation of His Spirit.

Moses life is a perfect picture of the Messiah Who was to come from his
birth, where all the babies under the age of two were killed, right to where
He was the saviour of the nation out of bondage (Egypt). He came down
two times from the mountain where YHVH was and brought two sets of
instructions. In Moses name is the water
and fire
symbols that
confirms the two judgements on the earth (second is still to come). The
Messiah came down from YHVH to bring the first set of instructions, restoring the broken
relationship between YHVH and man. He will come a second time from YHVH, with the plan
of the tabernacle, the same as Moses, to bring us the second set of instructions. In the
second set is the instruction of how to live in YHVHs ways and to be like Him. If you do not
conform to His ways, it is impossible to live with Him.
We call His ways the Hebrew culture; this is where all things will be restored to how it was
before sin entered the Garden of Eden. The one language will be restored and spoken by all
people, everybody will live in peace together and YHVH Himself will live in the New
Jerusalem and will rule and reign from the City. Read Zec 14.


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YHVH started with Abraham and then used Moses to start the process of establishing His
culture on the earth.



Moses came out of the water and received instructions and was equipped to lead the people.
Yshua also came out of the water and then He received the Spirit.






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In John we see the water and the spirit symbols again. If you havent
received the water or the Spirit, you cannot enter the Kingdom of YHVH. The water connects
to Moses and the first instructions given; the Ten Commandments, cleansing water, and then
the Sprit (revealing the Torah), equipping the people to be able to live like YHVH and to
become His set apart people, establishing His Culture (way of Life).
Without the cleansing water (Ten Commandments), you are unclean and not set-apart and so
unable to come in His presence, and without the equipping power of the Spirit (Torah), you
are unskilled to live like Him and become like Him and does not know Him.
You dont need the Spirit to interoperate the Ten Commandments, it is straight forward, but
you need the Spirit to give you the strength to walk in His Ways and to guide you and help
you to understand the depth of the Torah. Without the Spirit, the Torah is dead letters, and
you will not understand how to implement all that is written therein. Searching the Torah with
the Spirit, you will find YHVH and the revelation of Him.
These are like the two trees in the Garden, the tree of good and evil and the tree of Life. The
Ten Commandments and the Torah shows us good and evil but the Spirit reveals true Life to
us, and the revealing Power is the Spirit.







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Paul understood the Torah, and based upon the Torahs foundation, he wrote Ephesians.
The Spirit reveals the Messiah in the Torah, through having your eyes being enlightened.
There are no new revelations, but only the mysteries of what has already been written are
revealed through the Spirit. In these mysteries, you will find the Messiah, His plan for you and
His plan for the world.


Moses was a humble man, if not the most humble man that ever lived. He is also the man
that saw YHVH face to face. And in this is the key if you want to see YHVH face to face; you
have to humble yourself.
Humble is the word anah and it means - looking down; to depress literally or
figuratively, abase self, afflict (-ion, self), chasten self, deal hardly with, defile, exercise,
force, gentleness, humble (self), hurt, ravish, weaken.

is a feminine word (ending on a hey and thus a response from the Bride.

It comes from the verbal root yarah that means, to flow as water or to rain. It also
means to throw, shoot an arrow, cast, pour, to point out, to direct and to teach.
Sin means to miss the mark, and this shows us that we need the Torah to help us to aim
properly and hit target every time. The Torah being water flowing down and rain falling down,
is a symbol of humility and you will only receive this Living Water if you humble your self
and submit under the One Who is the Source of it. This harmonizes with the water aspects
found in Moses name and Moses character. One who receives the Torah will be able to give
the Torah and will have a fountain of living water flow from their inside for all to drink from.
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His water is His Word, The Torah, and it is His Spirit, Who will teach you all things and will
help you to be set apart and grow up into maturity so that you will be able to disciple others.
This is one of the main reasons of Yshuas First Coming so that we can receive His Spirit
and be equipped to walk in His Ways and continue His work.
How does YHVH make us humble? First of all, arrogance is if you refuse to submit under His
authority. He humbles those by leading them through the wilderness, through trials and
tribulations, so that He might see what is in their hearts. He also does it with the humble if
you read the book of Job.


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If you squeeze an orange, you get orange juice, but if you squeeze a
believer, Satan comes out. Your true character will manifest when you
are out of your comfort zone and when you are desperate. What do
you do when you are under pressure, do you break the Torah to make
something else happen? We are all actors who can act holy and make
as if we are following Yshua perfectly. Nobody should see what you
are really thinking or what is going on in your inside, so you hide it
behinds a mask of pretend. When you are in a corner and when the
pressure is on you will find out what is really in your heart. Sometimes
you get an outburst and you see what to lay before YHVH so that He can deal with it. The
problem is not having the outburst; the problem is not repenting and not trying to change for
the better. To change is an effort and nobody likes it, but if you choose to change before the
pressure is on, it is easier to deal with situations and to change for the better. All you need to
do is to make a choice and to ask YHVH o help you to reach that goal you set for yourself. By
doing this you work as a team together and you will have greater success.


Involve YHVH in your life, especially with your flaws and mistakes and
fleshly issues, He will help you to get rid of it so that you will become
more like Him. Paul said the Torah is a mirror and if we look in the
mirror, we see the Messiah and we also see what we need to become
like. We need to pick up the mirror of YHVH and look what His Son looks
like so that we can ask Him to help us to become like Him.

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If you choose not to be humble you will be grouped with the proud. Pride is what caused
Lucifer to be cast down from heaven. What does the Word say about the proud and what will
happen to them?
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Note that the people who do unrighteous acts are those who are grouped with the proud and
it is because of their pride that they refuse to submit under YHVHs ruling and His Instructions
and they follow their nepheshly animal instincts. You can stand on the sideline and say: but
I cannot judge anybody, what they do is right for them This attitude will land you a front
seat on the way to destruction and that is why we need to discipline our children, because of
this fact. If you turn a blind eye and do not react, you make yourself guilty of the sin you are
ignoring and approving for the sake of peace and the relationship with that person or your
child. Repent and react!! Use the Word and let the Word judge them, do not use
your own wisdom. By doing this you will help them to know the Truth and walk in
it. Your children are your responsibility.


You will be humbled, either by choice and free will or by circumstances and
pressure form YHVHs wroth. The choice is yours.





These two are interconnected and you cannot see YHVH if you do not humble yourself. To
humble yourself can be seen as worship, as well as an attitude. In the Hebrew culture work is
seen worship and you should worship continually by everything you do. Having this attitude
every day, working and worshipping YHVH, is the way to stay humble. By doing this, you will
not only see YHVH inside of you, but others will see Him in your life. YHVH is expressed
through your changed character and changed culture of set-apartness.


Sukkot - The Feast of Booths


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The first time Aarons name is mentioned in Scripture is where Moses debated
with YHVH not to speak the words of YHVH to Pharaoh. Aaron was appointed as
spokesperson because of Moses weakness. Was Aaron YHVHs first choice to
speak out His words? No, Moses was. He was prepared for 40 years in a
wilderness, but still he did not have the guts or faith to speak out. As we have
seen in the history throughout Scripture, there will be negative consequences
when YHVHs first plan was rejected or modified (Abraham & Ishmael). What
happened later in Aarons life?




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His two sons died because they had the authority to serve in the
house of YHVH but they did not follow His Commands regarding
the altar and their disobedience caused them their lives. It is
dangerous to approach YHVH and you better follow His instructions
when you approach Him. This is a lesson for those who are in the
service of YHVH; they must know YHVH Commandments to know
how to act according to the will of YHVH because we read in the
Brit Chadasha that those will have a grater judgment. You must not
abuse the power and authority given to you to serve for YHVH
because this misuse of power is known as Strange Fire and it will
consume you in the end.
This is one of those word pictures with a name and a theme. Whenever you hear the title,
Strange Fire, you will remember Aarons two disobedient sons and the lesson not to abuse
YHVHs authority and do what you want. You will be careful to follow and teach His
Commandments with great accuracy.

Nahabs name means to volunteer or to offer free will offerings.


means father of worshipper of YHVH. Reading the last part of

Abihus name from left to right we see:

avav that means lust.

In Hebrew thought they say that your name is also your destiny and that is no different with
there names and we can also see their characters. They offered offerings out of free will (not
YHVHs will) and misused the power and authority of being the priesthood or the fathers of
Does this sound familiar if we look at the church today? People lust after the Power of YHVH
and seek signs and wonders. They prophesy, cast out demons and do powerful works. They
love being in this position of power because it puts them in the limelight because they are
Gods anointed ones. Can this be real? Can people misuse YHVHs power for their own


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There is still another lesson to learn out of the lives of Aaron and Moses, especially with
Moses not wanting to take up his authority and he indirectly delegated it. When YHVH
ordained you to do something for Him, you are equipped and have the character and
anointing to fulfil it. If you refuse to do it, YHVH will use someone else because His will, WILL
be done, but then there will be consequences later on. The wrath of YHVH kindled against
Moses, and this circle of consequence was closed when YHVHs wrath came down later on
as an effect of Moses cowardliness or faithlessness. If Moses did what YHVH asked Him to
do in the first place, would Aarons sons have served in the Tabernacle and maybe avoid
death. This is what is so amazing about YHVH; He uses mans unpredictable mistakes and
still achieves His Plan using our mistakes to prophetically predict His Salvation. It is as if the
mistakes that we do, write the solution to rectify those mistakes. His Plan is based upon our
shortcomings and to close the gap in order to make everything the way it is supposed to be.
The other side of this argument is also true; we wouldnt have seen YHVHs Plan and
Character if it were not for the mistakes of Moses and Aarons sons.


Every action has a reaction. For obedience there is blessing, but for disobedience,
there are curses that leads to separation and death. People today in the church
teach that you no longer have to obey but only believe. They say that you will be
blessed if you believe but it is actually the other way round. You will be blessed
when you obey and you will be saved if you believe. Obedience in one thing leads
the way to obedience to the next thing, but the same applies to disobedience and
sin. One sin leads to the next sin and before you know it, there is a deep
separation between you and YHVH, not to mention the mess it caused by the
curses or negative consequences hanging over you.
Set apartness is like this; you build a lifestyle or come into a habit of obeying YHVH and you
will live righteous and you will be close to YHVH, experiencing His blessings as an effect of
this. If you allow pet sins into your life, sins that no one sees but you, these little pet sins will
multiply and increase in stature and will become big sins. These sins will cause you to fall
and you will slowly grow away from YHVH and in the end, not even worry about sinning.
Then you are gullible to belief the Grace only lie where you can sin with a clear conscious,
not worrying about the consequences. Sin is our enemy and if you allow it into your life, you
will soon be the slave thereof. YHVH gave us His Word and His Spirit to help us to break the
cycle of sin so that we can be set free and no longer be slaves of sin.
YHVH is always in control and let evil and bad things (that you brought upon yourself, most
of the time), come and teach you and brings you back unto the road of repentance. This is
the grace of YHVH, allowing the consequences (curses) to lead you back unto Him.

Aaron, the brother of Moses and the High Priest of Israel when
they journeyed through the Wilderness.

Aron, - Ark - the root word for Aaron (without the hey). Aron means a chest,
that comes from the verbal root '
arah meaning gathering.
The aron or Ark of the Covenant was the container or gathering place for the testimony and
Word of YHVH (Ten Commandments). Aaron'
s name is exactly the same spelling as the
"Ark" except for the "Hey" that is added, the same letter added to Abraham'
s name. Hey
means light and this gives the insight that Light was added or YHVH revealed Himself to him
and he became the High Priest who received the Spirit of YHVH. The vessel that contained
the testimony and Word of YHVH could only be revealed (hey) to others through the anointed
(hey) High Priest.
The light or Hey that YHVH gave is also seen in the source of light inside
the Tabernacle. There was no natural light in the Tabernacle and the only
source of light was the Menorah. The Menorah is the symbol of YHVHs
Spirit who enlighten us (reveal to us His Plan, Character and Word), and
Who anoint us as His priesthood who does service to enlighten the people
on the darkness. The Holy of Holies was dark at all times but once a year,
when the High Priest entered to bring the Atonement for the peoples sin, the
Menorahs light shined into the Holy of Holies upon the Ark. This darkness
reveals YHVHs hidden-ness and when Yshua died, the veil was torn in two
and YHVH is revealed to all people through His Spirit.


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Yshua is the light that came to reveal the Father'

s heart (Ark) to us and His Life that is the
light of the world that will shine on all people so that they can see Him and worship Him.




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This is the first scripture where the title High Priest is mentioned. We can read Yshua into
this passage as well because He is our REAL High Priest that atoned for all sin.







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Yshua the Messiah has become the High Priest Who enters
the Tabernacle not made with hands, which is your body, to
apply His blood to your heart to sprinkle it from a guilty conscious. That is if you have
repented and asked forgiveness and are following Yshua as your Master.
The duties of the High Priest were to trim the Menorahs wicks, and to top
up the oil and to put the coals upon the Golden Altar in order to pour
incense on it to produce a sweet smell and smoke which filled the holy
place. This cloud of smoke represents our prayers before YHVH and is the
symbol of the daily prayer cycle. The oil in the lamp represents the
presence and communion of the Holy Spirit, which is the light (truth) and
the fire (zeal) burning inside of you. You should spend time in His Word
and in prayer to keep the coals burning on the Altar and you should not
grow cold as the assembly mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Any
relationship asks time and effort and being in the Holy Place symbolizes
your relationship with Him through searching the truth with the help of His
Spirit and communicating with Him on a regular daily basis.


Yshua our Messiah is the High priest that intercedes for you on a daily basis in your temple
so that you can come into relationship with your Father.




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The key here is the Set apart Spirit, without His Spirit you will not have the Torah in your
heart. Having the Spirit has become a clich and people dont know what it means. One of
Yshuas main functions was to enable us to receive His Spirit.

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The Spirit will teach you all things concerning YHVHs Truth and will reveal to us the things to
come. You can only come close through the blood of Yshua and the cleansing of the Spirit
(Word/Truth). The veil is torn in two and you will enter into His physical presence after His
Second coming, after you have received a glorified sinless body. The veil represents Yshua
Who is the Judge and only those who have followed Him and know Him
may enter.
In the presence of YHVH is His heart, the Ark of the Covenant, which is
the gathering place of His witnesses on this earth; the Commandments,
the supernatural bread of life (manna) and the rod of Aaron. These three
should form the basis of the witness through your life. These three things
spell the Name Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey

. The Yod is the Manna,

The Vav is the staff and the two Stone Tablets are the two Heys



The Commandments forms the basis of your life and you should do everything in harmony
with it. You get direction in your life being led by the rod of the Spirit, and you must eat daily
of His bread of life (His Word) so that you can grow up spiritually strong.


The word strong in Hebrew is the word pazaz


means mouth and zayin

means the Sword or Word of YHVH. The mouth is on the right side and shows us that a
spiritually strong person will only speak spiritual words. The one zayin is on the left side
(physical) and symbolizes our spiritual battle in the world, using His Word. The other zayin
is in the middle and shows us the sword the Father uses to prune our lives so that we may
bear more fruit. This zayin is the sword that cuts away all fleshliness on the inside so that
you may be Holy and live a life that looks like Yshua. We are the Body of Messiah and the
world looks at us, and if we misrepresent Him, they will not come in. Be careful how you carry
yourself in public because if you look like the world you will not shine His light or bear His fruit
that will attract people to Him. Use your words wisely and control your tongue and speak only
the words Yshua would have spoken when He walked the earth. If you say you follow Him
then you have to imitate Him to be His disciple then you will be His ambassador and win
people for the Kingdom. Being a Believer in Yshua is not only to know the Truth, but to live
the life that represents Yshua, so that others can see Him in your life.
The Spirit will take the Torah, which is in your heart, and write it on your life, if you allow Him
by not hanging perverse fruits on your life. The Word compares man to a tree (Ps 1) and if
you allow the Spirit to express His nature in your life, you will bear His fruit.


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The Spirit inside of us expresses the Torah in our hearts to the outside for anybody to see
and enjoy. If you follow the Spirit in your heart you will automatically obey the Torah and
there is no law against these actions to condemn it, you actually establish the Torah. We
receive His Life through His Spirit and He takes our death (curse of Torah). This exchange of
life and death takes place when you receive Yshua as you Master and Saviour.





33 :

You have not have the Life if you have not received the Spirit of Messiah. After receiving
Yshua as your Messiah, you receive His Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands.



We need the Spirit to be able to do the things stated in the Torah. Without the Spirit, it is
impossible to do the Torah and He equips us to be able. There is one condition for this to
realize in your life; you must die. Paul teaches us to die and let Messiah live in you.

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Sukkot - The Feast of Booths

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The Tabernacle or Temple the place where He dwelled among His people and represents the
Presence of YHVH. Tabernacles followed the path, from the temporary portable Tabernacle
in the Wilderness, to the permanent structure, the Temple in Jerusalem, which is the
Promised Land. Then after the ascension of Yshua the Temple was destroyed in 70 CE.
The Presence of YHVH moved from the permanent back into portable temporary structures,
which are the bodies of the believers and followers of Yshua the Messiah. He is currently
indwelling His people through Hs Spirit, which was given on the Feast of Shavuot
(Pentecost). There will be a change and move again where the full presence of YHVH will be
among His people in the form of a Permanent Structure again. This will be in the form of the
New Jerusalem that will come down from heaven after the 1000 year period and the battle of
Armageddon and cleansing of the earth by fire. We see here four types of Tabernacles; the
first two are of the same type, both made by hands, but the last two are of the same type,
both made without human hands through the work of the Messiah.

( Portable
Made with hands

Temple Permanent
Made with hands

Body - Portable
% without hands


New Jerusalem Permanent

Made without hands

This stone is Yshua Who is the Cornerstone that forms the basis of the building of the
Tabernacle within us. We are His workmanship, created in Yeshua the Messiah.
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The first time the word workmanship is used in Scripture is when they build the Tabernacle
in Exodus 31:



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YHVH chose and anointed one man to be the craftsman who made all the decorative artwork
on the Ark of the Covenant, the Table of Showbread, the Menorah and all the utensils
required for service in the Tabernacle, the dwelling place of YHVH. YHVH chose Yshua (His
Word) and anointed Him to do the all the decorative art effects in your temple through His
Spirit, inside of you so that His presence can be in you and that you will be equipped to do
service unto Him. If you realise this, you will live a set-apart life unto YHVH for the benefit of
having His presence in your life.
Within the Body of Messiah, His Temple, there are different anointings that equip certain
people unto service within the Body. These are better known as the gifts of the Spirit. We
need the Gifts of the Spirit to enable us to build up the unified Body that will represent the
fullness of Messiah, as we have already discussed this in the first days topic. What is
important to notice, is that the Temple was not taken away, it moved to another form, from a
physical structure, to our bodies so that those who are serious about holiness and following
YHVH with their hearts, can carry His presence in this world. YHVH decided to remove His
presence from the permanent earthy Temple because of the peoples stubbornness and unholiness.


means added. The last part (physical)

means tall. YHVH used
Joseph to add people to Him and Josephs life was standing out, or standing tall as a sign
or a banner to all nations. His life was the sign to Israel, what YHVH will do through His First
Coming and His Second Coming:


Joseph was the first-born son (Yshua), of His mother (the beloved), Rachael (the
female prominent to a flock of sheep, mother of all sheep). She was barren and Joseph
was born through YHVHs supernatural intervention. Yshua was born through
supernatural conception by the Spirit.
Joseph was one of twelve brothers and Yshua was one from the nation of Israel
(twelve tribes).
His brothers did not receive his word (dreams) and threw him in a pit and sold him as
a slave. Yshuas Word was not accepted by the religious authorities and He came as a
servant on a donkey to serve us unto death.
They told his father that a wild animal killed him. The people did not accept Yshuas
Word and He was taken captive and was killed.


He brought the truth, emeth

, He is the Aleph Tav -

and from His heart

. He is the beginning and the end, and His grace is found in

flows living water mem
His Cleansing Water (Torah) and His Living Water (Spirit).

Joseph -

is made up of a Yod, that means Spirit, a Vav that means man, a

Samech that means to rest, to lean upon, to support, to uplift and a Pey that means
Josephs name means; the Spirit (Yod) will be upon man (Vav),
and will support and uplift him and lead him into YHVHs rest. Man
will then proclaim YHVHs Word and everything He has done for
him and his mouth will be and instrument of praise.
When Joseph was 17 years old (fullness of His plan) His Father made
Him a long coat. We have always learned that his father have him a
coat of many colours but it has been wrongly translated as colours, it is
actually long coat and is the word pas
What is the connection to the Messiah here? The Messiah brought
Truth or Light (Hey)

. When we add this letter hey to the word pas

we get the word pisah


and it means Abundance. The Messiah also brought Life

, and if we add this letter to the word pas, and we get the word pey-sach

or as we know it as Passover.
Josephs coat represents Yshuas abundance of life that is available in accepting the
Passover Lamb of YHVH as your Sacrifice, which will give you Truth (Hey) and Life (Chet).

Josephs brothers hated him because of the way his father

treated him and because he was the son of His fathers
favourite wife, Rachael. Yshua was chosen of YHVH and His
brothers did not accept Him as the chosen Lamb of Elohim.
They wanted to kill him and Ruben made the suggestion to
throw him in a pit. They stripped him from his tunic and sold
him as a slave to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver.
Yshua was sold for 30 pieces of silver when He was handed
over to die for us. He ended up as a slave in Egypt. Twenty
means restoration of relationships and this shows that Joseph and his brothers will be
reunited in the end. Thirty means covenant and this shows that Yshuas death was to
establish the covenant with man in His blood.
Silver is the word kasaph

and it means to long for, to yearn for, desire.


Joseph desired and longed after his family while he was in the jail for many years restoration. Yshua desired and longed to eat the Passover meal with His Disciples to
establish the Covenant.
They dipped his coat in blood and told their father that a wild animal had killed him. This
points to Yshua mantle that was dipped in blood when He became the Lamb of Elohim.




# +



After Joseph was sold as a slave he end up in jail, but was uplifted in
one day from being a slave in jail, to the ruler over Egypt. This happened
because he was gifted as a dreamer. His dreams were visions given by
YHVH to foretell the future so that his people could be saved. In that
sense you could see Joseph as a Prophet of YHVH. He interpreted the
butler and the baker.
The butler dreamed that he had three vine branches in his hand and he
squeezed the grapes into the cup of Pharaoh. Joseph interpreted the
dream that the butler would be restored back into the service of Pharaoh
within three days and it was so. This was also prophetic because Yshua
was in the grave for three days and He shed his blood and was restored
back into the presence of His Father.
The baker dreamed that he carried three white baskets with bread on his head and the birds
came and ate the bread from the baskets. The butler was convicted after three days and was
executed for the crime he committed. This was also prophetic and points to Yshua Whos
flesh was bruised for our transgressions and He died for us so that we can be set free. Only
those who had the blood lived bit those who had the bread Word alone, they will not make
it. This gives us insight that you have to take part in the system of grace which is the
sacrificial system that Yshua fulfilled with His life.
Because of these dreams he had interpret correctly, he was called to interpret Pharaohs
dreams as well. This caused him to be elevated form being a slave in jail to the second in
command of the house of Pharaoh. The dreams led the Egyptians to prepare for the seven
years of famine that was preceded by seven years of wealth and prosperity. This points to a
time in the future where there will be seven years of prosperity and seven years of famine
and falling of the money systems of the world. This is the beginning of the start of the
tribulation period that will intensify in the last three and a half years of this seven-year period.
The final judgement and shaking of the world
system will be in the last three and a half year
period as described in the Book of Revelation.
Revelation is also a Prophetic Book and those
who adhere to it will be blessed because they
will be prepared. The feast of Sukkot is in line
with this preparation period where we will need
to leave the System and dwell in booths
(tents away from the system that will cause
many to accept the mark of the beast, either by
free will or by force.


Josephs life represents the Christian Church which is in Egypt or in bondage, having the
truth but they are interweaved it with all kinds of pagan traditions found in Egypt. This is the
result of the scattered tribes that are currently in the nations and who adopted abdominal
things and mixed it with their worship to YHVH. The result of Josephs destiny ending up in
Egypt, was so that a nation could be saved from destruction by the Hebrew boy now looked
like an Egyptian Prince.
After the revelation of who he really was, his brothers embraced him and
they lived together in peace and their relationship was restored. This is
prophetic of what will happen at the end where YHVH will open up the
eyes of the Jews to recognise the Messiah and their Christian brothers
who was hidden in the world for so long. At the end they will weep and
because they have rejected the Messiah for so long and they will drink
form waters of salvation and come into the Kingdom with their brother
The Christians on the other hand need to come out of Egypt just as the
time when Moses led them out about 430 years later. YHVH gave the
Torah through Moses to His people to cleanse themselves from the
Pagan roots and graft them back into Him. This is a prophetic picture of
Christians discovering their Hebrew roots and realising that they are part of Israel, they
need to embrace Torah to come clean from all the traditions of man that was invented by the
Church system.

Joseph had two sons: Ephraim and Manasseh. Joseph was one of
the twelve tribes that were split into two tribes; Ephraim and
Manasseh. Just before Jacob died, he blessed them, and as usual,
the youngest one received the first-borns blessing. He had his
hands crossed and his right hand was upon Ephraim, the youngest.
Why is this theme seen through out the Scripture?

is the youngest son and his name means,

shall be double fruitful. The last part of his name is


means sea. The sea is on the west side of Israel and means nations. Ephraim was the
tribe that was scattered throughout the nations after mixing with paganism and they represent
the ten scattered tribes. They build a temple North of Jerusalem and brought in idols in the
most holy place. This had the effect that YHVH let them be overtaken by their enemies and
scattered throughout the nations. The term double fruitful shows us that later on through his
generations, he would be very fruitful. We as Christian believers who accepted the Hebrew
roots are part of this group and stand under the banner of Ephraim. We might be part of the
original Israel and might be part of the Gentiles that was brought in with the scattered ten
Tribes. The Lost Ten Tribes scattered throughout the nations is like a net that YHVH
casted into the sea (nations), and when YHVH pulls in the net (calls back His people), they
will bring in a multitude of gentile nations.
Ephraim is represented by an OX and Judah is represented by a Lion. Ephraim is the Ox that
does all the work to prepare the ground so that the seeds can be sown and they are the
Christians that spread the Gospel message. Judah is the Lion the guards and protects the
Torah and they keep it pure from defilement and make exact copies without changing a word.
The Loin needs to know their Messiah and the Ox needs to fined their Hebraic roots. Then
they will be united together as brothers.


The centre of the word Ephraim is the word phar

that comes from the word pharar

that means - to break, frustrate, to break, violate. The scattered tribes in the nations violated
His Torah and broke every Law and frustrated themselves with the bondage they brought
that represents YHVH and

upon themselves. The beginning of the Ephraim is an Aleph

He send His Son Yshua in person to come and lead His people out from the nations back
into following His Torah so that they would no longer violate His Word.


The Messiah will came, riding on a donkey. Why a donkey. Well, it is a sign of humility,
because a King riding on a horse.
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This passage caused a lot of confusion in the Jewish circles, because there is another
passage that say that the Messiah will come riding on a horse, a King that will conquer their
enemies that oppressed them at that time, that is why they missed him. They were looking for
the wrong signs to identify the Messiah and it is their religious leaders fault. Is He riding on a
donkey or on a horse? The answer is both. The first time He came as a humble servant Who
died for us, riding on a donkey. The second time He will come riding on a white horse, the
King that will come to defeat our enemies forever. He will then rule the earth from the new
Jerusalem forever.
The word for donkey the word chamor

and it also have the meaning: to be

troubled or be in turmoil or clay or wine.

The first time in Scripture where donkey is used in Scripture is where Abraham went out to
offer Isaac.




Another place donkey is used is where Joseph hid his cup in Benjamins sack.


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When you see the word donkey, it shows us that there was turmoil and the people were in
distress, going through something bad. In all three these passages it is seen and confirmed
that Josephs brothers and Abraham. Yshua also went through great turmoil and this is
confirmed when He entered the City on a donkey just before He was crucified.
The outcome of the trouble, so to speak, shows us that the people involved are being
moulded as clay in the Fathers hands and that the outcome of the bad situation will bring joy
(wine). As you squeeze grapes (turmoil) you will reap the joy of the wine it will produce.


There is a time described in the Book of Revelation called the Winepress (greater tribulation)
where the remaining people outside the City on the earth, and they will be pressed to
produce joy (salvation) after this terrible period.



Winepress is the word yeqeb -

and has a yod (Spirit or hand of YHVH), a qof

(repentance, turning the head) and a bet (house). You will only enter YHVHs house if you
have repented and have the sign of the Covenant, the Spirit, in your heart.


Sukkot - The Feast of Booths

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According to Jewish tradition, a wedding takes place in two stages. The first
stage is where the Bridegroom comes and makes an agreement with her
father and pay for his Bride. He then goes back to his father to go and
prepare a home for her. He builds a house on his fathers land and his father
see to it that it is good enough for her.
She, on the other hand, awaits her fiancs arrival. He has a two-year period
to come and collect his bride, if it takes longer, the wedding is off. She has to
be ready, waiting on him with an oil lamp in her window. As soon as he is ready, he and his
entourage comes in the middle of the night, blowing their trumpets or shofars, declaring his
coming. When she hears this, she quickly lights the lamp in her window, showing him that
she is ready and still his bride. If she is not at home or the oil in her lamp is finished, the
wedding is off. He will come and take his bride without warning. He will take her to his new
house that he prepared for her and they have a seven day wedding feast. This is a beautiful
picture of Yshua, our Bridegroom. He will come with the blast of the trumpet in the middle of
the night, to come and collect His Bride (us, the believers), to take us to the place He has
prepared for us.

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If we are not ready, and our lamps is not full of oil and burning, we will not be taken to the
House He has prepared for us.







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The lamps with oil, if you read it with Matt 7, reveals to us that it is the Torah. Oil is also a
indication of the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh). Those who have prepared themselves were
ready without spot or blemish. [Eph 5:26-27]
Is your lamp trimmed and burning, or are you too busy with things of the world or
too busy with you career or too busy with your family? To have the flame burning is
to have a passion and zeal for the things of YHVH, actively learning and teaching
others and living a lifestyle that reflects Him. Having enough oil is the perseverance
in obeying YHVHs Torah and keep on doing His will even if you get tired and grow
weary. Look at your life two months back and ask yourself this question. Have I
grown spiritually and do I feel more passionate about His Word? If the answer is
yes, then your lamp is still burning. If the answer is no, your lamp has gone out and
you are busy dying spiritually. We have seen in Ps 1 that man is compared to a
tree. If a tree stops to grow, it is busy dying.
The first place where lamp is used is where YHVH cut a covenant with Abraham.

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means lamp, or to shine. The last part of the

that means ransom or redeem.

The lamp has to do with redemption as we have seen in Matt 25 where

your lamp has to be ready for you to enter into the marriage Festival with
Yshua. He will only know you if you have oil in your lamp and this signifies
a relationship with Him regarding the Torah and His Spirit. We also found
two objects in the Holy Place (place of relationship), the Menorah signifying
the Spirit and the Showbread, signifying the Scripture. The word shines is a verb and this
means that intimacy with YHVHs Word and Spirit needs to be an active part of your life.


The Lamed

on the right hand side means that you must learn about spiritual things

which is found in the Scripture so that our lamps will be full of oil and ready to shine at all
times. Oil also is the fuel of the lamp and also represents the anointing and the Life of His

The Lamp moved between the pieces of meat that Abraham
prepared. Abraham had to split the animals in two, except for the
pigeon and the dove and YHVH brought a deep sleep upon him
and walked between the pieces. When covenants were made
between two parties, both the parties had to walk in between the
pieces to promise with their lives whatever they agreed on. If one
of the two failed to uphold the conditions of the covenant, he
must die. That is the symbolism of the animals that had to die.
YHVH made a covenant with Himself because He was the only
one who walked between the dead animals and this shows that
He would die on behalf of Abraham (man) if man broke his part
of the covenant. That is why Yshua came to die for us because
we broke our part of the Covenant but He chose to stand in for
us taking the consequences upon Him self.

For todays theme we will look at the life of David and we will start off
with His genealogy. Boaz

(fleetness, rapidly, also the name of left

pillar in Solomons Temple) and Ruth

(friendship) begot Obed

(to carry out), and he begot Jesse

and he was the father of David

(there is, existence),

(beloved, love).

If we read the deeper meaning into this it reads as follows:

YHVH came rapidly, to restore friendship between Him and man and to carry out
His Plan that existed before creation through His Beloved Son Yshua.




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Samuel (El or YHVH) anointed David as King with oil and he received YHVHs Spirit
from that day on. We have seen that the oil represents the Spirit. Yshua was anointed
as Messiah (King) by His Father by His Spirit (anointing oil). We should hear and
listen what El or YHVH is saying through his anointed people.
Anointed is the word shawmane

meaning, robust, anointing, and rich. If you

add light or hey to this word oil it gives the word shem-o-neh
number eight or new beginnings.


meaning the

YHVH anointed David and then Yshua to be robust and to lead the way into new
beginnings. David was first Shepherd boy but later became a mighty king who conquered a
lot of enemies.
We see both words share the one of the Names of YHVH, which is HaShem. Everything
comes from YHVH and everything will be subject to His Name and authority and if you bring
Him into a situation, He will change it for the better. We can also see this in Hebrew words.
There are letters that have a negative meaning; like ayin

that means eye and resh

that means human reasoning. Man is attracted to fleshly things through the lust of the eye
and human reasoning is the enemy of faith. If we look at a few other words with these letters
added to Shem, we get interesting results:
Adding a Ajin (eye)


we get the word Shomah

that means

news, fame, obedient. Obedience comes through not following the lust of the eye
(left physical) but to focus on YHVHs good news"; Yshua.
Adding a Resh (human reasoning)

to Shem we get the word Shawmar

that means to watch, keep guard, be sober. We should guard our minds
and our thoughts and be sober so that we will be ready when He comes again with
His judgment;

The next thing David did, after being anointed, was to go up and fight Goliath. He took some
bread to his brothers, Yshua came to bring us the bread of life.

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forty days the Philistine drew near, morning and
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means to curse, to put under curse, to put under oath,

to swear.
The word Philistine means immigrant and comes from the verbal
root palash to roll in ashes or dust.
Dust is always a sign of death, so the Philistines was covered or clothed
with death and they represented death. Death came into this world as an
illegal immigrant and is not suppose to be part of this world.
The name of Goliath comes from the root word galah


means to uncover, to reveal oneself.

Death was cursing YHVH and this is the curse that covered all of man.
Sin and death is synonym because sin brings separation between YHVH


Goliath was a Philistine and
was covered in death. If you
have a situation as big as
Goliath that is in your way
and you see only death,
YHVH will use this situation
to reveal Himself when He
destroys your Goliath in your
life. YHVH allows these
Goliaths in your life so that
His Character and His Glory
and Power may be
manifested so that you can
see Who you serve and give
Him the Glory.

and man and death means separation. Yshua came to earth to face death, to uncover
deaths plan and to destroy death, so that man can be free from deaths power and its
covering (bondage of sin). What is interesting is that that word galah has a lot of positive
meanings: Gimmel points to the work of the Spirit, and it is on the right side (spiritual).
Lamed has to do with learning, and Hey shows us that there is something that comes
forth from and it is His light. All this teaches us that through the power of His Spirit (Gimmel),
and the knowledge of His Word (Lamed), you will receive His light (truth)where you can walk
in it.

Another interesting word that is related to this subject is the word muth
death. The word that is very close to is the word truth, which is emeth
produced by adding an Aleph

which means
and is

, which represents YHVH. The Aleph was added when

Yshua, (YHVH in the flesh), came to the earth to face death in Person and He took away
Death (penalty for sin) and exchange it with the Truth that leads to Life.
Later on David became King and ruled over Israel. After
many years of ruling over Israel, his son Absalom wanted
his Kingdom and this led to conflict between David and
Absalom. Absalom perused his father David and tried to kill
him so that he could take over the Kingdom. This is the
picture of the religious system that wants to rule over the
people of YHVH and this System is trying to kill the Messiah
by presenting another messiah called the Antichrist of
Antimessiah. The people will follow this system instead of
following YHVHs Word and the true Messiah. This religious
system called the Whore of Babylon and is part of the Beast that is mentioned in the Book
of Revelation.


Absalom and his name means father of the

reward or father of peace
This is what the Religious System preach today; peace among all
churches and to pursue love to break down the dividing walls of division.
This is the agenda of the One World Religion that is driven by the New
World Order. The head of the Religious System is the Catholic Church
and the Pope is known as Father and he is promoting peach and unity
across all denominations. In doing this you compromise the truth to gain
unity through love and peace.

6 32

Hanging is the word talah

Terebinth is the word elah

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, that means to put to death

that means to curse.


These two words share a lamed

and a hey

and the two letters that forms the

Which is the symbol of the Messiah. If you read the word elah from
difference is the
left to right, you get the meaning to move far away. Yshua removed our sin and moved it as
far as the East is from the West, far away from us. If you read the word talah from left to
right, you get the word

that means profane or unholy .

All of these meanings support the description of the Religious System because they made
the things, which are Holy unholy. They will be cursed and will be judged by plagues that
YHVH prepared for Her and everyone that is part of this System will receive the same



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YHVH saw what this System would do and He warned us through His prophet Ezekiel.






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Satan will be cast into the bottomless pit for a thousand years after he is released again he
and the False Prophet with be cast into the lake of fire.





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Absaloms death also foretells the end and death of the Antichrist and the beast system. The
word stones is aben (Father-Son), that will come and judge the earth as prophesised in
the Book of Daniel where he describes the destruction of the world system, destroying the
Image with the stone hitting it on its feet or foundation.

+ #


At this time every Israelite fled to his tent. The word tent here is ohel

and means

tabernacle or to shine. This confirms the verse in Matthew that states that we must leave
the System when the Tribulation starts and Sukkot is the time to prepare for this time that is


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Ohel is nearly the same word as elah or terebinth tree, the only difference is that the
hey and lamed swapped places. He revealed Himself to us (hey) so that we can learn
(lamed) the truth (hey) and through this, swapped His holiness for our ungodliness and
exchanged our death on the tree with His Life so that we can tabernacle or dwell with
Him forever and can shine.

We also see the positive side to this story; Absaloms death foretold that the father or origin
(prince) of peace was made a curse for us when He died, hanging on a tree. He is the
Aleph-Tav, the beginning and the end, the real Messiah, who will judge the earth. Those
who believe in Him and who follow Him, their sins will be removed from them and He will
remember it no more.


David was a Shepherd boy who looked after his fathers sheep in Bethlehem - Yshua
is the great Shepherd Who came from Bethlehem, and He looks after His Fathers
David means the Beloved and Yshua is our Beloved.
David was king over Israel and Yshua will be King over Israel and the whole world.
David was pursued by his son and Yshua was pursued by His people.
David loved the Torah and Yshua is the Torah (Word)
When David ruled there was peace in Israel after their enemies were destroyed,
Yshua will destroy His enemies and there will be peace again in
the New Jerusalem.



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Yshua will come in His Glory to concur and to judge the world and He will reign with a rod of
iron forever. He is the Word of YHVH and to know Him is to study Him and to love Him is to
keep His instructions.

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We know Him when we know His Commandments because He is the Word made flesh. His
character is hidden within His Word and we should search His Word so that we can find Him.
Search the Scripture and learn His ways so that there will be oil in your lamp and listen and
adhere to His Spirit so that His Light can shine though your life and from your Tabernacle.


Sukkot - The Feast of Booths

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Meaning of Sukkot Water Pouring Ceremony.

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On each of the seven days of Sukkot, the High Priest took a

golden pitcher and filled it with water drawn from the Pool of
Siloam. It was brought into the Temple through the Water
Gate (hence the name), and poured into a bowl at the Altar,
alongside the pouring of the wine, during the daily burntoffering (Talmud: Sukkah 4:9). This water libation was
performed only during Sukkot.


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The water ceremony was done during the seven days of the festival and on the eighth day it
was in many respects the conclusion of the holiday. Everything has built to this day and this
particular ceremony. The renowned men of Israel, every priest, teacher, scribe and leader
was in the temple to observe this one ceremony. It was a rare moment in the life of Israel
each year. The sequence of the water ceremony involved a single priest being dispatched
from the temple down to the Pool of Siloam. Siloam means, "sent." The priest was "sent" from
heaven (the temple mount) down to Siloam, the lowest part of Jerusalem (the earth). This
point to Yshua Who was sent from heaven and died for us.
He was sent down with a golden pitcher to draw water from the pool. This water was called
"Yshua" which means salvation. It is the real Hebrew name for Jesus, if you dont know.
The priest would then ascend back up to the temple with the sound of a flute and joy. The
flute was called the pierced one which points to Yshuas crucifixion. The prophet Isaiah
wrote these words explaining the meaning of Yshuas Name (YHVH is my salvation) and this
water ceremony.
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This process of descending and ascending was a prophecy fulfilled of the Messiah. The
Messiah descended and ascended just like the priest did, who brought the "living waters"
called "salvation" to the house of Elohim. The writer of Proverbs knew that this ascending and
descending process was about YHVH and His Son.
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As the priest with the water entered the court of Israel, the silver trumpets were sounded to
focus everyones attention on the event. The priest and a companion (priest) walk up the
ramp of the altar and position themselves at the top of the altar at the southwestern corner.
The first priest carried the gold pitcher with the water; the second priest carries a silver
pitcher with wine. Two funnel goblets were set at the edge of the altar with the drain spout
letting the fluid flow down the side of the altar. One funnel was for the water; the other funnel
was for the wine. In synchronous manner, the priests poured out their pitchers into the
corresponding funnels. Beginning low and slow, the priest raised up the pitchers keeping aim
on the funnels. This is done so all may see the "outpouring." Those witnessing the ceremony
observed the parallel streams on the side of the altar of water and wine.
When Yshua died, water and blood came from His side and He fulfilled
this prophetic action of the water pouring ceremony. The water and wine
was poured on the western side of the altar. The blood of the animals
was always sprinkled on the eastern side of the Ark (for Israel) and the
western side was not used, West means nations and east means
ancient or original things. This water pouring ceremony foretold
prophetically the salvation for the Gentiles in the nations. It is believed
when Yshua died, that His blood poured on the western side of the Ark,
which was below the place where He was impaled (crucified). Blood and
water flowed from His side representing His redemption by His blood and
His washing of the water of the Word.
This ceremony also symbolizes YHVHs response to a prayer that has been prayed during all
of Sukkot. The prayer is for YHVH to "save" us and "pour out" His Spirit upon us. The Apostle
John records for us what happened with Yshua at this ceremony.



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Yshua was the name of the water they used and the water was called the waters of
salvation" or Yshua. This is the Name of YHVHs redemption. This means that Yshua is
our redemption and our salvation. The outpouring of the water and wine symbolized YHVHs
Salvation (wine/blood) and the outpouring of the Spirit (water/Word).
John qualifies Yshuas statement by saying that the Spirit was given later (at the Feast of
Weeks - Pentecost).
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When blood and water flowed from the body of Yshua, and it matched
the witness of the water pouring ceremony where water and wine was
poured. It symbolized Elohims redemption (the blood/wine) in parallel
with the water (the outpouring of the Spirit/Word).
Looking back to Yshuas entrance into Jerusalem, the people laid out
palm branches. They cried out, "Hosanna, Hosanna!" which means
"Elohim save us!" The palm branches and the cry of Hosanna come from
the Feast of Tabernacles. This is how the celebration of booths led to the
Passover - the Feast of Redemption.

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Shemini Atzeret functions as the conclusion of Sukkot, but it

is also a separate festival. Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah,
also called the eighth day, the rejoicing in the Torah. This
day the Torah cycle ended for the year and the Torah was
rolled back. It takes about 45 minutes to roll it back and the
last part of Deuteronomy was read as well as the first part of
Genesis, giving the cycle a complete circle. The thought of
the day would be according to these two pieces of scripture
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This has
a spiritual lesson for us as His righteous people to be available for Him to create through us
other peoples lives so that they can also become righteous.


In addition, during this festival of Sukkot and this time, in the court of the women of the
temple between the four posts of light, the accusers brought to Yshua the woman caught in
the act of adultery (John 8:1-11).

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This all happened on the day after the feast or the eighth day of the feast. The eighth day
means new beginnings and this day is used to turn back the Torah and it was a turn back of
her life as well. The life of the woman, changing from an adulteress woman to a righteous
woman in one day just as the Torah scroll was turned back from the history of sins effect to
the beginning to how it was meant to be. This is a very good example of the restoration work
that the Messiah Yshua, the Word, is doing in all our lives in the World. Yshua forgave the
woman and proceeded to write a message on the ground. What did Yshua write? The
answer might be in Jeremiah 17:13.





The accusers of the woman were also to blame for not believing in Yshua and they will not
inherit eternal life. In these things, we can see that Yshua taught the people the messages of
the festivals during the festivals.


What is seen here is that Yshua stooped down and became small when people are
accusing each other of sin. Do you want Yshua to be small or great in your life? A
Judgemental spirit will shrink Yshua in your life and if you are humble, then it will raise
Yshua to His rightful elevated place of honour in your life.
Lucifer is the accuser of the brethren, and he accuses them rightfully, when they sin. There is
a place to speak up against sin but it should not be your lifestyle. We need to learn to
embrace wrong doers so that they can come into the Kingdom, so that they can be at a place
where the truth is spoken and then the Word will change them. Stop doing Satans work
poking people with your sword (Word), accusing your brothers and sisters. You earn the
right to correct others if you have learned to love them and have the environment to speak
into their lives.


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This feast takes place at the end times where all the nations will go up to Jerusalem, to keep
the feast of Sukkot. Why are we taught that the festivals have fallen away, if it is mentioned
here, in context of the end times?
The feast of Sukkot was the time to pray for rain, and when the feast is over, they believed
that the rain would start. The eighth day was seen as the first day of the raining season, the
day of new beginnings. Its on this day that Yshua encountered the adulteress woman. This
day was also a day of new beginnings for her. It was on this day that she encountered
Yshuas grace (rain) that washed away her sin, and just like the Torah scroll is turned back
and started anew, so her life had a new beginning.


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Your life is like a Torah Scroll. What is written on your scroll? When the
people brought their sacrifices to the Temple, the animal is skinned and
the inside is burned on the altar. The skin of the animal belonged to the
Levite that sacrificed the animal, and he used it to make a Torah scroll
and write the Torah on it. Did you give your life, your flesh, as a living sacrifice, so that YHVH
can record His Word on you? This day is a perfect day to give your life and flesh to YHVH so
that He can start writing His Torah on your life, all from the beginning again.
Yshua wrote in the dust with His finger. Dust

ayfer is always a symbol of death. The

eye (ayin), the mouth (pey) and human reasoning (resh) are the three things that cause death
in peoples lives. When rain falls on the dust, it brings life. The rain (life) of Yshua fell on her
life that was full of death and it changed her into a new creation.

1 #

There are three women in John. The first woman is Mary, His mother, the second is the
woman at the well, and the third woman is the adulteress woman. If we look at these woman
and compare them with each other, we get a deeper insight into the wisdom behind these
events recorded in Scripture.

The first woman was His mother who asked Him to do something about the
wine shortage at a Marriage Festival. The wine mentioned here, is for
celebrating and enjoying a Marriage feast where a bride and a bridegroom are
unified. This theme started with the initial marriage between Adam and Eve,
and it ends with the marriage between the Bride (us) and the Bridegroom


It is like bringing the end back to the beginning, to the original state and intent of YHVHs
Plan. The marriage Feast where Yshua did His First miracle underlines this Plan of
Restoration between YHVH and man.



Every Shabbat is also celebrated with wine called Kudush meaning the
cup of holiness or set apartness. Our marriage with Yshua means that
we are set apart, as His Bride, only for Him. Yshua is referred as the vine
and we are the branches. To think about it in a sense of how grapes are
produced out of water and the ground, the ground forms part of the
process and the water is used through the vine to produce the grapes.
These grapes are separated from the vine (blood) and then pressed to
produce the grape juice (wine/joy). Without separation there cannot not
be re-uniting. The juice is then isolated to mature into good wine that can be used in the
Another interesting thing about the branches of the Vine is that they need to have a structure
to secure it self to and to grow up against in order to bear fruit. If you do not give the
branches supports, it will grow on the ground and will not bear any fruit. The Support the
Branches need is the Torah that gives structure and allows the branches to grow up against
so that it will bear much fruit.


Mary is a mother and she is seen a s a good person that can be called righteous. Her
main attribute was to serve at the marriage festival. She was a mother that had brought
children into the world. Many believers fall into this category, they are spiritually matured and
have brought people into the Kingdom and are their spiritual mothers. Mothers can serve
when they are equipped with the Gifts of the Spirit for the uplifting and building up of
tehpeople s


The second woman mentioned in John is the woman at the well.

She was married to five husbands and lived with the sixth,
without being married. It is speculated that she was barren and
that was the reason for her many husbands. She is not seen as
a righteous woman because of her unholy lifestyle. The
issue discussed between her and Yshua is where to worship.
Within the context of marriage, intimacy can be similar to
worship and it is an expression of your deepest feelings and how
you open yourself up to your partner. Some believers find
themselves in this relationship with YHVH. They have this
longing and striving towards intimacy, but they lack the righteous
living part, which holds them back. You should realize that true intimacy with YHVH is build
upon His Word and knowing Him. It is also based upon the right lifestyle, so that you do not
damage the relationship you are trying to build, by doing things that may offend your partner.
It is the same with YHVH, you cannot try to have a intimate relationship with Him if you keep
on offending Him with an ungodly fleshly lifestyle.



This woman was caught in the act of adulatory. She was due to be stoned to death. This tells
us that she was not married yet, because a married woman committing adulatory, were to be
strangled. She is the woman that is the most unholy and considered a bad person.


This woman does not have a husband and shows us that she can be
compared to an unbeliever or sinner. When an unbeliever is confronted with
Yshua, (the Word), and he/she repents, his/her whole life will be turned back,
just like the Torah Scroll, and she starts all over again. This as if you get the
chance to go back into your mothers womb so that you can be born again.
This is what Yshua explained to Cornelius that if you repent and accept
Yshua, you are born again and you have another chance to life and a new
beginning. After her encounter with the Messiah, she became a wife who
was crafted into the family of YHVH and she had to undergo the cleansing process to build
het relationship with Him.

These three examples of the woman in John, shows us the progressive steps towards YHVH
in our relationship with Him.
Unbeliever - We start off with the adulteress woman, an unbeliever, and when we
repent we become the woman at the well.
Immature Believer The next stage we enter into is what Paul refers to as a babe
or immature believer. You are not aware of all the things of YHVH and is in a learning
curve that will take you to the next level of maturity. You will learn how to have a
relationship with Him, washing yourself with the water in the well (Torah/Word).
Mature Believer - Lastly be become the mother who bears children into the world
as we have increased intimacy with Him and make disciples for Him. We help to
nurture these children till they grow up into maturity. We can gain valuable
information and understanding on how to have a solid good relationship with Him.
These women show us the downfalls and high points to look at and we should be
honest in evaluating where we are at, and apply the wisdom portrayed through their

2 #

At the end of the first day of the Feast, three eighty foot high golden candlesticks were set up
in the Temples Court of Women. Four golden bowls were placed on each candlestick, and
four ladders rested against each. A youth of priestly descent stood at the top of each ladder,
pouring oil from a ten-gallon pitcher into the bowl (Talmud: Sukkah 5:3) The worn-out
liturgical garments of Priests were used for wicks. The light from these candlesticks was so
bright that it was state, "There was no courtyard in Jerusalem that was not lit up with the light
at the water-well ceremony" (Talmud: Sukkah 5:3).
Yshua spoke publicly on Sukkot, saying, "

3 # -


* ++
Messiahs birth, about AM 3750 - 3756 (10 - 4 BC), was
expectantly awaited (Matthew 2:1- 18) because within
about 40 years Daniels prophecy concerning Him must
be fulfilled. The prophet Micah wrote that He was
destined to be born in Beth-Lechem (Bethlehem) the
House of Bread (Micah 5:2). (Elohim called Him the
Bread from Heaven (John 6:32-36), though men say
Manna (Exodus 16:31) What is It?)


It was because of this prophecy that King Herod had the children of Bethlehem killed, to
protect his throne against the coming promised king. The rabbis who translated the
Septuagint taught from the prophet Isaiah that He would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14) and
would be called Immanuel Elohim with Us. In the expected time and place, on the Festival
of Sukkot,* in a succah (tabernacle, temporary dwelling) where Passover lambs were raised
in the city of the shepherd David, a Son was born to a virgin descended from that Messiah
David (Matthew 1, Luke 3:23-38). At an angels command (Matthew 1:21), He was named
Yshua, meaning " Salvation." Elohim would dwell with us in a sukkah of humanity that would
be bruised by the serpent, then crush that old serpent! The apostle Yochanan (John) tells us
that the Word (of Elohim) became flesh and "dwelt in a sukkah" (tabernacled) among us
(John 1:14). The author views Sukkot as figurative of Messiah"s coming to dwell among His
people; this reference is not submitted as proof of a dogmatic date.
When Zekharya (Zechariah) was ministering in the temple, he received an announcement
from Elohim of a coming son. The second course of Abia,12 when Zekharya was ministering,
was a week in the middle of Sivan. If Zekharyas promised son Yochanan (John the baptizer)
were conceived soon thereafter, then Yshuas conception, which was six months later, would
be late Chislev to early Tevet, near Chanukah (the Feast of Dedication); His birth would
thence be at mid Tishri, the Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles). The month of Tishri (in the fall)
also fits with the season of shepherds being out with their flocks by night, as they were when
Yshua was born; during winter the lambs are kept indoors.
Later in His life, Yshua went on a high place with three of His disciples (Matthew 17:1-9,
Mark 9:1-10). This happened on the Festival of Sukkot where Moses and Elijah, from
centuries past, representatives of the Torah and the Prophets, appeared and talked with
Yshua. One disciple, Kepha (Peter), suggested building three sukkot for Yshua, Moses, and
Elijah, because it was required for the Festival, but he did not understand (Mark 9:6) that
these three were fulfilling that which the festival symbolized: they were dwelling in their
sukkot (temporary tabernacles) of flesh, awaiting their eternal resurrection temples.


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