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Arranged By :
Laily Mu’ayadah (4401407082)
Shinta Dwi A. (4401407086)
Sri Purwaningsih (4401407088)
Nur Ida F. (4401407093)
Sri Mulyani (4401407094)


Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections that can spread from
one person to another through sexual contact.
Women are more vulnerable to contracting STDs than men because:
 When having sex, vaginal and cervical walls directly exposed to semen. If
sperm was infected with an STD, women can become infected TSB
 If women infected with STDs, he does not always show symptoms. No
appearance of symptoms can cause widespread infection and cause
 Many people (especially women and youth) are reluctant to seek treatment
because they do not want the family or the community know they suffer from
Parts of the body in women who are vulnerable to sexually transmitted
diseases, among others, Channel ovary, ovaries, uterus, bladder, cervix, vagina,
urethra, and anus.
Common symptoms in women are :
1. Liquids that do not normally come out of the vagina, which is an increase in
whiteness. The color can be more white, yellowish, greenish, or
kemerahmudaan. Whitish could have this smell and slimy.
2. Open wounds or sores and damp around the genitals or mouth. These injuries
can be painful or not.
3. Small bumps (papules) around the genitals
4. Redness around the genitals
5. Lower stomach pains which appear and disappear, and not related to
6. Blood spotting after sexual intercourse
Sexually transmitted diseases in women, are :
1. SYPHILLIS (lion king)
Bacterium Treponema pallidum.
Bacteria originating from this spirochaetaceae family, has a very small size and
can live almost anywhere in the body.
Signs and symptoms
 Stage one
This stage is marked by the appearance of redness and wet wounds in the
vaginal area, axis of the intestine or mouth. This injury is called a chancre, and
appeared on the scene spirochaeta into someone's body for the first time.
Swollen lymph nodes was found during this stage. After several weeks, the
chancre will disappear. This stadium is a stadium which is very contagious.
 Stage two
If a single-stage syphilis is not treated, usually the patient will experience
a rash, especially on the soles of the feet and hands. They can also find any
wounds on the lips, mouth, throat, vagina and anus. Symptoms similar to flu,
such as fever and aches, may also be experienced at the stadium this. This stage
usually lasts up for one to two weeks.
 Stage three
If the two-stage syphilis still not treated, the sufferer will experience
what is called latent syphilis. This means that all symptoms will disappear, but
the disease actually is still lodged in the body, and the bacterial cause was still
moving around these latent tubuh.Sifilis can take up to years and years.
 Stage four
This disease eventually known as tertiary syphilis. At this stage,
spirochaeta has spread throughout the body and can damage the brain, heart,
brain stem and bone.
By administering antibiotics, such as Benzalin pensilin 4.8 million units IM
every week with 4x gift; Dofsisiklin initial dose of 200 mg orally, followed by
2 × 100 mg orally up to 20 days; Sefriakson 500 mg IM for 10 days.

Trichomonas vaginalis bacteria.
The disease is transmitted through sexual contact other than directly, as well as
through mutual masturbation and other sex toys (sex aids).
Signs and symptoms
Symptoms usually appear within 4-20 days after infection. Women who
are infected with the parasite Trichomonas from vaginal fluids will issue a
yellow or greenish-gray and foaming in large quantities, sometimes
accompanied by bleeding and odor, itching at the vulva, causing the
discomfort. Frequent urination and sore, swollen vulva, discomfort during
intercourse and pain in the stomach area, even bleeding from the cervix.
Trichomoniasis infected pregnant women can have babies who are born
premature or babies with low birth weight.
So far, metronidazole is known as a drug that can treat Trichomoniasis,
which is drunk in a single dose. People who take metronidazole should avoid
alcohol during treatment, because it can cause chemical reactions that cause
nausea and vomiting. Side effects that may arise include nausea, headache and
abdominal cramps. Pregnant women who want to consume this drug should
consult a doctor.

Gonorrhea or more commonly referred to as gonorrhea is one sexually
transmitted infection most frequently encountered. In principle happened to
GO is urethritis is inflammation of the mucous membrane (mucosa) of the
lower urinary tract (urethra).
Bacteria Neisseria Gonorrhea, a form of diplococcus and were Gram negative.
Signs and symptoms
In women is often asymptomatic and tend not too visible (asymptomatic).
Usually marked by a sense of urinating, pain when urinating, appears whitish,
fever, discharge feces from the vagina and irritation in the vulva are unusual.
Gonorrhoea can cause infections of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and urinary
tract and cause severe pain in the pelvis. Women with gonorrhea are
asymptomatic can still pass GO. GO symptoms can also be related to throat
(pharyngitis), especially for those who love to perform oral sex. Symptoms of
the rectum can also occur if done in anal intercourse.
By administering antibiotics such as:
o Penicillin G 3 - 4.8 million units injected intra muscular (IM) into the
o Ampicillin 3 g + probenecid 1 g IM
o Amoxicillin + probenecid 2.5 g IM 1gr
o Ceftriaxone 250 mg IM
o Ofloxacin 400 mg single dose
o Ciprofloksasin 250 to 500 mg single dose
o Kanamycin 1 g IM
Ascending infection (ascending infection), so the infection spreads to the
reproductive and urinary organs are better for eg prostate, bladder, and even the
kidneys. In women, can cause pelvic inflammation (pelvic inflammatory
disease) which is inflammation of the inner reproductive organs, eg ovaries
(ovaries), fallopian tubes (the channel ovaries), uterus, cervix. This is one of
the causes of infertility (infertility) in women, because the rest of the
inflammation will lead to channel narrowing ovaries, sticky, thus blocking the
process of fertilization and pregnancy finally occurs in the ovaries channel.
In pregnant women, gonorrhea can cause conjunctivitis (inflammation of the
lining of the eyelids) in newborns is very great, and can cause blindness in
these babies. This is because the baby through the birth canal are still there are
bacteria that resulted in the direct transmission.

Herpes is a kind of disease that infects the mouth, skin, and genitals. This
disease causes blisters and pain in muscles in the vicinity of the infected.
Herpes simplex virus (HSV)
Signs and Symptoms
Symptoms initially starts at day 4-7 after infection, usually in the form of
itching, and pain kesemutann. Then will appear a small reddish spots, followed
by a collection of small, painful blisters. These blisters may form in the vulva
and cervix are then broken and joined to form a circular wound. Wounds that
are formed usually cause pain and form a scab.
Patients may experience difficulty in urination and pain when walking
will arise. The wound will be better within 10 days but can leave scars. Groin
lymph nodes are usually somewhat larger. These initial symptoms are more
painful, longer and more widespread than the subsequent symptoms and may
be accompanied by a fever and not feeling well.
There is no treatment that can cure genital herpes, but treatment can
shorten the duration of the attack. Asikovir or other anti-viral drugs can be
given in oral dosage form or a cream applied directly to wounds for herpes.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Signs and Symptoms
 Fever and headaches
 Sweat night
 Redness in the armpits, groin or neck
 Diarrhoea continuous
 Rapid weight loss
 Cough, with or without blood
 Bluish-purple spots on skin

Methods / techniques of transmission and spread of HIV AIDS:

a. Blood
Example : Blood transfusion, HIV-infected blood in the injured skin,
skin exposed to the menstrual blood of the wounded, syringes, etc.
b. Liquid Semen, Semen, Sperm and cum Men
Example : Male intercourse without a condom or other security, oral
sex, etc.
c. Vaginal Fluid in Women
Example : The woman sexually without security, lending and
borrowing sex aids, oral sex, etc..
d. Mother's Milk / milk
Example : Baby drinking ation of women with HIV, drink milk asi
spouses, and others.
e. The body fluids that contain no HIV virus in HIV patients
o Saliva / spit / saliva
o Feces / dirt / chapters / feces
o Water Tears and sweat
o Urine / piss / pee water / urine / urine
Use of alcohol and drugs, malnutrition, high stress levels and the presence of
other diseases, especially diseases that are transmitted through the genitals are
all factors that may play a role in HIV infection.
So far have not found a way of treatment of AIDS disease.
How to prevent sexually transmitted diseases in general, are:
 Not having sex is free and faithful to spouse.
 No vaginal sex, anal and oral with an infected person infectious diseases
sex (PMS).
 Using kontrapsepsi tools, such as a condom during sexual intercourse.
 Consultation with the doctor on a regular basis.
 Maintain cleanliness of healthcare, especially reproductive organs.


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