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Dean 1

Rashawn Dean
SOC 307
Prof: J.Minnis
January 23rd, 2018

Population, Environment and Society


1a. The ever-growing concept of affluence affects the environment causing harm to the
atmosphere. Affluence promotes consumption that leads to the waste of natural resources and
increase in waste product. This can be a factor to increase in air pollution as well as land fill
concerns. It also has benefits to the environment as it facilitates the concern and educates of
preventions to these harmful problems. This has also affected the Bahamas because our main
concern is the affect that endure through waste products. Dump sites has increase in their burning
of waste products causing harm to the atmosphere as well as individuals.

1b. Poverty affected the environment because due to lack of well-established means and
provisions for living resources are consumed for short term use. Diseases arose from the lack of
protein and nutrients such as malnutrition. Also causing a higher chance of death from unlikely
life-threatening diseases. In some ways this has some effect on the Bahamas because in certain
areas people are still enduring poor living conditions. For example, there are areas without any
proper water supply so they get water by any means possible.

2. Environmental world view is a set of values and assumptions that reflect how others view and
think the world works. Also, it involves what you think your role in the world should be.

2a. My environmental world view is that the environment is an important and critical component
to the process of human existence. As human beings we all have an obligation to preserve and
protect the aspects that makes up our environment. We should not only enhance or sustain our
environmental conditions but also educate others on the importance of our environment.

2b. In my opinion my peers have some basic or borderline understanding of the world and the
ethical approach towards. In terms of their actions they have a subconscious mind-set towards the
Dean 2

preserving of the environment. For example, some of my peers have educated me on the
importance of turning off a water heater inside a house. Although they were viewing the situation
as a budgeting tool towards the electricity bill it still promotes the efficient use of natural resources.

3a. Planetary management worldview involves the environment's sole purpose is to meet our needs
and wants. This view doesn’t view us as a part of the earth. Since it was placed here for the aid of
us we take care of it in order for us to benefit from it. The stewardship worldview involves that as
human beings we have a mandate and responsibility to take care of the earth the best way possible.
There shouldn’t be any abuse of the earth but only to benefit from it. Environmental wisdom
worldview’s perspective is that we are a part of the earth, which encourages the notion to learn
how to preserve and take care of our environment. This views the earth as an aid of all species and
that we should take in account the preserving of the earth in our ideas. The wisdom of the
maintaining of this earth is important.
3b. Out of the three world views I subscribe to the view aligned with the stewardship worldview.
In my opinion the earth has been here a vast longer time than human existence, so it is our
responsibility to see to it that it is taken proper care of. More importantly, the viewpoint that
economic benefits should only be made through the benefit of the environment. This is a point that
I strongly agree with because quite often we but capitalism over the environment.

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