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Anal Sphincter Laceration at Vaginal Delivery

Is This Event Coded Accurately?

Linda Brubaker, MD, MS, Catherine S. Bradley, MD, MSCE, Victoria L. Handa, MD,
Holly E. Richter, PhD, MD, Anthony Visco, MD, Morton B. Brown, PhD, and Anne M. Weber, MD, MS,
for the Pelvic Floor Disorders Network

OBJECTIVE: To determine the error rate for discharge reported anal sphincter laceration was coded with a
coding of anal sphincter laceration at vaginal delivery in a sphincter tear. No women in the cesarean delivery group
cohort of primiparous women. had a perineal laceration diagnostic code. Coding errors
METHODS: As part of the Childbirth and Pelvic Symp- were not related to the number of deliveries at each
toms study performed by the National Institutes of clinical site.
Health Pelvic Floor Disorders Network, we assessed the CONCLUSION: Discharge coding errors are common
relationship between perineal lacerations and corre- after delivery-associated anal sphincter laceration, with
sponding discharge codes in three groups of primiparous omitted codes representing the largest source of errors.
women: 393 women with anal sphincter laceration after Before diagnostic coding can be used as a quality mea-
vaginal delivery, 383 without anal sphincter laceration sure of obstetric care, the clinical events of interest must
after vaginal delivery, and 107 after cesarean delivery be appropriately defined and accurately coded.
before labor. Discharge codes for perineal lacerations (Obstet Gynecol 2007;109:1141–5)
were compared with data abstracted directly from the LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: II
medical record shortly after delivery. Patterns of coding
and coding error rates were described.
RESULTS: The coding error rate varied by delivery group.
Of 393 women with clinically recognized and repaired A nal sphincter lacerations are reported in 5–10% of
deliveries in the United States.1–3 Anal sphincter
lacerations at vaginal delivery have become an indi-
anal sphincter lacerations by medical record documen-
tation, 92 (23.4%) were coded incorrectly (four as first- or cator for patient safety and quality of care, with
second-degree perineal laceration and 88 with no code monitoring by the Agency for Healthcare Research
for perineal diagnosis or procedure). One (0.3%) of the and Quality (AHRQ), a federal agency within the
383 women who delivered vaginally without clinically Department of Health and Human Services that is
charged with supporting health services research to
From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Loyola University Medical
improve the quality of health care and to promote
Center, Maywood, Illinois; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University evidence-based decision-making.4 Anal sphincter lac-
of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Johns erations at vaginal delivery, along with rates of vagi-
Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland; Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama;
nal birth after cesarean and inpatient neonatal mor-
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of North Carolina at tality, are important components for a new core
Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; Department of Biostatistics, measure of obstetric care quality adopted by the Joint
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan;. and National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development, Bethesda, Maryland.
Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organi-
Supported by grants from the National Institute of Child Health and Human
zations (JCAHO).5 The AHRQ and JCAHO rely on
Development (U01 HD41249, U10 HD41268, U10 HD41248, U10 hospital discharge coding to obtain their data.
HD41250, U10 HD41261, U10 HD41263, U10 HD41269, and U10 In addition to national monitoring of patient
safety and quality of care, studies of anal sphincter
Corresponding author: Linda Brubaker, MD, MS, Loyola University Chicago, lacerations often use hospital discharge coding to
2160 South First Avenue, Maywood, IL 60153; e-mail:
identify these lacerations and other obstetric events
Financial Disclosure
The authors have no conflicts of interest relevant to this article.
because of the potential morbidity and subsequent
pelvic floor effect. However, the accuracy of admin-
© 2007 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Published
by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. istrative data sets is imperfect, as reported in studies of
ISSN: 0029-7844/07 total hip replacement,6 hip fracture,7 acute myocardial


infarction,8 cardiac bypass,9 and hospital-reported after vaginal delivery (vaginal control group); and
complications.10 Data based on diagnostic codes may women delivered by cesarean without labor (cesarean
be less accurate than procedure-based data.6 Coding control group). This prospective study was conducted
accuracy probably varies between institutions; errors at nine hospitals, including seven university hospitals
in coding occur as a result of incomplete documenta- and two community hospitals. institutional review
tion of clinical information on the chart, physician board approval was obtained at all nine hospitals.
misdiagnosis, or coders’ miscoding or incomplete To identify the diagnosis of anal sphincter lacer-
coding of diagnoses and procedures.11 ation, trained research nurses examined medical
Although studies exist that examine the accuracy records, including delivery notes. All but one study
of coding for various medical conditions, only one hospital were using paper, not electronic, medical
publication describes the accuracy of discharge cod- records during the study period. We defined anal
ing for anal sphincter laceration and repair at vaginal sphincter laceration as any third- or fourth-degree
delivery.12 This study reported that discharge coding perineal laceration diagnosed at delivery. Medical
was more than 90% sensitive and 97% specific. How- records were evaluated while patients were hospital-
ever, the study obtained data from a single state, was ized. The clinical record was used as the standard,
limited by a small number of anal sphincter lacera- because this is the source document for hospital
tions (n⫽64), and used recoding of hospital charts by discharge coding.
expert coders as the standard for comparison. The This ancillary study to the Childbirth and Pelvic
objective of this report was to describe whether Symptoms study was designed after primary data
hospital-coded discharge diagnoses of anal sphincter collection from the hospitals had been completed.
injury accurately captured perineal lacerations, par- Therefore, the administrative discharge coding was
ticularly anal sphincter injury, using data prospec- completed by coders who were unaware of this study.
tively collected from a cohort study conducted by the Coders handled any discrepancies between nursing
Pelvic Floor Disorders Network. and physician notes per their usual process without
input from research staff with the Childbirth and
MATERIALS AND METHODS Pelvic Symptoms study. After all participants were
Between September 2002 and September 2004, pri- discharged, we collected the hospital discharge codes
miparous women after delivery were enrolled into from each medical record. We then compared the
one of three groups for an National Institutes of coded diagnoses to the clinical record regarding
Health (NIH)–sponsored cohort study to evaluate the perineal lacerations, particularly anal sphincter lacer-
relationship between childbirth and pelvic symptoms. ation. Table 1 lists the diagnostic codes used in this
The three groups included women with clinically study.
diagnosed anal sphincter laceration (third- or fourth- The error rates of coded diagnoses were calcu-
degree perineal laceration) and repair after vaginal lated using the clinical documentation of anal sphinc-
delivery (anal sphincter tear group); women without a ter laceration as the standard. With close to 400
clinically diagnosed anal sphincter laceration (no lac- subjects per group, the 95% confidence interval (CI)
eration, or first- or second-degree perineal laceration) for the estimates of the error rates is no greater than

Table 1. International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Volumes 1 and 2 Diagnostic Codes
ICD-9 Definition CAPS Definition
First-degree laceration during Perineal laceration, rupture, or tear involving Tear involving vaginal mucosa
delivery (664.01) fourchette, hymen, labia, skin, vagina, or vulva and submucosa
Second-degree laceration during Perineal laceration, rupture, or tear (after episiotomy) Tear involving vaginal mucosa
delivery (664.11) involving the pelvic floor, perineal muscles, or and superficial perineal
vaginal muscles muscles; episiotomy without
Third-degree laceration during Perineal laceration, rupture, or tear (after episiotomy) Tear into or through anal
delivery (664.21) involving the anal sphincter, rectovaginal septum, or sphincter
Fourth-degree laceration during Perineal laceration, rupture, or tear (after episiotomy) Tear through anal sphincter and
delivery (664.31) involving the anal sphincter, rectovaginal septum, or anorectal mucosa
sphincter and also the anal or rectal mucosa
ICD-9, International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision; CAPS, Childbirth and Pelvic Symptoms study.

1142 Brubaker et al Delivery-Associated Sphincter Lacerations OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

⫾5%. When the estimate is 10% or less, the 95% CI is ated with perineal laceration status. Duplicate coding
no greater than 3%. Confidence intervals were esti- occurred in six of 393 (1.5%) of the anal sphincter tear
mated using the binomial distribution. group and five of 383 (1.2%) of the vaginal control
group. In the anal sphincter tear group, five subjects
RESULTS had codes for a third-degree tear (664.21) as well as a
Diagnostic codes were obtained for 883 of the 907 code for a first- or second-degree tear (664.01 or
subjects in the Childbirth and Pelvic Symptoms 664.11); one subject had codes for both third- and
study: 393 women who had clinically diagnosed anal fourth-degree tears. In the vaginal control group, five
sphincter lacerations (third- or fourth-degree perineal subjects had codes for both first- and second-degree
tears), 383 women in the vaginal control group with- tears (664.01 and 664.11). In all cases, the higher code
out clinically diagnosed anal sphincter tears, and 107 was used to classify the subject for data analyses.
women in the cesarean control group. None of the The mean number of discharge diagnostic codes
women in the cesarean control group was coded as by site ranged from 2.9 to 7.8 for women with anal
having an anal sphincter tear or any type of perineal sphincter laceration compared with 2.5 to 7.2 for
laceration. This group was not used for further women without anal sphincter laceration. Coding
comparisons. error was not associated with the number of deliveries
The majority of women with a clinically recog- at each institution, or the number of hospital dis-
nized anal sphincter tear (301 of 393, [76.6%]) had charge codes for each individual.
coding that included either the 664.21 (third degree)
or 664.31 (fourth degree) diagnostic codes for perineal DISCUSSION
lacerations (Table 2). An additional four (1.0%) were Administrative discharge codes are increasingly used
coded as either a first- or second-degree perineal in health services research as a means for monitoring
laceration. In the remaining 88 (22.4%) participants, quality at local and national levels.4,5,13 With respect to
no diagnostic code for perineal status or procedure pelvic floor disorders research, these databases can be
was used. Therefore, the coding error rate for the anal used to identify a large representative sample of
sphincter tear group was 23.4% (92 of 393). In the patients of interest (eg, patients with anal sphincter
sphincter tear group, the percent of coding errors for tear).14 Patient recall has been used in some studies of
the eight hospitals that recruited more than 30 partic- obstetric outcomes, although recall of obstetric events
ipants ranged from 0% to 62%; the error rate was not is poor,15 especially for anal sphincter injury. We
associated with the number of study deliveries. The found that nearly one of four hospital discharges
one hospital with electronic records had an error rate associated with a third- or fourth-degree anal sphinc-
of 18%. ter laceration was undercoded, suggesting that admin-
Seventy-one of the 383 women in the vaginal istrative data underestimates the occurrence of these
control group were reported to have an intact peri- sphincter lacerations, which limit the usefulness of
neum in the medical record; of these, 19 were coded these data as a quality-of-care metric.
as either first- or second-degree tear for an error rate Past studies have found other obstetric conditions
of 26.8%. The remaining 312 women in the vaginal are also inaccurately coded. One study reviewed
control group were classified in the medical record as medical records and administrative data related to
having either a first- or second-degree tear. Of these indications for elective primary cesarean delivery in a
312, one was coded as having a third- or fourth- single hospital and reported an overall sensitivity of
degree tear (0.3%), and 120 did not have any code, for 73% and specificity of 98.1% using International
an error rate of 38.5%. Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision–Clinical
Eleven subjects had more than one code associ- Modification diagnosis codes.16 Other studies that

Table 2. Coding Error Rate by Each Group of Interest

Sphincter Tear Group* Vaginal Control Group†
Third- or fourth-degree laceration coded‡ 301 1
No third- or fourth-degree laceration coded 92 382
Error rate (95% confidence interval) 23.4% (19.5–28.0%) 0.3% (0.06–1.5%)
* Third- or fourth-degree laceration recorded in medical record.

No laceration, first- or second-degree laceration in medical record.

That is, coded 664.21 or 664.31.

VOL. 109, NO. 5, MAY 2007 Brubaker et al Delivery-Associated Sphincter Lacerations 1143
reviewed medical charts for cases identified through Childbirth and Pelvic Symptoms study) design, we
specific diagnosis codes have found that the codes’ were able to include a large number of cases of third-
positive predictive values are low. In a study of or fourth-degree anal sphincter laceration, allowing us
discharge coding and uterine rupture, the positive to estimate more precisely the coding error rates for
predictive value of uterine rupture discharge codes the most clinically relevant patients. However, our
was 39.8%.17 Discharge codes were not specific for results may not be generalizable to all hospitals
uterine rupture and were not applied consistently providing obstetric care. It is possible that our results
over the 7 years studied. The positive predictive value differ from other studies because of regional differ-
of discharge codes for other pregnancy-related com- ences in coding training. As with many case-based
plications has also been reported to be low, for quality-of-care studies, we used the medical record as
instance, 39% in the case of venous thromboembo- a standard; however, it is possible that the medical
lism and 54% for preeclampsia, and to vary wide- record is also inaccurate with regard to anal sphincter
ly.18,19 In this study, we have not reported predictive lacerations and that some events may not be recorded
values for anal sphincter laceration discharge codes, in this manner or may have been missed by our
because predictive values vary by prevalence, and the abstraction process.
prevalence of anal sphincter tears in our study was The occurrence of anal sphincter lacerations is
artificially high by design. one of the core quality indicators reviewed by AHRQ
Beyond obstetrics, inaccurate coding has also and JCAHO.4,5 Such quality indicators are typically
been demonstrated in medical and surgical complica- abstracted from discharge codes without reviewing
tion reporting.20 In contrast to our results, errors the clinical record. However, apparent differences in
occurred frequently in coding complications for the rates of anal sphincter laceration could represent
which there was no evidence in the medical record in different coding practices between institutions, rather
30% of medical admissions and 19% of surgical than a true difference in lacerations. Our data suggest
admissions. that hospital discharge coding may underestimate the
Romano et al12 recently published the only other true occurrence of anal sphincter lacerations, al-
study investigating the accuracy of diagnosis and though the coding error rate varied widely, from 0%
procedure codes for anal sphincter lacerations. These to 62%, among the eight hospitals in our study.
investigators reported high specificity and sensitivity. The Joint Commission defines a third-degree
This study sampled cases from 52 hospitals in Cali- perineal laceration as “a rupture or tear in the peri-
fornia, selected by a complex stratified random sam- neum involving the anal sphincter and rectovaginal
pling procedure, and studied patient records and septum”; a fourth-degree laceration is “a rupture or
discharge data at each hospital over a 1–2-year pe- tear involving anal sphincter, rectovaginal septum
riod. Using two International Classification of Dis- and mucosa” (presumably anal or anorectal mucosa).
eases, 9th Revision-Clinical Modification diagnosis These definitions may be consistent with definitions
codes (664.3x, any fourth-degree perineal laceration; used by obstetric providers. Clinical terms such as
and 664.2x, any third-degree perineal laceration) as “partial third degree lacerations” may not fall into
well as one procedure code (75.62), they identified 64 such a coding scheme, leaving coding teams with
cases of anal sphincter laceration; coding experts uncertainty as to the correct diagnostic code. We
compared hospital discharge data with the medical suggest that recording of perineal status might be
records as the standard. Discrepant cases were then improved by implementing standardized definitions
reviewed by two investigators. Hospital discharge to describe the perineum after delivery.
data had a weighted sensitivity of 94% (90% CI, In conclusion, our results call into question the
83–98%) and specificity greater than 97% for anal validity of using hospital discharge data for the iden-
sphincter laceration. These results led them to con- tification or monitoring of anal sphincter lacerations,
clude that discharge data are an adequate substitute because these data may underestimate the true occur-
for medical record review in estimating the occur- rence of this complication. The importance of identi-
rence of anal sphincter lacerations. However, the fying anal sphincter tears has been clearly demon-
error rate was not reported. The very wide CI is due strated, because these new mothers have higher rates
to the small sample size; the lower bound of their CI of fecal and flatal incontinence.21 In keeping with the
is similar to the rate that was observed in our study. goal to recognize and reduce these adverse events, it
Our study’s strengths include the multicenter, is important to minimize discharge coding errors.
multistate design and abstraction of data directly from Hospitals may have artificially low anal sphincter
the medical record. Due to the parent study (the laceration rates secondary to coding errors, leading to

1144 Brubaker et al Delivery-Associated Sphincter Lacerations OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

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