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Which do you think is better in order to maintain a relationship? Not

to spend much time with those you care to avoid hurting relationship
or to spend more time with them?
Some people who may not have much faith in friendship may think that
We should better keep the distance between each other so as to maintain freshness
of the friendship.
Yet, such opinion is based on lack of confidence in the strength of friend and hence
can not hold its ground.
Personally, I argue that spending more time with friends can improve mutual
understanding that can consolidate friendship per se.

The best way to reduce air pollution is for the government to raise
the cost of fuel. Do you agree or disagree?

Although it can have immediate effect on a small scale, it is highly unlikely the best
solution that we can find to fight air pollution.

Quick fix
Silver bullet
Even if governments can effectively raise petrol price, it does not necessarily
lead to the outcome that we want.


Some people think field trips (e.g. a trip to museum)are important

for a child's education. Others think it’s important for children
to spend time studying in the classroom. Which do you think is more
important [and why?]
A high school is thinking about making one of the following classes
a required class for high school students:
personal finance management
cooking class
auto repair.
Which option will you recommend high school students to take at
school and why?

Budget and prioritize

Universal value
Those who have the power should have the responsibility
Free will
It is essential to prepare students as finanically responsible adults.

Which of the following is most important factor to you when you are
making decisions on choosing a place for living?
【1】 living in a place that is not expensive
【2】 living close to relatives
【3】 living in an area with many shops and restaurants
If your teacher says something incorrect in a class, what will you
【1】 Interrupt your teacher right away;
【2】 keep silent;
【3】 correct your teacher after class.
A good leader should be open- minded to others' ideas and willing to
change his mind.
Diverse opinion contributes to:
1. Stronger team
2. More holistic view

Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships.

Emotional intelligence

Which do you prefer with the same rate of pay? An interesting and
challenging job with less vacation or a job with more vacation time
but less fun?

Agree or disagree: students do reading by their own is as important

as or more important than the reading teachers assigned.

High school students should be required to study many different

subjects at same time or they should study only three or four
subjects at a time.

Some people think it is the best approach for students to learn if

school start the day at a early time in the morning. But someone
think the school should start the day at late time. Which one do you
prefer? Use specific reasons and detailed examples to support your

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: One quality

that a successful leader must have is to make decision quickly; when
a leader takes too much time to make decisions, he will be seen as
ineffective to the people he lead.

Nowadays, students do many things like surfing the internet,

listening to music when they are learning. Do you agree or disagree
that doing other things impose bad effect on learning?

Agree or disagree: it is often not a good idea to move to a new city

or a new country because you will lose touch with old friends.

Getting advice from people who are older than you is more valuable
than from people of your age.

Do you agree or disagree that with the following statement? It's

more important for the government to spend money to build art museums
and music performance centers than to build recreational facilities
(such as swimming pool and playgrounds).

18..In times of an economic crisis, in which area should governments

reduce its spending?
1. Arts
2. Scientific research
3. Parks and public gardens.

Who is better for group work? A person that does what the group wants
him to do, or a person that holds strong opinions different from
what the group wants.
是否同意:从年纪大的朋友得到 的建议比同龄朋友的更有价 值。

你认为政府是否应该用 tax 去 fully 支持大学生免学费

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should
not spend a lot of time on communicating by technologies, such as
through social media or with text messages.

Your community has a piece of land and is considering introducing a

business to this land. Which business would you prefer?
1. A shopping mall
2. A performing art center
3. A hotel.

Some students enjoy taking distance-learning courses on the computer

or television. Other students would rather take all of their courses
with a teacher in a classroom. Which of these options do you think
is better? Use specific reasons and examples in support of your
1. 看题分类型:
写作常见类型(A or B, A, B or C,Agree or Disagree)
 Do you agree or disagree?

 Which would you prefer?

 Do you support or oppose this idea?

 Use specific reasons and examples

2. 切题抓逻辑
3. 普世价值观
Free will
4. 难题要变形
Should 变
Shouldn't 变


三段解释:A-B, B-C, A-C

因为 A 对 B 有益,而 B 对 C 有意,所以 A 对 C 有益
因为 C 需要 B,而 A 提供 B,所以 A 对 C 有益


解释:因为 A 有 B,而 B 对 C 有益,所以 A 对于 C 有益

例子:例如 A 当中有这样的一个具体的 B 的体现,而这个 B 的体现可以具体造福于 C
回证:所以可以从此证明 A 是可以对 C 有益的。

1. 厉害干系得与失: Stakeholders 从不同利益关系人角度出发-功利主义看问题
2. 事前事后利与弊:诱之以利 outcome
晓之以理 feasibility & responsibility

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