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Appendix M.

Intermediate Chinese I 6th 8/27/18 Day in 1 50

Language Level Dual Immersion
Grade Date Minutes
Unit Theme and Question Global Issues: Food and Meal Planning
How does where I live influence the food I eat?
Daily topic: Flavor Cuisines on Five Regions of China
Which modes of Students can:
communication will be  Identify the flavor cuisines of China by geographical regions.
 Interpersonal
What are the communicative Communication
and cultural objectives for the and  Interpretive
Cultures  Presentational
Associate geographical regions with the four flavor cuisines: Sweet, salty, sour, and spicy.
Connections Supplemental link:
If applicable, indicate how Comparisons
Connections  Comparisons 
Communities  Common Core Communities
will be part of your lesson.  Interpersonal Communication 1.1. Engage in conversations, provide and obtain information,
Common Core express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
 Interpretive Communication 1.2. Understand and interpret written and spoken language of
on a variety of topics.
 Presentational Communication 1.3. Present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience
of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
 Cultures: Practices & Perspectives 2.1. Use appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior in

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

Appendix M.
Materials  Resources 
Activity/Activities Technology
How many
Lesson Sequence What will learners do? Be specific. What materials will
minutes will this
What does the teacher do? you develop? What materials will
segment take?
you bring in from other sources?
 Teacher share geographical regions of China on PPT. 10  Smartboard, PowerPoint
 Leaners will work with a shoulder partner on the China Provinces to show regions of China.
Gain Attention / Activate Map Puzzle activity for the opening activity. It can be found in  Chromebook with Internet
Prior Knowledge Google Classroom and the link is also pasted below. to work on China Provinces Map Puzzle.
 Learners will repeat the different cuisine flavors that match with 20  PowerPoint slides
the corresponding geographical regions as the teacher shown
the class how to pronounce each word.
Provide Input
 Gallery walk will be carried out: Learners will be divided to five 15  Five posters displayed on
groups corresponding to each of the five different posters. the wall.
Elicit Performance / Provide  Each group will identify the cuisine flavor of the region  Each poster represents a
Feedback designated on the wall within 3 minutes. cuisine flavor for a region f
 Group 1 will go to poster 1, group 2 will go to poster 2, etc. China.
 When the 3-minute timer is up, group 1 will go to poster 2, and
group 2 will go to poster 3.
If applicable
Provide Input
Elicit Performance / Provide If applicable

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

Appendix M.
 After completing the activity, learners return to their seat.  PowerPoint presentation
 Teacher shows map of China (divided into five regions) and its  Equity card
cuisine flavor corresponding to the regions for review.
 Teacher uses equity card to randomly select five students to
identify the cuisine flavors from a random region.

Enhance Retention &

Reflection – Notes to Self  Visual provided by the PowerPoint presented worked well because it provided an excellent visual of the five different
 What worked well? Why? regions of China and illustrating the cuisine flavor of each region in colored image.
 What didn’t work? Why?  The Gallery Walk activity did not work well because each transition took longer than the last transition, and every group
 What changes would you was going beyond the time limit. This was either because the students took too long to walk to the next poster or they
make if you taught this did not pay attention when it was time to go to the next poster.
lesson again?  Next time, I would most likely use the birthday months of the students to divide them into groups to speed things up.
Moreover, I would like to try using a pear deck instead of the Google Classroom for the opening activity, since it would
allow me to receive instead feedback from the puzzle activity.

* Remember that the maximum attention span of the learner is approximately the age of the learner up to 20 minutes. The initial lesson cycle (gain
attention/activate prior knowledge, provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should not take more than 20 minutes. The second cycle
(provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should be repeated as needed and will vary depending on the length of the class period.

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

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