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ro NossAMAN,,, 1666 K Street, NW

Suite 500
Washington, DC
t 2o2.al7j4oo
20006 I
F 202.466.3215

Tam¡r D. Damari
D 202.887 .1442

Refer To File #: 290861-0003

September 27,2010

Federal Communications Commission stP 2 7 2010

Office of General Counsel FEderat Cúmnufl rf,il¡0n6
445 12th Street SW Euroau / 0fli¿e
Washington, DC 20554

Re: FOIA Control Nos. 2010-495, 497. 506, 507 508 and 538


Skybridge Spectrum Foundation ("Skybridge"), by and through its undersigned

counsel, hereby files this Application for Review of Freedom of lnformation Act Action.

Skybridge seeks review, pursuant to 47 CFR 550.461(i) and 1.115, of: (i) an August 19,

2010 determination by Ann Bushmiller, Deputy Associate General Counsel,

Administrative Law Division (the "Division"), denying Skybridge's search fee waiver

requests in connection with FOIA Control Nos. 2010-495, 497, 506,507 and 508; and

(ii) an August 26, 2010 determination by Ms. Bushmiller denying Skybridge's search fee

waiver request in connection with FOIA Control No. 2010-538.1

I The above-referenced FOIA requests will be collectively referred to below as the

"FOIA Requests". The above-referenced fee denials will be collectively referred to
below as the "Determinations."

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Page 2

The basis for each such denial was that skybridge is purportedly a "commercial

requester." Nevertheless, as demonstrated below, even assuming arguendo thaÍ

Skybridge is indeed a commercial requester, the Division's undisputed failure to timely

permit inspection of responsive documents pending the resolution of the parties' dispute

with respect to Skybridge's fee waiver entitlement, results in a forfeiture of the

Commission's rights to charge search fees in connection with these requests.

Moreover, as a substantive matter, the Division's denials of Skybridge's search fee

waiver requests were improper and contrary to relevant FOIA law. Accordingly,

skybridge requests that the Determinations be vacated, and that documents responsive

to the FOIA Requests be immediately released at no charge io Skybridge.

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September 27, 20'10
Page 3





The Division's Fee Waiver Denial Was lmproper 7

Because the Division Did Not Comply With 47 CFR S0.470(d)

Skybridge ls Entitled to a Search Fee Waiver Under 5 U.S.C.

S552(aXaXA)(iiXll), On Account Of lts Status As A Bona Fide
Nonprofit Entity

September 27, 20'10
Page 4

1. Did the Division err on August 19, 2010 and on August 26,2010 by denying

Skybridge's search fee waiver requests?


A. FOIA 2010-495

This FolA request sought three categories of records relating to the Auction

Division,s July 15,2010 announcement delaying Auction No:87. (See Exhibit 1). ln

denying skybridge's fee waiver request, the Division determined: (i) "skybridge's fee

waiver request does not explain how release of the records sought will contribute to

public understanding of the operations or activities of the government;" (¡i) "skybridge

fails to give any indication why information concerning the delay in Auction 87 has

significant public interest;" and (iii) "skybridge has not demonstrated that its request is

primarily in the public, rather than its own, interest."2

B. FOIA 2010-496

This FolA request sought records related to prior FOIA requests by skybridge

from 2006 until the present.3 ln response to Skybridge's fee waiver request, the

Administrative Law Division determined: (i) "skybridge fails to show that its request is

not primarily intended to serve the commercial interests of affiliated entities;" and (ii)

2 seeAugust 19,2O1O letterfrom Ann Bushmillerto skybridge spectrum, attached

hereto as Exhibit 2, at. Page 2.

3 See Exhib¡t 3.

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,,skybridge has not shown why informaiion concerning its FolA requests would be of

public interest."4

c. FolA 2010-506

This request sought: (i) copies of all filings made by Tetra Associaiion in ET

Docket No. 09-234 marked "confidential" (or which are otherwise being ireated as not

publically available by the commission); and (2) records of all meetings with

Commission employees concerning ET Docket No. 09234.5 ln response to Skybridge's

fee waiver request, the Division determined that: (i) "skybridge fails to show that its

request is not primarily intended to serve the commercial interests of affiliated entities;"

and (ii),,il1t is not apparent how confidential information about private companies would

significantly contribute to public understanding of the operations or activities of the

government as required by the statute."6

n rrìr^ tat,lñ-1117

This request sought information concerning Sandra and Donald Depriest.T ln

response to Skybridge's fee waiver request, the Administrative Law Division determined

that: (i) "despite its non-profit status, skybridge fails to show that the request is not

4 See Exh¡b¡t 2, at page 3

5 See Exhibit 4.

6 SeeExhibit2,atpage3

7 See Exhibit 5.

'165501 LDOC
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intended to serve the commercial interests of affiliated entities;" and (ii) "Skybridge has

not shown why information concerning the Depriests' activities would be of public


E. FOIA 2010-508

This request sought: (i) records describing the relationship between the

commission (or its stafQ and the Telecommunications Development Fund ("TDF") or

spectrum Bridge; (ii) rules pertaining to the positions that commission employees may

hold in outside organizations, including TDF; and (iii) records of approvals or rule

waivers permitting present or former Commission personnel to hold positions with

TDF.9 ln response to Skybridge's fee waiver request, the Administrative Law Division

stated "we find that, despite its nonprofit status, Skybridge fails to show that its request

is not primarily intended to serve the commercial interests of affiliated entities. We also

find that Skybridge has not shown why information concerning its FOIA requests would

be of public interest."10

F. FOIA 2010-538

This Request sought documents evidencing professional, business or personal

relationships between current or former FCC employees and Donald Depriest, Sandra

8 See Exhlbit 2, at page 4.

s See Exhibit 6.

10 See Exh¡b¡t 2, at page 4.

'165501 1.DOC
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Depriest, John Reardon, Robert Cooper and/or Susan Cooper.l1 ln response to

skybridge,s fee waiver request, the Administrative Law Division, in its August 26,2010

Determination, stated: (i) "skybridge's fee waiver request does not explain how release

of the records sought will contribute to public understanding of the operations or

activities of the government;" and (ii) "skybridge has not demonstrated that its request is

primarily in the public, rather than its own, interest "l2

A. The Division's Fee waiver Denial was lmproper Because The Division
Did Not Comply With 47 C.F'R. S0'470(d)

At the outset, the Division failed to comply with its own FOIA procedures. As

described, the principal ground articulated by the Division for denying skybridge's fee

waiver requests was its suspicion that the underlying FOIA requests were intended for

commercial benefit. However, under these circumstances, 47 C.F.R. S0.470(d) requires

ihat the Division afíord the requester a further opportunity to ji.rstify its íee waiver

(d) lf the Commission reasonably believes that a commercial interest

ex¡sts, based on the information provided pursuant to paragraph (c) of this
section, the requester shall be so notified and given an additional ten
business days to provide further information to justify receiving a reduced

(emphasis added).

¡t See Exhibit 7.

tz See Exhibit L

f 65501_1.DOC
September 27,2010

ln this case, it is beyond dispute that skybridge was not granted an opportunity to
,,provide further information to justify receiving a reduced fee." on this basis alone, the

fee waiver denial is improper and should be vacated.

Moreover, S0.470(d) further provides that "During this time period [i e , the

additional ten-day periodl, the materials will be available for inspection to the extent that

the time period exceeds the time period for responding to FolA requests, as

appropriate." This provision clearly places the onus upon the commission, in a//

circumstances, to timely meet its FOIA obligations. Moreover, this provision must be

read in conjunction with 47 CFR S0.a70(aX1)(¡i), which states:

Commercial use requesiers shall not be assessed search fees if the

Commission fails to comply wiih the time limits under $ 0.461(g)(1)' if no
unusual or exceptional circumstances (S 0.461(gX1Xi) through (iii)) apply
to the processing of the request.

(emphasis added).

These provisions, when read in conjunction, make clear that where (as here)

there is a dispute between a requesting party and the Commission as to whether the

requester is a "commercial" requester, the Commission cannot exploit this dispute to fail

to comply with FolA-mandated response periods. simply put, under $0.470(axlxii), if

the commission fails to timely comply with its response obligations (in the case of

disputes under $0.470(d), by failing to permit inspection), any subsequent attempt to

assess search fees is void ab initio. ln this case, responsive documents have not been

made available for inspection. To the contrary, the Division indicated that "the period for

Page I

responding to skybridge's FolA requests has been tolled pending the resolution of the

fee waiver issues and will continue to be tolled pending clarification of other fee issues."

The Division did not cite to any authority whatsoever which permits such a "tolling," nor

does any such authority exist. ln shod, even assuming arguendo that the Division had

a ground to contend that Skybridge was a commercial requester, its subsequent failure

to permit inspection in a timely fashion effectuated a waiver of any such right 13 On this

additional basis, the Division's decision was procedurally tainted at the outset.

B. Skybridge ls Entitled to a Search Fee Waiver Under 5 U.S.C.

S552(aXaXAX¡iXll), On Account Of lts Status As A Bona Fide Nonprofit

ln each of the FOIA Requests, Skybridge represented that it was seeking a fee

waiver on the grounds that (i) it is a non-profit, tax-exempt (under 26 U.S.C.

S501(cX3)), scientific, educational and charitable foundation that researches and

publishes information on communications-related matters in the public interest; (ii) it has

been explicitly recognized by the U.S. lnternal Revenue Service as a bona fide tax-

exempt organization under $501(c)(3) by virtue of an IRS Exemption Letter; (iii) it is

registered to do business in the State of Delaware as a non-profit organization; (iv) it

maintains a web-page at havens on which it publishes a wide

13 The impropriety of this unjustified "tolling" (and attendant delay) is underscored by

Skybridge's indication in the FOIA Requests that in the event of a dispute between
Skybridge and the Commission as to Skybridge's entitlement to a fee waiver, Skybridge
would agree to pay the full amount of the fees, subject to a reservation of rights. See,
e.g., Exhibit 4 ("However, if the FCC decides to use this fee waiver or reduction request
in any way to delay the response to this FOIA request, then, under protest, Skybridge
will pay the amount due (if reasonable) and seek a decision reversal and refund . . . ")

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Page 10

var¡ety of information relating to FCC issues; and (v) this web-page has received over

14,000 "reads" s¡nce late 20Og.14 Tellingly, the Division did not dispute anv of these

contentions in its August 19 and August 26 Determinations. Accordingly, these

contentions are presumably conceded by the Division. As demonstrated below,

skybridge's undisputed status as a federally and state recognized non-profit entity, rn

and of ¡tself , entitles it to fee waiver in this case, at least as to FOIA search fees.

As noted, the Division denied Skybridge's fee waiver requests based upon its

conclusion that the documents sought by skybridge would not benefit the "public

interest." skybridge disputes the Division's decision on this issue. Nevertheless,

resolution of this debate is unnecessary, because the "public interest" is only an issue

with respect to FOIA fee waivers if Skybridge's fee waiver requests are presumed to

have stemmed solely from 5 U.S.C. $552(aX4XAXiii). A cursory glance at the

Determination (at page 1 and footnote 3) reveals that the Division did in fact assume

that Skybridge's fee waiver requests arose entirely out of $552(aX4XAXiii).15 The
Division was erroneous.

1a See, e.g., Exhibit 5, at pages 2-3.

15 5 U.S.C. S552(aXaXAXiii) states that "Documents shall be furnished without any

charge or at a charge reduced . . . if disclosure of the information is in the publlc interest
because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or
activities of the government and is not primarily in the commercial interest of the

September 27, 2010
Page 11

ln fact, there is an entirely independent ground under which skybridge, as a bona

fide 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, may obtain a FolA fee waiver. specifically, 5

U.S.C. 5552(a)(4XAX|¡Xll) provides that:

IF]ees shall be limited to reasonable standard charges for document duplication

when records are not sought for commercial use and the request is made by an
educational or noncommercial scientific institution, whose purpose is scholarly or
scientific research: or a representative of the news media.

(emphasis added).
Unlike $552(a)(4XAXiii), $552(a)(a)(A)(ii)(ll) does not contain a interest,,

requirement, rendering moot the issue of whether the documents subsumed within the

FOIA Requests will benefit the "public interest." see Eagle v. u.s. Dept. of commerce,

2003 u.s. Disi LEXIS 25444 .6-10 (N.D. Ca. April 28, 2003) (noting the distinction

between s552(aXaXAXiii) and $552(aX¿XAX|iXll)); Electronic Pr¡vacy lnformation

Center v. Dept. of Defense,241 F. Supp. 2d 5, 6 (D.D.C 2003) (same)' Under

s552(aX4XAXii)(li), the oniy material issues are: (i) whether the FolA
request has been

made by an "educational or noncommercial scientific institution, whose purpose is

scholarly or scientific research; or a representative of the news media;" (ii) whether the

records are not sought for a commercial use.

There is no legitimate dispute that skybridge is an educational institution. As

noted above, it is a federally-recognized $501(c)(3) non-profit organization.l6

16 Under IRS rules, "The exempt purposes set forth in section 501(cX3) are charitable,
religious, educational, scientific, Iiterary, testing for public safety, fostering national or
inte-rnational amateur sports competition, and preventing cruelty to children or animals .
. ." See http://www.irs.qov/charities/charitable/article/O,,id='175418.00 htm1'

September 27, 2010
Page 12

skybridge is also incorporated in Delaware as a non-profit corporation. lts very purpose

is to obtain, publish and disseminate information on FCC matters (including matters

relating to the FCC's internal mechanisms and its regulation of licensees)' Moreover, its

educational purposes are evidenced by its maintenance of a web-page at havens on which it publishes a wide variety of information

reÍating to FCC issues. As discussed, this web-page (much of the content of which

comprised of information obtained by skybridge via FolA and other public domain

channels) has received over 14,000 "reads" since late 2009.17 ln short, Skybridge has

no commercial activities whatsoever.

ln fact, in fesponse to prior FolA requests by skybridge, other federal agencies

(including the Department of Energy and others) have granted fee waivers to skybridge'

correcfly recognizing that it is a bona fide educational and charitable foundation. lt

belabors the obvious to note that an entity cannot be a bona fide educational and

charitable foundation for FolA purposes only as to certain agencies, but not others. To

the contrary, FOIA's strictures apply equallv to all federal agencies. ln view of all of the

17The scope of the intended dissemination by Skybridge easily exceeds that which is
required under $552(a)(4XAXiiXll). "Requestors' statements of intent to disseminate
requested information through newsletters, popular news outlets, and presentations to
public interest groups, goveinment agencies, and the general public are sufficient to
änti¡e an orgañization to a fee waivei." W. Watersheds Proiect v- Brown,318 Srpp. I
2d.1036,1041 (D. ld.2004). Moreover, "information need not actually reach a broad
cross-section of the public in order to benefit the public at large . . . . The relevant
inquiry . . . is whether the requestor will disseminate the disclosed records to a
reåsonably broad audience of persons interested in the subject." Id., citing Carney v. US
Dep't of Justice, 19 F.3d 807, 814-15 (2d. Cir. 1994).

September 27, 2010
Page 13

prong of
foregoing, there can be no legitimate dispute that skybridge meets the first

S552(aX4XAXii)(l l)'s iwo-part test.

The only remaining issue is whether the records requesied have been sought for

a ,,commercial use." while there is a paucity of case law specifically discussing the

meaning of this phrase (as used in s552(aX4XAXliXll)), the commission, in addressing

this issue, should be mindful of the fact that congress intended for the FolA fee

standard be liberally construed. see Eudey v. ctA,47B F. Supp. 1175 (D.D.C. 1979);

supp. 2d. at 1039 ("The fee waiver provision of the Freedom of lnformation Act (FOIA)

is to be liberally construed in favor of waivers for noncommercial requesters. lt should

not be interpreted to allow federal agencies to set up roadblocks to prevent

noncommercial entities from receiving a fee waiver.") Similarly, once a FOIA requester

makes a prima facie showing that it is entitled to a fee waiver, the burden shifts to the

agency to show why a waiver would be improper. Ettlinger, supra; see also, Friends

the Coast Fork v. uS DOt, 1 10 F.3d 53 (gth cir. 1997).

The Division's Determination ignored this liberal standard, by in essence

requiring skybridge to do the impossible - namely, to "prove a negative." see, e.9.,

Exhibit 2, at page 4. ("we find that, despite its nonprofit status, skybrldge fails
to show

that its request is not primarily intended to serve the commercial interests of affiliated

entities."). The rationale for this artificial burden devised from whole cloth by the
Division was made evident on page 2 of the Determination, where the Division
,,Skybridge,s FOIA request relates to matters in which a commercial entity affiliated with

165501 ',l.DOC
September 27, 2010
Page 14

skybridge has a substantial interest, and it therefore appears that the FolA request may
public " (emphasis
be directed to assisting this entity rather than primarily informing the

added). ln support of this "affiliate interest" proposition, the Division (at footnote 12 of

its Determination) cited to McCIain v. u.S. DOJ, 13 F.3d 220,221 (7th Cir. 1993).

However, McCtain is inapposite, as it involved a request for a $552(a)(4)(A)(iii) waiver

of copying costs, not a S552(aXaXA)(ii)(ll) waiver of search fees' ld" at 221

(,,Duplication is all the FBI wants McClain to pay for. No matter who asks, a waiver of
duplication fees depends on proof that disclosure would 'contribute significantly to

understanding of the operations or activities of the government."'). The agency decision

cited by the Division in footnote '12 of its Determination, In re Robbins, call

communications Group, Inc.,21 FCC Rcd 6685 (2006), likewise involved a request for

a S552(aXaXA)(iii) waiver of copying cosfs, not a $552(a)(4)(A)(ii)(ll) waiver request'

/d., at 6686.

ln this case, by contrast, skybridge did not ask for a waiver of copying costs. ln

fact, it agreed to pay costs up to a maximum of $250 in connection with each of the

FOIA requests.l S Thus, the principal authorities relied upon by the Division are entirely


when distilled to its essence, the Division's Determination is reducible to the

premise that because warren c. Havens, the Manager of skybridge, also manages for-

profit FCC licensees that may potentially benefit from the information contained within

18 See Exhrblfs 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

165501 1.DOC
September 27,2010
Page 15

documents responsive to the FolA Requests, this fact, in and of itself, means

skybridge's request is "commercial" in intent. However, the Division failed to cite to

decision, from any coud or agency in the country, in support of this proposition

Moreover, this proposition is nonsensical on its face. As a statutory S501(cX3)

organization, skybridge's very status evidences the "non-commercial" nature of its

activities. The activities of other, for-profit, entities managed by Mr. Havens are, and
legally must be, distinct from those of skybridge, among other reasons because
IRS rules "The organization must not be organized or operated for the benefit of
to the
interests, and no part of a section 501(cX3) organization's net earnings may inure

benefit of any privaie shareholder or indívidual".19 Thus, the Division's reasoning

towards skybridge, when stripped of its inapposite citations, is nothing more than a

cynical attempt to second guess the determinations of both the IRS and the state of

Delaware as to skybridge's non-profit status. However, skybridge's separate status


not a fiction - it is a legal fact that the Division cannot ignore at its convenience.


Requests are actually obtained by skybridge and publically disseminated on

rs http://www.irs.qov/charities/charitable/article/Q,.id=96099,00.htmI see a/:o _^

nt@'"ro,,iq=,?arnt,oo.n,., ("4 section 501(cX3)

as-the creator or the creatois family, shareholders of the organization, other designated
individuals, or persons controlled directly or indirectly by such
private interests. No part
of tfre net of a section 501(cX3) organization may inure to the benefit of any
"urnìng, or individual. A piivate shareholder or individual is a person having
private shareholãer
ä personat and private interest in the activities of the organization

'165501 1.DOC
September 27, 2010
Page 16

skybridge's web-page, the information contained therein may be used beneficially by

other for-profit FCC licensees. Of course, these entities include for-profit FCC licensees

managed by Mr. Havens. However, the mere possibility of such information-sharing

does not justify the disregard of a non-profit organization's separate corporate

existence. Nor does it justify the assumption that a non-profit organization's FOIA
request is a commercial request.

lndeed, the IRS code expressly permits such information-sharing between

foundations and private individuals. For example, at 26 U.S.C. S4941(dx2xD), it states:

,'the furnishing of goods, services, or facilities by a private foundation to a disqualified

person2o shall not be an act of self-dealing if such furnishing is made on a basis no

more favorable than that on which such goods, services, or facilities are made available

to the general publ/c." (emphasis added). The benefit associated with documents which

are publically released under FolA, is, by definition, a public benefit. ln other words,

once a document is publically released by the FCC it becomes part of the public

domain. lt follows, a foñiori, that there is no private right or interest associated wiih
such a document for Skybridge to pass on to other Havens-managed entities in the first

instance. Thus, the terms under which such a document is provided by skybridge to

other Havens-managed entities ¡s "no more favorable than that on which such goods,

services, or facilÌties are made ava¡lable to the general public."

20A,,disqualified person" is defined at 26 u.s.c. s4946(aXlXA) as "a substantial

contributor to the foundation."

't65501 1.DOC
September 27, 2010
Page 17

Moreover, with respect to any documents obtained in response to the FOIA

Requests, Skybridge has certified its intent and means to furnish responsive information

"on a basis no more favorable than that on which such [information is] made available to

the general public" (specifically, by publishing such information on its publically-

accessible Scribd website), and the Division has not disputed this intent or capability to


ln shor1, the Division disregards black-letter foundation law when it suggests that

Skybridge's potential delivery of information obtained under FOIA to commonly-

managed affiliates can be deemed to be an act bestowing a private benefit to these

affiliates. Skybridge respectfully submits that it is improper for the Division to second-

guess the expertise of the IRS (not to mention other federal agencies) as to its

determination that Skybridge is a bona ftde non-profit entity. Nor should it be permitted

to speculate, without any supporting evidence, that the intent, purpose or result of the

FOIA Requests will be a private benefit for Havens-managed affiliates.


For each of the foregoing reasons, Skybridge respectfully requests that the

August 19, 201 0 and August 26, 201 0 Determinations by the Division be vacated.

for Nossaman LLP


FOIA Reque st to the FCC, vía

Requestor: SkybridgespectrumFoundation ("Skybridge")

Address: 2nd Office at: 2649 Benvenue Ave., Berkeley, CA94104

Phone: 510-841 -2220 or 510-848-1 7 91

Fax: 510-7 40-3412
Email: jstobaugh telesarìrtls-com and
warren.havens @

Date: July 15, 2010

Description of Records Requested

(within the Auction eleãtronic bidding system used by bidders) at or about 4:31 PM Eastem
àn July 15,2010 right after auction- ráund 13g which announced a delay in the auction (the
;¡"ru/1. R".o.d, i"qo".t"d include records in elecrronic and hard-copy form and any other

Records requested are:

fult identity of the bidder or
137 thai were subjecr to higher bids in aucrion 138; including the
bidders that held those PWBs at the end of round 137
consideruiion of and decision to implement to the Delay including
handwritten notes, and emails
and other electronic docu ments.
person other
(3) All records that descrlbe any FCC staff communications to or from any
an'Écc employee relating ro thå Delay, other than (i) the announcement of the Delay
tÔ "auctionS7 @fccgov
described above, and (ii) the email submitted by warren Havens
time on July 15 2010'
conceming the Delay sent at about 6:33 pm Eastern '

Maximum Search and CoPYing Fees

$250 (two hundred and fifty dollars)'

getting the requested documents is going to exceed this maximum search

fee' then
styuriagåsts ihar it b; informed of the amount by which it will be exceeded since
cost there may be, or Skybridge
*uy *uã, the FCC to proceed anywây for whatever additional specified
the maximum amount
may modify its request as as to obiain'copies of documents up to

Waiver of Fees
iS true and colrect:
The undersigned ceftified under penalty of perjury that the following
and charitable foundation which, as
Skybridge is a nonf.ofit, tax-exempt scientific, educational
(and other
one of its primary functions, researches and publishes information on FCC matters
matters) in the public interest.+ skybridge intends to publish information resulting from lhe
fulfillment of this FoIA request. In addition, and apatt from said publication activity, skybridge
is, according to its Delaware certificate of incorporalion and its IRS tax-exemption determination
leiter (see ihese documents submitted with the Skybridge Form i75 in this Auction 87), and
accordì.rg to its actual activities, a nonprofit tax-exempt coryoration and a private operating
foundatiãn engaged in educational activities for the public benefit. It is thus entitled to fee
waiver or at least fee reduction for FOIA requests.
t See e.g. the webSite, and the h¿rvens
website. These are both undertaken by and for skybridge spectrum Foundation as the plincipal
entity involved in the described pubic interest educational (and scientific and charitable)

The FCC in past FOIA responses to skybridge seeing fee waivers or reduclion has
indicated that it is not aware of hôw Internet websites effectively publish information to the
ãp"rur"d by and foi Skybridge and state in the information and documents published on these
cites th" nonprofit public interest reasons for these online publications, including those
perraining aireitty anå indirectly to FCC issues. The sites have had tens of thousands of visitors'
à.,d havJ g"nerated a lot of interest, and some of that is reflected in FCC proceedings on
TETRA, Iri'CLM, Auction 61, major court cases involving the FCC, and other major FCCJaw
and FCC-polity issues. The information sought in this request will be published on one of
skybridge sites to inform the public of the workings of govemment on a major issue of public
intárest I Federal Agencies, in this case the FCC, treatment of FOIA matters, which the records
in fhe Request shois is specious and prejudicial. Skybridge intends to publish the _relevant
documents responsive to thls request and allow the public access to them, along with other'
FCC FOIA request responses. In adtlition, skybridge will use the information it obtains ftom
this FOIA request in its other (non-publishing) private opelating foundation educational
activities. The FCC has no shown, in past denials of Skybridge's FolA-request fee waivers o¡
reductions, any basis to challenge the content or nature of these programs

Thus, fees should be waived or reduced.

response to this FoIA reqùest, then Skybridge will pay the amount due (if reasonable) under
p.oìest and seek to obtain å refund. In addirion, Skybridge has never been late on any vaLidFCC
þOf,q. (o'. other) payment obligation. Thus, the FCC cannot Ìawfully require advance
from Siybridge in relation rt this FOIA request. However, again, the FCC requires that,
Skybridge will pay that (if reasonable) under protest and undertake an appropriate appeal

Thanks for your assistance.

Warren Havens
Havens and
Jimmy Stobaugh
Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D,C. 20554

August 19, 2010

Skyblidgc Spectlu m Foutrdrlion

c/o Warren Havens
2649 Benvenue Avenue
Suites 2-6
Berkeley, CA94704

Re: FOIA Control Nos 20l0-495' 2010-497'

2010-50ó, 2010-507, and 2010-508
Requests for Fee lVaivers

Dear Mr. Havens:

This resporcls to Skybridge Spectrum Foundation's (Skybridge) requests fbr a waive¡ of fees fot'
sinrilar-ity, we consider all five requests together'2

The FOIA provicles tbat a waiver oI FOIA fees will be gr anted ouly "if disclosule of the
ilformarion is in th; pùblic interest because it is likely to contribute significiÌotly to public understanclìng
of the operations or activi¡ies of the goverlìment arrd is lot prirrarily in the comrnercìal inlerest of the
requesrer.',r Thus, to qtralify for a fee waiver, the requestel mùst derrìollstlate specilìcally how disclosure
ofìhe materials soughi will contribute to the public's unclerstzmding of the operations or âctivities of the
gover:ument.a The siatutory standaud requires a showing both that lhe information requested wOuld
lgnihcantly add to publicunderstandilg iìnd tb¿rt the informatior will actually bc disseminated to tlre
pJrbti", ìn aàdition tó a showing that the FOIA reqùest prim ily serves a public, not conrmercìal,
purpose.t We now consíder each request in tunì undel thìs standatd'

FOIA 2010-495

This FOIA reqüest seeks tlrree categories of "[r]ecords relatìng to the FCC Auctions Divisìon
ìnouncement in Auction 87 issued . . . on Jùly 15,2010 riglrt after auction round 138 which announced

delay in the auction. . . ."u Skyb.idg"'s reqtìest conteû(Ìs thât the fees charged for processbg its request

We note that you filed a FOIA request desigDated FOIA Control No.20l0-497 that did not irìclude â requost foÌ
I a

fce waiver.
We nore that we have previously denied sirnilzLr requests try Skybridge for fee waive¡s conneclion with sìx

eartier FolA ¡equesrs: FOIA Conrrol No s.2007 -382,200'l -403, 2009-089, 2009 136, 2010-3?9, and 2010-418
The Commission affi¡med our denial with respect to FOIA Corìtrol Nos. 2007-382,200'l -40,2009-089' and 2009-
136. See Wcut.en Hav¿¡¡ 24 FCC Rcd 12308 (2009); llarren Haven.¡, FCC 135 (Aug. 3, 2010) The denial ol'
2010-418 is the subject of a pending applicatio¡ for review
S u.S.C. $ ssz(a)(+)(A)(\üj; see also 4'7 C.F.R. $ 0.470(e) (cliteria for granting a fee waivgl)'
See McCleLLan EcoLogical Seepage Sínrafiorv. Ctu.Lucci,835 F.2d 1282, 1285
(9tb Cir. 198'l) (MESS)
(requiring an explanation with ';reasonable specificity how disclosure will contribute to Pubiic understanding"),
ìitiig Uãiouot frrosutl Ert¡tloyees U nion v. Griffut, 81]F.2d 644, 641 (D.C. Cì¡. I987) (bur dcn is on the requester
to ìdãnrify ancl dernonstrate with "rcasonable specificity" the Public interesl to be served)'
Se¿ 47 C.F.R. ç 0.4?0(eX2) (factors relevânt to statu[ory starrdard).
Se¿ e-mail from Skybridge Spechu' Foundation to (July Ì5, 2010)
(495 Request) at l.
M[. Wârlen Havens
August 19,2010

sho¡lcl be waived.? In sùppolt, Skybridge asserls that rt is â non-profit, tax-exempt scientiflc, educatjonal,
jnterest on its websites
and cha¡-ìtable foundation that pr:blishes infornration on FCC m¿tters in the public
Skybr.idge complains that, i¡ past decisions clenying Skybridge's requests for fee waivels, the Commission
has failecl ro appreciare rh¿r Skybridge's websites effectively publìsh infornratiolì lo the public. Skybridge
srates that j ts wèbsites haue at¡ acted tens of thousancls of visitors and generated much interes[, some of ir
reflected in FCC pr.oceecì.ings ancl court cases-s Skybrjdge states that jt âlso inteDds to use the ìnfornalion
iu other, non-publishing educational activitìes. Skybr-idge's fee waiver requesr does not explain how
¡elease of the recorcls sought will contrìbute to public nnderstanding of the operalions or âctivities of the
goverrment.e Skybridge fails to give any indication why info¡malion concelnirg the delay irr Auction 87
hrs significant public inlerest.r0 Skybridge gives no reason to beljeve that this action has any r'ìroÌe
signif,rcance to the public than any procedural action in any proceeding would typically Ìiave'

A second reasoÌÌ to deny the request is lhat Skybddge has not demonstrated that its request is
pr:irnarìly in the pubhc, rather than its own, ìoterest. SkybLidge's FOIA.T€quest relates lo n]atlers in which
o conrrná."ial e,riity affiliâted with SkybricÌge has a substantial interest,rr and it therefore apPears that the
FOIA request may be clìrected to orr;rting íri, entity rather than prirnarily infonning the public.t2 iÙ
a¡alyzing an eallier lequest by Skybriclge for a fee waiver', the Comnrission conclLrded that, desPite its
nonpr.ofit status, Skybridge failed to demonstrate tbat ìls request did rot serve a cornmercirl purpose.'
The Commission's reasoning cortrols our analysis of Skybridge's presenL request. Wenote that, as an
adclilioral factor, to qrìalify for a þ'OlA lèe waiver', â requester nrust aìso explain how it inlends to mâke informalion requãsrccl available to rhe public.ra Skybridge seeks to meet this slandard by irdicaliDg
that it will post the informatiou rcquested olì its websites.'' "Simply maìntainirìg a websile ìs rrot
disseminating information to a broìcl audìence of intelestecJ individuals,"¡6 as requirecì by the statutory fee

See id. 1-2
I See id. ^L
I¡ Wqrren Hayens, supt a, naLe 10, the Comûrissio¡ explainecl thaL Skybridgg's status as a not-profit organization
did not exempt it frorn ihe statutor:y obligârion 10 derÌroüstratc specifically how disclosure of the requested
informatio¡ would contlibute spccifically to public uDdcrstanding of the operalioDs or activities of the SovemtneDl..
'o Skybridge stares,
"The intbrn'ìation sought will be published ... to inforn the public of the workirìgs of the
govein."nt on a n.ra¡or issue of publjc iDterest - Federal Ageucjosl'], in this case tbe FCC['s], troatment of FOIA
i¡aLtcr.s, whìch the ricotds ìn the Requesr shows is specious and prejudicial." See 495 Request at 2. This rationale
does not mention Aucrion 8? aud seems to ì:efer to arì calliel FOIA request (2010 418), wbich sought inlbnrrÂtion
about thehandljngol'a FOIA requcst. S¿¿ s-marl ftom Skybridge SPect¡um Foundation to FOIA@fcc gov (May
10,2010) (FOIA No. 2010,418) aL 1-2. Ir rherefore appears inapposite to the current reqùest, whìch does notseek
iìrfo¡rnalioD about the haùdling of a FOIA request,
Inreìligenr T¡ ansporr & Monirori¡g Wireless (File No. 0004174612), an ettity afftliated wiù Skybridgo's Princjpal
Warren ilavens, isìn applicant in Auctioû 8?. lnforrnatio¡r concerniùg this application rnay be accessed through the
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau's auctions portal,
https://aùctionlìli ng. f¿c.Q.ov/form1?5/sea¡ch I 75lirrdex.hun.
iee M cClain v. Ù.5. Dep't of J ustice, 13 F,3d 220,221 (7rh Ci¡. 1993) (a former inrnate's reqÙest for inforn.ulion
concerning federal invostigation and prosecùtion of hin served to facilitale a challenge to his coìlviction and
¡herefbre did nol. qualify as confributing signifìcantly to the public understanding 01'gove¡nmen! opelations). S¿e
also Robert J. Robbins, calt connwnications Group, Itrc.,2l FCC Rcd 6685, 6687 n.20 (2006) Gejecting fee
waiver for reporter for nonconme¡cial radjo station where FOIA concerned alleged inre¡felence with that statjon's
See Warren Hdve,¡.ç, 24 FCC Rcd 12308, 12315- l6 (2009)
See MESS,835 F.2d at 128? (requcstcr who failed to give detaiÌs aboul intention to convey infolrìlation

ro (he public is not eligible for a fee waiv er)', LatsorL t. CIA, 843F.2d 1481, 1483 (D.C- Cir. 1988) (absence of
specific inforrnatiou regarding ability to dissemillate requested inlormâtion is grounds for denying a fee waivcr).
See Request lt 2.
See B¡'ow¡, v. USPTO, 445 F. Supp.2d 347, 1360 (M.D. F\a.2006), aff'd,226 Fed 'A'ppx 866 (11th Cir'
Mr. Warren Havens
Aì-rgusl 19,2010

waiver standald. In view of our' findings above, we do not leach the questiol'ì of whethel Skybr icÌge's
websites represent meanìngful vehicles for clisseminâtirg tlÌe rÈquested irformaliorr to the general publìc.

FOIA 2010-496

This Ì.eqùest seeks records relarecl to FolA requests by skybridge lrom 2006 to the presert,
including iniljaiFolA requests, clarifications thclcof, appeals, communications lo or fiom skybridge,
communications belween FCC staff concerning these FOIA lequests, and payments made by Skybridge
related to these FOIA requests.rT

In large pâÌ.t, Skybriclge advances the same argnnenls we have aheady discussed in connectiorl
with þ-OIA 2010-49-5. In palticÙlar, Skybridge relies primârily on its status as a non-ptofit foundatìon.
As cliscussed above, we find that, despile ils noüprofìt status, Skybridge fails to show tbal its reqÙest is
rot pl.ilnaïily intended to seÌve tl'ìe corÌìmeïcial inteÌests of affiìiated entities. We also lind-drat Skybridge
has nor shown wlìy information concer-ning its FOIA reqùests would be ofpublic

FOIA 2010-s06

This request seeks (l) copies ofall filings rlade by an organizalion called TETIìA
AssociatioD (TETRA) or its J.egal counsel in ET Docket No 09-234 that are marked
"conficìential" or are not being treated as publicly availalile by the Commission and (2) re
recorcls of all meetings witb ðornmission'employees concetring ET Docket No 09234

In large pat, Skybridge advances the satre arguments that we hâve already discussed in
connecrion wiih ÞOIA 2010-495. In particular', Skybridge relies primarily on its status as a non-ptofit
lòuìdation. As cliscossed above, we fincl that, despite its nonprofit statÌrs, Skybr idge f:Ìils to show that its
request ìs not primarily inteÌì serve the con.ìmelcial interests ofrlfiliated entities." With ì-espect to
the public ìntelest in the disclosure of the clocrurìents requested, Skybridge contends thât the disclostìre of
conjjclertial fìlings is itself in the public interest because "any such FCC public docket shouÌd not l¡e
subject to secret, private influence via presentatious to FCC staff in person iud in writing. Ih:j]:; by
pr ocessing and grant of thìs request, the FCC recoli] will be imploved urd the FCC law upheÌd."''
òornmìssion pr.oceclures, however, take into account the need to n.nke Comtnission proceedings
transpuent ancì fair. Both the Commission's rules22 ancl the FOIAz3 recognize the propliety of tleating
maleiial as co¡rfidential under appropdate circùn'lstances. There is nothing irlherently noteworthy or
contrary to the public interest in TETRA seeking confìdentiâl treatment for solne malerial in its filings
Aclditionally, it:is not apparent how conhctential infom'ìation about priYate companies would signitìcantly
coltribute tô public understanding of the operations or âctivities of the government as reqrìired by ll]e
staftrte. Furthãr, the Commission's ex pa¡te rules provide for the public disclosrn e of Presentations lo

5¿e email lìom skybridge Specrrurn Foürdation to (Jul. 15,2010)
(496 Request) at l Wo rotc
úar Skybridge did nor seek a lèe waiver lor its FOIA Control No. 2010-497, whjch aÌso seeks FOIA records.
See note 10, supra.
e-mail from Skybridge Spectrum Foundation to (Jul 24, 2010) (506 Request) at l -2.
In ET Docket No. d9-234, Sfybridge and alIiliated entities oÞpose ¿r petition by TETRA seekjng a waiver of technical rules, whioh ¡eflects a substantial private interesL See Inìtic¿l OPPositiott to
TETRA Assoc¡ctîioù Waiver Request, filed by Skybridge et al. (Jarr' 15' 2010)
See id. at4.Th\s request also contains the seemingly inapposite reference 1(') the Commìssjon's heatìnent
of FOIA requests noted aL sø¡rm nole 9. Seeid at3
S¿¿ 47 C.þ.R. g 0.459 (Requests that matedals or inforrnatio¡ submilled to tl'ìe CoLrl¡ission be
wìthheld lioDr
Þublic inspcction).
lr S¿e 5 U.S.C. A 552tbX4) (exemtrtirìg confiJeltial ru,rords).
Mr. Wa¡ren Havens
Augr"rst 19,2010

comn.iission sLalf in proceedings such as ET Docket No. 09-234.'?a Skyblidge has plesenþd no evidence
that this FOIA request woì.tld procJuce signìficaDt rDforn.ì¿rtion rot iequired to be disclosed on the public
recolcl under the ex pafte rules.?5

loIÄ. 2010-s07

This request seeks a wide variety of informâtion conceming an individual named

Sandra Depriest née Founret (Depriest), who Skybridge aìleges was a Colnmission etrpìoyee ìn the 1980s
or 1990s.26 Skybridge's request also seeks records relating to ary relationships or communjcatioDs
between Depr.i;st or her huiband, Donalcl Depriest ancl the Commissìon.27 Skybridge indicates that
Donald Depriest is a Commissio[ regulatee. As before, we lind that despite its non-plofìt status,
Skybridge fails to show that the request is Ì]ot intended to serve the commercial interests of affililialecl
entilies.26 We also find that Skybricìge has not strown why information conceming the Depriests'
activjties woukl be ofpubìic interest. To the extent that SkybÌidge is suggesting that the records ¡equesled
will show sonre inproprje¿y lelated to Dep[iest's en]ployment or contacls betweel'ì the Couunission and
the Depriests, Skybriclge fumistres no evidence to srìpPolt such conjecture. Without such eviclence we
cannot attribu[e y particrìlar signihcance to the records that Skybridge seeks regarding Depriest and her

FOIA 2010-508

This request seeks (1) records that describe the relationslrip belween the Commission or its stâlf
and two entilies, the Telecommuu ications Developmetrt Fund (TDF) and Spectmm Bridge, ¿ì conpany
funded by TDF, (2) rules that pertain to the positioDs lhat Commissior'ì employees may hold in outside
or.ganizations, including TDF, and (3.¡ records oT ap¡rovals or rule waivers permitting present or fornrcr
Commìssion persotìnel ro hold posirions with TDF.'o As before, we ñnd that despite its non-prolìl stltttts.
Skybridge fails to show that the request is not intended to serve the commercial interests of aftrliated
entities. We also find that Skybridge has not expÌained why lhe records it seeks would likely contain
any i¡fornaiiol about TDF ¿urcl Spectnrrn Blidge tìrat would conribute significantly to the pùblic's
understanding ofthe operatious or activities ol the gover¡ìment.r' As discussed ¿tbove, !o the exterr that
Skybridge suggests that the informâtion ìt requests would disclose ìmpropriety involving TDF or Bridge, it furnishes ¡ro information to suppotl tlris conjeclure. Without sr.rch evidence, we
cannot attribute aÌìy particular significance to tbe records requested concernìrrg TDF and Spectnlm

S¿¿47 C.F.R. $ L 1206(b).
Skybridge contends (506 Request at 1) ttrat t¡e sunnary of aù ex pêrte meeting fiìed by TETRA on May 20,201
0 and placed in rhe public record by TETRA did not aclequately summa¡ize the contents of the meetiDg. The Oll'ice
of General Counsel has lound, however', that tlle summary is accurate. See letter frorn Joel I(auI'nan, Associate
General Counsel to WaIIen Flavens and HeÙr'y Goldberg (Aug. 6, 2010)
,S¿e e-mail liom Skybridge Spectrum Foundation to FOIA@fcc gov (Jul 26' 2010) (507 Request) at l.
Cor¡nìssiol records iDdicate that entities aftìliated with Skyblidgc have been involved in litigation with
a conrpany ¿rffiliâled w¡lh tbe Deprìests, wl]ich reflects a substantial prjvate interest See Maûtine
Connunicatío¡ts/Land Mobile, LLC. 22FCC Rcd 47 80 (V/TB 2007)
See VoteHenp, Irc. u. DrtLg Enforcenrent Adn¡in.,237 F. Strpp 2d 55, 6l (D.D.C. 2002) (requester's

allegations that DEA had ulterior ìnotive for issuing intcrpletive rule aDd that public should be made awale oI it was
"nothìng more than rank spoculation"). This request also corÌtains the seemingly inapposite Iefererlce lo the
Comnission's t¡eatment of FOIA requests noted in note 10, sapra. See 50? Request at 3
e¡rail from Skybrìdge Spectrum Foundation to FOLA.@fcc.8ov (Jut 26,2010) (508 Request) at l.
See email f¡on Skybridge Spectrunt Foundation to (Jul- 26, 2010) (-508 Requ{rst) al I

" It appears thar entities affiliatcd with Skybritlge bave had prìvate dealings with Spcctrum B¡jdge, which reflect a
substantial privatg interest. S¿¿ e-mailfrom Wanen HavcDs toDavid Fitzgerald, Manager Busitress Devclopmenl,
Spectrunr Bridge (4ug. 21, 2009), availaòle cr hltp://¡ibd com/cloc/2259?59 I
Mr. Wan en Havens
Augrsl 19,2010
Ilr'ìclge.r2 The rurles legar:dìllg the per-ntissibility of govelnment en]ployees holdrng otltside positions ale
already a rnatter of pnblic record, aud there is thus no significaDl public ìnterest in their disclosure
prll çuarìt to this FOIA reqoc;t.

Because Skybriclge has uot estâblished (hat it neels the standards tbr â fee waiver with respect lo
any of its requests, the requests are denìed.

Tlte Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, the ColÌsumer and Govetnmeutal Affairs Buleau, [he
Office of the lvlanagirg Director, aud the Ge¡eral Counsel's Office, the buLeaus ¿ind ofñces assigred to
processing Skyb¡idge's requests, will be--in touch concerning fees foÌ processing the reqüest if Skybridge
ãecides to proceed without fee waivers,33 Pursuar'ìt to the Conmission's rules, the periocì for responding to
Skybridge's FOIA requests has been toìled pending the resolu-tion of the fee waiver issues and will
coitinue to be tolled pencling clarification of other fþe issues

Skybridge file an application for review of the denìal of each oI these five FOIA fee waiver
requests by sending it to lhe Com[rission's Office of General Counsel, 445 12th Street, S-W.,
Wãshington, DC 20554, within 30 days of the dare of t¡is ìefter, in accordance with 47 C.F.R. SS 0.461 (j)
and 0,470(g).

/,*n^' I L'-r
Ann E. Bushnrillet'
Deputy Associate General Counsel
Administrative Law Division

FOIA Officer
WTB FOIA Offrcer
CGB FOIA Officer
OMD FOIA Oftrcer

The only information that Skyb¡idge presents along these lincs is a link to a 2003 news arlicle which ¡aises

questio¡s aboul certirin aspects of TDF's structure ald ÌnaDagement. S¿e 508 Request at 1
(http://proj ecLs.publicinregrity.or2:/teleconú eport.aspx?aid=3 I ). We do not consider the article probalive of the
public irìte¡est sevetr years later. TLris requesr Also contains thc seemingly inapposito lefelence to lhe
Commìssioû's heâtment of FOIA requcsts noled in nole 9, J¡,p,n See 508 Rcquest at 2-
S¿e 47 C.F.R. $ 0.470(aX1) (fees for commercial lequesters).
See 4? C.F.R. ç 0,a61(eX2XiXB).
FOIA Request 1o the FCC, via

Requestor: Skybridge Spectrum Foundation ("Skybridge")

Address: 2"d Office at: 2649 Benvenue Ave., Berkeley' CA94104

Phone: 510 -841 -2220 or 510-848-1'7 97

Fax: 510-7 40-3412
Email: istohâuplì @ telesarLrus.cotn and
warren.havens @ sbc

Date: July 15, 2010

Description of Records Requested

Records of all written documents (whether originally in an electronic or a hard copy

fonn), from the start of year 2006 to the cur:rent date, as follows: All FOIA "Requests" (defined
uelol) to the FCC submitted by Skybridge, all FCC "Responses" (defined below) and "Related
DocuÁents" (defined below) related to the Requests, and all "Pavments" (defined below) related
to the Requests.

The "Requests" and "Related Documents" are:

(1) All FOIA initial requests including any clarifìcations thereof'
(2) All appeals ofFCC decisions on these requests And,
Related Documents:
i:) Att ottrer communications (i) from any paty (including but not limired to
such requests

The "Responses" are:

All FCC responses of any kind to the Requests (all
final responses on Requests'
substantive response) -- but reqLLester seeks q¡b signed letters and documents
from the FCC to Skybrìdge, t9! documents that were enclosed with any such
FOIA requests'

The "Pavments" are:

AlÌ payments made by Skybridge to the FCC at any time to pay sums due' or
aileged by the FCC to be due, in relation to the Requests'

Maximum Search and CoPving Fees

$200 (two hundred dollars)

Skybridge asks ihat ir be informed of the amount by which it will be exceeded since Skybridge
*uy *uãt rhe FCC to proceed anyway for whatever additional cost there may be, or Skybridge
may modify its request as as to obtain copies of documents up to the maximum amount

Waiver of Fees

The undersigned certified under penalty of perjury that the following is true and cor¡ect:
skybridge is a nonprofit, tax-exempt scientific, educatio¡41 and charitable foundation which,
onå of iîs primary functions, ,eseaiches and publishes information on FCC matters
matters) i;the public inrerest.* Skyb'idge intends to publish information resulting from the
fulfillment of this FOIA request. In addition, and apart from said publication activity, skybridge
is, according to its Delaware certificate of incorporation and its IRS tax-exemption determination
lerter (see ihese documents submitted with the Skybridge Form 175 in this Auction 87), and
accordìng to its actual activities, a nonprofit tax-exempt corporation and a private operating
foundatiðn engaged in educational activities for the public benefit lt is thus entitled to
waiver or at least fee reduction for FOIA requests.
* See e.g. the www.tetra-us.ùs website, and the htttr:// havens
website. These are both undertaken by and for Skybridge spectlum Foundation as the principal
entity involved in the described prbi. int" educational (and scientific and charitable)

indicated that it is not aware of how Inlernet websites effectively publish informarion to
public. That is a spurious response. The fact is that the above listed web sites and pages are

ãp"rut"d by and foi Skybridge and state in the information and documents pubìished on these
cites the nonprofit poili" ìnt"r"rt reasons for these online publications, including those
pertaining directly an indirectly to FCC issues. The sites have had tens of thousands of visitors,
ànd have" generated a lot of interest, and some of that is reflected in FCC proceedings on
TETRA, N.[CLM, Aucrion 61, major court cases involving the FCC, and other major FCC-law
and FCó-polity issues. The information sought in this request will be published on one
of the
government on a major issue of public
Skybridge sites to inform the public of the workings of
ìntárest'- Federal Agencies, in this case the FCC, tleatment of FOIA mattels, which the records
in the Request shows is specious and prejudicial. Skybridge intends to publish the.Ielevant
documents responsive to thls request and allow the public access to them, along with other'
FCC FOIA request responses. In addition, Skybridge will use the information it obtains from
this FOIA ,equest in its other (non-publishing) private operating foundation educational
activities. The FCC has no shown, in past denials of Skybridge's FOlA-request fee waivels or
reductions, any basis to chaìlenge the content or nature of these programs'

Thus, fees should be waived or reduced.

response to rhis FOIA fequest, then Skybridge will pay the amount due
(if reasonable) under
p.oì"rt und seek to obtain ã refund. In addition, Skybridge has never been late on any valícl FCC
i.On (ot other) payment obligation. Thus, the FCC cannot lawfully require advance payment
from Skybridge in relation t;this FOIA request. However, again, if the FCC requires that,
Skybridee wili pay that (if reasonable) under protest and undertake an appropriate appeal
Thanks for your assistance.

Warren Havens
Skybridge Spectrum Foundation
FOIA ReqLtesî to the FCC, via

Requestor: Skybridge Spectrum Foundalion ("Skybridge" or "Requesler")

Address: 2nd Offlce at: 2649 Benvenue Ave, Berkeley, CA94104

Phone: 510-841 -2220 or 5 10-848-1'7 97

Fax: 5r0-7 40-3412
Email: istobau sh @ lelesaul-us.cotn and
warren.haveLrs @ sbc

T)âte: July 24,2010

Special Note

To expedite the resolution of release of the below requested documents' the Requester is
filing a copy òfthis in docket 09-234 and also directly providing a copy to the CEO and
Chairman of the TETRA Association, considering:
lhts public
and its allegation that the FCC has allowed it certain special, private confidentiality in
docket, and
without filing the required reports of said presentations before the FCC including in this docket:
for exampìelhe Association;s May ZO,2Ol0 report filed on EFCS in this docket lists subjects
in this public proceeding, but the report fails
the meeting that are ât heart of the disputed matters
to disclosñhat the Association presented at that meeting on those subjects. That violates
ex parte rules and makes a mockåry of the public process involved. For this reason, as copy of
the instant FoIe request (vrith the above Special Note) is being provided to Joel Kauffman, . _

presentation, with a
Associate General Counsel of the FCC, as a report of impermissible ex parte
request for sanctions.

Descri plrq¡t--qf-Bççptdq-Bç$E$qd

09-234 submitted by (1) rhe TETRA Association directly or (2) the law firm of Goldberg,
Godles, Wiener & Wright, or (3) any other pa.rty, that --
(a) are marked "confidential" or any such marking, and
reasons' qlg !q!
iUj tnat, ¿ue to said markings or due to FCC's own-action or for any other
Said requested records include but are not limited to any filings in that docket on
ECFS filed or entered õn o6/0'712010 or 0610812010, whether or not marked as confidential


allegedly, to benefit the ÚS þublic-all in the US that may want to buy TETRA from
TpiRA'equipment p.ouid".. (Indeed, there was no equipment p¡ovider who submitted the

many potential
reqüest. Als;, any grant of the request is a waiver with broad implications to
private-party reqùests for waiving the like rules') All pleadings are submilted based on
salr-re or
àaOr",t . public-interest. I{\s contrary to FCC law and practice to accept confidential
filings in such a public docket on such public interest matters'

law, and FCC rules to withhold any such spÙriouslylabeled confidential information
release under a proper FOIA request, as we submit here

In addirion, if any material was publicly filed on EFCS-¡fì3dJ9!!94!y q no!-- it

cannot retroactively be"given cónfidential status" as the TETRA Association
the FCC have a right to
aÌlege on puge 2 ofim filing dated June 15, 20l0 The Association no¡
release or use in
tomiuUticty" aisclosed infoimation into private info¡mation_barred from FOtA
this iublic áocket. The Association can seek damage remedies against the law firm that
ãi."ior"¿ any actual confidential information it had no authority to discloser, in any such
as case
censure of what
of negìigence among private pa fües. Bul it cannol use the US government as a
it s repre s entative public ized.

Copies of all records, whether in handwritten or [yped format' o¡ elect¡onic

l2l .

dm; in which any person made or may have made any "Þrçsentation" (as that term is defined
in "ex pu.t"" toi"i¡ in the above said proceeding, docket 09-234, including:
(a) all records that show the names and poiitions of al1 person at such meetings in person or by
telephone or other means of attendance,
(b) all records of said "presentations" by said persons,
FCC responses,
icj all records of the matters of material substance that were presented, any aÌl
questions, and comments to said presentations,
(ã) any FCC invitations or suggeìtions to make any such presentations, including by email,
(e) all FCC staff intemal communications on the above matters

presentâtions filed on ECFS in said docket

I Simply asserting that something is confidential does not make it so actually or

legally For
it i, virtuãlly impossible to keep confidential rhe names of entities that use TETRA
sinceìn most all natións túat is public knowledge: (i) the spectrum is licensed and
the protocol
can be determined by lawful spåctrum receive surveys compared with
spectrum-authority lists of
p"rfn*"a protocols ánd equipment, and (ii) the end users are either public agencies or critical.
its PRM systems and
infrastructure companies which cannot keep confidential information on
*pfil"r.. What the TETRA Association may be trying to keep "confidential" is not actually
customers are
conïdential information, but the fact that among the lists of some of its members'
none in the IJS at all, and none that stand ready to buy TETRA, and no TETRA
*idu i*Illir it *"*b"r, thut h* .ign"d any commitment of any sort to supply
misleading purpose in
;" US-K*ptrg th^t .".ftáentiaì would serve the TETRA Association's position to Skybridge
the noted puúlic docket to not expose this fundamental defect in its
Foundation that opposås The Association's waiver request as lacking foundation and
deliberately misleading.
MaximLrm Search ar.rd Copyilg-EqË

Skybridge will pay up to $350 (thlee hundred and fifty dollars)' and if getting. the
then Skybúdge asks that it be
requested âo.uÃ"nt, is going to exceed this maximum search fee'
may want the FCC to
informed of the amouniby which rt will be exceeded since Skybridge
proceed anyway fot whatever additional cost there may be, or Skybridge
may modify its request
specified here
so as to obiuin óopies of documents up to the maximum amount

The below request for fee waiver or reduction does not conflicr with
the pleceding
request (If the waiver
payment commitment, nor is any basis to delay the fulfillment of this
an appeal and a payment
reques is denied after fees are assessed or paid, Skybridge may submit

Waivet or lìccluctiotì of Fees

is true and correct:
The undersigned certified under penalty of perjury that the following
charitable foundation which' as
Skybridge is a nonprofit, tax-exempt scientific, ?g,u:"ti:"1Ì and (and
publishes infomation on FCC lnatters other
or1á of iîs primary functions, researches and
matters) in the public interest.* Skybridge intends to publish
information resulting from the
publication activity, Skybridge
fulfillment of this FOIA requesr. n áO¿it¡n, and apaft from said
tax-exemplion determination
is, according to its Delaware certificate of incorporátion and its IRS
letter (see these documents submitted with th; skybridge Form 175 in
this Auction 87), and
and a private
accordìng to its actual activities' a nonprofit tax-exempt coryoration -operating
foundatiãn engaged in educational acrivities for the public benefit. It is thus entitled to fee
waiver or at least fee reduction for FOIA requests'

+ See e.g. the ww\ /.tetra-tts.uS website, and the l.rltp://www sclibd com/wa{ren havens
as the principal
website. ThÃe ur" both und" k"n by and for Skybridge specrrum Foundation
(and scientific and charitable)
entity involved in the described poii" int".".t educational

publish information to the
indicated that it is not aware of hów Internet websites effectively
and pages are
public. That is a spurious response. The fact is that the above listed web sites
documents published on lhese
ãp"i"r"¿ by and foi SkybridgË and srate in the- informarion and
tt" ionprofrt puili" ínt"."rt reasons for these online publications, those
pãr"i"i"g oire"tty unå indirectly to FCC issues. The_sites have had tens of thousands of visitors,
ãnJ tuu"" generæed a lot of interest, and some of that is reflected
in FCC proceedings on
FCC' and other major FCCJaw
iÈfne, NiCLM, Auctio.t 61, major court cases involving the on one of the
and FCC_polity issues. The information sought in this requesr
will be published
on a major issue of public
StVUrùg" ti,". to inform the public of the workings of government
matters, which the records
inrá."r, i Federal Agencies, in this case the FCC, lreatment of FOIA
i., tt" R"qu".t shoõs is specious and prejudicial. Skybridge intends to
.the .relevant
with other' past
ão.u."n,, t"rponsive to thls request aná allow the public.access to them' along it obtains from
FCC FOIA request responses. in addition, Skybridge will
use the information
waivers or
actjvities. The FCC has no shown, ìn pàst denials of Skybridge's FOlA-request
reductions, any basis to challenge the content or nature of these
the fee waive¡ or reduction request. under state and IRS law, all assets of Skyblidge
and charitable nonprofit
documents it obtains must be used for its educational, scientific
purposes. The FCC's past assertions that use of FOIA requested documents for Skybridge's
'int",'.'ul pu.por". rendeìs a fee waiver invaìid is thus in error: it is a indirect challenge to
Rather' it
Skybfidge's status under State and IRS law, with no basis shown for that challenge
Skybridge (and any
mereìy ãontinues the unlawful prejudice the FCC often has demonstrated to
entity managed by the undersigned).
publ ic
The narure of rhis filing itself is clearly in the public interest since any such FCC
via presentations to FCC staff in person
docket should not be subject to secret, private influence
un¿ eCC law"upheld. Thls'will be vìa the iequester, Skybridge,
placing the documents obtained
in this docket, òf o, FCC staff could do that on own-and should already have done so,
"oorr" meetings that do not with-hold
and it should have required proper repoÍs of ex parte in-person
violates FCC
obviously presented ,úbrtun." Uehin¿ìtre simple listing of subjects discussed: that
ex parte meeting disclosure standards.

Thus, uncter FOIA law, fees should be waìved or reduced'

However, if the FCC decides to use this fee waiver or reduction request to delay
in any
way the response to this FOIA request, then, under protest, Skybridge will pay the amount due
(if ieasonable) and seek a decision reversal and refund ln addition, Skybridge has been
lur" on uny validFCC FOIA (or other) payment obligation (nor has any Skybridge affiliate'
payments by any "affiliate"
there is nó FCC FOtA rule allowing attrìbution of non-requester late
to a requester). Thus, the FCC cãnnot lawfully require advance payment from Skybridge in
relarion ro this FOIA request. However, again, if the FCC requires that, Skybridge will pay that
(if reasonable) under protest and undertake an appropriate appeal'

Thanks for your assistance.

Warren Havens
Skybrid ge Spectrum Foundation,
Warren Havens, and
Jimmy Stobaugh
FOIA ReErest to the FCC, viu

Requestor: SkybridgeSpectrumFoundation ("Skybridge")

Address: 2"d Office at: 2649 Benvenue Ave, Berkeley, CA94704

Phone 5IO-841 -2220 or 510-848-1 7 91

Fax: 510-140,3412
Email istobaugh @ telesattltls.corn and
warren.havens @ sbcqlob¿rÌ -rlet

Date: Monday July 26,2010

Description of Records Requested

known us Sanìra Depriest after her marriage to Donald Depriest) (herein, also called

thãEto'th" date said employment was terminated, such as FCC public and FCC-internal
person), and any.olher
directories of staff positions (witir the title page and the page listing this
document that demìnstrates this employment term and the positions, if
such othe| records are
needed to make this clear.

p-eriod. or
Skybridge believes the Subject Employee was employed at the FCC some
periods in the-1980's decade and/or 1990',s decade, and probably not before or aftel
However, that is a guess.

the decision
the persàn signìng-purt" if it was a written decision, or (ii) as a person attending a meeting
inclualng un""* meeting (in a matter subject to FCC ex parte rules) that involved. any
;fi"r"rtãt"r,, by a party seeking any FCC action (here;."presentarion" means an oral or written
make¡s of any
presentation ,""ting to lnfluencË any FCC decision maker or potential decision
action sought froni the FCC)-inciuding any that involved Donald Depriesr, or charisma
Communications Corporation á¡ Cha¡isma-Communications Corp

and terminated as a FCC emPloYee.

Copies of all records of communications to the FCC by any person not an

employàeand not the Subject Employee that refer to or discuss the Subject

Copies of any records that show any disciplinary actions taken by the
(5) FCC against
or any
the Subject EÅpìoyee, and any investigations by the FCC of the Subject Employee'
by the FCC ro ãny extemal public agency conceming the subject Employee-to

I This company is described here: Ittto://wwrv.cclisnatch.cor¡,/business/articte


Depriest (the same petson, as noted above), or Donald Depriest (the
"Two Persons") and any
presenr day ("Subject
p"Åon rrri \"u. un Ëcc employee during the time period of lggg and rhe
iCC Employe"s,,), where said relationship rook place outside of any matter before the FCC, such
as *he.e a Subject FCC Employee ptovided legal or lobbying services
to either of the Two
persons or companies they in part- or in full managed or controlled (the "Two Persons'
Companies," fuither deftnict beiow).2 For example, if any FCC staff
attorney in the FCC
¡,u"tl-o*uuitlon provided at any time any legal advice to either of such Two Persons or such
Two Persons' Companies under an attorney-client relation or unpaid friendly relarion

Copies of all documents that show any communications with the FCC by
(7) any third-
party peìson (oìher then the Two persons, and FCC employees) ("Third Persons," further
persons' companies, whether such communication was a
L"lor) r¡urrÈluted to any of the Two
pr"sentation that may have served to influence a decision on a matter of interest to any Two
Þersons' Company, ãr whether such communication appears to be of another
sort' such as a
and any records of
simple status or timing inquiry. That includes any hard-copy letters' emails'
pn"'"" placed to iny Éci in the FCC Auctions l)ivision and the Wireless Bureau'
".Ur "nlployee

and since then
of ,h" sub¡""t E-ploy"e wus sandra Fournet. She married Donald R. Depfiest
employed at the FCC prior to
has been named Sàndra Depriest. Skybridge believes that she was
Foumet. Skybridge believes that
h", -u.riug" to Donald Depriest und *ur1h"n called sandra
her position at the
,he *as utlhat time a praciicing attomey at law Skybridge does not know
FCC but believes it was invoÑed in wireless matters, and that some of
her wo¡k involved
businesses he owned or controlled, possibly including a company
called Charisma
Communications Corporation, or Charisma Communications Corp

of the "Two P¿rsons Co¡npairí¿s " In addi¡ion to the above

Further description
d"r.riptinlE[1el-- T*o lel*o* co.punies" is limited to companies that had any active
the present day
FCC license or proceeding before the FCC from the year 1980 to
this term
Further descriptio n or the"Thírd Persons." In addition to the above description,
..Third Persons', includes any member of the United States Congress of their offices, any
member of the any US Presdident's White House office staff, and
any person represenÍng or
hmlteá to Sónutór-Lamar Alexander, and Senator Trent Lott and their offices.

Maximum Search and CoPYing Fees

t The FCC has records of such partial o¡ full cont¡ol via disclosu¡es as
to officers, directors, and pelsons
only information
with dejure or de facto control,;tc. we do not seek here FCC legal determinations,
alreaOy exrsting in its records submitted by oußide parties and in
FCC determinations
requesred ão.uÃ"nr. ;s going io exceed this maximum search fee, then Skybridge asks that it be
inftrmed of the amouni by whrch it will be exceeded since Skybridge may want the FCC to
proceed anyway for whatever additional cost there may be, or Skybridge may modify its request
so as to obtain copies of documents up to the maximum amount specified here'

payment commitment, nor is any basis to delay the fulfillment of this request (If the waiver
t"qu"rt i, denied after fees are assessed or paid, Skybridge may submit an appeal and a payment
refu nd.)

Waiver or Reduction of Fees

The undersigned certified under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct:
Skybridge is a nonprofit, tax-exempt scientific, educationa.l and charitabie foundation which,
information on FCC matters (and other
oná of iis primary functions, reseaiches and publishes
matters) in the public inrerest.* Skybridge intends to publish information resulting from the
fulfillment of rhis FOIA request. In addition, and apart from said publication activity, Skybridge
is, according to its Delaware certificate of incorporation and its IRS tax-exemption determination
letter (see these documents submitted with the skybridge Form 175 in this Auction 87), and
acco.dìng to its actual activities, a nonprofit tax-exempt corporation and a private -operating
foundatiðn engaged in educational activities for the public benefit. It is thus entitled to fee
waiver or at least fee reduction for FOIA requests.
+ See e.g. the www.tetra-us.uS website, and the httÞ://Ìren hrvens
website. ThÃe are both undertaken by and for Skybridge Spectrum Foundation as the principal
entity involved in the described puti" int"."tt educational (and scientific and charitable)

The FCC in pasr FOIA responses to skyblidge seeing fee waivers or reduction has
indicated that it is not aware of how Internet websites effectively publish information to
fact is that the above listed web sites and pages are
public. That is a spurious response. The
tperat"d by and foi Skybridge and state in the information and documents published on these

cit"s the nonprofit prtli""."tt reasons for these online publications, including those
pertaining direitly anå indirectly to FCC issues. The sites have had tens of thousands of visitors,
ànd navJ generæed a lot of interest, and some of that is reflected in FCC proceedings on
TETRA, tri'CLM, Auction 61, major court cases involving the FCC, and other major FCC-law
one of the
and FCC-polity issues. The information sought in this request will be published on
Skybriclge sitei to info¡m the public of the workings of govemment on a major ìssue
of public
intárest I Federal Agencies, in this case the FCC, treatment of FOIA matters, which the
in the Request shows is specious and prejudicial. Skybridge intends to publish the relevant
documents responsive to this request and allow the public access to them, along with
other, past
FCC FOIA request responses. In addition, Skybridge will use the information it obLains from
this FOIA request in its other (non-publishing) private operating foundation educational
activiries. The FCC has no shown, in past denials of Skybridge's FolA-request fee waivers or
reductions, any basis to challenge the content or nature of these programs'

whether of not Skybridge benefits from the requested information is not a basis to deny
the fee waiver or reduction request. under state and IRS law, all assets of skybridge
documents ìt obtains must be used for its educational, scientific and charitable
int"ìnul purpor", rendeìs a fee waiver invalid is thus in error: it is a indirect challenge to
Rather, it
skybt.idge,s status under State and IRS law, with no basis shown for that challenge.
demonstrated ro Skybridge (and any
merely ãontinues the unlawful prejudice the FCC often has
entity managed by the undersigned).

Thus, under FOIA law, fees shoutd be waived or reducecl

However, if the FCC uses this fee waiver or reduction request to delay in any way the
response to this FOIA request, then Skybridge will pay the amount due
(if reasonable) under
p.oi"r, und seek to obtain å refund. In addition, Skybridge has never been Ìate on any vali¿FCC
itOf,A. (o. orher) payment obligation (nor has any Skybridge affiliate, but there is no FCC FOIA
rule allowing uttribution of non-requester late payments by any "affiliate" to a requester) Thus,
the FCC cinnot lawfulty require ãdvance payment from Skybridge in 'elation to this FOIA
request. Howeve.r, again, ir úe FCC requires that, skybridge will pay that (if reasonable)
protest and undefiake an appropriate appeal.

Thanks for your assistance.

Warren Havens
Warren Havens and
Jimmy Stobaugh
FOIA Request to the FCC, via

Requestor Skybrid ge Spectrum Foundation ("Skybrid ge")

Address: 2"d Offica a¡: 2649 Benvenue Ave., Berkeley, CA94704

Phone: 510-84\ -2220 or 510-848-17 9'1

Fax: 510-'140-3412
Email: jstobaugh @ and
wanen.havens @ sbcglob¿tl.ttet

Date; Monday Juìy 26,2010

l)escriotion of Records Req uested

Her.ein, "records" means full |ecords in their complete original form (hard copy or electfonic)
wilhout any redactions.

(l)Copies of all records that describe or indicate the legal, financial, informal or other
relation between, on îhe one hand, the FCC and any position at the FCC, or any FCC staff
member, and on the other hand, the Telecom Development Fund ("TDF',), from the inception of
the TDF to this day. TDF is described at these links:
http :// and
httÞ ://proj ects. publicintegrity. orslteleconr,/reÞ-843!p4-:þd=f,1

(2) Copies of all records that records that describe or indicate the legal, financial,
informal or other relation between, on the one hand, the FCC and any position at the FCC, oI any
FCC staff member, and on the other hand, the entity funded by TDF called spectrum Blidge,
from the year 2005 to this day. Spectrum Bridge is described at these links:
httn://www.tLìfun{çq¡1þ94þþlgl¡!!.¡¡ and

Copies of all records that desc¡ibe the FCC rules, regulations, and practices that
pertain to when and to \/hat degree its active employees may take positions outside the FCC as
employees, ofhcers, directors, consultants and agents, including at the TFD.

Copies of all records that describe any approvals, or mle waivers, given by any
employee or employees of the FCC (including by the commission or any Commission Deìegated
Auihoiity) to any orher employee of the FCC to play any role at or for the TDF while also an
employee at the FCC or at any time after leaving employment at the FCC

Maximum Search and Copying Fees

Skybridge pay up to $250 (two hundred and fifty dollars), and if getting the
requested documents is going to exceed this maximum search fee, then Skybridge asks that it be
infàrmed of the amount by which it will be exceeded since Skybridge may want the FCC to
proceed anyway for whatever additional cost there may be, or Skybridge may modily its request
so as to obiain copies of documents up to the maximum amount specified here

payment cot¡mitment, nor is any basis to delay the fulfillment of this request. (If rhe waiver
i"qr.rt i, denied after fees are assessed or paid, Skybridge may submit an appeal and a payment

Waiver or Reduction of Fees

The undersigned certified under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct:
Skybridge is a nonprofit, tax-exempt scientific, educational and charitable foundation which, as
(and other
oná of iis primary functions, researches and publishes information on FCC matters
matters) in the public interest.* Skybridge intends to publish information resulting from the
fulfillment of this FOIA request. In addition, and apart from said publication activity, skyblidge
is, according to its Delaware certificate of incolporation and its IRS tax-exemption determination
letter (see ihese documents submitted with the Skybridge Form 175 in this Auction 87), and
uccordì.rg to its actual activities, a nonprofit tax-exempt corporation and a private operating
foundatiðn engaged in educational activities for the public benefit. It is thus entitled to fee
waiver or at least fee reduction for FOIA requests.
* See e.g. the website, and the httlr://www.scl ren havens
website. These are both undertaken by and for Skybridge spectrum Foundation as the pfincipal
entity involved in the desc¡ibed pubic interest educational (and scìentific and charitable)

The FCC in past FOIA responses to Skybridge seeing fee waivers or reduclion has
indicated that it is not aware of how Internet websites effectively publish information to
op".ot.d by and foi Skybridge and state in the information and documents published on these
.ites the nonprofit putlic interest reasons for these online publications, including those
pertaining aire.tty anå indirectly ro FCC issues. The sites have had tens of thousands of visitors,
and navJ generated a lot of ìnterest, and some of that is reflected in FCC proceedings on
TETRA, X.[CLM, Auction 61, major couÍ cases involving the FCC, and other major FCC-law
and FCC-polity issues. The information sought in this request will be published on one
of the
major issue of public
Skybridge sites to inform the public of the workings of govemment on a
intårest I Federal Agencies, inthis case rhe FCC, treatment of FoIA matters, which the
in rhe Requesr shows is specious and prejudicial. Skybridge intends to publish the,relevant
documents responsive to this request and allow the public access to them, along with other'
FCC FOIA request responses. In addition, Skybridge will use the information it obtains from
this FOIA request in its other (non-publishing) pfivâte operating foundation educational
activities. The FCC has no shown, in past denials of Skybridge's FO[A-request fee waivers or
reductions, any basis to challenge the content or nature of these programs'

the fee waiver or reduction request. under State and IRS law, all assets of Skybridge including
documents it obtains must used for its educational, scientific and charitable nonprofit
intemal purposes renders a fee waiver invalid is thus in error: it is a indirect challenge to
Rather, it
Skybridge,s status under state and IRS law, wirh no basis shown for that challenge.
(and any
máely ãontinues the unlawful prejudice the FCC often has demonslrated to Skybridge
entity managed by the undersigned).

Skybridge intends to publish information obtained by this FOIA request on Scrib

at the
links mainiaineã by its president Warren Havens for Skrbridge's educational nonprofit
purposes-including on matters relating to the workings of the FCC under law or contrary to
iu*. Th" home link is here: http://www.scribd co The "profile"
"o.."nt upon at pages at this home link are for
setting and the actual documents posteá and commented
Skybrìdge Spectrum Foundation, as specifically described. As of the date of this FOIA requesr'
sciiu,eio.ts atthe homeìink, after logging tn,,,\4,61g Reads,'since late 2009. In addition,
scientific programs.
Skybridge as no commercial business of any kind, and will not use the requested
for any commercial PurPose

Thus, under FOIA law, fees should be waived or reduced'

However, if the FCC uses this fee waiver or reduction request to delay in any way

response to this FOIA request, then skybridge will pay the amount due (if reasonabìe) under
proiest and seek to obtain å refund. n aã¿ition, Skybridge has never been late on any validFCC
i.On (o. other) payment obligation (nor has any Skybridge affiliate, but there is no FCC FOIA Thus'
rul" allowing uttribution of no-n-requester late payments by any "affiliate" to a requester)
the FCC ca:nnot lawfully require àdvance payment from Skybridge in relation to this. FOIA
.equ"st. However, uguin, if ti.t" FCC requirós that, Skybridge will pay that (if reasonable) under
protest and undertake an appropriate appeal'

Thanks for your assistance.

Waren Havens
Warren Havens and
Jimmy Stobaugh
FOIA Request to the FCC, via

Requestor: SkybridgeSpectrumFoundation("Skybridge")

Address: Operations Office: 2509 Stuart St., Berkeley, CA 94705

Response: Do Not use certtfied, siSnature-requl red USPS ruaiL

Phone: -2220 or 5 I 0 -8 48 -7 1 91
5 70 -8 4 1

Fax: 510-7 40-3412

Emaìl: istobaugh@ and
warren.havens @ sbcglobal,net

Date: Monday August 11 ,2Ol0

Description of Records Requested:

Herein, "records" means full records in their complete original form (hard copy or eìectronic)
without any redactions, as follows:

counsel, aãvisor or representative), or business or personal relation:
between, on the one hand any FCC employee who held any position in or
authority over the FCC Auctions Division from the years 2000 to the current time'
and on the other hand:
(a) Donald Depriest, Sandra Depriest, and/or John Reardon' who
according to FCC records are current controllers, owners, or authorized employees
in a company
called M-aritime Communications/ Land Mobile LLC, which holds FCC licenses in the AMTS
radio service, and/ or
(b) Robert Cooper or Susan Cooper, who according to FCC records' are
current controllers, owners or authorized employees of a company caÌled Paging Systems '
which holds FCC licenses in the AMTS radio service--
and where any said relation existed at any Doint in time'

represented, as legal iounsel, Donald Depriest before the FCç'
Requester believes other records
reco¡ds wìth
described above also exist with regard tò relations with said Donald Depriest, and
also with the
regard to Sandra Depriest (who wãs for a period of time, a FCC employee) and
other parties named above.

Maximum Search and Copying Fees:

,"qu"rt"d i.""orã, is going to exceed this maximum search fee, then Skybridge asks that it
informed of the amount ùy which it will be exceeded since Skybridge may want the FCC lo
proceed anyway for whatever additional cost there may be, or Skybridge may modify its request
so as to obtain ðopies of documents up to the maximum amount specified here'
paymer]t commitment, nor is any basis to delay the fulfillment of this request
(If the waiver
i"qr"rt i, denied afier fees are assessed or paid, Skybridge may submit an appeal and a payment

Waiver or Reduction of Fees:

The undersigned certifies under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct:

FCC matters
which, as one õf its p.imary functions, researches and publishes information on
(and other matrers) in the iublic interest.* Skybridge intends to publish information
publication actìvity,
ì.om the fulfillment of this FOIA request. In addition, and apart from said
Skybridge is, according to its Delaware certificate of incorporation and-its IRS tax-exemption
175 in this
deie¡miiation letter (see these documents submitted with the Skybridge Form
and a
Auction 87), and according to its actual activities, a nonprofit tax-exempt corporation
private opeiating foundation engaged in educational activities for the public benefit
lt is thus
àndtled to fee waiver or at least fee reduction for FOIA requests'
* See e.g. the w\¡/w.tetra-us.tls website, and the http://www scribd com/rvaren havens
the principaÌ
website. ThÃe are both undert-aken by and for Skybridge Spectrum Foundation as
enrity involved in the described puiic interest educational (and scientific
and charirable)

indicated that it is not aware of h;w Internet websites effectiveìy
publish information to the
public. That is a spurious response The fact is that the above listed web sites and pages are
published on [hese
Lpe.uted by and foi SkybriclgÉ and srate in the information and documents
cit", th" ionprofit puilic ìnterest reasons for these online publications, incìuding those
un¿ h*"" generated a lot of interest, and some of that is reflected
in FCC proceedings on
TETRA, \.ïCLM, Auction 61, major court cases involving the FCC' and other major
the records
intár".t 1 Federal Agencies, ii this case the FCC, treatment of FOIA mattels, which
in the Request shows is specious and prejudicial Skybridge intends to che.relevant
along with other' past
documents responsive to this request anà allow the public access to them'
FCC FOIA request responses. in addition, skybridge will use the information
ir obtains from
waivers or
activities. ThoFCC has no shown, in pàst denials of Skyblidge's FOlA-request fee
reductions, any basis to challenge the content or nature of these

the fee waiver or reduction reqriest. Under State and IRS law, all assets
of Skybridge including
documents it obtains must b; used for its educational, scientific and charitable nonprofit
intemal purposes renders a fee waiver invalid is thus in error: it is a indirect challenge
Rather, it
Skybridge's status under State and IRS law, with no basis shown for that challenge.
merely continues the unlawful prejudice the FCC ofren has demonslrated to
Skybridge (and any
entity managed by the undersigned)

Skybridge intends to publish information obtarned by this FolA request or.ì

scrìb at the
links mainiaineã by its Pr.esident Warren Havens for Skrbridge's educational nonpr:ofit
purposes-including on matters relating to the workings of ¡he FCC unde¡ law or contrary to
iu*. rn" current home link is here: havens . The "profrle"
home link are 1b¡
setting and the actual documents poGà and commented upon at pages at this
Skybridge Spectrum Foundation, as specifically described. As of the date of this FOIA request'
,,14,67g Reads" since lare 2009. In addirion,
s"iiu."io.t, at the home link, after logging in,
Skybridle will use the requested records for its other nonprofit educational, charitable and
scjentific programs.

for any commercial PurPose

Thus, under FOIA law, fees should be waived or reduced'

However, if the FCC uses this fee waiver or reduction fequest to delay in any way the
p."'r"rl""J seek to obtain à refund. tn aá¿ition, Skybridge has never been late on any valid FCC
i on (o, other) payment obligation (nor has any Skybridge affiliate, but thele is no FCC FOIA
requester). Thus,
rule allowing uittiUution of noÁ-requester late payments by any "af1ìliate" to a
the FCC clnnot lawfully require;dvânce payment from Skybridge in relation
to rhis FOIA
request. However, a;ar;, if tile FCC requires that, Skybridge will pay that reasonable) under
protest and undertake an appfopriate appeal

Thanks for your assistance.

Wanen Havens
Warren Havens, President
Jimmy Stobaugh, Authorized Representative
Federal Communications Commissron
Washington, D.C.20554

August 26, 2010

Skybridge Spectrum Foundation

c/o Warren Havens
2509 Stuarl Street
Berkeley, C^94105

Re: FOIÀ Control No. 2010-538

Request for Fee Waiver

Dear Mr. Havens:

This responds to Skybridge Spectnun Foundation's (Skybridge) request for a

waiver offees fär processing the above-referenced Freedom of l¡formation Act
request.l For the reasons that fo11ow, we deny the fee waiver request'

,,ifdisclosure ofthè information is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute
significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities ofthe govemment and
is"not primárilyìn the commercial interest of the requester."' Thus, to
qualiff for a fee
*uiu"i, th" ,"queste¡ must demonstrate specifically how disclosure ofthe materials
sousht will to the public's understanding ofthe operations or activities ofthe
goui*ment.r The statutory ìtandard requires a showing both that the information
iequested would significantiy add to public understanding and that the
ìnlomation will
u"torlly b" di.r"-inated to the public, in addition to a show"ing thât the FoIA request
primarily serves a public, not commercial, purpose'-

fo-r fee waive¡s in cormection with

We note that we have previously denied similar requests by Sþbridge
_382,200'I-4O3,ZOO9-089, 2009-136, 2010-379, 2010-418,
t t eu.iier role, requests; FOIÄ Nos. 200'7
20i0_506, 2010-507, and iO10-508. The Commission has ffi¡med our denial with
iôù--ìõi,ãiO-¿Sä, (2009);
,".*"i and 2009-136' see llarren Havens' 24FCCRcd 12308
'il"lirìir"o'zooz-¡sz,2007-403,2009-089, at 1s coftÍ\, Reg. (P&F) 12
lir"iri ri""¿o¡á", rcc 10_ 135 (Auc. 3, 2010) , feported for review'
iâiiol. ï¡i ¿".¡ "f 20 10-418 is rhe subj ect o f a pending application

u.S.c. ç sszla¡a)(L)(\ä); see atso 47 cFR $0 470(e) (criteria for granting afee' aiver)
i¡eãsonable specìficity how disclosÙr€ willcontibut€ to public
1r-"quoing *
GrifJin'.8|lF 2d 644' 647 (D C Cir' 1987)
*i*i"i¿i"g"i, National Treasury Elnpbve"' UnÌo.'.''
,'¡easonable specificfty''the public interest to
"¡t,re to identify aná dcmonst¡ate with
ö;;;;;"d; äu;Jr
be sewed).

4 C.F.R. $ 0.470(e)(2) (factors relevant to statutory staÊdard)'

See 4'1
War¡en Havens
Page 2

Skybridge's FolA request5 seeks fecords that describe a professional, business, or

personal rélatioiship between any FCC auctions division employee and named principals
àf Maritirn" Co-tnunications /Land Mobile, LLC (MCiLM)Õ and Paging Systems, ¡rc'

should be íaivä or reäuced.8 In support, Skybridge asserts that it is a non-profit,
exempt scientific, educational, and charitable foundation that publishes information
decisions denying Skybridge,s reqLLests for fee waivers, the commission has failed
appreciate that Skybridge's websiies effectively publish information to the public'
i'kþridge states ttrat its=websites have attracted tens of thousands of visitots and
generated much int"r"rt, .o*" otüreflected in FCC proceedings and court cases'e
õkybridge states that it also intends to use the information in other, non-publishing
educational activities.

Skybridge'sfeewaiverrequestdoesnotexplainhowreleaseoftherecordssought r0
will contribute to public unaersianding of the operåtions or activities of the government
between FCÇ
SkybriAge itas noi shown why infon4atiort conceming any relltrolship .

principals of tr¡c/Ltvt aod psl *ould be of public interest. To the extent

ffiroyå, and
inai Súyuriage is suggesting that the records requestecl will show some
related to connections between FCC employees and the principals of
MC/LM and PSI'
ir.vt¡¿g" n nlirrres no evidence to sùpport such conjecture. without such evidence we
seeks regarding
can¡ot aîtribute any particular significance to the recor'ls that Skybddge
ihe con¡ections between FCC and MC/LM and PSI principals''l
A second reason to deny the request is that Skybridge has not demonstrated
interest' It that
its r"quest is pimarily in the public, rather than its own,

itytåàg" *ä ."lateá commárcial ántities are engaged in litigation with MC/LM


ftom Skybridge Spectrurn Foundation to FOIAIÐfcc sov
(Aug 17'2010) (Request) at l'
See e-maiì

These a¡e Donald DePriest, Sand¡a DePriest, and Joh¡ Reardon'

These a¡e Robe¡t Cooper and Susan Cooper'


,See Request at 2-3.

See id. a12.
stahr,s as a.non-proflt organization did not
The Commission has previously explained that Skybridge's
how disclosure ofthe requested
exemot it fiom the stat,tory obligatiolìo àt-oo't"i" sp""ift"ally
_;;;å ätb;;;Ë;tfr*ny," public undirstanding of the operations or activities of the
ã"ì"rl-*, See lfiaten Havàns, tuprønote 1 at 12316 f 16'

Su'pp 2d 55' 61 (D D C 2002) (requester's

tt Vote*emp, Inc. v. Drug Enforcement Adnin ' 23':' '
interpretivé rule and that public should be made awa¡e
alleeations that DEA t a¿ utt"¡o¡ -oüve for issuing
ofiiwas "nothing more tlan rark speculation")'
War¡en Havens
Page 3

PSI, which reflects a substantial private interest.12 lt therefore appears that the FOIA
request may be directed to pursuing Skybridge's p¡ivate interests rather than primarily
informing the public. "
ln analyzing an earlier request by Skybúdge for a fee waiver, the
Commission concluded that, despite its non-profit status, Skybridge failed to demonstrate
that its request did not serve a commercial purpose.lo The Co--ission's reasoning
controls our analysis of Skybridge's present request.

We note that, as an additional factor, to qualify for a FOIA fee waiver, a requester
must also explain how it intends to make the information requested available to the
public.r5 Skybridge seeks to meet this standard by indicating that it witl post the
information iequeited on its websites.r6 "simply maintaining a website is not
disseminating information to a broad audience ofinterested individuals,"t? as required by
the statutory fee waiver sta¡dard. I¡ view of ou¡ findings above, we do not reach the
question of whether Skybridge's websites represent meamngful vehicles for
disseminating the requested information to the general pubìic

Because Skybridge has not established that ìt meets the standards for a fee waiver,
its request is denied.

The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, the bureau assigned to processing

Skybridge's request, will be in touch conceming fees for processing the request if
Skybridge decides to proceed without a fee waiver.'o Pursuant to the Commission's
rules, the period for responding to Skybridge's FOIA request is tolled pending^the
resolution of the fee wiiver issue anúthe ct-arification oiany other fee

See Sþbridge Specù1tm Foundation v. Mobex Ne¡,vork Services, LLC,No 2:2008cv03094 (D N J' Jun'
20, 2008). MC/LM and PSI a¡e listed as defendants in this case.

McCla¡n v. U-5. Dep't ol Justice, 13 F.3d' 220,221 (7th Cir' 1993) (a former inmate's ¡equest for
information conceming federal investigation and prosecution of him served to facilitate a challenge to his
conviction and thercfore did not qualify as conùibuting signihcantly to the public understanding of
goverfinent operatiors\. see also Roberl J. Robb¡ s, call communications Group, Inc,2i FCC Rcd 6685,
óøn 11 S , pooø) (rej ecting fee waiver for reporter for nonco¡nme¡cial radio station whe¡e F6IA
concemed ".ZO
alleged interfe¡ence with that station's sigoal)'

See lyarren Havens, suPra [.ote 1 at 12315-16 tl'lf l5-16.

t5 give details about intention to convey information

See MESS, BSS F.Zd at 1287 (requester who failed to
to the public is not €ligible for a fei waivet); Larson v. cLA,843 F.2d 1481;1483 (D.C. Cir. 1988)

ofspeåific informatioi regarding ability to disseminate requested information is grounds for denyhg a fee


See Request at 2-3.

see Brown v. usPTo, 445 F. Supp.2d 134?, 1360 (M.D. Fla, 200 6), øffd,226Fed. Appx. 866 (11th Cir,

indicates that it rflill pay

See 4? C.F.R. g 0.4?0(a)(1) (fees for commercial requesters). Sþbridge

'teasonable" feci under protest and seek to obtain a refuIld' See Request at 3'

See 47 C.F.R. $ 0.a6t(exzxÐ@).
Warren Havens
Page 4

Skybridge may file an application for review of this denial of its FOIA fee waiver
request by sending it to the Commission's Ofhce of General Counsel, 445 12th Street,
S.W., Washington, DC 20554, within 30 days of the date of this leiter, in accordance with
47 C.F.R. $$ 0.461û) and 0.470(9).


Ál-^- ¿ 6./k'*./Ld-
A¡n Bushmiller
Deputy Associate General Counsel
Administrative Law Division
Office of General Counsel

cc: FOIA Officer

WTB FOIA Offrcer

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