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F.Y.B.Sc Physics Paper I (Sem.I) 5.

1 Viscosity

Unit -V


Viscous fluids, Flow of liquid through

capillary tube, Poiseuille’s equation, Experimental determination of coefficient of
viscosity of liquid by Poiseuille’s method, effect of temperature and pressure on
viscosity of liquid. (08 Periods, 08

Introduction: –
A fluid, i.e. liquid or gas is defined as a substance which is capable of sustaining a
shearing stress. The motion of an object through any fluid is opposed by that fluid.
Therefore the moving objects are given such a shape that the opposition or resistance of
fluid to their motion is minimum. The shapes of motor cars, aero planes, bullets etc. are
so designed that the resistance of air to their motion is minimum. Similarly the bulls of
ships are so shaped that the resistance of water to their motion is minimum. The
resistance offered by any fluid to the motion of an object through it, is due to a property
called viscosity of that fluid. The resisting force exerted by the fluid is called viscous
drag or viscous force. It is due to the viscosity of air that a freely falling rain drop
attains the terminal velocity.
Viscosity is a major factor in determining the forces that must be overcome when fluids
are used in lubrication or transported in pipelines. It also determines the liquid flow in
spraying, injection molding, and surface coating. The knowledge of viscosity helps in
studying the circulation of blood through arteries and veins. The charge on the electron
was determined by Milliken from the knowledge of viscosity. Viscosity of organic
liquids such as proteins and cellulose helps us to calculate their molecular weight and
determine their shape.
We shall consider more about the viscosity of liquids in this unit.
Viscous liquids & Coefficient of Viscosity:
F.Y.B.Sc Physics Paper I (Sem.I) 5.2 Viscosity

Consider a streamline flow of liquid over a solid horizontal surface AB. Let the liquid
can be imagined to be divided into ‘n’ thin horizontal layers parallel to the surface AB
as shown in Fig. 5.1.

Fig. 5.1

The bottom layer numbered 1 which is in contact of solid surface is at rest i.e. v = 0. .As
the number of the layer increases, its distance and velocity from solid surface AB,
measured vertically upwards, increases. Let the layer 2 is at a distance ‘x’ from the
solid surface moving with velocity ‘v’, while the layer 3 is at a distance ‘x + dx’ from
the solid surface moving with velocity ‘v + dv’ Thus the velocity changes by an amount
‘dv’ over a distance ‘dx’. The rate of change of velocity with distance measured from
the fixed horizontal surface is called velocity gradient.
∴ Velocity Gradient =
Due to the relative motion between adjacent layers say 2, 3 and 4, viscous force comes
into existence between them. The faster moving layer 4 exerts a tangential force F on
the layer 3, trying to accelerate it and thus trying to destroy the relative motion between
them. At the same time, the slower moving layer 2 exerts an equal and opposite force
on the layer 3, trying to retard it and thus trying to destroy relative motion between
Each layer thus exerts a force on the adjacent layer, in a direction parallel to the layer,
tending to destroy motion between the two layers. Newton found that this force, called
viscous force, is directly proportional to the area of the layer and the velocity gradient.
F.Y.B.Sc Physics Paper I (Sem.I) 5.3 Viscosity

If A is the area of the layer and is the velocity gradient, the viscous force is
given by

F ∝A
∴ F =ηA ………….(5.1)
Where η is a constant depending on the nature of the fluid. It is called coefficient of
viscosity of the fluid. Equation 5.1 is known as Newton’s formula for viscosity of
fluids. We can write
dv ………….(5.2)
Thus coefficient of viscosity of a fluid is defined as the tangential or viscous force per
unit area of a layer, per unit velocity gradient. The C.G.S. unit of the coefficient of
viscosity is dyne-second per square centimeter (dyne sec/cm2) and is called Poise in the
memory of the physicist Poiseuille for his remarkable contribution to our knowledge of
viscosity. It follows that coefficient of viscosity of one poise means that one dyne of
tangential force is required to maintain a velocity difference of one cm/sec between two
surfaces each of area one cm2 and one cm apart. The SI unit of the coefficient of
viscosity is Newton-second per square meter (Ns/m2).
The dimensions of coefficient of viscosity are [M1 L-1 T-1].
The values of the coefficient of viscosity of some liquids are given in the following
Table 6.1: – Coefficient of viscosity of liquids at 20ºC.

Coefficient of viscosity
Sr. No. Liquid
Poise Ns/m2
1 Water 0.01006 0.1006
2 Mercury 0.0156 0.156
3 Alcohol 0.0119 0.119
F.Y.B.Sc Physics Paper I (Sem.I) 5.4 Viscosity

Turpentin 0.0149 0.149

e 8.5 85

Flow of liquid through a capillary tube: Poiseuille’s Equation:

Consider a horizontal capillary tube AB of length L and bore radius r. Let the liquid be
flowing through the capillary under a constant pressure difference P across its two ends
from A to B as shown in Fig. 5.2 (a). The flow is assumed to be steady and streamline.
Let the capillary can be supposed to be divided into thin co-axial cylindrical shells, such
that the liquid in each shell moves with a constant velocity. The velocity of the liquid is
maximum along the axis of the tube and zero at the walls of the tube.

(a) Flow of liquid through capillary tube (b) Cross section of capillary tube

Fig. 5.2

Consider one cylindrical shell of liquid of radius x moving with velocity ‘v’. Let be
the velocity gradient. The surface area of this cylindrical liquid shell is 2πxL. The outer
cylindrical liquid shell of radius x + dx exert a viscous force on the inner cylindrical
shell of liquid of radius x. According to Newton’s formula this viscous force is
F1 = η (2πxL) …………. (5.3)
This force is in the direction opposite to that of the flow of liquid. Due to the pressure
difference between the two ends of the capillary tube, a forward force F2 is exerted on
the on the inner cylindrical shell is
F2 = Pressure difference × area of cross section of the tube
∴ F2 = P (π r2) ………….(5.4)
F.Y.B.Sc Physics Paper I (Sem.I) 5.5 Viscosity

As the flow of liquid is steady, the forces F1 and F2 are equal and opposite. ∴ F2. = - F1
∴ P (π r2) = - η (2πxL)
∴ dv = -

Integrating this expression,

Px 2
v = - +c ………….(5.5)

where c is the constant of integration. We know that at the walls of the capillary tube,
the velocity of the liquid is zero i.e. when x = r, v = 0. Substituting these values in
equation (5.5),
Pr 2
0 = = − + c

Pr 2
∴ c =
Substituting this value in equation (5.5),
Px 2 P2r
v = − +
4ηL η4 L
∴ v =
( r2 – x2) ………….(5.6)

This equation gives the velocity of the cylindrical liquid shell of radius x.
To find the rate of flow of liquid, i.e. the volume of liquid flowing through the whole
tube per sec, consider a thin cylindrical shell of radius x and thickness dx. Fig. 5.2(b)
shows such cylindrical shell in a cross section of capillary tube. The area of cross
section of this cylindrical shell is 2π xdx.
The volume of liquid, dV, flowing per second through the cylindrical shell is given by
dV = Area of cross section × velocity
= 2π xdx × v
Substituting the value of v from equation 5.6,we get
dV = 2π xdx × ( r2 – x2)
∴ dV = 2ηL
( r2 – x2) xdx ………….(5.7)

Hence the total volume of liquid flowing through the whole capillary tube per second
can be found by integrating equation 5.7 in the limits 0 to r.
F.Y.B.Sc Physics Paper I (Sem.I) 5.6 Viscosity

r πP
∫dV = ∫ 2ηL
( r2 – x2) xdx
πP r
∴ V = 2ηL ∫ ( r2x – x3) dx
πP r 2 x 2 x4 
=  − 
2ηL  2 4 0
πP r 4 r 4 
=  − 
2ηL 2 4
π Pr 4
= ………….(5.8)
Equation 5.8 is Poiseuille’s equation for the flow of a liquid through a capillary tube.
From this equation we write
π Pr 4
η = ………….(5.9)
If we know P, r, V and L, the coefficient of viscosity ‘η ’ of a liquid can be determined
experimentally using relation 5.9.
Experimental determination of coefficient of viscosity of a liquid by Poiseuille’s
To determine the coefficient of viscosity of a liquid by Poiseuille’s method the liquid
should be less viscous such as water and should be available in large quantity. The
experimental set up is shown in Fig. 5.3.

Fig. 5.3. Experimental set up for Poiseuille’s method

A capillary tube AB having uniform circular bore is fixed horizontally to the outlet of a
constant level tank T and a manometer M as shown in figure 5.3. The length L of the
F.Y.B.Sc Physics Paper I (Sem.I) 5.7 Viscosity

tube is measured by using a meter scale and its diameter; hence radius is measured
precisely with a traveling microscope. The tank T is provided with an overflow tube F.
The liquid whose coefficient of viscosity is to be determined is filled in the tank T by
opening the tap. Opening the pinch cock Q the liquid flowing through the capillary at
certain pressure difference, which is indicated in the manometer levels say C and D,
come out trough the rubber tube attached to the pinch cock Q. After a certain time a
steady flow of liquid through the capillary tube AB is established. The liquid flowing
out of the capillary in known interval of time is collected in a beaker and its volume is
measured using a measuring cylinder. From this the volume of liquid flowing per
second (V) is calculated.
If h is the height difference of manometer levels, then the pressure difference between
the two ends, A and B, of the capillary is P = hρ g, where ρ is the density of
manometer liquid and g is acceleration due to gravity.
Then the coefficient of viscosity η of the given experimental liquid is calculated from
the relation
π Pr 4
η = …………. (5.10)

In this relation, the radius r of the capillary appears in the fourth power. Hence a small
error in its measurement can cause large error in the value of η . Hence the radius of
the bore of capillary tube must be precisely measured using traveling microscope.
Effect of temperature and pressure on viscosity of liquid:
1. Effect of temperature:
It is found experimentally that the viscosity of liquids decreases with increase in
temperature. However, there is no definite and universal law giving the relation
between viscosity & temperature. The variation is more pronounced in some liquids
than in others. For example, the coefficient of viscosity of water changes from 0.0101
poise at 20 ºC to 0.0047 poise at 60ºC; while in case of castor oil the coefficient of
viscosity changes from 24.18 poise at 10 ºC to 9.86 poise at 20 ºC. An empirical
relation, between viscosity of a liquid and its temperature is,
η t = 1 +α t +β t 2

where α and β are constants, is not very accordant with experiment.

The modified relation
η t
(1 + Bt )C
F.Y.B.Sc Physics Paper I (Sem.I) 5.8 Viscosity

where A, B and C are constants is applicable to pure liquids only and does not apply
to oils which are mixtures of chemical compounds not easily separable.
Andrade has proposed the following relation between viscosity of a liquid and its
temperature as
1 C
η v 3 = Ae vT
where v is specific volume, T is its absolute temperature , A and C are constants. This
formula agrees closely with experimental results for many liquids except water and
some alcohols.
2. Effect of pressure:
For all liquids the viscosity increases with increase in pressure qualitatively (except
water), but quantitatively vastly different; in the liquids of low viscosity (mobile
liquids), there is negligible increase while in case of highly viscous liquids the rise is
large. Except for water, the effect of pressure increases at higher pressures. For water,
at atmospheric pressure, the viscosity decreases, instead of increasing, for the first few
hundred atmospheres.
There is no satisfactory relationship established between viscosity and pressure which
may have general validity.
 Formulae: –
1. Velocity gradient =
2. Viscous Force F = η A .
F π p r4
η= =
3. Coefficient of viscosity dv 8VL
4. Velocity of the cylindrical liquid shell of radius x
4η L
( r 2 − x2 )
5. Poiseuille’s equation
π p r4
V= .
8η L

 Examples: –
F.Y.B.Sc Physics Paper I (Sem.I) 5.9 Viscosity

Ex. 1. The layer of castor oil 3mm thick move with the speed of 3 cm/sec. What is
velocity gradient?
dv 3
Ans. Velocity gradient = = = 10
dx 0.3
Ex. 2. Water flow through a horizontal capillary tube of 1 mm internal diameter &
length 70 cm under pressure of a column of water 30cm in height. Find rate of
flow of water through capillary tube.
Ans. The rate of flow of water through capillary tube
π Pr 4
V =
8 ηL
a= = 0.5 mm = 0.05 cm.
P = h ρg = 30 ×1×980
η for water = 0.01 poise
= 70 cm.
V =
3.14 ×30 ×980× 0.05 4
8 ×0.01× 70
V = 0.10 cm3
Ex. 3. A plate of metal 10-2 m2 area rest one layer of castor oil 210-3 thick,
where coefficient of viscosity is 1.55 Ns/m2. Calculate horizontal force required
to move the plate with a uniform speed of 310-3 m/s.
Ans. A= 10-2 m2, η = 1.55 Ns/m2
dv 3 ×10 −2 3
∴The velocity gradient = = = 15
dx 2 ×10 −3 0.2
dv −2
∴F =ηΑ = 1.55 × 10 × = 15 0.2325 N.
Ex. 4. In an experiment with Poiseuille’s apparatus the following figures are abtained
Volume of water issuing per minute = 7.08 cm3.
Head of water = 34.1 cm
Length of the capillary tube = 56.45 cm
Radius of the capillary tube = 0.0514 cm
Find the coefficient of viscosity.
Ans. Volume of water issuing per sec = cm 3 =1.18cm 3.
Pressure Different = = h ρg = 34.1× 1× 980= 33418 dyne / cm . 3

π Pr 4
Coefficient of viscosity, η =
8l V
F.Y.B.Sc Physics Paper I (Sem.I) 5.10 Viscosity

3.14 ×33418× 0.0514 4
8 ×50.45× 0.118
= 0.01374 Poise
Ex. 5. In an experiment with Poiseuille’s apparatus the following observation were
obtained, Volume of water flowing per minute = 6 cc, Pressure difference
across the ends of a capillary tube = 30 cm of water.
Length of the tube = 50cm, Radius of the capillary tube = 0.05cm, find the
coefficient of viscosity of water.
π Pr 4
Ans. Coefficient of viscosity η =
8l V
∴ Volume of water per minute V = 6 cc

∴ Volume of water per second V = = 0.1 cm 3
∴ Pressure difference, P = h9g = 30 ×
1 ×980 dyne / cm 2

∴ Coefficient of viscosity
η =
3.14 ×33418× 0.0514 4
8 ×50.45× 0.118
= 0.014 Poise
Ex. 6. Two tube A and B of lengths 16 cm and 81 cm have radii 0.2 mm and 0.3 mm
respectively. They are joined end to end. If a liquid enters A at a pressure of
86 cm of mercury and leaves B at a pressure of 76 cm of mercury, what will be
pressure at the junction of the tube?
Ans. Let the pressure at the junction of the two capillary tubes be h cm of mercury.
Then pressure across tube A = (162 – h) cm of mercury = P1 (say) and
across tube B = (h – 76) cm of mercury = P2 (say)


F.Y.B.Sc Physics Paper I (Sem.I) 5.11 Viscosity

The rate of flow of the liquid must be same through both the tubes say V1, we have,
π P1 r14 π P2 r24
V= =
8 ηl 1 8 ηl 2
P1 l1 l 2 
Hence, =  
P2 l2 l 1 
162 − h 16 0.03
∴ ( 1.5 =
=   = 1
h − 76 81 0.02 81
∴162 − h = h − 76
∴ 2h = 162 + 16 = 238,
h = 119 cm
∴ At the junction the pressure is 119 cm of mercury.
Ex. 7. Water flows through a horizontal capillary tube of 1mm internal diameter and
length 70 cm under pressure of a column of water 30 cm in height. Find the
rate of flow of water through the capillary tube.
Viscosity of water = 10-3 N.s/m2.
Ans. The rate at which a liquid escapes out from a capillary tubing i.e. the volume of the
liquid flowing out per second, is given by –
π P r4 (
3.14 ×30 ×980× 0.01 )
V= =
8 ηl −3
8 ×10 × 70

V = 0.001648 cc per sec.

The rate at which the water is escaping from the capillary tube is 0.001648 cc per
 Numerical Problems: –
1. Calculate the rate of flow of water through a tube 0.1 cm in diameter, 40 cm
long, if there is a constant pressure head of 20 cm of water. The co-efficient of
viscosity of water is 0.0089 CGS units.
(Ans.: 135.13 10-9 m3)
2. In the Poiseuille’s experiment the following observations were made. Volume
of water collected in 5 minutes = 40 cc, Head of water = 0.4, length of capillary
tube = 0.602m and radius of capillary tube = 0.52  10-3 m. Calculate the
coefficient of viscosity of water.
(Ans.: η = 1.4  10-3 Nm-2)
F.Y.B.Sc Physics Paper I (Sem.I) 5.12 Viscosity

3. A plate of 100 sq. cm in area rests on a layer of castor oil 2mm thick whose
coefficient of viscosity is 15.5 poise. Calculate the horizontal force required to
move the plate with a speed of 0.03 m/s.
(Ans.: External force = 0.2325 N)
4. If two capillaries of radii r1 and r2 and length l1 and l2 are joined in series, derive
an expression for the rate of flow of liquid through the arrangement using
Poiseuille’s formula.
(Ans.: Rate of flow l l )
8η  41 + 42 
 r1 r2 
5. A horizontal tube of 1 mm bore is joined to another horizontal tube of 0.5 mm
bore. Water enters at the free end of the first tube at a pressure equal to 0.5m of
water above the atmospheric pressure and leaves at the free end of the second tube
at the atmospheric pressure. Calculate the pressure at the junction of the tubes if the
lengths of the tubes are equal.
(Ans.: 0.47 m of water column)


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