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Question 1
What is an alternative name for the International Court of Justice?
The United Nations Administrative Tribunal
OK The World Court
The Permanent Court of International Justice

2. Question 2
How do individuals gain an appointment to the International Court of Justice?
Through a selection procedure run by national supreme courts
Through elections in the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council
NO Through an open application procedure run by the UN Secretary-General

3. Question 3
What are the main tasks of the International Court of Justice?
X Providing advisory opinions on international legal issues when the Court sees
Prosecuting States for international crimes
Settling disputes between States
X Providing advisory opinions when requested to do so by the UN General
Assembly, UN Security Council, and UN specialized agencies

4. Question 4
How do States express their consent to the exercise of the jurisdiction of the
International Court of Justice in contentious cases?
OK Compromissory clause
Press release
OK Optional clause declaration
OK Special agreement

5. Question 5
In contrast to domestic court proceedings, what do contentious cases at the
International Court of Justice require?
OK Both parties to the dispute must consent to the dispute being adjudicated by
the ICJ
Domestic police forces must volunteer to enforce the judgment of the ICJ
The Security Council must approve the submission of the dispute to the ICJ

6. Question 6
How can States consent to disputes that might arise in the future, as opposed to
disputes that already exist?
NO By concluding a special agreement
By becoming a party to a treaty with a compromissory clause
By submitting an optional clause declaration to the Court

7. Question 7
Which entities can request advisory opinions from the International Court of
States and international organizations like the United Nations
OK The UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council
OK The UN General Assembly and UN specialized agencies

8. Question 8
Which statement best characterizes the Court’s docket of contentious cases?
OK The Court adjudicates disputes concerning a very wide range of subject
matters, from maritime boundaries to immunities to genocide
Most of the cases currently before the Court involve disputes between
developed States
Most of the disputes currently before the Court are disputes about
transboundary environmental harm
9. Question 9
When a developing State wishes to settle a dispute at the International Court of
Justice, is any funding available to support the costs involved in proceedings
before the Court?
Yes, the UN Secretary General established a trust fund to assist States in
the settlement of disputes through the ICJ
No, the United Nations has not made any provision for such funding in its
annual budgets
NO No, there are minimal costs involved in litigating at the International Court
of Justice because most lawyers take these cases on a pro bono basis and the United
Nations pays the salaries of the judges and staff at the Court

10. Question 10
Who presents legal arguments on behalf of States before the International Court of
Diplomats of the States that are parties to the dispute and who are based in
The Hague
OK Agents, co-agents, and advocates
Legal officers from UN Headquarters in New York

11. Question 11
What is the term for dispute settlement provisions that are included in treaties
and that sometimes provide for the jurisdiction of the International Court of
Dispute settlement declarations
X Compromissory clauses
Optional clause declarations

12. Question 12
Which statement provides the most accurate assessment of the advisory jurisdiction
of the International Court of Justice?
The Court rarely receives requests for advisory opinions, and the existing
opinions touch on obscure issues in the international legal field
The Court’s docket is dominated by contentious cases, but it occasionally
issues advisory opinions which tend to involve highly controversial issues in
global politics
NO The Court regularly receives requests for advisory opinions, which range from
matters that involve highly controversial issues in global affairs, to matters that
entail obscure international legal issues

13. Question 13
Which sequence of events summarizes proceedings at the International Court of
The filing of an application, oral proceedings, written submissions and a
Oral proceedings, the filing of an application, written submissions, a
judgment, and an optional appeal
OK The filing of an application, written submissions, oral proceedings, and a

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