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0 Serviceability Requirements

 For R.C. structures, the serviceability limit states (1.0Gk + 1.0Qk) are often satisfied
by observing empirical rules which affect the detailing only.

6.1 Detailing requirements

6.1.1 Minimum concrete mix & cover (exposure conditions)

 These requirement are interrelated, BS8110 specifies minimum combination of

thickness of cover & mix characteristic for various exposure conditions and fire
resistance. The basic requirements are given in table 6.1 and table 6.2.

6.1.2 Maximum spacing of reinforcement

 The max. clear spacing given in table 6.3 apply to bars in tension in beams when a
max. likely crack width of 0.3mm is acceptable & the cover to reinforcement does not
excess 50mm.
 Spacing is restricted according to the amount of moment redistribution applied.

6.1.3 Minimum spacing of reinforcement

 To permit concrete flow around reinforcement during construction the minimum clear
gap between bars, should exceed (hagg + 5mm) horizontally and (2hagg / 3) vertically,
where hagg is max. size of concrete aggregate.
 The gap must also exceed the bar diameter, or in the case of ‘bundled bars’ the
diameter bar of equivalent total cross sectional area.
Table 6.3 Maximum clear spacing (mm) for tension bars in beams

6.1.4 Minimum areas of reinforcement

 For most purposes, thermal and shrinkage cracking may be controlled within
acceptable limits by the use of minimum reinforcement quantities specified by
BS8110, although requirement of water – retaining structures will be more stringent.
The principal requirements are summarized in table 6.4

Table 6.4 minimum reinforcement areas

6.1.5 Maximum areas of reinforcement

 These are determined largely from the adequate compaction of the concrete around
 The limit specified BS 8110 are as follows:-
o For a slab or beam, longitudinal steel
100 As 100 Asc
 not  4%each
bh bh
Where bar are lapped, the sum of the bar sizes in a layer must not be >40% of
the section width.
o For a column
Not  6% if cast vertically
100 As
Not  8% if cast horizontally
Not  10% at laps in either case

6.1.6 Side face reinforcement in beams

 Where beams > 750mm in depth, longitudinal bars should be provided near side faces
at a spacing < 250mm over a distance of 2h/3 from the tension face.
 The bars, which may be used in calculating the moment of resistance, must have a

diameter > , where sb = bar spacing, b = breath of the section (or 500mm if less),

as indicated in fig. 6.1.

6.2 Span – effective depth ratios

 BS 8110 specifies a set of basic span – effective depth ratios to control deflections
which are given in table 6.5 for rectangular sections and for flange beams with span
less than 10m. Ratios for span > 10m are factored as in example 6.1.
 The basic ratios given in table 6.5 are modified in particular cases according to : -
o The service stress in the tension steel and the value of M/bd2, as shown in table 6.6.
o The area of compression steel as in table 6.7.
Example 6.1 Span – effective depth ration check

A rectangular continuous beam spans 12m with a mid – span ultimate moment of 400kNm.
If the breadth is 300mm, check the acceptability of an effective depth of 600mm when high
yield reinforcement fy = 460Nmm-2 is used. Two 16mm bars are located within the
compressive zone.




Basic span – effective depth ratio (table 6.5) = 26

As it is necessary to limit the deflection, the basic ration for span 10m need to be multiplied
by 10/span

The reduced basic ration = 26 (10/12) = 21.67

From table 6.6, for fy = 460Nmm-2,

M. F tension = 0.86

100 A' s provided 100(402)

  0.22
bd 300(600)

From table 6.7, for fy = 460Nmm-2,

M. F compression = 0.86

Hence, modified span – effective depth ration = 21.7(0.86)(1.07) = 20.0

Actual effective depth ratio provide =

Which is same as the allowable upper limit, thus deflection requirement are likely to be
6.3 Calculation of deflection

 The limit of deflection of a structure is control by its natural of a structure and its
loading, but the following guide may be use for reinforced concrete as a reasonable
o The final deflection of a horizontal member below the level of casting should not
excess span / 250.
o The deflection taking place after fixing of partitions or application of finished
should exceed the lesser of 20mm or span / 500 to avoid cracking.
 The lateral deflections also must not be ignored, especially the tall slender structures.
 It is important that there are many factors which may have significant effects on
deflection, and are difficult to allow for, thus any calculated value must be regarded as
an estimate only. Those important factors are listed as following.
o Support restraints must be estimated on the basic of simplified assumptions,
which will have varying degrees of accuracy.
o The precise loading and duration cannot be predicted and errors in dead loading
may have significant effect.
o A cracked member will behave differently to one that is un - cracked – this may
be a problem in lightly reinforced members where the working load may be close
to the cracking limits.
o The effect of floor screeds, finished and partitions are very difficult to assess.
Frequently these are neglected despite their ‘stiffening’ effect.
 The method adopted by BS 8110 is very comprehensive, and is based on the
calculation of curvatures of sections subjected to the appropriate moments, with
allowance creep and shrinkage effect.
 The procedure for estimating deflection is rather lengthy and complex, involving the
following stages which are illustrated in exp. 6.2.
1. Calculate the short – term curvature under total loads, Cs,tot.
2. Calculate the short – term deflection from (1), and if the long – term deflection
is required:
3. Calculate the short – term curvature due to permanent loads, Cs,perm.
4. Calculate the long – term curvature due to permanent loads, Cl, perm.
5. Calculate the curvature due to shrinkage, Cshr.
6. Estimate the total long – term curvature Cl as
C1 = Cs, tot – Cs, perm + Cl, perm + Cshr
7. Calculate the long – term defection using the value from (6).
The curvatures in 1, 3, and 4 are taken as the larger value from considering the section
(a) cracked
(b) un - cracked
As the concrete may have cracked under the total load, the additional short – term
curvature Cs, temp due to the temporary loading is obtained from
Cs, temp = Cs, tot – Cs, perm
In part (6) of the procedure and is not calculated directly.
If deflections are assumed to be small, elastic bending theory is based on the
M x  EI (6.1)
dx 2
Where Mx is the bending moment at a section distance x from the origin as shown in
fig. 6.2.

For small deflection the term d2y / dx2 approximately equal the curvature, which is
the reciprocal of the radius of curvature; thus

M x  EI Where 1/rx is the curvature at x. (6.2)

Integrating equation (6.1) twice will yield values of displacement y of the member,
thus if curvatures of a members are known, displacement can be deduced.

The analysis of deflections will use the partial factors of safety from table 2.1 and 2.2
which effectively mean that material properties are taken as characteristic value, and
that loadings are true working loads.
6.3.1 Calculation of curvatures – short term

 The larges curvature value can be determine by considering the section as (i) crack or
(ii) un – cracked. Un – cracked section

 The fig. 6.3 shown the assumed elastic strain and stress distributions diagram,
and the upper limit to concrete stress at the level of tension reinforcement
should be noted.
From equ. 6.2

From the theory of bending

1 fc 1

r Ec x
Where M = applied moment at section considered
Ec = instantaneous static modulus of elasticity of concrete (for short – term defections)
I = second moment of area of section
fc = maximum compressive stress in the concrete
x = depth of neutral axis
 The above equ. Give the instantaneous curvature of a un – cracked section.
 If it is found that the value is greater than a cracked section, the tensile stress ftd of the
concrete at the level of tension reinforcement must be checked. Cracked section

 Fig. 6.4 shown the recommended stress and strain distribution diagram where
the stiffening effect of the cracked concrete is taken into account by the tensile
stress block shown
1 f
Curvature  c
r xE c

(d  x) E s
 To obtain the value of x and either fc or fs, it is necessary to analysis the
section with subjected to applied moment.
 Considering the section equilibrium by taking moments about the centre of
x 1
M  As f s (d  )  bhf ct (h  x) (6.3)
3 3
And from the strain distribution
x Ec
fc  fs (6.4)
(d  x) E s

And equating tension and compression forces

1 1
bxf c  f s As  b(h  x) f ct
2 2

Where fct = maximum tensile stress allowed in the concrete = (

Es = 200kNmm-2

Ec = instantaneous static modulus of elasticity of concrete (for short – term deflection)

6.3.2 Calculation of curvatures – long term

 Two factors need to be consider (i) creep and (ii) shrinkage in addition to the reduced
tensile resistance of the cracked concrete as indicated in fig. 6.4. Creep

 This is allowed for by reducing the effective modulus of elasticity of the

concrete to where ϕ is a creep coefficient, equal to the ratio creep

strain to initial elastic strain.

 ϕ is affected by aggregate properties, mix design and curing conditions, is
governed also by the age at 1st loading, the duration of the load and the section
 Fig. 6.5 gives the long – term values of ϕ, as suggested by BS8110. Shrinkage

 Curvature due to shrinkage must be estimated and added to that due to applied
moment, such that
1  cs e S s

rcs I
Where εcs = the free shrinkage strain
αs = the modular ratio Es/Eeff
Ss = 1st moment of area of the reinforcement about the centroid
of the cracked or gross section as appropriate.
 Shrinkage can be influenced by many features or the concrete mix design and
construction procedures, but for most circumstances where aggregates do not
have high shrinkage characteristics, values of εcs can be obtain from fig. 6.6
based on BS 8110.
 The total long – term curvature of a section subjected to a combination of
permanent and non – permanent loads should be compounded as follows.
Total long – term curvature = long – term curvature due to permanent loads +
short – term curvature due to non – permanent loads + shrinkage curvature.
 For short term curvature due to non – permanent loads is calculate as
Short term curvature due to non – permanent loads = the curvature due to total
load – the curvature due to permanent load.
Note: total loads may cause a crack section and large curvature.

6.3.3 Calculation of deflection from curvatures

 If we double integration the equ. 6.1, it will yield the equ. for the deflection and this
may illustrated by considering (fig. 6.7) the case of a pin – ended beam subjected to
constant moment M throughout its length, hence Mx = M.
dx 2
EI  Mx  c
But if the slope is zero at mid – span where x = L/2, then
dy ML
EI  Mx 
dx 2
 In general, the bending moment distribution along a member will not be constant, but
will be a function of x. The basic form of the result will however be the same, and the
deflection may be expressed as
Maximum deflection, a = (6.9)

Where K = a constant, the value of which depends on the distribution of bending

moment in the member. (Table 6.9)
L = the effective span
1/rb = the mid – span curvature for beams, or the support curvature for
Example 6.2 Calculation of a deflection

Estimate short – term and long – term deflection for the simply supported beam shown in fig.
6.8, which is assumed to be made of normal aggregates and props removed at twenty – eight
6.4 Crack widths

 The max. crack widths allow by BS 8110 is 0.3mm at any position on the surface of
the concrete in normal environments, although some other code of practices
recommend lower value under important member.

6.4.1 Estimate crack width

 Taking the fig. 6.13 as example, it can be seen that the overall extension per unit
length at depth y below the neutral axis is given by
1  s
εs = average strain in the main reinforcement over the length considered
= fs / Es, fs = steel stress at the cracked sections.
 By assuming any tensile strain of concrete between cracks as small, >> full bond is
never developed and the equ. can be rewrite as following.
y fs
1 
d  x Es
 w
Where ∑w = sum of crack widths per unit length at level y
 The actual width of individual cracks will depend on the number of cracks in this unit
length, the average number being given by length/average spacing (sav = 1.67acr for
deformed bar; sav ≤ 1.67(h – x),, the spacing of primary cracks. Thus
average crack widt h 
average number of cracks
  1 s av
 From experiment, it shown that with the maximum crack width it can take up to twice
of the average value, and the chance is about 1 in 100. Hence for deformed
reinforcing bar, the max. likely crack width wmax at any level defined by y in a
member will thus be given by
w max   1 2s av
  1 3.33acr
provided that the limit of wmax = ε13.33(h – x) based on the primary crack is not
 The location where the surface crack widths occurred will be depend on the relative
value of strain, ε1 and the distance to a point of zero strain, acr.
 Fig. 6.14 shown the critical position for max. crack width for a beam. These occur
when the distance to point of zero strain, acr that is reinforcement surface or neutral
surface, are as large as possible.
 Position 1 and 2 will have a maximum value of strain, while at position 3, although
the strain is smaller, acr is considerable larger. The expression for wmax at any point
thus can be expressed in a general form as below.
Max. surface crack width at a point = constant x distance to the surface of nearest
reinforcing bar or neutral axis x apparent tensile strain in the concrete at the level
 By rewriting the general formula, the expression is shown as below, where the
expression for the max. surface crack width given by BS 8110 is basically based on a
probability of the calculated value being exceeded of somewhat greater than 1 in 100.
3acr  m
wmax 
a  cmin
1  2 cr
cmin = mim. cover to the tensile reinforcement
εm = average concrete strain (ε1 – ε2)

bt (h  x)(a' x)
2 
3E s As (d  x)


bt = width of section at centroid of tensile steel

a’ = the distance from compression face to the point at which crack is calculated.

 If calculated εm value is negative, mean the section is un-cracked.

Example 6.4 Calculation of flexural crack widths

Estimate the maximum flexural crack width for the beam section shown in above, when
subjected to a moment of 650kNm

Characteristic strengths of concrete, fcu = 30Nmm-2

Characteristic strengths of steel, fy = 200Nmm-2

Modulus of elasticity of steel, Es = 200kNmm-2

1. Calculate neutral axis position and steel stress

f cu
Ec  5.5
 25kNmm2 Ec/2is to allow for creep effects
 25 / 2
 13kNmm2

( Ax )
x E
bx( )  s As (d  x)
2 Ec
bx  s As
1 E E
0  bx 2  s As x  s As d
2 Ec Ec
x  394mm

2. The stress in the reinforcement

fs 
(d  ) As
650 x10 6

798 x3770
 216 Nmm 2


y fs
1 
d  x Es
y 216

536 200 x10 3
 yx 2.04 x10 6


bt (h  x)(a' x)
2 
3E s As (d  x)

The maximum crack width at position 1 and 2 in fig. 6.15, thus

Position y acr a’ ε1x10-3

1 606 1000 1.24
2 536/2 = 268 662 0.55

Thus at position 1

400(1000  394)(1000  394)

 m  1.24  ( ) x10 3
3x 200 x3770(930  394)
 1.12 x10 3

3acr  m
wmax 
a  c min
1  2 cr
3x79 x1.12 x10 3

79  50
1  2( )
1000  394
 0.24mm
Position 2

400(1000  394)(662  394)

 m  0.55  ( ) x10 3
3x 200 x3770(930  394)
 0.5 x10 3

3acr  m
wmax 
a  cmin
1  2 cr
3 x 257 x0.5 x10 3

257  50
1  2( )
 0.23mm

Thus, the max. crack width of 0.24mm is therefore likely to occur at the bottom corners of the
member, and the average cracks spacing is equal to 167acr = 1.67x79 = 130mm at these
position. Cracks on the side faces are at a spacing of 1.67x257 = 430mm.

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