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ABSTRACT: During past two decades, a significant body are often different from those of scientists.
of research has focused on students' understandings of These differing frameworks have been
scientific phenomena. Among them, investigations into described as misconception (Fisher, 1985),
students' understanding of biological concepts indicate that
alternative conceptions (Arnaudin, & Mintzes,
students of varying ages possess misconceptions about
biology eoneepts. Edueators agree that prevalenee of 1985), preconceptions (Ga1legos, Jerezano, &
miseoneeptions among students not only presents a serious Flores, 1994), alternative frameworks (Driver,
obstaelc to learning in biology but alsa interfere with 1981), erroneous ideas (Sanders, 1993), and
further learning. To promote effective and meaningful children science (Gilbert, Osbome & Fenshman,
learııing, there is a need to identify the causes of such
1982). For the sake of simplicity of description,
miseoneeptions and find ways to rectify them or prevent
this review wi11use the term 'misconception' to
them from occuring. Therefore, this review beriefly
sumıııari/~s the findings of misconception research studies denote any ideas held by students that are
to refocus our efforts on ways of effective lasting inconsistent or in conflict with those genera1ly
conceptual change in biology. accepted by scientists. The characteristics of
Kcywords: misconccptions, conceptual change, biology misconceptions are summarized by Adeniyi
education, meaningfullearning (1985) and Fisher (1985). They tend to be
pervasive (shared by many different
ÖZET: Son yimıi yıldır yapılan çalışmalar individuals), stable, well embedded in
öğrencilerin bilimselolayları nasıl anladıklarımn individual' s cognitive ecology, often resistantto
araştırtıması yönünde odaklanmıştır. Öğrencilerin biyoloji
kavramlarını nasıl anladıklarını araştıran çalışmalar, farklı
be changed at 1east by traditional teaching
yaş grubundaki öğrencilerin biyoloji konularında kavram methods and remain intact throughout the
yamlgıları olduğunu gösteımiştir. Kavram yamlgılarmm university years and into adult life. To date,
konuların anlamlı bir şekilde öğrenilmesinde önemli bir several studies have investigated students'
etmen olduğu gÖrüşünden yola çıkılarak hazırlanan bu understandingof biological concepts in different
derlemede, öğrenciler arasında yaygın olan bazı kavram countries: Cell (Dreyfus, & Jungwirth, 1988)
yanılgıları sıralanmış saptanması ve giderilmesi için yollar
photosynthesis (BeU, 1985; Haslam, &
önerilerek biyoloji konularında uzun süreli bir kavramsal
değişim yaratmak hedeflenmişir.
Treagust, 1987; Waheed, & Lucas, 1992),
Anahtar Sözcükler: kavram yanılgıları, kavramsal değişim,
genctic (Lewis, Leach, & Wood-Robinson
biyoloji eğitimi, anlamlı öğrenme 2000, 2000; Pash1ey, 1994), ecology (Griffiths
& Grant, 1985; Munson, 1994), respiration
(Sanders, 1993), classiftcation (Trowbridge &
Mintzes, 1988), the circulatory system (Yip
Students come to school with varying 1998), vertabrate and invertabrate (Braund,
experience with ideas about and explanation of 1998) and energy (Boyes & Stanisstreet, 1991).
the naturalworld, The scope of these ideas are as These studies revealed that the majority of
diverse as the students' backgrounds and they
Yrd. Doç. Dr., Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, ilkÖğretim Bölümü - Ankara
260 Ceren Tekkaya
[EdJ. 23of
studentslcave secondary school with a distorted Many world in biology are used in an
view of biological objeets and events. Many of alternatiye way in daily life, for this reason,
these topics about which students hal d some misconceptions may arise from the use of
rnisconceptionsare basic to biology knowledge words that mean one thing in everyday life and
and interrelated. another in a scientific context such as food,
In Turkey, in recent years there alsa has been respiration, and population. Oilbert et al.,
an interest in determining students' (1982), says "the word -particle- is scientifically
misconceptions concerning various biological used to mean atom, molecule or ion. However,
concepts (Çapa, 2000; Özkan, 2001; Sungur, in daily life it refers to sman but visible piece of
Tekkaya & Oeban, 2001; Tckkaya, Şen & solid substance. Consequently this situation
Özden, 1999; Tckkaya, Çapa & Yılmaz, 2000; resu1tin misapplication of that while explaining
Tckkaya, Özkan & Aşcı, 2001). These studies the air made up of small particles".
revealcdthat regardlcssof the age andthelevel Misconceptions also arise when students
of schooling misconceptions are alsa prevalent combined a newly learned concepts (plants
among Turkish high school and university make their own food) with his previously held,
students. TherefaI'e, to provide effcctive, more primitive concept (plants get their food
complete and accuratc understanding of from soil). Such situation creates conceptual
biological concepts, the aims of this review, are contlict in the students' mind.
to compik lists of common misconceptions it has been also shown that teachers could
detected in students in order to alert teachers to have played a role in the formation of
the prevalence of misconceptions on basic misconceptions held by their students (Sanders,
biological concepts and to suggest ways to 1993; Yip, 1998). These studies indicated that
remadiate them. misconceptions passed from teachers through
wrong or inaccurate teaching. Furthermore,
2. SOURCES OF MISCONCEPTIONS Sanders (1993) suggested that, assesment
strategies used by biology teachers could be a
Misconception researches indicate that
factor intluencing the development of
studcnts have considerable degree of
misconceptions in their students. She says
misconccptions related to biological concepts.
"teachers should not only assess to get mark for
At this point, there is a need to identify the
the pupils. They need to listen to what their pupil
sources of thcse misconceptions.
ten them, as it can provide information about
Misconceptions may originate from certain
pupils' understanding or lack thereof. Pupils
expcriences that are commonly shared by many
requireconstant feedback abouttheir correct and
students. Same of them rooted in everyday
incorrect ideas". Recently, Mintzes et aL.,
experiences. The concepts like source of plant
(2001) suggested several new assessment
food, respirationin plants, and classif1cation are
strategies that encourage meaningful learning
bc10ng to this category. For instance, in our
and conceptual understanding in the biological
society there is a common belief that there
science. Among there are concept maps, V
should not be tlowers in the bedrooms.
diagrams, clinical interviews, partfolios and
Furthermore, in daily life, we add word 'fish'
conceptual diagnostic tests.
behind dolphin and seal which imply that they
are flsh rather than mammals. Ben (1985), in Another factor that contributes occurrence of
one of his studies, suggests that words 'energy' misconceptions by students is textbooks, which
and 'food' are often used in everyday scnse of include many errors and incorrect information
(Storey, 1991, 1992). Many concepts in biology
being 'energetic' and necding 'to stay alive' and
are interrelated and theyare keys to
'be healthy' .
understanding other concepts. Therefore, not
Misconceptions As Barrier To Undı:rstanding Biology 261

only laek of integration among topies but also biology. At this point, curriculum developers
inappropriatepresensationoftopies in textbooks and textbook authors can make a concentrated
influenee students' further understanding. For effort to catch potential problems early, for
examp1c, without understanding of example by including examples that explain
photosynthesis, the eoncepts of food chain and multiple meanings.
food web are meaningless to students. However, As a summary, it can be said that children
before photosynthesis, students must understand hold misconceptions that are developed before
the distinction between producers and and during their school years, and these
eonsumers, as well as organic and inorganic misconceptions may be compounded by daily
life experience, use of everday language in a
It is known that most of the concepts in scientific context, compartmentalization of
biology are cIosely related to concepts presents concepts, teaching strategies, and textbooks. All
both in ehemistry and in physics. Berthelsen, these factors seem to be not only results in rote
cIaimed that many biologieal concepts such as learning and the compartmentalization of ideas,
geneties, evolution, metobolic processes,
but also defeat the aim of the biology syllabus to
ecosystems, might have their foundation in
promote meaningfullearning.
physieal scienee and students' understandingof
biologieal processes breaks down because of By reviewing the possible source of
physieal scienee misconeeptions. She says misconceptions, it is suggested that conceptual
"students understandthat living things are made development can be promoted by classroom
up of eells, but do not extend their instruction that avoids excessive factual details,
understanding to incIude the concept that those estab1ishesmeaningful connection between new
cells are made up of atoıns and moleeules". and existing concepts, and takes into account
SimilarIy, the eoncept of conservation of energy students' prior knowledge.
is essential to understanding of many feeding
relationships in a food web, photosynthesis, and 4. COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS
respiration. However, students thought that
energy was created and destroyed by living
things rather than transferred in the various life Table 1 represents a summary of students'
processes. Therefore, it is reasonable to think common misconceptions concerning respiration,
that the lack of prior knowledge in chemistry photosynthesis ecology, geneties, classification,
and physies eontributes to misconceptions in and the human circulatory system.

Tablc 1. Common Misconceptions in Biology

The purpose of respiration is to provide oxygen and to remove earbon dioxide
Respiration is a gaseoııs exchange process during which oxygen is taken in and
carbon dioxide is given off.
Respiration is synonymoııs with breathing
Respiration takes place in lııngs
Respiration in plan ts occurs only at night
Somc animals, particlIlarly invertebrates, do not respire
Animals respire aerobicaııy, ptants anaerobicaııy
Plants do not respire; they photosynthesize instcad
262 Ceren Tekkaya J. of
[ Ed23

Photosynthesis is the respiration of plants in light
Photosynthesis is the process by which the plant breathes
Photosynthesis is a gas exchange process
Carbon dioxide, water, fertilizer and minerals are food
Only green plan ts can carry out photosynthesis
Photosynthesis is an energy providing mechanism
Plants get their food from the soil
Plants take in C02 and change it to 02
Living things do not interact with the nonliving things, they stay apart
Population is an area where living things occur
Population is the number of people/organisms (e.g. population of Turkey)
Community is the same as population
There are more herbivores than camivores because they have more offspring
Stronger organisms have more energy
Bacteria are the source of energy in a food chain
Digestion is the energy releasing process
Plants get their energy from soil, air, sun, wind, water and other animals
Animals get their energy from sleeping, keeping warm, and the air they breathe
Genes contain alldes
Alldes contain genes
Genes and alldes are the same
DNA replication occurs in prophase
Sexual reprodııction occurs in animals but not in plants
Chromosomes and DNA present seperately in nucleus
Pengııins, lizards, crocodiles and turdes are all amphibian
Whales, dolphins, seals, jellyfish, starfish are all fish
Bats are birds
Behavior and habitat are criteria for classification
Paramceium belongs to animal king do m
Human beings are not animals
The Cireulatory System
Serum is the storage form of plasma
The thick and elastic wall of arteries helps prevent heat loss
Low blood velocity in capillaries is due to their small diameter
Heart is responsible for storing, deaning, filtering or manufacturing blood
Misconceptions As Barrier To Understanding Biology 263

As it is seen cIcady from the Table 1 that misconceptions (Haslam & Treagust, 1987;
studcnts hc1d several misconceptions related to Odom &Barrow, 1995; Özkan, 2001). The focus
various biology topics each of which form of the test is to detect eommon misconceptions
prominent aspect of most biology syllabuses. as well as to help students' reason. TIıis type of
assessment sends students the message that
reasoning and/or thinking are important. On the
other hand, a typical mu1tiple-choice item
MISCONCEPTIONS usually requires students to recall specific
Before misconceptions can be corrected, they content. TIıis type of assessment sends the
need to be identified. Since identification of message to the students that memorization of
misconceptions is needed to develop strategies content is important. Reasoning is not required.
to provide student<;with the accurate conceptual Mann and Treagust (1998) suggest another
knowledge. As mentioned earlier, diagnostic instrument inc1uding true/false type
misconceptions also developed by the student<; questions instead of multiple choice items.
during the lesson. If theyare not detected and Besides, Concept Evaluation Statement
corrected immediately, they wi11adversly affeet (Simpson & Marek, 1988; Westbrook & Marek,
the students' subsequent 1eaming. TIıis is a 1991), Proposition Generating Task (Amir &
major source oflearning problems in schools. In Tamir, 1994) and Writing Assays (Sanders,
many countries, including Turkey, assessment 1993) also used to assess students'
can be done at the end of a semester. However, understanding of a particular topic. In addition,
this kind of assessment is not appropriate as a combinations of these methods have been
feedback on teaching. The teacher has no idea of utilized by many researchers (Friedler et aL.,
how well or how poorly his student<;have learnt 1987; Özkan, 2001; Sungur et al., 2001) to
until at a very Iate stage. In order to identify and identify misconceptions.
analyze misconceptions at an early stage,
various forms of assessment should be used
throughout a course. For example, quiz and
discussion can take place any time during the MISCONCEPTIONS
lesson which provide opportunities for students To promote meaningfullearning, ways must
to express their own ideas c1early. A short test be found to eliminate or prevent
given at the end of a topic also helps to motivate misconceptions. Various instructional methods
the students to review their work. A concept can be used for this purpose. One such method
map, constructed by each students, is an involves the use of a conceptual change
excellent way of not only the reviewing a given approach. A conceptual change approach
topic but also detecting students' specific proposes that if students are to change their
misconceptions. Intervicw is a widespread ideas they mustbecome dissatisfiedwith their
techique used to identify students' existing conditions (dissatisfaction), new
misconceptions on a particular topic (Fisher, concepts must inte11igible,plausible, and fruitful
1985; Özkan, 2001; Sungur ct aL. 2001). The (Posner et aL., 1982). Several research studies
purpose of interview is to tease out the students' suggested that instructional strategics 1eading to
meaningful understanding of a particular conceptual change such as analogies, concept
concept. Multiple dıoice items can be marked maps, conceptual change texts and refutational
objectively and eft1ciently, but may not ab1e to texts could be employed to eliminate students'
probe into the Icarners' reasoning processes and misconceptions. This review briefly discusses
concept maps and conceptual change texts.
causes of conceptual probleıns. For thesc
reasons some researchers suggest the use of two- 6.1. Concept Maps: Comparmentalization
tier diagnostic test to identify students' of concepts is a common problem in biology
264 Ceren Tekkaya
[EdJ. 23of
lcaming, which occurs when concepts are 7. DISCUSSION
studied with little integration. Students may be Misconception research contains findings
ab1c to state correct1y the individual events but indicating that students show wide range of
often do not understandthe relationshipbetween difficulties in undestanding in biology. The
them. An effective way to tackle this problem is most important reason for these difficulties is
to use a concept map. Theyare diagrammatic close relationshipof units with each other. Since
representations, which show meaningful each new lesson contributes in recognizable
relationships between concepts in the form of ways to the students' understanding of some
proposition. Propositions are two or more major ideas or concepts of biology. Therefore, in
concept labels linked by words, which provide teaching and learning of biology, concepts do
information on relationships or describing not exist in isolation. Each concept is closely
connections between concepts. Concept maps related to others (Novak, 1970) and certain
serve to clarify links between newand old prerequisite concepts are necessary for a learner
knowledge and force leamer to externalize those to develop understandingon a certain concept. If
links. From these aspects, concept mapping has these do not exit, it would be difficult for the
bccome increasingly useful as an instructional learner to understand the new concept.
strategy for the diagnosis of students' Unfortunately this is often the case for a large
misconceptions by facilitating meaningful class with students of varied abilities, as in the
Icarning (Guastello, 2000; Kinchin, 2000; case of Turkey. Since class sizes are large,
Novak, 1990; Okebukola, 1990; Sungur et aL., science teaching is dominated by an expository
2001; Yılmaz, 1998). style based on standart textbooks, which
6.2. Conceptual Change Text: Conceptual emphasize factual datails to meet the demand of
change text is an instructional technique that examination. A teacher normally plans his/her
creates conceptual change on students' minds teaching according to the structureofthe course,
while promoting meaning learning. Conceptual assuming that, students have already mastered
change texts are designed to make students the prerequisite ideas. On the contrary, they may
awarc of both their misconceptions and not have accomodated the prerequsite ideas into
scientifically accepted concepts. their cognitive structurewhich are necessary for
Misconceptions are directly stated within the a meaningful understanding of the new topic.
text,> and hclped students to understand and When failing to grasp the basic concept, they
apply the target scientific knowledge through tend to employ a rote learning strategy in
the use of more plausible and intelligible studying biology in order to pass examination in
explanations (Erdmann, 2001; Özkan, 2001; biology.
Sungur et aL., 2001; Yılmaz, 1998). Thus, Waheed and Lucas (1992) suggest that
conceptual change instructionaltechniques have photosynthesis is an ideal topic to study this
to use to change students' misconceptions with problem. They imply that it is a complex
the scientific view of world and taught the biological topic and has a number of conceptual
concepts in a meaningful manner to students. aspect namely ecological, biochemical,
Recall that misconceptions also arise when the anatomical-physiological and energy change.
karning fails to induce the conceptual change in Thus, the interrelationshipof the various aspects
students' minds. makes photosynthesis an integrated concept.
These strategies not only help teachers They also indicated that understanding of
analyze the ideas of their students but also help photosynthesis, as a complex topic is important
students get a better understandingof biological in understandinghow the world functions as an
concept. ecosystem, and how photosynthesis acts as a
bridge between the non-living and living world.
Misconceptions As Barrier To Understanding Biology 265

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